Open access peer-reviewed article

Feature-based Systematic Analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats

Manuel Miguez

Bahman Sassani (Sarrafpour)


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Article Type: Research Paper

Date of acceptance: April 2023

Date of publication: May 2023

DoI: 10.5772/acrt.21

copyright: ©2023 The Author(s), Licensee IntechOpen, License: CC BY 4.0

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Table of contents

Related work
APT features analysis
Conclusion and future work
Table A.1
Conflict of interest


Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) and Targeted Attacks (TA) targeting high-value organizations continue to become more common. These slow (sometimes carried on over the years), fragmented, distributed, seemingly unrelated, very sophisticated, highly adaptable, and, above all, stealthy attacks have existed since the large-scale popularization of computing in the 1990s and have intensified during the 2000s. The aim of attackers has expanded from espionage to attaining financial gain, creating disruption, and hacktivism. These activities have a negative impact on the targets, many times costing significant amounts of money and destabilizing organizations and governments. The resounding goal of this research is to analyze previous academic and industrial research of 72 major APT attacks between 2008 and 2018, using 12 features, and propose a categorization based on the targeted platform, the time elapsed to discovery, targets, type, purpose, propagation methods, and derivative attacks. This categorization provides a view of the effort of the attackers. It aims to help focus the design of intelligent detection systems on increasing the percentage of discovered and stopped attacks.


  • advanced persistent threat

  • APT

  • targeted Attack

  • TA

  • APT features

  • AI

  • APT categorization

  • cyber espionage

  • cyberattacks

Author information


Various reports and news articles show that cyberattacks are more ambitious than ever. Their landscape complexity has increased with the participation of hacktivists and nations/states with the intent of damage, defacement, and espionage, as well as the traditional cyber criminals looking for financial gain and economic espionage [14].

During 2016, over 200 new ransomware strains appeared, encrypting a wide range of files and databases and asking for bitcoin payments for the encryption keys. During 2017, the focus shifted to coinmining, which requires very little code to start using the resources of the targeted computers, and supply chain injections, where malicious software is placed within valid updates and updates sites allowing them to enter almost undetected to well-protected targets. At the same time, the introduction of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) via several open-source tools in the Dark Web has aided the proliferation of these attacks. Business Email Compromises (BEC) are still present, a reduced number in 2016, they increased in 2017; these are targeting specific high-value users with an e-mail that would introduce backdoors, known as spear-phishing and whaling and then exploiting legitimate networks and scripting tools at hand to produce the actual attack either as malware, ransomware or simple scams. From a historical perspective, cyber threats mainly target the weakest link in cyberspace. From buffer overflow, command injection, and Denial of Service (DoS) targeting Operating Services (OS) during 2001–2005 to Heap Spraying and Code injection and targeting Web applications and services between 2006–2010 to Social Engineering such as Phishing and APT with the popularity of the Internet, targeting the users.

TA and APT represent the third evolutionary wave of attacks targeting humans, related organizational factors, and the cognitive aspects of cybersecurity in general, the weakest link in cybersecurity. A detailed discussion of the techniques used in TA, such as various phishing attacks, is complex and involves cognitive psychology and behavioral foundations, including cultural factors, human capacity, temporal, ethical, and mindset, which is beyond the scope of this paper.

Another area where attacks keep appearing is in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), where many existing and upcoming platforms and the ever-more present Internet of Things (IoT) have vulnerabilities that could allow remote control due to poor or limited security, the number of these attacks has gone from 6000 in 2016 to 50,000 in 2017. The latest area to see an increase in malicious activity are the mobile platforms which have gone from 17,000 attacks in 2016 to 27,000 in 2017 [14].

A group of attackers can mount a sophisticated and systematic malicious attack aimed at a selected organization divided into several stages over long periods of time, applying different methodologies with the intent, and typically succeeding, of being undetected by existing defense mechanisms. These attacks are known as Targeted Attacks (TA), and when backed by nations or states, they are known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). Although APT is an intensified variation of TA, the former is the most commonly known name, and it will be used in this work [59].

This paper aims to summarize attacks discovered between 2008 and 2018, analyze their features, and categorize them. The analysis of these categories will provide a view of the attackers’ focus and aims to deliver samples that would help train detection systems. Rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces Related Works, Section 3 discusses the Methodology, Section 4 presents the Evolution of APT between 2008 and 2018 and introduces the APT Features Analysis, Section 5 concludes this paper, and Appendix presents a summary of the known campaigns used in this paper.

Related work

The first Targeted Attacks, as we define them today, were described in 2005 by the U.K. National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre (UK-NISCC) and the U.S. Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT) [10]. In 2006 the U.S. Air Force (USAF) coined the term APT used today to cover attacks on large companies with data and cutting-edge knowledge as well as the traditional military, government, academia, research, and financial targets. However, espionage-motivated attack campaigns are said to have started in the 1990s focusing on military objectives, and in the early 2000s, governmental attacks became more common [11]. After 2010, a significant increase in the complexity of the attacks was seen, using multiple vectors and exploiting the social media phenomenon heavily for propagation and gaining the initial foothold [12, 13].

