Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Aspects Regarding a Deep Understanding of the Prediction for Stock Market Movements

Written By

Hu Xuemei

Reviewed: 08 May 2024 Published: 28 June 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.115081

Investment Strategies - New Advances and Challenges IntechOpen
Investment Strategies - New Advances and Challenges Edited by Gabriela Prelipcean

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Investment Strategies - New Advances and Challenges [Working Title]

Dr. Gabriela Prelipcean and Dr. Mircea Boscoianu

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It is an important puzzle in the financial market to predict stock return movement direction. In this chapter, we not only propose (group) penalized logistic regression with multiple indicators to predict up- or downtrends, but also propose group penalized trinomial logit regression with multiple indicator groups to predict stock return movement direction: uptrends, sideways trends and downtrends. For the former, we construct the corresponding coordinate descent (CD) algorithm to complete variable selection and obtain parameter estimator, and introduce two-class confusion matrix, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and the area under a ROC curve (AUC) to assess two-class prediction performance. For the latter, we develop a rapidly convergent group coordinate descent (GCD) algorithm to simultaneously complete group selection and group estimation, introduce the relatively optimal Bayes classifiers to identify class indexes, and finally adopt three-class confusion matrix, Kappa, PDI, ROC surface and hypervolume under the ROC manifold (HUM) to assess three-class prediction performance.


  • technical indicators
  • stock return movement direction
  • coordinate descent algorithm
  • group coordinate descent algorithm
  • prediction accuracy
  • G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP estimators

1. Introduction

Forecasting the financial market is a major challenge in both academic and business. In recent decades, some methods have been proposed to forecast the future stock returns or trend direction. For example, time series analysis develops some statistical models such as ARIMA, ARCH and GARCH to study the past stock behavior and predict the future stock returns. Technical analysis developed by Murphy [1] and Edwards et al. [2] on financial market and stock trends applies statistical charts, technical indicators and historical data to forecast stock behavior. Fundamental analysis studies the economic factors that may influence market movements and applies financial methodologies with fundamental variables to predict stock market. For instance, Cavalcante et al. [3] sought economic factors influencing market trends. Nti et al. [4] summarized fundamental and technical analysis for stock market prediction. Machine learning techniques model nonstationary and nonlinear data to predict market behavior. Henrique et al. [5] overviewed machine learning techniques on financial market prediction by the bibliometric analysis. Jiang [6] summarized stock market prediction using deep learning methods such as LSTM, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Deep Neural Network (DNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [7, 8, 9, 10].

The selection of input features plays a key role in predicting uptrends and downtrends for stock returns. The following three types of input features have been studied: A. extract-related indicators through fundamental and technical analysis [4]; B. apply text mining techniques to extract textual features from financial news or tweets [11]; C. generate candlestick charts to extract image features [12]. Recently, Jiang et al. [13] and Hu and Yang [14] combined technical indicators with (group) penalized logistic regressions to predict up- and downtrends for stock prices. Lin et al. [15] applied financial news to construct text mining-based stock prediction models. Li et al. [16] found that models including prices and news sentiments outperformed models only including either technical indicators or news sentiments. This research mainly predicted up- or downtrends. In this chapter, we not only summarize (group) penalized logistic regressions with multiple technical indicators to predict up- or downtrends, but also provide group penalized trinomial logit dynamic models with multiple technical indicator groups to predict uptrends, sideways trends and downtrends, for more details see Ref. [17].

Firstly, we propose Ridge/LASSO/ENet/SCAD/MCP penalized logistic regressions with multiple indicators to further improve the two-class prediction performance, not only apply the training set and the CD algorithm to obtain parameter estimators and probability estimators, but also employ the testing set and the learned estimators to obtain two-class confusion matrix and draw ROC curves to assess two-class prediction performance. Secondly, we propose G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP penalized logistic regressions to predict up- or downtrends, not only apply the training set to learn parameter estimators and probability estimators, but also adopt the testing set and the learned estimators to obtain confusion matrix and draw ROC curves in order to assess two-class prediction performance. Finally, we propose G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP penalized trinomial dynamic logit models to predict uptrends, sideways trends, and downtrends, not only develop the GCD algorithm to complete group selection and group estimation, but also introduce Bayes classifier to identify class labels, still adopt three-class confusion matrix, HUM, Kappa and PDI to assess three-class prediction performance to stock return movement direction.

The rest is organized as follows. Section 2 predicts uptrends and downtrends. Section 3 predicts uptrends, sideways trends and down trends. Section 4 gives conclusions and prospects. Section 5 provides discussions.


