Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

The Implications for Risk Management in the Era of Technological Advancements

Written By

Monument Thulani Bongani Makhanya

Submitted: 16 November 2023 Reviewed: 16 November 2023 Published: 21 February 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003899

The Future of Risk Management IntechOpen
The Future of Risk Management Edited by Larisa Ivascu

From the Edited Volume

The Future of Risk Management [Working Title]

Dr. Larisa Ivascu, Dr. Marius Pislaru and Dr. Lidia Alexa

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Amidst a period characterised by swift technological progress, risk management encounters unparalleled obstacles and prospects. The many facets of this paradigm change are examined in this paper. Conventional risk assessment techniques need to change as businesses are revolutionised by technologies like blockchain, IoT, and artificial intelligence. Even though these advances increase production and efficiency, they also bring new vulnerabilities, which means risk profiles need to be reevaluated. Furthermore, cascading risks are made more likely by the growing interconnection of global systems. Cybersecurity becomes critical, necessitating advanced precautions to protect private data. Moreover, new instruments for risk prediction and mitigation are made possible by the combination of machine learning and predictive analytics. The ethical implications of automated decision-making, on the other hand, necessitate careful examination. Organisations must promote adaptability in this volatile terrain by fostering a culture of constant learning and innovation. Navigating these difficulties effectively will define an enterprise’s resilience and durability in a digitally driven future. This chapter explores the implications of risk management in the era of technological advancements and how those risks could be mitigated. The methodology employed in this chapter was secondary sources, and the gathered data was evaluated using text content to generate key insights.


  • risk management
  • technology
  • risk assessments and mitigation
  • culture of learning and innovation
  • ethical implications

1. Introduction

The swift progress of technology has significantly affected enterprises, organisations, and the community at large. Advancements in many domains including artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and robots have revolutionised the ways in which businesses function, organisations are structured, and individuals engage with one another [1]. Mohd et al. [2] suggest that increased productivity and efficiency for businesses and organisations is one of the main effects of the rapid improvements in technology. Automated and robotic systems have made it possible to complete tedious and repetitive activities faster and with higher accuracy. Human error is decreased as a result, and human resources are freed up to work on more intricate and important projects. Robotics adoption, for instance, has accelerated production lines, decreased labour costs, and enhanced product quality in the manufacturing sector. Technology has also completely changed how people communicate and work together in organisations. With the advent of numerous technological tools, including instant messaging apps, video conferencing software, and project management systems, workers may collaborate easily from anywhere in the world. This has made it easier for flexible work schedules and remote work to proliferate, giving businesses access to a worldwide talent pool, cutting expenses, and improving employee work-life balance [3].

According to Gupta et al. [4], the dynamic between firms and consumers has also been changed by technological improvements. The retail sector has changed as a result of the internet and e-commerce, which have allowed companies to expand their customer base and run around the clock. Nowadays, shoppers may quickly evaluate products, compare costs, and purchase them all from the convenience of their homes. Businesses have been compelled by this change to adjust and adopt digital strategies in order to guarantee that their online presence is optimised and that customers can easily access their goods and services. Rapid technical improvements have also had a major impact on information availability and accessibility. The internet has expanded into a massive knowledge base that makes it possible for people to learn new skills and obtain information at any time. This has made education more accessible to all people and given them the chance to advance both personally and professionally, regardless of where they live. This enables companies to access highly trained and informed staff, leading to more creative and competitive firms [5]. The quick speed at which technology is developing demands constant learning and adaptability. In order to adopt new technologies and incorporate them into their operational procedures, organisations need to be proactive and flexible. Those that fall behind run the risk of becoming obsolete or being surpassed by more creative rivals [6].

