Adérito Seixas

Fernando Pessoa University Portugal

Dr. Adérito Seixas graduated with a degree in Physiotherapy with a specialization in neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation. He received his MSc from the University of Porto, Portugal, for a thesis on the assessment of sensorimotor skills of blind athletes. He also specialized in data analysis at the same university. He is a member of several scientific societies. Currently, alongside his work as a full-time professor at Escola Superior de Saúde Fernando Pessoa, Portugal, Dr. Seixas is carrying out research for his Ph.D., focusing on the biomechanical and thermophysiological assessment of the foot in diabetic patients at risk to develop foot ulcers. He has supervised more than seventy graduate and master\'s students in research activities. His research interests include evidence-based practice, assessment of the neuromusculoskeletal system, and the role of cognitive assessment in human adaptation to performance situations.

Adérito Seixas

3chapters authored