Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Engineering the Future: Entrepreneurship, Design Innovation, and Lifelong Learning

Written By

Ghada Nafie

Submitted: 17 December 2023 Reviewed: 07 February 2024 Published: 04 June 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114285

Lifelong Learning - Education for the Future World IntechOpen
Lifelong Learning - Education for the Future World Edited by Filippo Gomez Paloma

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Lifelong Learning - Education for the Future World [Working Title]

Prof. Filippo Gomez Paloma

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At a time where rapid technological advancements challenge the conventional educational paradigm, integrating entrepreneurship education within engineering curricula stands out as critical to inspire innovation and creativity. This chapter explores the intersection of engineering design, innovation, and entrepreneurship, demonstrating how this triad prepares students for the future world, fostering resilience, adaptability, innovation, and a problem-solving mindset. As we move toward an age of AI and increasing automation, the role of engineers will not only be to design solutions but also to envision and realize opportunities for sustainable growth. By embedding entrepreneurial principles in engineering education, we cultivate engineers who do not only have a solid technical foundation but also entrepreneurial leaders who have the ability of turning problems into opportunities creating economic and social value.


  • engineering education
  • innovation
  • entrepreneurship
  • lifelong learning
  • technological advancements
  • sustainable growth
  • future-ready engineers

1. Introduction

Engineering is the underlying factor behind standards of living, power, creativity, and human advancements. It is the cornerstone of innovation and technology [1], and it is the pulse of societal growth.

Traditionally, engineering education has focused on a tight set of defined problems with a direct path to the predetermined answer. Theory was memorized and formulas were applied in a rigid structure designed to pass information on from one generation of engineers to the next [2]. Professors lectured and students soaked in every bit of information possible, listening, memorizing, and executing what they learned in structured exams.

The world, however, is no longer that simple or straightforward. Now, we are looking for solutions to problems that have not previously been solved. These global issues require complex, transdisciplinary collaboration that involves a variety of approaches and diverse perspectives (Figure 1) [3].

Figure 1.

Global systems.

Global systems necessitate a triad of skills—design, innovation, and entrepreneurship, to push a concept from ideation to application. However, global systems do not exist in a vacuum. Its eclectic nature requires a multidisciplinary approach to produce both the soft and hard skills needed. In the diagram above, core to global systems is design thinking, gamification, diversity factors, sustainability, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, and when these core elements are taught, the intention is to create resilience, self-directed exploration, investigation, self-efficacy, ethics, and mixed methods.

This chapter explores the intersection of engineering design, innovation, and entrepreneurship, demonstrating how this triad prepares students for the future world, fostering resilience, adaptability, innovation, and a problem-solving mindset. While the fundamentals of engineering will always remain core to the discipline, this new triad has an increasingly important role in shaping the engineers of the future.


2. Methodology

This research uses a qualitative and quantitative approach to explore how engineering education has evolved over the past twenty years. Data was collected in class and by reviewing engineering education practices from twenty years ago up to now. Comparisons were made between how the material was delivered and how students received information. Research categories included best practices for in-class student learning, measurement as to how assessments are taking place, categorizing how engineering theory is approached, and monitoring how professors provide access to information.

Emphasis was placed on a selection of courses that create the common core of engineering, such as engineering design and core fundamentals of engineering concepts, including behavior of fluids and engineering statics, as well as new topics and classes that have been added to engineering programs over the last twenty years. Technical components, as well as options for design and creativity, were all included.

Research for this project was combined with studies provided by analysts covering the same topics over the past twenty years.


3. Evolution of engineering education

How engineering is taught, how the discipline is shaped, and how knowledge is passed on is a driving force behind the approach the next generation of engineers uses to uncover problems, find solutions, and innovate new ways of doing things, taking society to the next level and beyond.

And just as our problems have evolved, so have our students. Students are no longer conditioned to sit through hours of course lectures. Today’s students have access to more information than ever before. They are impatient. They are curious, and they strive to find solutions immediately. The world has an increased awareness of different learning styles and new approaches that can accommodate all of this. Online content is being consumed at unmatched rates, and the education system is adapting to all of this [4].

As a discipline, engineering is evolving [5], and the education system is both a driving force and a reflection of these changes. To embrace this new way of learning and to reach students in the most effective way possible, educators are uncovering new techniques, as well as innovative methods and approaches that encourage effective and impactful learning.

The pandemic was a catalyst for change and accelerated the push toward online learning, but the process was not smooth. The immediate switch was difficult, and no one was ready for the semi-supportive environment that emerged. This change was more difficult for those from disadvantaged groups—those who did not have instant access to computers, technical support, and private tutors that others were able to rely on. Even those who did embrace the quick transition did so under the assumption that this was temporary and that everyone was on a countdown to return to the previous education environment.

