Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Perspective Chapter: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in a Blotch Academic Environment

Written By

Ogunlade B. Olusola, Bahago S. Benedict and Shotayo E. Olusola

Submitted: 23 January 2024 Reviewed: 17 February 2024 Published: 04 April 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004792

Artificial Intelligence for Quality Education IntechOpen
Artificial Intelligence for Quality Education Edited by Seifedine Kadry

From the Edited Volume

Artificial Intelligence and Education - Shaping the Future of Learning [Working Title]

Dr. Seifedine Kadry

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We look into leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the academic environment within our institution. We aim to streamline administrative tasks by integrating AI-powered tools, personalising student learning experiences and facilitating data-driven decision-making. This will improve efficiency, increase student engagement and improve resource allocation. AI can assist in automating routine administrative processes, providing data-driven insights for course improvement and offering personalised recommendations to students. By embracing AI, we can create a more dynamic and responsive academic ecosystem, ensuring that our institution remains at the forefront of educational innovation where learning problems can be thoroughly addressed in the learning environment.


  • leveraging
  • artificial intelligence
  • blotch
  • academic
  • environment

1. Introduction

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the general term for developing computer systems that can do tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include solving problems, learning, perceiving, understanding language and making decisions. AI seeks to create devices that can simulate or replicate human cognitive functions. This refers to AI systems developed and trained for a specific goal. Although they are less diverse and have a lower learning capacity than human intelligence, they are better in that sector. AI is used in education [1], including features like plagiarism detection and exam integrity [2]. Researchers in the field are constantly looking into new techniques, approaches and algorithms to enhance the capabilities of AI systems. Growing emphasis will be placed on ethical concerns, reducing bias and developing AI responsibly as technology advances. It is imperative to keep in mind that the sector is constantly evolving. Regretfully, however, organisations and scholars worldwide minimise the hazards associated with artificial intelligence while praising its negative impacts. Those unable to understand technology may soon be met with a world that increasingly resembles magic and makes them feel left behind [3].

Researchers worry that by 2030, the AI revolution will focus on enhancing benefits and societal control, but it will also raise contentious ethical questions. Regarding AI’s positive effects on morality and life, opinions diverge significantly [4]. The advancement of AI also raises several concerns around morality, behaviour, privacy and trust, to name a few. There are various ethical concerns with the use of AI in education. Many scholars are exploring the field more thoroughly. Our classification of AI in education is based on three levels. First and foremost is the technology itself—its developer, manufacturer, etc. Third are the effects on the student or learner, then the teacher.

Artificial intelligence (AI) integration has become a revolutionary force in the constantly changing academic scene, providing hitherto unseen chances to improve and expedite administrative processes. AI-powered solutions offer a promising way to lessen the load of administrative duties as academic institutions need help with growing complexity and the requirement for efficiency.

Routine administrative work automation is a notable area where artificial intelligence can significantly impact. AI can analyse massive volumes of data quickly and accurately, saving human administrators much time and effort on tasks like monitoring student records and course registrations. A subset of artificial intelligence called machine learning algorithms can use data patterns to forecast future trends, allowing organisations to plan and allocate resources and student support services wisely [5].

Using chatbots with AI capabilities is an additional way to increase administrative effectiveness. These clever virtual assistants can respond quickly to often-asked queries and manage routine requests from staff, instructors and students. This improves the user experience while freeing human administrators to work on more challenging and worthwhile duties. Chatbots can be easily incorporated into various platforms, including mobile apps and websites, providing smooth and convenient communication for the academic community.

Beyond mere automation, AI’s data processing capabilities provide insightful information for tactical decision-making. By predicting enrolment trends, predictive analytics can assist educational institutions in better allocating resources and optimising their course offerings. Furthermore, patterns in student performance data can be found using AI-driven analytics, allowing for prompt interventions to support students with academic difficulties.

AI integration can also be beneficial for educators’ time-consuming grading procedures. AI-powered automated grading systems can quickly and accurately evaluate homework, tests and quizzes while giving students immediate feedback. This speeds up the grading process and frees teachers to work with students more individually, creating a more engaging learning environment.

AI can also help in the administration of research projects in academic settings. It can speed up the research process by assisting with literature reviews, recommending pertinent books and offering summaries. Furthermore, enormous volumes of research data may be analysed by AI algorithms, making it easier to find patterns and trends that may escape the notice of conventional techniques [6].

Even with all the benefits, ethical and privacy issues must be carefully considered when integrating AI into academic settings. Ensuring transparency in AI algorithms and protecting sensitive data is critical to preserving trust in the academic community.

To put it another way, the use of AI-powered tools in academic settings has the potential to transform administrative duties completely. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve productivity, lessen burden and foster a more adaptable and responsive learning environment by automating repetitive tasks and delivering actionable insights. Institutions stand to gain from embracing these technological innovations regarding operational effectiveness and cultivating an innovative and adaptive culture.


