Evans Kiplangat Rono

Dr. rer. nat. Evans K. Rono, a Kenyan national based in Berlin, Germany since 2012, is a distinguished professional in the field of molecular biology with interests in genetic engineering and biotechnology. Passionate about contributing to advancements in these domains, Dr. Rono is driven by a commitment to excellence and the pursuit of innovative solutions. His specific interests extend to leveraging genetic engineering and precision fermentation for addressing critical challenges such as protein shortages, biomedical applications, and promoting sustainable green farming practices. Dr. Rono's dedication to utilizing his skills for the greater good is evident in his focus on ensuring the safety of the food supply chain through his work. A true data alchemist, Dr. Rono is proficient in Python, R, SQL, ML, and Tableau. He transforms complex biological data into simplified strategic insights, empowering informed and data-driven decision-making. Notably, his recent manuscript, 'Decoding the Genomic Tapestry of hCoV-19,' encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the COVID-19 genomic landscape to understand gene mutations and their implications in public health. This publication reveals clusters of multiple sublineages within the delta variant and incorporates a simple hCoV-19 Genome Gene-Caller Tool, designed to facilitate Coronavirus genomic analysis, even by non-experts. His academic journey includes a PhD in Biology (Molecular Biology) from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he conducted his research at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin. His dissertation focused on the variation in the Anopheles gambiae TEP1 gene, shaping local population structures of malaria mosquitoes. Dr. Rono has significantly contributed to the field of mosquito microevolution, as evidenced by his publication on mosquito microevolution featured in the prestigious Nature Microbiology Journal. This work explores the dynamics driven by mosquito microevolution, shedding light on crucial aspects of P. falciparum dynamics, exemplifying Dr. Rono's dedication to advancing our understanding of infectious diseases. Dr. Rono holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a Master's degree in Biochemistry from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya. His Master’s thesis focused on the application of the Baculovirus Expression Vector System in demonstrating RNA silencing in Rift Valley Fever Virus in Sf21 insect cells. As a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, Dr. Rono conducted groundbreaking work on High Throughput Screening and Genotyping, sequencing genes, and mapping mutations in malaria mosquitoes. These include sequencing and characterization of entire gene loci of TEP1, PGRP-LC, and REL2, and characterized their phenotypes, and CRISPR/Cas9 mutations in PGRP-LC and REL2 mutants. In his industry professional journey, Dr. Rono served as the Scientific Team Lead of Laboratory at mobiolab GmbH in Berlin. His leadership was instrumental in areas such as sample management, standardized lab tests, and the establishment of new laboratory sites in Germany. He implemented training programs, optimized logistics, and developed innovative solutions, including a Dataman App in Python for efficient data management of sample deliveries and processing. Prior roles include serving as a Research Associate at LabClinic/MNB Health Lab in Potsdam, where he coordinated assays SARS-CoV-2 Real-time PCR and RNA extraction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Rono's commitment to education is evident in his role as a lecturer at Pwani University in Kenya, where he taught Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, and Applied Biotechnology. His career showcases a blend of academic excellence, research innovation, and leadership, making him a sought-after professional in the biotechnology and molecular biology landscape. Open to collaborations and new challenges, Dr. Rono invites opportunities to contribute to data alchemy and biotech innovation solutions. His multilingual skills, including proficiency in German, English, Kiswahili, and Kalenjin (Kipsigis), further enrich his global perspective and collaborative abilities.

Evans Kiplangat Rono

1chapters authored