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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implementation and Practices in Construction Industry: A Review

Written By

Bamidele Charles Olaiya, Olaolu George Fadugba and Mustapha Muhammad Lawan

Submitted: 03 July 2024 Reviewed: 10 July 2024 Published: 02 October 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006363

New Insights Into Reinforced Concrete Technology IntechOpen
New Insights Into Reinforced Concrete Technology Edited by Ali Bahadori-Jahromi

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New Insights Into Reinforced Concrete Technology [Working Title]

Prof. Ali Bahadori-Jahromi

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In the construction sector, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a disruptive technology that improves project outcomes and changes conventional methods. This analysis looks at how BIM is used in the construction industry, emphasizing the advantages, factors that encourage adoption, and obstacles to it. Better stakeholder cooperation and communication are made possible by BIM, which boosts project efficiency and saves a substantial amount of money. Its value extends beyond the building phase into facilities management by supporting sustainable construction practices through thorough energy analysis and lifecycle management. Despite these benefits, there are still obstacles to BIM adoption, including high upfront costs, shortage of workers with the necessary skills, interoperability problems, and organizational opposition. The degree of BIM adoption throughout the world varies depending on elements such as industry norms, government regulations, and technology readiness. Industry stakeholders must work together to define global standards, provide training and education, create supporting regulations, and share successful case studies in order to overcome these obstacles. BIM is positioned to play an increasingly important role in the construction industry’s ongoing evolution, spurring innovation and enhancing the built environment.


  • building information model
  • construction industry
  • technology
  • global trends
  • communication

1. Introduction

Building and infrastructure facility development and implementation are intricate processes involving several parties with varying levels of skill [1]. These parties must constantly reconcile and communicate intensely in order for the building project to be successful. As of right now, this usually entails the delivery of the construction project’s technical drawings in a graphical format, such as sections, views, and detail drawings that are both horizontal and vertical [2]. Digitalization has drastically increased productivity, product quality, and product diversity during the previous 10 years in a number of industrial sectors. Digital technologies are being used more often in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector to design, develop, and manage infrastructure assets and buildings [1, 3, 4]. However, compared to other business fields, the continuous usage of digital information throughout the whole production chain lags substantially. Because information is still mostly transferred in the form of drawings either as actual printed plots on paper or in a restricted digital format, valuable information is lost much too frequently. These interruptions in the flow of information happen at every stage of a constructed facility’s lifespan, including the crucial handovers that take place during the phases of design, building, and operation [5]. Building information modeling can be useful in this situation. A much deeper application of computer technology in the engineering, design, building, and operation of constructed facilities is accomplished through the use of the BIM approach [5].

The term “Building Information Modeling” (BIM) is most commonly used to describe a collection of parametric tools and processes for the creation and upkeep of an integrated collaborative database of multi-dimensional information about the planning, construction, and operation of a building. The goal of BIM is to improve stakeholder collaboration, which in turn shortens the time required for project documentation and yields more predictable project outcomes [2, 5].

Planning, designing, constructing, and managing infrastructure and buildings may be revolutionized with the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of digitally capturing a building’s structural and operational features. It establishes a common knowledge base for building-related information and provides a solid foundation for decision-making throughout the building’s lifecycle, from conception to destruction. Another way to describe building information modeling (BIM) is as an intelligent model-based method that offers knowledge for planning and directing infrastructure and construction projects more quickly, cheaply, and effectively [6, 7]. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that includes creating and maintaining digital representations of a place’s functional and physical attributes. It is not only a technology. In order to create and convey project choices, it entails building and utilizing sophisticated 3D models. Due to the abundance of data in these models, comprehensive simulations and analyses of building performance, scheduling, and cost control are possible.

The origins of BIM may be found in the early years of computer-aided design (CAD) in the 1970s and 1980s. The idea has developed over several decades. However, the early 2000s saw the popularization of the phrase “Building Information Modeling” itself. Progress in processing power, software capabilities, and industry standards has improved BIM’s functionality and uptake over time [7]. BIM is a technology-enhanced approach that brings together a variety of stakeholders from many professions to work in a multidisciplinary setting, exchanging information and cooperating on a single project that is constructed more quickly, more cheaply, and with fewer mistakes [8, 9]. Beyond basic spatial connections, BIM goes beyond standard CAD drawings by offering intelligence to individual building components (such as windows, walls, or chillers) as well as system- and building-wide information and awareness (such as system flows or building loads).

BIM models provide a wealth of information that simulates the whole construction cycle, including but not limited to 3D geometry, procurement, various building operations, costs, and time schedules. The models that have been developed enable the extraction of data on quantity take-offs, materials needed, and task scope. The three primary goals of every construction project, i.e., increased quality, shortened time, and lower cost, can be accomplished with the quantity of information shared and comprehended [8, 10]. The following procedures are included in building information modeling [9]:

  • Creating and utilizing a system of integrated graphical data management and information flow in relation to the construction process description;

  • Developing an integrated and holistic building creation strategy encompassing design, construction, and lifecycle management based on modeling and computer simulation; and

  • Converting lone contractors into teams that function as decentralized units that tackle complex problems and integrate disparate tasks into coherent processes.

It is anticipated that these BIM procedures would result in increased productivity and decreased expenses for different operations over the course of the building’s lifetime [11]. Architects, engineers, contractors, owners, facilities managers, and other project lifecycle participants are all involved in the BIM process and communicate with BIM designers, who are tasked with providing more precise energy modeling data. Then, BIM uses this data to create and utilize digital models for building project design, construction, and/or operation. These models create a virtual building database that serves as a single, integrated source for all information related to the design of a building by combining intelligent 2D and 3D objects used to define a building design with external factors like location and local conditions [8, 11].

Architects, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineers, and contractors are able to depict the geometric and functional relationships between building elements because of the parametrically defined graphical and non-graphical information that is attributed to the objects. All of the building project’s design papers and timetables are fed by this data into an integrated database [11, 12].

1.1 Core components of BIM

  • 3D modeling: At the heart of BIM is the creation of detailed three-dimensional digital models that represent the geometry of a building. These models are built using parametric components, which means that any change in one part of the model automatically updates related parts, maintaining consistency and accuracy.

