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On the Universal Realizability Problem: New Results

Written By

Ana I. Julio and Ricardo L. Soto

Submitted: 09 August 2023 Reviewed: 22 August 2023 Published: 13 June 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002910

Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory and Applications IntechOpen
Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory... Edited by Peter Chen

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Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in theory and Applications [Working Title]

Dr. Peter Chen, Dr. Victor Eduardo Martinez-Luaces and Associate Prof. Muhammad Shahzad Nazir

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Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of complex numbers. Λ is said to be realizable if there is a nonnegative matrix with spectrum Λ. The list Λ is said to be universally realizable UR if it is realizable for each possible Jordan canonical form JCF allowed by Λ. The problem of determining the universal realizability of Λ is called universal realizability problem URP. The first results concerning URP (formerly called nonnegative inverse elementary divisors problem) are due to H. Minc and they establish that if Λ is the spectrum of a diagonalizable positive matrix, then Λ is UR. In this chapter, we introduce new results that contain extensions of Minc’s results and that allow us to show the universal realizability of lists of complex numbers not positively realizable. We also prove new universal realizability criteria and structured universal realizability criteria.


  • nonnegative matrices
  • universal realizability problem
  • nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem
  • Jordan canonical form
  • realizability of spectra

1. Introduction

A list Λ=λ1λn of complex numbers (with repeats allowed) is said to be realizable if there is an n×n nonnegative matrix A whose spectrum is Λ. In this case, A is said to be a realizing matrix. It is well known that if A is a nonnegative matrix, then the spectral radius of A, ρA=max{λi, λi eigenvalue of A}, is an eigenvalue of A called its Perron eigenvalue. Throughout this chapter, if Λ=λ1λn is realizable, λ1 will be the Perron eigenvalue of the corresponding realizing matrix. The problem of determining the realizability of Λ is called Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (NIEP, see Ref. [1]). If the realizing matrix A is diagonalizable, we say that Λ is diagonalizably realizable (DR). A list Λ=λ1λn is universally realizable UR if it is realizable for every possible Jordan canonical form (JCF) allowed by Λ. The problem of determining the universal realizability of a list Λ of complex numbers is called universal realizability problem (URP) (formerly called Nonnegative Inverse Elementary Divisors Problem (NIEDP, see Ref. [2])). Both problems, the NIEP and the URP, have been completely solved only for lists of n4 complex numbers, which show the difficulty of both problems.

A matrix A=aij of order n is said to have constant row sums if all its rows sum up to the same constant α. We denote by CSα the set of all n×n real matrices with constant row sums equal to α. It is clear that any matrix in CSα has an eigenvector e=11T corresponding to the eigenvalue α. The relevance of the real matrices with constant row sums is due to the well-known fact that the problem of finding a nonnegative matrix with spectrum Λ=λ1λn, λ1 being the Perron eigenvalue, is equivalent to the problem of finding a nonnegative matrix in CSλ1 with spectrum Λ (see Ref. [3]). We define the kth moment of the list Λ to be skΛj=1nλjk, k=1,2,. It is clear that if Λ is the spectrum of a nonnegative matrix A, then skΛ=traceAk0, for k=1,2,. Moreover, we denote by ek the vector with one in the kth position and zeros elsewhere. Finally, we denote by Ei,j the matrix with 1 in position (i, j) and zero elsewhere, and we define the matrix E=iKEi,i+1,2n1.

The URP includes the NIEP and both problems are equivalent if the elements of Λ=λ1λn are distinct. Since 1949, many works on the NIEP have been published. In contrast, few works are known about URP. As far as we know, the first results concerning URP (formerly NIEDP) are due to H. Minc. In Refs. [4, 5], Minc studied the problem for nonnegative and doubly stochastic matrices. In particular, he proved the following theorem, which we write in terms of the URP as:

Theorem 1.1 Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of complex numbers. If Λ is diagonalizably positively realizable, then Λ is universally realizable.

It is clear that the diagonalizability condition is necessary, while the positivity condition is essential for the proof of Minc’s result. Minc set the question whether his result holds for nonnegative realizations. This question was open for almost 40 years. Recently, two extensions of Minc’s result have been obtained, which we will discuss in Section 2.