2. Integration of AI-powered tools in university administrative tasks: perspectives of academics

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into university administrative tasks has sparked both academic agreement and disagreement. This debate concerns the potential benefits and challenges of adopting AI-powered tools to streamline various administrative processes.

2.1 Agreement

Proponents of AI integration in university administration highlight several advantages that could enhance efficiency and productivity. One key argument is the potential for AI to automate routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing administrative staff to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their roles. This, they argue, could lead to a significant reduction in human error and increase overall operational efficiency [7].

Furthermore, AI-powered tools have the potential to analyse large datasets quickly, facilitating data-driven decision-making in areas such as admissions, enrolment management and resource allocation. This analytical capability is valuable for universities seeking to make informed, strategic decisions that align with their goals [8, 9].

In the context of student services, Duan et al. [10] stated that AI tools can provide personalised assistance, ranging from academic advising to student support services. Chatbots equipped with natural language processing capabilities can offer timely responses to student queries, enhancing student experience.

Financial considerations also come into play, as proponents argue that the initial investment in AI technology can lead to long-term cost savings through increased efficiency and reduced administrative workload. This, they assert, allows universities to allocate resources more effectively and invest in other critical areas, such as research and faculty development [11].

2.2 Disagreement

Despite the possible advantages, sceptical have doubts and worries regarding the extensive use of AI in university management. The fear of losing one’s employment is a significant topic of dispute. Opponents contend that using AI to automate administrative activities could result in job redundancies, impacting administrative staff members’ livelihoods [12].

Concerns about ethics and privacy are also significant points of contention. When AI is used, enormous volumes of sensitive data are handled, which raises concerns about data security, confidentiality and the possibility of bias in algorithms used to make decisions. Before AI is widely used, academics stress the significance of developing solid ethical standards and security safeguards to allay these worries [13].

Furthermore, there are concerns regarding AI technologies’ adaptability and user-friendliness. According to sceptics, the learning curve of new technology might make it more challenging to incorporate AI seamlessly into current administrative procedures. Adoption of AI may encounter pushback from faculty and staff if changes upset established workflows [14].

Nonetheless, there is a complicated interaction of viewpoints in the discussion around integrating AI-powered tools into university administrative responsibilities. Supporters draw attention to the potential for increased productivity, data-driven decision-making and improved student services; detractors raise issues with job displacement, privacy and the flexibility of AI systems. Universities navigating the rapidly changing world of learning technology must balance utilising AI’s benefits and attending to these justifiable concerns [13].


3. Conceptual model: the spectrum of academic perspectives on AI integration in university learning system

3.1 Agreement spectrum

Scholars who enthusiastically support and welcome the use of AI-powered tools in learning system tasks. They think AI has much to offer universities regarding possible advantages, efficiency gains and resource optimisation.

Academics who embrace AI integration pragmatically and approach it with a more measured and pragmatic attitude are those who recognise its benefits. They favour its implementation when AI proves beneficial and improves education without detaching the human element.

Though willing to investigate AI integration, open-minded explorers wait to make a firm endorsement until they have more data, study and real-world applications. Although they are open to the idea, they are somewhat sceptical once the benefits are demonstrated [15].

3.2 Disagreement spectrum

Academics who are sceptics regarding using AI in teaching and learning tasks likewise harbour misgivings and concerns. Concerns about potential biases in AI systems, ethical issues or job displacement might be on their minds. They think that until these issues are sufficiently resolved, we should continue to take a cautious approach.

Scholars vehemently disagree with the incorporation of AI and support the preservation of conventional techniques. They contend that when it comes to some parts of academic decision-making, human touch, experience, and judgement are irreplaceable. Academics emphasise issues with algorithmic unfairness, data privacy and the possible abuse of AI in administrative decision-making as the ethical foundation for their disagreement. Before any integration occurs, they need strict ethical guidelines and protections [16].

3.3 Connecting threads

Figure 1 illustrates how the degree of acceptance or rejection frequently depends on the availability of solid data and research demonstrating the benefits of integrating AI into academic administration and instruction. To find common ground, supporters and opponents must communicate effectively. A more balanced strategy can be formed via constructive communication, addressing issues and exchanging insights. To allay worries and guarantee responsible deployment, it is imperative to establish explicit ethical standards and frameworks for the application of AI.

Figure 1.

Conceptual model of AI connecting threads.

This conceptual model acknowledges the range of viewpoints within academia concerning the integration of AI-powered tools for teaching and learning activities in academic settings.


4. Personalised student learning experiences through AI: enhancing education for the future

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a transformational force in educational settings in recent years, with many benefits that reach deep into the core of academic experiences. The ability of AI to tailor student learning experiences to individual needs, strengths and learning styles is one of the most exciting developments in education. This method conforms to the changing expectations of academics on using AI in the classroom and creates a more dynamic and productive learning environment [16].