  • Information management: Information is managed over a building’s whole lifespan as part of BIM. Design data, construction timetables, cost estimates, and maintenance data are all included in this. BIM enables improved communication and cooperation among project stakeholders by centralizing this data.

  • Collaboration and integration: BIM encourages owners, contractors, engineers, and architects to work together. BIM lowers mistakes and rework by offering a common platform where all stakeholders can view and update project information, resulting in more effective project delivery.

  • Lifecycle management: BIM’s emphasis on a building’s complete lifespan, from original design to construction to operation and maintenance, is one of its fundamental advantages. With this lifetime strategy, you can be confident that the building will function as planned and can be effectively managed during its usage.

1.2 Benefits of BIM

The main advantages of BIM include the following:

  1. Flow of information: One of the primary benefits of BIM is that it may greatly enhance the flow of information at every step of a structure’s design, construction, and lifecycle. This is because a digital model is a unified description of a building. At various points throughout the building lifecycle, the architects, MEP engineers, contractors, facilities managers, and owners may use the digital model to add, remove, or change information to support their roles. Maintaining a clear project vision helps to increase productivity, decrease mistakes, and encourage well-informed decision-making [13].

  2. Improved design visualization: BIM gives stakeholders access to a thorough 3D model of the building, enabling them to see the project before it is constructed. This facilitates the early detection of any design problems and the formulation of wise decisions. For architects and engineers, anticipating the reactions and interactions of building residents, guests, and neighbors is an essential aspect of the design process. Nonetheless, MEP engineers may also gain a great deal from the virtual building model produced during the BIM process, which aids in optimizing the HVAC system architecture within the architectural restrictions of the building [13].

  3. Better cost estimation: Due to the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the data it offers, BIM can streamline and aid in the creation of more accurate cost estimates. The relative simplicity with which assembly and material amounts may be retrieved from the model can speed up and improve the accuracy of estimates, giving a clearer indication of the effect of design modifications and enabling proactive management of budgetary problems [10, 14].

  4. Lower construction costs: One of the numerous BIM tools, clash detection, may be used to indicate where elements of the design share space long before the building even starts. This may lessen or completely remove the requirement for field modifications while work is underway. Additionally, BIM models may be utilized to confidently prefabricate building components like pipe or duct lines. This can reduce the price of installation and assembly. Additionally, BIM supports financial planning and budgeting by offering precise quantity take-offs and cost estimations. Time and waste are also decreased, and building timelines may be optimized by having the capacity to identify conflicts.

  5. Building history: For owners and service contractors, the digital model may operate as a valuable information repository as a building moves through the design, construction, and occupancy phases. The building information model, for instance, may be used to locate and identify the manufacturer, model number, performance standards, and other relevant information about a malfunctioning building component so that it can be replaced or repaired as quickly as possible. The building information model may be used to uncover hidden elements like electrical equipment, ductwork, and plumbing if a section of the structure is being rebuilt. This can help with decision-making on the remodel plan [1].

A schematic depiction of how BIM is used in the building process is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Schematic representation of BIM interaction [15].


2. Characteristics of BIM

2.1 BIM competence stages

The fundamental capacity to carry out a job or provide a BIM service or product is known as BIM capability. The minimal BIM criteria, or BIM Stages, are the significant benchmarks that teams or organizations must meet while putting BIM technologies and concepts into practice [8]. The BIM Capability model, which ranges from level 0 to level 3, is a type of model used to assess stakeholders’ software proficiency. It is intended for use by individuals or organizations engaged in BIM. Three phases of BIM capability exist, and they are [8]:

  • Object-based modeling in BIM—Stage1;

  • Collaboration based on models—Stage 2;

  • Integration based on networks—Stage 3.

A BIM stage’s minimal criteria describe it. For instance, an organization must have implemented an object-based modeling software product, such as ArchiCAD, Revit, Tekla, or Constructor, in order to be evaluated at BIM Capability Stage 1. In a similar vein, an organization must participate in a collaborative interdisciplinary “model-based” project in order to achieve BIM Capability Stage 2. An enterprise must be sharing object-based models with at least two other disciplines via a network-based solution (such as model servers) in order to be evaluated at BIM Capability Stage 3. Competency Steps are further broken into each of the three Capability Stages. Steps are progressive changes, but stages are transformative or drastic ones [16]. This is what sets stages apart from steps. The set of actions necessary to go through a BIM Stage, from pre-BIM to post-BIM, is determined by the unique requirements, obstacles, and deliverables associated with each stage. The three BIM capability phases are depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

BIM capability stages [8].

2.2 BIM maturity levels

The quality, consistency, and level of excellence within a BIM capability are referred to as “BIM Maturity.” That is to say, “maturity” refers to the degree of that skill in carrying out a job or delivering a BIM service or product, as opposed to “capability,” which indicates minimal competence. Benchmarks for BIM Maturity are performance improvement levels or milestones that organizations and teams strive toward. An organization’s hybrid mix of humans and technology needs to be of a high caliber in order for it to be classified as very mature in BIM. This high quality translates into better control over differences in time schedules and cost estimates between goal and actual results [8, 17]. The shift from low to higher levels of maturity often indicates:

  • Greater efficacy in achieving predetermined objectives and establishing new, more ambitious ones;

  • Better control by eliminating differences between performance targets and actual outcomes; and

  • Better predictability and forecasting by lowering variability in competency, performance, and costs [11].

It is not possible for the construction sector to make the significant shift to completely digitalize model-based working methods all at once. A better strategy would be to gradually implementing the new technology together with the related process modifications. Consequently, the BIM Maturity Model was created by the UK BIM Task Group and outlines four distinct stages of BIM deployment, which are [18] as follows:

  1. Level 0 (Pre BIM): This is the initial phase, the state prior to the use of BIM, and it denotes an unmanaged CAD environment with no project team participation. Level 0 refers to customary workflows that utilize 2D computer-aided design (CAD) and include exchanging paper-based designs. Information sharing most likely occurs via 2D documents. While 2D is the foundation for all documents, 3D visualizations are also useful. In general, the visualization model and documentation are not connected to quantities, cost estimates, and requirements. There is no digital collaboration at this point. Paper drawings, computer prints, or a combination of the two are the results.