The pandemic did reveal the huge industry-wide consensus that the engineering education system was due for a revamp. In addition to the systemic shift, the pandemic invited us to think about the political atmosphere and reconciliation efforts, which resulted in a global urgent call to question existing systems, structures, and ways to forge critical pathways for an equitable future. These realities unveiled an opportunity to explore new learning methods and to take advantage of technological advancements and access to online information. It opened up the opportunity to optimize and look for better ways of doing things, and it placed an emphasis and awareness of mental health issues, bringing this to the forefront.

The result of all of this is that student-led learning is taking over and changing the conversation, as well as the approach. In a classroom full of people with different needs, talents, desires, and goals, this is the fastest way to ensure everyone is working on the path most effective for them. This student-centric approach has ignited project-based learning models, encouraging students to explore theory with hands-on work, and through all of this, the role of the professor has evolved into one of an instructor, mentor, and facilitator, guiding students through these processes.

Change is not always easy, and everyone has felt some pushback in the process. Instructors worry that their messages are not coming through. Students are concerned that they are not covering all of the material needed to succeed, and yet, engineering students are entering the workforce in stronger positions than ever before. Student accountability is at an all-time high, as the awareness that these students need to be ready to compete in an increasingly competitive global workforce.

Another contributing factor in the evolution of engineering is the more desire to have a more diversified transdisciplinary approach [6]. Engineering degrees can now be combined with entrepreneurship certificates and MBAs that introduce topics such as finance, accounting, marketing, and communication. Students understand that engineers operate in business environments that expect this level of knowledge and agility, and programs designed to offer exposure to these fields are attracting more students each year [7].

The world is changing quickly, and engineering education is both a reflection and a driving force for this change!


4. Integrating entrepreneurship

Engineers, by nature, are problem solvers. They are innovative, they are creative, and they are driven to find solutions. Now, they are some of the world’s finest entrepreneurs. Engineers have built the most disruptive companies in the world [8].

The connection between engineering and entrepreneurship is strong. Innovation spurs new ideas, and when these ideas are patented and shaped into companies, the modern-day fairy tale is fulfilled [9].

As entrepreneurship gains popularity, an increasing number of engineers are interested in exploring this option, and the education system is offering programs to encourage and accommodate this [10].

In fact, it is not only the idea of starting companies that is attractive. For engineers and employers alike, the entrepreneurial profile can propel teams to success.

Breakthroughs, by definition, are not accomplished when people do what has already been done before. Entrepreneurial thinking requires people to think outside the box. It sparks new ideas and gives people the courage to pursue paths off the beaten track. In a field where problem-solving is the ultimate goal, an entrepreneurial mindset is often required to look at fresh and new ways of doing something [11, 12].

So what skills are needed to expand into this new way of thinking? The entrepreneurial mindset empowers engineers with the approach and soft skills necessary to see technological advancements through to completion. The ability to identify and define a problem is not part of a traditional engineering program. Yet, this is a critical part of real-world success. Entrepreneurship involves teamwork and team leading, with project management, finance, accounting, marketing, and communication as part of the mix. It requires a holistic view of both problems and solutions for a well-rounded approach as to what is possible. This is relevant whether one will become an entrepreneur or work in a large company as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.

Entrepreneurial certificates are now being run in conjunction with traditional engineering programs. Below is an example of a certificate that was developed for undergraduate students focusing on both entrepreneurship theory and interpersonal skill development and/or improvement. Through workshops, guest speakers, seminars, and pitch competitions students can hone an adjacent set of skills to the theory and technical skills covered in traditional engineering programs. Communication, marketing, and sales skills are introduced and valued as students discover how wide and diverse entrepreneurship is. Research, market testing, and trial and error are introduced as ways to identify a problem and propose a solution, and engineers discover how to augment their skillset to understand each field. This ultimately informs them of the entrepreneurial landscape and what it’s all about, whether they create a new solution or join a group or company that is building something innovative. Student cognition is increasingly improved and the introduction of these complex systems of relationships allows them to think in new ways and apply their knowledge toward solving some of the problems around us today (Figure 3) [13].

Figure 3.

Certificate of engineering entrepreneurship content.

The combination of engineering, entrepreneurship, and interpersonal skills can create the fastest and most successful answer to the world’s greatest challenges, and in the current context of rapid societal and technical change, this is the lens we need to approach global issues.


5. Engineering team-based design and innovation

They say if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together. Project-based teamwork is taking an increasingly significant role in engineering education. This practical application of knowledge demands that students collaborate and build something here and now!

