Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

The Impact of Cybersecurity on Industrial Operations Caused by Digital Transformation from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0

Written By

Michael Moeti

Submitted: 23 March 2024 Reviewed: 05 April 2024 Published: 21 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114961

The Role of Cybersecurity in the Industry 5.0 Era IntechOpen
The Role of Cybersecurity in the Industry 5.0 Era Edited by Christos Kalloniatis

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The Role of Cybersecurity in the Industry 5.0 Era [Working Title]

Associate Prof. Christos Kalloniatis

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Over the past few years, the notion of Industry 5.0 has emerged as a subsequent phase in industrial revolution. The distinguishing features of Industry 5.0 encompass advanced technologies that include Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics integrated into manufacturing processes, resulting in amplified automation and efficiency alongside productivity. However, this ever-growing reliance on digital technologies has accentuated the significance of robust cybersecurity measures like never before. Industry 5.0 distinguishes itself from its predecessor, Industry 4.0, in that it prioritizes human labour over automation and digitalization to foster sustainable and resilient industrial production practices. However, the convergence of cybersecurity issues with this novel paradigm may pose considerable challenges going forward, making a comprehensive analysis of security conditions across both industry paradigms essential for devising effective solutions addressing potential threats. To gain insight into such developments within contemporary industrial transformations as they pertain to cybersecurity concerns during the transition period from Industries 4.0 to Industries 5.0, this chapter conducts a review drawing on numerous academic resources regarding best practices in these domains overall. The resulting findings are analyzed by extracting key themes emanating from multiple research streams before synthesizing them into broader frameworks.


  • cybersecurity
  • Industry 4.0
  • Industry 5.0
  • digital transformation
  • human-centricity
  • industrial operations
  • evolution of industry

1. Introduction

The rapid pace of technological development and advancement has critical implications for various aspects of our lives [1]. These changes, coupled with their socioeconomic impact, are key drivers behind the current industrial revolution that has ushered in unprecedented progress. Accommodating such significant shifts necessitates holistic strategies involving sustainable and innovative systems solutions. The constant evolution of information communication technology (ICT) is transforming conventional industries as it becomes increasingly integrated into production processes—giving rise to a new level of organizational development. To leverage these technologies’ benefits towards enhancing global competitiveness requires implementing frameworks like those currently being discussed worldwide.

The whole concept of Industry 5.0 has recently emerged as the next phase of the industrial revolution. Industry 5.0 could be defined as the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) into manufacturing processes in order to improve productivity, efficiency, and automation. Industry 5.0’s improved reliance on digital technologies necessitates much stronger protection safeguards than the industry before its creation or inception. The goal of this systematic review is to investigate the role of cybersecurity in Industry 5.0, focusing on the opportunities and challenges that it presents for businesses. Industry 5.0 builds on the foundations of Industry 4.0, which focuses on digitizing and automating.

Industry 4.0 refers to the interconnection of intelligent gadgets that can autonomously interact along the value chain. Due to this, the machine in such a system will use artificial intelligence, self-configuration, and self-optimization to provide higher-quality goods and services [2]. Industry discussions and criticism have been sparked by the development of collaborative robots, or cobots, which have been operating autonomously in various contexts such as automated supermarkets and driverless autos with artificial intelligence [3]. The primary area of dispute is the consequences of extreme automation, which is driven by big data and variables like Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The development of automation of Industry 4.0 has led to the development of the current emerging Industrial 5.0 revolution, whose primary success is attributed to the association of machines and man. Its success is measured around the collaboration of cognitive computing to function alongside human intelligence [4], as shown in Figure 1. Industry 5.0 goes a step further by combining modern technologies like AI, IoT, and robotics to build more interconnected and intelligent industrial processes. However, growing connections create new cybersecurity issues because these systems are susceptible to cyber threats such as data breaches and virus assaults.

Figure 1.

Industrial revolutions.