  2. Level 1 (Object-based modeling): Models are created using an object-based 3D parametric software tool. All phases of creation include users creating models, which serve as the foundation for both 2D and 3D documentation and visualization. It consists of the facility’s partial 3D modeling, particularly for complicated geometries, with the majority of the design still being realized through 2D drawings. Individual files are sent and received in this case to facilitate data interchange; a central project platform is not used.

    Stages 0 and 1 differ from each other in terms of contractual relationships and small process modifications. A combination of 2D and 3D CAD is usually used in stage 1 for documentation and product information, and for concept work.

  3. Level 2 (Collaborative BIM): Using a model-based collaboration method, several disciplines actively collaborate with one another at this level. The cloud-based application is typically used for collaboration. It becomes important to alter contracts, and different analytical tools might be coupled to models. The models are used to evaluate processes. Rather than using a single, common model, each field is developing its own model. The key component of this level is the information sharing throughout disciplines, which is how cooperation emerges. Within a Common Data Environment (CDE), design information is shared using standardized formats such as Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) or Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie). This makes it possible for businesses to integrate data with their own model and apply the knowledge going forward.

  4. Level 3 (Integrated BIM): During the course of the project lifecycle, jointly developed, shared, and maintained semantically rich network-based integrated models are produced. At this point, models become multidisciplinary models that permit complicated analyses to be done during the early phases of design and construction. Deliverables from the model include full lifecycle costing, green policies, business information, and lean building techniques. Significant adjustments to contractual arrangements, risk distribution schemes, and procedural procedures are now required. In order to offer two-way access to project stakeholders and ultimately enable Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), a common transdisciplinary model is required. The whole lifespan makes use of tightly integrated digital models, and ISO standards are used for data interchange and process descriptions. Project data is managed using cloud services to ensure that it is regularly and continually maintained throughout the building’s lifecycle. An illustrated depiction of the BIM maturity stages is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

The BIM maturity ramp [19].

2.3 BIM competency sets

For the purposes of BIM deployment and evaluation, a hierarchical collection of individual capabilities is known as a BIM Competency Set [19, 20]. The word “competence” refers to a general set of skills appropriate for implementing and evaluating BIM capability and/or maturity rather than necessarily reflecting human talents. They are known as BIM Implementation Steps if a BIM Competency Set is applied to active implementation. On the other hand, they are known as BIM Assessment Areas when they are utilized to evaluate current implementations. BIM competencies may be categorized into three categories: technology, process, and policy. These sets are a direct reflection of BIM requirements and deliverables.

Networks, hardware, and software are examples of technology. For instance, the transition from drafting-based to object-based workflow is made possible by the availability of a BIM tool, which is a prerequisite for BIM Stage 1. Process sets for infrastructure, human resources, leadership, and goods and services. Model-based collaboration, for instance, requires database-sharing abilities and collaboration procedures (BIM Stage 2). Contracts, rules, and research/education all contain policy. Network-based integration, for instance, requires alliance-based or risk-sharing contractual arrangements (BIM Stage 3).

2.4 BIM level of development (L.O.D)

In Building Information Modeling (BIM), the Level of Development (LOD) indicates the degree of precision and detail that a model element has at different points during the project lifecycle. Clarity, fewer misunderstandings, and improved decision-making are all aided by the standardized method that LOD offers for describing and conveying the dependability and content of BIM parts [21]. Usually, there are 500 or more LOD frameworks, each with unique properties and uses. Depending on the magnitude of the project, the client’s requests from the consultants and contractors determine what LOD should be employed [22].

  • LOD 100 (Conceptual): Elements are visually depicted but lack detail at this level. In essence, they are placeholders that indicate general dimensions, form, position, and orientation.

  • LOD 200 (Approximate geometry): Non-geometric data may be included in elements that are defined by approximate geometry. It is appropriate for schematic design phases when preliminary design intent is expressed, and it includes basic material requirements and other non-geometric data.

  • LOD 300 (Precise geometry): Element dimensions and geometry are precisely represented at this level. These components can be used to construct detailed designs and to coordinate with other professions. It contains comprehensive non-geometric details on the finishes, materials, and performance requirements.

  • LOD 350 (Detailed design): All of the elements, including interconnections with other building systems, are designed with intricate geometry and linkages. It is utilized for thorough coordination, conflict detection, and construction documentation and contains precise information regarding fabrication and installation.

  • LOD 400: (Fabrication and assembly): At this level, particular fabrication, assembly, and installation details are represented for each element. It contains details on how to assemble, install, and determine exact measurements.

  • LOD 500 (As-built): The as-built circumstances are represented by the elements that are modeled. Verified information representing the finished construction is included at this level. It has extensive data for facility management, operations, and maintenance.

In BIM, the Level of Development (LOD) is a crucial framework that establishes the precision and level of detail of model pieces during the course of the project. Project teams may improve their clarity, communication, and decision-making, which will result in more effective and successful project outputs, by comprehending and applying LOD. From conceptual design to as-built documentation, each step of the lifecycle (LOD) has a distinct function that supports the various demands of various project phases [22].

2.5 BIM dimension

The many information and analytical facets that may be included in a BIM model are represented by the dimensions of building information modeling (BIM) [23, 24]. These dimensions encompass extra data that may be utilized to improve the design, building, and management processes, going beyond the fundamental 3D modeling of physical structures. These are the BIM dimensions that are widely accepted [24, 25]:

  • 1D BIM: The documenting of all needs related to the building project lifecycle is the first basis of BIM. The BIM platform incorporates the scattered information from stakeholders and teams as a foundation for managing configuration and document updates. The process of creating and disseminating crucial information throughout the infrastructure building project’s commissioning phase is made clearer by documentation. With consistent access to engineering specifications, architectural drawings, equipment features, and product requirements, the structured set of project documents helps project managers exchange information with the project team and keep them on track. It also streamlines the information management process [26]. Processing changes and maintaining track of various document versions need proper document management. The document management system defines which internal and external stakeholders have real-time access to a complete archive of documents. Owners may obtain a comprehensive understanding of the distribution of information among stakeholders and the dimension of information by centralizing all crucial papers required for the design, execution, and administration of a facility. This BIM feature simplifies a number of steps in the infrastructure construction process.

