Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Control Using Social Preferences

Written By

Orly Barzilai

Submitted: 28 April 2024 Reviewed: 28 April 2024 Published: 21 June 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005530

Recent Topics in Highway Engineering - Up-to-date Overview of Practical Knowledge IntechOpen
Recent Topics in Highway Engineering - Up-to-date Overview of Pra... Edited by Salvatore Antonio Biancardo

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Recent Topics in Highway Engineering - Up-to-date Overview of Practical Knowledge [Working Title]

Dr. Salvatore Antonio Biancardo

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Traffic congestion arises from all directions, particularly during peak hours, and requires the implementation of a preference mechanism—designated lanes are set up as fast lanes for prioritizing public transportation and ride sharing. Defining a rigid criterion for using the fast lanes can be ineffective if the criterion for using these lanes is unrelated to traffic volume. In situations where fast lanes become overloaded, the rigid criteria do not ensure efficient travel. A social preference criterion, similar to those utilized in priority queues found in various service sectors such as government, travel, and cultural events, could be adapted for use in managing traffic flow and lane prioritization. The social preference criteria will be based on the driver’s characteristics (e.g., a handicraft driver) or not its travel purpose (e.g., a doctor traveling for emergency surgery). To facilitate efficient travel for vehicles utilizing the fast lanes, the implementation of a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, specifically the Q-learning algorithm, is proposed. The results indicated that individuals exhibit social preference for various categories of vehicle passenger characteristics. The Q-learning algorithm regulated traffic flow in a junction simulation, distinguishing between fast lanes and regular lanes based on both social preference and traffic volume. This approach ensured efficient prioritization and allocation of resources.


  • reinforcement learning (RL)
  • traffic signal control (TSC)
  • social preference
  • smart social junction (SSJ)
  • fast lane (FL)

1. Introduction

In recent years, the growth of traffic congestion within urban areas has become a prominent and challenging issue, particularly in densely populated cities. Population increase, immense scale of vehicle trade, and lack of efficient public transportation systems are the foremost reasons for traffic saturation [1]. Traffic congestion is influenced by both spatial and temporal characteristics [2]. Different districts show different patterns of congestion. Traffic peaks during workdays typically occur in the morning and afternoon [2, 3, 4, 5]. Peak traffic transpires in the morning between 8 am and 11 am, with another surge between 2 pm and 6 pm during the traditional workweek. The regularity of this pattern on workdays is a result of individuals collectively commuting to work at similar times throughout the day [3].

One of the primary challenges in populated cities arises at signalized junctions [4]. The predominant traffic control method globally is the fixed-cycle program, primarily due to the lack of real-time data availability. In this approach, the traffic light phases switch at predefined intervals. Nevertheless, the advent of wireless communication in recent years has brought about a significant change. Advancements in technology now allow for the acquisition of real-time road data. As a result, new traffic signal control (TSC) algorithms have been emerged utilizing data from a variety of devices including sensors, cameras, and monitors [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. These devices facilitate the measurement, modeling, and interpretation of traffic features, including flow, occupancy, or travel times. This information proves valuable for the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that manage traffic based on traffic density [13]. Among these algorithms, reinforcement learning (RL), an unsupervised machine learning technique, has been widely applied to develop solutions for optimizing TSC optimization [14, 15] and plays a central role in the field of traffic management [16, 17, 18].

Managing traffic signals based on traffic density can help alleviate traffic congestion when there are disparities in the number of vehicles arriving at junctions from various directions and heading in different ways. However, during peak hours when junctions are overwhelmed, it becomes essential to introduce a preference mechanism for distributing the traffic load over time [19]. Currently, a priority mechanism is implemented at junctions and on roads, offering preference to public transportation and high-occupancy vehicles. This is achieved through the establishment of dedicated lanes for these specific vehicle types, commonly referred to as dedicated bus lanes (DBL) and high-occupancy vehicles (HOV) lanes.

Barzilai et al. [20] suggested incorporating an innovative preference system based on the social characteristics of the vehicle driver (e.g., a handicapped person) or on its travel purpose (e.g., A doctor traveling to an emergency surgery at a hospital). The concept involves adjusting traffic signals according to both traffic load and social priority. The author argues that introducing a social preference parameter to the junction traffic management algorithm can reduce driver stress, by making traffic congestion at the intersection seem more just, consequently lowering accident rates. Another rationale for incorporating social preference is its integration with traffic load, creating a flexible mechanism for effectively managing traffic on dedicated lanes and preventing issues of both overloading and underloading [19].