To that effect, companies and organisations must manage a wide range of novel and complicated risks, which, if ignored, might have dire repercussions. Emerging risks have the potential to impair operations, harm reputations, and even result in financial loss. These risks range from cybersecurity attacks to legislative changes. For this reason, proactive risk identification and management is essential to an organisation’s long-term viability and performance [7]. The intrinsic vulnerability of technological systems is one of the main justifications for the significance of recognising and controlling new threats. Businesses are more vulnerable to cybersecurity assaults as a result of their growing reliance on technology. Cybercriminals and hackers are always coming up with new ways to take advantage of holes in digital infrastructure, which can lead to financial loss, reputational harm, and data breaches. Organisations should keep one step ahead of any threats and put strong security measures in place to safeguard their systems and sensitive data by recognising new risks in cybersecurity [8]. In the current tech world, where new technologies are always being invented and implemented, innovation and disruption are frequent. These developments, nonetheless, frequently carry risks and uncertainties that provide problems for businesses. When automation and artificial intelligence are combined, for instance, productivity may rise, but there may also be job losses and moral dilemmas. Organisations can optimise their utilisation of novel technology while simultaneously minimising any possible adverse effects by proactively recognising and addressing these developing risks [9].

Regulatory compliance makes it clear how important it is to manage new risks. Laws and regulations are always changing to keep up with the way that technology is reshaping economies and industries. To maintain compliance with constantly evolving standards, organisations need to be on the lookout for emerging regulatory risks. If you do not, you risk facing legal repercussions, harm to your reputation, and erosion of public confidence. Organisations may stay out of legal hot water and have good relations with regulators and stakeholders by proactively detecting and mitigating potential regulatory risks [10]. Moreover, according to Farida and Setiawan [11], in the technologically advanced world, controlling new risks is crucial to keeping a competitive advantage. The business world of today is extremely dynamic, and companies that remain ahead of new threats are better able to change and grow. Organisations may foresee possible disruptions, exploit opportunities, and maintain an advantage over competitors by being proactive in recognising and managing developing risks. It eventually positions individuals for long-term success by empowering them to take calculated risks and make smart decisions that are in line with their overarching goals. Managing emerging risks also helps companies develop an agile and resilient culture. Organisations can create strong frameworks for risk management that enable them to effectively handle possible crises by proactively monitoring and resolving developing threats. By doing this, any losses are lessened and the effects of any disruptions on stakeholders, customers, and operations are also reduced. Through fostering a culture of risk consciousness and readiness, establishments can acquire the adaptability required to manoeuvre through ambiguities and emerge more robust from hardship [12]. It is against this background that this chapter seeks to explore the implications for risk management in the era of technological advancements and how those risks could be mitigated.


2. Methodology

This chapter utilised secondary sources as methodology. Secondary sources offer researchers knowledge and data that has already been gathered and examined by others, making them useful as a research methodology. This is achieved by examining academic books, papers, essays, and other published resources that address and analyse the subject of interest [13]. According to Goundar [14], scholars scrutinise secondary sources to investigate extant knowledge and theoretical frameworks associated with their research subject. As a result, they are better able to formulate research questions and hypotheses and find gaps in the literature.

Researchers can obtain data that has already been gathered by others by using secondary sources. The researcher’s own data can be compared with this data or used for additional analysis. To make inferences or bolster the results of the current investigation, statistical data from government agencies or earlier research, for instance, can be examined [15]. Secondary sources can be used by researchers to contrast and compare their results with those of earlier investigations. This adds to the body of knowledge in the field and supports the validity and generalizability of the research findings [16]. Historical researchers frequently employ secondary sources to comprehend and analyse historical events. Scholars examine historical viewpoints, trends, and patterns through the use of pre-published books, papers, and documents [17]. According to Ahn and Kang [18] in meta-analyses and systematic reviews, secondary sources are employed to combine the results of several primary investigations. Researchers are able to uncover common trends or patterns and develop more thorough conclusions by merging and analysing the data from multiple investigations.

To that effect, Secondary sources were chosen to acquire information on the implications for risk management in the age of technology breakthroughs mostly due to their accessibility and credibility. Sources, such as research articles, industry reports, books, databases, and online platforms, were used. In addition, the researcher deemed that these secondary sources were generated by specialists and have undergone thorough peer review, assuring their dependability and authenticity. They gave the researcher thorough coverage of the topic by synthesising information from diverse primary sources, which allowed the researcher to acquire a greater grasp of the implications of technological improvements on risk management practises.


