Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Advanced Sustainable Logistics with HSR for the Development in Great Montreal Area

Written By

Yonglin Ren, Xinyue Ren and Anjali Awasthi

Submitted: 02 January 2024 Reviewed: 21 January 2024 Published: 23 August 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005318

Advances in Logistics Engineering IntechOpen
Advances in Logistics Engineering Edited by Ágota Bányai

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Advances in Logistics Engineering [Working Title]

D.Sc. Ágota Bányai

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Currently, the new transportation tool High-Speed Railway (HSR) pushes economic and social development to a great level in some countries. Because of its high speed (actual speed 430 km/h, experiment speed 600–1200 km/h) and high efficiency, it makes good transportation in a surprisingly quick increment and then supports supply chain logistics running at a greatly higher level than that before. Especially, a stimulation of trade volume will happen due to the increased speed of transportation within the HSR network. The success of HSR in the Asia area implies its future application may produce an economic engine in East Canada or the Great Montreal Area with extended regions, which will stimulate the local economic and social development in an excellent model. Especially for the goods flow or trade volume, the implementation of the HSR network centred in the Great Montreal Area can bring to the community. This chapter will make a mathematical model deviated from the Gravity Model to investigate the relationship between the goods flow and the HSR speed. The research on their relationship demonstrated that the HSR would be able to substitute the low-speed vehicle style and increase economic development.


  • HSR
  • sustainable
  • logistics
  • gravitational model
  • great Montreal area

1. Introduction

It can list a series of problems coming from current city logistics, which are those conflicts between poor transportation and sustainable city logistics that people pursue. Low-speed transportation always happens because heavy circulation pushes into the same narrow road in a short time for circulation, which produces problems such as the gas assumption that pollutes the air and noise damaging the environment, as a result of low efficiency in GDP development for the reason of low speed of goods and trade among cities. Sustainable advanced city logistics with HSR could solve some city circulation problems of the above. In the past, some problems existed in the limited science and techniques that could not be applied to sustainable city logistics. Currently, sustainable advanced city logistics not only improves facilities and fine policies of the authority but also is impelled by new HSR tools.

This chapter will apply a mathematical model to the simulation of the city trade logistics with HSR to look for its logical-mathematical model and apply for AI to simulate the city logistics that state the application with the HSR relative to the trade, which points out that the HSR improves the city logistics by its high speed with high efficiency for business activities. Traditionally, the plane is the quickest travel tool. However, an electrical high-speed railway (EHSR) is quicker than a plane in a short distance if the travel time is limited to 4 hours then the plane needs at least 2 hours for its boarding process, though the speed of HSR is 420 k/h and the plane is 700 k/h. This chapter will make a mathematical model to evaluate the influence and result of the application of the HSR for the trades in the Great Montreal Area (GMA). HSR can provide sustainable city logistics not only in the city area but anywhere that can be defined as city logistics. This chapter investigates what and how an HSR with smart algorithms improves sustainable city logistics in the field of trade circulation. By the data analysis, the mathematical model of the HSR in sustainable city logistics could predict a good advantage for the GDP increase in the GMA. And according to the load and the speed, other transportation tools cannot compete with HSR in terms of efficiency [1]. Especially, the higher the speed of HSR developed, the more advantages it has, and no other transportation will be comparable to such HSR [2].

When we are talking about interprovincial and international trade, speed is a key to an efficient supply, which leads to an increased demand and thus, an improvement of the local economy. This chapter will discuss first the implementation of the factor speed to the Gravitational Model for trade, then an analysis of the Great Montreal Area, including different factors that can be included in the general Gravitational Model to make it suitable for the Great Montreal Area. This chapter will compare the before and after of the implementation of HSR in the relationship with trade.


2. Literature

Sustainable advanced city logistics in the shortest time has been researched by many researchers. How to spend less time making the best city logistics service? Meituan company applies smart techniques in its delivery service in an average of 28 minutes from the provider to the customer, in which AI is used for the service among the components including the managers, delivers, providers, and customers, which benefits all shareholders among the logistics service system. However, sustainable city logistics in the suburbs are not like the urban area, which is a desolate area to make the service more difficult. To solve the problem, in 1959 in Japan, it constructed a high-speed railway (HSR) from Tokyo to Osaka, which made the city logistics better in suburban areas than before. For example, now it only takes 5 hours from Shanghai to Beijing to pass 1213.0 km. China High-speed Railway (CHSR) not only makes city logistics better at a great level in remote areas, but it also provides a sustainable solution for development in remote village areas for trades and travelers.