In what follows we will use the following results, some of which have been employed with success to obtain sufficient conditions for the NIEP and the URP to have a solution. The first two are perturbation results: the first one, due to Brauer [6], shows how to change one single eigenvalue of an n×n matrix without changing any of the remaining n−1 eigenvalues. The second result, due to R. Rado and published by Perfect in Ref. [7], is a generalization of Brauer’s result. It shows how to change r eigenvalues of an n×n matrix without changing any of the remaining nr eigenvalues. The third result, by Soto and Ccapa [8], shows how is the JCF of the Brauer perturbation A+vqT. Next two results are a symmetric version of Rado’s result [9] and a result, due to Laffey and Šmigoc [10], that solves the NIEP for left half-plane lists of complex numbers, that is, lists Λ=λ1λn with λ1>0, Reλi0, i=2,,n.

Theorem 1.2 [6] Let A be an n×n matrix with eigenvalues λ1,,λn. Let v=v1vnT be an eigenvector of A associated with the eigenvalue λk and let q be any n-dimensional vector. Then A+vqT has eigenvalues λ1,,λk1,λk+vTq,λk+1,,λn.

Theorem 1.3 [7] Let A be an n×n matrix with eigenvalues λ1,,λn. Let X=x1xr be such that rankX=r and Axi=λixi, i=1,,r, rn. Let C be an r×n matrix. Then A+XC has eigenvalues μ1,,μr,λr+1,,λn, where μ1,,μr are eigenvalues of the matrix Ω+CX with Ω=diagλ1λr.

Theorem 1.4 [8] Let q=q1qnT be an arbitrary n-dimensional vector and let Eij be an n×n matrix with 1 in position ij and zeros elsewhere. Let ACSλ1 with JCF JA=S1AS=diagJ1λ1Jn2λ2Jnkλk. If λ1+i=1nqiλi, i=2,,n, then A+eqT has Jordan canonical form JA+eqT=JA+i=1nqiE11. In particular, if i=1nqi=0, then A and A+eqT are similar.

Theorem 1.5 [9] Let A be an n×n symmetric matrix with eigenvalues λ1,,λn. Let x1xr be an orthonormal set of eigenvectors of A such that AX=XΩ, where X=x1xr and Ω=diagλ1λr. Let C be any r×r symmetric matrix. Then the symmetric matrix A+XCXT has eigenvalues μ1,,μr,λr+1,,λn, where μ1,,μr are eigenvalues of the matrix Ω+C.

Theorem 1.6 [10] Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of complex numbers such that λ1>0 and Reλi0, i=2,,n. Then Λ is realizable if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:


Since a list of complex numbers Λ=λ1λn is always the spectrum of some n×n matrix A (for instance, a diagonal matrix), from now on we will use, interchangeably, the term list or spectrum. Regarding Minc’s result, the following question arises: Are there spectra no positively realizable that are UR? This question has a positive answer. The following results have been progressively obtained:

  1. In Soto and Ccapa [8], it was proved that spectra of real Suleĭmanova type [11], that is,


  2. In Soto et al. [12], it was proved that spectra of complex Suleĭmanova type, that is,


  3. In Diaz and Soto [13], it was proved that spectra of Šmigoc type, that is,


It is interesting to note that in all these three cases, Λ is UR if and only if Λ is realizable if and only if i=1nλi0. Moreover, these three kinds of spectra are left half-plane spectra, and the good behavior of them led us to think, in a first moment, that any left half-plane spectra were UR. In Julio et al. [14], the authors showed that this is not true. In fact, the spectra


are not DR, and therefore not UR.


2. Extensions for Minc’s result

In Ref. [15], the authors Borobia and Moro prove the following result:

Theorem 2.1 [15] Let A be a nonnegative irreducible matrix with spectrum Λ=λ1λn and a positive row or column. Then A is similar to a positive.

Recently, two extensions of Minc’s result have been obtained in Collao et al. and Johnson et al. [16, 17]. In Ref. [16], Collao et al. showed that a nonnegative matrix ACSλ1, with a positive column, is similar to a positive matrix (the irreducibility condition is not necessary if ACSλ1). Note that if A is nonnegative with a positive row and AT has a positive eigenvector, then AT is also similar to a positive matrix. As a consequence we have:

Corollary 2.1 [16] If Λ is the spectrum of a diagonalizable nonnegative matrix ACSλ1 having a positive column, then Λ is UR. If A is diagonalizable nonnegative with a positive row and AT has a positive eigenvector, then Λ is also UR.

