Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Perspective Chapter: Advances in Modern Cereal Storage Systems

Written By

Zhichao Li, Pengfei Zhang and Qi Zhang

Submitted: 24 January 2024 Reviewed: 30 January 2024 Published: 31 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005168

Exploring the World of Cereal Crops IntechOpen
Exploring the World of Cereal Crops Edited by Timothy J. Tse

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Exploring the World of Cereal Crops [Working Title]

Dr. Timothy J. Tse

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Cereal storage is a critical link in the food supply chain, impacting food security, quality, and sustainability. The present chapter provides a comprehensive examination of cereal storage systems in terms of engineering design, manufacturing planning, construction management, technology solutions, and business functions, by focusing on four key facility elements: I. factory and plant layout; II. warehouse and transportation; III. automation, robotics, and sensors; and IV. postharvesting equipment. Through a systematic lens, engineering design principles, construction management strategies, and technological solutions, etc., are explored. It also highlights the interdependence of facility elements and their impact on business functions, emphasizing the need for well-planned layouts and integrated technologies. The chapter delves into advanced manufacturing processes, automation, and real-time monitoring as essential components for optimal cereal storage. Additionally, it introduces the concept of turnkey projects and one-stop services as modern business functions in this domain. Offering practical insights, it can serve as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts seeking a holistic understanding of cereal storage systems, bridging the gap between theory and practical application.


  • cereal storage systems
  • engineering design
  • facilities
  • one-stop service
  • turnkey projects

1. Introduction

Modern cereal storage systems represent a critical component of the agricultural supply chain, playing a pivotal role in ensuring food security, reducing postharvest losses, and meeting the demands of a growing global population. These systems encompass a range of innovative concepts and technologies designed to optimize the storage, preservation, and distribution of cereal crops such as wheat, rice, maize, and barley. They are essential for safeguarding food supplies, supporting agricultural sustainability, and promoting economic development in both rural and urban communities [1, 2, 3].

Viewing the cereal storage system as an exemplary production system allows us to conceptualize it as an integrated framework. This framework encompasses personnel, equipment, and procedures that work in concert to efficiently manage cereal storage operations. By adopting this perspective, we recognize the interconnectedness of various elements within the system and the importance of coordination and optimization to achieve optimal performance and outcomes. According to the definition of the production system [4], the cereal storage consists of two primary components: facilities and storage support systems, depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Cereal storage system structure with components.

As shown in Figure 1, the physical facilities of the cereal storage system further encompass distinct elements:

  1. Factory and Plant Layout: The physical arrangement and design of the storage facility, including the layout of buildings, machinery, and operational zones. It involves optimizing spatial organization to enhance workflow efficiency and accessibility for storage and processing activities.

  2. Storage and Transportation: The infrastructure dedicated to the physical storage and transportation of cereals, encompassing silos, bins, conveyors, and transport vehicles. This component emphasizes the hardware elements involved in maintaining the integrity of stored cereals and facilitating their movement within the facility.

  3. Automation, Robotics, and Sensors: The incorporation of techniques such as automated systems, robotic devices, and sensor apparatuses. These elements are designed to enhance the efficiency of cereal storage operations by automating tasks, improving accuracy, and providing real-time data using physical hardware.

  4. Postharvesting: The tools and machinery employed in postharvest processes, including cleaning, drying, packaging, and screening equipment. This component focuses on the tangible devices and structures utilized in ensuring the quality and readiness of cereals for storage and distribution.

To ensure the efficient operation of cereal storage system facilities, a company must strategically organize itself to design processes and equipment, plan and control operations, and meet stringent quality requirements. These vital functions are executed through storage support systems—comprising both people and procedures, which form the backbone of how a company manages its storage operations. Many of these support systems do not have direct contact with the cereal itself; rather, they plan and control the cereal throughout the entire process.

The cereal storage support systems encompass a sequence of activities that exert widespread control or interaction with facilities and their components, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. These activities involve five key functions that necessitate extensive information flow and data processing:

  1. Engineering design

  2. Manufacturing planning

  3. Construction management

  4. Technology solutions

  5. Business functions

Figure 2.

