Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Steganography: Unveiling Techniques and Research Agenda

Written By

Arvind Kumar Op Dangi, Stuti Tandon, Shalesh Deorari and Rajeev Kumar

Submitted: 11 March 2024 Reviewed: 11 March 2024 Published: 19 July 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005052

Steganography - The Art of Hiding Information IntechOpen
Steganography - The Art of Hiding Information Edited by Joceli Mayer

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Steganography - The Art of Hiding Information [Working Title]

Joceli Mayer

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Steganography techniques focus on command-based and tool-based approaches for concealing digital information within diverse media formats. This study analyzes the functionalities of methodologies, implementation intricacies, and their potential advancements. Examining the intricacies of command-based steganography elucidates the intricate process of concealing data within digital files using terminal commands, thereby highlighting the Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique through command-line operations. This study highlights functionalities and user interfaces of prominent steganography tools, such as Steghide and OpenStego, thereby emphasizing ease of use and graphical capabilities for embedding and extracting hidden data. The comparative analysis assesses the strengths and limitations of methods, outlining the granular control offered by command-based steganography against the user-friendliness of tool-based approaches. The research delineates future scope and challenges in advancing steganographic techniques, envisaging advancements in algorithmic robustness, cross-platform compatibility, and integration with emerging technologies. Limitations pertaining to data capacity, file compatibility, and detection risks are acknowledged to provide insights into areas necessitating further research and development. The study culminates potential implementation scenarios for command-based and tool-based steganography. The research findings serve as a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders seeking to comprehend, implement, and innovate steganographic methodologies in contemporary digital environments.


  • steganography
  • blockchain
  • fusion
  • steganographic techniques
  • information security

1. Introduction

Steganography, derived from the Greek words “steganos” (significance hidden or covered) and “graphy” (significance composing or drawing), is an old artistry that has established into a sophisticated science in the age of technology. Steganography uniquely hides the data by embedding it in unnoticeable containers to enable secret interactions [1]. This training traces back to antiquated developments, where mystery messages were concealed in different structures, like undetectable ink on the material. However, with the approach of computerized innovations, steganography has tracked down new applications and has turned into a vital part of the domain of data forensics and cybersecurity [2, 3].

The roots of steganography can be traced back to the age of early human civilizations when individuals sought to carefully exchange secret information [2]. One outstanding authentic model is the undetectable ink by old Greeks and Romans to pass on secret messages. By heating or adding additional compounds to the seemingly transparent material, its intended recipient would be able to unravel the hidden message. During the Middle Ages, imperceptible composing procedures were developed with professionals utilizing substances like lemon squeeze or milk to make stowed-away messages. During seasons of war, undetectable ink turned into an important device for the military, permitting messages to be sent clandestinely.

In the age of digital technology and the Internet, steganography includes implanting data inside advanced records, for example, pictures, sound records, recordings, and even text reports [4]. This is executed in such a manner that it is nearly impossible for a normal human to find out the cipher information without particular devices, tools, or strategies [5]. Throughout the epochs of human communication, the enigmatic art of steganography has etched its presence, an elusive dance of concealment and revelation that transcends the pages of history. In the mosaic of clandestine messaging, steganography is the subtle brushstroke, an ancient practice shrouded in the veils of secrecy. Its origins can be traced back to the cryptic corridors of ancient civilizations, where inventive minds sought to transmit confidential information through covert means. The Greeks and Romans, masters of intrigue, wielded invisible ink to inscribe hidden messages upon the parchment, a veil lifted only by the alchemy of heat or the touch of specific substances. These early forays into the realm of secret communication set the stage for steganography’s enduring journey [6]. The medieval tapestry unfolded with new chapters in the art of hidden writing. Ingenious methods emerged, with practitioners employing substances like lemon juice or milk to create concealed missives. The quest for secrecy extended to the Renaissance era, where courts buzzed with intrigue, and steganography became an indispensable tool for those navigating the delicate dance of power and diplomacy. Letters became vessels for concealed information, with invisible writing techniques taking center stage [7]. Secret compartments and concealed compartments within letters and documents concealed coded messages, adding layers of complexity to the covert exchange of information.

As the sands of time flowed, steganography metamorphosed in tandem with the evolution of societies and technologies. The dawn of the digital age heralded a new chapter, as ancient methods found resonance in the realm of pixels and bytes. In this contemporary context, steganography is no longer confined to ink and parchment but extends its subtle tendrils into the digital landscape. Images, audio files, and even text serve as carriers for concealed information, with techniques like least significant bit (LSB) replacement and frequency domain transformations becoming the modern artisan’s tools [8].