3. New risks associated with technology development

According to Păvăloaia and Necula [19], technological advances have transformed how we live, work, and interact. These advancements, ranging from artificial intelligence and robots to nanotechnology and gene editing, have created enormous prospects and benefits. They do, however, bring with them new risks that pose enormous difficulties to individuals, organisations, and society as a whole. The threat presented by cyberattacks and data breaches is one of the most important rising concerns. Malicious actors may be able to take advantage of weaknesses in our systems as our dependence on technology increases. Cyberattacks have the potential to endanger national security, cause financial losses, steal confidential data, and damage vital infrastructure. Cybercriminals’ techniques also advance with technology, so it is critical for organisations to invest in strong cybersecurity measures to safeguard their assets [20].

The ethical consequences of developing technology are another growing risk. As technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence and robotics continue to advance, the ethical issues surrounding their use become more difficult. For example, the development of self-driving cars raises concerns regarding duty and culpability in the event of an accident. Furthermore, if not adequately regulated and monitored, the use of AI algorithms in decision-making processes such as the criminal justice system or loan applications may result in biases and discrimination [21]. Furthermore, Rainie and Anderson [22] add that technical developments can have far-reaching societal and economic consequences. With the rise of automation and AI-powered technology, there is growing anxiety about job displacement. Many traditional jobs may become obsolete as computers take over repetitive and routine labour, leading to unemployment and socioeconomic inequity. Furthermore, developing technologies have the potential to worsen the digital gap, with individuals without access to technology falling farther behind in terms of education, economic possibilities, and social inclusion.

The impact of developing technology on privacy is another big risk. The expansion of data-driven technologies, such as social media platforms and the Internet of Things, has generated worries about personal information privacy and security. Massive data gathering, storage, and analysis can result in information misuse, surveillance, and erosion of individual privacy rights. Regulation of the gathering and use of personal data, as well as data security promotion and individual knowledge, are crucial in limiting this danger [23]. Furthermore, there are environmental dangers associated with new technologies. For example, the creation, use, and disposal of electronic devices—like computers and smartphones—contributes to electronic trash, which presents serious risks to human health and the environment. Concerns over increased carbon emissions and their role in climate change are also raised by the rising energy demand needed to power these technological breakthroughs. To preserve the long-term viability of both our technological advancements and the environment, we must strike a balance between technological progress and sustainable practices [24].

Finally, there are concerns related to law and regulation that come with technical breakthroughs. Technology is developing at a rate that frequently surpasses the creation of suitable legal frameworks to control its application. In sectors like driverless vehicles, drones, and genetic engineering, in particular, this regulatory gap makes it difficult to define obligations and handle emergent hazards. It is crucial to strike the correct balance between promoting innovation and safeguarding the public interest in order to prevent moral and legal ambiguities [6].


4. Artificial intelligence-associated risks

Artificial intelligence (AI) has clearly achieved tremendous traction in recent years, revolutionising different industries and redefining the way we live and work. However, in addition to the numerous benefits provided by AI, there are substantial hazards and risks that must be handled.

One of the most serious threats of AI is job loss. Many functions currently performed by humans could be automated by AI technologies, raising fears about mass unemployment and economic disruption. As machines gain the ability to do sophisticated cognitive tasks, roles reliant on human decision-making and intelligence may become obsolete. Manufacturing, transportation, and customer service may be significantly affected. Finding a middle ground between AI adoption and job stability is a critical task for society [25]. According to Drage and Mackereth [26], AI’s capacity for bias and discrimination represents a serious risk as well. Large volumes of data, including historical data that inevitably reflects societal biases, are fed into AI models so they may learn. Inequalities and prejudices already in place may be reinforced and amplified if AI systems are trained using this biassed data. AI algorithms that are employed, for instance, in recruiting procedures might unintentionally prejudice against particular demographic groups. In order to mitigate this danger, diverse and inclusive datasets must be promoted, and justice and openness must be ensured in the development and application of AI systems.