Facilities and storage support systems. (photo courtesy of FAMSUM group Co., ltd.).

The present chapter will unravel the latest advancements and potential trends in cereal storage systems, focusing on the dynamic interplay between physical facilities and support systems. Covering factory and plant layout, storage and transportation infrastructure, automation, robotics and sensors, and postharvesting equipment, it explores the pivotal roles of engineering design, manufacturing planning, construction management, technology solutions, and business functions within these facilities. It is accessible to a broad audience by demystifying technology-driven solutions like software applications and automation and highlighting how these advancements enhance cereal storage efficiency and sustainability. Tailored for researchers and agriculture stakeholders, it offers clear insights into the collaborative contributions of physical structures and support systems, providing a concise and user-friendly guide to the evolving landscape of cereal storage systems.


2. Engineering design

In the context of cereal storage systems, engineering design can be defined as a structured set of decision-making processes and activities applied to ascertain the optimal form and configuration of storage facilities, components, etc. [5]. It extends beyond the physical structures to encompass the layout of facilities, the selection and design of equipment, and the integration of technologies, by taking into account factors such as spatial optimization, structural integrity, and workflow efficiency. It involves a dynamic interplay of conceptualization, planning, and execution, ensuring that the final form of the cereal storage system aligns seamlessly with the intended functions and addresses the complex demands of the cereal storage landscape. Table 1 summarizes key engineering design principles, applications, and exemplary software/tools associated with the components of factory and plant layout; warehouse and transportation; automation, robotics, and sensors; as well as postharvesting equipment in the context of cereal storage systems.

Facility componentsEngineering design principles and applicationsExemplary software and tools
Factory and Plant LayoutFacility Design, Layout Workflow DesignComputer Aided Design (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.)
Warehouse and TransportationFacility Design, Logistics Planning, Operation ResearchSimulation Tools (AnyLogic, Simio, etc.)
Automation, Robotics and SensorsComputer Integrated Manufacturing System(CIMS) Design, Sensor DesignRobotics Programming (Labview, PLC, etc.)
PostharvestingMachine Design, Process Optimization DesignFinite Element Analysis (Solidworks, ANSYS, etc.)

Table 1.

Engineering design principles and applications and exemplary software and tools for cereal storage systems.

For the cereal storage systems, the application of engineering design principles, methods, and technologies is the most important function in realizing and optimizing the efficiency and functionality of various facility components. When conceptualizing factory and plant layouts, engineers employ systematic planning to ensure seamless processes, minimizing bottlenecks and maximizing space utilization [6]. Warehouse and transportation systems need to be designed with precision to streamline the movement of cereals, incorporating innovative storage solutions such as automated retrieval systems and conveyor belts to enhance operational speed and accuracy [7]. Automation, robotics, and sensor technologies play a crucial role in cereal storage, with robotic arms facilitating precise material handling, sensors ensuring real-time monitoring of environmental conditions, and automation streamlining repetitive tasks [8]. Furthermore, postharvesting equipment is designed and manufactured with a focus on gentle handling and preservation of cereal quality, employing technologies like drying systems and sorting machines to enhance efficiency while minimizing losses [9]. The integration of these engineering principles and advancements ensures a comprehensive and optimized cereal storage ecosystem, fostering sustainability and resilience in the agricultural supply chain.

Recent advances in the engineering design of facilities for cereal storage systems have been characterized by an increased integration of digital technologies, automation, and data-driven decision-making. Advancements and potential trends in the engineering design of various facility components for cereal storage systems based on historical patterns and common areas of innovation are summarized (but not limited to) below:

2.1 Factory and plant layout

  • Flexible layouts to accommodate changing storage needs and product varieties [10]

  • Modular and scalable design principles to allow for easy expansion or modification [11]

  • Digital twins (DT) technology for virtual modeling and simulation of plant layouts for accurate design and operational predictions [12]

2.2 Warehouse and transportation

  • Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for efficient and flexible material handling in warehouses [13]

