Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Future of Broiler Farming: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Written By

Selina Acheampong

Submitted: 27 July 2024 Reviewed: 01 August 2024 Published: 27 September 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006556

Modern Technology and Traditional Husbandry of Broiler Farming IntechOpen
Modern Technology and Traditional Husbandry of Broiler Farming Edited by Waleed Al-Marzooqi

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Modern Technology and Traditional Husbandry of Broiler Farming [Working Title]

Dr. Waleed Al-Marzooqi

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The future of broiler farming is currently influenced by various factors such as technological advancements, environmental sustainability, animal health, and welfare, nutrition and feed efficiency, market dynamics, consumer preferences, regulatory frameworks, biosecurity challenges, climate change, and economic pressures. Precision agriculture, robots, and genetic enhancements are revolutionizing production efficiency and animal well-being. The industry must simultaneously work on reducing its carbon footprint, improving waste management, and optimizing water usage to lessen environmental impacts. Improvements in disease control, welfare standards, and the decrease in antibiotic usage are essential for maintaining animal health. Furthermore, investigating different feed sources and utilizing precision nutrition methods provide opportunities to enhance feed efficiency and product quality. Global market realities and changing customer preferences for transparency and sustainability require flexible methods. Regulatory frameworks are crucial in fostering innovation and tackling trade obstacles. Broiler farming faces challenges such as biosecurity hazards, climate change, and economic pressures despite making progress. Collaborative research and the incorporation of new technology offer chances for sustainable development. This chapter emphasizes the significance of innovation, sustainability, and ethics in influencing the future of broiler farming. It urges stakeholders to collaborate in tackling these complex issues and opportunities.


  • broiler farming
  • animal health
  • precision agriculture
  • biosecurity
  • environmental sustainability

1. Introduction

Broiler farming, a pivotal segment of the global poultry industry, has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. This industry is central to the world’s food supply, providing a crucial source of animal protein that is relatively affordable, efficient, and adaptable to various dietary needs. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for poultry meat, particularly broilers, is expected to increase, making the future of broiler farming an essential topic for research and innovation.

Broiler farming has become increasingly sophisticated with advancements in technology and genetics, which have greatly enhanced production efficiency and product quality. Innovations such as precision agriculture, automation, and genetic modifications have not only increased the productivity of broiler farms but have also improved the welfare of the animals and reduced environmental impacts [1]. However, these advancements come with their own set of challenges, including biosecurity risks, climate change, and economic pressures.

One of the most significant trends in broiler farming is the shift toward sustainable practices. Environmental sustainability in broiler farming involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing water usage, and improving waste management. For example, the integration of renewable energy sources and advanced waste recycling systems can significantly lower the carbon footprint of broiler farms [2]. Moreover, the industry is exploring alternative feed sources and precision nutrition methods to enhance feed efficiency and reduce the environmental burden associated with conventional feed production [3].

Animal health and welfare are also critical components of sustainable broiler farming. Advances in disease control, improved welfare standards, and a reduction in antibiotic usage are essential for maintaining healthy flocks and producing high-quality meat. Strategies such as the development of vaccines, the implementation of welfare-friendly production methods, and the use of alternative health management practices are increasingly being adopted to ensure the well-being of broilers [4].

Market dynamics and consumer preferences play a crucial role in shaping the future of broiler farming. Consumers are becoming more aware and concerned about how their food is produced, demanding transparency and sustainability in production practices. This shift in consumer preferences is driving the industry toward more ethical and sustainable production methods, which not only meet consumer expectations but also contribute to the overall sustainability of the industry [5].

Regulatory frameworks are essential in guiding the broiler farming industry toward sustainable and ethical practices. Effective regulations can foster innovation, ensure compliance with environmental and welfare standards, and facilitate international trade by harmonizing standards across borders [6].

Despite these advancements and positive trends, broiler farming faces significant challenges. Biosecurity hazards, climate change, and economic pressures pose substantial risks to the sustainability and profitability of the industry. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative research and the adoption of new technologies that can enhance resilience and adaptability [7].

The future of broiler farming lies in balancing technological advancements, environmental sustainability, animal health, and market dynamics. By fostering innovation and adopting sustainable practices, the broiler farming industry can continue to meet the growing global demand for poultry meat while minimizing its environmental impact and ensuring the well-being of the animals. This chapter will explore these themes in detail, providing insights into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that define the future of broiler farming.


2. Technological advancements in broiler farming

2.1 Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture involves the application of advanced technologies to optimize agricultural practices using data-driven approaches. In broiler farming, precision agriculture is crucial for monitoring and controlling various aspects of the production environment to maximize efficiency and productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. Technologies such as sensors, GPS, and data analytics enable farmers to collect real-time data on environmental conditions, animal health, and resource use, leading to informed decision-making and improved farm management. These innovations help enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve animal welfare by maintaining optimal conditions and early disease detection [8, 9].

