Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Perspective Chapter: The TikTok Phenomenon – Harnessing Opportunities, Assessing Risks and Marketing Insights

Written By

Ľudmila Čábyová and Peter Krajčovič

Submitted: 21 June 2024 Reviewed: 26 June 2024 Published: 30 July 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006038

Social Media and Modern Society IntechOpen
Social Media and Modern Society Edited by Ján Višňovský

From the Edited Volume

Social Media and Modern Society [Working Title]

Associate Prof. Ján Višňovský and Dr. Jana Majerová

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This chapter examines the influence of TikTok on its users and its broader social implications. The chapter goes on to discuss the benefits of the platform, including high user engagement and the potential for viral content dissemination. It also considers the encouragement of creativity, originality and self-expression. However, it also identifies a number of risks associated with use, including those pertaining to privacy, the security of user data and the impact on mental health. The text also considers the issue of social media addiction and the negative psychological consequences that can result from excessive use of social media, such as reduced self-esteem and increased stress. The analysis of empirical data and scientific studies offers a comprehensive understanding of the TikTok phenomenon. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for researchers, marketing professionals and policymakers who are concerned with the regulation and safe use of social media. The final recommendations emphasise the necessity for further research and the implementation of effective strategies to mitigate the identified risks and encourage the responsible use of this dynamic platform.


  • TikTok
  • social media
  • user engagement
  • marketing strategies
  • risks and opportunities

1. Introduction

The evolution of social media has been shaped by a multitude of factors, with technological advancements and the associated opportunities for utilisation playing a pivotal role. As of January 2024, the number of social media users has reached over 5 billion, representing 62.3% of the global population [1]. In the context of global internet usage, it can be observed that almost every internet user utilises at least one social media platform. It is noteworthy that the growth rate of individual users is of interest. Whilst the number of active social media users increased by 266 million year-on-year, the number of internet users increased by only 97 million [1]. Consequently, the aforementioned trend may potentially exceed the current stratification in a few years.

The gradual expansion of social media use has prompted a number of questions, many of which are the subject of scholarly inquiry. Amongst the most frequently investigated areas are the negative impacts of social media use, its overuse, the spread of fake or hateful messages, and its impact on the behaviour of people and society as a whole. Nevertheless, it is also important to mention research into the positive effects and impacts of social media, particularly in the area of its use for education, promotion or raising awareness of important social issues.

It can be posited that social media, and social networking in particular, has transformed the manner in which individuals utilise the internet in nearly every nation on the planet. Social media has enabled users to communicate with one another, establish friendships, share private content or follow popular personalities or even brands of their favourite products.

However, social media is also influencing the way in which media is consumed, and the manner in which information is received, processed and evaluated. The social network TikTok has been a significant contributor to these changes and has brought about a number of fundamental changes in this respect.

The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of the current state of use of this social network and its impact on the younger generation, which constitutes a significant proportion of social network users. In the individual subchapters, the authors provide a detailed analysis of the various dimensions of TikTok’s use, examining its impact on users and brands. Furthermore, the study considers the broader social implications and potential negative impacts associated with the overuse of the platform.

In order to inform this study, the most recent scientific knowledge and data from a range of sources, including empirical research, marketing analysis and sociological studies, were collected and analysed. In this way, the authors seek to provide a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of TikTok, encompassing its positive and negative aspects and its impact on contemporary digital culture.


2. The evolution of TikTok: from a local phenomenon to a global giant

A significant aspect of TikTok is its capacity to enable users to create and disseminate brief video content, incorporating background music, visual filters and special effects. A significant aspect of this platform is its recommendation algorithm, which employs machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate personalised content based on user preferences and interactions [2].

TikTok exerts a considerable influence on cultural trends, social discourse and digital marketing strategies [3, 4]. The platform has become a pivotal tool for content creators, brands and institutions to reach a vast and diverse audience, with young people aged 16–24 years constituting the predominant user group. The demographic profile of users is resulting in significant alterations to consumer behaviour and cultural norms. TikTok acts as a mediator between traditional media formats and new digital practises [5].

