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Rotating Cosmological Models, or How Matter and Light Can Escape from a Rotating Black Hole

Written By

Herwig Dejonghe

Submitted: 09 August 2023 Reviewed: 10 August 2023 Published: 28 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002709

Cosmology - The Past, Present and Future of the Universe IntechOpen
Cosmology - The Past, Present and Future of the Universe Edited by Herman J. Mosquera Cuesta

From the Edited Volume

Cosmology - The Past, Present and Future of the Universe [Working Title]

Herman J. Mosquera Cuesta and Kim Ho Yeap

Chapter metrics overview

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We show how to construct models for rotating black holes with comoving matter inside, and how they canc be interpreted as models for rotating universes. The metric along the polar axis of such a black hole is fundamentally different from the metric elsewhere inside the black hole. We show that this creates the possibility that matter or light can escape through the poles. As a corollary, we show how the Lemaitre-Tolman metric can be obtained from the Schwarzschild metric.


  • Einstein equations
  • exact solution
  • cosmology
  • black holes
  • rotation

1. Introduction

The motive for this paper is the statement in Dejonghe [1] that matter and light may be able to escape a rotating black hole through the poles. The rationale behind that statement was that in a nonrotating nonempty black hole (i.e., a black hole containing a distributed mass density, not only containing a central point mass), the accompanying metric allows this phenomenon under certain conditions. These cannot realistically be met globally in a spherical symmetry, however, which was the framework [1] was written in. However, there is some similarity between the Schwarzschild metric and the Kerr metric, the latter taken along the polar axis. Since the polar axis is one-dimensional, the conditions mentioned below could be met in a Kerr metric along the polar axis. This statement was but a conjecture in Ref. [1]. The trigger of this paper was to prove it.

Sections 2 and 3 set the stage and do not contain new material. The core of the paper is to be found in sections 4 and 5. Section 6 recapitulates [1], but here from a different perspective. Section 7 contains the framework for the construction of models for a nonempty rotating black hole, that can also be seen as cosmological models for rotating universes in the presence of a cosmological constant. Section 8 reconnects with Ref. [1] and proves that matter and light can escape from a rotating nonempty black hole through the poles.


2. The Kerr–de Sitter metric

The Kerr–de Sitter solution (hereafter KdS) of Einstein’s equations represents a rotating black hole with mass M in a world with a cosmological constant Λ. It is the generalization of the Kerr geometry, which has two parameters: the geometrical mass of the black hole M=GM/c2 and a rotation parameter a=Lz/Mc, with Lz an angular momentum. Both parameters have the dimension of a length. We follow here largely Hackmann et al. [2] and denote as usual


The metric reads




The coordinate ‘time’ t has the dimension of a length. We note that the parameters M and Λ are tucked away in the mutually independent functions Δrr and Δϑϑ.

In the sequel, we will also use the following shorthand notation, inspired on (1):


3. The orbits

3.1 The general case a0

It is essential for this paper that the Hamilton–Jacobi equation for geodesic motion, which reads (see also Chandrasekhar [3])


with xμ the partial derivative with respect to variable xμ, τ the proper time and S Hamilton’s principal function, is separable in de KdS spacetime. Its solution is


In this equation δ=0 for light and δ=1 for material particles, in which case E is the energy normalized to the rest energy m0c2 (and thus dimensionless) and Lz is the angular momentum normalized with m0c (and thus with the dimension of a length), while, also here, t has the dimension of a length. The integrals stand for primitives of the integrands. The sign constants εr and εϑ equal ±1, independent of each other. Their signs equal the signs of the derivatives of r and ϑ (as functions of τ). The functions Rr and Θϑ are given by




In both these equations appears, apart from E and Lz, the integration constant a2K which follows from the separability. Note that our definition of K differs from the usual one by a factor a2, but was chosen here in order that K has the same dimension as E, and thus dimensionless in our units1 (a2Km0c2 has the dimension of a square of an action).

In this paper we will only be dealing with orbits that have Lz=0. Since φ does not enter the equations, what we call here an orbit is in fact a filled ring centered on the polar axis. We denote an orbit in the ring with t¯τr¯τϑ¯τφ¯τ, here with omitted reference to the integration constants E and K.

Our formulae will be explicit for infalling orbits (hence εr=1). For outgoing orbits (for as far as this makes sense) R has to be changed to R (hence εr=+1). The quantity Θ can have both signs, depending, for infalling orbits, on whether the orbit is ‘above’ (εϑ=+1, 0ϑπ/2) or ‘below’ (εϑ=1, π/2ϑπ) the equatorial plane (and vice versa for outgoing orbits). Here we choose εϑ=+1.