The current emerging Industrial 5.0 revolution will see robots and artificial intelligence together as the key drivers of success in this industry. While these developments offer immense opportunities for growth, it is important to consider that human involvement remains crucial for customizing and personalizing systems. The adoption of Industry 4.0 enabled sectors to capture big data which have been used across industries including government services and healthcare [5]. As a result, big data has become akin to oil in today’s technology world due to its numerous advantages.

This significance means organizations must focus on cybersecurity measures to safeguard their datasheets since breaches can be detrimental, especially with high-risk factors involved now cyber threats are more prevalent than ever before [6]. As most industry are now transitioning to Industry 5.0 technologies, and Internet users are also accelerating to Web 3.0, it has become an ideal target for Internet hackers. This growth gives an opportunity for hackers to roam freely across a manufacturing network, jumping between IT and operational technology (OT) systems with their malicious intentions. If IT Infrastructure systems are not properly secured, hackers can utilize them for industrial spying, intellectual property theft, IP leakage, or even production sabotage.


2. Literature review

This section begins with a systematic literature review (SLR) of the most important concepts around Industry 5.0 and their characteristics. SLR is a method for streamlining the stages that the researcher takes in gathering, categorizing, and rating literature in a review area [7]. Based on the purpose of this investigation, which is to uncover significant findings in existing research and give recommendations for future researchers. The aim of this chapter is to provide a complete understanding of the impact of cybersecurity on industrial operations induced by the digital transformation from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. By emphasizing a gap in the research, summarizing the flaws of cybersecurity’s existing influence on industrial processes, and finishing with a chapter summary. The associated works are intended to provide a complete understanding of the impact of cybersecurity on industrial operations induced by the digital transformation from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0.

2.1 Evolution of Industry 5.0 (I5.0)

The first topic is based on Sandoval et al.’s findings, which discovered that I5.0 is a purposeful concept that describes the future success of industry as a technology paradigm that is human-centred, sustainable, and resilient manufacturing system. Industry 5.0 is quick to act, resilient, and aware of the planet’s limitations, all while nurturing talent, diversity, and empowerment according to Mourtzis et al. [8].

The second definition of Industry 5.0 focuses on how I5.0 has now gone back to the first industry due to their similarities that are human-centred, according to Mourtzis et al. [8] the founders and leaders of the industrial. The industry adheres to the 6R (recognize, reconsider, realize, reduce, reuse, and recycle) principles of industrial upcycling. This methodical waste prevention and logistical efficiency technique was designed solely to evaluate human standards, innovative ideas, and the manufacture of high-quality.

The third concept of Industry 5.0 focuses on how employees and machines can collaborate in the industry to increase product efficiency by using human creativity and intelligence through workflow through the integration of intelligent systems [9]. According to Mourtzis et al. [8] who discovered that when integrating new technologies in industrial systems, I5.0 is anticipated to compel information technologists, business experts, and philosophers to focus on human issues. Industry 5.0 ushers in the socially intelligent factory era, where people can have conversations with cobots. The socially smart industry employs more enterprise social networks to promote smooth connections between humans and CPPS components [10].

Both Industry 4.0 and 5.0 operating have helped bring about digital transformation through leading-edge IT infrastructure; however, operational risks accompany it. Specifically, tagging supply chains’ security and management issues causes some concern among experts who warn against potential repercussions like system failure if not remediated properly or quickly enough. Post-attack, above all, needs highly attuned awareness around current highest-level protection protocols set into place to ensure that specific vulnerabilities get addressed formally by specialized personnel team(s) appointed specifically to ensure that safety prevails at all times, despite known emerging challenges facing those tasked managing operations day-to-day [11].

The paradigm shift from Industry 4.0 and 5.0 has created a critical need to deal with cyber threats through well-organized cyber security plans that are watchful, safe, and persistent, as well as fully integrated into IT and industry goals and visions. The purpose of this discussion is to look at some of the cybersecurity challenges that Industry 5.0 could face. This cybersecurity plans should take into account the sector’s promises and realities. In each situation, there is a requirement to update or resolve cyber risk concerns. Given the ideas stated above, it is clear that the industry prioritizes human-centredness, system resilience, and sustainability.

