Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Current Understanding to Accelerate Wound Healing: Mechanism and Clinical Importance

Written By

Sunil Kumar, Shravan Kumar Paswan, Pritt Verma, Akanksha, RamKishor Sah, Sajal Srivastava and Chandana Venketswara Rao

Published: 29 November 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.101429

From the Edited Volume

Recent Advances in Wound Healing

Edited by Shahin Aghaei

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Wound mending is a complex organic cycle that brings about the reclamation of tissue honesty. Physiologically, it very well may be separated into four particular periods of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling (redesigning). This chapter portrays the cellular premise of wound mending and extracellular flagging cycles, which is responsible to control them. The capacity of fibroblasts, neutrophils, platelets, and macrophages is contemplated exhaustively. The idea of mending by essential and optional expectation is talked about. Numerous components are known to unfavorably influence mending including undernourishment, hypoxia, immunosuppression, ongoing sickness, and medical procedure. It is fundamental that specialists comprehend the key physiological cycles associated with mending to limit patient illness from postponed recuperating.


  • hemostasis
  • inflammation
  • proliferation
  • remodeling
  • physiology of wound
  • wound healing

1. Introduction

An injury is characterized as harm or disturbance to the typical anatomical construction and function [1]. This can go from a straightforward break in the epithelial veracity of the skin, or it tends to be more profound, stretching out into subcutaneous tissue with harm to different constructions such as ligaments, muscles, vessels, nerves, parenchymal organs, and even bone [2].

In ordinary pathology, wounds stay a difficult clinical issue, with ahead of schedule and late inconveniences introducing a regular reason for dismalness and mortality [2, 3]. Trying to decrease the injury trouble, much exertion has alerted on comprehension of the physiology of recuperating and twisted consideration with an accentuation on new helpful methodologies and the proceeding with improvement of innovations for intense and long tenure of wound management [1, 4]. The massive social and monetary effect of wounds overall is an outcome of their high pace of event as a rule and their expanding recurrence in the maturing populace. Notwithstanding a high number of intense injuries, there is likewise countless persistent, difficult-to-mend wounds related with sicknesses and irregularities that straightforwardly or by implication finish in harm of the cutaneous inclusion, including arterial, venous, diabetic, and pressure ulcers. The commonness of these ongoing injuries augmented with age [5, 6, 7].


2. Types of wounds: acute and chronic wounds

Despite the etiology of the injury, the maintenance measures are comparative. Intense injuries are regularly because of some type of injury that could be direct or entering (surgical cuts, discharges, creature chomps, and so forth). An injury harms the tissue that arouses a designed physiological reaction to provide hemostasis and initiate the cycles of tenderness, development, and remodeling [8]. Intense injuries, with careful entry points, ordinarily follow these steps somewhat rapid.

Wounds showing postponed recuperating 84 days after primary injury are called as constant injuries, regularly because of delayed neurotic tenderness. Surgical cuts are classically spotless and lead to nonsignificant tissue disturbance and thrashing. Injuries that occur on surgery are controlled type of injury, which can be grouped based on level of pollution (for example, spotless, clean infected, infection, and grimy) to foresee the danger of wound disease following a medical procedure. These injuries can be shut quickly with stitches and will in general mend quickly. This is named as conclusion by essential expectation. At the point when injury is tainted and left open to forestall disease and lesion (wound), conclusion is performed following a couple of days, it is named as deferred essential recuperating. At point where tissue thrashing has been broader, the boundaries cannot be estimated, or injury should be left open due to sepsis, reparative cycle is delayed, as deformity should fill up with extensive tissue of granulation type. This cycle is named as conclusion by auxiliary goal. Marvelous deformities can recuperate thusly, yet end corrective outcome is regularly subpar in comparison to those closed up basically [9, 10, 11].


3. Arrangement of occasions in injury recuperating

Following tissue injury by means of an entry point, the underlying reaction is typically blood loss. The course of coagulation and vasoconstriction begins with thickened blood promptly impregnating injury, prompting hemostasis, with parchedness, a scab structures. A convergence of provocative cells follows, with the arrival of cell substances and arbiters. Re-epithelialization and angiogenesis happen and statement of new cell and extracellular segments follows. Table 1 represents the phases of wound healing [12, 13].

Healing phasesPost-injury timeConcerned cellsActivities/functions
Inflammation1–4 daysMacrophages, neutrophils,Phagocytosis
Proliferation (granulation and contraction)4–21 daysLymphocytes, macrophages, neurocytes, angiocytes, keratinocytes, fibroblastsRe-establish and fill defect, skin function closure
Remodeling (maturation)21 days to 2 yearsFibrocytesTensile strength development

Table 1.