The creation and application of AI technology also raise ethical questions. This includes concerns about AI’s decision-making and responsibility are getting more complicated as it develops. Autonomous cars, for example, need to be designed to make snap decisions in circumstances that could endanger lives. There are moral conundrums when deciding how an AI should weigh the value of human life against other considerations. These issues demand serious thought and analysis. To ensure ethically sound and responsible decision-making, strong ethical frameworks and norms are required to oversee the development and application of AI [21]. AI technologies also put security and privacy at risk. Since AI depends on massive datasets to work properly, there is a chance that personal data will be misused or accessed without authorization. This is especially problematic in light of the growing popularity of AI-powered applications like facial recognition, which are capable of gathering and analysing large volumes of sensitive data. Ensuring privacy is of utmost importance, and effective measures to reduce potential threats, including stronger data protection laws, encrypted communication, and improved cybersecurity, will be necessary [27]. Furthermore, Moisset [28] adds that there is a chance that AI will be misused for bad intentions. AI-driven cyberattacks have the capacity to be extremely destructive and smart. AI algorithms have the potential to produce convincing deepfakes, for instance, which may be used for impersonation or to disseminate false information. Moreover, social engineering attacks that target people or organisations in an effort to harm their reputations or obtain financial advantage can be automated and amplified with the help of AI. To mitigate these hazards, it is imperative to fortify cybersecurity protocols and increase cognizance regarding cyber threats associated with artificial intelligence.

Anderson [29] suggests that the possibility of unforeseen outcomes is another risk connected to AI. AI systems can unintentionally result in unanticipated consequences even though they are intended to optimise particular goals or address specific problems. For example, substantially biassed AI suggestions or decision-making may arise from biassed training data. AI algorithms used in stock market or financial trading may also inadvertently set off a chain reaction that destabilises the market. Mitigating these unexpected outcomes requires extensive risk assessments, continuous monitoring, and human oversight. Finally, risks associated with the creation of superintelligent AI must be carefully considered. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems that are capable of self-improvement and are smarter than humans are referred to as superintelligence. This could result in a sudden and significant rise in the systems’ capabilities. This creates questions regarding the safety and control of such sophisticated AI, since it may be difficult for humans to understand and operate machines smarter than they are. Research and thought should be given to ensuring that superintelligent AI is in line with human ideals and that strong safety precautions are in place to avoid disastrous consequences [30].


5. Internet of things associated risks

Due to its ability to connect gadgets and facilitate previously unheard-of levels of data interchange, the Internet of Things, or IoT, has become an essential component of our everyday life. This network of connections has many advantages, but there are also major concerns that must be taken into consideration. Some of those risks are given below:

According to Tweneboah-Koduah et al. [31], security breach is one of the main dangers connected to the Internet of Things. The sheer number of internet-connected devices—billions—increases the risk of cyberattacks and illegal access to private information. Vulnerabilities in IoT devices can be exploited by hackers to obtain personal data or potentially take over vital infrastructure systems. Serious repercussions could result from this, including possible dangers to public safety and financial loss. Potential privacy invasion is another issue that comes with IoT. Large volumes of data, including sensitive and personal information, are frequently collected and transmitted by IoT devices. Using this information, comprehensive profiles of people’s likes, behaviours, and habits can be constructed. Inappropriate use of this information may result in fraud, identity theft, and other types of discrimination [32]. Furthermore, IoT devices are vulnerable to security flaws because they lack uniform security measures. A lot of IoT devices sacrifice strong security features in order to be affordable and user-friendly. Because of this, hackers can easily target them and take advantage of their vulnerabilities to carry out nefarious operations. To safeguard user data, device makers must place a high priority on security by putting strong authentication, encryption, and access control systems in place [33].

Jang-Jaccard and Nepal [34] suggest that the Internet of Things raises safety issues in addition to security and privacy issues. Catastrophic failures are more likely to occur in networked vital systems, such as electricity grids, automobiles, and medical equipment. Via the manipulation of medical equipment, power supply systems, or traffic light controls, a compromised IoT device might cause havoc. This highlights how urgently strict safety guidelines and laws are needed to guarantee that Internet of Things devices are meticulously built and comply to quality control procedures. Das and Inuwa [35] add that the massive amount of data that linked devices generate and share is another problem associated with the Internet of Things. Real-time processing, analysis, and storage of this data are frequently required. But this presents problems with regard to system scalability, storage capacity, and data management. This deluge of data, if improperly managed, may cause network congestion, processing delays, and heightened susceptibility to intrusions. To effectively handle the increasing demand for IoT-generated data, businesses and service providers must invest in strong data infrastructure, including data centres, cloud platforms, and data analytics tools.