The historical narrative of steganography is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of secrecy and innovation. Its continued relevance in the digital age underscores its timeless appeal as a means of secure communication. The journey of steganography, from ancient civilizations to the present day, is a testament to the human inclination to safeguard information through artful concealment [9]. In the clandestine corridors of espionage, steganography emerged as a silent ally, a trusted confidant for those navigating the intricacies of war and diplomacy. Military leaders and intelligence operatives recognized the potency of concealed messages in shaping the outcomes of battles. Steganography became a covert weapon, allowing generals to communicate strategic plans beyond enemy lines without arousing suspicion. The artistry of hidden writing became an integral part of military strategy, a secret language shared among the known connected parties. The Renaissance era witnessed steganography’s ascent to new heights of sophistication. In an age where courts were rife with political machinations and intrigues, the ability to convey messages discreetly held immense value. Secret compartments within letters, invisible inks, and coded symbols adorned missives exchanged by diplomats, statesmen, and monarchs. Steganography became the trusted companion of those navigating the delicate dance of diplomacy, enabling the conveyance of confidential information beneath the veneer of ordinary communication. As societies traversed the tapestry of time, steganography continued to evolve, embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging technologies. The advent of the telegraph and Morse code opened new frontiers for hidden communication. The rhythmic dots and dashes of Morse code became a canvas for coded messages, concealing intent within the seemingly mundane. Steganography adapted to the telegraph’s staccato language, offering a clandestine means of communication that spanned vast distances. The digital revolution of the late twentieth century ushered in a new era for steganography. As the world transitioned from analog to digital, the practice found new avenues for expression. The advent of computers and the proliferation of digital media expanded steganography’s repertoire [10]. Images became the modern parchment, and digital files the canvas for concealed messages. Techniques like LSB replacement allowed information to be hidden within the binary code of images, imperceptible to the human eye but retrievable by those privy to the key. In the labyrinth of the Internet, steganography found fertile ground. The interconnected web of networks provided a vast canvas for covert communication. Steganography became a tool for those navigating the complexities of cybersecurity and digital forensics [2]. Cybercriminals and hackers leveraged steganographic techniques to conceal malware, exfiltrate data, and orchestrate covert communication within the vast expanse of the digital realm. In the contemporary landscape, steganography is a multifaceted art, finding applications across diverse domains. Its role extends beyond espionage and military strategy to encompass areas such as cybersecurity, digital forensics, and even art and entertainment. The subtle dance of concealment and revelation that defines steganography continues to captivate minds in an age where information is both a currency and a vulnerability. As we reflect on the intricate history of steganography, it becomes evident that its allure lies not only in its ability to safeguard information but also in its status as a timeless expression of human ingenuity [3]. From the clandestine corridors of ancient civilizations to the digital realm of the twenty-first century, steganography has persevered, adapting and innovating in response to the evolving needs of societies. It is a testament to the indomitable human spirit that seeks to navigate the delicate balance between secrecy and revelation, a dance that transcends the confines of time and technology.


2. History of steganography

The principle of the use of steganography traces back to the Greeks. Herodotus tells how a message was passed to the Greeks about Xerses’ threatening expectations under the wax of a composing tablet and depicts a procedure of specking progressive letters in a cover message with a mystery ink, because of Aeneas the Tactician. Pirate legends recount the act of inking restricted data, like a guide, on the head of somebody, so the hair would disguise it. Kahn recounts a stunt used in China of implanting a code ideogram at a setup position in a dispatch; a comparative thought prompted the grille framework used in middle-aged Europe, where a wooden layout would be set over a harmless message, featuring an implanted mystery message. During World War, II the grille technique or a few variations were used by spies. In a similar period, the Germans created microdot innovation, which prints a reasonable, great quality photo contracting it to the size of a dot. There are bits of hearsay that during the 1980s, Margareth Thatcher, then, at that point, Head of the state in the UK, turned out to be so bothered about press holes of bureau records that she had the word processors modified to encode the personality of the essayist in the word dividing, subsequently having the option to follow the backstabbing ministers. During the “Cool Conflict” period, the US and USSR needed to conceal their sensors in the foe’s offices. These gadgets needed to send information to their countries, without being spotted. Today, steganography is explored both for legal and illegal reasons. Among the initial ones, there is war broadcast communications, which use spread range or meteor dissipate radio to disguise both the message and its source. In the business market, with the appearance of advanced interchanges and capacity, one of the main issues is copyright implementation, so computerized watermarking procedures are being created to confine the use of protected data [11]. Another significant use is to insert information about clinical pictures, so everything is good to go with matching patient’s records and images. Among illegal ones is the act of stowing away firmly scrambled information to stay away from controls by cryptography trade regulations.