Precision agriculture in broiler farming involves the use of advanced technologies such as sensors, GPS, and data analytics to enhance the monitoring and management of farm operations. These technologies enable farmers to gather real-time data on various aspects of the farming environment, including temperature, humidity, animal health, and resource usage. For instance, temperature and humidity sensors are crucial in maintaining optimal conditions within broiler houses, which directly impact bird health and growth. By ensuring that environmental conditions remain within ideal ranges, these sensors help create a conducive environment for broilers to thrive [9].

2.2 Benefits to production efficiency

The implementation of precision agriculture in broiler farming offers numerous benefits, primarily in terms of productivity, cost reduction, and animal welfare. Enhanced productivity is achieved through the continuous monitoring of environmental parameters, allowing farmers to make data-driven decisions to optimize conditions such as ventilation and feeding schedules. This optimization leads to better growth rates and improved feed efficiency, ultimately enhancing overall production efficiency [8].

Furthermore, precision agriculture technologies facilitate the early detection of diseases and other potential issues, enabling prompt intervention. This early detection capability is critical in reducing mortality rates and ensuring the health and well-being of the broiler flock. For example, continuous monitoring systems can alert farmers to deviations from normal conditions, allowing for immediate corrective actions to prevent the spread of diseases and minimize losses [10].

In addition to these benefits, precision agriculture also contributes to improved animal welfare by maintaining stable and comfortable living conditions for broilers. This focus on welfare not only promotes healthier and more robust birds but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for ethically produced poultry products. By leveraging these advanced technologies, broiler farmers can achieve a balance between high productivity and sustainability, meeting both economic and ethical standards in modern agriculture.


3. Robotics and automation in broiler farming

Robotics and automation are revolutionizing broiler farming by reducing labor demands and enhancing operational efficiency. These technologies encompass automated feeding systems, robotic cleaning, and sophisticated monitoring systems that streamline various farm operations.

3.1 Types of robots used in broiler farming

In broiler farming, several types of robots are employed, each serving distinct purposes. Automated feeding robots are designed to deliver feed precisely and consistently. This precision is crucial for maintaining uniform growth among broilers and optimizing feed conversion ratios [11]. By ensuring that feed is evenly distributed and available at all times, these robots help reduce wastage and ensure that all birds have equal access to nutrition, promoting healthier and more uniform growth.

Cleaning robots play a vital role in maintaining hygiene within broiler houses. These robots are equipped to regularly remove waste and bedding material, which is essential for reducing the risk of disease outbreaks. By keeping the environment clean, these robots help in controlling ammonia levels and other harmful gases that can affect the health and productivity of the broilers [10]. Monitoring robots, equipped with advanced sensors and cameras, track the health and behavior of broilers in real time. These robots collect data on various parameters such as movement patterns, feeding behavior, and environmental conditions. This data is then analyzed to detect any deviations from the norm, which can indicate potential health issues or environmental problems. By providing farmers with timely and accurate information, monitoring robots enable proactive management of the flock, thus reducing mortality rates and improving overall farm efficiency [12]. The implementation of robotics in broiler farming not only enhances efficiency but also significantly reduces the reliance on manual labor. Robots can operate continuously without fatigue, ensuring that essential tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and monitoring are performed consistently and accurately. This continuous operation capability is particularly beneficial in large-scale operations were maintaining uniformity and high standards of care across all animals can be challenging [13].

Moreover, the precision and consistency provided by robots lead to better resource management. For instance, automated feeding systems ensure that feed is used efficiently, reducing waste and lowering costs. Similarly, cleaning robots help maintain optimal environmental conditions, which is crucial for the health and productivity of the broilers [14]. The use of robotics also allows for better data collection and analysis, providing farmers with insights that can help improve their management practices and make more informed decisions.

Robotics and automation in broiler farming offer significant benefits in terms of labor reduction, efficiency, and animal welfare. The deployment of automated feeding, cleaning, and monitoring systems ensures consistent and optimal conditions for broilers, leading to improved growth rates and health outcomes. As these technologies continue to advance, they hold the potential to further transform broiler farming, making it more sustainable and efficient.


4. Impact on labor and operational efficiency

The integration of robotics in broiler farming significantly reduces reliance on manual labor, which is particularly beneficial given the labor-intensive nature of the industry. Robots can operate continuously without fatigue, ensuring that tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and monitoring are performed consistently and accurately. This continuous operation enhances productivity by maintaining optimal conditions for broilers, leading to improved growth rates and health outcomes. For instance, autonomous robotic systems can handle feeding schedules precisely, reducing feed wastage and ensuring consistent nutrient delivery [15].