We will need the equations for these orbits in differential form as well as in quadrature form. The differential equations are (for completeness the terms in Lz0 are also shown between brackets):


with the dot differentiation with respect to τ. The functions Rr and Θϑ now (Lz=0) read:




The quadratures are obtained by differentiation of S with respect to the constants of the integration. For infalling orbits above the equatorial plane, Hamilton’s principal function can be written as


with t¯0=t¯τ0, r¯0=r¯τ0, ϑ¯0=ϑ¯τ0 and φ¯0=φ¯τ0 the coordinates of any point along an orbit. Upon partial differentiation of S with respect to K, δ, E and Lz we obtain respectively


The first equation suffices to determine ϑ¯r, a function depending on choices for E, K and r0ϑ0 (apart from also depending on a, M and Λ, of course, but we will omit explicit reference to these latter dependencies). The second will in addition yield, be it implicitly, r¯τEK and ϑ¯τEK after choosing τ0.

The other two have right hand sides that tend to + at the horizons Δr=0 or Δϑ=0, making t and φ unsuitable as coordinates that describe the orbits there. In our final results, however, t¯ and φ¯ will have disappeared altogether. Eqs. (14)(18) can easily be modified to accommodate infalling orbits below the equatorial plane and outgoing orbits above and below the equatorial plane.

In the sequel, we will frequently need the partial derivatives with respect to E and K of all functions t¯τ, r¯τ, ϑ¯τ and φ¯τ. We will denote these derivatives by the coordinate with added subscript (but no bar, for simplicity). We will not need explicit expressions for rE, rK, ϑE and ϑK. It can be shown that rE and rK change sign with εr, and likewise ϑE and ϑK with εϑ. The expressions for φE and φK are obtained from (17):






The expressions for tE and tK are calculated with the aid of (14):


We note that also φE, φK and tE, tK are independent of the signs εr or εϑ.

The problem of finding the analytic solutions of geodesic motion in the KdS spacetime has a long history and was fully solved in Ref. [2], with many references therein. In this paper, we will only touch on this difficult and specialist topic when we consider nonempty rotating black holes (or universes) with Λ=0, this for the purpose of illustrating the procedure of actually constructing a model for a nonempty rotating black hole or universe. We will solve the equations of motion in that case in terms of elliptic functions and Carlson elliptic integrals (Appendix D).

3.2 The case a=0

It follows from (13) that Θ=0, hence, with (11), ϑ and φ are constants (see also (18)). The orbits are radial r¯τEϑ, with ϑ taking on the role of K. The latter is not undefined, since it follows from (32) that K=cos2ϑ+sin2ϑΔrra/ra2= cos2ϑ+sin2ϑΔra. In addition we find, with (2) and (12):


The equations of the motion are


Eq. (15) does not exist, since it reduces to 0=0. All the orbits can reach r=0. With that choice for r0, we can recast (16) in the form


which is the same as the defining equation for the downward branch of the function cyc in Ref. [1], Appendix 1. Of all the partial derivatives, only rE and tE are left in a nontrivial way. We will need (22):


As for the other partial derivatives, rK and tK are to be replaced by rϑ=0 and tϑ=0, ϑE=0 and ϑK has to be replaced by ϑϑ=1. The functions wE=wK=0.

3.3 The case ϑ=0

Now the integrals over ϑ are indeterminate since Θ=0, but can all be evaluated using (15). We obtain


The equation for φ¯ is, as the above integral, a proper one for Δr>0 and Δϑ>0:


Between the brackets, we recognize an expression that is proportional to φ̇, but the meaning of this last integral is a limit ϑ0, since φ is not defined on the polar axis. We will not need it anyway.

The orbits are radial r¯τE. Regarding the partial derivatives, only rE and tE are left. The others do not exist, since ϑ=0 is not a coordinate anymore and neither is K=1. We will not need wE nor wK.


4. The travelator metric

4.1 The general case a0

We now pass from the coordinates xα=trϑφ to new coordinates x¯α=τEKψ. The angle ψ is the same as φ and is additive to it, i.e. φ=φ¯EKτ+ψ. Such a metric is called a synchronous metric (see also Landau and Lifshitz [4]). This metric is the generalization of the Novikov metric, much as the synchronous metric of Khatsymovski [5] is the generalization of the Lemaitre metric.

Each of the old coordinates is now function of E, K, τ, and , and we adopt the transformation matrix


where tτ, rτ, ϑτ, and φτ are given by (11).2 The indices α and β are simply matrix indices. The metric transforms according to g¯αβ=xρx¯αxσx¯βgρσ, or in matrix form


with T=C. The matrices g and g¯ are therefore congruent.