In the following sections, we will elaborate on and summarize several papers that enhance the innovative concept of junction management, combining social priority with traffic load through the application of RL algorithms. The review of these papers will be complemented by an examination of the supporting literature.


2. Social preference as a criterion for traffic control

Moral reasoning is defined as “behavior that is subject to (or judged according to) generally accepted moral norms of behavior” [21]. Research on moral dilemmas’ judgments has been fundamentally shaped by the distinction between Utilitarianism and Deontology. Gawronski et al. [22] suggests that the difference between these two concepts is based on sensitivity to moral consequences (Utilitarianism) and moral norms (Deontology). Lower levels of moral reasoning were found to be related to a higher number of accidents, to a higher driving speed, and to a higher degree of space-taking behavior [23].

Encountering a traffic jam, whether at a standstill in an intersection or within a lane, can be associated with the broader phenomenon of waiting in a line or in a queue. Queue involves waiting. Research into the impact of waiting time on consumers highlights both decreased satisfaction [24, 25, 26] and emotional effects such as stress, anxiety, boredom, and a sense of injustice. Moreover, perceived wait times often exceed reality, exacerbating the frustration of those affected [25, 26, 27, 28].

Queues are identified as social structures that uphold specific social [29]:

  • The queue visibly indicates the order of arrival.

  • No skipping or cutting in line is allowed.

  • Adherence to the “first come, first served” principle.

  • Everyone must wait for their turn patiently.

Most people agree that deviations from queue norms, even in shorter lines, may be acceptable to accommodate concerns such as health, disability, or childcare, as long as the exception is requested and granted by fellow queue members. One’s attitudes toward queues may be influenced by social injustice [30]. Queues are identified as social systems where social justice is an important factor for queue compliance. Social justice is defined by Rawls [31] as “fairness. The way in which social institutions distribute fundamental rights and duties and determine the division of advantages from social cooperation.” On an individual level, social justice relates to “equitable and fair access to resources, and socially valued commodities” [32]. First-order justice, defined as a first-come, first-served (FCFS) process, has been found to be a necessary condition of social justice and positive evaluation [33]. This general principle is applied with modifications [34]. Second-order justice, defined as equal waiting time, has been found to be an additional factor that comes into play only when first-order justice is met. This principle is related to the volume of the service and cost, consumer’s age, and physical conditions [33].

Priority queues are prevalent in-service operations, assigning priorities based on customer attributes [35]. Priority queues and their impact are investigated in airlines, theme parks, nightclubs, hotels, and other service contexts [36]. For example, in COVID-19 testing, priorities can be based on symptoms [37]. In government services, precedence can be granted to individuals who come from distant [38]. In numerous other scenarios, such customer characteristics are inaccessible, necessitating self-selection of priorities. This warrants the implementation of a pay-for-priority system, wherein customers who pay a higher fee are afforded greater precedence. Theme parks and ski resorts often allow customers to purchase premium tickets to join express lines. Everything Everywhere (EE), a leading telecommunications company in the United Kingdom, once offered “Priority Answer” that enabled customers to pay £0.50 to jump the queue for a service call [35].

Barzilai et al. [39] explored public sentiments related to the notion of prioritizing intersections using a rating scale from 1 (indicating strong opposition) to 5 (indicating strong agreement). Furthermore, insights into social preferences regarding various compositions of vehicle passengers were obtained through participants’ ratings on a scale ranging from 1 (indicating no preference) to 5 (indicating a very strong preference). Social preference cases were categorized based on the distinction between moral principles (Deontology) and moral consequences (Utilitarianism).

Moral principles contained the following categories:

  • Good virtues: people with special needs, elderly (over 75), pregnant women (8 months and above), and patients with active cancer.

  • Benefit for all: public transportation (bus and cab), shared vehicles, and vehicles with four passengers and above.

  • Encouraging community services: medical, repair technicians, security, education, and public services.

  • Keeping traffic rules: normal speed, avoiding phone talk, and no insurance claim.

  • Promotion of national issues: education, security, and health.

Moral consequences contained the following categories:

  • Benefit for the individual: private bus and special cab.

  • Promoting employment: driving to work (governmental and high-tech).

  • Leisure time promotion: driving for leisure and volunteering.