3. Working and uses of steganography

Steganography works by hiding data in a manner that evades doubt [12]. One of the most pervasive procedures is called “least significant bit” (LSB) steganography. This includes implanting the desired data in the least significant bits of a document. For instance:

  • In an image, every pixel is comprised of three bytes compared to the varieties red, green, and blue. Some image designs utilize an additional “alpha” fourth byte.

  • LSB steganography changes the last bit of every one of those bytes to cover up the slightest bit of information. Along these lines, to conceal one megabyte of information utilizing this technique, you would require an eight-megabyte image.

  • Altering the last bit of the pixel does not bring any outwardly discernible change to the image and that implies that anybody seeing the original and the steganographic image [13] would not be able to differentiate.

Similar techniques can be applied to other media, like sound and video, where information is concealed in pieces of the file that do not reveal the changes and make it look like a normal file [8]. Another steganography method is the use of word or letter substitution [14]. This is where the cipher message is hidden in the data by merging it inside a bigger message, putting the words at explicit spans. While this substitution strategy is not difficult to use, it might make the message look bizarre and awkward since the cipher texts do not make any sense within their objective sentences. Other steganography techniques include concealing a whole segment for a hard drive or implanting information in the header part of records and organization bundles. The effectiveness of these techniques relies heavily on how much information they can stow away and that they are so natural to identify. There are different uses of steganography as depicted in Figure 1 which are listed below:

  • Steganography can be a kind of solution that can provide a way to share data and information between communicating and concerned parties without any worries.

  • It is relevant to just use steganography to save information in an area. For instance, a few data sources like the confidential financial data, a few military mysteries can be saved in a cover source. When it is expected to uncover the restricted information in the cover source, it reveals only the financial information, and is impossible to accept that there are tactical puzzles within.

  • Steganography can be for the most part used to perform watermarking. Albeit the idea of watermarking is not certainly steganography [12]. A few steganographic approaches are being used to save watermarks in information. The significant distinction is on settled, while the aim of steganography is concealing information [15], watermarking is scarcely expanding the cover source with additional information because individuals [16] will not acknowledge observable changes in pictures, sound, or video records because of a watermark, the steganographic approach can be used to disguise this.

  • Internet business empowers for a need of steganography. In current web-based business exchanges, users have their authentication ID and passwords, but this is not a genuine methodology for authenticating that the user is the real card holder. In analysing a biometric unique mark which has explicit meeting, IDs are introduced into the finger impression. It can empower an extremely safe decision to open an online business exchange confirmation [11].

  • It very well may be paired with current specialized strategies; steganography can be used to achieve stowed-away trades. States are keen on two sorts of secret correspondences: those that help public safety and those that do not. Computerized steganography holds huge concealed for both the kinds. Organizations may face issues regarding exchanging privileged insights or new item information.

  • The transportation of responsive data is one more key use of steganography. An expected issue with cryptography is that snoops understand they have a scrambled message when they inspect one. Steganography empowers responsive data by passing the busy bodies without any information about the responsive data. The idea of involving steganography in information transportation can be used to just about any information transportation approach, from Email to pictures on Web sites.

  • The significant uses of steganography are that it tends to be used to furtively send messages without the reality of the transmission being found. Steganography is a methodology that improves on stowing away a message that will be maintained secret within other messages. This outcome is the mystery of the secret message itself. The steganography approach can be used for pictures, video documents, or sound recordings.

Figure 1.

Uses of steganography.

The use of steganography, such as watermarking, conceals copyright information inside a watermark by overlaying records not effectively concocted by the unaided eye. This evades deceitful activities and gives copyright media more insurance.


4. Steganography tools and their usage process

Steganography, the specialty of concealing data within different information or media, keeps on developing with progressions in innovation. Several types of steganography patterns and methods are depicted in Figure 2:

  1. Deep learning in steganography: Profound brain networks have been used to make more modern steganographic strategies. Methods like generative adversarial networks (GANs) are utilized to create subtle modifications in pictures or sound, making it harder to distinguish stowed-away data.

  2. Adversarial steganography: This includes creating strategies to conceal data that is impervious to recognition by enemy calculations. Adversarial training is used to make steganographic strategies that are powerful against recognition endeavors utilizing machine learning calculations.

