Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Distance Learning Using Machine Learning in the Future of Digital Interaction

Written By

Ibtehal Nafea

Submitted: 28 May 2024 Reviewed: 14 July 2024 Published: 31 August 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006664

Navigating the Metaverse - A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of Digital Interaction IntechOpen
Navigating the Metaverse - A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of... Edited by Yu Chen

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Navigating the Metaverse - A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of Digital Interaction [Working Title]

Dr. Yu Chen and Dr. Erik Blasch

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The field of metaverse technology has been relatively growing overall, and the concept of boundaries is now not only from the real world to virtual reality, but now there is an education field that is now one of the driving forces here that is transforming society. The traditional educational models cede to advanced scenarios like e-learning supported by machine-learning systems. This is where educational institutions like Taibah University in Saudi Arabia emerge as leaders in this paradigm change. Taibah University traditionally redefined the study process, which is now digitized, and the geographic borders are being discarded using machine learning in distance learning.


  • machine learning
  • distance learning
  • Taibah University
  • Saudi Arabia
  • digital interaction

1. Introduction

The digital transformation has proved to be precisely what it is––a real game-changer, abolishing geographical limitations, and allowing learners to receive education on demand and on the go. Machine learning (ML) is the core element of such a transition, enabling digital systems to personalize and increase the effectiveness of distance education programs. This chapter zooms in on machine learning, which is the primary driver in the displacement of traditional instruction mode of education. However, a detailed study is presented on applying the technology for the software course in the context of Taibah University [1]. One of the factors drawn from the case study shows how the machine learning algorithm is applied to create active learning communities, responsive interactions, and a constantly evolving school, thus ushering education into a new age in a world of increased sophistication.

1.1 Machine learning for personalized learning

Machine learning algorithms are the key players in the digital educational quantum leap. Various learning styles, interests, and preferences might diagnose individual student excellence. The process is usually followed by algorithms that deliver materials that are logically less than or more than the intended learning [2]. This personalized approach, not solely aimed at facilitating the learning process through an improved understanding of the material, simultaneously triggers a more profound level of immersion. For example, a study by [3] on the use of PIM at Taibah University observed an average enhancement of 15% among the students who used FIN as compared to those who used conventional methods. Additionally, the number of engagement rates, which are the logins in the platform and content engagement, increased by 20% among the students using the PIM.

Taibah University has integrated a PIM that applies artificial neural networks to deliver content and learning materials according to the student’s ability and learning rate. Such a platform can also involve using assessment data to make recommendations on the most suitable resources, give feedback, and set the materials’ difficulty level [3]. For example, students who perform poorly on some mathematical problems will be given more such problems or explanatory videos, while students who show proficiency will be given more complex issues. Particularly, the SGFP algorithm provided a 10% enhancement to the course completion rates with a 15% decrease in the dropout rates as compared to conventional teaching-learning methodologies.

It has also been effective in raising and encouraging students’ performance since every student is different. Research has shown that students who utilize the learning management systems receive higher grades than their counterparts taught in the conventional method; besides, they show more motivation and have fewer dropout incidences. For instance, Smirani et al. [4] noted that the experiment of the SGFP algorithm in 10 sections of 176 students enrolled in the academic year 2020–2021 enabled the success of 174 students and the failure of only two; hence, 98.86% of students got through. Also, the SGFP approach provided reasonable results when applied in addition to the extra students in different Saudi universities. A recent study by Urdaneta et al. [5] established that the use of recommendation systems introduced at Taibah University improved students’ satisfaction with the course materials by 25% and their overall performance by 12%.