A closer look at Industry 5.0 definitions that this chapter critic, reveals the important inconsistencies, that indicate the fact that most Industry 5.0 definitions encompass a full age of technical and societal developments, while others focus on industrial transformation. Now, Industrial 5.0 is gaining more attraction, which brings a paradigm shift and causes change by putting less emphasis on technology. The paradigm shift that its actual progress is dependent fully successful interaction between humans and machines. The integration of the most intelligent powerful systems and highly educated cybersecurity experts enables industries to develop an efficient, sustainable, and secure production process [9].

2.2 Digital transformation

The future success of Industry 5.0 will be formed by combining digital transformation (DX), which is centred around innovative thinking and creativity of a diverse group of people to generate value and solve complex problems. The concept of leveraging DX to build a future-ready society is critical in Industry 5.0 development. The transformation of the industry caused huge improvements in digital technology and data utilization, which included significant improvements in human lives, government operations, economic structure, and job creation.

As the cost of managing data is increasingly becoming too expensive, data storage and analysis reduces the need for industry to look for new innovations to help manage the situation. Data make problems more obvious and offer possible answers, so it is crucial to make sure that the industry is safe. When such information and ideas are quickly disseminated on a global scale, management and societal concerns can be resolved. Data-driven technologies used in digital transformation (DX) to affect substantial societal changes including IoT, AI, 5G, robotics, and blockchains need to be secured. Organizational ICT infrastructure can be at risk of the same vulnerability exploitation, malware, denial of service (DoS), device hacking, and other common attack tactics that other networks face.

Digital transformation has launched a revolution that transcends traditional technology. It shows a huge paradigm shift from lower-level industries and the culture that influences each organization standards. DX goes beyond just automation, traditional labour, increased productivity, and digital technology-driven efficiency, as that was the driving force for Industry 4.0. In reaction to such societal shifts in a technical reformation that aims to create new organizational values at roughly the same cost as the prior industry. As a result, we may conclude that DX is a revolution that impacts all industrial underpinnings of society and industry, rather than simply modifying IT systems. The Industrial Revolution has transformed societal life as a result of technological breakthroughs in the use of digital technology and data management.

Hence, businesses should make DX a top management priority and work towards it voluntarily and proactively [8]. In this regard, the authors refer to “Fundamental and revolutionary changes in society, industry, and life as a result of advances in the use of digital technology and data; and radical changes implemented by industries, organizations, and individuals toward such transformation” [8].

It conveys the idea that human wants and benefits must be given careful consideration in order to improve the production and logistics system and turn people from “costs” to “investments” [12]. Operationally speaking, this means that to meet industrial challenges, hybrid alternatives must be promoted. The human power and intelligence challenges are employed not only to maintain surveillance but also to add intelligence and creativity, as well as to help organizations to make decisions [13, 14].

Industry 5.0 places a strong emphasis on research development and innovation (RD&I) initiatives to upskill people through formal educational programmes to accomplish sustainable industrial goals and objectives, to transform information into knowledge schemes [12, 15, 16, 17, 18]. I5.0 creates the conducive environment necessary to stop the reduction of the need for human labour from a societal and economic perspective. The industry increases employment prospects in related sectors that produce technical solutions, such as the fabrication of robots and sensors [14, 16]. Therefore, this proves that Industry 5.0 is a human-centric paradigm that puts a human at the centre of the production process based on these goals.

2.3 Differences between Industry 4.0 and 5.0

Through rigorous literature review, it shows that there is harmony between technological advancement and human-centric socioeconomic transformation between the two industries. The shift focused on addressing the societal, human, and sustainability issues, which are the most critical components of smart logistics in Industry 5.0 [19]. The survey conducted on Industry 4.0 shows that the main objective is solely on the success of technological basis and automation. However, with Industry 5.0, the focus encourages human-robot collaboration, collaboration between robots, man and machine collaborative systems, and other methods of enhancing human technology and interactive environment, as well as the integration of the latest technologies into smart industrial operations.