  3. Spatial domain methods: Late improvements center on spatial domain strategies, where changes are made straightforwardly to the pixels of a picture, sound, or video. Techniques like least significant bit (LSB) substitution have been refined to install information all the more productively while maintaining visual or hearable quality.

  4. Utilization of AI in identification: As steganography strategies advance, so do the techniques to distinguish stowed-away data. AI and machine learning calculations are being utilized to recognize irregularities in information, utilizing factual examination, profound learning, and example acknowledgment to distinguish dubious substance.

  5. Text steganography: Disguising data within text has gained consideration. Procedures like utilizing equivalent word substitution, arranging control, or even undetectable ink-style strategies in computerized text have been investigated.

  6. Steganography in web-based entertainment: With the broad use of virtual entertainment stages, there is a developing interest in steganography for concealing data within pictures, recordings, or even remarks on these stages. Methods aim to insert information without apparently modifying the media to sidestep content channels.

  7. Multi-modular steganography: This includes concealing data across various sorts of media. For example, implanting information in both a picture and a sound record all the while to build the volume of stowed-away data and make location testing.

  8. Blockchain-based steganography: Coordinating steganography strategies with blockchain innovation for secure and undercover correspondence has been investigated, considering stowed-away informing within the blockchain information structure.

  9. Hardware-level steganography: Investigating ways of inserting information within equipment parts, similar to CPUs or electronic circuits, presents new difficulties and amazing open doors for undercover correspondence.

Figure 2.

Types of steganography.

Several types of steganography with their relevant tools have been depicted by Figure 3. The usage of these tools is important to explore steganography. The classified type of steganography, its relevant tool, and its usage process have been tabulated in Table 1.

Figure 3.

Types of steganography and their respective tools.

S. NoSteganography typeToolsUsage process
1Image steganography
  • OpenPuff

1. Select a cover image.
  • Steghide

2. Choose data to hide.
  • OutGuess

3. Set encryption/password.
4. Execute embedding process.
2Audio steganography
  • DeepSound

1. Select an audio file.
  • AudioStego

2. Choose data to hide.
  • Steganosaurus

3. Set encryption/password.
4. Execute embedding process.
3Text steganography
  • Snow

1. Input cover text.
  • Whitespace steganography

2. Enter data to hide.
  • FontCode

3. Set encryption/password.
4. Execute embedding process.
4Video steganography
  • Stegano

1. Choose a video file.
  • OpenPuff

2. Select data to hide.
  • S-Tools

3. Set encryption/password.
4. Execute embedding process.
5Network steganography

1. Establish a communication channel.
  • I2P

2. Configure network steganography settings.
  • Covert channel tools

3. Implement data hiding within network packets.
4. Ensure secure and authorized communication.
6Digital watermarking
  • Stegano

1. Choose a digital asset.
  • CopyrightX

2. Embed a watermark (data) into the asset.
  • Invisible watermarking

3. Adjust transparency and visibility settings.
4. Verify and authenticate watermarked digital assets.
7Social media steganography
  • ImageHide

1. Upload an image to a social media platform.
  • SocialSteg

2. Embed data within the image.
  • CommentStego

3. Post the image with hidden information.
4. Share securely on social media for covert communication.
8Quantum steganography
  • Qiskit (IBM)

1. Encode quantum information into qubits.
  • CQC (Cambridge Quantum Computing)

2. Utilize quantum gates for embedding.
  • QKD (quantum key distribution)

3. Apply quantum principles for secure communication.
4. Employ quantum entanglement for covert transmission.

Table 1.

Types of steganography, tools, and usage process.

4.1 Image steganography

4.1.1 OpenPuff

Description: OpenPuff is an open-source steganography device that supports various formats, including images, audio, and video. It employs transporter files, such as images, to securely conceal information [17].

Usage process: Select a cover image, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the inserting process.

4.1.2 Steghide

Description: Steghide is a command-line device that specializes in concealing information in various types of media files, including images. It uses robust algorithms for installation and extraction.

Usage process: Select a cover image, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.1.3 OutGuess

Description: OutGuess is a steganography device that focuses on concealing information in images. It aims to maintain the visual nature of the image while implanting information in the least significant bits.

Usage process: Select a cover image, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.2 Audio steganography

4.2.1 DeepSound

Description: DeepSound is a Windows-based steganography device that hides information in audio files. It uses recurrence domain techniques to install information, ensuring an insignificant effect on audio quality.

Usage process: Select an audio document, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the inserting process.