The determinant of C is given by a remarkably simple expression:


It does not contain singularities connected with the event horizons Δr=0 or Δϑ=0. We recognize in the last factor the Jacobian of the transformation from EK to r¯ϑ¯, with τ as a parameter.

Since the determinant of the KdS metric g equals ρ4sin2ϑ, we obtain


From the concept of Gaussian coordinate systems, as developed, e.g., in Ref. [6], we know that a coordinate system based on geodesics that starts off with zero velocity has a metric with g¯0i=g¯i0=0,i=1,2,3 for as long as the metric is valid. Hence, our consideration of orbits with Lz=0 only. That this is true in our case can be verified with (30) and T=C: inserting the general equations of motion (with Lz0) into the expression for 2g¯03 (factor of the term in ), we find indeed that g¯03=0 globally only if Lz=0. For the coefficients 2g¯01 (factor of the term in dE) and 2g¯02 (factor of the term in dK) we need to make use of (22).

A zero ‘start’ velocity also means a zero velocity in the meridional plane. The radius at which the radial velocity is zero is an apocenter radius and we denote it with a subscript a, hence ra. The polar angle ϑ at which the tangential velocity in the meridional plane is zero we similarly denote by ϑa. When the expressions for Rr and Θϑ, as given by (12) and (13), are equated to zero (as is the case for r=ra and ϑ=ϑa), they can easily be solved for E2 and K:


Clearly E2 and K are positive for all initial conditions ra and ϑa outside the black hole. Better still, ra and ϑa are valid substitutes for E and K, with the advantage that they are intuitive (we assume ra<+).

The inequality (12) can also be written as E2Veffr (with)


A qualitative inspection of this curve shows that the orbits we consider here can also attain a radius where the radial velocity is again zero (hence a turning point) which we call the pericenter radius; we denote that radius by r¯p. In addition, there are orbits that can attain r=0 with nonzero velocity. They are called polar orbits.

As for the ‘orbital’ part of the metric g¯ijτEK,i=1,2,3, we thus assume that at t=τ=0 all orbits start off with zero velocity. In that case, all the partial derivatives that appear in the transformation matrix (29) are regular in the vicinity of raϑa, and hence the metric g¯ijτEK, as calculated in (30) with T=C, is regular there. We also note that we deal here with very special orbits for which raϑa is a point of the orbit. In general ra and ϑa will be reached at different times, since solving (33) does not imply that ϑaτ=raτ for some τ.

Now that we have established regularity of the metric g¯α,β for τ small, it still remains to be seen what happens at later times, since there is no theorem that guarantees regularity, and thus validity. Therefore, we have to go through the chore of actually calculating the g¯ijτEK,i=1,2,3. Since we are now in the process of getting rid of the singular coordinates t and φ, we can expect to also get rid of the singularities in the original KdS metric. The coefficients in the third row and/or column are




The remaining coefficients are




In the above expressions (35)(39),3 it is, of course, understood that g00r¯ϑ¯, g03r¯ϑ¯, and g33r¯ϑ¯. We also note that the metric is independent of εr and εϑ.

Clearly, all singularities associated with Δr and Δϑ are gone, but an R¯ or a Θ¯ in a denominator causes a singularity whenever ra, rp or ϑa is reached. Technically, this is a consequence of having to split up a regular limit into two singular terms in the expressions for φE and φK. Hence, we have again two complementary representations of g¯αβ: the one in (29) with T=C that is valid in the vicinity of τ=0 and the one that is valid for each orbit EK up to the time τp. Since (1) the orbits are continuously replenished from far away and (2) the singularities associated with the Rr¯0EK and Θϑ¯0EK are removable, the metric given by Eqs. (35)(39) suffices as the only metric.

The KdS metric is a regular one outside the ergosphere r=M+M2a2cos2ϑ. The synchronous metric can be seen there as a kind of travelator or conveyor belt that one can ‘step on’ (this requires a boost to match the velocity of the travelator ring that passes by) to enter this valid metric that carries one through the ergosphere and the region Δrr<0 between the event horizons R±=M±M2a2. The ergosphere has disappeared, illustrating the fact that the presence of an ergosphere is a property of the velocity of the observer rather than an intrinsic feature of the rotating black hole. The travelator consists of rings labeled by EK, and these are centered on the polar axis ϑ=0. The travelator metric can be freely traveled as long as one stays clear of the τp of the rings that one is standing on. Since all r¯p are located in the inner KdS spacetime (defined here as the spacetime inside the inner event horizon R), it is always possible to ‘step off’ the travelator ‘in time’ after having passed R, again by applying a boost to match the velocity of objects that are at rest in another valid metric.