Ussath et al. [14] reviewed 22 attacks focusing on three phases of the well-known Cyber Kill Chain model as proposed by Hutchins et al. [10] and the Mandiant Model [15, 16]. The phases selected by the authors are (a) initial compromise, (b) lateral movement, and (c) command and control. The authors’ descriptions are based on the attackers’ techniques shown in Table 1. It is important to note that the selected attacks were all Windows-based. The authors submit that the (a) initial compromise is commonly made by using spear-phishing where 15 campaigns used attachments and eight used URLs; four attacks used watering-holes; and attacks to web servers and the usage of contaminated storage media were infrequently used. In (b) the lateral movement, nine campaigns used standard Operating System (OS) tools; seven attacks used hash and password dumping tools to collect account credentials; four attacks exploited vulnerabilities, but no zero-day exploits were used in this stage. In (c) command and control, the authors found that 15 attacks used HTTP or HTTPS protocol to communicate with the external command and control servers; five campaigns used custom protocols; nine attacks used a variety of protocols such as FTP or RDP. Also, the authors found that many campaigns use multiple methods during different phases, making them harder to detect.

APT Campaign/GroupInitial CompromiseLateral MovementC2
Spear-phishingWatering-Hole-AttacksServer AttacksStorage MediaStandard OS ToolsHash and Password DumpingExploit VulnerabilitiesHTTP/HTTPSOthersCustom Protocols
Cozy Duke
MsnMM (Naikon Group)
Duqu 2.0
Thamar Reservoir
Naikon APT
EquationDrug (Equation Group)
Animal Farm
Waterbug Group
Desert Falcons
Operation Cleaver
Shell Crew
Deep Panda

Table 1

Techniques and methods of the APT campaigns [14].

Lemay et al. [17] compiled a comprehensive survey of about 40 APT groups, collating publications from many sources to provide researchers with an easy-to-follow central data source. The authors present a summary table containing 11 content columns that list all the references for each subject; these columns are (1) Spear-phishing samples, (2) Watering hole or web attacks, (3) Exploits used, (4) Description of the implant, (5) Description of post-exploitation tools, (6) Description of support tools, (7) Command and control protocol, (8) Command and control infrastructure, (9) Tactics, Tools, and Procedures (TTP), (10) Attribution analysis or details of the groups, and (11) Victimization analysis. This same table has four columns indicating the source document type, showing at a glance the quality of the data; these columns are (1) Blog post, (2) Bulletin, (3) Report, and (4) Conference presentation. Also, the authors present a brief description of the findings of each publication group by geographical region. Finally, the authors also put forward that, at the time of their publication, there were a low number of academic publications covering the APT topic.

Alshamrani et al. [18] surveyed several APT attackers reviewing techniques and methods employed by attackers and defenses, including monitoring, detection, and mitigation methods. The authors also present clear attack trees for generic APT, for data stealing, for undermining critical components, a to position for future attacks.


This paper will present the result of the first part of broader research with the following aims:

  1. Feature-based analysis of selected well-known APTs and TAs in order to categorize these attacks, extract related data and gain a better understanding of the relationship of these attacks and techniques used by attackers.

  2. Analysis of current Cyber-Kill Chain models and propose a more fine-tuned model to include the current evolutionary methods used in more recent APT attacks.

  3. And finally, develop a methodology capable of detecting an APT in its early stage by combining an Artificial Immune System (AIS) methodology known as a Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) with a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers.

Quantitative research methodology was used for creating and processing the test results with the assistance of statistics and casual theory formulation throughout the study. The methods are discussed in more detail in Section 4.

In terms of the software development process, Secure SDLC was used as described by Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

APT features analysis

Although it is almost certain that many campaigns still need to be found or made public and new ones are discovered regularly, this section presents a summary of 72 known attack campaigns using 13 features that categorize the characteristics of the attacks. These attacks were discovered between 2008 and 2018, and one discovered in 1998 is presented, in many senses, is a model for modern attacks. A summary of these attacks is shown in Table  A.1 of the Appendix section, where the exact date of the first sample is not known uses 1st January, and when only the month and year are known, uses the first day of the month. A description of all the features used to describe each campaign is presented below, including their selection for further analyses: [7, 14, 1797].

  1. Attacker: Not Selected. This feature is the attackers’ name and is considered an index not used for categorization.

  2. First Known Sample: This feature refers to the first activity recorded for the attack. It is not selected individually but in combination with Discovery Date to produce the new feature Time Elapsed to Discovery, representing the duration the attacker remained undetected within the target.

