Liu Yang

Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology China

Liu Yang is the leader of the Shaanxi Key Science and Technology Innovation Team. She is now a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China. Her research interests include green building, building energy efficiency, and urban climatology. She hosts one project of 'the 13th Five-Year” National Science Technology Major Project of China, one project of 'the 12th Five-Year” National Science and Technology support program, 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, and 5 Provincial and Ministerial level projects. She also participates as a core member in one National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and one 863 Project. She was invited to write 1 chapter in an English Monograph. She published more than 200 papers (40 of which are SCI papers) and 6 books. She coedited 6 National and industry standards. She won one second prize of state-level teaching award, and 8 provincial and ministerial-level awards. She was also awarded the title of 'Yangtze River Scholar” of the Ministry of Education, the 'Ten Thousand Talents Program” of the state for high-level talents, the program for young leading talents in Science and technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the 13th China youth science and technology and enjoying the government experts allowance of the state council.

Liu Yang

1chapters authored