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Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Pulmonary and Intrapulmonary Arteriovenous Anastomoses Blood Flow

Written By

Rosalba Vanni

Submitted: 10 August 2023 Reviewed: 15 November 2023 Published: 08 April 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113952

Hemodynamics of Human Body IntechOpen
Hemodynamics of Human Body Edited by Anil Tombak

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Hemodynamics of Human Body [Working Title]

Prof. Anil Tombak

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Blood flow quantification through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (IPAVA) is vital because IPAVA blood flow (QIPAVA) prevents gas exchange and can provide a pathway for emboli to bypass the pulmonary microcirculation and provoke myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or stroke. Some current techniques allow only an approximate estimate and present technical evaluation difficulties that can compromise the result. To overcome the limitations and obtain an accurate detection of QIPAVA, it is necessary to isolate the fundamental parameters of gas exchange associated with chemical-physical laws that regulate them and develop a specific algebraic model. Therefore, literal equations were elaborated and some experimental data, obtained through noninvasive and easy-to-use methods, were entered. These equations quantified the pulmonary blood flow that permits gas exchange and the one that does not (QIPAVA or generally shunt). Because they are accurate and based on the law of conservation of mass, the use of these equations will allow a general advance in understanding the consequences of QIPAVA on physiological and pathophysiological processes.


  • pulmonary circulation
  • pulmonary blood flow
  • cardiac output measurement
  • intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses
  • shunt
  • hypoxia
  • pulmonary vasoconstriction
  • exercise

1. Introduction

The pulmonary circulation supports the entire cardiac output (Qt) with high flow maintained at low intravascular pulmonary arterial pressure [1]. Additionally, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is low in healthy adult lungs, enabling delivery of full cardiac output by the thin-walled right heart with relatively low right ventricular pressure compared to the left ventricular pressure generated by the thick-walled left heart that is required to overcome systemic pressures [2]. This is because the lungs have an inherent protective mechanism against high PVR through the recruitment of capillaries and, to a lesser extent, the distension of the elastic vessels present in the circuit [2, 3]. In fact, under conditions of rest, most of the capillary bed is not recruited [2, 4]; and during exercise, in healthy subjects, when the cardiac output increases up to six times, the pulmonary artery pressure increases only moderately [2, 5].

However, the pulmonary vasculature is a dynamic system that responds rapidly to vasoactive mediators [2]. For example, vasoconstriction due to smooth muscle contraction is caused by hypoxia [1, 6, 7, 8] and circulating vasoconstrictive mediators [2]. Given this significant vasoreactivity, it is important to verify the distribution of pulmonary blood flow within the lung with respect to a given cardiac output because it is only the blood that passes through the pulmonary microcirculatory area that determines the real gas exchange through the pulmonary epithelial tissue and the blood, which does not cross it, passes through alternative routes that do not allow gas exchange.

“Physiologically, pulmonary arteriovenous shunting is commonly defined as the passage of blood through the lungs without taking part in gas exchange” (Genovesi, et al.) [9]. There are two types of shunts, namely, extrapulmonary and intrapulmonary shunts. They are normally present in cardiorespiratory diseases.

Thus, cardiac and pulmonary blood flow that passes through a patent foramen ovale and/or large-diameter pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs), which act as a right-to-left shunt in the lungs, are considered shunts.

Another possible route for pulmonary blood flow is through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (IPAVA), whose presence is also in healthy humans. IPAVA in healthy lungs is indisputable [10] and has been known to exist in human lungs for over 60 years [10], but there is an ongoing dispute over their functional role and relevance.

In particular, in healthy subjects, IPAVA are typically closed or poorly perfused under resting conditions but can open during moderate- to high-intensity exercise in normoxia [10, 11, 12]. In hypoxia, these pathways are perfused under resting conditions depending on the severity of hypoxemia [13, 14], and there is greater blood flow through these pathways with exercise and hypoxia [10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Therefore, IPAVA are dynamic pulmonary pathways through which blood flows, and that fraction of pulmonary blood flow is variably present depending on the conditions to which the subjects are exposed.

Approximately 30% of healthy, young, asymptomatic subjects have IPAVA open at rest in normoxia; but breathing 100% O2 and assuming an upright body position, blood flow through IPAVA persists in only 5% of these subjects [19].