Regarding the second extension for Minc’s result, we have:

Definition 2.1 We call a realization A=aij off-diagonally positive (ODP), if aij>0 whenever ij, and on the diagonal, zero entries are allowed. Furthermore, a realization is quasi-ODP, if all off-diagonal entries are positive, except for one that is zero.

In Ref. [17], Johnson et al. introduced the concept of ODP matrices and proved that if Λ is diagonalizably ODP realizable, then Λ is UR. Note that both extensions contain, as a particular case, Minc’s result in Ref. [4]. Both extensions allow us to significantly increase the set of spectra that can be proved to be UR. The extension in Johnson et al. [17], for instance, allows us to prove that certain spectra Λ=λ1λn with s1Λ=0, are UR, which is not possible from Minc’s result.

There are a number of spectra that are ODP realizable, as for instance, spectra of real numbers of Suleĭmanova type, which are realizable if and only if i=1nλi0 (see [7, 18]). Moreover, it was proved in Johnson et al. [17] that real spectra of Suleĭmanova type are diagonalizably ODP realizable, and therefore UR. In fact, it is clear that Λ is the spectrum of


Then since Ae=λ1e, for qT=i=2nλiλ2λn, A+eqT is a diagonalizable ODP matrix with spectrum Λ. Thus, Λ is UR.

Theorem 2.2 [17] Suppose that a spectrum Λ=λ1λn is realizable, with a certain JCF, by a matrix that is either ODP or quasi-ODP. Then, Λ is realizable, by a matrix with any coarser JCF, by a matrix that is ODP or quasi-ODP.

Proof: Suppose that Λ is ODP realizable, with a realizing matrix ACSλ1, with JCF JA=S1AS. Let B=SES1, where E=iKEi,i+1,K2n1. Since B is such that trB=0 and BCS0, then from Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.4 with q=b (b is the vector of entries diagonal of B), the matrix B+eqT has all its diagonal entries zero. Therefore, by picking ε small enough, we have that A+εB+eqT is nonnegative with the same eigenvalues as A, but the coarsened JCF. If A is quasi-ODP with a zero entry in position jk, jk and B+eqT has zero diagonal entries with a negative entry in position jk, jk, then by choosing ε<0 small enough, the jk, jk entry in A+εB+eqT will be positive. Since ε<0 is small enough, it does not matter if the other possible positive entries in B+eqT become negative. Anyway, A+εB+eqT will be nonnegative, cospectral with A, and with the coarsened JCF.

In the event that the original realization is diagonalizable, we have the following important special case, which generalizes the classic result of Minc in [4].

Corollary 2.2 [17] If a spectrum Λ is diagonalizably ODP or quasi-ODP realizable, then Λ is UR.

Proof: Apply Theorem 2.2 with the original blocks all 1×1 in the real eigenvalue case, and all blocks 2×2 (real blocks) in the complex conjugate eigenvalue case, any sequence of merged blocks may be achieved, resulting in any JCF allowed by the spectrum.

Example 2.1 Consider the list Λ=6,1,144 which is diagonalizably ODP realizable with realizing matrix


Let S=s1s2sn be the matrix of eigenvectors of A, where s1=e, such that S1AS=JA=diag6,1,144. In particular, for JA=diagJ16J21J24, where Jkλ denotes a k×k Jordan block corresponding to the eigenvalue λ, we have, for q=5110255+1105+1105110T, the matrix


where E=E23+E45, having all its diagonal entries zero. Thus, we chose ε0 small enough, to obtain A+εSES1+eqT, which is a nonnegative ODP matrix with JCF having Jordan blocks J16,J21,J24. In a similar way, we may obtain a nonnegative matrix with spectrum Λ, for each one of the other JCF allowed by Λ. Thus, Λ is UR.


3. On universal realizability criteria

It has been commented in the Introduction that real and complex spectra of Suleĭmanova type are UR [8, 12]. In Collao et al. [19], the authors study lists with two positive eigenvalues and they prove that, under certain conditions, these types of lists are not only realizable, but also UR.

