Correction to: Metal Organic Frameworks Used as Antibiotic Removal Agents in Water

By Miguel Martell Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Méndez Cuesta, Miguel Angel Zavala Sánchez, Erick Cuauhtemoc Pérez Montiel, Alfonso Mata Bermúdez and Cuauhtemoc Pérez González

Published: 09 May 2024

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Miguel Martell Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Méndez Cuesta, Miguel Angel Zavala Sánchez, Erick Cuauhtemoc Pérez Montiel, Alfonso Mata Bermúdez and Cuauhtemoc Pérez González (April 19th 2024). Correction to: Metal Organic Frameworks Used as Antibiotic Removal Agents in Water , Wastewater Treatment - Past and Future Perspectives Prof. Başak Kılıç Taşeli, Dr. Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Dr. Leila Queiroz Zepka and Dr. Mariany Costa Deprá, IntechOpen, DOI: null. Available from:

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