Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST

Matrices with a Diagonal Commutator

Written By

Armando Martínez-Pérez and Gabino Torres-Vega

Submitted: 22 September 2023 Reviewed: 19 October 2023 Published: 21 February 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003770

Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory and Applications IntechOpen
Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory... Edited by Peter Chen

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Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory and Applications [Working Title]

Dr. Peter Chen, Dr. Victor Eduardo Martinez-Luaces and Associate Prof. Muhammad Shahzad Nazir

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It is well known that there are no two matrices with a diagonal commutator. However, the commutator can behave as if it is diagonal when acting on a particular vector. We discuss pairs of matrices that give rise to a diagonal commutator when applied to a given arbitrary vector. Some properties of these matrices are discussed. These matrices have additional, continuous eigenvalues and eigenvectors than the dimension of the matrix, and their inverse also has this property. Some of these matrices are discrete approximations of the derivative and integration of a function and are exact for the exponential function. We also determine the adjoint of the obtained discrete derivative.


  • commutator between matrices
  • pair of matrices with diagonal commutator
  • exact finite differences derivative
  • exact finite differences integration
  • matrices as discrete operators

1. Introduction

Let us consider the matrices that shift the entries of a vector. The usual matrix that cyclically shifts the entries of a vector to the left is


Given an arbitrary vector h=h1h2hNTC, hj0, the action of R1 on this vector results in


There is also a matrix that shifts the entries of a vector to the right, the matrix with the lower diagonal entries different from zero.

But, we can also use a diagonal matrix to rotate to the left the entries of the vector h, in particular. The action of the diagonal matrix


on h is R2h=h2h3hNh1T. It is also possible to perform a cyclic rotation to the right. The action of this matrix on another vector is only to rescale its entries.

Combining the above ideas gives rise to a third type of shifting matrix. There is a non-diagonal matrix that acts like an identity matrix for the particular vector h:


We have that R3h=h. The eigenvalues of this matrix are the same as those of R1, the N roots of unity: λn=ei2πn/N, n=0,1,2,,N1, and h is the eigenvector that corresponds to the eigenvalue λ0=1.

Other special matrices are the matrices that admit a continuous eigenvalue, besides the usual constant eigenvalues. For instance, the matrix


has eigenvalues q11,12q22+q33z,12q22+q33+z, and the corresponding eigenvectors are


where, z=4q23q32+q22q332. These are the only eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The eigenvalues are fixed quantities and depend on the fixed entries of the matrix. However, the matrix


has eigenvalues 0, τ, v1τv1v2 with corresponding eigenvectors


where the eigenvalue τ is independent of vj, and viceversa, and it is a continuous variable.

There is the usual procedure to obtain a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors [1]. But if the entries of a matrix contain variables, we can solve the eigenvalue set of simultaneous equations now for the entries of the matrix, obtaining additional continuous eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Now, in general, there are no two matrices that have a diagonal commutator [2], that is, proportional to the identity matrix. We use the above facts about matrices to define two matrices with a diagonal commutator when applied to an arbitrary vector h. One of the obtained matrices corresponds to a finite differences derivation of a function, exact for the exponential function.


2. The matrices

There are many matrices with a diagonal commutator along a given direction, but we consider a simple set for simplicity.

We consider the pair of N×N, N, matrices A, with non-zero elements around and on the diagonal, and B, diagonal, of the form


both matrices with complex entries.

A straightforward calculation yields the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A,


whose solutions are




The corresponding eigenvectors are a bit complicated to write them down here, but, for instance, for dimension four, the eigenvalues are a11,a22+a33z/2,a22+a33+z/2, and the corresponding eigenvectors are




These eigenvalues are discrete and fixed and the eigenvectors are different between themselves.

Still, we can generate additional eigenvalues and eigenvectors by choosing the values of ajj. The eigenvalue equation Au=γu, γC, u=u1uNTCN, leads to a system of simultaneous equations which is now solved for the ajj’s with solutions


This solution set gives rise to a matrix that results in weighted differences between the entries of a vector, resembling a finite-differences derivative [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].

Now, the determinant of the matrix A is not zero; it is equal to


and then, we can compute its inverse in the usual way. We could find it with A1=detA1adjA, where the adj A is the adjugate of A, whose entries are given by 1i+jdetAji, where Aji is the minor obtained by deleting the jth row and ith column from A [1]. The inverse matrix A becomes


where w=aN1,N1aNNaN1,NaN,N1. When w vanishes, there is no inverse of the matrix A. This matrix resembles a discrete integration approximation over subintervals, with weight factors given by the matrix elements [3].

The usual eigenvectors are too complicated to write them here, but the complement eigenvector v=v1v2vNT, with eigenvalue τ, is obtained when the diagonal matrix elements are given as


We saw some properties of the general matrix A. Next, we analyze particular versions of this matrix.


3. The commutator between matrices A and B

The commutator between the matrices A and B results in


where Δj=bj+1bj is the difference between bj+1 and bj. This matrix is not diagonal; it does not depend on the diagonal elements of the matrix A, and it introduces the differences between adjacent diagonal elements of the matrix B. We can choose the values of aj,j+1 and aN,N1 to obtain the effect of a diagonal commutator when acting on the particular arbitrary vector h. This procedure can be applied to more general matrices A and B. Still, our choice of the form of matrices A and B is for the sake of simplicity and to define a two-point derivative matrix that satisfies the commutator relationship and has as eigenvector the exponential function.