Moreover, contends Abderahman [36], during a product’s whole lifecycle, the interconnectedness of IoT devices adds new hazards and complicates supply chains. Every stage of the process, from procuring components to deploying and disposing of devices, has possible weaknesses that could be used by bad actors. Strong supply chain management procedures are therefore required, together with stringent screening procedures, ongoing device monitoring, and third-party audits. Lastly, Hand [37] asserts that there are issues with the ethical ramifications of Internet of Things technology. There may be moral conundrums if massive volumes of personal data are gathered and used without the express agreement of the user. It is imperative to tackle concerns regarding transparency, informed consent, and responsible data usage to guarantee that Internet of Things implementations conform to moral standards and uphold the rights of persons.


6. Blockchain-associated risks

The potential of blockchain technology to transform a number of industries has drawn a lot of interest in recent years. Although blockchain has many advantages, like greater efficiency, security, and transparency, there are risks involved. Blockchain’s vulnerability to cyberattacks is one of the main risks it carries. Despite the fact that blockchain networks are meant to be safe, there have been cases when weaknesses have been taken advantage of. For example, millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies were lost in the 2016 DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) breach. A security hole in the programming allowed the attacker to steal money. This emphasises how crucial it is to carry out exhaustive testing and code audits prior to using blockchain technology in order to reduce such dangers [38].

Habib et al. [39] potential privacy breaches are other risks connected to blockchain technology. Blockchain provides openness, but it also raises security concerns for sensitive data. All transactions and related data on a public blockchain are accessible to anybody with network connectivity. This raises questions about how private people’s financial and personal data is. Utilising privacy-enhancing technology, like secure multi-party computation or zero-knowledge proofs, can help mitigate these dangers by preserving the advantages of blockchain transparency while allowing for data privacy. Furthermore, one major risk connected to blockchain technology is scalability. Transaction processing and validation times expand with the size and usage of blockchain networks. Scalability becomes especially important when thinking about implementing blockchain in applications that will be widely used, such as supply chain management or payment systems. Scalability issues have been addressed with a variety of solutions, including sharding and off-chain scaling techniques. These solutions do, however, carry some dangers and difficulties of their own, such as diminished decentralisation or possible security flaws [40].

According to Singh [41], regulation-related risks are also connected to blockchain technology. Blockchain is still in its infancy and is being used by many businesses, which has left it in a regulatory ambivalence. Diverse legal frameworks have diverse stances on blockchain technology, which can be dangerous for companies and individuals involved in the industry. Establishing regulatory frameworks is necessary to guarantee adherence to know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) laws, as well as to promote industry innovation and expansion. The possibility of governance issues is another risk connected to blockchain technology. Due to the decentralised nature of blockchain networks, decisions about protocol modifications, network upgrades, and dispute resolution must be agreed upon by all parties involved. Due to varying stakeholder interests and points of view, this can be a difficult procedure. Hard forks, in which a blockchain divides into two distinct chains and maybe creates confusion and instability, might result from disagreements within the community. By guaranteeing that choices are made in a transparent, inclusive, and equitable manner, good governance tools and processes can help reduce this risk [42].

Clarke [43] asserts that concerns exist over the potential effects of blockchain technology on the environment. Verifying and appending transactions to the blockchain through mining necessitates a significant amount of computer power and energy. This has given rise to complaints that blockchain uses a lot of energy and worsens the environment and carbon emissions. Examining proof of stake (PoS) as an alternative to proof of work (PoW) for consensus can help lessen the environmental impact of blockchain technology. Finally, there is a risk related to blockchain’s immutability. One of the primary characteristics of the blockchain is its immutability; nevertheless, this characteristic has a drawback as well. It becomes difficult to amend or erase false or fraudulent information once it is posted on the blockchain. For sectors where inaccurate information can have unfavourable effects, like supply chain management or healthcare, this could have major ramifications. These risks can be reduced by putting strong data validation and verification procedures in place and taking off-chain arbitration procedures into account for dispute resolution [44].