  • Smart conveyor systems with integrated sensors for real-time monitoring of grain flow [14]

  • Design optimization such as finite element analysis (FEA) of storage containers for configurative and structural optimization [15]

2.3 Automation, robotics, and sensors

  • Robotics for tasks such as picking, packing, and stacking, improving the speed and accuracy of operations [16]

  • Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for continuous monitoring of environmental conditions, ensuring optimal storage conditions [17]

  • Machine learning algorithms (MLA) for predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and enhancing the reliability of cereal storage systems [18]

2.4 Postharvesting equipment

  • Energy-efficient (renewable energy sources incorporated) and environmentally benign drying systems to preserve grain quality [19]

  • Optical sorting and computer vision technologies to enhance the precision of sorting processes and improve overall cereal grain quality [20]

  • Intelligent packaging solutions with built-in sensors for real-time monitoring of product freshness and quality [21]


3. Manufacturing planning

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods that meet a customer’s expectations. Traditional manufacturing processes such as casting and roll forming have been playing a crucial role in producing the structural components for the cereal storage infrastructure like steel silos. Manufacturing planning encompasses the strategic selection of materials, manufacturing processes, and assembly techniques. Table 2 summarizes manufacturing technologies and processes with exemplary applications (illustrated in Figure 3) in the cereal storage systems.

Facility componentsManufacturing technologies and processesExemplary applications
Factory and Plant LayoutFast Prototyping Process3D Concrete Printing and Modular Silos [19]
Warehouse and TransportationMaterials technologies, Advanced Manufacturing ProcessesRoll Forming of Steel Silo Wall Parts [20]
Automation, Robotics and SensorsPrecision Machining and Assembly, Electronic PackagingRobots for grain bin operation [21]
PostharvestingAdvanced Manufacturing Processes and Precision AssemblyPostharvesting Equipment Assembly [22]

Table 2.

Manufacturing technologies and processes and exemplary applications for cereal storage systems.

Figure 3.

Exemplary applications of manufacturing planning. A. 3D concrete printing for modular silos [22] (photo courtesy of Batchcrete international). B. Roll forming of steel Silo Wall parts [23] (photo courtesy of Rishbin Co., ltd.). C. Robot for grain barn Shoveling [24] (photo courtesy of FarmShow magazine). D. Assembly of pressure control system for post-harvesting equipment [25] (photo courtesy of FAMSUM group Co., ltd.).

3D concrete printing is an innovative fast prototyping technology with possible potential to revolutionize factory and plant layout facility in the cereal storage systems [22]. This cutting-edge method involves layer-by-layer deposition of concrete, allowing for the rapid and cost-effective production of complex structures [26]. In cereal storage applications, 3D concrete printing offers advantages such as customizable and modular designs, enhanced structural integrity, and the ability to create intricately detailed configurations [27]. The technology could facilitate the construction of storage units with optimized geometries for efficient space utilization and tailored features for temperature control and aeration [26]. Furthermore, 3D concrete printing minimizes material waste and construction time, aligning with sustainability goals in agricultural infrastructure development [26, 27].

In addition to innovative additive manufacturing processes like 3D concrete printing, the progress in manufacturing planning within the traditional paradigm of cereal storage systems can be examined concerning advancements in material technology, manufacturing processes, and precision assembly. Figure 4 illustrates how typical manufacturing planning tackles key decisions such as choosing materials, picking the right manufacturing methods, and figuring out how to put parts together. It ensures that every step of making something is well prepared, from selecting materials that work well together to using efficient manufacturing techniques and assembling parts carefully. This thorough planning is crucial for making sure the final product is of good quality and durable.

Figure 4.

Illustration of one-stop service (after [17]).

3.1 Material technology

In the realm of manufacturing planning for cereal storage systems, the choice of materials plays a pivotal role in determining the longevity and performance of components. Advanced material technologies are harnessed to withstand the challenging environmental conditions and the demands of continuous operation. Selections such as corrosion-resistant alloys [28], high-strength composites [29, 30], and innovative coatings and paintings [31, 32] are strategically made to ensure durability and resilience against the varying conditions within storage facilities.