  • 2D BIM: Project design and drawings can only be represented using a basic X- and Y-axis model when modeling a project in two dimensions. Planning is mainly done in two dimensions, connecting the project requirements to the goals and constraints. Because 2D BIM is the most ancient type of construction model, it makes basic planning tasks faster and easier to understand. More detail is necessary, nevertheless, in big and complicated infrastructure projects to guarantee the creation and implementation of perfect, cost-effective plans and designs that enable the timely completion of building projects. Detailed planning is more difficult when more variables and restrictions are added, and visualizing the parameters becomes necessary [27].

  • 3D BIM: Three-dimensional items make up the information model in a three-dimensional BIM model. In a virtual world, these things symbolize the building or building areas. These three-dimensional items have at least the following dimensions: length, breadth, and height. Additional details, including the material and finish, can be used. The clarity and rigor of the design and planning process are increased when done in a three-dimensional setting. It comprises the integration and representation of both graphical and non-graphical data, including estimated values, spatial connections, and isometrics. A 3D information model’s main advantages are enhanced coordination, made possible by visualization, and generic information collection. Designers might enhance the quality of the results by simulating potential physical collisions during the assembly of various components. This type of quality assurance for design documents helps to enhance project compliance with quality standards by eliminating mistakes. Any upgrades, including new construction, modifications, and destruction, may be handled more methodically [28].

  • 4D BIM: Time is a dimension that 4D BIM adds to the 3D model. In order to replicate the building process across time, this entails incorporating construction scheduling and sequencing into the BIM model. When a facility’s schedule is integrated into its 3D model, timing and activity sequence issues may be identified. Project schedules must be closely examined for any apparent problems with conflicts and interferences in the hard or soft logic of the activity relationships. Using the BIM analytical tools, the planned activities’ evolution is simulated so that the activity network may be enhanced and optimized.

  • 5D BIM: Cost data is incorporated into the BIM model using this BIM dimension. This is tying cost information to the different parts of the 3D model so that financial analysis, budgeting, and cost estimation may be made easier. The seamless integration of budget, schedule, and BIM 3D models allows estimators to assess capital and operational expenses during the building phase and gives the owner precise information about how much the contractor should be invoicing at any given time. Automated quantity surveying may be used to achieve a realistic budget by visually analyzing the sensitivity of the expenses associated with carrying out each operation over time [29]. The primary advantages of the fifth dimension of BIM may include increased project change accuracy and predictability as well as a more trustworthy cost estimate of various construction scenarios.

  • 6D BIM: Energy efficiency and sustainability are the main topics of 6D BIM. This dimension entails adding information to the BIM model on environmental effects, sustainability initiatives, and energy analysis. It makes it possible to find out at a very early (concept) stage information on the building’s anticipated energy usage.

  • 7D BIM: The operations and management of facilities are the focus of 7D BIM. In this level, data on the building’s upkeep, operation, and lifecycle management are included. The data comprises asset characteristics, information on operation and maintenance during the project commissioning phase, facility requirements, installation and warranty details, maintenance schedules, manuals, and equipment configurations required for optimum performance. Owners can utilize this data to optimize infrastructure maintenance and operation in order to meet sustainability goals. With the aid of the 7D BIM, managers can see the lifecycle costs of their facilities and make well-informed decisions that take into account all potential long-term effects on the development or modifications of the facility. Through the utilization of lifetime data, designers are able to take Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) into account while developing infrastructure [30]. Some frameworks suggest other dimensions in addition to the widely accepted ones to solve other BIM-related issues:

  • 8D BIM (Safety): Safety management and planning are incorporated into the BIM process using 8D BIM. It entails adding risk analyses and safety precautions to the model. This dimension facilitates smooth communication and interaction between managers and stakeholders in order to implement safety strategies from the very beginning of the facility’s lifespan. This BIM system feature has not been completely utilized in reality, though, and more efficient hardware and software are still required to complete this integration. 8D BIM could only identify and remove the safety hazard by visually analyzing the building and all of its parts [31].

  • 9D BIM: 9D BIM emphasizes the concepts of lean building. It entails streamlining the building process to reduce waste and increase productivity [32]. This dimension focuses on resource management strategies to enhance the distribution and utilization of labor, materials, tools, and equipment across the facility’s lifetime. All resources used in the building and maintenance of infrastructure are analyzed using 9D BIM. For instance, helpful information may be obtained on how best to employ trucks for material transportation, cut down on the amount of onsite cars and circulation routes, get rid of repetitive, non-value-adding work, and shorten cycle times.

  • 10 D BIM: Another potential addition to the BIM system is the 10D BIM, which integrates disaster management plans and attempts to capitalize on industrialized construction [32]. This dimension finds and removes impediments to productivity in the planning, building, and operation of a facility. This dimension promotes the use of manufacturing equipment and drones to increase production. In this field, artificial intelligence is crucial for automating engineering planning and control processes. This dimension was very recently established, therefore, further research and testing are needed to determine how to use it. By using instantaneous information management, infrastructure building may be made more rigorous by including a higher degree of automation and systematic control, which also reduces the negative environmental effects.

The many BIM dimensions are displayed in Figure 4, along with the tasks to which each dimension was assigned in order to achieve optimal performance.

Figure 4.

Proportions of the BIM system [33].

In summary, BIM dimensions offer a thorough framework for incorporating different kinds of data and analysis into a BIM model. These dimensions provide improved construction project planning, coordination, and administration by going beyond 3D geometric modeling. Throughout the building lifecycle, better project results, more efficiency, and increased sustainability can result from an understanding of and use of the various BIM elements.


