Jonathan Sayago

National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico

Jonathan Javier Sayago Hoyos is a research associate at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. During his doctoral studies, Dr. Sayago tackled the problem of achieving low-voltage organic transistors employing electrolytes as the gating medium. His research contributed to shedding light on fundamental physicochemical processes in electrochemical transistors and energy storage devices. After his PhD studies, Dr. Sayago worked as a consultant for Bowhead Health Inc., a Canadian startup company aiming for the commercialization of bioelectronic devices for preventive medical applications. His team designed and built a biosensor device capable of testing 50 µl of blood which led the company to secure a private funding from the world-class Mexican company Grupo Arcoiris. As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Renewable Energies, UNAM, Dr. Sayago investigates biocompatible and biodegradable electrodes engineered for energy storage and heat transfer applications. Derived from this work he authored and co-authored over 10 articles in highly recognized international journals, 3 book chapters and participated in numerous international conferences and workshops. Dr. Sayago has taught courses in mathematics, advanced physics laboratory, computer assisted design and 3D printing, and tutoring sessions. He is an active reviewer for the Journal of Power Sources. I obtained my PhD at the University of Montreal in Canada with the thesis 'Organic transistors making use of room temperature ionic liquids as gating medium'. During this time, I published 6 articles highlighting my experience in the study of materials and electrochemically active devices for organic electronics. Moreover, during my postdoctoral stay at the Renewable Energies Institute of at UNAM, we studied biocompatible and biodegradable electrodes for machine/human body interface, in particular the use of composite materials of porous silicon with natural melanin pigments. Also, I worked for Bowhead Health Inc Canada which is a start-up seeking to develop and implement biosensors for the detection of diseases and nutritional deficiencies. Currently, I am a researcher in another start-up which aims to produce perovskite-based photovoltaic solar cells.

Jonathan Sayago

2chapters authored