  3. Discovery Date: Not Selected. This feature indicates when the attack was discovered.

  4. Number of Targets: Not Selected. The number of targets is less significant than the seriousness of the attack and the relevance of the targets.

  5. Current Status: Not Selected. Regardless of the attackers’ active status, the importance of the attacks is still relevant.

  6. Type: Selected. This presents the nature of the toolkits utilized in each attack.

  7. Targeted Platforms: Selected. Provides the Operating Systems platforms attacked.

  8. Propagation Method: Selected. Presents how the attack was distributed and spread within the victim’s environment.

  9. Purpose or Function: Selected. This represents the goals or reasons that motivated the attack.

  10. Main Target/Sub-targets: Selected. Each campaign’s intended target or targets are shown in this feature, including their sub-targets.

  11. Top Targeted Countries: Not Selected. The geographical distribution of the attacks could be significant, but the nature of these attacks is to be unrestricted just by these boundaries.

  12. Description: Not Selected. This presents an informative account of the attack and cannot be used for categorization.

  13. Based On: Selected. This feature shows attacks based on, reuse parts, or have relationships to other attacks.

The selected features for statistical analysis are categorized into seven groups using six existing features: targeted platforms, targets, propagation method, type, purpose, and derivative attacks. These categories are expanded and analyzed further in the following subsections:

Targeted platforms

This category indicates which Operating Systems were attacked and the number of attacks that focused on them. The observations show that Windows is the most targeted platform, representing 65.7% of the total, followed by Linux, Android, and Mac OS X in second place, representing 7.6% each, as seen in Figure 1. Figure 2 and Table 2 show that attacks on Windows platform are always at the top of participation in each of the years analyzed, having been below 50% just once.

Figure 1.

Targeted platforms.

Figure 2.

Platform discoveries per year (excluding 1998).

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
Windows 50 100 67 33 83 53 59 100 92 86 75
Linux 50 6 12 18
OS X 11 8 24 5
Android 11 6 9 8 14 25
IOS 11 9
Windows Mob 11 8
BlackBerry 11
Cisco IOS 6
SCADA systems 33
Symbian 6

Table 2

Platform discovery distribution.

  1. Windows (65.7%): There are a total of 52 attacks exclusively focused on this platform, and it is a member of 17 other multi-platform attacks.

  2. Linux (7.6%): One attack is solely directed to this OS, two are focused on Windows as well as Linux, and five are multi-platform attacks, including Windows and OS X.

  3. OS X (7.6%): From the eight attacks discovered for Mac OS X, only one exclusively focused on this platform, four where two platforms were attacked, Windows was the second one and three where other platforms were targeted.

  4. Android (7.6%): Although Android is in the shared second place with eight attacks, there is only one dedicated attack on this platform, and all others are stepping stones to gain access to other systems.

  5. iOS (3.8%): All four attacks for this mobile OS are part of multi-platform campaigns using it as an entry point to access other devices, networks, and information.

  6. Windows Mobile (2.9%): No attacks dedicated to this platform were found; however, three attacks used it for surveillance purposes or to gain access to Windows OS.

  7. Blackberry (1.9%): Because of the decline of this platform, we have only found two attacks that used it exclusively for information gathering as part of a multiplatform attack.

  8. Cisco IOS (1%): The Black Energy series of cyberattacks had several variations, and one of those added a plugin capable of exploiting Cisco IOS routers.

  9. SCADA Systems (1%): Only one attack was found directed to Siemens software for PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), focused explicitly on uranium controllers.

  10. Symbian (1%): The only multi-platform attack using this now-defunct mobile OS used it for surveillance purposes.

Time elapsed to discovery

One of the indicators of success for an attacker is how long it can remain undetected; this grouping uses the time elapsed between when the attack was first discovered and the first known samples date. As shown in Figure 3, 33.3% of campaigns were found less than 12 months after the attack started and 16.7% between 12 and 24 months; together, they comprise almost 50% of attacks. Although the number of attacks discovered within the first 24 months is a promising indicator, it also means that 50.7% of the attacks remained undetected for over two years, with the longest-running for just over ten years, Figures 4 and 5 present a breakdown of the distribution per month. These attacks have been grouped in years as described here:

Figure 3.

Time elapsed to discovery in years.

Figure 4.

Time elapsed to discovery breakdown <3 years.

Figure 5.

Time elapsed to discovery breakdown >3 years.

  1. <1 year: this period consists of 24 attacks representing 33.3% of the total. Figure 4 shows the distribution in months for this category, having an average number of days elapsed to the discovery of 187.83 (6.3 months). In Figure 6 and Table 3, we can see that the number of attacks discovered in this period has fluctuated over time. However, the overall trend is an increase in the number of discoveries, 2017 had 66.7% of that year’s discoveries in this bracket, and 2016 and 2015 had 58.3% and 60%, respectively.