4.2.2 AudioStego

Description: AudioStego is an open-source device that allows users to conceal information in audio files. It employs various inserting techniques, such as LSB control, to disguise information.

Usage process: Select an audio document, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.2.3 Steganosaurus

Description: Steganosaurus is a Python-based steganography instrument for audio files. It focuses on concealing information within the audio signal, giving a covert channel to communication.

Usage process: Select an audio record, choose the information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the inserting process.

4.3 Text steganography

4.3.1 Snow

Description: Snow is a steganography device that hides messages in whitespace characters within a text record. It is a simple and lightweight instrument for text-based communication.

Usage process: Info cover text, enter information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.3.2 Whitespace steganography

Description: Whitespace steganography involves concealing information within the whitespace characters of a text record. It tends to be accomplished using various encoding methods.

Usage process: Enter information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the inserting process.

4.3.3 FontCode

Description: FontCode is a steganography method that hides information within the shapes of characters in a text report. It subtly alters the shapes of characters to encode information.

Usage process: Information cover text, enter information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the implanting process.

4.4 Video steganography

4.4.1 Stegano

Description: Stegano is a Python library that allows users to conceal information in video files. It provides a platform-free solution for implanting information in video streams.

Usage process: Choose a video document, select information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.4.2 OpenPuff (video module)

Description: OpenPuff also supports video steganography. It extends its capabilities to conceal information within video files securely.

Usage process: Choose a video record, select information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the inserting process.

4.4.3 S-Tools

Description: S-Tools is a software suite that includes tools for concealing information in various types of media, including images and videos. It provides encryption options for secure information stowing away.

Usage process: Choose a video record, select information to stow away, set encryption/password, and execute the installing process.

4.5 Network steganography


Description: Hidden Communication System for Corrupted Networks (HICCUPS) is a network steganography device designed to work over untrustworthy and corrupted networks.

Usage process: Establish a communication channel, design network steganography settings, carry out information stowing away within network packets, and ensure secure and approved communication.

4.5.2 I2P

Description: Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is an anonymous network layer that allows for secure and confidential communication. It tends to be used for covert communication within the I2P network.

Usage process: Arrange network steganography settings, execute information stowing away within network packets, and ensure secure and approved communication.

4.5.3 Covert channel tools

Description: Covert channel tools encompass various techniques and tools that work with communication over network channels while remaining undetected by security measures.

Usage process: Carry out information stowing away within network packets using specific covert channel techniques, ensuring secure and approved communication.

4.6 Digital watermarking

4.6.1 Stegano (digital watermarking module)

Description: Stegano is a versatile Python library that supports digital watermarking. It allows users to insert and concentrate watermarks from various types of digital assets.

Usage process: Choose a digital asset, insert a watermark (information) into the asset, adjust transparency and visibility settings, and check and validate watermarked digital assets.

4.6.2 CopyrightX

Description: CopyrightX is a device that facilitates the installing of digital watermarks into multimedia files. It adds a novel identifier to the substance to safeguard licensed innovation.

Usage process: Choose a digital asset, implant a watermark (information) into the asset, adjust transparency and visibility settings, and check and verify watermarked digital assets.

4.6.3 Invisible watermarking

Description: Invisible watermarking involves implanting a watermark into a digital substance in a manner that is vague to human senses [18]. It is usually used for copyright assurance.

Usage process: Install a watermark (information) into the digital asset, adjust transparency and visibility settings, and check and verify watermarked digital assets.

4.7 Social media steganography

4.7.1 ImageHide

Description: ImageHide is a steganography device designed for concealing information within images. It tends to be used for covert communication on social media platforms.

Usage process: Transfer an image to a social media platform, insert information within the image, post the image with hidden information, and share securely on social media.

4.7.2 SocialSteg

Description: SocialSteg is a steganography instrument specifically created for hiding information within images planned for social media sharing. It focuses on simplicity and ease of use.

Usage process: Transfer an image to a social media platform, insert information within the image, post the image with hidden information, and share securely on social media.

4.7.3 CommentStego

Description: CommentStego involves concealing information within comments or captions on social media platforms. It allows for covert communication within the text going with shared content.

Usage process: Post an image with hidden information, integrate information into comments or captions, and share securely on social media.

4.8 Quantum steganography

4.8.1 Qiskit (IBM)

Description: Qiskit is an open-source quantum computing software improvement structure given by IBM. It includes tools for quantum programming and allows for encoding quantum information into qubits.