Human-centred approach to the production process is truly human-centred and socially focused, with little focus on technology advancements as in I4.0. Technological resources are now manufactured to fulfill the technological demands and diversity of industry workers, improving human lives and societal well-being in general. The industry is here to defend and protect workers’ fundamental rights, such as their independence, human dignity, and right to privacy. A safe and healthy environment and inclusive workplace must be fostered. To pursue greater career prospects and a better work-life balance, industrial workers must continue to acquire and upgrade their abilities. Sustainability is essential in reusing natural resources, decreasing waste, and enhancing resource efficiency. As industrial 5.0 production becomes more dynamic and adaptable, it will be better to equipped organization to survive disruptions, so that Industry 5.0 can maintain its ability to deliver and support key infrastructure in emergency scenarios. Political transformation in the future industry will necessitate the ability to endure natural disasters. The upcoming industrial revolution will have an impact on major industries such as manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and electricity generation. The healthcare sector will be significantly enhanced [20]. This shift will increase the overall efficacy of healthcare delivery (Figure 2). Industry 5.0’s core technologies for industrial change in this chapter are the following:

  • The Internet of Everything.

  • 4D CT and MRI.

  • Smart senses.

  • Holography and physical reality.

  • Humanoid robots.

  • Smart inhalers.

  • 3D Printing.

Figure 2.

Industry evolution.

Although Industry 5.0 is based on Industry 4.0, it is important to distinguish clearly between these two industrial revolutions because they use comparable technology. The formal unveiling of Industry 5.0 serves as the fundamental development of innovative paradigm in relation to three key concepts that identify its related core values [19], namely human-centredness, adaptability, and sustainability.

2.3.1 Human-centricity

The literature acknowledges the importance of people’s skills, knowledge, and abilities in the CPS in the context of the shift towards Industry 4.0. The operator of the future emerged as Operator 4.0. The goal of Operator 4.0 is to establish human-machine connections that are built on engagement and trust [21]. The proactive and participative is the perfect profile for the organizational employees of the future to be proactive [22]. The interaction between people and technology is still not well understood [23].

Although Industry 4.0 accommodated employees with disabilities, there was insufficient technological adaptation for people. People in general need freedom to flourish as individuals and to express their creativity. Nevertheless, technology should only be used to enhance harmonious teamwork and not to replace labour. The emphasis on human-centricity now extends to all employees, not simply to those with impairments. I 5.0 collaboration with the equipment by leveraging its own physical, sensory, and cognitive capacities provides safe work and technical support in the job segments. Technologies should also be used to deliver real-time data for informed decision-making.

The Internet of Things has transformed the source of people’s decision-making limits, which were previously based on a lack of information. Currently, massive volumes of data may be gathered, sorted, and filtered using modern technologies and algorithms, which can then be used to inform decisions [24, 25, 26].

The primary areas of ergonomics are as follows:

  • Physic ergonomics [27]: Industry 4.0 technologies assist in automating repetitive manual labour or hard-muscular tasks, workplace devices that enhance feedback, and a new era of technologies enhance internal operations and transportation [28].

  • Cognitive domain: Industry 4.0 technologies facilitate timely interactions and better perception through virtual models; augmented reality gadgets lessen mental strain; and data exchange enhances cognitive ergonomics.

  • Organizational domain: Industry 4.0 offered a paradigm that embraced hybrid production systems that closed the gap between humans and robots. This has an impact on how work is organized and calls for the development of new skills in the future.

As a unique ergonomics strategy, digitalization aims to improve workplace quality and working conditions. According to evaluations that clearly specify the requirements for organizationally technical changes, ergonomic support systems should rapidly warn workers about new conditions that arise and their impact on workers [29]. In order to identify key factors and maximize assembly operations and workload capacity at early design phases, studies involving the measurement and optimization of postural stress and physical exhaustion vary [30].