5. Advantages of tailored education for students

5.1 Tailored learning routes

AI-powered systems can generate customised learning routes by analysing individual students’ performance data and preferences. This maximises comprehension and retention by ensuring students receive knowledge in a format that best fits their learning styles and is delivered promptly.

AI-driven tests have the ability to change their difficulty level and provide instant feedback in real time in response to a student’s answer. This adaptive exam helps students grasp concepts more deeply and enables teachers to pinpoint and help each student’s areas of difficulty [14].

Teachers can provide customised instruction to students of different skill levels in the same classroom because of personalisation. In order to satisfy each student’s unique needs, AI technologies can suggest various materials, tasks and evaluations, promoting a more inclusive learning environment.

AI makes self-paced learning experiences easier, enabling students to move through the content at a speed that works for their schedules and skills. This adaptability fosters a sense of independence and accountability for one’s education while accommodating a range of learning velocities.

AI can give prompt, helpful feedback on tasks, projects and evaluations. This quick feedback loop helps students learn more effectively by helping them recognise their errors, fix them and keep getting better. Through ongoing data analysis, AI can recognise early indicators of learning gaps or academic difficulties. This makes it possible for teachers to step in quickly, providing extra help to pupils with difficulties and halting the progression of any learning gaps [17].


6. Expectations of academics in AI usage in classroom activities

Academics anticipate that AI will simplify repetitive chores related to teaching and learning, freeing them up to concentrate more on individualised education, mentorship and developing creative and captivating learning opportunities. Time that might otherwise be spent on essential student interactions is freed up by automating administrative tasks such as attendance monitoring and grading. Teachers hope AI will enable them to get practical insights from data analysis. Teachers can improve the overall quality of education by using student performance data to influence decisions about curriculum design, instructional tactics and resource allocation [18].

Academics should consider using AI to create platforms and tools that simplify altering lesson plans and assignments. This personalisation helps educators create specialised learning environments that meet their pupils’ varied needs and interests. AI tools are anticipated to make it easier for parents, students and instructors to collaborate and communicate. A more cohesive and encouraging learning community can be created with improved communication channels, online collaborative areas and AI-driven insights [19].

Academics emphasise the significance of moral AI practices in teaching. People anticipate transparent, bias-free and inclusively designed AI systems. For academics to embrace AI in the classroom, the algorithms must refrain from reinforcing or magnifying existing disparities. To stay current with the latest developments in artificial intelligence and educational technology, instructors should consider pursuing professional development opportunities and continuous training before implementing all these critical changes. Academics can maximise the benefits of AI technologies for student learning by integrating them into their teaching practices through continuous learning.

Furthermore, the individualised learning experiences that AI enables for students mark a paradigm change in the field of education, meeting the demands of scholars for a more effective, data-driven and student-centred method of instruction. For the benefit of students everywhere, the partnership between educators and AI promises to form an increasingly influential, flexible and inclusive educational environment as technology advances [17].

Teachers’ perspectives on individualised learning with artificial intelligence (AI) in underdeveloped technical environments are varied, considering both the opportunities and difficulties of introducing such cutting-edge technologies in settings with inadequate infrastructure. The following are some viewpoints that teachers may have:

6.1 Educators’ perspectives on personalised learning with AI in technology-disadvantaged areas: challenges and concerns

Teachers may voice worries about students’ access to devices and internet connectivity in places with limited technology resources. Personalised learning frequently uses digital tools and online platforms, which can be problematic in places with differences in technology access. It is possible that educators should be more concerned with their own and their students’ technological literacy. To effectively integrate AI-powered technologies into their teaching practices, educators may require additional training and a certain level of technological expertise [19].

It is possible to worry about making already-existing disparities worse. The educational divide could grow if confident kids can access AI-powered personalised learning tools while others do not. When using technology in underserved communities, it is imperative to ensure equity and inclusion.

6.2 Possible advantages

Teachers might know how AI might give kids with different learning needs individualised support. AI solutions can adjust to each learner’s unique learning style and provide focused support to close educational gaps.

AI-powered personalised learning promises resource optimisation, freeing teachers to concentrate on areas that need more excellent care while technology takes care of regular teaching duties. This can be especially helpful in settings with limited resources. Students’ acquisition of twenty-first century abilities, such as digital literacy, problem-solving and critical thinking, can be aided by AI integration. Teachers might value getting their kids ready for a world with more advanced technology.

6.3 Techniques for putting education front and centre in technologically disadvantaged areas

Steps should be taken to improve these conditions in locations with limited device access and dependable internet connectivity. In order to solve these infrastructural issues, public-private partnerships (PPPs), government programmes and community involvement can be significant.

6.4 Empowerment and community engagement

It is critical to include parents and the neighbourhood in the educational process. Even in places with limited access to technology, families can be empowered to assist their children’s education through workshops, training sessions and awareness campaigns.

It is critical to implement tech solutions that can work in low-tech settings. In places with inadequate access to technology, personalised learning can be made possible by investigating mobile applications, offline resources and other creative strategies [20].