TikTok represents a significant phenomenon in the field of digital communication and social interaction. The app, developed by the Chinese company ByteDance, was launched globally in September 2016 under the name Douyin. The creation and subsequent development of the app have been driven by the need to respond to the demands of modern life, which has in turn promoted a certain lifestyle change [4]. It is, in particular, a novel type of internet economy, designated the ‘celebrity economy’, which commenced its evolution in China as early as 2013. The popularity of Douyin increased exponentially, with 100 million users and 1 billion video views per day within a year [6].

In September 2017, the company launched an international version of Douyin under the name TikTok. In order to facilitate its global expansion, ByteDance proceeded to acquire in November 2017. This rival platform boasted a substantial user base in the United States and Europe. The merger was completed in August 2018, when merged with TikTok and assumed its name and identity. This strategy enabled TikTok to rapidly expand its user base by millions.

Although initially popular amongst teenagers, as is the case with Instagram, the user base of TikTok has matured over time. This was the rationale behind the decision to expand the target audience (and thus the services) to older users. This was accompanied by further expansion activities and the utilisation of TikTok as a marketing platform. In September 2020, TikTok introduced the ‘TikTok For Business Marketing Partner Program’, which focuses on promoting businesses. Like Instagram, it offers marketing solutions for businesses to increase engagement with their audience (interactive polls and hashtag challenges) [7].

In 2020, it is projected that TikTok will become the platform with the most downloads, with an estimated 2 trillion downloads. In the same year, the Indian government banned the use of TikTok. Along with 58 other Chinese apps, it was identified as a potential threat to India’s integrity and sovereignty. Additionally, TikTok was identified as a platform with inadequate user privacy. The app ban occurred concurrently with a heightened state of tension between India and China, including military confrontations along the border. The geopolitical context contributed to the Indian government’s decision to ban Chinese apps as part of broader measures to reduce dependence on Chinese technology. TikTok also encountered similar issues in the United States. It was perceived as a potential threat to national security, and concerns were also raised regarding the potential for misuse of data. TikTok has thus far managed to avoid a definitive ban in the US, although it remains under close scrutiny by regulators and political leaders [8, 9].

In particular, during the period of the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, the number of users of the platform increased significantly. The platform gained particular popularity amongst young people as a means of socialising and spending leisure time. A significant proportion of teenagers have become or are becoming addicted to it [3, 10].

As reported by Statista in April 2024, Indonesia had the largest TikTok audience by a significant margin, with approximately 127.5 million users engaging with the popular social video platform. The United States followed with approximately 121.5 million users of the platform. Brazil ranked third, with approximately 101.8 million users on TikTok viewing short videos. In Europe, the number of users of the video-sharing platform TikTok is 24.59 million in France and 22.6 million in Germany [11].

TikTok is the fifth most utilised social platform. In terms of time spent using social media applications, TikTok is the app with the highest average time per month spent by active users (34 hours) [1].

According to advertising resources published by ByteDance, TikTok had 1.06 million users aged 18 and above in Slovakia in early 2024. In fact, the number of TikTok users is higher than indicated by the aforementioned figures, as these tools only show audience data for users aged 18 and above [12].

A more detailed examination was conducted of TikTok’s social network usage. In-depth interviews were conducted with 24 active social media users, aged between 18 and 24. The investigation sought to ascertain the manner in which the subjects utilise the TikTok application, the rationale behind their usage, the profiles they follow, their preferences regarding the content they consume and their perceptions of the TikTok social network.

The results indicated that the average duration of use for the TikTok app was 1.5 years. The majority of participants indicated that they utilised TikTok as a resource for seeking answers to questions that piqued their interest or for locating helpful suggestions and guidance. Similarly, the respondents indicated that they used TikTok as a source of entertainment, viewing videos and spending their leisure time on the platform. Additionally, the participants indicated that they frequently used TikTok to seek inspiration for leisure activities or for shopping. The most frequently visited websites amongst the monitored group were those offering educational content (DIY) and beauty blogs, followed by food blogs and fitness blogs. TikTok is perceived by users as a social network that is both enjoyable and contemporary. The mean duration of mobile phone usage per week was 25 hours and 17 minutes. The results of the survey are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

TikTok from Generation Z point of view. Source: Own processing, 2024.