Theorem 3.1 [19] Let Λ=pqr1r2rn2 be a list of n real numbers with


in which p,q,rj>0; p>q,rj, j=1,2,,n2; rjrj+1,j=1,2,,n3. If there is a decomposition


in such a way that


Proof: Take


with the associated lists


with t0 and pt=i=1sαi, q+t=i=1tβi. Note that the lists Γ1,Γ2 are of real Suleĭmanova type, then from Soto and Ccapa [8], they are UR. Let A1 and A2 be the realizing matrices of Γ1 and Γ2, respectively. Since pqtt0,

B=pttpqtq+tis nonnegative with spectrumΛ0

and the required diagonal entries. Thus, from Theorem 1.3 with X the n×2 nonnegative matrix of eigenvectors of A1A2 and C the 2×n nonnegative matrix, such that CX=BΩ with Ω=diagptq+t,

A1A2+XCis nonnegative with spectrum,Λ

and with the required JCF allowed by Λ. Then, Λ is UR.

Note that if Λ=pqrrr with p+qn2r=0, where p,q,r>0, p>q,r; q>r, then if n is even, Λ is UR. If n is odd with pn12r, then Λ is also UR.

Example 3.1 Let Λ=191223355 (with)


We want to construct a nonnegative matrix A with JCF


Then we compute




is the desired matrix. In the same way, we may construct a nonnegative matrix for each one of the remaining JCF.

Here, we consider more general lists of complex numbers and we give new sufficient conditions for the URP to have a solution. We know that diagonalizability is a necessary condition. Since normal matrices are diagonalizable, we set the following result [20], in which we use normal ODP matrices:

Theorem 3.2 [20] Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of complex numbers with Λ=Λ¯, λ1maxiλi, i=1nλi0 and let


where some lists Λk, k=1,,p0, can be empty. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. For each k=1,,p0, there exists a normal ODP matrix with spectrum

    Γk=ωkλk1λkpk,0ωk<λ1,whereωkis the Perron eigenvalue.

  2. There exists a p0×p0 normal ODP matrix with spectrum Λ0 and diagonal entries ω1ω2ωp0.

Then Λ is UR.

Proof: From i) let Ak be a pk+1×pk+1 normal ODP matrix with spectrum


Then A=diagA1A2Ap0 is an n×n normal nonnegative matrix realizing Γ=Γ1Γp0. Let


the matrix of normalized eigenvectors of A, where xk=xk1xkpkT is the Perron eigenvector of Ak, Akxk=ωkxk with xk=1. Since Ak is an ODP matrix, it is nonnegative irreducible, and then xk is a positive eigenvector.

From ii) let B be a p0×p0 normal ODP matrix with spectrum Λ0 and diagonal entries ω1,,ωp0. Let Ω=diagω1ωp0, and C=BΩ. Then, since A,X and C are nonnegative with A and C normal, M=A+XCXT is normal nonnegative with spectrum Λ. Moreover, since Ak, k=1,,p0, and C are ODP matrices, M is also an ODP matrix. Thus, Λ is realizable by a normal ODP matrix, and from the extension in Johnson et al. [17] Λ is UR.

Many of the known sufficient conditions in the literature about both problems, NIEP and URP, have been obtained from Theorem 1.3 (Rado’s Theorem). A number of distinct versions of Rado’s result have also been obtained. In Arrieta et al. [21], it has been proved as regards a Rado diagonalizable version. It will be useful for constructing diagonalizable nonnegative matrices, with prescribed spectrum, and for deciding about the universal realizability of spectra.

Theorem 3.3 [21] Let A be an n×n diagonalizable matrix with spectrum Λ=λ1λn. Let X=x1x2xr be an n×r matrix, with rankX=r, rn, such that Axi=λixi, i=1,,r. Let

Ω=diagλ1λr and let C=cij be an r×r matrix such that B=Ω+C is a diagonalizable matrix. Let JA=S1AS be the JCF of A, with S=XY, S1=X˜Y˜. Then, the matrix A+XCX˜ is diagonalizable with spectrum μ1,,μr,λr+1,,λn, where μ1,,μr are eigenvalues of B.