IPAVA open in almost all healthy subjects, in normoxia during moderate- and high-intensity exercise [11, 12], and in hypoxia are already perfused at rest [13] and have even greater perfusion with exercise [12].

The transient patency of these IPAVA [14, 20] appears to safeguard small capillaries when there are high flows and pressures in the pulmonary artery, especially at high-intensity exercise and under hypoxia [11, 12].

On the other hand, IPAVA may pose a health risk, as they are a potential route for thrombi and other particles to bypass the sieve of the pulmonary capillary network and embolize the systemic arterial circulation [14]. In fact, “if an embolus were to flow through an IPAVA it could end up in the heart or brain and result in myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or stroke” [10].

Consequentially, it is important to accurately quantify the pulmonary blood flow that exchanges gas with respect to the total cardiac output and the blood flow related to the shunts, which not only prevent gas exchange but can also allow the emboli to bypass the pulmonary microcirculation and cause serious complications [10].

IPAVA, in healthy subjects, have a large diameter, that is, >50 μm [21], and as already highlighted, have a dynamic regulation. They can bypass the pulmonary capillary circulation, and the blood flow flowing in them goes directly to the left side of the heart.

Currently, IPAVA are approximately estimated with echocardiographic methods (transthoracic saline contrast echocardiography [TTSCE]) [10, 11, 12, 15] and with technetium-99 m-labeled macroaggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA) [10, 16, 17, 22]. However, both techniques have important limitations [18], but they made it possible to detect blood flow through IPAVA in healthy humans in normoxia during exercise [11, 14] and, at rest and during exercise, in hypoxia [12, 13]. Furthermore, the simultaneous use of the two techniques, TTSCE and 99mTc-MAA, led to consistent data [18].

While the measurement of cardiac output is currently carried out through various methods, such as indicator dilution techniques, the Fick method, arterial pulse contour analysis, ultrasound, and bioimpedance [23], and specifically during exercise, cardiac output can be measured by open-circuit acetylene uptake [24, 25].

Therefore, for the reasons listed above, it is necessary to develop a specific algebraic-analytical model to precisely quantify the actual pulmonary blood flow and shunt blood flow. This mathematical model must be a perfect representation of the real system, to overcome all technical problems and provide, in each subject, a precise quantification of blood flow through the pulmonary microcirculatory area that determines the real gas exchange (Qp), even without knowing the measure of cardiac output (Qt) and intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses blood flow (QIPAVA).

To elaborate the mathematical model, first, the fundamental parameters of gas exchange were identified. Then, the main chemical-physical laws involved were enucleated, and the theory was interpreted by formulating several literal equations.

In particular, to apply the law of conservation of mass, it was first necessary to precisely identify the masses leaving the blood of the pulmonary microcirculation during expiration and to equate them with the exhaled CO2 mass. Therefore, the two forms of CO2 circulating in the blood have been identified, namely, CO2 dissolved and bicarbonate (HCO3).

Subsequently, to validate the mathematical model, the experimental data available in the relevant literature [25] were entered into the equations. The human physiological data in this experiment [25] included blood gas data, metabolic data, and noninvasive measures of cardiac output (open-circuit acetylene uptake) from healthy young men.

I chose Jonk’s work [25] because the measured parameters, required by the equations, in his experiment had the characteristic of having been detected simultaneously, and Jonk’s experimental model faithfully reproduces the structure of the equations, namely, what is lost between venous and arterial blood and, at the same time, what is found in exhaled VCO2 (conservation of mass).

Since only data from healthy subjects were analyzed in this study, the considered shunts are intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (IPAVA).


2. Methods and materials

2.1 Modeling method: introductory note to the equations

The measured physiological parameters taken into consideration in this study, that are involved in respiratory gas exchanges, are HCO3, PCO2, (two blood parameters), VCO2, and cardiac output (Qt).

It is necessary to consider the HCO3 concentration to quantify the total CO2 content in blood as bicarbonate is transformed into CO2 because of the reaction—CO2 + H2O ↔ H+ + HCO3— catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase present in as many as 16 different isoforms [26] in various organ systems, including the lungs.