Additionally, TikTok is distinguished by its considerable impact on cultural trends, social discourse and digital marketing strategies. It has rapidly evolved into a pervasive cultural phenomenon that exerts a profound influence on a multitude of domains, including music, fashion, humour and political discourse. Users are responsible for the creation and dissemination of viral trends, dances, challenges and memes. A considerable number of musical compositions have achieved considerable popularity as a result of their appearance on the TikTok platform, which has resulted in their appearance at the summit of the charts. Furthermore, the platform has facilitated the emergence of new influencers and celebrities who exert a considerable influence on the younger generation [13, 14].

The most popular account on TikTok is that of Khabane Lame (@khaby.lame), which has amassed over 162.5 million followers and 2.4 billion likes. Khabane ‘Khaby’ Lame is a Senegalese-Italian social media influencer who uses the TikTok platform. His videos are characterised by brief comic parodies in which he employs sarcasm to highlight the absurdity of individuals who unnecessarily complicate simple tasks.

Other notable influencers on TikTok include Charli Grace D’Amelio, @charlidamelio; Jimmy Donaldson, known online as MrBeast, @mrbeast; Denarie Bautista Taylor, known professionally as Bella Poarch, @bellapoarch; and American dancer, actress and singer Addison Rae Easterling, @addisonre. The 10 most popular accounts on TikTok are presented in Table 1.

(in millions)
(in millions)
Avg. views
(in millions)
Engagement rate
Khabane lame
163.5 M2436.6 M6.1 M6.54%
charli d’amelio
154.5 M11,640.1 M12.5 M3.83%
96.2 M937.8 M18.1 M6.84%
Bella Poarch
94.1 M2335.2 M8.9 M2.21%
Addison Rae
88.8 M5818.7 M18.8 M3.13%
Zach King
82.1 M1169 M10.2 M4.83%
Kimberly Loaiza
81.2 M5115 M15.5 M8.78%
80.7 M324.4 M486.5 K3.26%
75.1 M1476.3 M925.7 K5.16%
74.8 M4711.4 M5.4 M12.7%

Table 1.

TikTok accounts with the most followers.

Source: Own processing (data as of 10 June 2024).

These accounts are defined by their status as influencers who have achieved notable recognition within the social media sphere, particularly following the establishment of their presence on TikTok. It is therefore inaccurate to categorise them as showbiz personalities, although many can be considered famous thanks to their popularity. A further defining feature is that the subjects are young people, with an average age of 25.7 years.

Bossen and Kottasz propose a typology of TikTok usage comprising three categories: passive consumption (i.e. viewing), participation (i.e. commenting, following, liking or sharing) and contribution (i.e. producing original TikTok videos) [15]:

  1. The first category of engagement is passive consumption, which can be defined as the act of merely observing videos without any form of interaction with the content. Passive consumption is the act of merely observing videos without engaging with the content in any meaningful way. Those who consume content passively on TikTok do not engage in any form of interaction with the content, whether that be commenting, liking or sharing. This group of users employs TikTok as a source of entertainment and relaxation. The phenomenon of passive consumption may result in an increased dependence on the app, as users may spend a considerable amount of time watching content without actively engaging.

  2. Participation can be defined as the more active forms of engagement, such as commenting, liking, watching and sharing videos. Those who engage in active participation on the platform not only consume content, but also interact with the content created by other users. This encompasses the act of liking, commenting and sharing videos with their followers. This type of usage can facilitate the formation of social connections and enhance user engagement. Participation frequently engenders a sense of belonging to a community and stimulates social interaction.

  3. The act of contributing to the platform entails the creation and dissemination of original videos. Contributors are defined as content creators who upload their own videos to the platform. This type of usage necessitates a more advanced level of creativity and technical and digital expertise. The act of contributing to a platform encourages users to engage in creative and self-expressive behaviours. Furthermore, content creation may facilitate the development of a personal brand and the acquisition of a larger following.

It can be stated that, in conclusion, TikTok has become a pivotal instrument for content creators, brands and institutions to disseminate their material to a vast and heterogeneous audience, with the 16–24 age group representing the most prevalent demographic. Ngilangil posits that the success of TikTok is largely attributable to its status as a platform for free and creative self-expression for many users aged 16–24 [16].