Proof: Since S1S=In, then X˜X=Ir, X˜Y=0, Y˜X=0, Y˜Y=Inr. Since JA=ΩD, with D=diagλr+1λn, then,


Then A+XCX˜ is diagonalizable, and from Theorem 1.3, it has the spectrum μ1,,μr,λr+1,,λn, where μ1,,μr are eigenvalues of B.

Corollary 3.1 [21] If in Theorem 3.3, the matrices A and B are nonnegative diagonalizable and, X,X˜ are nonnegative, then A+XCX˜ is nonnegative diagonalizable with spectrum μ1,,μr,λr+1,,λn.

If in Theorem 3.3, the matrix A is block diagonal, with diagonalizable ODP blocks, and the matrix B is diagonalizable ODP, then Λ is UR.

Example 3.2 Consider the spectrum


with Λ0=7,2,0, Γ1=Γ2=42+i2+i, Γ3=11.The matrices


are diagonalizable with spectrum Λ0, Γ1, Γ2, and Γ3,, respectively. Then,


is diagonalizable ODP with spectrum Λ. Hence, from the extension in Johnson et al. [17], Corollary 4.1, Λ is UR.

The following result from Ref. [21] gives a diagonalizable version of a Lemma by Fiedler [22] that may be applied to decide the universal realizability of some lists of complex numbers. Although the result is more general, we establish it here, without proof, for diagonalizable nonnegative matrices.

Corollary 3.2 [21] Let A and B be n×n and m×m diagonalizable nonnegative matrices with spectrum Γ1=α1α2αn and Γ2=β1β2βm, respectively. Let u and v, with u=v=1, be the Perron eigenvectors of A and B, associated to α1 and β1, respectively. Let M=AB and let JM=S1MS be the JCF of M, with S=XY, S1=X˜Y˜. Then for ρ>0, the matrix F=AρuvρvuB is diagonalizable with spectrum Λ=γ1γ2α2αnβ2βm, where γ1,γ2 are eigenvalues of B=α1ρρβ1.

Corollary 3.3 [21] If in Corollary 3.2, A and B are normal nonnegative ODP matrices, then the matrix


is normal nonnegative ODP with the prescribed spectrum Λ. Hence, Λ is UR.

Proof: If A and B are ODP matrices, they are irreducible. Therefore, the Perron eigenvectors u and v are positive. Thus, F is normal nonnegative ODP, and Λ is UR.

The following result also establishes a universal realizability criterion.

Theorem 3.4 [21] Let Λ=λ1λ2λn be a realizable list of complex numbers, with λ1,λ2 being real numbers. Suppose that the lists


with p+q=n, αiΛ, i=2,3,,p, βjΛ, j=2,3,,q, and α1+β1=λ1+λ2, are diagonalizably ODP realizable. Then, Λ is UR.

Proof: Let A1 and A2 be p×p and q×q diagonalizable ODP matrices, with spectrum Λ1 and Λ2, respectively. Let u and v, u=v=1, be the Perron eigenvectors of A1 and A2, associated to the Perron eigenvalues α1 and β1, respectively. Since A1 and A2 are irreducible, then u and v are positive. As α1+β1=λ1+λ2, there is a real number ρ>0, such that the 2×2 matrix α1ρρβ1 has eigenvalues λ1,λ2. Therefore, from Corollary 3.2,

A=A1ρuvTρvuTA2is diagonalizableODPwith spectrumΛ

Hence, from the extension in Johnson et al. [17] Λ is UR.

Finally, we apply Theorem 3.3 to more general lists of complex numbers (not in the left half-plane). For instance,

i) Λ=8,6,3,35555, with Λ0=86, Λ1=Λ2=355 and Γ1=Γ2=7355, is diagonalizably ODP realizable and therefore it is UR. ii) Λ=7,5,1,1446 with Λ0=75, Γ1=6,1,144, Γ2=66 is also diagonalizably ODP realizable and therefore it is UR. iii) Λ=10,3,2113i3i1±2i1±2i with Λ0=10,3,2, Γ1=63i3i, Γ2=Γ3=9211±2i is the spectrum of a diagonalizable nonnegative matrix ACS10 with a positive column. Hence, it is also UR. iv) Λ=13,3,1+4i14i1+4i14i with Λ0=133, Γ1=Γ2=81+4i14i is the spectrum of a diagonalizable positive matrix. Hence, it is also UR. One of the advantages of applying this procedure is that to decide whether Λ=λ1λn is UR we do not need to compute a nonnegative matrix for each JCF allowed by Λ. It is enough to show that Λ is diagonalizably ODP realizable or Λ is the spectrum of a diagonalizable nonnegative matrix with constant row sums and a positive column.