As explained above, we need not bother with the singularities associated with R and Θ, in the KdS case, that is. However, in the next section, we will consider nonempty rotating black holes, and we will have to deal with these singularities. Inspection of the expressions (35)(42) and those for wE and wK, in combination with the appropriate differentials dE and dK of the travelator metric, reveals that all singularities appear as


and similarly for the differentials in K. Since the zeroes of R and Θ are simple zeroes, rR and ϑΘ are nonzero there. Hence, if we pass, locally, from EK to RΘ, the metric in these coordinates is regular and Lorentzian.

It may seem remarkable that the travelator metric (35)(42) has such a simple determinant (32). However, this can be verified using the common techniques of determinant evaluation, not without effort.

4.2 The case a=0

The transformation matrix from the coordinates xα=trϑφ to the new coordinates x¯α=τEϑφ is now simply


Since ϑ and φ need no transformation, we obtain immediately from the KdS metric and the expression for a2


Note that in this metric r¯Eτ as well as rEEτ. This is the travelator version of the Schwarzschild-Λ metric (also called the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric). In Ref. [1], this metric is called the Novikov metric.

4.3 The case ϑ=0

Here we are dealing with a subset of the orbits, those that are confined to the polar axis and that are therefore dynamically decoupled from the rest. The transformation matrix from the coordinates xα=tr to the new coordinates x¯α=τE is the lower dimensional version of (44):


The coordinate φ is not present, and K=1. Hence we obtain


Again rEEτ. The similarity with the previous case is only formal and qualitative, since here a is not necessarily zero and, therefore, the orbits are different. The result (47) can, of course, also be obtained from (35)(43) with ==0.


5. The Einstein equations

The KdS metric satisfies the Einstein equations


with Rαβ the Ricci tensor and R the Riemann scalar,4 and that is, of course, no different for the travelator metric. From now on, we will lift the restriction that all orbits on which the travelator metric is built start off with zero velocity at a given time, say τ=0. The only consequence is that the travelator metric will also be singular at τ=0, but, as already indicated, these singularities are removable. Hence, any family of orbits that satisfies (15) and (16) gives rise to a travelator metric.

What we will need for the Einstein equations in the KdS metric can be found in Appendix A. The contravariant Ricci tensor Rαβ in the KdS metric transforms into the travelator metric according to R¯αβ=x¯αxρx¯βxσRρσ, or in matrix form


with T=D=C1. The matrix D is given in Appendix B. For as far as the contravariant metric tensor in the travelator metric is concerned, we will here only need the rather trivial g¯00=1/c2 and the R¯00 component of the contravariant Ricci tensor in Appendix C.

One could set out to verify (48) analytically for both the KdS and the travelator metric, but that is, again, a chore because all the derivatives of g00, in addition to Δr and Δϑ, must be exposed explicitly in terms of M, a and Λ.5 For this paper, a numerical check has been performed, which is comparatively easy, and zeroes have been obtained up to machine accuracy. This latter fact shows, by the way, that the zeroes are not trivial but a result of all kinds of cancelations. Moreover, the identity (48) is satisfied irrespective of whatever values for rE, ϑE, rK, ϑK, wE, and are assumed.

Next, we note that in the KdS metric the constants M and a are independent. Therefore, we can choose two new parameters, say λ and μ, unrelated to the KdS coordinates, and consider.6


We write the KdS metric with these functions instead of M and a. Looking now at the equations for the orbits (15)(18), we see that all four constants M, a, E, and K can be freely chosen, which is a direct consequence of the separability of the equations of the motion. Hence we can also consider Eλμ and Kλμ. We now transform the KdS metric, this time in its λμ livery, to the travelator metric (35)(42), thus in terms of mλμ, Aλμ, τ, Eλμ, Kλμ, ψ and the differentials , dE, dK, and . Next follows a transformation from EK to the new variables λμ, using the transformation (30) with


with obvious notations. That metric g¯¯ (1) still satisfies the Einstein Eqs. (48) because of covariance, (2) features the variables τ, λ, μ, ψ and the differentials , (replacing dE), (replacing dK) and and (3) is the same as (34)(41) with the subscripts E and K replaced by λ and μ.

We note that, since E and K are attributes of a comoving ring, λ and μ replace them as attributes of a comoving ring. We thus obtain a two-dimensional manifold of comoving rings, the motion of which is determined by (15) and (16), equations that feature mλμ, Aλμ, Eλμ, and Kλμ.