3. Benefits and potential for use of TikTok in the digital age

A substantial body of research has demonstrated the profound influence of TikTok in a multitude of domains. It is crucial that both users and parents of young children are adequately informed about the potential benefits and risks associated with this platform, as well as the effective utilisation of TikTok to promote mental health. A significant number of researchers have observed that TikTok can have a positive impact on mental health when used in moderation and with an awareness of potential negative consequences.

The research by Link et al. concentrated on the psychological aspects of TikTok use and its impact on mental health. The study found that active engagement in content creation on TikTok can improve self-esteem and sense of identity amongst young users [17]. The authors Milton et al. corroborate the assertion that TikTok constitutes an invaluable repository of mental health-related content, wherein users frequently seek counsel and solace from their fellow sufferers. However, due to the algorithmic focus on similar content, a positive experience may become a distressing one, which may in turn lead to the need to cease using the platform [18].

A study conducted by Professor Piacentini from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) examined the influence of the ongoing pandemic on adolescent mental health and the role of TikTok in this context. The study confirmed that TikTok was an effective coping mechanism for young people during the pandemic, providing a platform for social interaction and entertainment, which was crucial for their mental well-being [19].

As reported by Jaffar et al., the use of TikTok has been found to have a positive impact on creativity, originality and self-esteem [20]. Cheng et al. conducted a study to examine the impact of TikTok on users’ creativity. It was demonstrated that regular use of this social network fosters creative thinking and the adoption of innovative approaches to problem-solving. TikTok enables users to create and share short videos that frequently incorporate a multitude of creative challenges, thereby stimulating their imagination and ability to solve problems in original ways [21]. A study published by Maretha and Anggoro demonstrated that TikTok fosters the development of essential skills such as communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Nevertheless, it is also important to note that the quality of content is of great importance, as public and unverified videos may contain inaccurate or inappropriate information [22].

The authors frequently emphasise the advantages of this application for educational purposes. The authors describe TikTok as a suitable platform for illustrating ideas or examples. Anderson investigated the potential of TikTok as an educational and information dissemination tool. He found that short, visually appealing videos can be an effective tool for educating young people and increasing their interest in various topics. The findings of the study indicated that TikTok has the potential to enhance communication abilities, collaborative and creative skills, and critical thinking [23].

TikTok provides the general public with access to a diverse range of educational content. The concise format of educational videos facilitates comprehension of complex topics. The use of visually appealing and dynamic videos has been demonstrated to enhance student motivation and engagement in learning.

Furthermore, Akbari et al. investigated the marketing potential of TikTok in the context of higher education. The researchers discovered that the platform can be utilised as an effective instrument for the promotion of educational institutions and the enhancement of student engagement [24].

Guo et al. concentrated on the influence of TikTok on social interaction and community development. In their research, they discovered that TikTok facilitates connections between individuals with shared interests, thereby fostering the formation of novel online communities. This phenomenon has the potential to positively influence users’ social lives [25]. Newly constituted communities are formed around specific topics or interests, including, for example, eating, exercise, cooking, travel and so forth. Such communities facilitate the exchange of ideas, mutual support and the formation of novel social interactions. To illustrate, the findings of a study conducted by Wang et al. indicated that the majority of adolescents utilise TikTok as a platform for exchanging information pertaining to healthy eating, providing guidance on recipes and dietary habits [26].

Finally, we may consider the economic or marketing benefits of TikTok, which will be discussed in greater detail in a subsequent chapter. The popularity and capacity for viral content creation afford both business and non-business entities a distinctive opportunity to enhance visibility, familiarity, image and revenue generation.


4. Disadvantages and risks of using TikTok in times of digital transformation

Whilst the preceding chapter has outlined the advantages of TikTok, it is important to acknowledge the potential risks associated with its use. In the majority of cases, these are risks inherent to the use of social media in general. However, the literature also describes specific threats associated with the use of TikTok in particular.

For instance, a forensic analysis conducted by Khoa et al. demonstrated that it is feasible to procure watchlists, keywords and user messages on Android devices [27].