2.3.2 Resilience

Resilience represents the adaptability and agility required of a production facility to react to changes in the market [16, 31]. Personalized demands are one of the biggest issues facing the manufacturing business today, given the deluge of high-tech developments and products that consumers are exposed to on a daily basis [13]. It is anticipated that manufacturing systems will shift from mass customization to mass personalization to a greater level [13]. From a tactical point of view, clients should be included in the design process from the beginning of the project in order to create the customized centred product [32]. Human-robot collaboration has great promise for enhancing operational flexibility in this respect by conducting versatile fabrication in a more efficient amount of time [16, 33]. It is important to emphasize that although the robot completes the primary task, human involvement enhances intellect and creativity and makes it easier to solve work-related problems and process flows [13, 33].

2.3.3 Sustainability

Sustainability in this chapter could be defined as the industry’s ability to meet the present needs without compromising future generations. The generation’s ability to meet their own needs” without compromising the future generation is how the idea of sustainable development was introduced [34]. Even though the social and human aspects of this idea are fundamental, they are only covered in relation to human-centricity in the framework of Industry 5.0. Reverse logistics [35, 36], the circular economy [12], value chains, and other concepts are highlighted by this strategy [37]. Sustainable development aims to protect the environment through sustainable goods and logistics to make sure that we eliminate waste in production [37]. The production processes must not only minimize waste but also be environmentally beneficial, for instance, by utilizing green computing and renewable resources [33].

2.4 Similarities between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0

Industry 5.0 is still in its early stages and is being developed conceptually and methodologically by researchers as well as practitioners. From the standpoint of conceptual development, Industry 5.0 is not seen as a drastic technological revolution from Industry 4.0; rather, it essentially moves the emphasis from technology to the advancement of new technologies-driven human and societal growth. It is evident from this that Industry 4.0 technologies continue to be the key technology enablers for Industry 5.0’s smart logistics [38]. For instance, the smart logistics transition still prioritizes digital twins, IoT, AI, big data analytics, and simulation.

Nonetheless, Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 have quite a number of fundamental differences in terms of priorities. Given that human-centricity, resilience, and sustainability are the primary driving forces behind the success of Industry 5.0, it is critically important to note that the labour-intensive field of logistics evolves towards a more harmonic balance of societal, environmental, and economic sustainability. For example, Industry 4.0’s within the smart logistics revolution seeks to replace human operators with new technologies while increasing productivity. In contrast, Industry 5.0 places a greater emphasis on the environmental and human components, with new technology being used to augment rather than replace human operators, resulting in improved production of highly customized goods [39]. However, instead of impeding this smart transition, it should be redirected to improve the coherence of societal, environmental, and economic sustainability in Industry 5.0.


3. Cybersecurity challenges and opportunities in Industry 5.0

The connected factory of Industry 5.0 poses the greatest cybersecurity risk due to its increased interconnectivity of IoT devices. The integration of augmented reality technology and improved man-machine interfaces (MMI) makes it easier for users to operate machine tools. The significantly increased number of users also exposed potential security weaknesses in systems due to this technological advancement [40]. In 2022, more than 25% of global cyberattacks targeted manufacturing enterprises.

Ransomware is a common type of cyberattack in this business, affecting almost every subsector, with metal products and vehicle production being the most frequently attacked. According to InfoGuard, the provider of cyber security, network solutions, and cyber defense, more than 70% of Swiss industrial enterprises had already experienced at least more than one hack in the last 2 years (2022 data). The risk in this country appears to be substantially worse than that of other countries, and this is because of the revolution brought by Industry 5.0. As sensitive information in the industrial sector becomes digitalized, the risk of cyberattacks grows. Setting up factories in Industry 5.0 necessitates a large investment, which may be challenging for startups and small businesses. Everything is mechanized, making it difficult to control the production process [41]. Personalization is the central goal of Industry 5.0, so sectors should adopt policies and laws that are customer-centric, dynamic, and challenging to apply.

