Yohichi Kohzuki

Saitama Institute of Technology Japan

Yohich Kohzuki, professor; b. Osaka, Japan, Aug. 15, 1964; Dr. Eng., Kanazawa Univ., 1994. lectr. Kanazawa Univ. Liberal Arts Sci., 1995-2004; calibrator Calibration Lab. USN, Iwakuni, Japan, 2005-2006; (assoc. prof. 2006-2014.3) prof. Oshima Nat. Coll. Maritime Tech., Yamaguchi, Japan, 2014.4-2015.3; prof. Dept. Mech. Eng., Saitama Inst. Tech., Saitama, Japan, 2015.4-. Achievements include research in Strength of Materials (Dislocation-impurities interaction has been investigated during plastic deformation at low temperature.). Office: Saitama Inst. Tech. 1690 Fusaiji Fukaya Saitama 369-0293 Japan.

Yohichi Kohzuki

5chapters authored