The results revealed that while research participants advocate for equal priority for all vehicles (excluding emergency ones) at traffic junctions, they argue that priority adjustments should consider traffic volume. The participants preferred moral principles over moral consequences. Two categories received high preference. The first category is the benefit for all, which contains public and shared transportation.

In recent years, there has been a growing public awareness of the need to reduce road congestion through public and cooperative transportation. Barzilai et al. [39] suggested that people are affected by this public propaganda when selecting social preferences. The second category and most surprising finding was that the value of good virtues was associated with the highest preferences. People indicated that vehicles that contain people with special needs and difficulties should have higher priorities in a smart junction. The authors concluded that these results suggest that people can accept moral norms as a criterion for traffic load management.


3. Traffic control preference via dedicated lanes

Traffic control preference is implemented to prioritize public and ride-sharing transportation. Busses play a crucial role in public transportation. However, as busses share the road with private vehicles, they often encounter heavy traffic congestion and delays. To address this problem, bus priority solutions via bus lanes have evolved into an essential component of urban public transportation networks’ growth and enhancement [40]. Russo et al. [41] describe two implementations for DBL systems. The first implementation involves the creation of extensive bus lanes that traverse the entire city. The second implementation consists of dedicated sections that are specifically allocated to address severe congestion within the bus network. These bus sections can be relatively short, sometimes spanning just a few hundred meters, with most of the bus routes operating on lanes not exclusively designated for them. Introducing or expanding such short bus sections constitutes a minor, localized modification to the city’s transportation system, leading to minimal implementation costs. Montero-Lamas et al. [42] describe another bus priority solution known as an intermittent bus lane (IBL), where the bus lane’s status is dynamic. The lane’s status is changed to a mixed-traffic lane when there is no bus using it or when traffic conditions do not cause delays for the bus. When a typical traffic lane is transformed into a bus lane, it often leads to a decrease in the capacity of the remaining lanes, causing an increase in traffic congestion and a reduced travel speed on these capacity-reduced general lanes [43].

High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are specialized traffic lanes set for vehicles carrying multiple passengers. Depending on the number of occupants, a driver must either use the typically more congested general-purpose lane at a slower pace or have the option to access the faster-moving HOV lane. The fundamental goal of HOV lanes is to raise the average vehicle occupancy, thereby mitigating road congestion [44]. In most applications, these lanes require at least one or two passengers to accompany the driver. HOV lanes facilitate more efficient use of roadways, which benefits traffic flow while also providing time savings and enhanced reliability for high-occupancy travel modes [45]. Sometimes, HOV lanes are also made available to other vehicle types, including emergency and law enforcement vehicles, public busses, electric vehicles, or single-occupancy cars that choose to pay a toll [44].

To regulate the number of single-occupancy vehicles using the HOV lanes, an effective lane management strategy is the implementation of high-occupancy-toll lane pricing. HOV lane pricing can take one of three forms: (i) flat rates, which remain consistent over time; (ii) scheduled tolls, where fees change according to a predetermined schedule, such as the day of the week and time of day; or (iii) dynamic tolls, which are real-time and responsive to the current traffic conditions, ideally adjusted to the prevailing congestion levels [46]. In the case of scheduled tolls, elevated prices are implemented during periods of peak demand and the specific travel location [47]. An example could involve tolls calculated using a function that depends on the maximum traffic density downstream from the entry point [48]. For dynamic tolls, pricing should be responsive to demand. To initiate the implementation of HOV lane pricing, it is crucial that the demand is substantial enough to justify charging single-occupancy vehicles for their use [49]. Additionally, lane capacity should be considered during the planning process [50]. Numerous strategies have been developed to implement dynamic tolls, including the application of a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm [51] and a deep reinforcement learning algorithm [52]. A comprehensive understanding of dynamic toll pricing strategies and models is provided by Lombardi et al. [48].


4. Smart social junction with social preferences

Several studies employed a smart social junction (SSJ) algorithm where traffic light timings are adjusted based on both traffic load and societal preferences [19, 20, 39, 53]. To facilitate the implementation of this algorithm, the concept of conflict side (CS) was introduced. A CS encompasses all lanes in all directions of a traffic junction that can move simultaneously. A junction simulation was conducted with four CSs, as illustrated in Figure 1. Vehicles with randomly selected length and velocity parameters were dispersed across lanes. Each vehicle was randomly assigned social preferences ranging from 1 to 10. The social preference value for each CS is the total of all individual vehicle preferences within that CS. Time slots are allocated to all CSs per cycle based on a constant scheduler, ensuring the same order is maintained in each cycle.