Taibah University has adopted a learning model that includes innovative technologies like recommendation systems, clustering, and reinforcement learning to deliver learning materials and pace the learning process according to the students’ characteristics. Recommendation systems use all the data available for students, like past performances, assignments, and how they interact. They provide them with resources to learn from, like videos, articles, or practice problems [5]. Recommendation systems categorize students by similarity in learning approaches, abilities, and difficulties; thus, they can provide content and learning assistance to particular groups of students [6]. Reinforcement learning enables the system to make further adjustments, given the developments of specific students, by encouraging or punishing student actions and creating the best learning path. Decision trees are used to categorize students according to their characteristics, including academic performance, learning preferences, and activity levels. Neural networks, on the other hand, can take into account a large number of parameters linked to the student and the learning environment and suggest potential learning paths to achieve specific academic results. Reinforcement learning algorithms help in the delivery of instructional content by either incentivizing or penalizing the actions of students.

In the same way, machine learning develops dynamic adaptive learning pathways that keep the pace of teaching and the level of challenge adapted to the actual feedback in real time. This activity then makes the program adaptive to the student’s progress. Hence, those learnings are always challenging but still at the right level, promoting continuous improvement and mastery of the subject matter.

Apart from advanced algorithms, which facilitate individualized content delivery, intelligent machines can handle the function of predictive analytics, which allows teachers to foresee student outcomes and act beforehand whenever required. By recognizing the traits and characteristics of the students in danger or where they are most likely to falter, teachers can stage matching interventions to prevent a crisis and help them deal with a situation adequately [2]. Such measures reduce unnecessary learning obstacles and maintain a culturally inclusive, friendly learning environment where every student is given a chance to achieve (see Figure 1).

  1. Example: An engineering student, for instance, could be pointed toward advanced coding tutoring, while a design enthusiast may be shown material about UI/UX concepts.

  2. Adaptive learning pathways: Machine learning supports dynamic self-figuring learning that allows teachers to set up the pace of teaching and challenge at the current level as the feedback is gathered in real time.

Figure 1.

Machine learning mechanism.

1.2 Enhanced collaboration and peer learning

Machine learning can be considered an essential component of a student’s learning that nurtures distance or online learning collaboration. Machine learning is one of the analytical methods through which social interaction data is processed, and online study groups and peer-to-peer mentoring are organized, thus creating a dynamic learning society [2]. The university, which is a pioneer in applying machine learning in its education specifically, utilizes the benefits of machine learning to promote collaborative elements that overreach geographical boundaries and improve the student’s quality of learning.

Taibah University’s existing automated machine learning system helps students’ group according to their preferences, learning mode, and efficiency. It is also possible to determine possible group members based on students’ data and ensure that all of them can strengthen the others’ weaknesses. After the incorporation of this particular platform, the number of formed study groups rose by 30%, while the satisfaction with group work among students grew by 25%.

Besides, it has functions for group work, such as editing documents and having meetings, which has increased the level of interaction among students in the groups formed for study.

Research has shown that students teaching their counterparts can enhance the performance of students in their academic activities. Johansson has also identified that students who make use of study groups are likely to perform better in other aspects, such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For example, Arco-Tirado et al. [7] found that in one of the studies, students who participated in peer tutoring programs received an average improvement of 10% in their grades.

Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can potentially be designed to be able to learn examples of how members of these communities work together. These algorithms are quite good at determining the best communication rate, as well as the optimal level of engagement, in order to complete the tasks at hand and identify the patterns of cooperation in the team [8]. This learning opportunity enables the teachers at Taibah University to offer specific solutions and resources to each listener with a focus on improving the community’s cohesiveness and learning.

In addition, machine learning algorithms can quicken the process of monitoring group interactions for hassle-free supervision of educators when conflicts or problems arise. The educational assistants, through providing supported services and guidance, can guide students in overcoming challenges, thereby enhancing the performance of the collaborative settings.

  • Example: Machine learning algorithms can detect students with similar academic interests and capabilities and, subsequently, help them foster group studies or peer tutoring sessions.

  • Smart recommendation systems: Using technologies such as chat rooms or mentors assigned to the student makes up for the lack of belonging and companionship they might encounter within the educational setting.

Real-time analytics for continuous improvement.