6.5 Teacher training and professional development

To improve teachers’ technological literacy, it is crucial to give them continual training and assistance. Programmes for professional development can give educators the tools they need to incorporate AI-powered resources successfully.

6.6 Policies and assistance from the government

Policies that emphasise the use of technology in education can be put into place by governments and educational authorities, especially in underprivileged areas. The quality of education can be significantly impacted by funding and support for curriculum creation, teacher preparation and technology infrastructure.

6.7 Public-private partnerships

Working with tech companies via PPPs can help underserved areas of technology by providing resources, knowledge and creative solutions. These collaborations can help create and implement specialised educational technology solutions.

Stated differently, although educators in under-technologicalized regions might be apprehensive about integrating AI-powered personalised learning, noteworthy prospects exist for noteworthy benefits. Education can be promoted by strategies prioritising teacher preparation, community involvement, infrastructure development and supportive legislation. This will guarantee that all children, irrespective of their technological surroundings, have access to high-quality, customised learning experiences.


7. Empowering education through AI: facilitating data-driven decision-making in teaching and research

Data-driven decision-making has emerged as a potent tool for educators to improve teaching efficacy and make significant contributions to research in the constantly changing field of education. Through data-driven insights, educators can make well-informed decisions, customise instruction to meet the requirements of specific students and forward research goals. This essay explores how teachers and researchers may support data-driven decision-making.

7.1 Instructional environments

Real-time awareness of student comprehension can be gained by routinely gathering and evaluating formative assessment data. Teachers might modify their pedagogical approaches in light of this information to better meet their students’ unique requirements and difficulties. Teachers can identify each student’s strengths and weaknesses using personalised feedback from assessment data. Thanks to this tailored feedback, students can comprehend their success and areas for growth, which creates a more flexible learning environment.

These days, learning analytics-capable educational technology platforms provide helpful information on student performance, engagement and learning trends. Teachers can use these insights to modify the curriculum, change the pace and pinpoint children who are in danger and may require more assistance. Additionally, data are used by adaptive learning platforms to design customised learning pathways for students. Educators can guarantee that every student obtains a customised learning experience that aligns with their needs and skills by monitoring individual development and making content adaptations depending on performance.

7.2 Early intervention techniques

Students’ patterns of learning gaps can be found through data analysis. Teachers can address these gaps early on and stop them from worsening by using targeted interventions such as extra resources, remedial sessions or customised instruction. Predictive analytics models may be used to identify kids at risk of falling behind. Teachers can take proactive measures to support kids experiencing academic or socio-emotional difficulties by examining a variety of indications [21].

7.3 Research settings

The development of research questions can benefit from data analysis. Educators can formulate hypotheses and study objectives using available data to discover trends, patterns or knowledge gaps. Educators can perform fundamental data analysis before undertaking large-scale research to determine their research questions’ viability and possible impact. Thanks to this iterative approach, research activities are concentrated and aligned with educational objectives [7].

7.4 Design and execution of experiments

Experiment parameters can be refined with the help of data-driven insights. Educators can ensure that their study is rigorous and yields significant results by optimising their research design through the analysis of pilot data or small-scale experimentation. Educators can use data to pinpoint essential variables to measure their research. This guarantees that the research gathers complete and pertinent data, which advances our understanding of the educational phenomenon being studied [7].

7.5 Data-driven publication strategies

Teachers can choose which journals to submit their manuscripts to by looking at impact factors and publication trends. Educators may optimise sharing their study findings by carefully selecting publications with a large readership and impact. Research publications have a more significant impact when they use effective data visualisation. Educators can help readers understand and become more engaged by using data visualisation tools to communicate facts clearly and appealingly.

7.6 Cross-cutting techniques

Teachers can receive the necessary skills in data literacy through data literacy training. Effective data collection, analysis and interpretation are abilities that educators must possess. The data literacy of educators can be improved through workshops, courses and chances for continuous professional development.

However, working with experts or data scientists can increase the influence of data-driven decision-making. The knowledge of experts in data analysis can be beneficial to educators, providing them with more complex and nuanced views.

7.7 Moral aspects to take into account

Teachers need to put student privacy and research participant data protection first. Robust data protection protocols, informed permission and adherence to ethical standards are essential components of responsible data-driven decision-making. Transparency about the use of data is something that educators should uphold in both teaching and research contexts. Trust is developed among students, coworkers and the larger educational community when it is communicated how data influences decisions.

Data-driven decision-making has the potential to completely transform education by improving instructional strategies and generating influential research. Teachers can use data to discover areas for improvement, personalise learning and expand the body of knowledge in their subject. Teachers have a critical role in determining the direction of education by adopting data-driven practices and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement [22].


8. To create a more dynamic and responsive academic ecosystem that remains at the forefront of educational innovation and promotes inclusiveness, institutions can implement the following strategies

Dynamic and captivating learning environments can be produced through interactive learning platforms, virtual classrooms and online collaboration tools. To ensure that all students can take advantage of digital resources, give faculty members the assistance and training they need to incorporate technology into their teaching strategies successfully.