If a and M are not functions of λ and μ, but just constants, then we have produced a travelator metric that is free of the KdS singularities and satisfies the Einstein equations for empty space (48). In that case, we have merely replaced the constants of the motion E and K by other constants of the motion λ and μ. But Aλμ and mλμ need not be constants, and we now investigate what this means for the Einstein equations for a nonempty rotating black hole:


with T¯¯αβ the stress-energy-momentum tensor.

We consider comoving matter:


The Ricci tensor R¯¯αβ contains the derivatives rnΔrrMa2, ϑnΔϑϑa2 with n=1,2. When taken as such, i.e., with the partial derivative only pertaining to the first argument, all T¯¯αβ are zero. However, since λ and μ are now coordinates, the inverse functions λτrϑ and μτrϑ also make sense. Indeed, the functions r¯τλμ and ϑ¯τλμ from Section 3 tell us at which rϑ the ring with label λμ intersects the meridian plane at time τ. Hence, the inverse functions λτrϑ and μτrϑ tell us which ring with label λμ happens to be at rϑ at time τ. We can, therefore, consider as alternative for rΔr the expression


and similarly for ϑΔϑ


The symbols with subscripts r¯ and ϑ¯ stand for the expressions


and λr, λϑ, μr, and μϑ stand for partial derivatives of the functions λτrϑ and μτrϑ in our usual notations. Since we rather have r¯τλμ and ϑ¯τλμ at our disposition, these partial derivatives are calculated using


Expressions for the second derivatives are obtained analogously to (54) and (55). We write


with again


Whether one holds on to ‘the original’ rnΔr and ϑnΔϑ (in which M and a2 are constants) or adopts the alternatives rnΔr¯ and ϑnΔϑ¯ (in which m and A2 are functions of λ and μ), is a matter of choice for every equation αβ in (52) separately.


6. The Lemaitre–Tolman metric (the case a=0)

We now illustrate the procedure that is outlined in the previous section for the simplest possible case a=0. We need only the coordinate λ.

We first revisit the metric (45) in τλϑψ (coordinates)


with, again r¯λ=λr¯.7 The metric (60) is exactly what has been called in Ref. [1] the Lemaitre-Tolman metric (hereafter L-T metric) if we set


in the notations of Ref. [1]. What we call here λ is mostly known as r in the L-T models, which was called the shell label in Ref. [1]. The only parameter M, which does not appear in the metric but solely in the equation of the motion (26), is now a function of λ. As before, we write mλ, and in this simple case we know that mλ is the mass inside the shell with label λ. We assume 0λ1 with the λ=1 shell the shell beyond which there is no mass anymore.

As for the Einstein equations, we must first transform the contravariant tensors in the appendices which are in the τEϑψ coordinates to the τλϑψ coordinates with the transformation (49) using the transformation matrix V=U1. This transformation produces a contravariant tensor with the same coefficients, except for these that carry just one index 2 which are divided by Eλ, and the 22-index, which is divided by Eλ2. Since the Einstein equations feature only diagonal coefficients, this transformation has no effect on the final equations.

The stress-energy-momentum tensor reads, in spherical geometry with anisotropic pressures (see, e.g., Doneva & Yazadjiev [7]):


since the λ-direction is the radial direction. The tensor that an arbitrary tangential pressure pt (i.e., a pressure orthogonal to the radial direction) is multiplied by in (63), is orthogonal to both u¯¯α and erα.

We find for the 00-equation, with the expressions in Appendices A and C.2.


When M is a constant, this expression reduces to 0=0. When mλ, we obtain


or, with (54)


For a comoving medium we have T¯¯00=T¯00=ρ0 and in this simple case λr1=r¯λ, thus


This is exactly the same equation (mutatis mutandis) as the one valid for the L–T models, as, e.g., given in Eq. (6) of Ref. [1]. It is the general-relativistic form of Poisson’s equation.

The 11-equation is almost identical to the 00-equation and yields again either 0=0, (or)


Since T¯¯11=prg¯¯11 is a positive quantity or zero, this equation is not compatible with (66), unless we choose for this equation λm=0. This shows that we are free to make this choice for each equation, since we obtained already the L-T solution, and this choice confirms this freedom. We conclude that the flux of the radial flow through any sphere is zero, confirming that spheres are comoving surfaces.

The 22-equation equals


Here T¯¯22=T22=ptg¯¯22. Again, T¯¯22=0 is the solution if λm=0. If λm0 we obtain


We know from Ref. [1] that regular solutions in the center behave like mλλ3 for λ0. Hence we conclude that a T¯¯220 is impossible, unless we allow for a singularity in the center.