3. BIM application at various construction phases

3.1 Design development phase

In order to produce a thorough and well-coordinated collection of drawings and specifications, the preliminary design concepts are improved and detailed during the Design Development (DD) phase, which is an essential step in the building process. During this phase, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is essential since it improves accuracy, cooperation, and efficiency. There are several benefits that BIM offers to the engineering and design process. One of the biggest benefits of adopting BIM over traditional 2D procedures is that most technical drawings, including horizontal and vertical sections, are generated straight from the model and are thus automatically compatible with one another. Early conflict identification and resolution between design disciplines is made feasible by clash detection between the various partial models [23, 34]. Because a lot of the input data on the geometry and material properties of the building can be obtained straight from the model, BIM also makes it easier to integrate computations and simulations in an efficient manner. The design process can then make use of a variety of simulations, such as lightning analysis, evacuation simulations, building performance simulations, and structural analyses. Furthermore, the model may be used to verify that it complies with rules and laws; it is mostly semi-automated at the moment, but it may eventually be more automated. Lastly, a highly accurate quantity take-off may be computed using the model data, which serves as the foundation for trustworthy cost estimates and enhances accuracy during the tendering and bidding process [31].

The majority of the design and engineering work in traditional planning procedures happens in the latter stages of detailed design, and occasionally even during the building phase itself. Because of this, a thorough evaluation of the building design happens only at a very late stage in the process, along with the intricate coordination of design disciplines and the integration of analytic and simulation technologies. However, at this time, there are fewer and more expensive implementation options for design modifications [34].

In contrast, a large portion of the planning work in a BIM-based planning process can be advanced to the early stages of design by creating an extensive digital building model. It is possible to evaluate the impact of design decisions more thoroughly and to identify and resolve potential conflicts early on by using computational analyses and meticulous planning of coordination requirements in the early design phases. This reduces the effort required in later phases and improves the overall quality of the design [26]. The main advantages of applying BIM throughout a building project’s design and development phase are as follows [29]:

  • Concepts become clearer and project conceptualization is made easier.

  • The owner is given a more straightforward and accurate visualization of the design.

  • Design decision-making is supported.

  • Feasibility studies, simulations, coordination, and design quality are improved.

  • Design and installation conditions are improved.

  • Design time and cost are saved.

  • Mistake identification is improved, reducing conflict error.

  • Collaboration among construction players is improved.

  • Risk reduction and an improved planning process are achieved.

  • Early on, more consideration is given to the selection of construction components.

  • BIM identifies potential conflicts before construction begins.

The use of BIM greatly improves accuracy, coordination, and stakeholder participation throughout the Design Development phase of the project. Detailed modeling, conflict detection, performance simulations, and thorough documentation are made easier by BIM procedures and technologies, which improve project outcomes and help designers make better decisions. Construction projects can gain greater quality, more productivity, and better alignment with client and regulatory requirements by utilizing BIM throughout this phase [29].

3.2 Construction phase

Throughout the building process, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an essential tool, and one of the most important phases when its advantages are felt is during the construction phase. BIM facilitates better project execution, increases productivity, and guarantees improved quality control throughout this stage [35].

The utilization of Building Information Modeling (BIM) has noteworthy benefits for the planning and implementation of a facility’s construction, in addition to its design. It is feasible to ascertain the services needed and pricing for the contractors while preparing the bid and also enables correct invoicing at a later point by providing the digital building model as part of the tendering process. A 4D Building Information Model may be used to assess the construction sequence, identify spatial collisions, and arrange site logistics by linking the various building components with the anticipated construction timeframes. In addition, a 5D model incorporates cost data and may be used to estimate how costs change over time [29]. Lastly, BIM techniques may also help with issue management and the billing of building projects.

The advantages of BIM during the building execution phase are as follows [36, 37]:

  • Enhancing the capacity of contractors to make informed decisions through the estimation, coordination, and scheduling of the construction process;

  • Improving the comprehension of the sequence and duration of construction activities;

  • Improving the visualization of construction details;

  • Improving the synchronization of design and construction planning;

  • Improving constructability;

  • Improving risk identification and the suitability of risk management to be made;

  • Improving safety features;

  • Improving productivity through time and cost savings;

  • Reducing errors, waste, and rework for better sustainability for construction; Immediate response to design changes;

  • Optimizing client experience and satisfaction;

  • Increasing workforce effectiveness.

There are several advantages of applying BIM throughout the building phase that improve the general effectiveness, caliber, and safety of construction projects. Construction teams may save risks, cut down on errors, and enhance project results by using BIM for planning, coordination, cost management, procurement, quality control, and safety [37]. Modern construction technologies and BIM integration significantly simplify procedures and promote the timely completion of building projects.

3.3 Facilities operation and management phase

Building information modeling (BIM) is still useful for facilities operation and management (O&M) after construction is complete. BIM is an essential tool for effectively managing and preserving the built environment throughout this time [38].

The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) defines facility management as a multidisciplinary profession that integrates people, location, process, and technology to guarantee the built environment functions properly. Roles and duties in facility management are divided into eight main categories. Planning, budgeting, space management, interior design, interior installation, architecture, engineering services, building maintenance, and operations are some of the topics covered in this [38].

Building information modeling (BIM) is still useful for facilities operation and management (O&M) after construction is complete. BIM is an essential tool for effectively managing and preserving the built environment throughout this time [38]. Using the digital building model during the course of a constructed facility’s rather lengthy operation period yields additional benefits to the BIM technique. The orderly transfer of BIM data from the design team to the owner, including all pertinent data from the building phase, is an essential precondition. The owner may input high-value digital data straight into his facility or asset management systems in place of “dead” drawings. This implies that, with regard to buildings, data regarding room dimensions, HVAC, energy, and telecommunications may be accessed instantly and does not require human entry [38, 39]. Information on installed devices, such as maintenance schedules and warranty terms, is very useful for the building’s operation. Building information modeling (BIM) is still useful for facilities operation and management (O&M) after construction is complete. BIM is an essential tool for effectively managing and preserving the built environment throughout this time [38].