In real-time, analytics give teachers decision-making power just by pointing out educational content and teaching methods that will be more effective. Taibah University applies the analyses carried out by machine learning to improve its software engineering course, maintaining the course’s applicability and effectiveness in the face of any changing demands and industry requirements. Machine learning algorithms are the critical technology applied in data analysis of students’ performance to create trends and discover patterns [9]. The educators at Taibah University can cultivate positive learning environments by making the most of these analytics and adjusting the panel of learning and teaching strategies accordingly to help in the student preferences and results. Inevitably, we use an insightful and rigorous data-gathering process, enabling us to react rapidly to and anticipate the changing demands of the students and maintain a stimulating and intriguing learning setting.

These involve real-time analysis of student participation, achievement, and satisfaction that educators use to evaluate teaching efficiency and optimize results. For instance, using live data regarding students’ attendance and performance, Taibah University recognized that learners have difficulties understanding a specific programming concept [10]. As a result, the university created other online learning aids like tutorials and practice exercises to enhance the students learning achievement. This intervention resulted in a 20% increase in the student’s performance regarding the problematic assessment concept.

Besides, active analytics gives teachers immediate feedback on student growth and commitment level, bringing the opportunity for early intervention when it is needed. By pinpointing difficulties where students are stumbling or detached from learning, educators have the opportunity to cater instruction appropriately, which will not only encourage learning but also create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.

  1. Example: With real-time analytics, teachers can tell which subject’s students most often struggle with and modify the methods to maximize students’ knowledge of given concepts.

  2. Teaching quality evaluation: The feedback obtained via analytics endorses the topicality and the subject’s impact.


2. How ML supports distance learning

2.1 Distance learning using machine learning: Workflow chart

The ML system perpetually feeds on data, trains its models, and uses these trained models to address individual learning needs. The cycle is repeated continuously to guarantee that the content and suggestions promoted by the systems are constantly aligned with students’ characteristics with the help of ML for digital learning platforms. This brings educators on board to oversee the events and ensure human interaction supplements the mechanical systems employed in the educational environment. Figure 2 below illustrates the overall system engineering design for the ML-based system to facilitate digital learning through data preparation, model training, and content recommendation steps. Here is a detailed explanation of each component and the overall workflow:

Figure 2.

ML to support distance learning workflow chart.

Raw data collection (Step 1): Users (students and educators) generate raw data through interactions with the learning platform. This data includes user behavior, performance metrics, content engagement, quiz scores, etc., and is sent to the data store. All collected data is stored in this centralized repository for further processing [11].

Data transformation (Step 2): Data in the data store is subject to a data transformation process in which the data is transformed or converted from raw format to structured format, which can be used for analytics and modeling. This might include data cleaning, normalization, feature extraction, and selection, which are part of preprocessing. The collected data stream then flows into the data transformation and forwards the data to the model training in the presented pipeline [refer to Ref 12]. In data preprocessing, missing data treatment can be done with imputation and normalization for feature scaling, while categorical variables can be transformed using one hot encoding [13]. The preprocessing step can also reduce dimensionality by using techniques like PCA or t-SNE for feature dimensionality reduction.

Model training (Step 3): The collected data is subjected to several transformations and handed over to the algorithms for pattern/forecasting analysis. This part of the training phase is vital in developing accurate models for predicting performance and evaluating students’ requirements. The partially or fully trained models are saved to the data store (Step 5) and downloaded to the learning model server for real-time applications. The choice of an algorithm may vary depending on the task and the data: Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, or Neural Networks can be used for the model’s training.

Offline results and feedback (Steps 4 and 6): Offline results relate to the processed and predicted data by the trained models. These results are applied in two main modes: first, they establish the value of learning for students since, depending on the model’s output, they get a personalized instructional plan. Second, educators receive information about the progress of each student and the opportunities to provide individual approaches to learning. This step guarantees a double advantage for both the student and educator sides, using the insights from ML.

Learning model server (Step 7): The learning model server is the central function where the developed models are hosted for actual applications. It analyzes the received information and suggests learning strategies based on how the models predict outcomes [12]. On the other hand, the server communicates with the personalized learning content module to provide students with relevant learning content.