8.1 Encourage an innovative culture

Promote a culture that rewards creativity and innovation. Create avenues for staff, students and teachers to collaborate on creative projects. Establish innovation hubs or centres to facilitate research, experimentation and the creation of novel teaching strategies.

8.2 Put into practice adaptable curriculum framework

Provide a curriculum that is adaptable and flexible to different learning styles, inclinations and speeds. Permit students to select courses and learning pathways based on their interests and professional aspirations. Use multi-disciplinary methods to solve practical issues while encouraging teamwork and critical thinking.

8.3 Utilise data to make well-informed decisions

Use data analytics to monitor student satisfaction, engagement and performance. Utilise this information to pinpoint areas in need of development, tailor lessons to the needs of each student and offer early interventions to struggling students. Examine demographic information to ensure the programme is inclusive and to find and fix inequalities in academic performance.

8.4 Encourage cooperative education

Create a cooperative learning atmosphere that promotes group work and peer engagement. Teamwork, a sense of community and a diversity of ideas are all fostered via collaborative learning. Use technology-enabled collaboration solutions to promote inclusivity and break geographical barriers by facilitating communication and group work.

8.5 Set priorities development of faculty

Invest in your academic members’ ongoing professional development and instruct staff on the newest teaching techniques, educational tools and classroom promotion tactics. Faculty members should be encouraged to publish their findings and research cutting-edge teaching techniques to enhance the institution’s standing as an educational leader.

8.6 Make inclusive learning environments

Ensure all students, including those with impairments, have access to physical and virtual learning environments. Make sure that tools, online courses and classrooms are inclusively created. Provide a network of support for kids with a range of needs by providing resources, including counselling, tutoring and adjustments for accessibility.

8.7 Form collaborations and partnerships

Encourage collaborations with businesses, other academic institutions and neighbourhood associations. Collaborative projects expose students to various viewpoints and give education a real-world context. Engage in cooperative research initiatives, exchange schemes and internships to enhance the academic experience and equip students for the intricacies of the global labour market.

8.8 Encourage a student-centric perspective

Place the students at the centre of the learning process. Use focus groups, questionnaires and student involvement on committees to frequently collect feedback about your students’ needs and preferences. Provide a system of support for students that addresses their emotional, social and academic needs to help them feel engaged and significant.

8.9 Ongoing assessment and enhancement

Build a robust AI-driven system to evaluate courses, instruction and institutional policies continuously. Make informed decisions and adapt to changing learning environments with the help of feedback and data. Encourage a culture of continuous development whereby the company searches for fresh, creative approaches to increase the calibre and relevance of its training.

By putting these concepts into reality, educational institutions may remain at the forefront of educational innovation while creating a more adaptable and dynamic academic ecosystem that actively supports diversity and meets various learning needs. This plan ensures that the school can keep up with the evolving needs of the students and prepares them for success in a world that is changing swiftly [17].


9. Addressing potential ethical issues that arises from integrating AI into education

While there are many chances to improve learning experiences when artificial intelligence (AI) is integrated into education, there are also ethical issues that must be carefully considered. Among the possible moral dilemmas are:

Fairness and bias: AI systems may inherit biases from the training data, leading to biased outcomes that affect pupils according to socioeconomic position, gender or race. This problem can be lessened by putting in place rigorous procedures for data validation and cleaning, using a variety of datasets and routinely checking AI systems for bias. Fairness and diversity should be given top priority in ethical norms.

Privacy issues: AI frequently requires gathering and examining enormous volumes of student data. Inadequate protection of sensitive information can result in misuse or unauthorised access, making privacy infringement dangerous. Obtain informed consent, anonymize data, create strong data protection policies and abide by privacy laws (such as family educational rights and privacy act (FERPA) and general data protection regulation (GDPR)). It is essential to communicate openly about data usage with parents, teachers and students.

Explainability and transparency: AI algorithms, particularly those used in machine learning, can be difficult to understand and intricate. Decisions that are difficult to grasp might become ‘black box’ problems due to a lack of openness and explainability. Enhancing trust and understanding can be achieved through emphasising transparency in algorithmic decision-making, giving explicit explanations for suggestions or assessments provided by AI and incorporating parents, teachers and students in the development process.

Equity in access: Inequalities in schooling can be made worse by unequal access to technology. Students who do not have as much access to AI-powered resources as their peers might be at a disadvantage. It is imperative to guarantee equitable access to technology, especially in impoverished communities. To close the digital divide, policymakers, educators and software developers must work together.

Decision-making accountability: When AI systems make choices that affect students’ academic careers, accountability issues arise. It could be difficult to determine who is responsible for mistakes. The responsible use of AI in education can be ensured by putting in place explicit accountability structures, involving humans in crucial decision-making processes and creating appeal and redress channels.