3.2 Manufacturing processes

Traditional manufacturing processes such as casting, forming, and machining lie at the heart of manufacturing planning for cereal storage systems. Leveraging advanced manufacturing processes, including precision casting, roll forming, and CNC machining, facilitates the creation of components with fine dimensions and tolerances. Precision casting involves highly controlled processes to create intricate and high-quality components [33]. In cereal storage, precision casting may be applied to produce critical elements with enhanced accuracy and reduced material waste. Roll forming is an advanced process where metal sheets are passed through sets of rolls to gradually shape them as shown in Figure 3. In cereal storage construction, roll forming is utilized to produce cylindrical sections for silos, ensuring uniformity and structural integrity [30, 34].

3.3 Precision assembly

The meticulous assembly of components is a cornerstone of manufacturing planning, where tight tolerances and seamless integration are paramount. Precision assembly techniques, guided by stringent quality control measures, guarantee that each component fits seamlessly into the broader cereal storage system. Robotics are increasingly employed in assembly processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing the margin for error [35]. They will be contributing to the overall reliability of the storage infrastructure in the future.


4. Construction management

Construction management is the strategic planning, coordination, and oversight of all phases in a construction project, including design, procurement, and execution [36]. The effective construction management in a cereal storage system considers not only the physical construction of facilities but also the integration of technology, automation, and sustainability principles. This means not only ensuring that the construction process is executed efficiently and to a high standard but also leveraging technology and automation to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and improve overall performance. Additionally, sustainability principles are integrated throughout the construction process to minimize environmental impact, optimize resource utilization, and promote long-term sustainability of the cereal storage system [37]. By considering these factors in construction management, stakeholders can ensure that the cereal storage system is not only well-built but also aligned with modern industry practices and environmental goals [37, 38].

4.1 Factory and plant layout

Construction Planning: The construction management process for factory and plant layout involves meticulous planning to optimize the arrangement of production units, machinery, and storage areas [39]. Attention should be given to create a layout that minimizes bottlenecks, allows for efficient material flow, and accommodates future expansion.

Modularity and Scalability: Construction teams focus on designing modular structures that can be easily expanded or reconfigured [40]. This modularity enhances flexibility and adaptability to changing storage needs, ensuring a cost-effective and scalable facility.

4.2 Warehouse and transportation

Structural Integrity: Construction management in warehouse and transportation systems emphasizes the construction of robust storage structures and efficient material handling systems. Attention is given to the structural integrity of warehouse components and the implementation of durable conveyor and transportation systems.

Safety and Accessibility: Construction teams prioritize safety measures, including the installation of proper signage, lighting, and safety barriers. Accessibility considerations are integrated into the construction of ramps, loading docks, and storage racks.

4.3 Automation, robotics, and sensor technologies

Infrastructure for Automation: Construction management for automation, robotics, and sensor technologies involves creating the necessary infrastructure to support these systems. This includes installing power and data lines, creating secure enclosures for robotic equipment, and ensuring connectivity for sensor networks.

Precision Construction: Attention to detail is crucial to ensure precision in the construction of components that house and support automated systems. The construction team works closely with technology specialists to integrate the physical infrastructure seamlessly with automation technologies.

4.4 Postharvesting equipment

Specialized Construction: Construction management for postharvesting equipment focuses on creating specialized structures to house equipment like sorting machines, dryers, and processing units. The emphasis is on precision in construction to accommodate the unique requirements of each piece of equipment.

Energy-Efficient Construction: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, construction management incorporates energy-efficient practices. This includes the installation of energy-efficient lighting, insulation, and the integration of renewable energy sources where feasible.


5. Technology solutions

In cereal storage systems, technology solutions are essential for efficiency and quality. These include but are not limited to automated cleaning, smart pest control, and precise drying technology. For instance, robotics help with sorting, ensuring only top-quality cereals are stored [41]. Technologies like radio-frequency identification (RFID) improve inventory tracking, making order fulfillment more efficient [42]. Innovative materials and manufacturing processes, like precision casting, create components with high precision [29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35]. Overall, these technology solutions streamline cereal storage, from production to distribution.

