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Compressibility of the Quark Stars in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

Written By

Mostafa Bousder

Reviewed: 15 November 2022 Published: 08 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109029

Redefining Standard Model Particle Physics IntechOpen
Redefining Standard Model Particle Physics Edited by Brian Albert Robson

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Redefining Standard Model Particle Physics [Working Title]

Prof. Brian Albert Robson

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To study the behavior of some of the quark stars (QSs) in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we develop analytically the equation of state (EoS). We show that the Gauss-Bonnet coupling affects the star compressibility. This last relates the radial pressure with the thermodynamic volume and analyzes their behavior through the quark stars. We have found that the TOV equation is well behaved as the van der Waals equation. We discuss the characteristics of the radial and tangential compressibility in the surface and inside the star. We have determined the thickness of the region that contains the quarks in the QS. We show that the quark fluid exists in the region between the Schwarzschild radius and the radius of stars. We study the stability under radial and tangential perturbations.


  • quark stars
  • Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
  • compressibility
  • Waals equation
  • mass-radius profiles

1. Introduction

A new class of compact stars called strange stars can exist if the strange matter hypothesis is true Refs. [1, 2]. There are three different kinds of compact stars [2]: white dwarfs, neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Even more intriguing is the existence of quark matter in an NS, which is the possible existence of a new, less conventional class of compact stars, the so-called strange stars or quark stars (QSs) [3]. In the original model, the compact stars consist of three fundamental quarks: up (u), down (d), and strange (s). The pulsar masses predicted through observations impose a strong constraint on the internal composition of the QS. The maximum mass-radius relation of the stars allows us to understand the nature of the matter inside these stars and to determine the limit conditions for the formation of the black hole. The creation of a quark star starts from an explosive transition called the quark-nova. At the highest densities, the ground state is a symmetric state in the superfluid of the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase [4]. The relationship between the pressure and density within the star can be found by a specific equation of state (EoS). Observations of NSs allow for a more fundamental understanding of nuclear physics. In order to consider the PSR J0348+0432 and MSP J0740 + 6620 as quark stars, the importance of isospin and quark mass effects at finite temperature were explored in [5]. The tidal deformability increases with the temperature, and we can describe the most massive compact star MSR J0740 + 6620 as quark star [6]. Some recent works have been done to study the anisotropic matter as spherical symmetry interior fluid, such as neutron stars [7] and boson stars [8]. Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation [9] plays a very important role in the description of the anisotropic matter in relativistic stars [10]. Moreover, the TOV formalism has been explored in Gauss-Bonnet gravity [11].

Recently, Glavan and Lin [12] introduced a general covariant modified theory of gravity in 4-spacetime dimensions, which propagates only the massless graviton and also bypasses Lovelock’s theorem [13]. Their intriguing idea was to multiply the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity term by the factor 1/D4 and take the limit D4, which offers a new four-dimensional gravitational theory with only two dynamical degrees of freedom. The four-dimensional symmetrical static and spherical black hole solution in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity were obtained [14], as well as solutions of a static and spherically symmetric compact stars [15, 16, 17]. Many researchers have studied the mass-radius profile and the maximum mass in EGB gravity [18, 19]. Consequently, it is possible to describe the matter inside compact objects and the dynamical evolution of the matter at high density and the behavior of violent events. The aim of this chapter is to explore a new analytical solution to the TOV equation describing a spherically symmetric static distribution of anisotropic fluid in the stars. We show that TOV is acting like the van der Waals equation of state. In this case, we determine the star compressibility and link it with all the parameters of this model. We apply our result to the compact stars PSR J1614-2230 and SAX J1808.4-3658 by considering the spherically symmetric line element.

The chapter is planned as follows: In Section 2, we briefly review the Gauss-Bonnet gravity in four dimensions in coupling with a scalar field. In Section 3, we study the spherically symmetric metric ansatz describing the interior of the star. In Section 4, we explore a new analytical solution to the TOV and discuss the relationship between compressibility factors and the EoS. In Section 5, we discuss the mass-radius profiles for the quark matter. In the same section, we discuss the relationship between the surface redshift and compressibility. In Section 6, we analyze the stability of the QS under radial and tangential perturbations. We conclude our findings in Section 7.

Mass is measured in solar mass units (M) with M=1,989×1030kg, radius in km, and energy density and pressure are in MeVfm3 with c=3×105km/s, G=6,6742.1017N. km2. kg2, kB=1.38×1023m2kgs2K1,MeV/fm3=1.7827×1015kg/m3.


2. Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

In this section, we explain in detail how to construct the equation of motion of the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We begin by reviewing the ansatz for the metric, matter, and scalar field. Consider now the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet (sGB) gravity in four dimensions [20]:


where Mp=1/κ=1.221×1019GeV is the reduced Planck mass, R is the Ricci scalar, Sm is the matter action, and fϕ is a functional coupling of the scalar field ϕ. In the above equation μν=0,1,2,3. We define the GB term as


The variation with respect to the field ϕ gives us the equation of motion for the scalaron field


where μμ and the effective potential is


Varying the action (1) over the metric gμν, we obtain the following equations of motion:


where the Einstein tensor is Gμν=Rμν12gμνR, the matter stress tensor is Tμν=2gδSmδgμν. On the other hand, the Kμν and Hμν are given by


The tensor Kμν represents an operator which acts on fϕ. The energy-momentum tensor for the scalar field is


To find Einstein’s limit, we can take Kμν+fϕHμν12gμνVeffϕ=12Tϕμν, this last equation is similar to the Einstein’s equation. The stress tensor for anisotropic compact star is given as


with energy density ρrc2ρr, transverse pressure Ptr, and radial pressure Pr of the homogeneously distributed quark matter, where uμ is the four-velocity of the fluid, and χμ is the unit space-like vector in the radial direction. The form the functional fϕ can take [21]


where γ is a constant, which corresponds to EGB gravity coupled with dilaton that arises as a low-energy limit of the string theory [22]. We suppose that in the exterior region of the QS, there is a presence of scalar fields ϕ. On the other hand, inside the QS is replaced by the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) coupling α. The GB coupling is measured in km2:


In the star interior, we have rescaled the coupling constant αα/D4, and in the QS surface, we choose fϕ=αD4. The negative (positive) α leads to a decrease (increase) of the quark star radius and the maximum mass [23]. If α<0, the solution is still the anti de Sitter (AdS) space; if α>0, the solution is the de Sitter (dS) space [24]. We investigate in detail the impact of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling on properties of anisotropic quark stars, such as mass, radius, and the factor of compactness. Considering the limit D4, it has an effect on gravitational dynamics in 4D. Additionally, the GB coupling must be continuous at the boundary r=R of the star: αeγϕ. Next, by studying the star surface, we show that the coupling α described the interior structure of the star. On the other hand, the function fϕ describes the star exterior region.


3. Interior of the quark stars

We consider non-rotating quark stars assuming an interacting EoS for strange matter phase and allowing anisotropy in the pressure. Here, we start by the metric of the four-dimensional spherically symmetric metric ansatz describing the interior of the star [3] by:


where dΩ2=dθ2+sin2θdφ2 is the metric on the unit two-dimensional sphere, τr and σr are functions of radial coordinate r. Next, we choose fϕ=α and Vϕ=2Λ0, where Λ is the cosmological constant, we find


The non-vanishing components for a static, spherically symmetric perfect-fluid star in EGB theory read:


To study the general structure of the solution, we substitute by


where mr is the mass contained in a sphere of radius r. Here, M=mR=0R4πr3ρdr is the total mass of the quark stars of the boundary r=R. We get the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation:


The thermal emission from the surface of the quark star is of key importance to determine its mass and its radius. Next, we show how quark matter appears in compact stars by studying MR relationship. The global behavior of MR only exists for models located well beyond the maximum of the mass, which are considered unstable. Next, we review the structure equations describing the QS interior solutions by studying the stellar mass M against the energy density


where M denotes the mass of the star, and (') represents d/dr. In the limit of vanishing GB coupling constant α0, we can only recover the GR branch.


The mass mGR vanishes for r=0. The mass function mr of the stars is increasing with r. The internal structure of the QS depends on the EoS used to describe its composition. We set υ=4πr33, and we propose that 16πGαm9υc2, Eq. (19) takes the following form


The left side of this equation is similar to that of the van der Waals equation. In the next section, we will study this last equation in the surface of the QS.