Learning recommendations (Step 8): Recommendations are generated using the data generated by the learning model server with the help of individual profiles. These recommendations may include exercises that are remarkable for the student, suggestions to read more, or even suggestions to review some parts of the course. Also, it affords feedback that lets the learner know if he is improving or when he is regressing to the norm.

Personalized learning content (Step 9): The last impact is the generation of personalized learning content as the output to the users (students). This is because such content is unique in that it is specifically developed to match the level of the particular student as opposed to the conventional mode of learning, which is the same for all students. The interaction is recurrent and helps the system advance and adjust to the student’s success plan by becoming a part of an exciting and persistent learning process.

2.2 Application of ML in distance learning

Distance learning is one area where ML has had a significant impact in enhancing aspects of personalization, administrative tasks, and analytics, but it has not been without significant challenges. Based on the evaluation of the outcomes of ML in this respect, one gets a somewhat mixed picture of how efficient this technology is in enhancing learning performance and tackling inequality in learning environments.

First, it can develop a unique lesson plan with content and speed according to students’ capabilities [14]. Therefore, adaptive learning systems use reinforcement learning and Bayesian knowledge tracing algorithms to provide the students with a learning environment that adapts to the student’s performance and interactivity. For example, ML in adaptive learning systems monitors the student’s interaction with the studied material and highlights their “blind spots”; based on this information, the system will customize the content presented to the student. This can involve better engagement and learning in general, as the students will receive instructions customized to their learning paths (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

How machine learning can engage with students learning patterns for a differentiated experience.

Second, ML assists educators in streamlining repetitive tasks, including grading and providing feedback [15], which will lessen the educators’ burden and enable them to devote greater attention to interacting with students. One of the most essential forms of computerized grading is the ability to determine the scores of students essays, short answers, and multiple-choice questions using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. Students’ responses to the assessment questions can be analyzed based on the sentiment they convey and the texts’ classification. Automated essay scoring by AI and real-time feedback mechanisms are examples of how AI/ML can help optimize the assessment process to give students instant feedback. Although this helps increase efficiency, it also gives rise to issues of accuracy and fairness of machine-graded tests. Figure 4 below shows an example of a system architecture that achieves such a goal [16]. In this case, the teacher or instructor is the user whose grading activities in a dynamic e-learning environment are constantly monitored. The system stores the logs and content from the user’s activity, which are processed to obtain an activity report, from which the system can automate repetitive tasks.

Figure 4.

System architecture of instructor ML in distance learning [16].

Further, ML has data analytical abilities that enable the teacher or instructor to obtain instant feedback about learner performance and behavior [17]. In this case, predictive analytics can flag learners likely to lag, and remedial action can be taken promptly. In student performance analysis, some ML features include clustering and decision trees, where students’ data is analyzed and forecasts are made based on performance. These can be used to identify and support students likely to lag so that remedial action can be taken. These are great pointers for analyzing and molding educational performance. Additionally, integrating ML into distance learning platforms will enhance and fill the gaps in current education systems, especially in impoverished areas.

In conclusion, it is possible to say that the ML perspective on distance learning brings a lot of improvements to the system. Still, its potential usage also requires careful management regarding benefits and drawbacks. Protecting privacy, ensuring ML-driven personalization does not lead to bias, ensuring the reliability of automated assessments, addressing the privacy of student data, and addressing the digital divide will be critical to ML for learning’s success. Researchers, officials, and developers need to work together to design and implement inclusive and integrated approaches that capitalize on the potential of ML without neglecting other fundamental, necessary, and positive aspects of learning.

2.3 Advantages of ML compared to other approaches

ML has specific benefits in distance learning compared to such techniques as videoconferencing, distance open-schedule courses, and distance fixed-time classes. A careful examination of these critical strengths explains how ML technology can improve learning experiences and achieve results that cannot be achieved through other approaches.