Figure 6.

Distribution of attacks discovered per year (excluding 1998).

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
<1 y 50.0 16.7 36.4 14.3 60.0 58.3 66.7 25.0
1–2 y 50.0 50.0 18.2 33.3 14.3 16.7 16.7
2–3 y 100.0 16.7 18.2 11.1 14.3 16.7 25.0
3–4 y 33.39.1 11.1 14.3 20.0
4–5 y
5–6 y9.1 11.1 25.0
6–7 y 22.2 14.38.3 25.0
7–8 y 50.09.1 21.48.3
8–9 y 16.7
9–10 y 11.1
>10 y 20.0

Table 3

Attacks discovered per year participation.

  1. 1 year and <2 years: this period consists of 12 attacks representing 16.7% of the total, with an average number of days passed to the discovery of 509.2 (17 months). The monthly distribution of the attacks in this period can be seen in Figure 4. In contrast, figure and Table 3 show the participation per year and period; these details indicate that the discoveries in this period have reduced in volume in favor of the first period.

  2. 2 years and <3 years: this grouping holds nine attacks representing 12.5% of the discovered attacks. Figure 4 presents the monthly discoveries for this category, having an average of 929.2 days (31 months) to discovery. Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period has been relatively stable, except for 1998, with only one attack analyzed and a peak of 25% in 2018.

  3. 3 years and <4 years: this category has a total of seven attacks discovered or 9.7% of the total, with an average of 1245.14 days (41.5 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 5 presents a breakdown of the number of months to discovery, and Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period peaked at 33.3% in 2011 and has subsided since 2016.

  4. 4 years and <5 years: this grouping has only three attacks discovered or 4.2% of the total, with an average of 1725 days (57.5 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 5 presents a breakdown of the number of months to discovery, and Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period is very low, having peaked in 2011 at 16.7%.

  5. 5 years and <6 years: this period has only three attacks discovered or 4.2% of the total, with an average of 1969.67 days (65.7 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 5 presents a breakdown per the number of months to discovery, and Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period is low, except for 2018, which has a participation of 25%.

  6. 6 years and <7 years: this grouping has five attacks discovered or 6.9%, with an average of 2270.8 days (75.7 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 5 shows a breakdown per number of months to discovery, and Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period has decreased over time, with a peak at 22.2% in 2013.

  7. 7 years and <8 years: this group has six attacks discovered or 8.3% of the total, with an average of 2698.67 days (90 months) elapsed until discovery. Figure 5 shows a breakdown per number of months to discovery, and Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and period has fluctuated, having 50% in 2008 and dropping to 9.1% in 2016.

  8. 8 years and <9 years: this period has one attack, or 1.4% of the total, with an average of 2922 days (97.4 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and periods of this only attack was 16.7% in 2011.

  9. 9 years and <10 years: this grouping has one attack, or 1.4% of the total, with an average of 3439 days (114.6 months) elapsed until discovery. Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and periods of this only attack was 11.1% in 2013.

  10. 10 years: this group has one attack, or 1.4% of the total, with an average of 3652 days (121.7 months) elapsed to discovery. Figure 6 and Table 3 show that the participation per year and periods of this only attack was 20% in 2015.

Targets of attacks

Each attack is aimed at a primary target or targets for their campaigns. This section groups the attacks into nine main categories composed of 55 subcategories representing the sectors or types of organizations attacked, as shown in Table 4, which could mean many more attacks in the overall total. These two grouping levels exist because attackers often start their campaigns with various targets escalating and probing until the main objective is reached. Figure 7 shows the count of main targets per attack. In contrast, Figure 8 displays the main targets grouped by counting targets’ sub-categories’ participation, including the sub-categories, if shared with another main attack. Figure 9 presents a comparison between the participation shown in the first two diagrams, including a combination of both by averaging them to create united participation. Comparing these charts, Government Entities have the highest participation (44.4%, 28.3%, and 36.3%), followed by Manufacturing and Commercial Companies (16.7%, 20.3%, and 18.5%) and High-Tech Companies (13.91%, 15.6% and 14.7%), these top three categories combined represent over 64% of the attacks in all three measurements over the period analyzed.

Main targetsSub-targets
Financial InstitutionsFinancial institutions
Government EntitiesDefense industrial base
Diplomatic organizations/embassies
Government entities
Intelligence agencies
Law enforcement agencies
Military contractors
Multi-national political bodies
UN Workers
Health IndustriesHealth insurance services
Medical Industry
High Tech CompaniesAerospace
Electronics manufacturing
Encryption software users
High technology companies
Information technology
Satellite operators
Software companies
HybridNo specific targets
Wide range of targets
Manufacturing and Commercial CompaniesAutomotive
Business individuals
Chemical industry
Commercial entities
Critical infrastructure engineering firms
Energy oil and gas companies
Heavy industry manufacturers
Maritime and ship-building groups
Nuclear industry
Private companies
Trade and commerce
Mass media and TV
Non-Governmental OrganizationsActivists
Criminal suspects
Humanitarian aid organizations
Non-governmental organizations
Specific individuals

Table 4

Main targets and their subcategories.