Depersonalisation of education: If AI is used too much, it could result in a depersonalised learning environment where students require more individualised attention and important human interactions. It is crucial to strike a balance between preserving human ties and integrating AI. AI should not be seen as a replacement for human interaction in education, but rather as a helpful tool that allows for customised learning.

AI in education raises concerns about job displacement for teachers because it may allow automated systems to replace some teaching responsibilities. Reassuring people that AI is designed to support educators rather than take their place can allay fears. Programmes for professional development can equip teachers to work efficiently using AI tools in collaboration.

Security risks: Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are susceptible to cyberattacks, which could result in student data breaches or interfere with instructional procedures. To protect against security concerns, it is crucial to implement strong cyber security measures, conduct frequent system audits and give administrators and instructors cyber security training [17].

Long-term effect on learning: It is important to evaluate how AI will affect students’ ability to think critically, improve their cognitive abilities and be creative in the long run. This issue can be addressed by prioritising a balanced approach that incorporates both AI and conventional teaching approaches, integrating educators in the evaluation process, and doing continuing research on the educational implications of AI.

Ethical AI education: If ethical AI use is not taught in schools, students may misuse AI tools unknowingly or inadvertently. Students who comprehend the consequences of AI in education can be produced by addressing the integration of ethical AI education into school curricula, educating educators on responsible AI use and cultivating an ethically conscious culture [13].

In order to address these ethical issues, educators, legislators, technology developers and the general public must work together. For ethical AI integration into education to be implemented responsibly, it is imperative to establish transparent norms and give fairness and inclusivity first priority. The advantages of AI in education can be maximised while lowering any potential ethical hazards with the help of regular assessments, feedback loops and a dedication to continuing ethical discussions. OpenAI, 2024. Large-scale language model ChatGPT (3.5). OpenAI Chat https://chat


10. Some potential biases that faculty members should be aware of when using AI in the classroom

It is important for instructors to be aware of any potential biases in AI systems when they employ them in the classroom. These prejudices could unintentionally have an impact on pupils, grades and the general educational process. The following are some possible biases to be aware of:

Algorithmic bias: Preexisting biases in the training data may be inherited by AI algorithms. An AI system may reinforce and magnify biases if the historical data it was trained on is biased. It may lead to unfair results, giving some student groups less of an advantage due to things like socio-economic class, gender or colour. Verify and audit AI algorithms on a regular basis for bias. While training, make use of representative and heterogeneous datasets. Put in place fairness-aware algorithms that give equitable results priority.

Cultural bias: AI systems may reproduce cultural biases seen in the data, which could result in instructional content that is less sensitive to or relevant to other cultures. The information may not be as inclusive or relatable to some cultural groups, which could hinder learning and participation. Make sure that teams creating material are diverse. Verify the instructional content’s sensitivity to and inclusion of different cultures. Include a range of viewpoints in datasets used for AI training.

Gender bias: Due to social assumptions or disparities in historical data, AI systems may display gender bias. Gender stereotypes may be reinforced if it leads to kids having different chances or expectations based on their gender. Examine comments and material carefully for gender neutrality. Ensure that all students, regardless of gender, receive fair treatment by routinely evaluating and modifying algorithms.

Socio-economic bias: AI systems may unintentionally maintain gaps in educational achievements if they are trained on data that reflects socioeconomic prejudices. There may be obstacles or prejudices that lower socio-economic backgrounds students must overcome in order to maximise their learning potential. Adopt strategies that are tailored to the requirements of pupils from various socio-economic backgrounds. To reduce socio-economic prejudices, algorithms should be regularly evaluated and adjusted.

Language bias: Due to biases in training data, AI systems may favour particular dialects or linguistic styles over others. AI-powered technologies may make it difficult for students from diverse linguistic backgrounds or skill levels to comprehend or express themselves. Make sure the training datasets are linguistically diverse. Use language models that are flexible and mindful of many dialects and linguistic styles.

Accessibility bias: Unintentionally favouring particular learning formats or styles, AI systems may exclude students who have particular accessibility needs. Participating in AI-driven activities or gaining access to educational content may provide challenges for students with disabilities. Give accessibility top priority while developing and deploying AI solutions. Audit accessibility to make sure AI systems can meet a range of learning requirements.

Historical data bias: AI systems that have been trained on historical data may reinforce biases that are reflected in that data, such as discriminatory or inequitable past actions. Inadvertent perpetuation of past prejudices could result in unequal chances or treatment for particular student populations. Update training data frequently to reflect prevailing social norms and values. Put procedures in place to recognise and address biases in historical data.

Involvement bias: Unintentionally favouring particular learning styles or behaviours might cause AI systems monitoring student involvement to produce biased evaluations of student participation. It is possible that students with diverse communication or learning styles will receive unjust evaluations. Put in place inclusive and diverse engagement metrics. In order to prevent favouring particular learning types, take into account a variety of engagement and comprehension markers.