The 33-equation adds no further information, since sin2ϑR¯¯33=R¯¯22, sin2ϑg¯¯33=g¯¯22 and sin2ϑT¯¯33=T¯¯22.

In this simple case, we have three independent equations, yielding two structurally different solutions: (1) empty space with central singularity, i.e., the Schwarzschild-Λ solution and (2) the L-T solution.

In order to make the L-T solution explicit, we still need to prescribe 0eλ12 and 0mλM=m1. The latter inequality follows from the requirement that the outermost massive shell λ=1 must match the Schwarzschild-Λ solution at maximum expansion. The functions eλ and mλ must be such that no shell λ<1 has a maximum expansion that is larger than the outermost λ=1 shell. We also need to assign, for a given cosmic time τ and for every shell λ, a function rλ, together with the specification whether the shell is expanding or contracting. In the parlance of Ref. [1] this means the specification of a phase function.

Out of the great variety of models that come with these choices, there is a special class of models for which all shells attain their maximum extent at the same cosmic time. These shells will have in general different radial periods which will cause eventually shell collisions. The radial period of shell λ is given by (24):


with r¯0 the smallest positive root of the radicand. Writing, as in Ref. [1],


we obtain


with w0 the smallest real positive root for cyc of the radicand. If that radial period is to be the same for all shells, which means that shells will not cross, the radicand should not depend on λ. Assuming pλ=2, we find that eλ=12λ2 and mλ=Mλ3. This is the spherical version of the Robertson–Walker metric for a closed universe.

Finally, we remark that we did obtain the L-T solution starting from the Schwarzschild-Λ solution (since a=0), ‘simply’ by choosing another coordinate system that is comoving. This shows that the L–T solution can be derived from the Schwarzschild-Λ solution by coordinate transformation, but that could only be accomplished because the equations of motion are separable.


7. Dusty models in the case a0

7.1 The general case

We now include a (pressureless) dusty medium with comoving proper-density ρ0 in the travelator metric; the case a=0 has learned us that pressures are unlikely to be realistic within this paradigm. The stress-energy-momentum tensor, therefore, has the simplest nonzero form possible: T¯¯00=ρ0 and all other components are zero. We note that, while in many cases, the Eq. (52) could also be taken in its covariant form, this is not the case; because the metric g¯¯αβ is not diagonal, it is imperative to use the contravariant form for the stress-energy-momentum tensor. All 10 equations of (52) remain obviously satisfied if ρ0=0. We will now investigate which special form ρ0 has to assume in order to satisfy


if ρ00.

With the aid of Appendix C we find


The right-hand side of this expression evaluates to 0 if M and a2 are constants. If, on the other hand, we consider the alternatives (54), (55), and (58), the additional terms that these dependencies entail are those featuring the derivatives of the Δ‘s:


resulting in an expression for the comoving density ρ0. It is interesting to note that the 00 equation is the only Einstein equation that does not feature any of the rE, rK, ϑE, ϑK, wE or wK.

7.2 The case Λ=0

We will now illustrate the analysis for the case Λ=0. The expression for the comoving density simplifies greatly:


In order to make this solution more explicit, we need to prescribe mλμ and Aλμ on the one hand, and Eλμ and Kλμ on the other hand. It is convenient to replace EK by raϑa, with now, of course, raλμ and ϑaλμ. The constants E and K are then given by (33). We will assume 0λ1 and , with no constituent matter ‘beyond’ the λ=1 rings. We recall that the comoving rings form a two-dimensional manifold, each ring being labeled by a pair λμ, or a pair EK. From the case, a=0 we also learned that each shell there moves as if it were in a Schwarzschild-Λ metric with mass mλ, independent of time. Likewise, in this case, each ring moves as if it were in a KdS metric with parameters mλμ and Aλμ, again, independent of time.

Since Θϑ0, every orbit is located in the region ϑaϑπϑa, with the aperture ϑa given by Θ=E2sin2ϑa+Kcos2ϑa=0. Since Rr0, every orbit is located between ra and r¯p, r¯prra. There are no restrictions on 0ϑaπ/2.

As an example, we now assume sin2ϑa=μ. In order to avoid the KdS singularity at r=0 and ϑ=π/2, we assume A0μ=0. The simplest choice seems to be


with abμ a function and α a constant. The factor λ2 ensures that A20 for λ0 sufficiently smoothly.

As for mλμ, we follow Ref. [1] and propose a monotonically increasing function such that


with , mb and β real constants. We know from the a=0 case that the shell E=0 must reach the Schwarzschild-Λ horizon M, and all other shells must satisfy raM. Likewise here, in order to realize the match between the inner and the outer KdS solution, at least one ring with E=0 must have the apocenter radius R+=M+M2a2. We will assume for simplicity that all rings E=0 do.