Team-based learning is done in a supportive environment where students, under the guidance of their instructors and mentors, come together to focus on a goal, share ideas, and work toward their outcome. The predefined topics are given in class, but the real assignment is not the topic, but on working through the process. Problem-solving and the hands-on application of theory are put into practice as students work to outline their plans, adhere to deadlines, and present their final project. There are groups coming out of psychology who specialize in working with and supporting students with teamwork. They particularly focus on team building, conflict resolution, and team development, which proved to be invaluable support to students [14].

Students recognize the value of problem-solving and are demanding these types of learning experiences as part of their curriculum. The ultimate goal for most engineering students is to be prepared to enter a competitive workforce. Studying theory alone will not accomplish this.

The practical application of knowledge sparks critical thinking. Having the opportunity to put the theory into action, in a supportive environment, helps students understand the relevance of the material they are learning in the lecture hall, and opens up the floor for new questions that can be answered immediately. Team-based learning develops project planning skills, leadership, and communication while building intrinsic motivation [15].

When developing new engineering design courses, it is important to structure and develop content based on five transdisciplinary building blocks (engineering design, entrepreneurial skills, digital, sustainability, and teamwork) from the core of modern engineering education (Figure 4) [16].

Figure 4.

Transdisciplinary blocks of modern engineering education.

In one engineering design class, students were asked to build an automated garden. Groups were designed by the instructor to ensure each team had a diverse mix of students, and preexisting friends were not collaborating. Learning how to work with new people is a constant challenge in the real world, and these projects are structured to emulate that experience. Students were then asked to create an optimized garden. Just like that, creativity was ignited, and design innovation was unleashed.

These students combined the theory they learned in class with their creative knowledge of gardens. They researched possibilities, generated ideas, designed plans, and evaluated their proposals. They shared their ideas, offered their opinions, and practiced receiving feedback. They gained hands-on experience in programming, and they used digital sketch boards, CAD files, and 3D printers. They sawdered circuits and planted seeds, and they saw their visualizations transform into tangible finished work.

Finally, each group presented their projects to the class. They learned to showcase their work and defend their design in front of a group of peers. They saw the immediate impact of their projects, and they gained confidence and trust in their own teams [17, 18].

Putting theories to use in class, rather than waiting to get to the real world, offers students a more in-depth understanding of course material in a guided environment. When students are encouraged to innovate in a supportive environment, creativity flourishes and there is no limit to what they can achieve.


6. Sustainable growth

There is no industry in the untouched by the push toward ESG and sustainable growth. Transforming to a clean approach is the biggest challenge the world faces. Now, all solutions are evaluated through the lens of environmental impact so that solutions can eradicate existing problems and not create new problems. For engineers, this opens up the opportunity to improve existing solutions while also looking at entirely new ways of doing things [19].

Understanding where and how solutions can be optimized is a colossal opportunity for engineers and for the world [20]. Engineering education has evolved to address these points so that the most creative and innovative solutions are created in the context of minimizing environmental impact.

Circular economy offers a huge opportunity for engineers to re-evaluate solutions and find new ways of doing things. From sourcing of raw materials to manufacturing and reducing, reusing products, and monitoring consumption use, there are endless ways companies can optimize (Figure 5) [19].

Figure 5.

Circular economy.

One example is product returns which represent a significant cost for companies and an enormous waste of resources. The cost of returns can represent anywhere from 17% to 30% of the total product cost, and the environmental waste is horrendous [21]. From an engineering standpoint, there is a lot that can be done, and that is right from the very beginning of building a product.

Acer has an impressive and well-thought-out product management strategy that addresses all of these points. Their product life cycle management starts with low environmental material brought into play right at the product development and design phase. They use ocean-bound plastics in their notebook touchpads and have established a list of banned, restricted, and controlled substances that are not used. In the manufacturing process, they intentionally work with suppliers to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions [22].

Another example is product development and how companies can integrate circular economy principles into product design. Implementing methods to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency would contribute significantly to the development of circular economy. Engineers can play a crucial role through the development of these products.

First Solar company also has an impressive end-of-life recycling program that allows them to address these points as well. Their product life cycle management converts mining by-products into eco-efficient photovoltaic (PV) technology manufactured with low energy, water, and semiconductors than other available technologies. Additionally, they recover up to 90% of the materials used in their thin film solar panels to maximize resource recovery and increase the sustainability of PV [23].

Product engineers can collect useful feedback at the return stage and use this information to create better products that do not have those problems. They can create better designs and better products and eliminate the primary causes of product return. Several companies can embrace circular economy principles and implement a circular approach in their product developments. By looking at case studies, such as Acer and First Solar, engineering students are empowered with information and ideas, and they can implement at every stage of the innovation process, in any industry they choose to pursue [24].