Figure 7.

Main targets types.

Figure 8.

Main targets grouped counting targets sub-categories.

Figure 9.

Targets and sub-targets participation compared.

The main Targets have been ordered by their combined participation and are described as follows:

  1. Government Entities: this group suffered 32 attacks during the period analyzed, i.e., 36.3% of the combined total, and its subgroups attacks amounted to 89 during the same period. This category includes sub-categories such as Military entities and their contractors, Government Entities, Embassies, Intelligence Agencies, and Multi-national political bodies, which makes them a desirable target for sophisticated attackers. Over time, as shown in Figure 10 and Table 5, this group has usually been over a third of the attackers’ focus, and the trend seems steady. However, there was a dip in 2010 and 2017; the latter represents the lowest yearly participation at 17.9% of the attacks.

Figure 10.

Targets over time (excluding 1998).

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
Government Entities 75.0 31.6 25.0 25.0 32.3 36.4 25.9 34.9 17.9 57.1
Manufacturing Commercial Companies 15.8 36.46.3 27.5 25.8 20.6 22.2 14.0 21.4
High-Tech Companies 26.3 36.4 21.9 12.5 16.18.4 29.69.3 21.47.1
Non-governmental organizations5.39.1 25.0 10.7 21.4
Financial Institutions5. 11.1 23.3 14.3
Education 25.0
Health Industries3.

Table 5

Targets per year participation.

  1. Manufacturing and Commercial Companies: this group has been the focus of 12 attacks, 18.5% of the average total, and its subcategories received 64 attacks during the same period. Within this category, we have Energy Industries, Nuclear Industry, Manufacturing Companies, and Commercial Entities, all of which are the focus of TA and less sophisticated attacks. Figure 10 and Table 5 show that attacking these targets is a steady focus for attackers, except in 2011 when its participation was only 6.3%.

  2. High-Tech Companies: this group received ten attacks, or 14.7% of the averaged total, l and its subsections counted 48 attacks. Some of the subsections are Software Companies, Aerospace Companies, Encryption Software, and Satellite Operators, few of these are used as gateways or facilitators for further focused attacks or as tools of attacks, but many attacks are the final objective. As seen in Figure 10 and Table 5, over time, there have been peaks and valleys in the attacks directed at these groups. Nonetheless, it has continued participation.

  3. Non-Governmental Organizations: this group has been the focus of eight attacks, 10.5% of the average total, and its subcategories received 31 attacks during the same period. Within this category, we have UN workers, activists, and some specific individuals, all prime subjects for data theft and surveillance. After its peak in 2011 and 2012 of 25%, as seen in Figure 10 and Table 5, the participation of this group follows a medium-level firm trend.

  4. Financial Institutions: this group had eight attacks during the period analyzed, 9.4% of the combined total and its subgroups attacks amounted to 24 during the same period. This category includes sub-categories such as Banks and Investment Companies, targets for those interested in financial gain. Figure 10 and Table 5 show that attacks on these institutions have been rising steadily since 2015, even though they had been declining until then.

  5. Education: although this group did not have direct attacks, it has a combined participation of 4.1% as a part of 26 campaigns focused on other categories that used it as a gateway or part of the attack itself. There have been no reports since 2017 of attacks on this sector, but it has always had a presence in prior years, as shown in Figure 10 and Table 5.

  6. Health Industries: this group received two attacks, 3.5% of the average total, and its subsections counted 13 attacks. Some subsections are Pharmaceutical Companies, Healthcare Companies, and Medical Industries, targeted for data theft, data wiping, and entry points to other targets. Figure 10 and Table 5 show a sporadic targeting of this group with no clear trend.

  7. Media: although this group did not have direct attacks, it has a combined participation of 2.9% as a part of 18 campaigns focused on other groupings that used it as a doorway or as means to reach the primary goal. The subcategories are Journalists, Mass media, and TV Stations. This group has had low participation over time even though it has appeared in more years than other groups; it has always had low volumes; this can be seen in Figure 10 and Table 5.

  8. Hybrid: this sub-section is reserved for attacks with a wide range of targets, almost too wide to be a TA. However, there are a few campaigns initiated as comprehensive that ended up focusing on just a few targets, such as Black Energy. There are no direct attacks in this category and only one under a mixed category, representing only 0.2% of the total.