Maintaining the digital building model is crucial; any modifications made to the physical facility must be reflected in its digital counterpart. In the event that more extensive repairs or alterations are needed down the road, the building model serves as a great foundation for the essential design work. In order to arrange for ecologically responsible recycling or disposal of the materials used in the building of a constructed facility when its lifecycle comes to an end and it is set to be demolished, the digital twin offers comprehensive information about those materials [39].

The benefits of BIM in the phases of facilities, operations, and maintenance are as follows [37, 40]:

  • Building information modeling (BIM) is very useful for facilities operation and management (O&M) after construction is complete.

  • BIM is an essential tool for effectively managing and preserving the built environment throughout this time.

  • It is easier to share information about a building’s lifecycle.

  • Collaboration is improved.

  • Environmental sustainability is enhanced.

  • Whole life cost control is improved.

  • Emergency management is improved.

  • Project closeout is enhanced.

  • Project information loss is decreased.

  • Built property is tracked.

  • Proactive property management is done.

  • Maintenance history reviews are enabled.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an excellent technique for managing constructed assets throughout their lifespan in the Facilities Operation and Management Phase. Facility managers can optimize operations, enhance sustainability, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve overall facility performance by utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) for as-built documentation, maintenance planning, energy management, space utilization, asset management, security planning, and financial analysis in their facilities. BIM integration with cutting-edge technology and data-driven tactics enhances effective facilities management and helps organizations accomplish their goals and objectives [39].


4. BIM and the construction industry

Although it still lags behind other industries in terms of productivity, efficiency, quality, and sustainability, the construction sector is one of the biggest in the world. This is due to its ineffectiveness and low output, which are attributed to the fragmented character of the project delivery process. When attempting to creatively incorporate construction into project development, the construction industry frequently encountered obstacles. These disadvantages frequently result in poor project performance and project delays [41]. Improving the industry’s performance requires an awareness of the factors that contribute to these disadvantages. Thus, scholars from all around the world have looked into what causes some of the industry’s problems. The examined literature reveals that a primary contributing factor is inadequate communication among project players [42]. A never-ending loop of information sharing between project stakeholders is required while doing construction projects, as noted in Ref. [43]. Both inadequate documentation and information management have contributed to the fragmentation of the construction industry’s operations. As a result, a number of studies have been carried out to look at ways to enhance project delivery by reducing the issue of inadequate communication in the traditional techniques of project execution [6]. The use of Building Information Modeling is one of these.

With the development of information technology (IT), the globe is now referred to as a global village. No industry in the world is immune to the advantages of information technology. The built environment’s cutting edge has been greatly aided by the advent of information technology in the construction sector. The building industry has developed a variety of software as a result of the integration of information technology (IT), and BIM is among the newest and most popular programs in the sector. It is indisputable that the use of BIM in the built environment has improved construction professionals’ performance in terms of delivering infrastructures more quickly and better. The BIM system generates models that are extremely rich in data that can be analyzed by individual professionals in the construction sector to help them make decisions about the delivery of infrastructure, according to Associated General Contractors of America [44].

Because BIM enables construction professionals to work together as an integrated team during the project delivery process, Rokooei [45] further highlighted the significance of BIM in the industry. There has never been a synergy platform like the one that BIM offers to all parties involved in the building sector. However, the result of these platforms has been a geometric rise in the delivery of infrastructure production. The substantial potential of BIM for management, optimization, sustainability, and communication has been demonstrated by several research [46]. In actuality, collaborative BIM solutions facilitate improved lifecycle data management [47], claims management [46], site management [45], coordination and communication among stakeholders, and design correctness and installation quality.

Meanwhile, several studies [5, 48] have shown its capacity to envisage planned structures prior to the erection stage [49] in order to foresee all types of dangers, boost productivity, save money, and improve teamwork. In reality, Building SMART reveals [49] that BIM contributed to improvements in understanding design objectives, overall project quality, and cost management in Europe and North America, respectively, of 69, 62%, and 43, 65, 54, and 37%. However, BIM assisted in decreasing disputes among project participants, making modifications during construction, and providing clarification on requests by 59, 56, and 43% in Europe and 68, 54, and 47% in North America, respectively. Additionally, BIM enables significant cost savings, particularly in the AEC project lifecycle’s construction and exploitation stages.

Cost estimate, collision detection, energy simulation, quantity take-off, schedule simulation, facility management, health and safety, off-site manufacturing, and three-dimensional representation are only a few of the current applications for BIM [46, 50]. The mid-2000s witnessed a variety of moves toward the global adoption of BIM in order to address low inefficiencies and other barriers to innovation in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry [51]. The adoption of BIM is being driven mostly by the increased public knowledge of it. But even with BIM’s global debut, its outputs are uneven, most likely as a result of acceptance and implementation issues in various nations.


5. BIM adoption around the world

Global adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) varies greatly depending on a number of factors, including industry standards, cultural norms, legal constraints, and technical maturity.

Instead of strategic adoption or use, research appears to have been concentrated on software innovations for the BIM process [52]. Although building projects in industrialized nations are gradually requiring BIM, poorer nations are trailing behind in the development of this technology. Both developed and developing nations still struggle with the adoption of BIM; but, due to the coordinated efforts of certain of their governments and organizations, developed nations have surpassed poor nations in this regard [53].

Table 1 provides a summary of the adoption of BIM across various geographies.