The formulation phase started with the use of Lavoisier’s Law on Conservation of Mass. This law states that “nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed”; thus, by this law, VCO2 must represent the mass that is lost each minute in terms of PCO2 and HCO3 (the other form of CO2) between venous and arterial blood through the lungs.

Because VCO2 is expressed in L/min, PCO2 is expressed in mmHg, [HCO3] is expressed in mmol/L, and Qt in L/min, to perform the calculation, it is necessary to align all the dimensions and the units of physical quantities of all parameters involved, thus ensuring, through dimensional analysis, the same dimensions (dimensional homogeneity) when equality is established in the equations.

Therefore, new physiological parameters that were symbolized with the Greek letters Φ (uppercase phi) and ϕ (lowercase phi) were defined, and several equations were formulated.

In particular, the letter Φ defines the total molar flow rate of CO2, whereas ϕ better defines the partial flow components, which constitute the total molar flow rate of CO2.


ΦCO2e = total molar flow rate per minute of expired CO2 (measured with a metabolic cart), which is expressed in units of mmolmin and calculated as follows:


where VCO2=mLCO2min and VmCO2= 22.26 mL/mmol.

VmCO2 = molar volume at STP (volume occupied by a mole of CO2 to Standard To and P).

VmCO2 = 22.26 L/mol. If we refer to 1 millimole, it occupies 22.26 mL and its dimensions are mL/mmol.

ΦCO2Qt = total molar flow rate per minute of CO2 left by pulmonary blood in the form of CO2 and HCO3 (measured with a blood gas analyzer), calculated using the measure of cardiac output (Qt). It is expressed in mmolmin and consists of two components, as given below:



  1. ϕCO2Qt= molar flow rate of only CO2 left by pulmonary blood, calculated using Qt. It is expressed in mmolmin.

  2. ϕHCO3Qt= molar flow rate of only HCO3 left by pulmonary blood, calculated using Qt and expressed in mmolmin.

2.2 Calculation ofΦCO2Qt


where CO2va refers to the difference in concentration of CO2 dissolved in venous and arterial blood, and HCO3va refers to the difference in concentration of HCO3 present in venous and arterial blood.

Proof of Eq. (3).

From the law of conservation of mass (Antoine Lavoisier), we must hypothesize that the CO2 exhaled per minute must be exactly equal to the CO2content lost per minute between venous and arterial blood, that is,


However, to obtain ΦCO2Qt we need to use Eq. (2).

To obtain ϕCO2Qt,


PCO2v = pressure of CO2 in venous blood, expressed in mmHg.

PCO2a = pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood, expressed in mmHg.

K = solubility constant of CO2. At 37°C in plasma, with a value of 0.03 mmol/L · mmHg.

Qt = cardiac output expressed in Lmin.

The component relating to PCO2vPCO2aK=CO2va represents the concentration gradient of CO2 eliminated through expiration between the venous and arterial blood (application of Henry’s law). When the concentration gradient CO2va, expressed in mmolL, is multiplied by Qt expressed in Lmin, we obtain ϕCO2Qt= mmolCO2min.

This flow corresponds to the portion of CO2 removed as such from the blood, between venous and arterial blood, during exhalation.

To obtain ϕHCO3Qt,


HCO3v = concentration of HCO3 in venous blood, expressed in mmolL,

HCO3a = concentration of HCO3 in the arterial blood, expressed in mmolL,

The concentration gradient of bicarbonate between venous and arterial blood, HCO3va, multiplied by Qt, expressed inLmin, yields ϕHCO3Qt=mmolHCO3min.

This flow corresponds to the portion of HCO3 removed from the blood, between venous and arterial blood, during exhalation.

Therefore, the complete equation is as follows:


reworkable in Eq. (3), namely, ΦCO2Qt=CO2va+HCO3vaxQt. ΦCO2Qt, according to Lavoisier’s law, must be equal to ΦCO2e, but if the required experimental data [25] are entered into Eq. (3), we obtain an inequation, namely, ΦCO2Qt>ΦCO2e.

This is because the cardiac output (Qt) is greater than the actual pulmonary blood flow that exchanges with the outside.