Propagation method

This section focuses on how the attackers propagated within the target’s network and how the initial distribution of the malware was done. Observing these attacks, 13 propagation methods have been acknowledged and are described in this section. 59.2% of these attacks use multiple propagation methods, here called multi-method, and 40.8% used one method. It is important to note that one of the propagation methods is dedicated to those methods that are unknown to researchers, amounting to 3.6%. Figure 11 shows that over 76% of the attacks used four propagation methods: Social Engineering at 32.9%, Exploits at 22.1%, Watering Holes at 12.9%, and USB Drives at 8.6%. It is essential to point out that the first three methods are the most commonly combined.

Figure 11.

Propagation method.

The Propagation Methods have been ordered by their popularity and are described as follows:

  1. Social Engineering: this type refers to those attacks focused on tricking human users into allowing access to sensitive details; several activities fall into this category, such as phishing and tailgating. A combined total of 46 single and multiple occurrences gives this group a 32.9% of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique is a favorite of attackers, even though it has some valleys.

Figure 12.

Propagation method over time.

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
Social engineering6.3 33.3 37.5 43.8 40.0 50.0 42.1 11.1 33.3
Exploits 20.06.3 20.0 25.0 18.8 30.0 20.0 26.3 33.3
Watering hole attacks6.3 12.5 20.0 20.0 21.1 22.2 33.3
USB drives 40.0 12.5 13.3 18.8 12.5 10.0
LAN spreading 40.0 12.5 12.56.3
Access to network connections6.36.75.3 22.2 33.3
Unknown 1006.
Trojanized software installers6.36.7 11.1
File Infection 12.56.3
Bootable CD-ROM6.36.7
Mobile Infections through Infected PCs6.36.7
Peer-to-peer sharing networks6.33.3
Physical access to computers6.36.7

Table 6

Propagation method per year participation.

  1. Exploits: this category discusses those methods that take advantage of known vulnerabilities in applications, hardware, and Operating Systems. Adding single and multi-type occurrences, this category reported 31 occurrences, 22.1% occurrences of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show a slight variation in occurrences with a stable trend.

  2. Watering Holes: although this method can be considered a part of Social Engineering, it requires the attacker to compromise sites that the targeted victims visit, which requires an extra step that sets them apart. Furthermore, some Social Engineering attacks, such as phishing, use these as secondary infection points. There were 18 appearances observed that represent a 12.9% participation single and multi-type attacks. As observed in Figure 12 and Table 6, this category shows a steadily increasing trend.

  3. USB Drives: this type refers to those attacks focused on tricking human users into inserting a malware-infected USB drive; this is another play on human psychology by either mailing or casually leaving a malicious USB drive for a user to open or directly asking for something from the drive, such as print a file. A combined total of 12 single and multiple occurrences gives this group an 8.6% of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique’s usage has declined over time to the point of not being detected since its appearance in 2015.

  4. LAN Spreading: this type refers to those attacks focused on the traditional worm-like spreading built-in method. A combined total of seven single and multiple occurrences gives this group 5% of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique’s usage has declined significantly and has not been used since 2013.

  5. Access to Network Connections: this category discusses those methods that take advantage of poorly secured live network ports and Wireless networks, such as LAN connections left live and unattended or Wi-Fi connections with MAC blocking and weak passwords. Adding single and multi-type occurrences, this category has six occurrences, 4.3% of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show a slight variation in participation with a stable trend.

  6. Unknown: this type refers to those attacks where the methodologies used were not determined, making them the most successful attacks. A combined total of five between single and multiple occurrences gives this group a 3.6% over the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that not finding the methodology used has occurred over time, but it needs a clear trend.

  7. Trojanised Software Installers: this category discusses those attacks that successfully embedded themselves in legitimate installers for new applications or updates for existing ones. These are also known as supply chain attacks and are very difficult to implement. Adding single and multi-type occurrences, this category has four occurrences, 2.9% of the total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this methodology appears sporadically due to its complexity.

  8. File Infection: this category discusses those traditional malware attack methods that are applications written for infecting targets. However, they are relatively easy to identify due to their signature. This category has been used in three multi-method attacks, 2.1% of total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that it has been sparsely used over time.

  9. Bootable CD-ROM: this type refers to those attacks focused on providing a CD-ROM with booting capabilities to take control of the attacked host. Since the demise of this media, these attacks have all but disappeared. This group has been used in two multi-method attacks, 1.4% of total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique has been used only in 2010 and 2011.

  10. Mobile Infections Through Infected PCs: this group refers to those attacks on mobile devices through previously compromised PCs. This group has been used in two multi-method attacks, 1.4% of total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique has been used only in 2010 and 2011.

  11. Peer-to-peer Sharing Networks: this type refers to those attacks focused on ad hoc networks created for sharing resources over internet connections without server intervention. However, there are attacks on public or semi-public networks that can be included in this category. This group has been used in two multi-method attacks, 1.4% of total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique has been used only in 2010 and 2014.