4. Fluid in the stars surface

The TOV equation can be solved analytically for a given EoS P=PV that relates the radial pressure with the thermodynamic volume V. We assume that the pressure is constant at the boundary r=R of the quark stars with a thickness δR. The new equation is obtained from Eq. (21) and the requirement that dP/dR=0:


where M denotes the mass of the star. We take V=4πR3/3. We propose that 16πGαM9Vc2, we get


This equation is analogous to the van der Waals equation of state, which is defined as a function of P. According to this equation, the GB coupling represents the average attraction between particles in the van der Waals fluid on the QS surface. The term Mc2 represents the internal energy of QS. Signature of the van der Waals like small-large charged AdS black hole phase transition in quasinormal modes [25]. This van der Waals equation provided for intermolecular interaction by adding to the observed pressure P in the equation of state the term Mc2/Vα8πGM2/3V2. We set P˜=P+Mc2V8πGαM23V2, V˜=V16πGαM9c2 and the temperature


where RS=2GM/c2 denotes the Schwarzschild radius of a compact object set by gravitational collapse to a black hole. We get the equation of state for an ideal gas P˜V˜=T. In Eq. (24) the temperature is not expressed in terms of GB coupling. In a stable fluid sphere, the equation of state parameters ωP/ρ should be positive. The pressure P and density ρ should be positive inside the stars and should satisfy the energy conditions ρ+P0 [26]. For this purpose, we write PtPRRS0. In other words, we have two cases: (i) As a result, the condition concerning the quark stars is when R>RS and Pt>P, (ii) When R=RS or Pt=P, the temperature of QS becomes zero. At this point, there is a transformation of QS toward the black hole, and (iii) The condition when R<RS and Pt<P, concerning the QS inside of the black hole. The radial and transverse compressibility factors are respectively:




For an ideal fluid, the compressibility factor becomes Z=1 (or Zt=1). The case of Z>1 describes the repulsion between the fluid particles and generates force in an outward direction (repulsive). In the case of Z<1, there is a strong attraction between these particles. For a given star temperature, the radial compressibility grows with increasing α. We discuss the behaved nature of the radial and transverse pressures PPt then compressibility factors ZZt of the stars: (i) SAX J1808.4-3658 with mass M=1.2M and radius R=7.5km. (ii) PSR J1614-2230 with mass M=1.97M and radius R=9.69km [26]. The pressure is to be computed out to that radial distance where Pr=R=cte [2]. Next using T=160MeV and 103MeV/fm3ρ+P1010MeV/fm3 for Eqs. (24) and (25).

  • For SAX J1808.4-3658 with mass M=1.2M and radius R=7.5km we have Z=8×α9.54×1081049 and ZtZ=3.28×1029ρ+P. Taking the value α1.192×108km2, the compressibility will be zero. For α108km2, we get Z>1. From [3, 23] we have 5km2α5km2, the GB coupling will not have a great effect on radial compressibility. We can obtain Z9.54×1057<1, which describes a strong interaction between the particles. This case corresponds exactly with the strong interaction between the quarks. The quarks in SAX J1808.4-3658 exist in the region RRS=3.98km.

  • For PSR J1614-2230 with mass M=1.97M and radius R=9.69km, we have Z=α1.56×1081050 and ZtZ=7.25×1029×ρ+P. If 5km2α5km2, the GB coupling will not have a great effect on the radial compressibility. The fluid of quarks in PSR J1614-2230 exists in the region RRS=3.89km. From Eqs. (24) and (26) we get


The above equation is similar to that of the ideal gas. In the limits Pt0 and P0, considering Eq. (27) we obtain respectively the components of radial and tangential pressure in the following forms: PV=ZkBT and PtV=ZtkBT. This result shows that the case PtP>0 indicates the inhomogeneity in pressures, which generates a repulsive force. The case PtP<0 indicates the native anisotropy and an attractive force. Eq. (25) takes the following simple form


where Rc=3GM2kBT and Rps=3GMc2 are the radii of the photon sphere for a Schwarzschild black hole. On the other hand, The tangential compressibility factor Zt does not depend on α, which shows that the GB term does not influence the tangential structure of QS. Hence, we see that the factor Zt does not vanish in the limit α0, and it affects the gravitational dynamics of the QS. Studying the impact of the GB coupling according to the QS compressibility. From Eq. (28) yields


where ZS and Zps are, respectively, the compressibility inside and outside of the star. Furthermore, one can also see that: (i) The radius Rc is the critical radius that determines the nature of the compressibility. (ii) The interior compressibility factor ZS depends on the coupling α, which shows that α describes the interior structure of the star. (iii) The exterior compressibility Zps does not depend on the coupling α, which corresponds to the proposition Eq. (11). The compressibility ZS vanishes for M=5.1×1041T. For M=1.5×1040T, there remains only the ZS, that is, the compressibility corresponding to the GB branch. Eq. (29) leads to the important consequence: The two branches of compressibility are necessary to produce the photon sphere and the Schwarzschild black hole. Thus, the compressibilities ZS and Zps are crucial in our effort to set the limit from where there is the formation of a black hole and to understand the true nature of matter inside a star.