We are still left with the specification of raλμ. The apocenter radius ra plays the same role (but is not the same) as the quantity pr in Ref. [1]. We already indicated that ra1μ=R+. For simplicity, we assume


with ra,c, ra,b and γ constants. The functions ϑaμ and raλ now being known, the energy follows from (33). We find


in agreement with Ref. [1] for λ0.

In order to calculate ρτλμ, we still have to choose initial conditions. This is no different from the case a=0, where we have seen that the classical cosmological models (in their spherical form) also require very special initial conditions in order to avoid collisions of shells. Out of the orbits discussed in Appendix D we can choose those that all attain their apocenter radius (i.e., maximum expansion) at the same time τ. Numerical experiments show that it is indeed possible to choose initial conditions such that ρ0>0 for subsequent times up to maximum expansion. This statement should be interpreted as no more than a proof of concept: i.e. a model for a rotating nonempty black hole or a rotating cosmological model with a travelator metric (35)(42). A more detailed exploration of these models is beyond the scope of this paper.


8. Mass ejection or light emission

In Ref. [1] it has been shown that in general the g11 coefficient in the metric (69) will prevent not comoving matter and light to leave the black hole. More precisely, when an orbit (matter or light) attains the shell for which Eλ=12eλ=0, the coefficient g11 will become in general singular, causing an outgoing orbit to turn back.8 It is important that the condition Eλ=0 is independent of τ, hence it is the property of one particular shell to act as a barrier. That shell is the outermost shell that carries some constituent matter, and it is the only shell that can reach the Schwarzschild radius from within. Only when, at the very same time that the orbit reaches that shell E=0, also (1) λr¯λτ=0 for that shell, which has been shown in Ref. [1] to be the condition that shells collide (in the continuum limit), and (2) that shell reaches the Schwarzschild radius, is it possible to create a ‘neck’, i.e., a nonzero 0/0 in g11, through which matter or light can escape. It was noted in Ref. [1] that in spherical symmetry, these conditions are very unlikely to be globally satisfied, but that along the polar axis of a rotating black hole, there might be a possibility due to the similarity of the Kerr metric and the Schwarzschild metric along the polar axis. But that statement was a conjecture.

Now, we are in the position to be more precise with the help of the travelator metric (35)(42). A λμ ring of constituent comoving matter orbits in a region bounded by 2 radii, r¯p and ra determined by the condition R=0, and a cone ϑaϑπϑa, with ϑa determined by the condition Θ=0. Every now and then, the ring will touch these boundaries, which act as impenetrable walls. At such an event, all coefficients of the orbital part of the travelator metric become singular, but, as already indicated, the singularities are removable locally. We note that at all other times, the comoving ring produces a regular metric.

Any particle, matter or light, that is not comoving will continuously visit different rings in λμ space. It might visit a comoving ring that just happens to touch its boundary. Hence the particle will be forced to visit a ring for which R>0 of Θ>0, that is, it remains in the interior of the black hole since all comoving rings remain in the interior of the black hole.

The metric along the polar axis (47), on the other hand, is fundamentally different, since no singularities associated with R=0 or are present. That metric is formally identical to the L-T metric, and the mechanism as indicated above can take place. Hence, if the conditions are right, matter or light can leave the rotating black hole through the poles.


9. Concluding remark

The paradigm presented here can also be used to construct models for rotating dust balls, or rotating universes that are not the interior of a black hole. It suffices that all rings have 0<Eλμ<1 and judicious choices for A2λμ and mλμ are made. Since the mechanism outlined above for outflow along the polar axis is independent of the presence of a horizon, it opens up the possibility of bipolar outflows in fast-rotating dust balls, such as the vicinity of very young stars.


A. The Ricci tensor and Rieman scalar in the KdS spacetime

We adopt here the definition Rαβ=Γαβ,ρρΓαρ,βρ+ΓσρρΓαβσΓσβρΓαρσ. The tables that follow are to be read as follows: the quantity in the first column is the sum of terms consisting of the product of the second column with the third.



B. The transformation matrix D

All r and ϑ in this section should be read as r¯ and ϑ¯.

B.1 The case a0


C. The contravariant Ricci tensor in the travelator spacetime

C.1 The case a0

All r and ϑ in this section should be read as r¯ and ϑ¯.