We ask matrices A and B to comply with the requirement that


where h=h1h2hNTCN is an arbitrary complex vector of length N but with non-zero entries hj0. The requirement Eq. (26) leads to a system of simultaneous equations that are solved not for the vector h but for the entries of the matrixA. The resulting matrix is


which depends on h and α. With these matrices, the commutator becomes a permutation matrix with weights αhj/hj+1 or αhN/hN1,


This matrix performs two shifts when acting on the vector h. Since the matrix has only upper off-diagonal elements different from zero, there is a shift to the left. But the ratios hj/hj+1 shift back the vector. Then, the commutator is diagonal along the direction of h.

Now, we use another condition on Ac to determine its diagonal entries. The version of the matrix Ac that complies with the eigenvalue equation A˜cv=γv is


The action of this matrix on a vector g=g1g2gNTCN is


If we use power series expansions for the quotients hb/hb+Δ and vb+Δ/vb, at mesh points, we obtain


With these expansions, we obtain the small Δj expressions


Note that, since gj+1gj0 and gj+1gj/Δjgbj as Δj0, if we ask that γαvj/vj0, we would get αgbj from Eqs. (32) and (33) in the limit Δj0. Thus, if we make the choice vb=eγb/α, Eqs. (30) and (31) lead to finite difference approximations to the derivative when A acts on g. The right hand side of Eq. (33) becomes the finite differences derivative of gb at the boundary plus the boundary term γgN. Hereafter, we will use vb=eγb/α, and finite Δj.


4. The derivative matrix

With the choices hj=vj and vj=vbj=eγbj/α, the matrix α1A˜ becomes the derivative matrix


When the matrix D acts to the left on a vector fT=f1f2fNTCN, we obtain




which is the negative of a finite-differences approximation to the derivative of f. When Δj is small and using the exponential expansions eγΔj/α=1γΔjα+, we find that


When D is applied to the right to the vector g=g1gNT, we obtain




For small Δj, these equalities become


These approximations show that D is a derivation matrix, exact for the exponential function eγb/α for any value of Δj.

For instance, for dimension five, the eigenvalues of the derivative matrix D are γαγαγα1Δ1γα1Δ2γα1ΔN2, and the corresponding eigenvectors are


and the exponential function is an eigenfunction of the derivative matrix with eigenvalue γ/α.

The determinant of the derivative matrix D is


Therefore, as long as α,Δk,γ0, and αγΔk0, k=1,2,,N2, we can compute the inverse of D. For dimension 4×4, the inverse matrix is


When this matrix acts on a vector, the result is a collection of partial summations with weights given by its entries, an integration matrix. The eigenvalues of the inverse matrix are αγ,αγ,αΔ1αγΔ1,αΔ2αγΔ2 and the corresponding eigenvectors are


The exponential function eγb/α is an eigenvector of the inverse matrix (a finite differences integration matrix) with eigenvalue α/γ.

4.1 Summation by parts

A practical result is the summation by parts theorem (the discrete version of the continuous variable integration by parts theorem), the subject of this section.

We start by defining the summation matrix


The summation matrix S allows for determining the equality




is the boundary matrix, and


is the with continuous entries, adjoint of the discrete derivative matrix D. When this matrix acts on a vector f, we obtain a vector with entries


The small Δj limit of the boundary terms is


and, for the adjoint matrix D, we obtain


Thus, the adjoint matrix is a derivation minus a constant term.

For a matrix with dimension 4×4, for instance, the eigenvalues are 0 of multiplicity two, 1Δ2γα, and 1Δ3γα, and the eigenvectors are


and the complement, for arbitrary dimension, eigenvector is


with eigenvalue τC, and τ=1Δkγα, k=2,3,,N1, the complement of the regular eigenvalues.

The determinant of the matrix D vanishes, and then, there is no inverse matrix at all.

We arrived at a finite-differences derivative of a function that complies with the discrete versions of the properties that the continuous derivative has [16].

4.2 The upper diagonal matrix

The simplest case of matrices with diagonal commutator along the direction of h is obtained when the diagonal elements of the matrix A vanish, ajj=0. That matrix is


This matrix is also a cyclic shifting matrix to the left, with rescaling, in general, and only a rescaling matrix when acting on the vector h as if it were the matrix αdiagΔj1, with ΔN=ΔN1.

The eigenvalues of the matrix A2 are

λ=0with multiplicityN2,andλ±=±iαΔN1,E72

and the corresponding eigenvectors are


Additionally, there are N3, not well-defined vectors corresponding to the null eigenvalue with degeneracy N3. These eigenvectors give rise to a vector space of dimension three. However, if we just look for the solution of the simultaneous linear equations, there is another set of eigenvectors, the complement eigenvalue β, and the eigenvector v with entries—for dimension five—given by


with eigenvalue β=±iα/Δ4.

The determinant of the matrix A2 vanishes, and then, there is no inverse matrix at all.


5. Conclusion

We discussed several properties of matrices, namely, pairs of matrices with a diagonal commutator when applied to a given vector, exact finite-differences derivation and integration, and complement eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

These results are relevant in quantum mechanics theory, in which some operators have a discrete spectrum. Our scheme might be of interest in quantum gravity theory, too, because the space is quantized, and then a discrete derivative with respect to the length variable is needed [17, 18].



A. Martínez-Pérez would like to acknowledge the support from the UNAM Postdoctoral Program (POSDOC).


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Written By

Armando Martínez-Pérez and Gabino Torres-Vega

Submitted: 22 September 2023 Reviewed: 19 October 2023 Published: 21 February 2024