The sustainable advanced city logistics applied for an algorithm of the metaheuristics by Gogna & Tayal [3] is based on AI technology and neural networks algorithms. Holland [4] also proposed a genetic algorithm (GA) based on principles from evolution theory, which defined genetic algorithms originated from the Monte Carlo method. Murthy & Chowdhury [5] integer encoding of chromosomes used in the supply chain logistics then it developed this simulated algorithm (SA) approach for examining the equations of state and frozen states of n-body systems for the optimization of routing net. One algorithm appears to be available stochastic algorithms for global optimization from Ali & Storey [6] which could support better choice of advanced city logistics. And the advanced city logistics could applied for Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) by Marco [7] and Anirudh [8], which stated that ACO is a positive feedback and is efficient for traveling salesman problems (TSP) in the advanced city logistics. The author Zhang et al. [9] improved the logistics strategy and proposed a new Route Decomposition (RD) and a Memetic Algorithm (MA) framework for the Periodic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (PCARP).

The advanced city logistics in cities mainly focus on the flow of trade and human beings, which is so complicated that many problems result from the heavy circulation thus causing congestion in many metropolitan areas, especially in the rush hours. Kostas [10] researched the key challenges associated with adopting, designing and managing performance-based contracts (PBC) for advanced city logistics services, in which mostly the PBC originates in upstream supply chain resources rather than downstream initiatives. The researchers Meng & Yari [11] studied the advanced city logistics for intelligent and sustainable transport by investigating the global developments in transport and city logistics and the cost-efficiency and flexibility of European transport and city logistics to show the customers’ requirements in various fields, in which it produces challenge from the relationship of sustainability issues of social, economic, and environmental parameters. Those researchers Takai Eizo [12] studied advanced city logistics through the role of operations, in which the problems in city logistics in Japan are discussed and a solution for the problem by assumptions of some cause-and-effect relationship alone is not sufficient. Advanced city logistics to improve and optimize delivery management in a smart environment process by Yassine et al. [13] was studied in which the manufacturing of products and services are sold online in various regions and transporters are principally demanded to apply the optimum types of shipping centres and shipping routines, and smart delivery city logistics should be able to meet those aspects: the delivery requirements. Masato [14] attempts to contribute to transcending the stereotypes of value systems in shipping by presenting some of the elements of current maritime. In the dynamic infrastructure, Miyashita Kunio [15] studied the structural change in international advanced city logistics, in which the type of contractual system utilizes mid to long-term contracts to shipper satisfaction because of the guarantee of long-term profit stability. Under specific conditions, selected cargo flows show the potential to be shifted to other modes of transport or at least other types of vehicles that are more suitable for operations in a dense urban environment, in which voluntary cooperation of freight operators may be considered a method of improving the effectiveness of city logistics operations from Kaszubowski [16] and different regions may take various measures and city logistics and delivery services have been optimized, in which the costs need to be optimized elsewhere. Those researches relate an important factor to the trade and human beings flow, in which the advanced logistics needs the help from HSR to solve its efficiency and help the economic development.


3. The gravitational model

The gravitational model predicts the value of trade between places i and j in relationship with these places’ GDP and distance between these two places [17]:


where Tij is the value of trade between places i and j.

A, a, b, c are constants.

Yi is the GDP of place i.

Yj is the GDP of place j.

Dij is the distance between i and j.

In general, Dij can be calculated by considering the actual distance, the cultural affinity, geographic differences, presence of multinational corporations and borders between places i and j. This chapter probes the possibility of replacing Dij with the travel time between places i and j (tij) with a change of A.


where A/Dijc = (A/sijc)(1/tijc) = B/tijc.

Sij is the speed of the transportation vehicle between places i and j.

The new equation is mathematically logical as speed = distance/time, thus distance = speed*time.