2.3.1 ML vs. videoconferencing

In terms of personalization, ML is a better option than videoconferencing. Videoconferencing platforms allow for interactions between instructors and students in real time, which is essential for learning as it helps to keep students engaged and increase immediacy. However, they cannot meet the dynamic demand for content adjustment according to student performance. ML-driven systems can continuously analyze student interactions to adapt and offer more individualized feedback and instruction [18]. This could result in better learning as it fills knowledge gaps and tunes the learning level to attain proficiency. It could be challenging to acquire in static video sessions that all learners engage in.

2.3.2 ML vs. open-schedule online course

Concerning open-schedule online courses, ML is comprised of a directed and less organized environment for learning regarding time. Open-schedule courses can be completed any time the students want, which is favorable for combining the course with other responsibilities. However, without guided support, students might not stay motivated and consistent. ML can fill the abovementioned, taking responsibility for student progress and providing necessary assistance based on learning behavior: reminders, encouragements, additional resources, etc. [19]. It thus combines the use of open-schedule courses with the requisite guided support so that students can stay on track––something that would otherwise be difficult to achieve via the use of open-schedule classes alone.

2.3.3 ML vs. fixed-time online learning

Fixed-time online learning is characterized by partially imitating the traditional classroom setting, with students being required to visit a specific site (student portals) at predetermined times. A similar regularity and deference to authority are encouraged. But it seldom goes hand in hand with the dynamism and change ML brings to distance learning. Fixed-time models are mainly implemented so all students are taught simultaneously and with the same instruction. ML, on the other hand, can make a student content dependent, thus making the student content dependent, that is, content depending on the rate at which a student can learn or the mode of learning [20]. This characteristic is beneficial in diverse classrooms where learners’ backgrounds and learning skills differ.

Moreover, ML’s analysis is more sophisticated than that of other methods. Many video conferencing and fixed-time platforms do not provide much data on student attentiveness or achievement––sometimes, hardly anything beyond attendance and rudimentary participation records. On the other hand, ML systems can process a vast amount of information that includes response times, trends in quiz answers, and interaction with various types of content, to name a few [21]. These analytics can detect struggling students before they fall behind, help forecast future outcomes, and recommend individual needs. Such detailed information is time-consuming and not easily accessible using videoconferencing or static website portals, often providing insufficient analytical capability in ML systems.


3. Case study: taibah University’s software engineering course

3.1 Taibah University’s software engineering course

A critical application of machine learning-driven collaboration tools at Taibah University is the creation of intelligent recommendation systems that students and lecturers use. Exploring group dynamics and individual learning habits, these systems connect students across the university to fellow students with similar interests and skills, thanks to which they can discover study groups and peer tutors who will be helpful in their learning [9]. Tools that connect students or assigned mentors respond to the need for belonging and comradeship within the educational setting, leading to increased engagement and student motivation. Through the use of such advanced technologies, the university has created an online site that is flexible to meet students’ varying needs in faraway places and mainly addresses the issue of geographical limitation in facilitating a conducive learning setting for accomplishing goals in the electronic era.

As it is the basis of the software engineering course at Taibah University, the commitment will stay constant––personalized learning pathways tailored to individual students. With the introduction of machine learning algorithms into the curriculum, the university has developed a teaching system that adjusts to the individual student’s specific learning modes, tastes, and curiosity [22]. The algorithms can perceive and comprehend the richness of data derived from the digital learning ecosystems and produce patterns and underlying meanings that prompt the creation of personalized learning settings. Thus, the process becomes more meaningful, and the learning experience becomes more comprehensible.

Taibah University’s classrooms are designed to push students to interact with total concentration, brought through machine learning technologies. Therefore, machine learning algorithms establish informal study circles and help one another become a mutually enriching and knowledge-sharing experience among students. These joint ventures not only help students find profound reasons in coursework but also enable students to develop teamwork and communication skills that are top priorities in the new global scenario.

Further, through the delivery of the software engineering course in the distance learning program at Taibah University, the goal to bring constant growth and innovation through distance learning education is evident. Using live analytics and teaching quality evaluation tools, the university determines the places in the curriculum and teaching strategies that need improvement, thus ensuring the continuous relevance and effectiveness of the university’s educational program [23]. Machine learning algorithms analyze student performance data and use them to uncover recurrent trends and patterns. This helps instructors implement new instructional designs and pedagogies that dynamically adapt to the evolving needs and tastes of students.