Figure 1.

The smart junction simulation’s scheme with four conflict sides colored red, blue, pink, and green.

Figure 2 illustrates three different types of junctions examined in Barzilai et al. [39]: the standard junction, which allocates equal time slots to every CS; the SJ, which allocates timing slots to each CS based solely on its traffic load; and the SSJ, which allocates timing slots based on traffic load and social preference. The results indicate that shorter light durations were observed for the SMJ, although the timing of the SJ and SMJ were comparable for three out of four CSs.

Figure 2.

Our model’s timing in comparison with other traffic light timing methods.

Fine et al. [53] elaborated on the SSJ algorithm where, in each time slot, the CS with the highest preference value is selected. To prevent situations where certain CSs experience prolonged waits (starvation), additional points were allocated to a CS that had not received a green light beyond a specified maximum waiting time. The researchers discovered that the SSJ outperformed the standard (regular) junction during low traffic volume. Figure 3 depicts how the average efficiency of the SSJ evacuation changes in response to different traffic loads. As the traffic load increased, the efficiency declined. In addition, at a traffic load of 55%, the efficiency of both types of junctions (SSJ and regular junction) was comparable. When traffic load surpassed this threshold, regular junction proved more effective than their smart counterparts.

Figure 3.

Average efficiency of SSJ by traffic load.

The researchers concluded that when all CSs experience the same level of congestion, there is no logical basis for prioritizing one side over another. Furthermore, the prioritization of individual vehicles is impacted by the presence of other vehicles in the same queue. For instance, if a high-priority vehicle is waiting alongside low-priority vehicles, the overall preference of the lane will be diminished, and the high-priority vehicle will not be able to assert its preference.

To address these challenges, Barzilai et al. [19] proposed implementing the concept of social preferences within fast lanes (FLs). Presently, FLs are designated for public transportation and are unaffected by traffic load. Consequently, traffic flow in these lanes often falls short of optimal levels, either due to overcrowding or insufficient volume. The proposed solution involves implementing adaptable FLs, where the types of vehicles permitted to use them vary based on prevailing traffic conditions. During periods of congestion and heightened demand, only vehicles with high social priority, such as public transportation, would be granted access to the FL. Conversely, when the FL is underused, vehicles with lower social priority could also utilize it. The optimization of traffic control in a FL based on social preference and traffic volume can be performed using the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm.


5. Reinforcement learning algorithm for traffic control

Reinforcement learning (RL) is the problem faced by an agent that must learn behavior through trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic environment [54]. As a learning problem, it refers to learning to control a system to optimize some numerical values that represent long-term objectives [55]. The numerical values are the results of a reward function [56]. The reward function defines what is objectively good and bad for the agent. The value of the reward function is the agent’s current mapping from the set of possible states (or state-action pairs) to its estimates of the net long-term reward to be expected after visiting a state (or a state-action pair), after which the agent continues to act according to its current policy [56]. Moreover, the learner is not told which actions should be taken, as in many forms of machine learning, but instead must discover which actions yield the highest reward by trying them out [56].

Q-learning algorithm is a model-free RL algorithm that does not rely on an explicit model of the environment. In model-free reinforcement learning, the agent learns to make decisions and improve its behavior through trial and error without building an internal representation or model of how the environment works [17]. In the Q-learning algorithm, the action is based on the maximal value of the received reward calculated per each action. Miletić et al. [17] introduced a schema for applying the Q-learning algorithm to traffic management at junctions. This schema involves employing a two-dimensional Q-table, where one dimension represents the states of the junction, and the other dimension corresponds to the actions taken at the junction.

The utilization of RL for traffic signal control (TSC) has gained popularity due to its capacity to learn and adapt while actively engaging with the environment. This inherent capability empowers the system to effectively respond to new patterns of traffic congestion as it encounters them [17]. In RL-TSC, each smart junction is typically controlled by a single agent [13]. Each agent is responsible for determining the light-switching sequence at its assigned junction. Many different objectives have been considered by authors when defining the reward function used by RL-TSC agents [13]. These may include average trip waiting time, trip delay, average trip time, average junction waiting time, junction throughput/flow rate, achieving green waves, accident avoidance, speed restriction, fuel conservation, and average number of trip stops.


