Ioana Stanciu

University of Bucharest Romania

Ioana Stanciu working at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry has a 22 years experience in teaching and conducting research on the study of polymers used as additives for lubricating oils, the rheological behavior of vegetable oils and mineral oils added to polymers. Ioana Stanciu is the author of 58 books translated into German, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, 10 chapters and has the recognition of publishing 125 works in the field of physical chemistry. Ioana Stanciu is the editor of several international magazines. He has presented over 29 national research papers of which 5 research papers at international conferences. He has earned over 340 diplomas awarded nationally and internationally. Ioana Stanciu is a member of the Romanian Society of Rheology, International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (China), Word Academy of Sciences (Italy), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (USA), International Organization for Academic and Scientific Development (India) and editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Rheology from July 2023.

Ioana Stanciu

8chapters authored