4. The URP for structured matrices

4.1 The URP for permutative matrices

An n×n permutative matrix is a matrix in which every row is a permutation of its first row, that is,

Definition 4.1 Let xn and let P2,P3,,Pn be n×n permutation matrices. A permutative matrix is any matrix of the form


It is clear that PCSS, where S is the sum of the entries of the vector x. Permutative matrices were introduced and first studied in Hu et al. [23]. In this section, we study the permutative universal realizability problem, that is, the problem of determining the existence and construction of a nonnegative permutative matrix, with prescribed complex spectrum Λ=λ1λn, for each possible JCF allowed by Λ.

The following result gives a sufficient condition for that a list Λ=λ1λn of real numbers, with λ1>0>λ2>λ3λ4λn, to be permutatively universally realizable.

Theorem 4.1 [24] Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of real numbers, with λ1>0>λ2>λ3λ4λn. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. i=1nλi0,

  2. Λ is permutatively realizable,

  3. Λ is permutatively UR.

The following example illustrates Theorem 4.1. It shows how we may obtain, a permutative realization, for each JCF allowed by a given real list λ1>0>λ2>λ3λn.

Example 4.1 Let us consider the list


We start with


Then, for qT=30155577, we have that


is permutative with JCF JB+eqT=diagJ130J11J35J27. For


we obtain the JCF JB+eqT=diagJ130J11J25J15J27, and so on.

From Theorem 1.3, we have the following Rado permutative version:

Theorem 4.2 [24] Let Λ=λ1λn be a realizable list of real numbers, where λ1>λ2>>λp>0>λp+1λp+2λn, with λnλ2, n2p for n even, and n2p+1 for n odd n, p2. Suppose that:

  1. Λ admits a decomposition Λ=Λ0Λ1Λ1ptimes, where


    such that Γ1=λΛ1, 0λλ1, is permutatively (circulant) realizable.

  2. There exists a p×p permutative (circulant) nonnegative matrix with spectrum Λ0 and diagonal entries λ,λ,,λ (p times).

Then, Λ is permutatively UR.

Example 4.2 Consider the spectrum




are permutative, realizing Λ0 and Γ1, respectively. Then,


is nonnegative permutative with diagonal JCF. Next, for


we obtain A2=A+XC, nonnegative permutative, with JCF having one 2×2 Jordan block J22. Next, for


we obtain A3=A+XC, nonnegative permutative, with JCF having a 3×3 Jordan block J32. Thus, Λ=4,1,1222 is permutatively UR.

4.2 The URP for centrosymmetric matrices

Centrosymmetric matrices have applications in many fields, such as physics, communication theory, differential equations, numerical analysis, engineering and statistics. An n×n real matrix C=cij is said to be centrosymmetric, if its entries satisfy the relation cij=cni+1,nj+1, or equivalently if JnCJn=C, where Jn=enen1e1. In this section, we study the centrosymmetric universal realizability problem, that is, the problem of determining conditions for the existence and construction of a centrosymmetric realizing matrix, for each JCF allowed by a given list Λ of complex numbers.

The following two results are of constructive nature, in the sense that if they are satisfied, then a centrosymmetric realizing matrix with spectrum Λ can be constructed for each JCF associated to Λ. We introduce them here without proof.