6. Reinforcement learning algorithm for smart social junction

Barzilai et al. [19] utilized a simplified junction model consisting of two lanes: one for regular vehicles and another for priority vehicles, designated as FL. To effectively manage the distribution of green light time between these two lanes, ensuring priority for the FL without neglecting the regular lane, the RL algorithm, specifically the Q-learning algorithm, was employed. The Q-learning algorithm pseudo-code is presented in Figure 4. Their study applied random data, and the results demonstrated the success of applying the Q-learning algorithm. The reward function contained positive factors for vehicles that crossed the junction or advanced their position and a negative factor for vehicles that remained in their position. In addition, a weight value for the vehicles with high priority was also part of the equation. By implementing this algorithm, vehicles traveling in the FL were able to cross the junction more quickly than those in the regular lane, thus optimizing traffic flow and prioritizing vehicles based on social considerations.

Figure 4.

Pseudo-code of the Q-learning algorithm.

In a recent study, Barzilai et al. [57] extended the simplified model of SSJ with FL managed by RL to a more realistic and practical solution. To achieve this, the junction simulation was constructed using actual data obtained from surveillance cameras situated at a complex, real-world junction. The surveillance camera data was extracted from “Netivei Israel” (the Israeli National Company for Transport Infrastructures) website for the “Ahisemech” junction (presented in Figure 5) which is located in the central region of Israel.

Figure 5.

Ahisemech junction photograph.

During the peak traffic hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, a total of 40 minutes of video footage was captured, encompassing 2177 vehicles across 14 complete cycles of green light distribution in all directions. The researchers employed the You Only Look Once (YOLO) framework, specifically version 8, for conducting vehicle counts. YOLOv8 is a vision model utilized for object detection, classification, and segmentation tasks, particularly on real traffic videos serving diverse purposes [58, 59, 60, 61].

Using the vehicle counts and the Ahisemech junction structure as reference points, a simulation was constructed. This simulation replicated the junction structure and CSs, as presented in Figure 6, as well as accurately represented the traffic load, as presented in Table 1. CS5 emerged as the preferred choice for prioritizing vehicles with high-priority status because it does not share lanes with other CSs.

Figure 6.

Simulation of Ahisemech junction by lanes and CSs.

L1 + L2VV444
L4 + L5VV373

Table 1.

Number of simulation vehicles by lane and by CS.

Applying the Q-learning algorithm to manage the real data streamed to the smart junction simulation showed that the algorithm gave preference to both CS5, which was the least congested CS but was designated as the social priority CS, and CS2, which was the most congested CS with no social priority. To assess the order of green light allocation, the average position for each CS was computed. This position reflects the timing of green light allocation. Green lights were assigned to various CSs, leading to a sequence of CS openings until the junction was completely evacuated. A lower value of the average position for a particular CS indicates that the green light was granted earlier in this sequence, resulting in a faster evacuation of that CS. The prioritization of CS5 and CS2 is evident from their low average position values. CS5 obtained a value of 13.4, constituting 64% of the total average position, whereas CS2 achieved a value of 6, accounting for 29% of the total average position. In addition, during the learning phase performed during the 35 episodes, a reduction of 30% was found for the preferred CS (CS5).


7. Conclusions

In response to the growing challenge of traffic congestion, there is a proposal for an innovative approach to implement a social priority mechanism within Traffic Signal Control (TSC). This mechanism draws inspiration from various sectors, such as governmental, commercial, and healthcare domains, aiming to be integrated into the traffic control area.

A social preference based on driver characteristics or travel purpose is suggested, combined with the current traffic volume. This social preference is suggested to be implemented through dedicated lanes designated as fast lanes (FLs). To effectively manage the traffic flow between regular lanes and fast lanes, the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, specifically the Q-learning algorithm, is suggested, enabling a flexible usage of the fast lane depending on the current traffic load. Simulation of a junction, imitating the structure and traffic volume of an actual junction, has demonstrated the effectiveness of using RL to optimize traffic balance, considering both load and social preferences.

The implementation of an algorithm in a real-life traffic junction or lanes could be implemented through a smartphone or smart car software that connects to road sensors. Validating social preferences more proficiently can be done in the form of biometric authentication. The validation itself could be implemented in smart calendar applications, in which a certain institute, such as a hospital or government office, can provide schedule validation for meetings and appointments.

Future research directions can focus on refining the social priority categories, enhancing the algorithm to encompass more complex environments connecting several junctions, and inferring social priority designated to a vehicle in real time.


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Written By

Orly Barzilai

Submitted: 28 April 2024 Reviewed: 28 April 2024 Published: 21 June 2024