Pak Wai Chan

Hong Kong Observatory China

Mr. P.W. Chan is an Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory responsible for weather forecasting and warning services for the public. Before that position, Mr. Chan worked at the Hong Kong International Airport for over 20 years, with research and operational efforts in airport meteorological instrumentation, low-level wind shear and turbulence alerting, and high-resolution numerical weather prediction. He is the developer of the world-first LIDAR wind shear alerting system and Hong Kong’s weather buoys for the airport. He also leads the development of a high-resolution numerical weather prediction model for the airport in Hong Kong, and the developer of a drop sonde measurement system for the northern part of the South China Sea in collaboration with the Government Flying Service. He is a visiting professor at a number of universities in mainland China and an adjunct associate professor at the University of Hong Kong. He is a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society and a Chartered Meteorologist. He is the editorial board member of Scientific Reports of Spring Nature, Atmosphere, and Meteorology of MDPI. He has published more than 300 papers in SCI journals, with a significant portion of the papers focusing on the applications at the airport. The citation is over 3000 in Web of Science and 5000 in Google Scholar. He is a vice chair of the Expert Team of Upper Air Measurement at the World Meteorological Organization and a chair of the meteorology subgroup of the International Civil Aviation Organization in the Asian region.

Pak Wai Chan

2chapters authored