Tomlin Paul

University of Global Health Equity

Dr. Tomlin Paul is a family physician and health professions educator currently serving as deputy principal of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona, Jamaica. He previously served as the chair of the Educational Development and Quality Center at the University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda. He also served as the dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UWI. His research interests include health promotion, medical education, social accountability, and global health. Dr. Paul has received several awards, including the Five Star Doctor Award for the North American Region from the World Organization of National Colleges and Associations for Family Physicians (WONCA) and UWI’s Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in the areas of teaching and quality assurance. He is a member of the ASPIRE Academy of the Association of Medical Education of Europe, Health Systems Global, and the International Social Accountability and Accreditation Think Tank.

Tomlin Paul