The new equation also makes sense, for Yi, Yj,Dij large, as the more time it takes to travel from places i to j, the more reluctant people tend to trade from places i to j as the relative monetary and time cost increase. With the same logic, in contrast, the less time it takes to travel from places i to j, the value of trade increases as trade demand and supply are more efficient.


4. Montreal trade data

In order to construct a Gravity Model suitable for the Great Montreal Area—finding B, a, b and c—we need to consider several data in order to achieve the goal using simulation and AI analysis.

As the most recent data available for our purpose is in 2014, all data will be in 2014. Note that as the Great Montreal Area does not have HSR yet, the choice of year does not matter as long as it is prior the date of this chapter’s publication, as the HSR influence over data does not exist. However, more recent data can lead to more precise final results in terms of simulated trade volume as they are the results of other factors that improve the trade.

First, the volume of trade between the Great Montreal Area with its trade partners is main trade in Quebec. Note that as the public information contains only the information about the Great Montreal Area’s province, Quebec, consider Quebec’s first. Table 1 contains the data of Quebec trade partners—10 Canadian provinces, 3 Canadian territories and top 10 US state trade partners. As the above trade data is not available for the Great Montreal Area, we can estimate instead the Great Montreal Area’s in proportion of its GDP ratio over Quebec’s.

Trade PartnersExport from Trade Partners (in millions of $CAD)Import from Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD)Total Trade with Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD)GDP of Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD) [19, 20, 21]1
Newfoundland and Labrador18972014391132136.7
Prince Edward Island3802606405332
Nova Scotia25811511409236258.3
New Brunswick32543565681929,650
British Columbia6215415710,372225863.3
Northwest Territories221873084656.5
New York6036.5046592038.3887858074.8934441535564.161
New Jersey2304.5651721086.1963183390.76149598898.127
TradeGreat Montreal Area,QuebecsTrade Partner/TradeQuebec,QubecsTrade Partner=GDPGreat Montreal Area/GDPQuebec

Thus, TradeGreat Montreal Area, Quebec’s Trade Partner

=(TradeQuebec,QubecsTrade PartnerGDPGreat Montreal Area/GDPQuebec=TradeQuebec,QubecsTrade Partner190,227,000,000$CAD23/338319000000$CAD24=TradeQuebec,QubecsTrade Partner0.56227111

With the estimated ratio (Table 2)

Trade PartnersEstimation of Total Trade with Trade Partners (in millions of $CAD)GDP of Trade Partners (in millions of $CAD)Distance from the Great Montreal Area to the Trade Partners (in km) [22]
Newfoundland and Labrador2199.04231532136.71426
Prince Edward Island359.85351153321136.1
Nova Scotia2300.81338636258.31242.9
New Brunswick3834.12670629,650748.7
British Columbia5831.875963225863.33899
Northwest Territories173.17950224656.53744
New York4540.2793081535564.161599.6
New Jersey1906.52723598898.127703.4

Table 2.

Data of great Montreal Area’s trade partners in 2014.

Now, consider the average time it takes for trade to arrive from the starting point to the destination [23, 24].

The most recent data about the repartition of transportation modes in Canadian trade is 2011s (Table 3).

Transportation ModesRepartition (%) [25]Average Speed (km/h)
Trucking57.055895696.5605 [26]
Air20.7237506925.373 [27]
Rail18.884105735.4056 [28]
Marine3.33624814.97097 [29]

Table 3.

Repartition of transportation modes in Canadian trade in 2011.

Thus, we can obtain an average speed for trade transportation:


Remark that this speed is less than the current average HSR speed—325 km/h [30], much less than 660 km/h and 1000–1400 km/h HSR may exist in the future (Table 4).

Trade PartnersEstimation of Total Trade with Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD): TijGDP of Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD): YjTime taken from the Great Montreal Area to the Trade Partners with an average speed of 253.7173254 km/h(in h): tij
Newfoundland and Labrador2199.04231532136.75.620428
Prince Edward Island359.85351153324.477818
Nova Scotia2300.81338636258.34.898759
New Brunswick3834.12670629,6502.950922
British Columbia5831.875963225863.315.3675
Northwest Territories173.17950224656.514.75658
New York4540.2793081535564.1612.36326
New Jersey1906.52723598898.1272.772377

Table 4.

Data for simulation.