In fact, to verify if the blood flow, related to the pulmonary microcirculation, which is the real flow of blood that exchanges with the outside, coincides with the cardiac output, it will be necessary to verify if there is a difference between the flow of CO2 leaving the blood, calculated with the cardiac output, ΦCO2Qt and the measured flow of the exhaled CO2, ΦCO2e, as described below:


If the difference between the two flows, ΦCO2, is equal to zero, then the pulmonary blood flow, related to pulmonary microcirculation (Qp) is equal to the cardiac output (Qt).

If ΦCO2>0, then it is necessary to calculate the pulmonary blood flow (Qp), introducing the parameter ΦCO2Qp.

2.3 Calculation ofΦCO2Qp

If we substitute the value of Qp in Eq. (3) instead of the Qt value, we obtain


2.4 Identity betweenΦCO2QpandΦCO2e

To calculate the pulmonary blood flow in pulmonary microcirculation (Qp), it will be necessary to equate ΦCO2QptoΦCO2e (application of the conservation of mass) as follows:


where Qp is unknown.

2.5 Calculation of Qp

Qp can be derived from Eq. (10) by reworking it as follows:


Qp = pulmonary blood flow in pulmonary microcirculation, expressed in L/min

2.6 Calculation of QIPAVA

If Qp is lower than Qt, it means that a part of the cardiac output does not pass through the pulmonary microcirculation, and therefore the difference between cardiac output (Qt) and the pulmonary blood flow in pulmonary microcirculation (Qp) identifies and quantifies, in L/min, the blood flow passing through a shunt (referred to as QIPAVA for this study).

To calculate the blood flow in QIPAVA, the following operation will need to be performed:


QIPAVA is expressed in L/min.

Proof of Eq. (12)

Pulmonary perfusion (Q) is the blood flow, expressed in L/min, through the pulmonary circulation and corresponds to the blood flow of cardiac output (Qt), that is,


However, not always all pulmonary perfusion, determined by cardiac output, exchanges gas with the outside, and therefore pulmonary perfusion, (Q), consists of two flows:

  • The pulmonary blood flow that exchanges gas with the outside, namely, Qp.

  • The pulmonary blood flow that does not take part in gas exchange, that is, QIPAVA.



reworkable in Eq. (12).

2.7 Evidence that QIPAVA negatively affects gas exchange efficiency


Proof of Eq. (15)

Dividing both sides of Eq. (12), namely, QIPAVA=QtQp, by Qt, we obtain


and, taking into account that


by substituting for a QpQt the ratio ΦCO2eΦCO2Qt, we obtain Eq. (15)

Eq. (15) represents the direct evidence that QIPAVA affects the pulmonary gas exchange efficiency with its negative contribution. If we multiply the QIPAVAQt ratio by 100 (expressing it as a percentage), we obtain the percentage of IPAVA blood flow (QIPAVA) with respect to cardiac output (Qt):


Please note that Eq. (12) abd Eq. (15) are valid for healthy subjects, because in the presence of cardiopulmonary pathologies such as intracardiac shunt (atrial septal defect or PFO-patent foramen ovale) and large diameter pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, the blood flow, which does not exchange with the external environment, can take different routes than IPAVA.

However, since IPAVA are dynamic pathways, whose opening is inducible by hypoxemia, several clinical conditions that cause embolic insults in subjects with diseases associated with concomitant arterial hypoxemic conditions can be explained through the opening of IPAVA at rest [10, 14]. Therefore, Eq. (12) and Eq. (15) are also valid for these subjects in these particular clinical conditions.

2.8 Two more ways to calculate Qp

It is possible to calculate Qp also using the measurement of cardiac output (Qt) in the following ways:


Note: Eq. (11), Eq. (19), and Eq. (20) equations to calculate Qp always lead to the same result.

2.9 Application of experimental data on equations

Some experimental data presented in a prior work [25] were input into the equations because the parameters required by the equations in this experiment had the characteristic of having been detected simultaneously (namely, venous and arterial PCO2, venous and arterial bicarbonate concentration, Qt and VCO2).

In fact, this experimental model faithfully reproduces the structure of the equations that represent what is lost between venous and arterial blood and, at the same time, what is found in exhaled VCO2.

The experimental data refer to the following physiological parameters: VCO2,Qt,HCO3v,HCO3a,PCO2v,andPCO2a, measured in different physiological conditions to which the subjects were subjected: *normoxia–placebo, **hypoxia –placebo, in conditions of rest and, during steady state, at moderate (50% of VO2max) and heavy exercise (≥ 90% of VO2max).