Driven by value and innovation, Taibah University will always stay on top of the distance learning league by offering new and fresh insights that make students study sessions dynamic and memorable, equipping them with the necessary knowledge for a successful digital life and the future [11]. Through machine learning technologies and integration into its software engineering course, the university demonstrates how these futuristic technologies can help transform the education sector and develop a learning culture beyond life and scholarly competence.

3.2 Lessons and experiences

In reflection on the case study of the Taibah University software engineering course, several lessons and experiences are of great importance. These aspects show the upsides and downsides of implementing modern teaching and learning methods and technologies in higher education. One of the most valuable lessons learned was the need for curriculum design to be adaptable. According to Miller et al. [24], the software engineering field changes daily, and offering the same topics and content for a long time is not practical and actual anymore. Taibah University realized this and developed a dynamic curriculum framework that supports periodic reviews and revisions of the curriculum. This approach made students study all that was most timely and important for their prospective job and life.

Another crucial matter was the integration of theory and practice. The university identified project-based learning as a key pedagogical approach with students working on real-world software development projects [25]. This helped students use the theoretical knowledge in practice and develop the most desirable soft skills, including working in a group and collaborating with clients and partners. In tasks representing realistic working conditions, the students were even more prepared for the labor market and had increased confidence in their problem-solving skills.

The extensive employment of learning technologies and the incorporation of ML and AI served as a game-changer in the course. Taibah University adopted ML algorithms to enhance the “flipping the classroom” approach to academic learning by matching students to appropriate content and feedback. This catered to the differences between students, where some learn best when taught individually while others in a group setting. Different students learn at different rates, and hence, it was able to help every student achieve their best potential. In addition, using AI-based analytics ensured that instructors received comprehensive data on student performance and attendance, which helped them identify those who should be identified at risk to prevent dropouts [26].

In conclusion, Taibah University’s software engineering course case study presents an opportunity for students and practitioners to gain insight into the opportunities and threats of technology and teaching developments in higher learning institutions to educate customers better. The recommendations deriving from this case also emphasize the values of flexibility, experiential learning, individualized instruction, and quality improvement. These are areas that, if addressed, will improve the employability of graduates from institutions of education in line with the needs of the modern workforce.

3.3 Addressing challenges and ensuring accessibility

Although machine learning is utilized to bridge the gap between distance education and education in the same place, it also brings about some drawbacks in accessibility and inclusivity [27]. Taibah University acknowledges that there is a need for equal opportunities for learners and therefore considers this requirement to be of paramount importance and employs measures to ensure accessibility as a way of achieving this goal, such as multilingual support at the level of the students and interface design that is custom-made for diverse learning styles. Ethical concerns, including data privacy and security, have become the pivot point in how machine learning influences universities.

  1. Example: Taibah University brings equitability by providing multilingual services and a user interface for different learning styles.

  2. Ethical concerns: Data privacy or security is demanded, with no exception in building machine learning technology-based education programs.

The other issue was the resistance to change among students and faculty members. The prevailing teaching patterns had to be discarded and replaced with technology-centered ones––the more profound changes in mindsets and practices. This was rectified at Taibah University by providing sufficient training to faculty members concerning the new tools as well as the methodology for the use of the tools. Moreover, the university offered orientations and workshops to involve students in the change, highlight the new system’s advantages, and tackle concerns.


4. Challenges and limitations

4.1 Challenges

Incorporating ML for distance learning generates a variety of concerns that may influence the potency and uptake of ML. These challenges include technical, ethical, and logistical issues, with the most impact arising from privacy concerns.

4.1.1 Data privacy and security

The first constraint in using ML in distance learning is safeguarding the students’ information and data. ML systems are expensive because they require considerable data to train algorithms [28]. Such data sometimes contains personal details, school records, and behavioral patterns. Controlling the security of this data against breaches and unauthorized access is essential since any compromise of this data would mean massive privacy invasions and a loss of trust among the users. Furthermore, data privacy laws like GDPR or FERPA impose strict data governance obligations that cannot be fulfilled without comprehensive data governance frameworks and practices.