Moreover, the use of robotics alleviates labor shortages, a significant issue in the agricultural sector. By automating repetitive and strenuous tasks, robots reduce the physical burden on workers, allowing them to focus on more complex and supervisory roles. This shift not only improves labor conditions but also enhances overall operational efficiency. Robots can perform tasks such as waste management and environmental monitoring more effectively than human workers, contributing to better hygiene and disease control within broiler houses [16].

Automation in broiler farming also leads to better resource management. For example, robotic systems equipped with sensors can monitor environmental conditions and adjust ventilation, lighting, and temperature settings in real time, optimizing energy use and improving animal welfare. This precise control over the farm environment reduces resource wastage and lowers operational costs [17]. Furthermore, the integration of robotics with data analytics enables predictive maintenance of equipment, further reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

The long-term benefits of robotics in broiler farming include not only operational efficiency and cost savings but also enhanced sustainability. By minimizing human error and optimizing resource use, robotic systems contribute to more sustainable farming practices, which are increasingly demanded by consumers and regulators [18]. Despite the initial capital investment required for these technologies, the potential for reduced labor costs and increased productivity makes them a valuable asset for modern broiler farms.


5. Genetic enhancements in broiler farming

Genetic enhancements in broiler farming involve the use of advanced breeding techniques and biotechnologies to improve the genetic traits of broilers. These enhancements aim to increase growth rates, feed efficiency, and disease resistance.

Recent advances in genetic engineering, such as CRISPR technology, have enabled precise modifications to the broiler genome. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) technology allows for targeted genome editing, facilitating the development of broilers with desirable traits such as faster growth rates, improved feed conversion ratios, and enhanced resistance to common diseases [19]. By leveraging this technology, geneticists can precisely edit genes responsible for specific traits, leading to significant improvements in broiler production efficiency.

Genetic selection has also focused on improving the overall health and welfare of broilers by reducing the incidence of genetic disorders and improving skeletal integrity. For instance, research has shown that selecting traits that enhance immune responsiveness can lead to broilers with better resistance to diseases, which is crucial for maintaining flock health and reducing the need for antibiotics [20]. Additionally, genetic enhancements have targeted the reduction of leg disorders and cardiovascular issues, which are prevalent in fast-growing broilers due to their high metabolic demands [21]. The implications of these advancements are profound. Enhanced growth rates and feed conversion ratios mean that broilers can reach market weight more quickly and with less feed, reducing overall production costs and environmental impact. Improved disease resistance reduces mortality rates and the reliance on antibiotics, addressing public health concerns related to antibiotic resistance [22]. Moreover, genetic enhancements that promote better skeletal integrity and reduce metabolic disorders contribute to higher welfare standards, which are increasingly demanded by consumers and regulatory bodies.

Genetic enhancements in broiler farming represent a significant leap forward in agricultural biotechnology, offering solutions to many of the industry’s most pressing challenges. These advancements not only improve productivity and profitability but also align with the growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced poultry products.


6. Implications for growth rates and disease resistance

Genetic enhancements in broiler farming have significantly impacted growth rates and disease resistance. Selective breeding and advanced genetic technologies, such as CRISPR, have been instrumental in producing broilers that grow faster and convert feed more efficiently. These genetic advancements enable farmers to produce more meat with fewer resources, which contributes to both economic and environmental sustainability. For instance, the genetic selection for traits such as rapid growth and improved feed conversion has resulted in broilers that reach market weight more quickly and with less feed, thus lowering production costs and reducing environmental impact [23].

Moreover, genetic enhancements have also focused on improving disease resistance in broilers. By selecting for traits that enhance the immune system’s efficiency, genetically enhanced broilers are less susceptible to common diseases, reducing the need for antibiotics. This is crucial in addressing the global concern over antibiotic resistance. Studies have shown that broilers with enhanced genetic traits exhibit better resistance to diseases and require fewer antibiotics, which aligns with the increasing consumer demand for antibiotic-free poultry products [24]. For example, research indicates that broilers bred for improved immune responsiveness exhibit higher resistance to bacterial infections and other pathogens, contributing to better overall health and reducing mortality rates [21].

Additionally, genetic improvements in broilers have led to advances in welfare traits, addressing issues such as skeletal integrity and reducing the incidence of conditions like ascites and leg disorders. This holistic approach not only enhances productivity but also ensures the well-being of the animals, which is increasingly important for consumer acceptance and regulatory compliance [25].


7. Environmental sustainability

7.1 Reducing carbon footprint

Broiler farming’s carbon footprint can be significantly reduced through several strategies focused on lowering greenhouse gas emissions. One effective approach is improving feed efficiency, which accounts for a substantial portion of emissions in broiler production. For example, using feed additives such as citrus extract can enhance feed efficiency, thereby reducing the overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with feed production [26]. Another strategy involves integrating renewable energy sources into farm operations. The implementation of anaerobic digesters to convert broiler litter into methane for energy use not only reduces the carbon footprint but also produces valuable by-products like organic fertilizers [2]. Additionally, optimizing farm management practices, such as improving ventilation and heating systems, can further decrease energy consumption and emissions [3].