CountriesBIM Espousal
United StatesBIM adoption is widespread across the construction industry, driven by government mandates, industry initiatives (e.g., AIA’s BIM documents), and the push for efficiency and sustainability. Major projects often require BIM implementation.
CanadaBIM adoption is also significant, with provincial governments and industry associations promoting its use. Large construction firms and government projects frequently use BIM for design, construction, and facilities management.
United KingdomThe UK has been a leader in BIM adoption, driven by the government’s BIM Level 2 mandate since 2016. Public sector projects require BIM for collaboration and lifecycle management.
ScandinaviaCountries like Sweden and Norway have embraced BIM for its efficiency and sustainability benefits. BIM is widely used in both public and private-sector construction projects.
Australia and New ZealandBIM adoption is growing rapidly, supported by government initiatives and industry mandates. Major infrastructure projects and large-scale developments increasingly require BIM implementation.
SingaporeKnown for its advanced construction industry, Singapore mandates BIM for government projects and promotes its use through incentives and training programs.
Saudi ArabiaBIM adoption is gaining traction as part of Vision 2030 initiatives to modernize the construction sector and improve project efficiency.
BrazilBIM adoption is growing, supported by government policies to improve infrastructure and construction project efficiency. Major cities and public projects increasingly require BIM implementation.
MexicoBIM adoption varies by region but is increasing, driven by large-scale infrastructure projects and efforts to modernize construction practices.
South AfricaBIM adoption is advancing, particularly in urban centers and major construction projects. The government promotes BIM as part of efforts to enhance infrastructure development and efficiency.
ChinaChina is regarded as the most advanced in using BIM, especially by large enterprises within the AEC industry, as it aspires to be a major global player and transition into a developed nation. In China, the use of BIM has progressively moved from the design to the building stages. Nevertheless, the majority of BIM’s use is currently restricted to visualizing conflicts in building systems. Dou et al. [54] came to the conclusion that BIM standards, regulations, and business models are essential to promoting greater BIM growth in China via case studies of thirty BIM projects.

Table 1.

BIM adoption among countries around the world [18, 28, 48, 51].

Similar to industrialized countries, the construction sector in emerging nations is composed of over 90% small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) [48], and it is often regarded as the engine of economic progress. Compared to large organizations, these smaller ones have an easier time making changes to their organizational structure. They also carry out smaller-scale initiatives, which facilitate innovation and may sometimes provide more advantages in a shorter amount of time than larger-scale projects [55]. However, because it involves a significant financial commitment and level of risk, SMEs frequently refuse to engage in innovations that are outside of their comfort zones. They are quick to embrace innovations that fit within the current organizational capabilities and may quickly benefit the business. However, the SMEs view the implementation of BIM as a radical process [48], disruptive [56], a significant shift [55], and challenging [57]. This is because it is believed that large companies with “organizational slack,” which encourages risk-taking and innovative experimentation, can afford to invest in the initial costs of implementing BIM quickly, but SMEs cannot [58].

5.1 Factors influencing global BIM adoption

The adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) around the world is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors can either drive or hinder the implementation and integration of BIM in construction projects.

5.1.1 Government mandates and policies

In many countries, government mandates requiring the use of BIM for public sector projects have significantly boosted adoption. Examples include the UK’s BIM Level 2 mandate and Singapore’s government BIM requirements. Also, Government incentives, grants, and support programs can encourage private sector adoption by reducing the financial and technical barriers to implementing BIM.

5.1.2 Industry standards and initiatives

Industry bodies and professional organizations often develop BIM standards and guidelines, which help standardize practices and encourage widespread adoption. Collaborative efforts within the industry, such as consortiums and BIM forums, promote knowledge sharing and establish best practices.

5.1.3 Technological readiness

The availability and affordability of BIM software and tools are crucial. Regions with access to advanced technological infrastructure tend to have higher adoption rates. Also, compatibility and integration with other construction technologies and software systems (e.g., CAD, ERP) are essential for smooth BIM implementation.

5.1.4 Educational and training programs

The availability of BIM training programs and educational courses for professionals in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is vital for adoption. Incorporating BIM into university curricula helps prepare the next generation of professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge.

5.1.5 Project complexity and size

BIM is particularly beneficial for large-scale and complex projects where its capabilities in coordination, visualization, and data management can significantly enhance project outcomes. Increasingly, clients are specifying BIM as a requirement for project delivery, driving adoption among construction firms.

5.1.6 Cultural and organizational factors

The willingness of organizations to change traditional processes and adopt new technologies plays a significant role in BIM adoption. In some regions, cultural resistance to change and a preference for traditional methods can hinder BIM adoption.

5.1.7 Market demand and competition

Competitive pressure within the construction industry can drive BIM adoption as firms seek to gain a competitive edge through enhanced efficiency and innovation. As clients become more aware of the benefits of BIM, their demand for BIM-based project delivery increases, driving adoption across the industry.

5.1.8 Integration with other technologies

The integration of BIM with other technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) enhances its capabilities and promotes adoption. The use of BIM in conjunction with construction automation technologies, such as robotics and prefabrication, further drives its adoption.

5.1.9 Environmental and sustainability goals

BIM’s ability to support sustainable design and construction practices makes it attractive in regions with stringent environmental regulations and sustainability goals. Furthermore, achieving green building certifications (e.g., LEED) often requires detailed environmental performance data, which BIM can provide.

5.2 Barriers to BIM adoption

Despite the numerous benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIM), its adoption in the construction industry faces several barriers. These obstacles can vary by region, project type, and organizational context.

5.2.1 High initial costs

The cost of purchasing BIM software and upgrading hardware to support it can be significant, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Expenses related to training, hiring skilled personnel, and changing workflows can also be substantial.

5.2.2 Lack of skilled personnel

There is often a shortage of professionals who are trained and experienced in using BIM. This skills gap can delay adoption and reduce the effectiveness of BIM implementation. Resistance from employees who are accustomed to traditional methods and hesitant to adopt new technologies can also impede BIM adoption.

5.2.3 Fragmented industry practices

The construction industry is highly fragmented, with many stakeholders involved. Achieving the level of collaboration required for effective BIM use can be challenging. Furthermore, variability in standards and practices across different regions and projects can complicate BIM implementation.

5.2.4 Interoperability issues

Different stakeholders might use different BIM software tools, leading to compatibility issues and difficulties in data exchange. Integrating BIM with other existing systems and technologies (e.g., ERP, CAD) can be complex and problematic.

5.2.5 Limited awareness and understanding

BIM can be perceived as complex and difficult to implement, leading to a reluctance among potential adopters, and lack of awareness about the benefits and capabilities of BIM can result in its low adoption rates.

5.2.6 Legal and contractual issues

Issues related to intellectual property, data ownership, and liability for errors in the BIM model can be significant barriers, and traditional contractual frameworks may not support the collaborative nature of BIM, requiring new approaches to project delivery and management.