  12. Physical Access to Computers: this group refers to those attacks conducted through direct physical contact with the target’s computers; this is the case of lost or stolen laptops or unattended computers. This group has been used in 2 multi-method attacks, 1.4% of total. Figure 12 and Table 6 show that this technique has been used only in 2010 and 2011.

Type of attack

This section aims to classify the types of attacks based on the tooling utilized; seven of these types have been identified and described here; some are used exclusively and others in combination; here, they are referred to as single-type and multi-type, respectively. As can be seen in Figure 13, the most commonly used type is Backdoor representing 28.3% of the total, being followed by Trojans at 21.7% and Cyberespionage Toolkits at 19.6%; the top three types account for 69.6% of the total observed.

Figure 13.

Types of attacks.

The types of attacks have been ordered by their usage and are described as follows:

  1. Backdoor: this type refers to those applications or implementations that allow access to circumvent normal security procedures and processes. A total of 26 occurrences, single and multi-type combined, represented 28.3% of the total. Figure 14 and Table 7 show that although it has ups and downs, growth is the overall trend.

Figure 14.

Types of Attacks over time (excluding 1998).

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
Backdoor 21.4 27.3 30.8 45.0 42.9 16.7 28.6
Trojan 42.99.1 23.1 20.0 28.6 25.0 14.3
Cyberespionage Toolkit 100.0 50.0 18.2 30.85.0 14.3 41.7 14.3 66.7
Complex Cyberattack Platform 50.07.1 18.2 15.4 15.0 14.38.3 14.3
Remote Administration Tool 28.69.1 15.08.3
Data Destroyer 18.2 28.6
Worm 50.0 50.0 33.3

Table 7

Types of attacks per year participation.

  1. Trojans and Droppers: this category discusses those malicious applications or implementations hidden within another, legitimate or not, and those that download and install or “drop” more malicious code. Adding single and multi-type occurrences, this segment reaches 20 and accounts for 21.7% of the total. Figure 14 and Table 7 show that it has a slight variation with a stable trend.

  2. Cyberespionage Toolkit: these are a grouping or combination of different tools, pre-existing and specifically designed for the task at hand. Eighteen appearances combining single and multi-type attacks representing 19.6% participation. As observed in Figure 14 and Table 7, this category’s participation oscillates with an increasing trend.

  3. Complex Cyberattack Platform: this type refers to purposeful design and developed platforms. A total of 12 occurrences, single and multi-type combined, gives this group a 13% participation of the total. Figure 14 and Table 7 show that it has peaks and valleys with a declining overall trend.

  4. Remote Administration Tool: this category discusses those applications that provide complete control of the devices to an external party, in this context, with malicious intent. This type also includes Rootkit and Bootkit, which are collections of applications that allow access administration access to a host, including the booting process of the Operating System. Adding single and multi-type occurrences, this category reaches nine, which is 9.8% of the total. Figure 14 and Table 7 show that it has peaks and valleys with a declining overall trend, although its maximum participation reached 28.6% in 2011.

  5. Data Destroyer/Wiping: this type is focused on rendering information unusable or erasing it. Four single-type appearances represent a 4.3% participation. As observed in Figure 14 and Table 7, this category’s participation was 18.2% in 2012 and 28.6% in 2017, these being the two years that it appeared. Although they have a growing trend, these types of attacks are sporadic.

  6. Worm: this category discusses self-propagating malicious applications or implementations. Three single-type appearances represent a 3.3% participation. Figure 14 and Table 7 show that in the years that appeared, it had high incidence; however, it is occasionally used and shows a declining trend.

Purpose of attacks

Segmentation based on the purpose of attacks led to the identification of seven different purposes in this research and are described here. Many attacks have more than one purpose, and some have just one and are referred to as multi-purpose and single-purpose, respectively. Figure 15 shows that all the identified purposes have been used in conjunction with others, and few have been used with further attacks. Figure 15 also displays that Cyberespionage is by far the most popular purpose, at 50.9% and well over double of data wiping purpose at 20.4% combined with surveillance at 12%, these top three purposes account for 83.3% of the attacks’ goals.

Figure 15.

Purpose of Attacks.

The purpose of attacks has been ordered by their popularity and are described as follows:

  1. Cyberespionage: this can be defined as an attack designed to acquire sensitive data or information to obtain an advantage over other governments or targeted companies [97, 98]. Figure 15 shows that this purpose represents 50.9% of the total, and it has been the focus of 30 single-purpose attacks and part of 24 multi-purpose ones for a total of 54 occurrences. Clearly, this is the most common purpose from the samples analyzed. Figure 16 and Table 8 display a very stable occurrence in each year and a near consistent trend.

Figure 16.

Purpose of Attacks per year of discovery (excluding 1998).