Theorem 4.3 [25] Let Λ=λ1λn be a realizable list of complex numbers with λ1 simple, n=2m. Suppose Λ=Λ1Λ2 with Λ1Λ2=, where Λ1 is diagonalizably realizable by an m×m matrix W1 and Λ2 is the spectrum of an m×m real diagonalizable matrix W2 (not necessarily nonnegative). If W1+W2 is ODP and W1W2 is positive, then Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

Theorem 4.4 [25] Let Λ=λ1λn be a realizable list of complex numbers with λ1 simple, n=2m+1. Suppose Λ=Λ1Λ2 with Λ1Λ2=, where Λ1 is diagonalizably realizable by the m+1×m+1 ODP matrix


and Λ2 is the spectrum of an m×m real diagonalizable matrix W2. If W1+W2 is ODP and W1W2 is positive, then Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

Example 4.3 Consider the list


We apply Theorem 4.3 to show that Λ is centrosymmetrically UR. We take


which are the spectrum of


respectively. Next, we compute the centrosymmetric ODP matrix


with diagonal JCF. Now, we compute a centrosymmetric ODP matrix C2 with JCF


To do this, we first compute the matrix of eigenvectors of C1:


Then for E=E2,3+E5,6+E7,8, we have


and taking q=d, where d is the vector of the diagonal entries of SES1 we obtain that SES1+eqT has all its diagonal entries being zero. Thus,


is nonnegative centrosymmetric with spectrum Λ and with the desired JCF JC2. Applying the same procedure, changing the matrix E, say by, E1=E2,3, E2=E2,3+E3,4, E3=E2,3+E3,4+E5,6+E7,8, E4=E5,6+E7,8, we may construct a nonnegative centrosymmetric matrix with spectrum Λ, for each one of the other four JCF allowed by Λ.

Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 allow us to show that certain real spectra of nonnegative numbers and of the Suleĭmanova type are centrosymmetrically UR (Corollaries 4.1 and 4.2 below).

In Ref. [7], Perfect introduces the n×n (matrix)


and she proves that if D=diagλ1λ2λn with λ1>λ2λn0, then PDP1 is a positive matrix in CSλ1.

Corollary 4.1 [25] Let Λ=λ1λn be a list of nonnegative real numbers with λ1>λ2λn0. If λm>λm+1 when n=2m and λm+1>λm+2 when n=2m+1, then Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

Proof: For n=2m, we define the m×m diagonalizable positive matrix with spectrum Λ1=λ1λm as W1=PDP1, where D=diagλ1λm and P is the matrix in (4). Let W2=diagλm+1λn with spectrum Λ2. Note that Λ=Λ1Λ2 and since λm>λm+1, Λ1Λ2=. Moreover, it is clear that W1+W2 is ODP. On the other hand, in [Julio et al. [26], Theorem 3.2], it was proved that if djj, j=1,2,,m, are the diagonal entries of PDP1, then djj>λm+j, for all j=1,2,,m. Thus, W1W2 is positive. Then, from Theorem 4.3, Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

For n=2m+1, we define the m+1×m+1 diagonalizable positive matrix with spectrum Λ1=λ1λm+1 as PDP1=W1abTc, where D=diagλ1λm+1 and P is the m+1×m+1 matrix in (4). Let W2=diagλm+2λn with spectrum Λ2. Again Λ=Λ1Λ2, Λ1Λ2=, W1+W2 is ODP and W1W2 is positive. Then, from Theorem 4.4, Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

Corollary 4.2 [25] Let Λ=λ1λn be a realizable list of real numbers with λ1>0>λ2λn. If λm>λm+1 when n=2m and λm+1>λm+2 when n=2m+1, then Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

Proof: We assume without loss of generality that i=1nλi=0. For n=2m we define


where qT=λm+1λ1λm+2λ2λnλm. Note that W1 is an m×m diagonalizable positive matrix with spectrum Λ1=λ1λm. Let W2=diagλm+1λn with spectrum Λ2. It is clear that Λ=Λ1Λ2 and since λm>λm+1, Λ1Λ2=. Moreover,


is ODP and


is positive. Then, from Theorem 4.3, Λ is centrosymmetrically UR.

For n=2m+1 we define the m+1×m+1 diagonalizable nonnegative matrix with spectrum Λ1=λ1λm+1 as


where qT=λm+2λ1λm+3λ2λnλmλm+1.

Let W2=diagλm+2λn with spectrum Λ2. Then from Theorem 4.4, the result follows.