5.1 Factory and plant layout

Automated Cleaning Systems: Utilizing advanced cleaning technologies, such as automated vacuum systems and conveyor-based cleaning processes, within the factory layout ensures efficient removal of debris and contaminants, maintaining a clean production environment [43].

Intelligent Pest Control: Traditional pest control methods for cereal storage typically involve physical, chemical, and biological approaches [44]. Physical means maintaining cleanliness, ventilation, and sealing storage facilities to minimize pest entry. Chemical ways involve the application of insecticides to control insect populations, while biological methods utilize natural predators or parasites to target pest species. These methods have been used for decades and remain integral to factory and plant layout for modern cereal storage systems [44]. Nowadays, intelligent pest control technologies, including automated traps and monitoring systems, are incorporated into the factory layout to detect and address pest issues promptly, safeguarding stored cereals [44].

5.2 Warehouse and transportation systems

Automated Material Handling: Automated conveyor and robotic systems are employed in warehouse layouts for efficient material handling [43]. These technologies streamline the movement of cereals from storage to transportation points, minimizing manual labor and reducing the risk of damage.

Real-time Inventory Tracking: Warehouse and transportation systems integrate real-time monitoring solutions, such as RFID or barcode technologies, to provide accurate and up-to-date inventory tracking [42]. This ensures precise control over stock levels and supports efficient order fulfillment.

5.3 Automation, robotics, and sensor technologies

Automated Sorting Systems: Robotics and sensor technologies are applied for automated sorting of cereals based on quality, size, and other parameters. This enhances the efficiency of postharvest processes and ensures that only high-quality grains are stored and distributed [45].

Real-time Environmental Monitoring: Sensors for temperature, humidity, and gas levels are strategically placed throughout the facility to provide real-time data, enabling continuous monitoring of storage conditions and allowing for immediate corrective actions if deviations occur [17].

5.4 Postharvesting equipment

Precision Drying Technologies: Advanced drying systems, such as infrared [46] and microwave [47] drying, are integrated into postharvesting equipment. These technologies ensure precise control over the drying process, preventing over-drying or moisture retention, which can impact the quality of stored cereals.

Smart Sorting and Grading: Postharvest equipment incorporates smart sorting and grading technologies, utilizing machine vision and artificial intelligence to assess and categorize cereals based on quality parameters [45]. This enhances the accuracy and speed of the sorting process.

Aforementioned technology solutions collectively contribute to the optimization of cereal storage systems by enhancing efficiency, ensuring quality control, and enabling real-time monitoring for proactive management of storage conditions. The integration of automation, robotics, and sensor technologies across the various facility elements represents a holistic approach to modernizing cereal storage processes.


6. Business functions

Business functions for cereal storage systems rely on well-designed facility elements. A smart factory layout, effective warehouse systems, integrated automation, and advanced postharvest equipment contribute to smooth operations and better quality control. Summing up these functions, the approach can be seen as a “Turnkey Project” and a “One-stop Service,” showcasing a comprehensive and simplified strategy for cereal storage efficiency.

6.1 Turnkey project

The “turnkey” concept represents a comprehensive approach where a contractor or a project team takes full responsibility for the entire lifecycle of the storage facility, from design and construction to commissioning and handover [48, 49]. This approach is increasingly applied in the advancement of cereal storage systems to provide clients with a seamless and hassle-free experience. Table 3 shows the turnkey approach advancements in cereal storage compared with the traditional approach.