Note: In Jonk’s experiment [25], placebo refers to the experimental condition without acetazolamide.

*normoxia FIO2 = 0.2093

**hypoxia FIO2 = 0.125

2.10 Instruments and methods of measurement in the experiment

Qt was measured at rest and, during steady state, at 50% and ≥ 90% of VO2max using the noninvasive open-circuit acetylene uptake method [24, 25].

Blood gas was analyzed by a Blood Gas Analyzer (IL Synthesis 45 analyzer).

VCO2 was measured with a TrueOne 2400 Parvo Medics Metabolic Cart.

Venous blood was drawn through a catheter placed in the left femoral vein pointing distally. Arterial blood was drawn through a catheter placed in the radial artery of the nondominant arm.

The measured arterial and femoral venous data, PO2,PCO2, and pH, were all corrected to body temperature, together with Hb, Hct, and standard P50 (see calculation of in vivo P50).

The corrected blood data are presented in [25].

The Jonk’s study “was approved by the Human Research Protection Program at the University of California, San Diego, and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Each subject was informed of potential risks and discomforts and signed an informed consent prior to participation. A self-reporting medical history was obtained that was followed up by a physical examination (which included three-lead electrocardiogram, spirometry, and venous blood draw for haemoglobin and haematocrit assessment) to exclude participants with evidence of cardiac, pulmonary and haematological abnormalities” [25].


3. Results

3.1 Introductory note

The application of the mathematical model started from the input of some experimental data [25] into Eq. (3) to obtain ΦCO2Qt. The input data were related to five parameters:

  • Qt(measured using the noninvasive open-circuit acetylene uptake method),

  • HCO3v,HCO3a,PCO2v,PCO2a (measured with blood gas analyzer).

VCO2 (measured with metabolic cart) was transformed into ΦCO2e, as described in Eq. (1).

These experimental data [25] were obtained from subjects subjected to three different physiological conditions (at rest, moderate exercise, and heavy exercise) in normoxia-placebo and hypoxia-placebo conditions.

3.2 Comparison between ΦCO2e and ΦCO2Qt

The results of the experimental data elaboration are shown in Figure 1, where the two flows, ΦCO2e and ΦCO2Qt, are observed to be quite similar but not identical, as indicated by the law on mass conservation. This is because the cardiac output (Qt) is an excessive multiplication factor (see Eq. (3)) for obtaining a flow ΦCO2Qt identical to the expired CO2 (ΦCO2e). Therefore, ΦCO2Qtis always greater than ΦCO2e, except in two cases (normoxia-placebo/rest and hypoxia-placebo/moderate) in which ΦCO2Qtis less than its respective ΦCO2e. This is an impossible situation because of the underestimated cardiac output (Qt) value during the measurement.

Figure 1.

Comparison between ΦCO2e and ΦCO2Qt in different conditions. ΦCO2e and ΦCO2Qt are quite similar, but ΦCO2Qtis always greater than ΦCO2e. Only in normoxia-placebo/rest and hypoxia-placebo/moderate was ΦCO2Qt less than ΦCO2e because the Qt measurement was underestimated.

3.3 Calculation of pulmonary flow of blood (Qp)

Analyzing the data presented in Figure 1, in order for the two flows to be equal and to respect the law on the conservation of mass, it is necessary to calculate Qp.

Qp was calculated with Eq. (11) (also Eq. (19) and Eq. (20) lead to the same result) for each physiological condition (rest, moderate exercise, heavy exercise) both in normoxia and in hypoxia states. Then, by entering the calculated values of Qp into Eq. (9), instead of the measured Qt values, as required by Eq. (3), we obtain the values of ΦCO2Qpthat coincide with the values of ΦCO2e. By mathematically relating the two total flows, ΦCO2Qp and ΦCO2e, we obtain an identity function (n = 6, y = x, R2 = 1), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

ΦCO2e in relation to ΦCO2Qp, calculated with Qp values, is an identity function.

3.4 Cardiac output (Qt) compared to pulmonary blood flow (Qp)

Figure 3A, B show the behavior of Qp, with respect to its own measured Qt, under the various conditions (normoxia-placebo and hypoxia-placebo) and physiological states (rest, moderate and heavy exercise) examined. We can notice that Qt was always greater than Qp, except in two conditions because of the underestimated Qt and marked with the red arrow.