In order to overcome prejudices, faculty members should actively assess and monitor AI systems, work with tech developers to eliminate biases and promote moral AI practices in educational environments. To guarantee that AI in the classroom fosters justice, inclusivity and equal opportunity for all students, awareness and proactive measures are crucial [13].

11. Use of generative AI

A kind of artificial intelligence called ‘generative AI’ uses patterns found in existing data to create new content, frequently text, graphics or other media. Applications for generative AI can be found in many different fields, demonstrating the technology’s capacity for creativity, invention and problem-solving. Here are a few noteworthy applications of generative AI:

  1. Creation of content:

    1. Generating AI is able to produce text, images and videos that are realistic and cohesive by identifying patterns from vast datasets.

    2. Applications: Text generation: Composing poetry, essays or even conversation for computer games.

    3. Producing lifelike representations of inexistent objects or scenes is known as picture synthesis.

  2. Creative arts and design: Innovative compositions, artworks and designs are created in the creative arts through the application of generative AI.

    1. Applications: Creating original artwork, such as paintings, sculptures or digital art.

    2. Making original music or coming up with melodies is known as music composition.

  3. Chatbots and virtual assistants: Conversational agents are powered by conversational AI, which comprehends and produces responses that resemble those of a human.

    1. Applications: Customer support: Offering instantaneous help and automated responses.

    2. Personal assistants: Using speech recognition to carry out tasks.

  4. Video game design: Synopsis: Using generative AI, video game content may be made more dynamic and adaptable.

    1. Applications: Procedural content generation: Creating situations, game levels and characters.

    2. Creating branching tales according to player decisions is known as narrative generation.

  5. Medical image synthesis: To create synthetic images for machine learning model training, medical imaging uses generative AI.

    1. Applications: Adding more medical photos to increase the variety of training datasets is known as data augmentation.

    2. Simulation: Creating plausible medical situations in order to provide instruction.

  6. Language translation: Coherent and contextually correct translations are produced through the application of generative AI in language translation.

    1. Applications: Enabling smooth communication between speakers of several languages through the use of cross-language technology.

    2. Translation services: Improving language translation’s accuracy and speed.

  7. Code generation: Using high-level instructions as a guide, generative AI can help create code fragments or even whole programmes.

    1. Uses:

      1. Auto-completion: Provides code snippets to programmers to help them while they work.

      2. Code synthesis is the process of creating code from specifications in natural language.

  8. Content summarisation: Long texts can be condensed and coherently summarised by generative AI.

    1. Uses:

      1. News articles: Condensing news stories for rapid reading.

      2. Document summarisation is the process of reducing long papers to make them easier to read.

  9. Fashion design: To create original designs and forecast future trends, generative AI is applied in the fashion industry.

    1. Uses:

      1. Inventive and ground-breaking fashion designs serve as inspiration for designers.

      2. Customisation: Creating unique clothes designs according to personal tastes.

  10. Scientific inquiry: By producing ideas, simulating experiments or analysing large, complicated datasets, generative AI supports scientific inquiry.

    1. Uses:

      1. Creating molecular structures for possible medications is known as drug discovery.

      2. Building models for scientific studies is known as simulation modelling.

The uses of generative AI are expected to grow as it develops further, opening up new avenues for anything from scientific research and healthcare to creative and entertainment industries. The ethical and appropriate application of generative AI is still vital to address potential biases and societal repercussions, even though it offers great benefits [10].

12. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into learning management systems (LMS)

There are numerous advantages of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with learning management systems (LMS), which improve the quality of education for students and teachers alike. Here are a few main benefits:

Personalised learning: AI can customise content and activities to match each learner’s preferences, learning styles and performance statistics, resulting in a personalised learning environment. Students receive individualised instruction that targets both their areas of strength and weakness, increasing comprehension and engagement.

Learning routes that are dynamically adjusted by AI algorithms in response to students’ success guarantee that they are suitably challenged. This is known as adaptive learning paths. By moving at their own speed, students avoid becoming bored or frustrated and are encouraged to keep becoming better.

Predictive analytics: AI can evaluate data to forecast academic achievement and spot possible problems or areas in which help might be needed. Teachers are able to optimise their teaching tactics, proactively address learning gaps and offer timely help.

Automated grading and assessment: AI-driven solutions have the capacity to automatically grade assignments and tests, giving students immediate feedback. Lessens the administrative load on teachers, enabling them to concentrate on more intricate facets of instruction.

Natural language processing (NLP): With NLP in AI, chatbots and virtual assistants may converse in natural language and offer learners immediate assistance, improves responsiveness, accessibility and help availability, fostering a more encouraging learning environment.

Data-driven insights: AI is capable of analysing large amounts of data to produce useful insights about learning trends, student performance and engagement. Teachers get important knowledge that helps them make wise decisions, enhance their teaching methods and maximise the curriculum.

Content recommendation: Based on each student’s interests and learning background, AI algorithms can recommend pertinent reading materials, websites and activities. It enhances learning, promotes experimentation and aids students in finding more material that is relevant to their interests.