Traditional approachTurnkey approach
Design and EngineeringClients separately engage architects, engineers, and other specialists.Integrated design and engineering services. A specialized team is responsible for creating a comprehensive design that aligns with the client’s requirements and industry standards.
Construction and ImplementationClients coordinates with multiple contractors for different aspects of construction, such as structural work, equipment installation, and automation systems.Streamlines construction by entrusting a single entity with the entire construction process. This includes site preparation, structural construction, installation of storage equipment, and integration of automation and monitoring systems.
Technology IntegrationIntegrating technologies like automation, robotics, and sensor systems require coordination among various vendors and specialists.Leverage advancements in technology integration. The project team ensures seamless incorporation of the latest technologies for efficient material handling, real-time monitoring, and automated processes within the cereal storage facility.
Quality Assurance and ComplianceEnsuring compliance with industry regulations and quality standards involve separate assessments and inspections.Prioritize quality assurance and compliance from the outset. The integrated team manages and oversees the entire process, ensuring that the facility meets or exceeds relevant regulations and quality benchmarks.
Operational HandoverClients may need to coordinate the transition from construction to operations, involving multiple handovers and potential operational disruptions.Ensures a smooth transition from construction to operations. The facility is handed over in a fully operational state, minimizing downtime and allowing clients to immediately use the cereal storage system.
Lifecycle ManagementClients may need to independently manage ongoing maintenance and upgrades.Include ongoing maintenance and lifecycle management services. The contractor takes responsibility for ensuring the ongoing efficiency and functionality of the cereal storage system.

Table 3.

Comparison of traditional approach vs. turnkey approach [45].

In summary, the turnkey concept in cereal storage system advancements provides clients with an end-to-end solution, simplifying the entire process from conception to operation. This integrated approach leverages advancements in design, construction, technology integration, and ongoing management to deliver efficient, high-quality, and fully operational cereal storage facilities.

6.2 One-stop service

In the development of cereal storage systems, “One-stop Service” means getting all services needed for designing, building, and managing the storage facility from a single provider [50]. This includes everything from planning and design to construction, logistics, installation, and training. It includes various stages such as consultation, design, civil construction, manufacture, logistics, installation and commissioning, training, service, etc., as shown in Figure 4.

For the consultation stage, a dedicated team of experts typically from the company’s consulting department will handle the process. These professionals are well-versed in conducting due diligence and investment evaluations, providing technical consultations, navigating approval procedures, negotiating contracts, estimating project costs, assessing risks, and offering ongoing support. They work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and objectives, guiding them through every step of the project planning and decision-making process. This collaborative approach ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that align with their goals while maximizing operational efficiency and minimizing risks.

During the design stage, the emphasis is on creating customer-centric solutions. This involves carefully analyzing market trends, evaluating customer needs, and assessing feasibility to tailor existing products and develop new solutions. By leveraging market analysis and customer feedback, the design team identifies opportunities to optimize existing offerings and explore new business avenues. Their goal is to unlock new potential by adapting to terrain specifics and delivering innovative solutions that address evolving market demands. Through a combination of market insight, customer input, and feasibility assessment, the design stage aims to deliver customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of each client while also driving business growth and expansion.

The civil construction phase focuses on enhancing construction processes to achieve improved safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The primary objectives include minimizing construction timelines, refining design elements, lowering expenses, and maximizing project benefits. By streamlining construction methods and optimizing project management practices, this phase aims to deliver superior outcomes while ensuring adherence to budgetary constraints and safety standards. Through meticulous planning and execution, the civil construction step strives to enhance project performance, reduce risks, and enhance overall project value.

The manufacturing stage is dedicated to ensuring the production of high precision, quality products through material processing, machining, painting, and assembly. This is achieved by leveraging advanced manufacturing technologies, including CNC machining centers, welding robots, streamlined production systems, and lean manufacturing principles. Each step of the manufacturing process is carefully executed to maintain strict quality standards and consistency. By employing cutting-edge technologies and efficient production methods, this stage aims to optimize product accuracy, minimize defects, and enhance overall product performance. Through a combination of advanced machinery and rigorous quality control measures, the manufacturing stage is instrumental in delivering reliable and top-quality products to meet customer expectations.