Phases of wound therapeutic.

3.1 Beginning stage—hemostasis

The underlying injury causes blood and lymph fluid to shed. It is also the interaction during which the underlying repairing coagulum formed. Both exterior and natural thickening components are implemented. The distinguishing tool is extracted from the thrombocytes and the foreign component from the injured tissues. After vasoconstriction, the platelets adhere to the damaged endothelium and release adenosine diphosphate (ADP), which advances the clustering of thrombocytes, which stops the injury. After the ephemeral vasoconstriction ends, the vessels dilate, allowing more thrombocytes and other platelets to be flooded [14, 15].

At this point, one can consider the initiation of incendiary phase. While some argue for a different provocative phase, it starts during the hemostasis stage, which again proves the mending abstract cover idea. These thrombocytes, just as the selected white platelets, release various elements to augment recovery cycle. α-Granules free platelet factor IV, transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), and PDGF (platelet-determined growth factor). The initiation of aggravation cycles, collagen genesis and collagen corruption, myoblastic formation from altered fibroblasts, fresh blood vessels developments, and epithelialization occur [14, 15].

These cycles are mediated by numerous cytokines and developmental factors. Interleukins emphatically have a strong influence on fiery interaction. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and various variables improve venous arrangement, and some have numerous uses, such as FGF-2 (fibroblast growth factor), which affects interaction of epithelialization and angiogenesis. Vasoactive amines (serotonin and histamine) are delivered from thick bodies present in thrombocytes. PDGF acts as chemotactic for fibroblasts, whereas TGF-β acts as powerful modulator for mitosis in fibroblastic, causing productive development of collagen fibrils in later phases. Fibrinogen is separated into fibrin, and the structure for finishing of the coagulation interaction is shaped. Fibrin offers primary aid for cell components responsible for irritation. This cycle begins following the injury and can last for a few days [14, 15].

3.2 Inflammation

The core point of this wound recuperating phase is to forestall disease. Notwithstanding the etiology of wound, the mechanical hindrance, which was the forefront against attacking microorganisms, is not at this stage flawless. Neutrophils, the “initial responders,” are exceptionally mobile cells that penetrate the wound within an hour of insult and move at sustained levels for the initial 48 h. This took place through various multiple indicators, including the supplement course; TGF-β indication and interleukin enactment, which prompt neutrophils to descend a substance angle toward the injury, a cycle called chemotaxis [8]. Neutrophils have three fundamental components for annihilating garbage and microbes. First and foremost, they can straightforwardly ingest and obliterate unfamiliar particles, a cycle called phagocytosis. Additionally, neutrophils can degranulate and deliver an assortment of harmful substances (cathepsin, neutrophil elastase, proteases, and lactoferrin) that will obliterate microorganisms just as host’s dead tissue. Late proof has shown that neutrophils can also create chromatin and protease “traps” that capture and abolish microbes in extracellular space. Oxygen-free extremists are a side effect of neutrophil movement, which is recognized to have bactericidal features, but also can join with chlorine to cleanse the wound. By the time neutrophils have completed their mission, they go through apoptosis, break away from the surface of lesion, or are phagocytosed by macrophages. Macrophages are much larger phagocytic cells that arrive at top fixation in an injury at 2–3 days after injury. They are drawn to wound by the synthetic couriers delivered from platelets and harmed cells and can cope in the more acidic climate of injury present at this phase [16].

Macrophages harbor a huge repository of growth factors, for example, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and TGF-β, which are significant for improving the arrangement of granulation tissue, directing the fiery reaction and animating angiogenesis. Lymphocytes appear in wound after 72 h and are considered important in management of twisted recuperating, via the creation of an extracellular lattice scaffold and regeneration of collagen. Investigative examinations have shown that hindrance of T-lymphocytes leads to reduced wound strength and impeded collagen deposition [17]. The incendiary wound repair period will continue as long as necessary ensuring that all bacteria, flotsam, and jetsam from injury are removed. Extended irritation can, however, result in extensive tissue damage, delayed expansion and lead to the development of a continuous injury. Numerous variables, such as lipoxins and outcomes of arachidonic corrosive digestion, are believed to have calming features, which mitigate reaction harmlessly and allow the next twisted recovery period to occur [18].

3.3 Proliferation (multiplication)

When the harming boost has stopped, hemostasis has been achieved, the provocative reaction is attuned, and wound is waste-free, the proliferative stage of mending course can begin to fix imperfection. This unpredictable cycle fuses angiogenesis, arrangement of granulation tissue, collagen affidavit, epithelialization as well as wound withdrawal that occur all time [16].