C.2 The case a=0

Taking account of


we find


D. The orbits in the case Λ=0

D.1 The solution for ϑ¯r

In this appendix we first solve (15) explicitly. We denote


and we need to solve


In this expression ϑ¯0 is any attainable polar angle of the orbit. Be 0ϑaπ/2 the root of the radicand:


We now choose ϑ¯0=ϑa, and thus r¯0ϑa is a point along the orbit where the tangential velocity in the meridional plane is zero. We consider first the branch for increasing ϑ:


The change of variable


leads to the equation


This can be rewritten as


with Kk the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Inversion produces


Clearly, the angular period 2ΔIϑ=2ϑaπϑa, defined as the increment of the argument of the elliptic sine after which sn repeats itself, is 4Kk. When Irr¯0 we obtain cosϑ¯=ksnKk=k=cosϑa.

As for the second branch of the integral in ϑ, for decreasing ϑ, we write


which can be written as


Inversion yields


As for Irr¯, we again need to consider two cases. When r¯ decreases, we write r¯r¯0=r¯rar¯0ra. When r¯ subsequently increases, we write r¯r¯0=r¯pr¯0+r¯pr¯=ΔIr+r¯pr¯, and so on, such that Irr¯ always increases. Hence, we are left with the integrals r¯ra and r¯pr¯.

The radicand R has four roots. One of them is r0=ra. In case the other three are real we choose the largest of them as r1=r¯p, and the others as r2 and r3. In case two of them are complex conjugate, we choose the other real root as r1=r¯p, and r2 and r3 are the complex conjugate ones. The first integral we consider reads


The transformation t=rr¯/r0r brings this integral in the form


with RF a Carlson elliptic integral.

The second integral reads


The transformation t=r¯r/rr1 brings this integral in the form


If we substitute r¯=r1 in Ir,1r¯ and r¯=r0 in Ir,2r¯, we should get identical expressions, amounting to ΔIr. Inspection of these expressions shows that the following equality should hold:


This can be proven by writing down the integrals, and changing one of the integral variables, say t, to 1/t. Clearly Ir,2r¯=ΔIrIr,1r¯.

We can now summarize the construction of ϑ¯r. The position on the orbit is defined by (1) the independent variable r, r¯prra, and (2) the number of full radial half cycles m (i.e., from ra to r¯p and vice versa) that the orbit has already gone through since its ‘start’ at r0ϑa. Then


To this must be added either Ir,1r0 or Ir,2r0, depending on the case. The angle ϑ¯ is determined by n=intIrr¯/ΔIϑ and


A little remark may be added at this point. In the travelator metric, we can construct the travelator with orbits that start off at large apocenter radii ra, and wait for a sufficiently long time until the orbits arrive ‘in the vicinity’ of the black hole. From (4.5) we find in that case


Hence Θ0, and the orbits tend toward straight lines of constant ϑ=ϑa in the meridional plane.

D.2 The solution for r¯τ

We next turn to the integrals (3.10) in the expression for τ. Using integral tables [8], we find




After m radial half cycles we obtain


To this must be added either τr,1r0 or τr,2r0, depending on the case.

The integral in ϑ (reads)


When ϑaϑ¯πϑa we obtain




while for the second branch, for decreasing ϑ¯, we obtain




We recall that the angle ϑ¯ is determined by (D18), and thus




Since ν¯r¯ according to (D18), this expression can be inverted to yield r¯τ.


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  • When a=0, the constant K disappears anyway and can be replaced by ϑ.
  • That the total derivative with respect to τ equals the partial derivative, follows from the fact that the orbits evolve at constant E and K.
  • These expressions may look ugly, but considering that they hide considerable algebraic manipulation and a kind of ‘magic’ associated with the disappearance of the singularities in Δr and Δϑ, their structure is actually quite elegant. Apart from the metric coefficients (g00, g03, g33) and the inevitable partial derivatives which are irreducible at this stage without solving the equations of motion, they contain only 5 additional functions (a1, a2, b1, b2, c2) that do not depend on these partial derivatives.
  • Not to be confused with the R in 12, of course.
  • In the course of the rather tedious calculations, we need all components of all the tensors involved. They are not listed here because of space limitations.
  • The notation here is illogical for as far as the use of upper case and lower case is concerned, but is adopted in order to retain the rather established notations M and a.
  • This result is immediate from elementary calculus, but can, of course, also be obtained by considering the transformation 30 with
  • A particle or photon does not ‘turn back’ in the normal sense of the verb; it continues its course ‘straight on’. It is the universe that ‘flips over’, as explained in Ref. [1].

Written By

Herwig Dejonghe

Submitted: 09 August 2023 Reviewed: 10 August 2023 Published: 28 September 2023