Most industrial security flaws are normally caused by using out-of-date operating systems on production equipment. A cyberattack can have severe consequences for an operational environment, endanger personnel, and have the potential to destroy a company’s image. Industry 5.0 is particularly exposed to the environmental risks posed by cybersecurity threats [29]. The most typical cyber dangers in Industrial 5.0 that this paper identified are expanded attack surface, IoT security, data privacy and confidentiality, supply chain vulnerabilities and human-machine interaction that still be monitored and managed. Cybercriminals may exploit vulnerabilities caused by the complexity of Industry 5.0 supply chains and partner dependencies, potentially resulting in interruptions or compromise. This is because of the close interaction between humans and machines. Social engineering attacks and human operator manipulation become important challenges that must be addressed in Industry 5.0 [42].

In addressing cybersecurity in Industry 5.0, it should be borne in mind that Industry 5.0 expands connectivity and the number of devices in use, yet its interconnectedness necessitates stronger data security. To meet security requirements and operational limits, cybersecurity and IT teams must collaborate closely. Manufacturers should be prepared to incorporate cybersecurity into modern technologies, thereby enhancing Industry 5.0’s operational resilience against cyberattacks [42].

The challenges related to cybersecurity in Industry 5.0 can also be addressed by changing the manufacturing process and introducing equipment’s that is cybersecurity-enabled. Workstation and network access security controls should also be strengthened using firewall-like components and separate flows. Choosing autonomous cybersecurity controls as solutions could increase openness and reduce the danger of malicious attackers [43]. As sensitive information in the industrial sector becomes digitalized, the risk of cyberattacks also grows [44]. This requires more investment in cybersecurity in order to keep up with the industry goals.


4. Opportunities for cybersecurity in Industry 5.0

The collaboration between humans-machines and machines-robots, as well as any other component of the system, demands specific care. The literature includes attempts to develop frameworks for analyzing human-robot interaction. Berx et al. [45] identifies five human-robot collaboration areas for evaluation: robot morphology, physical ergonomics, usability, workload, and trust. Wei et al. [46] provide a methodology that employs plan recognition to improve collaboration efficiency and trajectory prediction to avoid potential collisions.

Despite the issues it presents, Industry 5.0 offers enterprises chances to improve their cybersecurity. For example, AI and machine learning technology can assist a company in identifying and mitigating cyber risks. Similarly, blockchain technology enables the exchange and storage of sensitive information on a secure, unhackable network. These technologies can help businesses strengthen their cybersecurity defenses and protect their assets from cyberattacks.

Industry 5.0, with the help of technologies such as collaborative robots, puts people back at the centre of industrial production, giving employees roles that are more meaningful than it has been in past years while also providing consumers with the products they want today. New work opportunities include programming, planning, organizing, training, and maintenance. Expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science is clearly advantageous for future employment. When new technologies are introduced, there is a legitimate concern that jobs may be lost because, in some situations, machines or robots are now replacing human labour.

On the other hand, several newly generated occupations make it possible to implement the automatization process referred to above. Businesses require people who can adapt to change and transition from technology to solutions and from solutions to operations, which necessitates a diverse skill, set to flourish in an increasingly competitive market. New user-facing technologies, such as wearables and augmented reality (AR), are required to overcome the skills gap by improving human performance and increasing staff effectiveness and efficiency through live support.

Lean leadership, or the idea of involving everyone from shop floor workers to managers in process improvement, is strongly related to the human-centric approach [47]. Lean, as a set of corporate management tools, can help with product creation, production management, and supplier and customer relationships. According to a study by Veile et al. [48], Industry 4.0-specific new technologies enable lean management, which promotes sustainable organizations. Several successful organizations throughout the world have proved that lean management is more than simply a theoretical notion; it is also applicable in real-life scenarios. Toyota’s production technique is a prime example of a successful business model. They invest vast amounts of money and work to develop their own lean, profitable manufacturing methods.