7. Biotechnology-associated risks

A new path for scientific progress and possible advantages has been made possible by biotechnology, which is the manipulation of living organisms to create or alter goods, procedures, or technologies. Still, there are risks and issues associated with it that need to be properly thought through and dealt with. Gene-modified organisms (GMOs) accidentally released into the environment is one of the main risks associated with biotechnology. GMOs are organisms whose genetic makeup has been modified through the application of contemporary biotechnology methods. Even while genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can have a lot of benefits, such as higher crop yields or stronger insect resistance, their unchecked release might endanger ecosystems and biodiversity. The delicate balance of our ecosystems may be irreversibly damaged by these modified organisms, which have the potential to outcompete native species, upend natural food chains, or introduce new illnesses [45]. Additionally, Caradus [46] suggests that there may be unanticipated health risks associated with biotechnology for both people and animals. Genetically engineered crops could, for instance, unintentionally cause allergic reactions or negatively impact the digestive system. Because of the complexity of genetic interactions, scientists test GM crops extensively before releasing them into the market, but unexpected repercussions can still occur. Furthermore,it's possible that altered genes from genetically altered organisms willaltered genes from genetically altered organisms may spread to unintended or wild species, with unknowable consequences for the environment and public health.

The improper use of genetically engineered organisms for detrimental ends is another possible biotechnology risk. Although biotechnology offers enormous promise for enhancing human welfare, there are worries that these potent instruments may be used for evil purposes. For example, the intentional development of genetically engineered organisms with the goal of developing bioweapons is a serious threat to international security. In order to implement strict restrictions and guarantee that biotechnology is utilised exclusively for peaceful, moral, and advantageous reasons, governments and regulatory authorities must collaborate [47].

Utilising biotechnology also raises ethical questions. While genetic modification holds promise for novel medical interventions and the prevention of disease, it also raises concerns about tampering with nature and the possibility of unintended consequences. For example, choosing particular genetic features to create “designer babies” raises ethical concerns regarding what constitutes appropriate human gene editing. Social cohesiveness may be compromised if it results in a community split along genetic lines and discrimination against due to genetic differences [48]. Furthermore, the livelihoods of farmers and conventional agriculture are at risk from biotechnology. The broad use of genetically modified crops may result in the concentration of agricultural power in the hands of a small number of companies. These companies regulate the seed supply and may bar small farmers who cannot afford their exorbitant costs by patenting genetically modified seeds. This concentration of power has the potential to worsen social inequality and lessen rural communities’ variety in terms of both economy and culture [49]. The public’s opinion of biotechnology carries certain risks as well. Notwithstanding the fact that scientific advancement in this area depends on research, resistance and opposition may arise from the general public’s misinformation and fear of biotechnology. Protests and campaigns against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been sparked by public worries about GMOs. This has impeded research and development efforts and reduced the potential advantages that biotechnology may provide. A fair and knowledgeable discussion about biotechnology must take into account these worries and provide the public with correct information [50].


8. Limitations

The chapter may have a narrow scope, focusing on certain technological breakthroughs or industries, and hence may not provide a complete assessment of the consequences of risk management across diverse sectors. The chapter relied on theoretical frameworks or anecdotal evidence to support its claims rather than delivering empirical research. This lack of empirical evidence may have restricted the conclusions’ validity and generalizability. The chapter may have not addressed all forms of risks related to technological breakthroughs. Certain developing risks or complexities may not have been fully addressed, limiting the paper’s applicability for organisations operating in those sectors.


9. Recommendations

The tremendous technological breakthroughs of our day have opened up new frontiers, but they have also presented threats on a never-before-seen scale. As new technologies are adopted by organisations and individuals, it is critical to investigate the implications of risk management in this environment. The following section highlights the primary dangers linked with technology breakthroughs and proposes appropriate risk mitigation techniques.

9.1 Risks to cybersecurity

The rise in cybersecurity risks is one of the main effects of technological breakthroughs. Cyber threats have expanded in variety and sophistication as more devices become networked and valuable data is stored and transferred. It can be difficult for businesses and people to safeguard sensitive data against various security lapses like phishing, hacking, and data breaches. Various tactics can be employed to reduce these risks:

9.1.1 Robust encryption and verification

Securing data transmission and access control can be greatly improved by putting strong encryption and two-factor authentication into place. This is already happening in some organisations and businesses, but some still lagging behind.

9.1.2 Routine security evaluations

Regular security audits aid in finding weaknesses and providing appropriate solutions. It guarantees that security protocols are current and that new risks are dealt with right away.

9.1.3 Employee development

The chance of inadvertent data breaches can be reduced by developing employees about cybersecurity best practises. To increase public awareness of potential risks and how to mitigate them, regular training programmes ought to be held.