4.1.2 Data quality and bias

The effectiveness of ML algorithms is strongly related to the training data used. Data of poor quality (incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated) may result in unreliable models, which may generate unintended results [29]. Moreover, the use of biased data may lead to the further entrenchment of existing unequal patterns in education. For instance, the dataset used to train ML models may include samples from minority groups, so the algorithm does not work well for them. This implies that the issues of diversity and representativeness are challenging to address regarding the training corpora and are rather ongoing and maintained.

4.1.3 Technical infrastructure

However, technical support is another need that must be met to implement ML in distance learning. This is because the data generated and the mathematical computations performed are extensive and complex [30]. Also, a stable internet connection is required to interact with students and teachers utilizing robust and efficient modern ML solutions. The study done by Goolsby and Perepletchikova (2014) noted that such infrastructural resources are lacking in different parts of the world, including the Third World, which may hamper the use of ML technologies in learning activities.

4.1.4 Ethical considerations

There are several ethical issues related to the application of ML in distance learning. In this case, some ethical issues that educators and administrators may have to consider include ensuring that the developed ML systems are used ethically and that the decisions made by these systems are explainable [31]. It also raises the danger of developing dependence on such systems, which, in return, may degrade the human interface. However, it is central to promoting students’ critical thinking and socio-emotional growth.

4.2 Limitations

4.2.1 Lack of human touch

A significant limitation of ML in distance learning is that the model ignores the human element in its learning process [32]. Education is the acquisition of knowledge, the provision of information, and the building of character and social contacts. Human educators possess essential qualities, such as the ability to relate to and motivate students, which ML systems cannot and cannot emulate. This deprives the students of critical human interactions that keep them engaged and help them cultivate soft skills like sympathy, cooperation, and speaking.

4.2.2 Interpretability and transparency

Another limitation is that many ML models lack transparency or interpretability and are intense learning models [33]. Such models may not be easily explained or interpreted to show the decisions made and how. This inability to rationalize or explain results makes it unsuitable for the educational system, where users require a great deal of confidence in the system’s ability to make the right decisions on their behalf. According to Linardatos et al. [33], transparency is essential because it can be challenging to know what to correct when there is no explicit indication of a possible problem with the system.

4.2.3 Scalability issues

Although ML systems can be adapted to process large amounts of data and numerous users, such scaling has some practical limits [34]. With every expansion in the number of users, there is a need for more computational power, data storage, and bandwidth requirements, all of which can negatively impact performance and costs. Among the challenges associated with mastering the concept is the ability to personalize learning for a large and diverse audience of students.


5. Conclusion

In conclusion, machine learning has radically transformed distance learning, and, as a result, universities such as Taibah can allow students living anywhere on the planet to get the best education on the Internet. This is because machine learning offers personalized learning experiences, engages learners, and applies real-time analytics, bolstering distance education success. Nevertheless, the challenges in developing machine learning for education are evident; however, its potential to create a new learning experience is challenging to overlook, subsequently shaping the future of internet communication. Thus, recognizing the challenges in distance education is crucial to appreciating the vast advantages of using ML in the process. Challenges like data privacy, bias, and the requirement for strong technical support will always be there. However, one has to emphasize the significance of the human factor’s presence in the educational process. Moving forward, there are great possibilities for enhancing the educational system with the help of ML. New patterns like AI-based tutorial facilities and the individualized learning environment have the potential to increase students’ outcomes even more. However, ethical issues must be the focus when these technologies advance and this will require further research. On the future work, more studies should be carried out on establishing sound and fair ML models, data protection, and closing the digital gap to optimize the benefits of this disruptive technology.


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Written By

Ibtehal Nafea

Submitted: 28 May 2024 Reviewed: 14 July 2024 Published: 31 August 2024