7.2 Waste management

Effective waste management in broiler farming involves innovative recycling and disposal methods that offer both environmental and economic benefits. Composting is a primary method used for managing high-nitrogen waste from broiler farms. Combining broiler waste with carbon-rich materials, such as cotton fiber waste, can enhance the composting process, resulting in high-quality compost suitable for agricultural use [27]. Another innovative approach is the use of biochar, which not only reduces ammonia emissions from manure but also improves soil health when used as a soil amendment [28]. The production of biogas from broiler manure is another effective waste management strategy, providing a renewable energy source and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from manure decomposition [29].

7.2.1 Optimizing water usage

Optimizing water use in broiler farming is critical for environmental sustainability. Techniques such as improving the water use efficiency of feed crops and implementing precision irrigation systems can significantly reduce water consumption. For instance, studies have shown that feed production accounts for the majority of water use in broiler farming [30]. By enhancing the efficiency of water use in feed crop production, overall water footprints can be reduced. Additionally, the implementation of water-saving technologies in broiler houses, such as automated drinking systems that minimize spillage, can further optimize water usage [31].

7.3 Animal health and welfare

7.3.1 Disease control Current practices and emerging technologies

Disease control in broiler farming is essential to maintain animal health and ensure optimal production. Current practices include stringent biosecurity measures, vaccination programs, and the use of antibiotics for therapeutic purposes. Biosecurity measures are critical as they prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens within broiler farms. These measures typically include controlling access to poultry houses, sanitizing equipment and facilities, and ensuring proper hygiene practices among farm workers [32]. Emerging technologies are enhancing disease control efforts. For instance, the integration of real-time monitoring systems using sensors and cameras helps in the early detection of health issues by continuously tracking the behavior and physiological parameters of broilers. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, reducing the reliance on antibiotics [33].

Additionally, advancements in genetic engineering, such as CRISPR, are being explored to develop disease-resistant broiler strains, potentially reducing the incidence of infections [34].

7.3.2 Role of vaccines and alternative treatments

Vaccines play a pivotal role in the preventive health management of broilers. They help in building immunity against common diseases such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and avian influenza. The use of vaccines has significantly reduced the occurrence of these diseases, contributing to overall flock health [35].

Alternative treatments to antibiotics are gaining traction due to the rising concern over antibiotic resistance. Probiotics, prebiotics, and phytogenic additives are being used to enhance gut health and boost the immune system of broilers. Studies have shown that these alternatives can effectively reduce the prevalence of pathogens like Salmonella and Escherichia coli in broilers, thereby minimizing the need for antibiotics [36]. Additionally, the use of immunomodulators, which enhance the natural immune response of broilers, is also being explored as a viable alternative [37].

7.4 Welfare standards: evolution of animal welfare standards

Animal welfare standards have evolved significantly over the past few decades, driven by increasing consumer awareness and regulatory requirements. The Welfare Quality Assessment protocol, which considers aspects such as good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior, has become a benchmark for evaluating animal welfare in broiler farming [38].

Legislation in various regions, including the European Union, has mandated specific welfare requirements such as minimum space allowances, provision of enrichments, and restrictions on certain practices like beak trimming. These regulations aim to ensure that broilers are raised in environments that cater to their physical and behavioral needs [39].

7.4.1 Impact on broiler farming practices

The implementation of higher welfare standards has led to significant changes in broiler farming practices. For instance, the shift toward slower-growing broiler breeds, which tend to have better health and welfare outcomes, is becoming more common. These breeds, although less productive in terms of growth rates, are less prone to welfare issues such as lameness and heart problems [40].

Moreover, the provision of environmental enrichment, such as perches, dust baths, and pecking objects, has been shown to improve the welfare of broilers by allowing them to exhibit natural behaviors. Improved litter management practices to reduce footpad dermatitis and hock burns are also a focus area, as these conditions are directly linked to the welfare and productivity of the birds [41].

7.4.2 Reducing antibiotic usage: alternatives to antibiotics in disease prevention

Reducing antibiotic usage in broiler farming is crucial to combat the global issue of antimicrobial resistance. One of the primary strategies to achieve this is the adoption of comprehensive biosecurity measures, which reduce the risk of disease outbreaks. Vaccination remains a cornerstone of disease prevention, reducing the need for therapeutic antibiotic use [42].

Probiotics and prebiotics are increasingly used as alternatives to antibiotics. They promote a healthy gut microbiota, enhancing the immune system and reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. Studies have demonstrated that probiotics can significantly improve growth performance and health outcomes in broilers, making them a viable alternative to antibiotic growth promoters [43].