2. Predicting uptrends and downtrends

In this section, we not only propose five penalized logistic regressions with technical indicators to predict up- or downtrends, but also propose three group penalized logistic regressions to further improve two-class prediction performance.

2.1 Five penalized logistic regression prediction methods

Hu and Jiang [18] proposed logistic regression to predict up- or downtrends. Here, we propose Ridge/LASSO/ENet/SCAD/MCP penalized logistic regressions to predict up- or downtrends.

2.1.1 Five penalized logistic regressions

Introduce the direction indicator function


where Ct represents the closing price at the end of the t-th trading day. Then, Yt=1 represents uptrends, and Yt=0 represents downtrends. Now, we generalize [18] and introduce logistic regression with p technical indicators:


where β0 is an unknown intercept term, β=β1β2βp is an unknown parameter vector, and Xt=Xt,1Xt,2Xt,p is a predictor vector whose distribution is usually unknown. To improve two-class prediction performance, we propose the five penalized logistic regressions to predict up- or downtrends.

Let xt=xt,1xt,2xt,p and yt be the observation samples for Xt and Yt, respectively. Given the training set xtytt=1n1 with the sample size n1, we obtain the negative log-likelihood function


and its penalized version


where pλ,γβ is a penalty function with a tuning parameter λ and a regularization parameter γ. Table 1 lists the five penalties.

ENetpλ,γβ=12λ1γβ22+γβ1, λ0,γ01.

Table 1.

Penalized functions.

2.1.2 Parameter estimators and probability estimators

Suppose that the current parameter estimators are β̂0β̂m. For the non-differentiable function (4), we transform it into the following weighted least-squares function:




and Cβ̂0β̂m is constant. Similarly, we replace the non-differentiable function lβ in (5) by the weighted least-squares function lQβ0β, apply the CD algorithm to obtain the parameter estimator


More details refer to [18]. Table 2 lists LASSO/SCAD/MCP estimator.


Table 2.

Penalized functions and parameter estimators for penalized logistic regressions.

For j in 12p, the CD algorithm partially optimizes a target function Qβλγ with respect to a single parameter βj with the remaining parameters βl,lj fixed at the updated values β̂1λ,γm+1,,β̂j1λ,γm+1,β̂j+1λ,γm,, β̂pλ,γm, then cycling through all the parameters until convergence or a maximum iteration number M is reached, and this process repeats over a grid of values for λ to produce a path of the solution. For Ridge/LASSO/ENet penalty, variable selection is determined by the tuning parameter λ. In order to select an appropriate λ, we apply a cross-validation method to calculate the full solution path to model parameters, select a specific solution path from the full solution path, and take the binomial deviation as the risk measure. Then. we get the mean cross-validation error curve and the one-standard-deviation band. The parameter estimators for MCP/SCAD penalized logistic regression depend on λ and the regularization parameter γ. For γ, we generally take γ=3.7. Algorithm 1 tells us how to apply the CD algorithm to calculate MCP estimator. The other four cases are similar to Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: The CD algorithm for MCP logistic regression.

Require: the training set xt=xt,1xt,2xt,pytt=1n, a grid of increasing λ values Λ=λ1λL, γ, a given tolerance limit ε and a maximum iteration number M.

1: Initialization β̂0=β̂λmax=λLγ=5.

2: for each m=0,1, each lLL11, do.

3: repeat.

4: η̂tβ0+xtβ̂λ,γm.

5: P̂teη̂t/1+eη̂t.

6: WdiagP̂11P̂1P̂n1P̂n.

7: rW1YP̂.

8: Y˜η+r.

9: while not convergent do.

10: for each j12p do.

11: νjn1xjWxj.

12: Zj1nxjWY˜xjβj1nxjWr+vjβ̂jλ,γm.

13: if Zjνjγλ then.

14: β̂jλ,γm+1SZjλνj1/γ.

15: else.

16: β̂jλ,γm+1Zjνj.

17: end if.

18: rrxjβ̂jλ,γm+1β̂jλ,γm.

19: end for.

20: end while.

21: until β̂λ,γm+1β̂λ,γm22ε or do a maximum iteration number M.

22: end for.

Ensure: β̂λ,γ.

Now we apply the CD algorithm to the five penalized logistic regressions to obtain the final parameter estimators β̂0λ,γ and β̂λ,γ, then combine them with the testing set xtyt+1kt=n1+1n1+n2 to compute the probability estimators


2.2 Three-group penalized logistic regression prediction methods

In this subsection, we propose G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP penalized logistic regressions with multiple technical indicators to predict up- or downtrends.

