Sridhar Krishnamurti

Auburn University

Dr. Sridhar Krishnamurti is a Professor and Program Director of Audiology at Auburn University. He has served on the research grants review panel for several agencies and journals including Alzheimer’s Association, DOD Hearing Restoration Research, Ear and Hearing, American Journal of Public Health, and Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. Sridhar Krishnamurti has served as the past-continuing education administrator for Audiology Special Interest Divisions 6-9 and a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. Sridhar has authored a book, journal articles, and book chapters in Audiology and Hearing Conservation. He is a recipient of several Research grant awards, including the 1999 New Investigator Research Award from the American Academy of Audiology and the 2011 Auburn University Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence and 2012 Auburn University Faculty Research Awards. Sridhar is currently President of the Council of Au.D Programs and an Executive Council member for the National Hearing Conservation Association. His research has been funded by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORISE) program and CDC-NIOSH.

Sridhar Krishnamurti