Usage process: Encode quantum information into qubits, use quantum gates for inserting, apply quantum principles for secure communication, and utilize quantum snare for covert transmission.

4.8.2 Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC)

Description: CQC provides quantum solutions, including quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum-safe communication. It supports quantum steganography by using quantum principles for secure communication.

Usage process: Carry out quantum principles for secure communication and utilize quantum snare for covert transmission.

4.8.3 Quantum key distribution (QKD)

Description: Quantum key distribution (QKD) involves using quantum principles to secure communication channels. It ensures the respectability and privacy of transmitted information.

Usage process: Apply quantum key distribution principles to establish secure communication channels and use quantum snare for covert transmission.


5. Real-time applications of steganography techniques

5.1 Image steganography

5.1.1 Real-time application secure communication in images

Description: Image steganography is usually used for secure communication where sensitive information needs to be transmitted discreetly. In real-time applications, this could involve sending secret information through image attachments in emails or through image uploads in messaging apps, ensuring that the communication remains inconspicuous.

5.1.2 Real-time application copyright protection

Description: Digital watermarks inserted using image steganography can be used for copyright protection. In real time, photographers and artists can implant invisible watermarks in their images to claim ownership. This helps in tracking and proving ownership if the images are used without approval.

5.2 Audio steganography

5.2.1 Real-time application covert communication in VoIP calls

Description: Audio steganography can be applied in real-time communication, especially in voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) calls. Concealing information within audio signals allows for covert communication during voice calls, making it challenging for eavesdroppers to distinguish hidden information.

5.2.2 Real-time application music streaming with hidden messages

Description: In the context of music streaming services, audio steganography can be utilized to implant hidden messages within songs. Artists or content creators could use this method to share exclusive content, messages, or promotions with their crowd without altering the listening experience.

5.3 Text steganography

5.3.1 Real-time application secure chat communication

Description: Text steganography can be applied in real-time chat applications to ensure secure communication. Users can conceal sensitive information within ordinary text messages, providing a layer of privacy during instant messaging.

5.3.2 Real-time application covert communication in social media posts

Description: Social media platforms often screen content for various reasons, however, text steganography can be utilized to include hidden messages in public posts. Users can share information covertly within the text of their updates, allowing for discreet communication.

5.4 Video steganography

5.4.1 Real-time application secure video conferencing

Description: Video steganography can be used in real-time video conferencing for secure communication. Participants can insert extra information within video streams, ensuring private information trade during business meetings or sensitive discussions.

5.4.2 Real-time application hidden information in multimedia content

Description: In multimedia sharing platforms, users can utilize video steganography to implant hidden messages or extra content within videos. This could be used for promotions, exclusive content sharing, or artistic expression without altering the general viewing experience.

5.5 Network steganography

5.5.1 Real-time application covert communication in Internet traffic

Description: Network steganography can be used in real time to accomplish covert communication within Internet traffic. This method can assist in bypassing with networking surveillance or censorship, allowing users to trade information without raising suspicion.

5.5.2 Real-time application secure communication in VPNs

Description: In virtual private networks (VPNs), network steganography can improve security by embedding information within the scrambled traffic. This helps in achieving secure communication channels while making it challenging for adversaries to recognize hidden information.

5.6 Digital watermarking

5.6.1 Real-time application copyright protection in streaming services

Description: Digital watermarking is utilized in real time for copyright protection in streaming services. Content providers can implant invisible watermarks in streaming videos, ensuring that their ownership is recognized and protected against unapproved distribution.

5.6.2 Real-time application authentication in document sharing

Description: Digital watermarking can be used in real time for document authentication during sharing. Users can implant watermarks in sensitive documents to ensure legitimacy and track the source if unapproved distribution occurs.

5.7 Social media steganography

5.7.1 Real-time application covert communication in public posts

Description: Social media steganography is applied in real time to include hidden messages within public posts. Users can share information, links, or other content discreetly within the images or captions of their public posts.

5.7.2 Real-time application secure image sharing

Description: In real-time image sharing on social media, users can utilize image steganography to conceal extra information within images. This can be used for private messages or sharing classified details in a seemingly innocuous image.

5.8 Quantum steganography

5.8.1 Real-time application quantum-secure communication

Description: Quantum steganography can be applied in real time for secure communication using quantum principles. Quantum key distribution and trap-based techniques give an elevated degree of security, making it challenging for adversaries to intercept or identify hidden information.

5.8.2 Real-time application quantum-secure messaging

Description: In real-time messaging systems, quantum steganography can ensure secure communication by leveraging quantum snare for covert transmission. This can be especially useful in scenarios where classical encryption methods might be powerless against quantum attacks.


