Ruogu Tang

University of Delaware United States of America

Dr. Ruogu Tang is an experienced researcher in material science and engineering with extensive experience in developing innovative materials and techniques. Dr. Tang's research encompasses a wide range of areas, including: 1.Novel polymers and composites for biomedical and clinical Applications: Creating advanced materials to improve healthcare solutions. 2.Nature-based biomaterials for Climate and Soil Applications: Innovating sustainable materials to address environmental challenges. 3.Advanced processing techniques: Enhancing and refining methods for material production and application. Dr. Tang has built a distinguished reputation in the fields, highlighted by receiving the American Chemical Society Outstanding Achievement Award in Polymer Science in 2022 and the University of Massachusetts Technology Commercialization Award in 2023. He has published over 10 peer-reviewed journal articles, presented 7 conference papers, and contributed to 2 book chapters. Additionally, Dr. Tang holds 2 US patents currently under processing. In addition to research work, Dr. Tang is dedicated to serving the community. He has been invited as a reviewer for several journals. He also serves a food sensory panel specialist for local food companies.

Ruogu Tang

2chapters authored