5. Simulation and AI analysis

Now, using the data, we will run simulations in order to find the constant terms B, a, b and c in the formula


Yi = Great Montreal GDP = 190,227 M $CA

The attempt to find constants for formula (3) consists of linear regression [31]. Thus, first, we make the predicted formula (3) linear.


As we use (5) to estimate the gravity function for the Great Montreal Area i in relationship to another area j, we can set

ln Tij = predj

ln B = a0




Thus, (5) becomes predj = a0 + a1x1j + a2x2j - a3x3j

To obtain the best-fit constants for the equation using regression, we need to consider the cost function before simulation. The cost function consists of mean square error (MSE) —an average difference square between the estimated total trade volumes and the true ones. As we have 22 trading partners to consider, our cost function is


Where yj is the actual total trade with trade partners (in millions of $CAD) in the table for Data for simulation.

Thus, our goal is to minimize the cost function using simulation


Based on directional derivatives, C=Ca0Ca1Ca2Ca3 always points in the direction of the steepest ascent [32]. Hence, the negativeC will lead to the most descent. Thus, it suffices to use derivatives to update the constants a0,a1,a2anda3 through gradient descent.

Thus, for n=22;learning rateαsmall


Through simulations, we can update a0,a1,a2anda3 m times to approximate the min C.

Using the AI in python to simulate,

Trying with several numbers of simulation and α, we obtain (Table 5)

Table 5.

Simulation results.

By intuition, the gradient leads to the min C with larger m steps with the smallest learning rate

α, which leads the movement and the direction for each step. However, considering the tables, we can clearly see that it is not the case. For example, the result of 103 simulations with α = 10−7 is worse than smaller m and bigger α. Thus, we can conclude that C is not convex. Consider the best-predicted a0,a1,a2anda3 with the biggest R2, the one with 106 simulations and α = 0.0001 (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Simulation result with m = 106 and α = 0.0001.

By Z-score xμσ, all differences obtained from ln(trade volume) – ln(simulated trade volume) are within 2σ except the one at ln(distance) = 1.44478 (Table 6).

Standard deviation σ = 0.958541006
Difference XZ scoreDifference XZ scoreDifference XZ score

Table 6.

Difference of non-simulated and simulated trade volume.

Thus, by excluding the outlier, we obtain (Figure 2)

Figure 2.

Simulation result with m = 106 and α = 0.0001 without outlier.

Thus, consider the estimated a0,a1,a2anda3 and previous settings for Tij=BYiaYjbtijc, In addition, to consider the influence of noise to the predicted value, we can also add a residual in the formula to the estimated value.



where =Actual Total trade – Simulated trade value


R2 = 0.5678982124691647 (Tables 79)

Trade Partnersln(Total Trade with Trade Partners)(in ln(millions) of $CAD)ln(Simulated Total Trade with Trade Partners)(in ln(millions) of $CAD)(Estimated) Total Trade with Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD)Simulated Total Trade with Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD)Adjustment ∈(in millions of $CAD)
Newfoundland and Labrador7.6957772336.8530953122199.042315946.80703881252.235276
Prince Edward Island5.8856970356.148077493359.853511467.8171399−107.9636289
Nova Scotia7.7410179856.9359455352300.8133861028.5913621272.222024
New Brunswick8.2516969716.968861623834.1267061063.011952771.114756
British Columbia8.6710940057.4419867865831.8759631706.1365844125.739379
Northwest Territories5.1543286425.813756233173.1795022334.8746333−161.6951311
New York8.4207438118.6857793674540.2793085918.151114−1377.871806
New Jersey7.5530386628.2514299651906.527233833.103108−1926.575878

Table 7.

Data adjustment with residual .

Trade PartnersGDP of Trade Partners(in millions of $CAD): YjDistance from the Great Montreal Area to the Trade Partners (in km)Time taken from the Great Montreal Area to the Trade Partners with HSR speed of (in h): tij
325 km/h660 km/h1000 km/h1400 km/h
Newfoundland and Labrador32136.714264.3876923082.1606060611.4261.018571429
Prince Edward Island53321136.13.4956923081.7213636361.13610.8115
Nova Scotia36258.31242.93.8243076921.8831818181.24290.887785714
New Brunswick29,650748.72.3036923081.1343939390.74870.534785714
British Columbia225863.3389911.996923085.9075757583.8992.785
Northwest Territories4656.5374411.525.6727272733.7442.674285714
New York1535564.161599.61.8449230770.9084848480.59960.428285714
New Jersey598898.127703.42.1643076921.0657575760.70340.502428571

Table 8.