Phytogenic feed additives, derived from plants, are also being explored for their antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. These natural compounds can enhance the overall health of broilers and reduce the need for antibiotics [44].

7.5 Case studies and success stories

Several case studies highlight the success of reducing antibiotic usage in broiler farming, demonstrating various strategies and outcomes across different regions.

In France, a study conducted on commercial broiler farms demonstrated significant reductions in antibiotic usage through improved healthcare management and disease prevention strategies. Bennett et al. [45] found that enhanced biosecurity measures and the use of immunomodulators were key factors in this reduction. By implementing stringent hygiene protocols, controlling farm access, and regularly monitoring health, these farms were able to reduce the incidence of disease outbreaks and the need for antibiotic interventions, all while maintaining economic performance.

In the Netherlands, strict government regulations and comprehensive monitoring programs have shown substantial success in reducing antibiotic use in livestock. According to Ref. [46], these measures led to a significant decline in antimicrobial resistance in broilers over several years. The Dutch approach included setting stringent limits on antibiotic usage, mandatory recording of antibiotic treatments, and promoting alternative health management practices. These regulatory frameworks encouraged improved farm management, focusing on preventive care and the use of vaccines and probiotics as substitutes for antibiotics.

The United States has seen some broiler producers adopt antibiotic-free (ABF) production systems in response to consumer demand for antibiotic-free poultry products. Vukina and Leegomonchai [47] discussed the challenges and successes of transitioning to ABF systems.

Managing disease outbreaks without antibiotics posed significant challenges but also spurred innovations in farm management and the use of alternative health-promoting strategies, such as enhanced biosecurity, vaccination programs, and the use of probiotics and prebiotics to support gut health. These strategies have proven effective in maintaining bird health and productivity while eliminating the use of antibiotics.

In Bangladesh, a large-scale study assessed antibiotic usage in commercial chicken production and identified factors associated with this practice. Wang et al. [48] emphasized that improving chicken health through good farming practices and changing the attitudes of key stakeholders, such as feed dealers and veterinary practitioners, could significantly reduce antibiotic usage. By promoting education and awareness among farmers and stakeholders, the study demonstrated a pathway to reduced antibiotic dependence and better management practices.

Belgium’s national antimicrobial usage reduction campaigns have yielded positive results as well. Fedorova et al. [49] examined the association between decreased veterinary antimicrobial use and resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from livestock. The study observed a continuous decrease in antibiotic use and a corresponding reduction in antibiotic resistance, highlighting the effectiveness of national efforts to promote prudent antibiotic use and enhance farm management practices.

China has implemented pilot programs to reduce the use of veterinary antimicrobial drugs, focusing on farms that adopt antibiotic-reduction practices. Haque et al. [50] analyzed the diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in the chicken intestinal microbiome from both standard farms (implementing antibiotic reduction) and nonstandard farms. The study found that farms practicing antibiotic reduction showed a significant decrease in the relative abundance of certain antibiotic-resistance genes, demonstrating the effectiveness of these programs.

These case studies collectively underscore the importance of comprehensive strategies that integrate improved biosecurity, alternative health management practices, regulatory measures, and stakeholder engagement in reducing antibiotic use in broiler farming. By adopting these approaches, the poultry industry can mitigate the risks of antimicrobial resistance while ensuring sustainable and profitable production systems.

7.6 Nutrition and feed efficiency

7.6.1 Alternative feed sources

The exploration of alternative feed sources is essential for enhancing sustainability and reducing costs in broiler farming. Traditional feed ingredients such as corn and soybean meal are often expensive and can have a significant environmental footprint. Therefore, several innovative and sustainable feed ingredients have been investigated to address these challenges.

One promising alternative is the use of insect-based proteins, such as Tenebrio molitor (mealworms) and Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly larvae). Studies have shown that these insect meals are highly nutritious and can partially replace conventional protein sources in broiler diets. Sidinei et al. [51] found that broilers exhibited a preference for T. molitor meal, which improved feed efficiency and performance. Similarly, Vissers et al. [52] reported that H. illucens oil could replace palm oil and poultry fat without adverse effects on broiler performance, and even improved the fatty acid profiles of liver and breast muscle tissues.

Moringa oleifera is another sustainable feed ingredient that has garnered attention due to its high nutritional value. Royden et al. [53] highlighted that Moringa leaf meal could enhance production indices and improve the health of broiler chickens, making it a viable feed additive.

Local agricultural by-products, such as palm kernel cake (PKC), have also been explored for their potential in broiler diets. Huang et al. [54] discussed the use of PKC as a sustainable feed resource in Malaysia, which, despite its high fiber content, can be made more nutritionally viable through various treatments. Additionally, high-oleic peanuts have been evaluated as an alternative energy source, showing promising results in terms of nutrient digestibility and broiler performance [55].