5.2.7 Limited client demand

If clients do not demand BIM in their project specifications, construction firms might not see the incentive to adopt it. In regions or sectors where market demand for BIM is low, there is less motivation for firms to invest in BIM.

5.2.8 Regulatory and policy barriers

In regions without government mandates or policies promoting BIM, adoption can be slow. Regulatory requirements and compliance issues can complicate BIM adoption, especially in highly regulated sectors. For example, in Indonesia, lack of expertise, high cost of implementation, and resistance to change are the major barriers hindering BIM adoption in SME firms [48].


6. Case studies

6.1 Sydney opera house, Australia

The Sydney Opera House, a UNESCO World Heritage site, underwent a major BIM implementation as part of its Facilities Management Exemplar Project. The objectives of the project were to improve asset management and maintenance processes, enhance the building’s operational efficiency, and preserve the historical and architectural integrity of the structure [59, 60].

The following were implemented with BIM:

  • Creation of a detailed BIM model that included 3D geometry and metadata for all components.

  • Integration of the BIM model with existing facilities management software.

  • Use of laser scanning and photogrammetry to capture accurate as-built conditions.

With the use of BIM, the Sydney Opera House was able to ensure:

  • Enhanced accuracy in asset data management, reducing maintenance errors.

  • Improved efficiency in scheduling and conducting maintenance tasks.

  • Better visualization tools for planning and executing preservation work.

6.2 The Cathay Pacific cargo terminal, Hong Kong

The project, which is estimated to have cost USD $500 million, is situated on the south side of the Hong Kong International Airport platform, home to the cargo terminal facilities for Cathay Pacific (CX). At 2.6 million tons of cargo annually throughput, the facility will be the largest air cargo terminal in the world (measured in tons per square meter). During peak hours, the cargo terminal handles about 75 flights daily, carrying up to 110 tons of cargo from modified 747 cargo carriers known as silver bullets, or up to 25 tons from passenger planes.

The client stipulated that the BIM method must be used to coordinate the design from the start of the design phase. CX was committed to using cutting-edge technologies to lower the possibility of delays and cost overruns on the intricate fast-track project. The cargo facility is a specially designed structure that needs sophisticated mechanical, electrical, ventilation, drainage, and specialized mechanical systems. A thorough clash detection analysis matrix can be used to find and resolve any design conflicts between different systems (cargo handling, structural, architectural, municipal systems, and specialized systems) as the design, drawings, and specifications for these systems are integrated into the BIM.

Conflicts of many kinds need to be recognized in a project like this one. When plumbing or other systems cross through or otherwise obstruct structural or architectural features, there will be a severe collision. If this is disregarded during the design phase, it may result in a delay on site and need the filing of an RFI. Pallets weighing six tons each are used to bring cargo inside the building, where it is handled by the Materials Handling System (MHS). The MHS is made up of a semi-automated roller-deck assembly that moves the cargo pallets laterally. The pallets are raised or lowered vertically between floors using big hoists. This means that as cargo pallets are transported and processed across the facility, the BIM must take into consideration the many systems that can have a clearance dispute with their “kinetic envelope.”

A unique clash matrix was used to identify conflicts, and it included operating needs and design specifications (headroom, MHS standards, structural and architectural coordination, and MEP coordination) in the study (Figure 3). Priorities are set for the analysis, and problems are fixed before any building ever starts. Throughout the design coordination phase, this is an ongoing procedure that is worked on by a committed engineer. As a result, there are far fewer on-site RFIs, delays, and cost overruns.

The project has operated more smoothly as a consequence of CX’s proactive strategy, which also made previously divided design process components—structural engineers, architects, MEP, etc.—cooperate methodically from the beginning. This has necessitated comprehensive retraining for key staff in the usage of standardized software platforms and systems to guarantee uniformity in data design and presentation.

“At times we have had to insist that sliding back to 2-D methods is just not acceptable” is the professional inertia that is causing resistance. The strategy appeared to be changing the industry’s culture in the way that was intended (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Scheme of the new CX cargo terminal of Hong Kong [61].

These case studies highlight the diverse applications and benefits of BIM in the construction industry, demonstrating how it can enhance project coordination, reduce errors, improve efficiency, and support sustainability goals [62].


7. Conclusion

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a pivotal technology in transforming the construction industry, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and sustainability. This review has explored the implementation and practices of BIM, drawing several key conclusions:

7.1 Enhanced collaboration and communication

BIM significantly improves collaboration and communication among stakeholders by providing a unified digital platform. This fosters better coordination, reduces errors, and enhances decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

7.2 Increased project efficiency and cost savings

The use of BIM leads to greater project efficiency and cost savings. Its ability to produce accurate 3D models helps in the early detection of potential issues, reducing the likelihood of costly changes and delays. BIM also facilitates better resource planning and allocation, optimizing project workflows and timelines.

7.3 Sustainability and lifecycle management

BIM supports sustainable construction practices by enabling comprehensive energy analysis and material selection. It extends its utility beyond the construction phase into facilities management, providing valuable data for ongoing maintenance and operations, thereby enhancing the lifecycle management of buildings.

7.4 Integration with emerging technologies

The integration of BIM with technologies such as IoT, AR, and AI enhances its functionality. These technologies enable advanced data analytics, predictive maintenance, and improved visualization, driving innovation and improving project outcomes.

7.5 Challenges and barriers to adoption

Despite its advantages, BIM adoption faces several barriers. High initial costs, lack of skilled professionals, interoperability issues, and organizational resistance are significant challenges. Overcoming these requires concerted efforts from all industry stakeholders, including targeted training, supportive policies, and increased awareness of BIM’s benefits.

7.6 Global variability in adoption

BIM adoption varies significantly across the globe, influenced by regional factors such as government mandates, industry standards, and technological readiness. While some countries have seen widespread BIM implementation, others lag due to limited resources and regulatory frameworks.



The author expresses gratitude for the assistance received from Kampala International University.


Conflict of interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Bamidele Charles Olaiya, Olaolu George Fadugba and Mustapha Muhammad Lawan

Submitted: 03 July 2024 Reviewed: 10 July 2024 Published: 02 October 2024