4.3 The URP for M-matrices

M-matrices appear in many applications in the physical, biological and social sciences. A real matrix A is said to be an M-matrix if it is of the form A=αIB, where B is a nonnegative matrix and Although M-matrices are not nonnegative, they are related to nonnegative matrices. For instance, it is well known that the inverse of a nonsingular M-matrix is nonnegative. Moreover, the problem of finding an M-matrix A=αIB with prescribed complex spectrum Λ=λ1λ2λn can be seen as the problem of finding a nonnegative matrix B with eigenvalues αλ1,αλ2,,αλn. In Soto et al. [27], the authors study the URP for M-matrices. More precisely, they give sufficient conditions for the existence of M-matrices with prescribed elementary divisors. In particular, they solve the URP for certain lists of real numbers and for lists of complex numbers of the form Λ=λ1a±bia±bi. In Soto et al. [27], the inverse M-matrix problem for symmetric generalized doubly stochastic M-matrices is also considered.

Proposition 4.1 Let A=αIB be an n×n M-matrix. Then.

  1. BCSλ1 if and only if ACSαλ1.

  2. B,BTCSλ1 if and only if A,ATCSαλ1.

  3. B is normal if and only if A is normal.

  4. B is symmetric if and only if A is symmetrix.

  5. B is circulant if and only if A is circulant.

  6. A and B have the same eigenvectors.

Next result is an M-matrix version of Brauer Theorem.

Theorem 4.5 Let A=αIBCSλ1 be an M-matrix with spectrum Λ=λ1λ2λn, λ1>λi, i=2,,n. Let B be with a positive column. Then A+eqT is also an M-matrix with the same spectrum and with elementary divisors as A.

Proof: A+eqT=αIB+eqT=αIBeqT. As B is nonnegative with its kth column being positive, then by taking q=qi, qi0, ik, qk=ikqimin1inbik, we have that BeqT is nonnegative and i=1nqi=0. Thus, from Theorem 1.4, A+eqT is also an M-matrix with the same spectrum and with elementary divisors as A.

Theorem 4.6 Let A=αIB be a diagonalizable M-matrix with spectrum Λ=λ1λ2λn, where B is positive. Then there is an M-matrix with spectrum Λ for each JCF allowed by Λ.

Proof: Since A is diagonalizable then B=bij is diagonalizable and positive. Then there is a positive matrix B' with same spectrum as B for each JCF allowed by the spectrum of B. Hence, A'=αIB' is an M-matrix with same spectrum as A for each JCF allowed by Λ.

Theorem 4.7 Let Λ=λ1λ2λn be with λ1λ2λn1>λn0. Then there exists a generalized stochastic M-matrix ACSλn with spectrum Λ for each JCF allowed by Λ.

Proof: Let αλ1. Consider the list


Let D=diagαλnαλn1αλ1 and let P the Perfect matrix in (4). Then B=PDP1CSαλn is positive with spectrum Λ' and diagonal JCF. Let D+E, with E the matrix defined in the Introduction, the desired JCF. Then we have


It is clear that for ε>0 small enough, B+εPEP1 is positive with JCF D+E Therefore, since D+εE and D+E are similar (with the matrix M=diag1εε2.εn1), A=αIB+εPEP1 is an M-matrix in CSλ1 with the prescribed elementary divisors.

Theorem 4.8 Let Λ=λ1a±bia±bi be a list of n complex numbers with λ10, a0, b>0. If


then there exists an n×n M-matrix with spectrum Λ for each JCF allowed by Λ.

Proof: Let αa. Consider the list


Since λ1an+12b, then αλ1αa+n+12b. From [Arrieta et al. (21), Theorem 2.1], if (5) holds then there exists a nonnegative matrix BCSαλ1 with spectrum Λ' and the prescribed elementary divisors. Then A=αIB is an M-matrix with spectrum Λ for each JCF allowed by Λ.


5. Conclusions

In this chapter, we revisit the problem of universal realizability of spectra [2], with new advances and results, which contain two important extensions of the Minc result [4] and new universal realizability criteria for general and structured matrices. Several open questions have been answered, while others remain open, such as under what conditions diagonalizably realizable implies universally realizable? Recent developments on this question are introduced in Soto and Marijuán [28].


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Written By

Ana I. Julio and Ricardo L. Soto

Submitted: 09 August 2023 Reviewed: 22 August 2023 Published: 13 June 2024