Numerous studies were undertaken to define the frameworks and lean tools that businesses need. By developing and implementing such a continuous improvement programme, production losses can be significantly reduced, and the company may become more competitive in the marketplace. Research has shown that each of the three facilitators has considerable subdomains. The ones that are most noteworthy are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

The key enablers to move towards new paradigms: people, organization, and technology.


5. Review of key enablers in practical context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0

Numerous insightful research about the new technologies associated with Industry 4.0, their introduction, and their advantages are currently available [49]. A good understanding of how Industry 4.0 affects business models and organizations is sought by the research that has arisen from the literature [50]. It is noted that little attention has been paid to the function of people in the factory of the future, suitable organizational structures, methods for generating value over the long run, and the effects on society [51]. Long-term progress depends on these interconnected factors pertaining to people, technology, employment, and sustainability-related concerns.

The results of the literature review on Industry 4.0 in terms of people, organizations, and technology are summarized in Figure 4. Each enabler’s research topic was determined, and a distribution of them was shown. The primary research objectives of the examined publications were determined in relation to the three Industry 5.0 drivers of resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity.

Figure 4.

Summary of industry evolution.

A change in the goals of the research is the most intriguing detail. In Industry 4.0, sustainability was a primary research goal; however, in Industry 5.0, human-centricity takes centre stage. As was previously said, Industry 4.0’s primary detractor was its absence of a human viewpoint [52]. The growth of ethical research, including a sizable portion of studies on ethical technology and business, is another intriguing fact. It is also related to Industry 5.0’s sustainability and human-centricity.


6. Conclusion

Security mechanisms that provide services like authenticity, access control, secrecy, non-repudiation, and integrity are part of the architecture of traditional cyber security in Industry 5.0. Thus, it is essential to have these safeguards in place to stop attacks and intrusions into a specific machine or network. On the other hand, attacks that are described as being extremely fast, highly clever, voluminous, persistent, and constantly changing are a problem in the current sectors where the Internet is taking over in a broad way. Thus, the burden of implementing numerous preventive measures will rise if a cyber threat possesses such qualities. Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 are the defining characteristics of nearly every activity individuals engage in today, including cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, cognitive computing, and system automation [53]. In addition, Industry 5.0 is defined by the simultaneous and unparalleled advancement of robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, wearable technology, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, and additive manufacturing into the digital sphere. The growth of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 has been critical, but it has also resulted in several operational concerns that affect digital supply networks and connected smart sectors.

Cybersecurity will be the main area of worry because of the associations in these businesses that drive operations and set the pace for digital progress. This is because, should a cyberattack occur, its repercussions could be so severe that the industrial value chain would not be prepared for such risks and thus be unable to promptly remedy the problem. Thus, it is essential to manage the cyber risks in this era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 with well-developed cyber security strategies that must be watchful, safe, and persistent with complete integration into the organizational and IT strategies. In recognition of this reason, most industries that have digitized their operations have made security and safety, when using the Internet and other digital technologies, their top concerns. This is due to the relationship between cyber security and usability, which highlights the necessity for a secure platform to prevent some of the current cyber risks from affecting an industry’s goals and operations.

Industry 5.0 prioritizes cybersecurity because organizations are more vulnerable to cyberattacks as their reliance on digital technologies grows. Businesses should build effective plans to protect their resources and ensure the smooth operation of their operations by understanding the unique cybersecurity opportunities and challenges brought about by Industry 5.0. In the era of Industry 5.0, enterprises may strengthen their cybersecurity defenses and stay ahead of cyber threats by applying best practices and investing in robust cybersecurity solutions.


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Written By

Michael Moeti

Submitted: 23 March 2024 Reviewed: 05 April 2024 Published: 21 May 2024