Figure 3.

Cardiac output (Qt) compared to calculated pulmonary blood flow (Qp) in normoxia-placebo (A) and hypoxia-placebo (B) under different physiological conditions (rest, moderate, and heavy exercise). (A) In normoxia, Qt > Qp under all physiological conditions, except in the rest-placebo (reported with the arrow) because of the underestimated Qt. (B) In hypoxia Qt > Qp in all the physiological conditions, except in moderate-placebo (reported with the arrow) because of the underestimated Qt, but at high intensity of exercise Qt » Qp.

Although Qp is less than its own Qt, it is only minimally reduced under normoxia-placebo, whereas the reductions are very evident, especially under hypoxia-placebo, at heavy exercise.

In fact, in Figure 3A (normoxia-placebo), we can see that Qp decreased slightly, reaching its maximum decrease during normoxia under heavy exercise (97.56% of Qt).

In contrast, in Figure 3B (hypoxia-placebo), we can see that during heavy exercise, Qp was considerably reduced (85.25% of Qt), while at rest-hypoxia, the reduction in Qp was limited (93.51% of Qt).

3.5 Cardiac output (Qt), pulmonary blood flow (Qp), and QIPAVA during heavy exercise in normoxia and hypoxia

Where Qt was greater than Qp, it was possible to calculate the shunt flow (QIPAVA) with Eq. (12).

Figure 4 shows, in placebo, the effect of hypoxia on Qt, Qp, and QIPAVA, compared to normoxia. A single physiological condition was examined, that of heavy exercise (≥ 90% of VO2max), because at rest (in normoxia), and at moderate exercise (in hypoxia), the two values of Qt, being underestimated, did not allow an investigation.

Figure 4.

Comparison of Qt, Qp, and QIPAVA in normoxia and hypoxia during heavy exercise (≥ 90% of VO2max) in placebo. In normoxia, Qp represents 97.56% of Qt, and QIPAVA represents 2.44% of Qt; whereas in hypoxia, Qp represents 85.25% of Qt, and QIPAVA represents 14.75% of Qt, equal to 3.48 L/min.

The results showed that under heavy exercise, hypoxia considerably reduced Qp (85.25%) compared to its own Qt, and QIPAVA increased up to 14.75% of Qt, equal to 3.48 L/min; whereas in normoxia,Qp decreased only slightly (97.56% of Qt), and QIPAVA represented 2.44% of Qt, equal to 0.58 L/min.

3.6 Relationship between QIPAVAQt and 1ΦCO2eΦCO2Qt (Eq. (15))

Applying Eq. (15) to the experimental data, we notice that it is an identity function. Unfortunately, two physiological conditions (normoxia-placebo/rest and hypoxia-placebo/moderate) were excluded from the data processing, as the measured value of Qt was underestimated. This identity relationship is the direct demonstration that the percentage of QIPAVA affects pulmonary gas exchange efficiency with its negative contribution (see Figure 5).

Figure 5.

The relation between 1-ΦCO2eΦCO2Qt and QIPAVAQt (expressed as a percentage) is an identity function (n = 4, y = x, R2 = 1). Two physiological conditions (normoxia-placebo/rest and hypoxia-placebo/moderate) were excluded from the data processing, as the measured value of Qt was underestimated. This relationship is the direct demonstration that the percentage of QIPAVA affects its negative contribution to pulmonary gas exchange efficiency.


4. Discussion

In healthy humans, pulmonary blood flow Qp is currently thought to support the entire cardiac output (Qt), and both are considered identical [24]; when Qt is measured, this measure is also referred to as Qp.

According to the results of this study, instead, it is necessary to identify cardiac output only with pulmonary perfusion (Q) and not with Qp. In fact, from the results obtained by applying Eq. (3) to experimental data [25], in which Qt is used as a multiplicative factor, ΦCO2Qt is always greater than ΦCO2e, which is the real flow of CO2exhaled from the lungs (see Figure 1). This result is because of the Qt value, which is greater than Qp (see Figure 3).