9.2 Privacy issues

Significant privacy concerns have also been generated by technological advancements.

The volume of personal data being gathered and handled makes it increasingly necessary to address the risks of privacy infringement. Organisations and individuals can take the following actions to reduce these risks:

9.2.1 Designing for privacy

Privacy breaches can be avoided by incorporating privacy protection at every step of system development. Ensuring that privacy is protected by default can be achieved through the use of privacy-enhancing technologies and privacy effect assessments.

9.2.2 Transparency and user consent

It is critical to provide individuals with clear information about how their data will be collected, utilised, and shared. Obtaining informed consent for data processing activities can aid in the development of trust and the reduction of privacy threats.

9.3 Regulation compliance

Compliance with privacy and data protection standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in the case of South Africa the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act), is critical in mitigating privacy threats. Organisations should verify that they are in compliance with applicable legislation and that they have systems in place to remedy any violations.

9.3.1 New technological risks

As technological improvements continue, new and unanticipated threats emerge. Artificial intelligence (AI) biases, autonomous car safety, and data ethics are some of the major hazards linked with developing technology. Organisations can consider the following ways to mitigate these risks:

9.3.2 Frameworks for ethics and responsibility

The creation and observance of ethical frameworks are essential for reducing the risks related to data ethics and AI biases. Organisations that develop and implement emerging technologies must have a responsible strategy that puts responsibility, fairness, and transparency first.

9.3.3 Strong testing and validation

Stringent testing and validation procedures must be in place for driverless vehicles and other new technology. Before extensive implementation, simulations, real-world testing, and continuous monitoring can help successfully identify and manage risks.

9.3.4 Collaboration and information sharing

It is critical to foster collaboration among regulators, industry professionals, and researchers in order to keep ahead of new dangers. Sharing knowledge, best practises, and lessons learnt can help organisations reduce the risks associated with technological breakthroughs collaboratively.


10. Conclusion

This chapter concludes that the complexity and scope of the risks that organisations confront have grown due to the rapid speed of technological improvements. For risk management to properly handle the possible impact on enterprises, technical risks and vulnerabilities must now be included as a distinct category. New risks, including cyber-attacks, data breaches, and technical obsolescence, have emerged in the age of technological breakthroughs. The dynamic nature of technology necessitates the updating and adaptation of risk management techniques. Risks associated with technology necessitate a proactive, dynamic approach to risk management that includes ongoing threat assessment and monitoring.

For organisations to effectively reduce and manage risks, they must invest in strong technology infrastructure and processes. Technological developments have given organisations new possibilities, but they also carry with them new risks that must be carefully evaluated and controlled. In the current era of technological progress, risk management must not be confined to a single department or procedure, but rather must be integrated into all levels and activities of an organisation. To effectively guide and help organisations, risk management professionals must be up to date on the newest technological innovations and the risks connected with them. Modern technology has eroded boundaries that were once clear and created new dangers from remote work, cloud computing, and mobile devices.

Regular evaluations of technology-related risks and vulnerabilities, along with the installation of suitable controls and safeguards, are essential components of risk management. As a result of technological developments, risk management is now a more analytical and data-driven discipline that requires sophisticated tools and methods to identify and mitigate risks. In the age of technological breakthroughs, organisations should take a proactive approach to risk management instead of depending just on reactive measures. The security of vital assets and systems must be given top priority in risk management due to the growing dependency of business operations on technology.

Risk management techniques must consider the possible legal and compliance challenges that come with technological progress, like laws pertaining to data security and privacy. The current technology era necessitates that organisations cultivate a culture of risk awareness and education so that all staff members are aware of the risks and can assist with risk management initiatives. With a common knowledge of the risks and their potential consequences, risk management in the age of technology breakthroughs involves cooperation and coordination between various departments and stakeholders.

The dangers associated with technological breakthroughs are both known and unknown, which emphasises the value of scenario planning and stress testing in risk management. Given the possible financial and operational effects of technological advancements, risk management should consider the quick obsolescence of technologies. To properly manage and lessen the impact of technology-driven risks, a mix of preventive, investigative, and remedial controls is frequently needed.


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Written By

Monument Thulani Bongani Makhanya

Submitted: 16 November 2023 Reviewed: 16 November 2023 Published: 21 February 2024