Effective resource allocation: AI is capable of optimising the use of educational resources, such as budgetary allocation, classroom utilisation and faculty time. It guarantees a financially responsible learning environment, optimises resource utilisation and improves operational efficiency.

Routine administrative chores, including scheduling, enrolment and record-keeping, can be handled by AI for automated administrative chores. It lessens the administrative burden on teachers so they may concentrate on instruction and strategic planning [23].

13. Conclusion

AI has a significant impact on the education industry. Even though it helps with many academic and administrative activities and improves education, its worries regarding security, privacy, ethical considerations and the choice of learning resources should not be disregarded. Even in institutions with technology issues, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into teaching and learning can drastically change educational methods. While there are special issues when integrating AI capabilities into a university that is underperforming in its teaching programme, academics can effectively navigate this process by grasping the underlying concepts and using calculated strategies. When integrating AI into teaching and learning in a university that is lagging behind, academics should be aware of and take the following crucial insights and actions. Scholars ought to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the university’s existing IT setup. To ascertain whether AI integration is compatible, be aware of the hardware, software and internet connectivity that are available.

Acknowledge the unique technological limitations and difficulties faced by the university, such as restricted access to fast internet, obsolete technology or a dearth of technical assistance.

Clearly state the purposes and goals of AI integration as it relates to education. This can entail enhancing educational objectives, raising student involvement or simplifying administrative procedures. Determine the areas with the most potential for AI influence, taking into account resource limitations. This could entail emphasising data-driven decision-making in academic planning, automated assessment systems or adaptive learning platforms. Provide faculty members with thorough programmes in AI literacy. Make sure teachers are knowledgeable on the fundamentals of artificial intelligence (AI), how to use it in the classroom and how to incorporate AI technologies into their lesson plans.

Encourage academics, technologists and educational researchers to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries. The exchange of best practices and creative solutions can be encouraged by this cooperative approach. Seek AI solutions that can be tailored to the unique circumstances of the underperforming university. Seek for adaptable platforms that can take into account differences in educational objectives and technical infrastructure. Take into consideration integrating AI in stages or incrementally. Begin with pilot projects, evaluate their effects and then progressively expand them in light of positive results and lessons discovered.

Stress how crucial it is for AI algorithms and decision-making procedures to be transparent. Faculty members ought to be conscious of potential biases, ethical issues and the necessity of accountability and fairness in AI applications. Put strong data security procedures in place to protect the privacy of students. Make sure data usage adheres to ethical standards and that AI tools meet privacy requirements. Give inclusiveness in AI applications top priority. Take into account a variety of student demographics and make sure AI technologies accommodate varying learning preferences, aptitudes and cultural contexts.

Establish precise measurements to evaluate the effects of integrating AI. This can entail raising engagement levels, raising student achievement or increasing administrative process efficiency. Get input from educators, learners and other stakeholders on a regular basis. Utilise these comments to pinpoint problem areas, resolve issues and enhance AI deployments. Use an iterative process while integrating AI. Handle it as a continuous process of improvement, being willing to modify tactics in response to changing requirements and developments in technology.

Seek the leadership’s assistance in promoting AI integration programmes at the university. A culture that supports experimentation and growth can be established by a top-down commitment to innovation. Engage the academic community in conversations around the integration of AI. Encourage knowledge and comprehension of the advantages and difficulties of using AI in the classroom. Encourage faculty members to participate in peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Promote the exchange of AI integration best practices, insights and experiences. Prepare for probable obstacles that may arise during the integration of AI and create backup strategies. This could entail fixing technical issues, offering more faculty assistance or modifying plans of action in response to changing conditions. Put strong cyber security measures in place to protect against such dangers. In AI applications, maintaining system security and data integrity is essential.

Demonstrate effective AI applications at the university. Honour the accomplishments of the faculty, the creative methods of instruction and the gains in student performance brought about by the incorporation of AI. Talk about your accomplishments with the larger educational community. Engage in publications, conferences and cooperative networks to increase awareness of the university’s artificial intelligence programmes.

Investigate working together with AI-focused research universities and partners in the industry. Collaborate on projects together, pool resources and take advantage of outside knowledge to improve AI applications in education. Academics at a university that is falling behind can incorporate AI into their teaching and learning processes, resulting in better educational outcomes, increased innovation and increased inclusivity across the academic community by adopting these concepts and taking calculated action. It necessitates a deliberate, cooperative and flexible strategy that takes into account the particular opportunities and problems present by the university.

14. Recommendation

  1. A certain amount of AI technology must be used in teaching and learning to preserve human cognition.

  2. Training should be provided to educators and students before implementing AI technology.

  3. The other issues with AI in education that need to be investigated can be researched.

  4. Comparable research in different parts of the nation is possible.


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Written By

Ogunlade B. Olusola, Bahago S. Benedict and Shotayo E. Olusola

Submitted: 23 January 2024 Reviewed: 17 February 2024 Published: 04 April 2024