7.7 Precision nutrition methods

Precision nutrition involves tailoring diets to meet the specific nutritional needs of broilers, optimizing growth, health, and feed efficiency. By employing precision nutrition, farmers can adjust feed formulations based on the specific requirements of different broiler breeds and growth stages. This method ensures that each bird receives the optimal balance of nutrients, which can enhance growth rates and overall health. Pao et al. [56] demonstrated that the inclusion of curcumin and a commercial microencapsulated phytogenic supplement in broiler diets improved health parameters and meat quality. Precision nutrition not only improves growth performance but also enhances the efficiency of nutrient use, reducing waste and environmental impact. For instance, Mankad et al. [57] emphasized the importance of accurately identifying amino acid requirements in reduced-crude protein diets to minimize nitrogen excretion and environmental pollution.

The integration of technology, such as sensors and automated feeding systems, plays a crucial role in precision nutrition. These technologies allow for real-time monitoring and adjustment of feed formulations based on the specific needs of the broilers, ensuring optimal nutrient intake and reducing feed costs.

The incorporation of sustainable alternative feed sources and precision nutrition methods holds significant promise for the future of broiler farming. By leveraging innovative feed ingredients and tailoring nutrition to individual needs, broiler farmers can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact. Collaborative research and technological advancements are essential in driving these improvements, ensuring a sustainable and efficient broiler farming industry.

7.8 Market dynamics and consumer preferences

The global market for broiler meat has shown significant growth over recent years, driven by increasing demand for affordable and high-protein meat sources. The demand for broiler meat continues to rise, particularly in developing regions where meat consumption per capita is expanding rapidly due to urbanization and rising incomes [58]. Additionally, the market dynamics have shifted toward producing larger broilers more efficiently, with the United States witnessing a significant portion of broiler meat coming from large birds, which provide higher yields of breast and thigh meat. This trend is driven by consumer preferences for specific meat cuts and the economic advantages of producing larger birds using less feed [58].

In parallel, the global broiler market has seen a growing trend toward organic and antibiotic-free broiler meat. Organic agriculture, including organic broiler farming, has been expanding steadily, with the market for organic products estimated to grow by 13–15% annually. This growth is propelled by consumer awareness and preference for health-conscious and environmentally sustainable products. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, sales of organic products in developed countries increased by 30–40%, highlighting a robust demand for organic broiler meat [59].

Additionally, the broiler industry faces significant pressures from international trade dynamics. Countries like Brazil, which is a major player in the global broiler market, need to navigate biosecurity and environmental sustainability challenges to maintain their competitive edge. The typological characteristics and biosecurity measures of broiler farms play a crucial role in maintaining production efficiency and meeting global market standards [60]. These factors collectively influence the cost and quality of broiler meat, impacting global competitiveness and market positioning.

7.9 Consumer preferences for transparency and sustainability

Consumer preferences have increasingly leaned toward transparency and sustainability in broiler farming. This shift is driven by heightened awareness of animal welfare, environmental impact, and food safety. Modern consumers demand more information about the origin, production methods, and ethical standards of the meat they consume. This demand for transparency is pushing broiler producers to adopt practices that are more open and traceable [61].

Sustainability has become a key concern for consumers, prompting broiler farmers to adopt environmentally friendly practices. These include reducing the carbon footprint of production, improving waste management, and optimizing water usage. Sustainable broiler farming practices not only meet consumer expectations but also enhance the long-term viability of the industry by addressing critical environmental concerns [62].

The increasing preference for antibiotic-free broiler meat is another example of this trend. Consumers perceive antibiotic-free meat as healthier and safer, driving farmers to explore alternative methods for disease prevention and growth promotion in broilers [62].

To meet these evolving consumer preferences, broiler producers are employing various strategies. These include adopting precision agriculture technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability, enhancing biosecurity measures to ensure product safety, and participating in certification programs that verify organic and antibiotic-free production standards. Furthermore, the broiler industry is responding to market demands by diversifying product offerings, such as organic and free-range broiler meat, which cater to niche markets and command premium prices [63].

The global broiler market is characterized by increasing demand and evolving consumer preferences for transparency and sustainability. Technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, and sustainable practices are critical in meeting these demands and ensuring the industry’s growth and competitiveness. As consumer preferences continue to shift toward more ethical and environmentally friendly products, the broiler farming industry must adapt to maintain market relevance and consumer trust.

7.10 Regulatory frameworks

Broiler farming is subject to various regulations that aim to ensure food safety, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. Key regulatory bodies include the European Union (EU), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and respective national agricultural ministries. Regulations often focus on biosecurity, disease control, and welfare standards.