6. Role of steganography in different industries

Steganography plays a significant role in various industries, contributing to secure communication, information protection, and authentication. Here is an outline of its uses in various sectors (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Role of steganography in different industries.

6.1 Cybersecurity

Steganography is utilized as a cybersecurity measure to cover sensitive information, making it harder for unapproved parties to distinguish or intercept critical information. It helps in secure communication and prevents information spillage during transmission.

6.2 Military and defense

In military and defense applications, steganography is used to securely transmit classified information and maintain the privacy of sensitive information [19]. It aids in covert communication, ensuring that critical messages remain hidden from adversaries.

6.3 Law enforcement

Law enforcement agencies use steganography to reveal hidden information in digital proof. It plays a pivotal in digital forensics, helping investigators recognize covert communications, hidden messages, or hidden information in multimedia files.

6.4 Healthcare

Steganography can be applied in healthcare to secure the transmission of patient records, clinical images, and other sensitive information. It ensures patient security and helps in maintaining the privacy of healthcare information.

6.5 Financial services

In the financial sector, steganography is used for secure communication in online banking, financial transactions, and information sharing between institutions. It helps shield financial information from unapproved access and interception.

6.6 Media and entertainment

Steganography is utilized in the media and entertainment industry for digital watermarking to safeguard intellectual property rights. It helps in embedding invisible watermarks in multimedia content, such as images, audio, and videos.

6.7 Telecommunications

Telecommunication companies use steganography to secure voice and information communication. It aids in preventing eavesdropping and unapproved interception of information, especially in voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) calls and messaging services.

6.8 Research and development

In research and development, steganography can be used to safeguard intellectual property, research findings, and exclusive information. It helps organizations maintain an upper hand by securing sensitive information.

6.9 Legal and judicial systems

Steganography plays a vital role in legal and judicial systems during investigations and court proceedings. It assists in uncovering hidden proof, verifying the validity of digital documents, and ensuring the integrity of electronic records.

6.10 Supply chain and logistics

In supply chain and logistics, steganography can be utilized to secure communication and information trade among various stakeholders. It ensures the secrecy of shipping information, inventory information, and transaction details.

6.11 Critical infrastructure protection

Steganography is used to upgrade the security of critical infrastructure systems, such as power grids and transportation networks. It helps in securing communication channels and protecting sensitive information connected with infrastructure operations.

6.12 Education

Educational institutions can use steganography to securely transmit sensitive information, maintain information integrity, and safeguard scholarly records. It contributes to secure communication in research collaborations and scholarly information trade.

6.13 Aviation and aerospace

In the aviation and aerospace industry, steganography is applied to secure communication channels connected with flight information, route systems, and aircraft communications. It helps safeguard critical information from digital threats.

6.14 Energy sector

The energy sector utilizes steganography to safeguard communication within the industry. It plays a vital role in securing information connected with energy creation, distribution, and monitoring systems.


7. Advantages and disadvantages of steganography

The upside of steganography is as per the following:

  • The upside of steganography is that messages do not send thoughts to themselves. Perceptible scrambled messages, regardless of how extreme, will animate doubt and may in themselves be compromising in nations where encryption is ill-conceived.

  • In steganography, cryptography gets the items in a message, steganography can be said to get the two messages and associating parties.

  • This approach highlighted security, limit, and robustness, the three required components of steganography that make it useful in the secret trade of information through text records and making secret correspondence.

  • There are a few significant records conveying secret information that can be in the server in an encoded structure and no gatecrasher can get some helpful data from the underlying document during communication.

  • With the need for Steganography organization, government and policing can associate secretly.

  • The goal of steganography is to interface secretly in a subtle viewpoint and to forestall attracting uncertainty to the transmission of secret data [12]. It is not to prevent others from understanding the secret information, however, it is to keep others from feeling that the information even exists. If a steganography approach creates somebody to think of the transporter medium, in this manner, the technique is fruitless.

  • The upside of steganography is that it very well may be for the most part used to furtively send messages without the instance of the transmission being found. By utilizing encryption, it can perceive the source and the recipient.

  • Steganography has a twofold part of security, for example, first, the actual document is confidential, and second, the information in it is encoded.

Several drawbacks of steganography are reported as:

  • There is an enormous number of data and a large document size, large enough to be noticed.

  • If this approach is gone in malicious hands, for example, programmers, fear mongers, and lawbreakers, then this can be especially basic to implement.

