Dana Georgeta Popescu

National Institute of Materials Physics Romania

Dr. Popescu Dana-Georgeta (38 years) received her Engineer Diploma at “Politehnica” University in Bucharest at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology in 2009 and her PhD degree in Engineering in 2013 at the same university with a thesis focusing on photonic crystals technology. Starting with 2010 she joined the surface and interface science group led by Dr. Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu at NIMP. Here she had the opportunity to do cutting edge research in the field of semiconducting surfaces, their interface with magnetic metals, by preparing systems with unusual magnetism at room temperature. Pursuing research for 3 months in the laboratory led by Dr. N Barret at CEA in France, Dr. Popescu enlarged her experience in the field of electron spectroscopy techniques, especially applied to complex ferroelectric and multiferroic oxide surfaces and interfaces. Other experiments were led by Dr. Popescu on different equipments at Synchrotron lines from Italy, Switzerland and Poland. Recently, she started a study on ferroelectric Rashba materials.

Dana Georgeta Popescu

2chapters authored