The logistics stage is focused on delivering efficient and reliable logistics solutions supported by modern technology. By utilizing advanced supply chain logistics information systems and management software, the company ensures seamless coordination and management of transportation processes. Additionally, specialized packaging designs incorporating barcode technology enhance inventory tracking and facilitate accurate cargo management. Through these measures, the company is committed to providing fast, precise, and dependable logistics services while prioritizing the safety and security of all shipments. This integration of cutting-edge technology and strategic logistics planning ensures timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

The installation and commissioning stage is dedicated to ensuring the successful implementation of projects by leveraging insights from past experiences to drive ongoing enhancements. Through continuous learning and improvement initiatives, the company strives to refine installation and commissioning processes, addressing any challenges encountered and optimizing project delivery. By drawing upon lessons learned from previous projects, the team identifies areas for improvement, implements best practices, and adopts innovative approaches to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This commitment to continuous improvement fosters a culture of excellence and ensures that each project is executed flawlessly, meeting or exceeding client expectations.

The training stage aims to facilitate knowledge-sharing and create positive learning experiences for clients. The company organizes specialized training sessions led by experts in technology and management, covering various aspects such as production, operation, management, and maintenance. These training programs are designed to empower clients with the necessary skills and expertise to effectively utilize and maintain their equipment. By fostering professionals in these fields, the company not only addresses equipment-related challenges but also promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange among producers. Through these training initiatives, clients gain valuable insights and practical skills while also benefiting from networking opportunities and shared learning experiences within the industry.

The service stage represents a crucial aspect of the company’s operations, focusing on delivering exceptional customer service to enhance the efficiency and value of customers’ equipment and operations. Central to this objective is the expansion of service capabilities and support worldwide, ensuring accessibility and responsiveness to customer needs. Service engineers undergo continuous training, equipped with updated tools and support programs to stay abreast of the latest standards and technologies. A comprehensive service network is established, comprising local offices, spare part warehouses, field service teams, and online support, supplemented by remote services for prompt and efficient troubleshooting.

In essence, the company’s customer service offerings encompass various key components:

  • Spare parts service: Ensuring plant availability through timely access to essential components

  • Repair service: Prioritizing reliability and minimizing downtime through swift and effective repairs

  • Maintenance service: Proactively addressing issues before they arise, optimizing equipment performance

  • Retrofit and reconditioning service: Breathing new life into older equipment, extending its operational lifespan

  • Training and courses service: Providing enriching learning experiences for customers to enhance their skills and knowledge

  • Process optimization service: Driving productivity gains and ensuring readiness to tackle evolving challenges

  • Other services: Offering consulting, installation, commissioning, and other tailored solutions to meet diverse customer needs

By offering a comprehensive suite of service capabilities, the company aims to foster long-term partnerships with customers, supporting their success and driving mutual growth.


7. Concluding remarks

In conclusion, a systematic exploration of cereal storage systems is provided to unravel the intricate dynamics of facility elements crucial for their efficient functioning. Examining the perspectives of factory and plant layout, warehouse and transportation systems, automation, robotics, sensors, and postharvesting equipment, the chapter underscores the integrated nature of these components. From the lens of engineering design principles to the execution strategies of construction management, the symbiotic relationship between these facility elements and their profound impact on business functions becomes evident, setting the stage for effective cereal storage.

Technological solutions, ranging from precision manufacturing processes to real-time monitoring, showcase the ongoing evolution of the field. The introduction of turnkey projects and one-stop services exemplifies modern approaches to meet the complex demands of cereal storage systematically. The insights presented here will pave the way for future advancements and innovations in the ever-evolving landscape of cereal storage systems.



Special thanks to the FAMSUN Group Co., Ltd., Research and Development Institute for their valuable contributions and insights, enriching the content of this book chapter on cereal storage systems. Their expertise and dedication have played a pivotal role in shaping the discussions on facility elements, engineering design, and technological advancements within the field. Their ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation has significantly enhanced the depth and quality of this work.


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Written By

Zhichao Li, Pengfei Zhang and Qi Zhang

Submitted: 24 January 2024 Reviewed: 30 January 2024 Published: 31 May 2024