2.2.1 Three-group penalized logistic regressions

Suppose that the binary response Yt represents the stock price movement directions, and the p-dimensional predictor vector Xt=Xt,1Xt,p represents p technical indicators influencing stock price movement direction. The training set XtYtt=1n1 is made up of the predictor vector Xtp allowing both categorical and continuous predictors and the binary response Yt01. We divide the p-dimensional predictor vector Xt into the G different groups xt=xt,1xt,gxt,G with xt,g=Xt,dfg1+1Xt,dfg and the g-th group length dfg, g=1,,G. Then, the group logistic regression is


where β0 is the intercept, βgdfg is the g-th parameter vector, and β=β0β1βGp+1 is the whole parameter vector.

2.2.2 Parameter estimators and probability estimators

Based on the training set xtYtt=1n1, we obtain the log-likelihood function


with ηβxt=logpβxt1pβxt=β0+g=1Gxt,gβg, the penalized log-likelihood function is


and the group penalized log-likelihood is


where Pβg2λdfgγ with a tuning parameter λ0 and a regularization parameter γ defines a family of penalty functions concave in βg2 . The estimator β̂ is the minimizer of the convex function Sλ,γβ. Here, we take Pβlλγ as PSCADβlλγ or PMCPβlλγ, and take Pβg2λdfgγ as PgSCADβg2λdfgγ or PgMCPβg2λdfgγ. Three group penalized functions are listed in Table 3. According to Breheny and Huang [19] and Fan and Li [20], the Bayes risks are not sensitive to the choice of γ. In general, we take γ=3.7 for SCAD/gSCAD (group SCAD) and γ=3 for MCP/gMCP(group MCP). According to Hu and Liu [21], we adopt the GCD algorithm to complete group selection and group estimations listed in Table 4.

SymbolsThree-group penalized functions
gMCPPgMCPβg2λdfgγ=λdfgβg2βg22/2γ,βg2λdfgγ,λ2dfgγ/2,βg2>λdfgγ, λ0, γ>1.

Table 3.

gLASSO, gSCAD and gMCP functions.

Note: gLASSO stands for group LASSO.

SymbolsThree parameter estimators
gLASSO estimatorβ̂gLASSO=1vSvZgdgλ.
gSCAD estimatorβ̂ggSCAD=1vSvZgdgλ,Zg2dgλ,γ1γ21vSvZgdgλγγ1,2dgλ<Zgdgλγ,Zg,Zgdgλγ, γ>2.
gMCP estimatorβ̂ggMCP=γγ11vSvZgdgλ,Zgdgλγ,Zg,Zgdgλγ, γ>1.

Table 4.

The iterative parameter estimators for gLASSO, gSCAD and gMCP.

Note: X=X1Xn1 is a n1×p matrix, x=x1xn1 is a n1×p matrix, Y=Y1Yn1 is a n1×1 vector, W is a n1×n1 weighted diagonal matrix, P is the estimated probability of the m-th iteration, βm is the parameter estimator of the m-th iteration.

After applying the training set xtYtt=1n1 and the GCD algorithm to obtain group estimation β̂g, we apply the testing set xtYtt=n1+1n and β̂g to obtain the predicted probabilities for up- or downtrends:


where n represents the sample size of the entire dataset. G-lasso estimators can be computed by R package grplasso. Now we estimate the predicted value Ŷt according to the following rules:


where c is a given threshold. Raghavan et al. [22] tell us how to select the optimal threshold.

2.3 Two-class prediction performance

We introduce the two-class confusion matrix listed in Table 5 to assess two-class prediction performance.

True \ Predicted classŶt=1Ŷt=2Total

Table 5.

Two-class confusion matrix.

Vkk¯ is the number of items that truly belong to class k and are predicted as class k¯.

According to Table 5, one can compute


In fact, accuracy cannot reflect the losses from two types of errors. However, a ROC curve can clearly assess two-class prediction performance. For a given threshold c, TPRc=PYt<c is true-positive rate, and FPRc=P1Yt<c is false-positive rate. Given the different threshold c, we can calculate TPRcFPRc or (Sensitivity, 1-Specificity) and draw a ROC curve, where

SensitivityTrue positive rateTPR=TP/TP+FNE19

measures the ability of classifiers to correctly identify positive samples, and

Specificity1False positive rate1FPR=TN/TN+FPE20

measures the ability to correctly identify negative labels. ROC is a graphical method to evaluate the performance of the binary classifier. Here, we choose ggplot2 to draw the ROC curve and compute the corresponding AUC (the area under the ROC curve).