In a pioneering study, Montag et al. provided the first insight into the psychology of TikTok usage. The study revealed that the majority of TikTok users are adolescents, a demographic that is potentially vulnerable to the various aspects of using this platform [28].

Qin and Bahiyah examined the behavioural patterns of TikTok users in relation to addiction, with a particular focus on young users. The researchers discovered that the personalised content provided by TikTok has the potential to become addictive for younger users of the social network. This addictive behaviour is associated with the features that TikTok offers, including special effects, filters and content editing tools. Therefore, both intrinsic factors (the content experience) and extrinsic factors (the quality of the information system) can contribute to the development of TikTok addiction. The authors posit that excessive immersion in the platform can induce addictive behaviour and have a negative impact on users’ mental health [29].

Research by Zhou et al. and Jung et al. indicates that the quality of information and the system can influence the experience of information flow and user loyalty. TikTok optimises the user experience through the provision of high-quality information and system functionality, which positively impacts the user experience of the content and may potentially contribute to addictive behaviours [30, 31].

As Figliola notes, adolescents with short attention spans are particularly susceptible to an algorithmic content adaptation system, with increased exposure to adapted content leading to prolonged use and immersion in viewing content on TikTok [32].

A number of authors, including Beyens et al., Enez Darcin et al., Fu et al. and Weinstein and Lejoyeux, have highlighted that excessive use of TikTok can lead to addiction, with the potential for a range of adverse consequences, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, poor eyesight, learning difficulties and poor job performance [33, 34, 35, 36].

Yiyun examined the impact of psychological variables on the development of TikTok addiction amongst Chinese adolescents. The findings indicated that social anxiety, loneliness and lower subjective well-being were identified as contributing factors to TikTok addiction amongst Chinese young people. These psychological factors were found to elevate the risk of addiction, as social anxiety, loneliness and subjective well-being may influence the desire for socialisation and relationship formation [37].

Additionally, Miranda et al. have investigated the motivational factors and sense of belonging that contribute to addiction. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between escapism, social interaction motivations and TikTok addiction. The study revealed that social anxiety, loneliness and lower subjective well-being exert a positive influence on TikTok addiction amongst young people in China. These factors both directly and indirectly increase susceptibility to addiction through the need to compensate for the absence of relationships. The concept of escapism from reality and the compensatory aspect of relationships have been identified as key mediators of TikTok addiction. Loneliness is a direct cause of escape behaviour, which in turn increases the risk of addiction. The study further posits that whilst psychological factors may contribute to the development of TikTok addiction, they are not the sole determining factor. Social intervention can also play a role in influencing the likelihood of developing this addiction [38].

The findings of the authors’ research indicate that psychological factors, such as social anxiety, loneliness and subjective well-being, exert a significant influence on the addiction of young people to TikTok. These factors exert a direct and indirect influence on addiction through the mediation of factors such as the need to compensate for relationships or to escape from reality.

Similar research has been conducted by authors Risalah and Rina, who focused on comparing the implementation of creativity and addictive behaviour amongst TikTok users. Their findings revealed a significant difference. In relation to addictive behaviour, the researchers found that addictive behaviour is more common during periods of mood change, as TikTok users seek entertainment and distraction in order to temporarily forget their problems [39].

Qin et al. investigated the impact of information quality and system quality on the app experience (flow experience) and, in turn, on young people’s addiction to TikTok. The findings indicate that system quality exerts a more pronounced influence on user experience and addiction than information quality. The user experience, which is divided into three states—concentration, enjoyment and temporal distortion—has a positive influence on behaviours that lead to TikTok addiction [40].

Irmer and Schmiedek examined the intrapersonal and interpersonal associations of social media use, subjective well-being and upward social comparison. The results of the multilevel structural equation models indicated that social media use was associated with lower positive and higher negative self-esteem on a daily basis. Additionally, the findings demonstrated that upward social comparisons were associated with decreased subjective well-being across all dimensions. Moreover, their findings were consistent with the partial mediation of the effect of social media use on subjective well-being through upward social comparisons at the interpersonal and intrapersonal levels [41].

A further negative aspect of social media use is the dissemination of misinformation in the form of unverified, untrue and fake news. TikTok is no exception to this rule.

