Maria dos Anjos Pires

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Portugal

Maria dos Anjos Pires graduated in veterinary medicine from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Lisbon, Portugal, in 1988. She obtained a master's degree in Immunology from ICBAS at the University of Porto and a PhD in Veterinary Sciences from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD, Portugal). Her main activity is as a veterinary pathologist and professor at UTAD. His research areas include immunology and physiology, oncology and inflammation molecular markers. She researched the pathophysiology of the genital system, including the endometrial cycle, embryo-maternal interaction, disorders of sexual development, and also the inflammatory and oncological diseases of the genitals. She has projects on oral immunopathology of dogs and cats. The last project in which she was the principal researcher was on the wasting disease of cervids, a prion disease, a subject on which she has several projects. She supervises students preparing for internships, master's or doctoral theses in areas of Veterinary Sciences, Biochemistry and Genetics. She is a national evaluator of doctoral projects and scientific contests and is an EAEVE expert. She has received several awards, the last four awarded to innovation projects. She is a frequent reviewer for various magazines in the field. Additional information can be found at

Maria dos Anjos Pires

4chapters authored