3. Predicting uptrends, sideways trends and downtrends

3.1 Three-group penalized trinomial logit prediction methods

Let Ct be the closing price at the end of the t-th trading day, Zt=CtCtk be the k period stock excess return, and


be an unordered three-category response variable. Then, Ytc=1 represents uptrends, Ytc=2 represents sideways trends, and Ytc=3 represents downtrends. When c=0, Ytc is an indicator for positive returns. When c=0.1Ct1, Ytc is an indicator for “large” positive returns. When c=0.1Ct1, Ytc is an indicator for “large” negative returns. More details on how to choose c may refer to [23]. Suppose that the predictive vector Xt=Xt,1Xt,p allowing both categorical and continuous predictors can represent the factors influencing stock return movement direction. One main goal is to predict stock return movement direction Yt+1c using the available information set It=σXtXt1 at time t. If Yt+1c only depend on Xt, then we can predict Yt+1c based on Xt. Trinomial logit dynamic model for stock return movement direction is


where the parameter vector β=β01β1β02β2β03β3 with the k-th class intercept β0kR and the g-th group parameter vector from the k-th class βgk=βdfg1+1βdfg, g=1,,5. The k-th class parameter vector is βk=β1kβGk,k=1,2,3. According to the training set XtYt+1ct=1n1 and yt+1k=IYt+1c=k, we obtain the group trinomial logit log-likelihood function


and the corresponding group penalized trinomial logit log-likelihood function


where Rn1β=1n1t=1n1γβxtyt+1k=1Nt=1n1k=13yt+1kβ0k+xtβklogk=13expβ0k+xtβk is the empirical risk to Rβ=Eγβxy with y=y1y2y3 and the loss function


Pβgkλpgγ defines a family of penalty functions. Next, we introduce the three group penalized criterions:

  1. G-LASSO penalized function


  2. G-SCAD penalized function


    for λ0 and γ>2, where


    and x+=x1x0 represents the nonnegative part of x.

  3. G-MCP penalized function


for λ0 and γ>1, where


3.2 GCD algorithm completes group selection and group estimations

For g in 12G, GCD partially optimizes the target function


for a single group βg with the other groups βg¯,g¯g fixed at the updated values β˜1km+1,,β˜g1km+1,β˜g+1km,, β˜Gkm, then iteratively cycling through all the groups until convergence or a maximum iteration is reached. Now, we develop the GCD algorithm for G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP penalized trinomial logit dynamic models. We perform partial Newton steps by forming the partial quadratic approximation


to the empirical risk Rn1β=1n1t=1Nk=13yt+1kβ0k+xtβklogk=13expβ0k+xtβk or Taylor expansion about current estimates β˜0k¯β˜1k¯k¯=13, allowing only β0kβk to vary for a single class at a time, where ωtk=P̂tk1P̂tk, P̂tk=expβ˜0k+xtβ˜k/k=13expβ˜0k+xtβ˜k, and ζtk=β˜0k+xtβ˜k+yt+1kP̂tk/ωtk. For each given λγ, we create an outer loop which cycles over k and compute RQkβ0kβk about current estimates β˜0k¯β˜1k¯k¯=13. Then, we apply the GCD algorithm to solve the negative group penalized weighted least-squares problem


The main four steps are as follows:

Step 1. Set m=0 and β˜k0=β˜0k0β˜1k0β˜Gk0 be the initial value. Calculate P̂k0=P̂1k0P̂2k0P̂n1k0 with


with ωtk0=P̂tk01P̂tk0, and obtain the initial residual vector rk0=r1k0r2k0rNk0 with rtk0=yt+1kP̂tk0/wtk0..

Step 2. At the g-th step of m+1 iterations, g=1,,G, carry out (A)-(C):

  1. Calculate ωtkm=P̂tkm1P̂tkm,P̂km=P̂1kmP̂2kmP̂n1km,Wkm =diagω1kmω2kmωn1km with P̂tkm=expβ˜0km+g¯=1g1xtg¯β˜g¯km+g¯=gGxtg¯β˜g¯km1k=13expβ˜0km+g¯=1g1xtg¯β˜g¯km+g¯=gGxtg¯β˜g¯km1, and obtain the m-th iterations’ residual vector rkm=r1kmr2kmrNkm with


    Then, compute the pl×pl matrix νgkm=n11xgWkmxg, g=1,2,,G, and the pl×1 vector zgkm=n11xgWkmrkm+νgkmβ˜gkm, g=1,2,,G.