By the end of September 2023, a total of 87 problematic Slovak accounts had been identified that disseminated conspiracy theories, hoaxes and disinformation, whilst simultaneously failing to align with the profiles of politically active individuals. The identified accounts are presumed to have received a considerable number of views on the videos, likely exceeding a few dozen. The most prevalent narratives included the war in Ukraine, the labelling of the Ukrainian regime as fascist, misinformation about vaccinations, anti-NATO narratives, narratives about emigrants and misinformation related to the parliamentary elections [42].

The analysis demonstrated that a number of accounts with a relatively modest number of followers and a limited number of views on the majority of videos were nevertheless able to generate content that achieved tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of views due to the influence of the For You algorithm. However, what differentiates TikTok from other social networks is that, due to the abundance of audiovisual content, the language barrier is not a significant factor. Consequently, many videos do not necessitate the comprehension of a foreign language, as misinformation, hoaxes or any other problematic content are expressed and displayed in a graphic format (video, photo and sound). The greater the popularity of a video, the more likely it is to be viewed by individuals who hold opposing views or have not yet encountered the content in question.


5. TikTok as a marketing tool: impact on brand strategies and consumer behaviour dynamics

As previously stated in the chapter on the advantages of utilising TikTok, this platform provides a convenient avenue for marketing communication. This is a topic that is the subject of a separate scientific investigation, and thus warrants special attention.

Despite its recent emergence as a social media platform, TikTok has existed in its current form for approximately 8 years. However, with regard to the field of marketing communication, it is evident that the platform is utilised to a comparatively lesser extent than other social networks, particularly Instagram and Facebook. Meanwhile, a review of the literature reveals numerous examples of the use of TikTok for marketing activities.

Green et al. identified the creation of new opportunities for businesses and consumers through the utilisation of TikTok’s distinctive features and content as a key benefit of the platform [43]. Sasmita et al. found that TikTok is an effective tool for increasing brand awareness and encouraging user interaction [44]. In their study, Ratnapuri et al. identified that TikTok Shop presents a novel opportunity for the growth of small businesses in the social commerce domain [45]. Cheng et al. demonstrated that TikTok maintains a competitive advantage through the introduction of innovative features and high user engagement [46]. Peng demonstrated that TikTok has a significant impact on marketing campaigns and increased brand awareness [47]. MacKinnon et al. demonstrated that TikTok can be an effective tool for disseminating knowledge and supporting community initiatives [48]. In a similar vein, Gesmundo et al. demonstrated that TikTok is an effective tool for increasing brand awareness and encouraging purchase intentions [49].

Tartaraj et al. demonstrated that collaboration with influencers on TikTok significantly enhances brand awareness. The authors posit that user engagement with influencer content on TikTok is positively associated with purchase intention. This suggests that the more users engage with influencer content, the more likely they are to consider purchasing products or services promoted by those influencers. Moreover, the research revealed a significant positive correlation between influencer engagement on TikTok and the likelihood of making a purchase. Furthermore, the study revealed that trust in TikTok influencers had a significant positive impact on actual purchase behaviour. Consequently, the trustworthiness and relatability of influencers can be regarded as pivotal factors in consumers’ purchasing decisions [50].

Research by Martini et al. has demonstrated that TikTok influencers play an important role in increasing brand awareness, influencing purchase intentions and actual consumer buying behaviour. The study demonstrated a significant correlation between influencer exposure and the likelihood of purchases influenced by influencers. This suggests that greater exposure to influencers increases the probability of purchases [51].

Rezek posits that the utilisation of the social media platform TikTok constitutes an indispensable component of the marketing mix for brands targeting the demographic cohort designated as Generation Z. This platform is endowed with the capacity to exert a profound influence on the attitudes of this generation, thereby conferring upon it the status of a pivotal instrument for the attainment of pre-established marketing and communication objectives. TikTok and its influencers play a pivotal role in contemporary marketing communications, which must evolve to align with the evolving media habits and preferences of Generation Z [52].

The findings of the individual studies indicate that the use of appealing content and the establishment of collaborative relationships with influencers are pivotal elements in the effective communication of messages on TikTok directed towards the Generation Z demographic. The key factors are authenticity and creativity. Furthermore, research indicates that Generation Z places a premium on genuine content and places a high degree of trust in influencers, making TikTok an optimal platform for the establishment of enduring connections. In order to be successful, brands must create consistent, authentic content and utilise the distinctive features of TikTok in order to connect with this digitally native generation.

