Alina Crenguta Nicolae

Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Alina Crenguţa Nicolae, MPharm, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, 'Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania. She has conducted extensive research on individual neuro-biochemical profiles, with a focus on the predictive biomarkers generating the response to pharmacotherapy and the modulation of multidrug-resistance mechanisms. She has also conducted research on some biochemical and cardiovascular parameters in microbiology, chronobiology (chronopharmacology and chrononutrition), and circadian rhythms. She has published several research articles, books, and book chapters on biochemical aspects, enabling a better understanding of the process of multidrug resistance in living organisms and the circadian governance of cellular processes.

Alina Crenguta Nicolae

3chapters authored