Data (in 2014) with the integration of HSR.

Trade Partners(Estimated) Total Trade with Trade Partners(in millions of $)Time taken from the Great Montreal Area to the Trade Partners with HSR speed of (in h): tij
325 km/h660 km/h
Adjusted Estimated Total Trade (in millions of $)Difference compared to the one without HSRAdjusted Estimated Total Trade (in millions of $)Difference compared to the one without HSR
Newfoundland and Labrador2199.0423152255.12709256.084777182434.622691235.5803765
Prince Edward Island359.853511387.564986527.71147548476.2537208116.4002098
Nova Scotia2300.8133862361.74271560.92932882556.742979255.9295933
New Brunswick3834.1267063897.09496262.96825634098.620679264.4939731
British Columbia5831.8759635932.940157101.06419376256.389388424.5134249
Northwest Territories173.1795022193.016035319.83653313256.501540383.32203814
New York4540.2793084890.845128350.56582056012.8077231472.528415
New Jersey1906.527232133.583774227.05654372860.26314953.7359105
Change in %3.0268168112.71394271

Table 9.

Data of great Montreal Area’s trade (in 2014) with the integration of HSR.

Thus, integrating in the formula, we obtain

Through simulation, we can see an integration of HSR of 325 km/h will bring $CAN 3036.264267 million of trade in addition (+3.02681681%); 660 km/h for $CAN 12753.62612 million of trade in addition (+12.71394271%).


6. Discussion

City sustainable logistics relates to many infrastructures as well as software like authority policy, IT applications, and incorporations of both hardware and software. When HSR transportation is put into daily running, it needs to research what will happen to help city sustainable logistics and what will make bad efforts to the circulation. Normally, because of the high speed of HSR, it will advance economic or GDP development in society. However, other transportation methods may decrease their activities or even fail to the new strong challenge coming from HSR, which could beat down those professional fields, for example, the short airlines, by which people would take several hours to board, travel, and leave the airport; if by HSR, 1 hour enough to pass 400 or 600 km. Then, we need to research more what is the reality of economic multi-process by the application of both HSR and traditional vehicles, and how much the degree of their effectiveness by the process. However, when we apply more data to make AI simulation, which also verifies the correctness of the previous logical process, one of the best solutions is:


7. Conclusion

Through the simulation and AI analysis with multivariable linear regression with MSE and gradient descent, based on the gravitational model for trade, we can conclude an integration of a high-speed transportation vehicle such as HSR will improve the volume of trade, thus positively influencing the economy of the Great Montreal Area.

Further improvements for a better estimated total volume after the integration of HSR can be considered.

  1. Although this chapter considers the most recent public data as inputs that Statistics Canada can offer, these data are the ones from 7 to 10 years ago. Because of the economic changes that happened in the Great Montreal Area, more recent data can improve the results. In addition, if one can obtain of the repartition of trade of the Great Montreal Area and its trade partners (instead of the province of Quebec and the Great Montreal Area), more precise results can be obtained. Plus, while most data are based on 2014s, data used for the repartition of transportation modes to estimate the HSR speed is 2011s which is the newest data that can be found. Thus, data used in different year may also not depict completely the economic picture.

  2. Inclusion of data of additional trade partners as inputs can improve the results and give insights for the differences between the estimated and actual trade volume, leading to elements as additional inputs that one can consider including in the linear regression.

  3. Because of the complexity of the multivariable linear regression, further estimation techniques can be used such as interpolation or maximum likelihood estimation to double check the simulated results.



See Tables A1A4

Table A1.

Simulation results.

Table A2.

Simulation results.

Table A3.

Simulation results.

Table A4.

Simulation results.


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Written By

Yonglin Ren, Xinyue Ren and Anjali Awasthi

Submitted: 02 January 2024 Reviewed: 21 January 2024 Published: 23 August 2024