However, this is an impossible situation because, according to the law on mass conservation, the CO2 flow left by pulmonary blood must be identical to expired CO2. Therefore, we can deduce that if we use the measure of Qt as a parameter to assess Qp, we carry out a relatively high overestimation of it.

In contrast, if we calculate Qp with Eq. (11), we obtain ΦCO2Qp as identical to ΦCO2e (see Figure 2). Therefore, only using Qp, the law of the conservation of mass can be satisfied for the excretion of CO2 from human lungs, and all the CO2 content that is lost between venous and arterial blood in terms of HCO3 and CO2, multiplied by Qp, can be found in the expired VCO2.

Furthermore, using Eq. (11) for calculating Qp made it possible to immediately identify errors in the measurement of cardiac output (see the two conditions mentioned in Figures 1 and 3); and this aspect is relevant, as the measurements of Qt are sometimes incorrect, but there is no awareness of it.

4.1 Definition of pulmonary blood flow (Qp)

From this study, we can define pulmonary blood flow (Qp) as the actual blood flow, expressed in liters, which passes through the pulmonary microcirculatory area each minute and allows the effective exchange of respiratory gases through the pulmonary epithelium. Therefore, it cannot be quantified with the cardiac output value because, although minimal, there may be a quantitative difference between cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow (Qp).

Cardiac output (Qt) is exactly identical to the pulmonary blood flow (Qp) only when all the blood flow starting from the right ventricle of the heart passes through the pulmonary microcirculation area; and consequently, the CO2 flow leaving the pulmonary blood, consisting of bicarbonate and CO2 flows (measured with a blood gas analyzer), is identical to the CO2 flow exhaled, measured externally with a metabolic cart. This can happen in healthy subjects when IPAVA are closed, at rest, and when there are no malformations, such as patent foramen ovale and/or large diameter pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs).

Consequently, with the equation that calculates Qp, we can evaluate the pulmonary blood flow, which represents the pulmonary perfusion (Q) net of shunt. In fact, the part of pulmonary perfusion, represented by shunt, is not able to eliminate CO2 towards the external environment; therefore, the component of CO2 present in shunt is not present in the VCO2 measured with the metabolic cart.

4.2 Pulmonary flow of blood (Qp) and vasoreactivity

Qp is extremely variable because the pulmonary vasculature is a dynamic system that responds rapidly to vasoactive mediators [2]. In this study, it varies compared to its Qt (see Figure 3) according to the physiological state in which the subjects are (rest, moderate, or heavy exercise) and the conditions to which they are subjected (normoxia, hypoxia); but to ascertain whether there is a reduction (a loss of efficiency) in pulmonary flow with respect to cardiac output, it is necessary to refer to the QpQt ratio.

The QpQt ratio represents the efficiency of pulmonary blood flow with respect to cardiac output and should be correlated with pulmonary arteriolar resistance. The more Qp is less than Qt, the greater the resistance offered by the vessels and the lower the efficiency of pulmonary flow with respect to cardiac output. Therefore, the use of the measure of Qtto quantify Qp, besides being inaccurate, does not allow the real evaluation of loss of efficiency of pulmonary blood flow especially when the subjects are in different physiological states and/or changed environmental conditions (e.g., at rest, in exercise, in normoxia, in hypoxia) or in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Particularly, if the subjects were in normoxia-placebo, Qp decreased slightly compared to its Qt (see Figure 3A) in the different physiological states, reaching the maximum reduction with heavy exercise (97.56%). Therefore, in healthy subjects under normal conditions (normoxia), we verified that the value of Qp was very close to that of Qt. The physiological mechanisms underlying these results are well described by various authors [2, 3, 5] when they state that the lungs react to the increase in cardiac output during exercise, with an in-built protective mechanism against the increase in pulmonary vascular resistance through the recruitment of capillaries and the distension of the elastic vessels present in the circuit.

In contrast, the effect of hypoxia alone significantly reduced Qp (85.25% under heavy exercise) compared to its own Qt (Figures 3B and 4). This is caused by hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, which intervenes in hypoxia, as already observed by several authors [1, 6, 7, 8]. Pulmonary vasoconstriction increases the resistance of the pulmonary arterioles, and consequently, we observed a decrease in Qp.