1998 (%)2008 (%)2010 (%)2011 (%)2012 (%)2013 (%)2014 (%)2015 (%)2016 (%)2017 (%)2018 (%)
Cyberespionage 100.0 40.0 40.0 30.0 69.2 52.9 41.7 40.0 75.0 42.9 75.0
Data Wiping 40.0 20.0 30.8 29.4 25.0 10.0 28.6 25.0
Surveillance 20.0 30.05.9 25.0 20.0
Remote Control 20.0 20.0 14.3
Monetisation 10.04.2 10.0 25.0 14.3
DoS and DDos 20.05.9
Facilitating other types of attacks 10.0

Table 8

Purpose of attacks per year of discovery participation.

  1. Data wiping: these attacks aim to gain a competitive advantage or inflict damage by destroying the competitors’ or adversary’s data. This purpose signifies 20.4% of the total. It was the focus of six single-purpose and 16 multi-purpose attacks, adding up to a total of 22, as shown in Figure 15. Figure 16 and Table 8 present a diverse participation over time with a decreasing trend.

  2. Surveillance: refers to monitoring people or organizations for intelligence or information gathering. Figure 15 displays that this purpose has a 12% participation, with a total of 13 attacks having this purpose; however, only two are single-purpose because those attackers are the makers of surveillance packages. Figure 16 and Table 8 show that in most years, it had a participation of at least 20%; however, it does not occur every year and therefore has a declining trend.

  3. Remote Control: this can be defined as the intent to gain complete control of the devices and applications of the attacked party. Figure 15 shows that this purpose represents 7.4% of the total, and it has been the focus of two single-purpose attacks and part of six multi-purpose for a total of eight occurrences. Figure 16 and Table 8 display mostly stable participation each year and an almost slightly decreasing trend.

  4. Monetization: this purpose refers to those attacks focused directly on stealing money. This purpose signifies 6.5% of the total. It was the focus of six single-purpose and one multi-purpose attacks, adding up to a total of seven, as shown in Figure 15. Figure 16 and Table 8 present generally low participation over time with a slowly increasing trend.

  5. DoS and DDoS: refer to attacks attempting to overwhelm services with traffic from many sources with the aim of disrupting the service. This purpose has been used as a part of other campaigns exclusively, having the participation of 1.9% and a total of two occurrences. Figure 16 and Table 8 show that this purpose has been sporadic. However, it may have been covertly used too.

  6. Facilitating other types of attacks: there is one attack, Regin, that had as a purpose to facilitate further attacks, almost in a malware-as-a-service fashion. This case represents only 0.9% of the total and was used in conjunction with other purposes only once, as shown in Figure 16 and Table 8.

Secondary and derivative attacks

This category reviews those attacks that are based on, reuse parts, or are related to previous or contemporaneous attacks, as illustrated in Figure 17; this figure illustrates the relationships over time using the year of discovery for grouping. In this category, those attacks that had evolution of themselves are presented as referenced by others as well; these attacks are those that have a very close similarity to the original, resembling a subversion of the attack rather than having significant differences.

Figure 17.

Secondary and derivative attacks.

From the total sample of campaigns analyzed, only 27 fit this category, or 37.5%, referencing a total of 22 attacks, 11 of these are referred by others and reference others simultaneously; these differences are color-coded in Figure 17, which also shows that Agent.BTZ and Equation through Stuxnet and Flame are the attacks that have influenced the most future campaigns, from their discovery in 2008, they have affected attacks until 2017 with Stonedrill. Other major influencers are Wiper, MiniDuke, and Turla; the latter also refers to the 1998 campaign Moonlight Maze which through Whitebear made its presence felt in 2016.

Conclusion and future work

In this paper, 72 attack campaigns are summarized using 12 features and then categorized into seven groups using six existing features, namely targeted platforms, targets, propagation method, type, purpose, and derivative attacks, and calculating the time to discovery based on the time elapsed between when the attack was first discovered and the first known sample date. The analysis of these categories provides a view of the efforts and attention of the attackers. It aims to guide the design of detection systems by providing samples that would help train systems to detect attacks and adapt to new ones.

This research has found a low number of academic publications covering the APT subject; this is mainly due to complexity of APT attacks and victims hesitant to release full data to the public. However, industry-published sources are extensive and have provided much assistance for data gathering, as other authors have also found. Future work would be focused on employing this feature analysis and categorization to create the input for a selection process with modern and representative attack samples to train detection systems.

Table  A.1 summarizes the attacks used in this work using the 13 categories described in Section 3.

Table A.1

Summary of attacks.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Manuel Miguez and Bahman Sassani (Sarrafpour)

Article Type: Research Paper

Date of acceptance: April 2023

Date of publication: May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/acrt.21

Copyright: The Author(s), Licensee IntechOpen, License: CC BY 4.0

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