3.3.1 Angiogenesis

Angiogenesis is set off from the second the hemostatic plug takes the shape as platelets discharge FGF, PDGF, and TGF-β. In reaction to hypoxia, VEGF is delivered that is mixed with different cytokines, initiate endothelial cells to activate neovascularization and the maintenance of harmed veins. A group of catalysts such as blended metalloproteinase (MMP) are enacted by attacking neutrophils in hypoxic tissue. They advance angiogenesis via freedom of VEGF and redesigning of extracellular framework (ECM) [19, 20]. At first, the focal point of injury is generally avascular, since it depends exclusively on dispersion from unharmed vessels at the edge of injury. While the cycle of angiogenesis continues, a rich vascular organization of vessels is framed all through injury from branches of sound vessels. At first, the vessels are delicate as well as porous, further providing tissue edema and the presence of mending granulation tissue [19].

3.3.2 Fibroblast movement

After the injury affront, fibroblasts are invigorated to multiply by development factors delivered by hemostatic coagulation and afterward move to injury (overwhelmingly by PDGF and TGF-β). On third day, the injury gets wealthy with fibroblasts that deposit extracellular framework proteins (proteoglycans, fibronectins, and hyaluronan) and accordingly produce fibronectin and collagen. The subsequent pink, tough, vascular tissue that replaces the coagulation at injury site is named granulation tissue. This is made out of an alternate span of collagens (a greater extent of type 3 collagen) than that seen in uninjured tissue. When adequate grid has been put in place, the fibroblasts transform into myofibroblasts aggregate and build up pseudopodia. This empowers them to associate with the encompassing proteins collagen and fibronectin and aid to compress the wound. Myofibroblasts likewise advance angiogenesis via intercession MMP action [21]. Collagens incorporated by fibroblasts are the critical segment to give tissue solidarity. In injuries shut by essential expectation, concentration of collagen is the highest on fifth day, and this can frequently be touched underneath the skin as a “wound edge.” At the point when an injury edge is not obvious, it means that injury is in danger of dehiscence. Overproduction of collagen can lead to the improvement of a hypertrophic scar. Hypertrophic scars remain augmented and erythematous while remaining within limits of the first twist. Dangers for their advancement include injury-related illnesses and those where there is unreasonable pressure [21, 22].

3.3.3 Epithelialization

Epithelial cells move from the edges of wound shortly after the underlying slash until a complete sheet of cells covers wound and connects with network beneath. An embryological cycle, called epithelial-mesenchymal transform (EMT), permits epithelial cells to acquire motility and travel across the lesion surface [23]. In injuries that are basically closed, this step can be completed in 1 day. Alterations in cytokine bindings cause epithelial cells to shift from a mobile aggregate to a proliferative aggregate for repopulating epithelial cell levels and complete injury repair [24]. In injuries that recuperate via auxiliary goal, the area devoid of epithelial cells can be huge, and injury should fundamentally contract before epithelialization can be completed. At times this may never occur, and the unification of skin can be used to cover up the imperfection [24].

3.3.4 Wound withdrawal

Wounds start to contract around 7 days after the injury, interceded primarily by myofibroblasts. Associations among myosin and actin bring the cell bodies nearer together to diminish the space of tissues that expect to repair themselves. Constriction can happen at a pace of 0.75 mm per 24 h prompting abbreviated scaring. This is affected by various elements such as twisted shape, with roundabout injuries the slowest and direct injuries contracting quickest. Issues in this recovery period can prompt deformation and arrangement of contractures [25].

3.4 Maturation (remodeling)

The last phase of wound recovery is development stage and incorporates the cross-connection of collagen, redesign, and constriction of wound. At first, fibroblasts incorporate collagen (type 3) that is thinner than it develops. Collagen (type 1) presents abundantly in solid skin. During development stage, collagen (type 1) replaces collagen (type 3) present in scar structures and granulation tissue. This expansion in collagen (type 1) relates with expanded potency of wounds seen 28–35 days subsequent to mending. The 80% of recapturing of injury will occur in 3 months after the injury. Sadly, accomplishing the original capacity of the skin before injury is inconceivable [26].

Wound constriction happens in injuries (open type) to diminish the measure of connective tissue needed to recover injury bed. A planned hypothesis recommends that compression be done using myofibroblasts and their combination of α-smooth muscle actin. Both portability and area of tissue encompassing the injury bed play a role in how well the injury contracts. In zones with low portability, withdrawal might be inconvenient and can be avoided by using different flaps or skin seal [27].