4.3 IPAVA blood flow (QIPAVA)

With Eq. (12), it was possible to quantify QIPAVA with a simple, precise method and easy to perform.

Since the pulmonary blood flow Qp represents the only portion that exchanges with the external environment, when the cardiac output is greater than Qp, the part of the flow that does not exchange CO2 with the external environment, namely, QIPAVA, is that one which flows through the vessels referable to intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses (IPAVA).

With Eq. (15), it was possible to verify that QIPAVA prevents gas exchange and affects with its negative contribution to the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange (see Figure 5).

Therefore, as verified by various authors through the TTSCE and 99mTc-MAA techniques mentioned above [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], in this study, the presence of QIPAVA was confirmed in healthy humans in conditions of both normoxia (during exercise) and hypoxia (at rest and during exercise). Unfortunately, as already pointed out, in normoxia at rest, the Qt measure was underestimated; therefore, it was not possible to verify, in this study, if IPAVA were open during this condition, although it should be emphasized that various authors [13, 14] have verified that in healthy humans, in normoxia at rest, IPAVA are closed, but only in the vast majority of cases and not in all subjects [19]. In normoxia, during exercise at 50% VO2max, instead, we could see a QIPAVA of 1.56% of Qt; whereas at high intensity ≥90% of VO2max, we quantified a QIPAVA of 2.44% of Qt, equal to QIPAVA of 0.58 L/min.

Under normoxia, during exercise, QIPAVA was rather limited; under hypoxia, especially during heavy exercise, the QIPAVA was very high. In fact, we calculated a QIPAVA of 3.48 L/min equal to a QIPAVA of 14.75% of Qt.

At rest-hypoxia, instead, QIPAVA increased up to 6.49% of Qt, equal to QIPAVA of 0.37 L/min, and these data are congruent with what has been verified by other authors [13, 14] with the abovementioned methods.

4.4 Limitations of the mathematical model

The model allows us to understand the path taken by the pulmonary blood flow (Qp), which exchanges CO2 with the outside, that is, the pulmonary microcirculatory area, and to quantify it with precision in L/min and/or in % of cardiac output.

Logically, the equations that measure Qp provide a precise measurement as a function of the entered data. Therefore, only the data, which reflect the true pulmonary venous and arterial blood concentrations of CO2 and bicarbonate, will provide a very accurate Qp value.

Regarding the pulmonary blood flow that runs through the shunt and therefore does not exchange CO2 with the outside, the model cannot discriminate whether the flow is going through intrapulmonary and/or extrapulmonary shunts but only succeeds in precisely quantifying the shunt in L/min and/or in % of cardiac output.

In this work, we refer only to IPAVA because they are present in healthy subjects, and the experimental data entered refer to these subjects.

To discriminate the pathways traveled by the blood in any cardiopulmonary malformation, this diagnostic method should be integrated with other diagnostic methods (e.g., TTSCE).


5. Conclusion

This mathematical model, being based on the law of conservation of mass, is made up of literal equations that represent the real system of gas exchange, providing an accurate measurement, in each subject, of pulmonary blood flow through the pulmonary microcirculatory area, Qp, and intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses blood flow, QIPAVA, (in general shunt), it being understood that the data entered into the equations reflect the real values present in the mixed venous blood of the pulmonary artery and in the arterial blood at the end of the pulmonary capillaries, as well as the measurement of cardiac output. Only in this way an accurate measurement of Qp and QIPAVA can be obtained.

The data entered into the equations were obtained through noninvasive and easy-to-use methods.

The use of these equations will allow a general advance in understanding the consequences of QIPAVA on physiological and pathophysiological processes. In fact, it will be useful in experimental research and hopefully applicable in the clinical setting especially in people with cardiorespiratory pathologies.

In particular, with a targeted study, it will be possible to better characterize the various pathologies, where the presence of respiratory and metabolic pathologies should cause a specific variation of Qp and QIPAVA, strictly depending on the type of disease.


Additional information

Parts of this chapter were previously published in a preprint by the same author: Vanni R. Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Pulmonary and Intrapulmonary Arteriovenous Anastomoses Blood Flow [Internet]. Research Square Platform LLC; 2023. Available from:


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Written By

Rosalba Vanni

Submitted: 10 August 2023 Reviewed: 15 November 2023 Published: 08 April 2024