In the EU, the Broiler Directive (2007/43/EC) establishes minimum standards for the protection of broiler chickens, focusing on stocking densities, lighting, litter quality, and air quality. The directive mandates monitoring and reporting on animal welfare outcomes such as footpad dermatitis and mortality rates, which are collected at abattoirs and on farms [64].

In the United States, the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is a cooperative industry, state, and federal program that focuses on poultry health and disease control. Regulations by the USDA cover various aspects of broiler production, including hatchery sanitation, disease surveillance, and biosecurity measures [65].

Compliance requirements for broiler farmers include maintaining proper housing conditions, implementing biosecurity measures, and adhering to feed and water quality standards. Regular inspections and audits are conducted to ensure compliance, and noncompliance can result in penalties or loss of certification.

7.11 Encouraging innovation

Policies that promote research and development are critical for fostering innovation in broiler farming. These policies often include financial incentives, grants, and subsidies for research projects that aim to improve efficiency, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. For instance, the EU has various funding programs that support agricultural research and innovation, such as Horizon 2020 and the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI).

In the context of broiler farming, innovations in precision agriculture, automation, and genetic enhancements are particularly encouraged. Precision agriculture involves the use of sensors, data analytics, and automation to optimize farming practices. This can lead to more efficient use of resources, reduced environmental impact, and improved animal health and welfare [66].

Encouraging innovation also involves updating regulatory frameworks to accommodate new technologies and practices. For example, the adoption of automatic weighing systems for broilers has been facilitated by regulatory adjustments that recognize the benefits of such technologies in improving productivity and animal welfare.

7.12 Tackling trade obstacles

International trade in broiler products faces several challenges, including differing regulatory standards, tariff and nontariff barriers, and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures. These obstacles can hinder market access and affect the competitiveness of broiler products on the global market.

One strategy to navigate these trade obstacles is harmonizing standards and regulations across countries. For instance, the EU’s stringent welfare standards for broilers, as outlined in the Broiler Directive, have influenced global trade by setting high benchmarks for imported products [67]. Countries exporting to the EU must comply with these standards, leading to a level playing field and potentially raising welfare standards globally.

Another approach is engaging in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements that address specific regulatory and market access issues. These agreements can include provisions for mutual recognition of standards, reducing tariffs, and streamlining customs procedures. The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) are examples of trade agreements that include such provisions.

The regulatory frameworks governing broiler farming are essential for ensuring food safety, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. Encouraging innovation through supportive policies and addressing trade obstacles through harmonization and trade agreements can significantly impact the industry. By navigating these regulatory challenges and opportunities, broiler farming can achieve sustainable growth and meet the evolving demands of global markets.

7.13 Challenges facing broiler farming

7.13.1 Biosecurity hazards

Biosecurity is crucial in broiler farming to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, which can have devastating effects on poultry health and productivity. Major biosecurity threats include pathogens such as Campylobacter and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Campylobacter, a leading cause of human bacterial diarrheal disease, is prevalent in poultry environments, necessitating stringent biosecurity measures to prevent contamination [68]. However, farmer compliance with biosecurity protocols is often poor due to skepticism about their effectiveness and the heavy burden of responsibility placed on farm-level interventions [53].

Farmers’ attitudes and behaviors toward biosecurity significantly influence the implementation of preventive practices. In a study conducted in China, factors such as farmer education, perceived disease impact, and access to veterinary services played a crucial role in the adoption of biosecurity measures [69]. Similarly, in Bangladesh, the perceived benefits of biosecurity measures strongly influenced commercial farmers’ decisions, highlighting the need for tailored communication strategies for different farming groups [8]. The attitude-behavior gap in biosecurity practices is a significant challenge, where farmers often fail to align their behaviors with their beliefs, necessitating targeted interventions to address this discrepancy [38].

7.13.2 Climate change

Climate change poses a significant threat to broiler farming by altering environmental conditions that affect poultry health and productivity. Changes in temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns can influence the prevalence of diseases, impact feed and water availability, and increase the vulnerability of broiler farms to extreme weather events [39]. These changes necessitate adaptive strategies to mitigate their effects on broiler farming operations.

Adaptation strategies include improving farm infrastructure to withstand extreme weather, implementing efficient water and feed management practices, and adopting climate-resilient poultry breeds. Additionally, integrating climate change considerations into biosecurity protocols is essential to prevent the exacerbation of disease outbreaks under changing climatic conditions [39]. Collaboration between researchers, farmers, and policymakers is crucial to developing and disseminating effective adaptation strategies tailored to local conditions.

7.13.3 Economic pressures

Economic pressures in broiler farming stem from fluctuating market dynamics, rising input costs, and increasing consumer demand for sustainable and ethically produced poultry products. Farmers must navigate these economic challenges while maintaining profitability and ensuring the health and welfare of their flock.

