Muzaffar Hasan

ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Bhopal

Dr. Muzaffar Hasan received the Masters and PhD degree in Plant Biochemistry from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Currently, He holds the position of a Scientist at the Centre of Excellence on Soybean Processing and Utilization, located at the ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering in Bhopal, India. Presently, his focus revolves around extracting potential bioactive compounds from agricultural waste and incorporating them into soy-based food products. This initiative aims to enhance nutritional value while efficiently utilizing agro-residue waste. With an impressive portfolio, he has authored around 25 research and review articles in prestigious, peer-reviewed international journals, and has contributed to more than ten book chapters. He is also serving as guest editor for the Journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Additionally, he is actively engaged in conducting training sessions and raising awareness to uplift marginalized segments of society.

Muzaffar Hasan