5. Mass-radius profiles

To understand what kind of matter compact in the interior of stars, we assume that the all information regarding the stellar inner structure is given by the EoS. Next, we show the mass of the stars versus the radius in the quark stars surface. Eq. (27) takes the following form:


In the context of the MIT bag model [27], the quark matter phase is modeled as a Fermi gas of u, d, and s quarks. According to the MIT bag model, the pressure P is defined as


with B is the bag constant. For the massless quark case, the equation of state is P=ρ4B/3. We propose that


According to this relation, the pressure Pt is generated by the quark fluid, we will later justify this correspondence. Also we have ΔZ=ZtZ±BkBT. The compressibility of QS increases when the temperature decreases. In this case, when Zt=Z, we obtain T=. From Eq. (26) we obtain


In the present analysis, we treat the values of M concerning R. The bag parameter B is included between 57MeV/fm3 and 94MeV/fm3 [28]. For the lowest value of the bag parameter B=57MeV/fm3, we find the maximum masses of compact stars.


As one can see, the MR profile depends on the choice of the value of the constant B.

We introduce the factor of compactness: C=2GM/Rc2 and the surface redshift: zs=1+1C1/2.


In the above expression, for Zt=Z, we get C= and zs=1. The red shift depends on the pressure, density, and the GB coupling constant α. zs is related to the emission produced by photons from the surface of the quark stars, which is of great importance to astronomers. The compactness and red shift grow with increasing and decreasing α, respectively.


6. Stability analysis

To study the stability of the QS under radial and tangential perturbations, we employ the causality condition checked 0vrort2c2. In this section, we discuss the effective sound speeds, which are related to the energy density, transverse pressure, and radial pressure and defined by


In stable anisotropic models, the sound speeds vr2 and vt2 within the fluid spheres should be positive. From Eq. (38) we get


The temperature T is weak if the distance between RS and R is very small. In this case, the quark fluid exists in the region RRS. Eq. (39) is valid for a stable system if R>RS, which shows that there is a tangential propagation of the particles. This justifies why the pressure due to each flavor is equal to the transverse pressure Eq. (32). The transverse speed vt depends on the thermal variation of QS. In this case, vt is defined as the thermal velocity of the thermal motion of particles that make up the quark fluid


For the QS (R>RS), we have vr2<0, which shows that the system is unstable in the radial direction. Moreover, the interval R<RS has also been taken into consideration and represents a black hole. Usually, the QS is always unstable in the radial direction.

In addition, the QS is stable during the propagating of the transverse sounds. After the QS-BH transition, there is the propagation of the sounds vr because of R<RS. For the stellar configurations, we assume that the quark fluid exists between RS and R. The stability of the QS is essentially determined by the value of B as vt2c2RRSZtZ=GB, which shows that the quarks always move in the tangential direction of QS. If Zt=Z or R=RS, we get B=0, which shows that there is the disappearance of the asymptotically free quarks of a finite region of space (bag) in these both cases.


7. Conclusion

In the present work, we have studied the compact stars in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity. The Gauss-Bonnet (GB) coupling describes the interior structure of the star. On the other hand, the coupling function fϕ describes the star exterior region. The aim of this chapter is to explore a new analytical solution to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation describing a spherically symmetric static distribution of anisotropic fluid in the stars. It is solved in two regions: the interior and the surface of the star. To study the behavior of the quark stars (QSs) in the EGB gravity, we develop the equation of state (EoS). That relates the radial pressure with the thermodynamic volume and analyzes their behavior through the QS. We have found that the TOV equation can be expressed as the van der Waals equation. For such a choice of the radial and transverse pressure, we got the ideal gas equation. We have determined the thickness of the region that contains the quarks in the QS. We have employed the values of the pressure and the density to study the mass-radius MR profile. For a fixed value of bag constant, when the tangential compressibility Zt is greater than the radial compressibility Z, M is linear as a function of R for Mmax1.2M. After this value, the mass increases if the star radius decreases. Furthermore, we have investigated the properties of the quark matter phase we have used the expression of the pressure in the context of the MIT bag model. We have also studied the effects of the parameters on star compressibility. We have found the relation between the compressibility factors of the star interior and the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. The compressibility of the star exterior is expressed as a function of the photon sphere radius. We have studied the stability of the QS under radial and tangential perturbations. These compressibilities have a noticeable effect on the surface red shift.


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Written By

Mostafa Bousder

Reviewed: 15 November 2022 Published: 08 February 2023