Market volatility affects feed prices, which constitute a significant portion of production costs in broiler farming. Innovations in alternative feed sources and precision nutrition can help mitigate these costs by improving feed efficiency and reducing dependency on conventional feed ingredients [41]. Additionally, the economic burden of implementing biosecurity measures and adapting to climate change can strain farm finances. Strategies to enhance financial sustainability include diversifying income streams, optimizing production processes, and accessing financial support and incentives from government and industry programs [42].

To address these economic pressures, it is essential to foster a supportive regulatory environment that encourages innovation and provides resources for farmers to adopt sustainable practices. Collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, and policymakers, can drive the development of cost-effective solutions and ensure the long-term viability of broiler farming.

7.14 Opportunities for sustainable development

Collaboration between industry and academia is pivotal for the sustainable advancement of broiler farming. These partnerships leverage the strengths of both sectors, combining academic rigor with practical industry insights to address complex challenges effectively. The integration of scientific research with on-the-ground farming practices fosters innovation, enhances productivity, and promotes sustainable practices.

Collaborative research projects often result in significant technological advancements and improvements in farming practices. For instance, the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) emphasized collaboration as a critical factor in its success, leading to substantial impacts on food production and availability in developing countries [43]. Such collaborations can be extended to broiler farming, where academic research can contribute to advancements in genetics, disease control, and environmental sustainability.

Numerous successful research partnerships illustrate the benefits of collaborative efforts in broiler farming. The development of precision livestock farming (PLF) systems exemplifies the impact of academic-industry collaboration. PLF systems utilize modern technologies such as sound analysis, wearable sensors, and image processing to monitor broiler behavior and welfare continuously. These technologies enhance animal welfare, reduce disease rates, and improve production quality [33].

Another example is the collaborative efforts in small-scale broiler farming in South Africa. The research highlighted the importance of reducing mortality rates, feed conversion rates, and production duration to improve economic efficiency. Collaborative research has been instrumental in developing strategies to enhance technical and financial efficiency, thereby increasing profitability and sustainability [44].

7.14.1 Incorporation of new technologies

Emerging technologies hold significant promise for revolutionizing broiler farming. Precision agriculture, for instance, involves the use of sensors, GPS, and data analytics to optimize farming practices. This technology enables farmers to make data-driven decisions, improving feed efficiency, reducing waste, and enhancing overall farm management.

Robotics and automation represent another technological frontier in broiler farming. Automated systems for feeding, cleaning, and monitoring can significantly reduce labor costs and improve operational efficiency. Genetic enhancements through CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies also offer potential for breeding broilers with improved growth rates, disease resistance, and better overall health [33].

The adoption of automated monitoring systems in commercial broiler farms has demonstrated substantial benefits. For example, image processing technology is used to monitor broiler behavior, providing early warnings for diseases and enabling timely interventions. These systems have been shown to improve animal welfare and production efficiency [33].

In Lebanon, the implementation of contract farming has provided economic benefits to broiler producers by ensuring guaranteed prices, reducing risks, and offering technical aid. This model has led to improved sustainability and economic viability for small-scale farmers [45].

Collaborative efforts in Europe also highlight the benefits of agri-environmental management through farmer collaboration. These initiatives have successfully increased social capital and promoted sustainable landscape management [46].

The integration of collaborative research and new technologies presents significant opportunities for the sustainable development of broiler farming. By fostering partnerships between academia and industry and adopting innovative technologies, the broiler farming industry can address current challenges and enhance sustainability, productivity, and profitability.


8. Conclusion

In summary, the future of broiler farming will be shaped by advancements in technology, a commitment to environmental sustainability, and a focus on animal welfare. Technological innovations such as precision agriculture and genetic enhancements are expected to significantly improve production efficiency and animal well-being concurrently, the industry must address environmental challenges by implementing strategies to reduce the carbon footprint, manage waste effectively, and optimize water usage. Ensuring animal health and welfare through improved disease control, enhanced welfare standards, and reduced antibiotic usage is critical.

Market dynamics and shifting consumer preferences toward transparency and sustainability necessitate adaptable and consumer-focused approaches. Regulatory frameworks must foster innovation while addressing trade obstacles to ensure smooth global operations.

Despite advancements, broiler farming faces biosecurity hazards, climate change, and economic pressures. Effective biosecurity measures are essential to mitigate disease risks, and adapting to climate change is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Collaboration among stakeholders, including researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers, is imperative for addressing these challenges and leveraging opportunities. The integration of new technologies and sustainable practices will be essential for the continued development of the broiler farming industry. By prioritizing innovation, sustainability, and ethical practices, the industry can achieve a more resilient and efficient future.



The authors acknowledge the use of QuillBot and Grammarly for the language polishing of the manuscript.


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Written By

Selina Acheampong

Submitted: 27 July 2024 Reviewed: 01 August 2024 Published: 27 September 2024