In addition, to come up with sustainable growth solutions, engineers need to understand the framework and goals the world is aiming to achieve. The UN has set forth standards that can be researched and understood in engineering classes. These classes can also highlight processes and systems that optimize consumption and energy sources at every level. With this background knowledge, engineers are able to harness their creativity and innovation into solutions that address market needs and create value in the most sustainable way possible.


7. AI and automation

AI and automation are no longer advanced technologies, they are becoming mainstream. Understanding how to implement both AI and automation is a necessity as engineers strive to address challenges in the most efficient way possible. Companies using these new techniques are breezing ahead at record speed, while companies that are not following suit risk being left behind. Both AI and automation are tools for engineers to explore, understand, and use to streamline activity, increase productivity, and reduce the time needed to complete certain repetitive tasks [25].

AI engineers use machine learning techniques to develop applications and systems that reduce costs, predict customer behavior, and enhance the overall decision-making processes. To operate competitively, engineers need to understand how to develop AI tools, systems, and methods in the real world [26].

Big data represents a huge opportunity for AI engineers. Prior to AI, it was difficult and time-consuming to analyze large amounts of data and uncover trends. AI offers clear advantages in this field as it can quickly and effectively compress big data into valuable and decision-making pieces of information that organizations can integrate. AI can be used to create algorithms that detect mistakes and formulate solutions that improve operations overall, and engineers need to be aware of these tools and envision how to maximize productivity through all of this [27].

The future will bring many other ways that AI will shape our world, particularly in the area of energy storage. Using AI can create efficiencies in our world and reshape the current norms of our world. Engineers need to better understand and utilize AI to reshape this future [28].

As AI takes on an increasingly strategic role in engineered processes, several questions remain: Who owns IP created by AI? What limits should be placed on AI technology? How can engineers oversee all of this? and What inequities and divide AI is creating? These are questions that can also be explored throughout engineering education as the technology becomes more popular and the conversation continues to evolve.

Warehouses are already implementing automation to solve workflow issues. Robotics scale quickly, improving speed and profitability while decreasing employee turnover in a very transient industry. DHL and Carhartt recently revealed their journey integrating Locus Robotics into their workflow, improving distribution and speed. Order profiles are easily fulfilled and working conditions for warehouse staff increased, boosting morale with a 200% increase in productivity. The ability to easily add and eliminate robotics to the workflow is an idea for managing an annual retail cycle [29].

Understanding how automation works and where this can fit into systems and workflow is imperative. Engineers educated in automation quickly understand where and how they can add value with solutions designed to support workflow advancement (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Example of a robotic process automation.


8. Lifelong learning

If there is one thing, we have learned from the evolution of engineering education, it is that change is the only constant. As technology and systems evolve, we must be ready to revamp engineering education to integrate this new way of doing things.

The world is moving faster than ever before. To keep pace with these changes, finishing a university degree in engineering is not the end of an education path—in many ways, it is only the beginning. People need to constantly adapt to new wants of doing things, and education is the key to understanding all of this [30].

Universities are supporting lifelong learning with continued education programs. Designed for adults already working in their field, these courses are completed in the evenings and over the weekends, in person or virtually, to gain insight into the latest topics and technologies that help engineers, or anyone, take their careers to the next level. From MBAs to AI, social media to accounting, continued education classes offer a transdisciplinary look that propels knowledge and takes work expertise to the next level [31].

In the United States, 73% of adults consider themselves lifelong learners. There is a direct correlation between education level and lifelong learning—the higher the level of education and the higher the salary the more likely adults are to pursue ongoing education programs [32].

Lifelong learning is a mindset. And while there are formalized continuing education programs, there are also more informal ways of achieving this. The Internet offers an endless supply of knowledge and resources that individuals can use to advance their learning in any field, making it easy and accessible to pursue these programs.

Workgroups, networking, and opportunities to connect with other professionals in a field offer engagement, platforms to test ideas, and the ability to stay engaged with alumni and professionals’ peers. Having the opportunity to communicate, express innovation, and market ideas, as well as to test and to gain the backing and support required to pursue these concepts, is truly valuable for everyone.

The evolution of engineering education does not only happen in the classroom, in fact, just as the modern classroom has flipped, so has the world. Education is ongoing and can happen every day and everywhere.


9. Conclusion

They say the more things change the more they stay the same. At a time when engineering education is evolving, universities and students alike continue to embrace the technical fundamentals, which have been studied by generations of engineers. Entrepreneurship, design, and innovation will inspire and drive the new generation of engineers to levels the discipline has not yet seen, with undiluted, traditional engineering remaining the center of this field.

What is next for the future of engineering education? And where will these new heights take us?


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Written By

Ghada Nafie

Submitted: 17 December 2023 Reviewed: 07 February 2024 Published: 04 June 2024