  • Steganography is not without its drawbacks. Nonetheless, these can be redressed whenever it is performed and it can fortify the component of steganography.

  • Most information concealing methodologies exploit human perceptual inadequacy, yet they lack of their own. These can be autonomously rectified.

  • Algorithmically it is not much sound as compared to cryptography.


8. Future headings and arising patterns

The future of steganography is interlaced with innovative headways and arising patterns. As innovation advances, steganography is likely going to continue to adjust to new difficulties and entryways.

8.1 Quantum steganography

Quantum steganography is an emerging field that investigates the use of quantum standards for secure correspondence. Quantum ensnarement and superposition offer noteworthy entryways for covering and communicating information in a quantum environment.

8.2 Blockchain integration

The integration of steganography with blockchain innovation is gaining popularity. Blockchain can give a decentralized and change safe record for steganographic keys and approval, which will help in improving security.

8.3 Dynamic and versatile procedures

Future steganographic procedures are supposed to be more one-of-a-kind and versatile, changing their strategies to advancing recognizable proof methods. This versatility aims to maintain the possibility of steganography notwithstanding headways in steganalysis.

8.4 Robustness against adversarial attacks

Specialists are chipping away at creating steganographic strategies that are strong against adversarial attacks. This includes upgrading the adaptability of steganographic frameworks against conscious endeavors to beat the concealing system.

8.5 Integration with AI and machine learning

The integration of steganography with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning will presumably provoke more present-day and useful disguise strategies. These frameworks could adjust to the changing landscape of ID strategies.


9. Ethical considerations and legal implications

The use of steganography raises ethical considerations and legal implications. While it may be an important instrument for getting correspondence and protecting data, its misuse for malignant purposes, like cybercrime or psychological warfare, is a cause for concern. State-run administrations and policies frequently tackle the harmony between protection and security in the use of steganography.

9.1 Ethical considerations

The ethical considerations spin around finding harmony between the need to protect and the need of public safety. The ethical use of steganography regards individual protection while preventing noxious activities [20].

Responsible use ethical steganography involves responsible use by the users and associations. It is mainly utilized for real case scenarios, like secure correspondence, licensed innovation insurance, and information privacy.

9.2 Legal implications

Guideline and Regulation States might authorize guidelines and regulations to address the legal implications of steganography. This incorporates characterizing satisfactory use cases and laying out ramifications for misuse.

Forensic Investigations Legal frameworks utilize computerized forensics to research cases including steganography. Forensic specialists use steganalysis to distinguish data and accumulate proof for legal procedures.


10. Conclusion

Steganography is the art of information stowing endlessly, which has progressed significantly from its roots to turning into a part of present-day information security. Its ability to conceal information within cutting-edge media has applications in various ventures, going from online protection and safeguarding to clinical consideration and entertainment. While giving an integral asset to get correspondence, steganography presents ethical considerations and legal difficulties, stressing the prerequisite for responsible use and guidelines. As innovation keeps on propelling, steganography is supposed to create, embracing late fads like quantum steganography, blockchain integration, and versatile covering strategies. The future of steganography lies at the intersection of innovation, security, and ethical considerations, molding its part in the high-level landscape long into the future.


The authors would like to thank the editors of the book for giving their input in making it a quality outcome.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendices and nomenclature

  1. Cover Medium: Such as an image, audio file, video, or text document.

  2. Stego Medium: Embedded message.

  3. Embedding: Hiding the payload.

  4. Extraction: Extracting the hidden payload.

  5. Steganalysis: Presence of hidden information within a medium.

  6. Least Significant Bit (LSB): least significant bit of pixel standards in an image is transformed to implant information.

  7. LSB Matching: least significant bit to match the value of the hidden message.

  8. Frequency Domain Steganography: Practices that exploit the occurrence components of a signal.

  9. Spread Spectrum: The hidden data across a wider bandwidth to make it less detectable.

  10. Watermarking: Used to embed information in digital media.

  11. Carrier: Referring to the data in which the payload is hidden.

  12. Whitespace Steganography: The use of spaces, tabs, or other whitespace characters to hide information in text or other documents.

  13. Information Hiding: Techniques used to conceal information.

  14. Cryptographic Steganography: Steganography approaches that include encryption and cryptographic practices to boost security.


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Written By

Arvind Kumar Op Dangi, Stuti Tandon, Shalesh Deorari and Rajeev Kumar

Submitted: 11 March 2024 Reviewed: 11 March 2024 Published: 19 July 2024