  2. Update the g-th group estimator β˜gkm+1:

    1. G-LASSO estimator


      where the soft-thresholding operator


    2. G-SCAD estimator


      where cβgk denotes the minimum eigenvalue of N1xgWkmxg.

    3. G-MCP estimator


(C) update rkm+1rkmxβ˜gkm+1β˜gkm.

Step 3. Update mm+1.

Step 4. Repeat steps 2–3 until convergence or the maximum iteration number is reached, the iterations stop and the final estimators are obtained.

For λ depending on the sample size, the group number, and the degree of freedom within each group, we can apply the grid search method to λ on a grid λ0λK+1. Let λmin=λ0>λ1>>λK>λK+1=λmax=max1gszgkm, where zgkm=N1xgWkmrkm+νgkmβ˜gkm and Wkm,rkm,νgkm and β˜gkm. For any given γ, the algorithm starts at λmin and proceeding toward λmax. Each time sets the initial value of βgk to be β˜gkm estimated from the previous grid point to ensure that the initial values will never be far from the solution. To find the optimal λ on a grid λ0λK+1, we divide the stock dataset into S subsets Skk=1S with the same sample size and apply the S-fold cross-validation procedure to choose the optimal λ.

3.3 Three-class prediction performance

We firstly combine the GCD algorithm with the training set xtyt+1kt=1n1 to learn G-LASSO/G-SCAD/G-MCP penalized trinomial logit dynamic models, then combine group estimators


with the testing set xtyt+1kt=n1+1n1+n2 to compute class probability estimations


and finally introduce the Bayes classifier to predict class indexes


Table 6 lists three-class confusion matrix for assessing the prediction performance.

True \ Predicted classŶt=1Ŷt=2Ŷt=3Total

Table 6.

Three-class confusion matrix.

Vkk¯ is the number of items that truly belong to class k and are predicted as class k¯. Vk is the number of items that truly belong to class k. Vk¯ is the number of items that were predicted as class k¯.

From Table 1, one can compute Accuracy. For unordered multi-category response variables, some traditional accuracy measures such as AUC are not applicable, a few important statistical concepts for assessing multi-category classification accuracy have been proposed. For example, KappacoefficientKappa=k=1Kpkkk=1Kpk+p+k/1k=1Kpk+p+k with pkk=PYt=kŶt=k,pk+=PYt=k,p+k=PŶt=k measures multi-category classification accuracy, and Kappa00.2, (0.2,0.4), (0.4,0.6), (0.6,0.8), (0.8,1.0) represent no consistency, slightly consistency, mild consistency, reasonably consistency, strong consistency, almost identical, respectively. PDI evaluates the probability of an event related to simultaneously classifying n subjects from K categories. For a fixed category k, define the class-specific PDI to be PDIk=P(pkk>pjk,jkYt=k) with pij be the probability of placing a subject from category i into category j. The overall PDI is PDI=k=1KPDIk/K.

According to the three-class confusion matrices and the three testing sets, we compute sensitivity and specificity for class 1–3. Plotting true classification rates in three dimensions (3D) obtains the 3D ROC surface in the unit cube. HUM is a reflection of the intrinsic accuracy of three-class classifier. Here, we choose R package mcca to draw the ROC surfaces. The HUM value is higher, and the prediction performance is better. More details see Refs. [24, 25].


4. Conclusions and prospects

In this chapter, we combine different technical indicators with five penalized logistic regressions, three-group penalized logistic regressions and three-group penalized trinomial logit regressions to predict stock return movement direction. The future research focuses on adding more variables such as fundamental factors, specific news, national policies and market sentiment to the proposed regressions, and further improves the prediction performance to stock return movement direction.


5. Discussions

In the aforementioned methods, it is very important to select important (group) variables by tuning two parameters λ and γ. The different tuning parameters will bring the different prediction performance. However, after we choose the relative optimum tuning parameters λ and γ by some model selection criterion such as cross-validation and BIC, the proposed methods perform very robust in terms of accuracy, AUC or HUM, Kappa and PDI. In addition, the proposed CD or GCD algorithm converges very rapidly. They can be generalized to high-dimensional or super high-dimensional cases by containing more variables influencing stock movement directions. From Refs. [13, 14, 15], we can found that the proposed methods outperform some classical machine learning or deep learning methods in terms of robustness and effectiveness and calculation. Therefore, these prediction methods are worth of further promotion.


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Written By

Hu Xuemei

Reviewed: 08 May 2024 Published: 28 June 2024