Arrangement of another defensive epithelial layer is combined by epithelial cells moving internal from the edges of injury. Shifting movement rates consider both the definition of the epithelial layer and expansion of tissue depth to restore the typical thickness of epithelium [28].

When mended, an injury leaves a scar. The scar tissue will be somewhat raised, firm, expanded vascularity, and reddish from abundance of collagen. Regularly, it would stay that way for initial 6–9 months, and afterward starts to mellow, straighten up, and turn paler [29].


4. Pathophysiology

Wounds periodically bring about a misrepresented recuperating reaction and show the way for formation of hypertrophic scars and keloids. By meaning, hypertrophic scars are maintained at the edges of the first injury bed though keloids exceed these limits. It is believed that the pressure of overabundance due to the development of abundance on a joint, a hidden hard conception, or loss of tissue may play a role in the advancement of these specific scars. Keloids likewise happens all the more regularly in patients having more obscure skin [30].

The specific component of the structure of these scars is obscure; however, overactive or strange fibroblasts have been observed in keloids. These fibroblasts make plentiful measures of proteoglycan, fibronectin, elastin, and collagen and react unnecessarily to incitement. This reaction is probably identified with the upward directive of insulin-like development factor receptors on keloid fibroblasts. Insulin-like development factor excites creation of collagen. In contrast to ordinary scars, the collagen stored in keloids is organized heedlessly and assumes a part in their development after injury [30, 31].

Collagen present in hypertrophic scars is packaged and organized in curly examples corresponding to surface of epithelia. This fairly coordinated example separates hypertrophic scars from the tumultuous direction found in keloids. In contrast to keloidal fibrablasts, fibroblasts present in hypertrophic scars typically react to development factors and thereby generate just a little overabundance of collagen. Hypertrophic scars likewise have novel nodular designs of α-smooth muscle actin myofibroblasts, like those associated with compression of scar. It is believed that after some time period, hypertrophic scars can relapse, while keloids will not [30, 31].


5. Clinical importance

The numerous cycles engaged with wound recuperating encourage an enormous metabolic interest, which is met with glucose and oxygen conveyed to the site of injury by recently framed endothelial vessels. This blood supply is restricted by elements prompting vasoconstriction and consequently forestalls legitimate injury mending. Medical services suppliers taking care of patients with recuperating wounds ought to know about these components and control for them whenever the situation allows. Reasons for vasoconstriction incorporate agony, cold, dread, nicotine, hypovolemia, beta antagonists, and alpha-1 agonists. Patients should be assessed for substance and drug use and referred for their potential to interfere with or delay wound healing [26, 32].

Smoking is especially unfavorable to wound recuperating as well as influences different phases of the mending interaction. Smoking has vasoconstrictive impacts and diminishes the supply of oxygen supply. Nicotine likewise builds danger of blood clot development because of expanded platelet actuation and diminishes macrophage, fibroblast, and erythrocyte multiplication. Weakness of macrophage and fibroblast relocation affects formation of collagen and subsequently twisted to fix. This postpone also puts the patient who smokes at an expanded danger for contamination. For patients going through elective methods, conversation about quitting the smoking is significant with respect to legitimate injury recuperating [33, 34, 35].

Diabetes, a developing worry for every doctor, can adversely affect twisted fix too. Diabetic patients have expanded prone to microvascular sickness that may debilitate blood stream to site of injury. Hyperglycemia influences storm cellar film porousness and hinders blood stream also. Raised blood sugars alongside diminished invulnerability place this populace in danger for contamination [26].

It is hence fundamental to oversee blood glucose cautiously in patients with mending wounds [36, 37].

Effective injury mending depends on a few factors and includes different high energy measures. Information on the essential physiology of wound mending is indispensable for anticipating potential inconveniences and limiting helpless results. Constant injuries, hypertrophic scars, and keloids can be hard to oversee once these happen. Hence, it is ideal to keep away from the mentioned issues completely. Attention to and evaluating for regular danger factors identified with such complexities can prompt better understanding consideration.



The author, Mr. Sunil Kumar, is thankful to Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, for providing Senior Research Fellowship [Letter No: 45/44/2018-Nan/BMS].


Conflict of interest

The authors have no conflict of interest to declare and are responsible for the content and writing of the manuscript.


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Written By

Sunil Kumar, Shravan Kumar Paswan, Pritt Verma, Akanksha, RamKishor Sah, Sajal Srivastava and Chandana Venketswara Rao

Published: 29 November 2021