Despite the aforementioned advantages and applications, the social network of TikTok is still utilised by a relatively limited number of brands, particularly when compared to other social networks. Although the prevalence of TikTok usage is gradually increasing, it remains a significantly smaller phenomenon than that observed on Facebook and Instagram. This is evidenced by a comparison of the number of followers of the top 10 brands for 2024 on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube (Table 2).


Table 2.

Number of followers (subscribers) of the top 10 global brands on social networks Facebook, Instagram and TikTok and YouTube platform.

Source: Own processing, 2024.


6. Conclusion

As one of the fastest growing social platforms, TikTok represents a revolutionary tool for social interaction, particularly amongst younger users. The distinctive algorithmic approach, which prioritises content deemed interesting and engaging, facilitates the expeditious dissemination of videos and the formation of trends. This is one of the reasons why it has become one of the most popular social platforms in the present era.

The popularity of TikTok and its wider social impact have given rise to a number of questions that are being explored in a variety of fields. From an academic standpoint, TikTok has been the subject of interdisciplinary research, encompassing fields such as media studies, psychology, sociology, economics and information technology. This research is concerned with content analysis and its impact on users. Furthermore, it examines the algorithms that influence the distribution and consumption of content. The research examines the impact of TikTok on the mental health of young people, as well as legal and ethical issues related to the regulation of social media and the protection of users and their consumption behaviour. Further research and discourse are required to ascertain the impact of TikTok on lifestyles, health, educational understandings of beauty or food choices, and its impact on individual and collective spheres. Additionally, the long-term effects of TikTok on society remain the subject of intense academic and professional debate.

A significant number of authors have observed that if used in moderation and with an awareness of the potential negative consequences, this social network can have multiple benefits. For instance, it can facilitate an increase in creativity, foster originality and boost self-esteem. Some authors posit that regular use of the social network may facilitate creative thinking and the adoption of innovative approaches to problem-solving. Furthermore, the utilisation of TikTok for the dissemination of educational content appears to be a promising avenue. The research in this area indicates that the use of social media can facilitate understanding of complex topics and increase student motivation and engagement in learning.

Research in the field of social media and psychology has predominantly focused on the negative aspects of social media use, including its impact on users’ psychological well-being, the formation of collective identity, and social relationships. Other negative areas include privacy and data security, as well as the potential negative impact on users’ mental health, including social media addiction and impaired self-esteem.

Furthermore, excessive use of TikTok has been linked to social isolation, disrupted sleep patterns and increased stress. Moreover, the influence of algorithms on the dissemination of misinformation and extremist content, which can have a detrimental impact on public opinion and social cohesion, must also be considered.

A further area of interest is the impact of social media on consumer behaviour and marketing communication. Research indicates that the social network TikTok has a significant impact on brands’ marketing strategies, particularly with regard to Generation Z. The platform enables brands to communicate effectively with their target audiences through authentic and creative content, often mediated by influencers. TikTok thus presents brands with the potential to not only raise awareness of their products and services but also to encourage user interaction and engagement.

TikTok has the potential to positively influence social relations; however, it is essential to consider the possible negative consequences and implement measures to minimise the risks. This encompasses the implementation of privacy measures, the dissemination of information to users regarding the responsible utilisation of social media, and the facilitation of research into the long-term psychological effects of technology.

It is imperative that research in this field continues to examine the long-term effects on society and identify strategies to guarantee the secure and beneficial utilisation of this prevalent platform. It would be beneficial for future studies to investigate the effectiveness of various interventions and regulatory measures that could mitigate the negative aspects of social media use and promote its positive potential.



This chapter was elaborated within the research project supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) No. APVV APVV-22-0469-Roadmap of a digital platform providing AI (Artificial Intelligence) automation of decision-making processes in the field of communication strategy.


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Written By

Ľudmila Čábyová and Peter Krajčovič

Submitted: 21 June 2024 Reviewed: 26 June 2024 Published: 30 July 2024