Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Nanoparticles in Drilling Fluid

Written By

Muftahu N. Yahya

Submitted: 06 March 2024 Reviewed: 02 April 2024 Published: 29 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114941

From the Edited Volume

Exploring the World of Drilling

Edited by Sonny Irawan

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Drilling fluids are increasingly being infused with nanoparticles to improve their functionality. The potential of several nanoparticle types including metal oxides, carbon nanotubes, and graphene nanoplates to enhance the rheological, filtration, and thermal characteristics of drilling fluids is being researched. The literature uses nanoparticles at a concentration of roughly 3–5%. The mechanical, thermal, and physicochemical characteristics of drilling fluids can all be improved, heat transmission can be improved, and frictional resistance can be decreased with the help of nanoparticles. For drill-fluid rheology, silica and alumina nanoparticles are especially helpful. In general, research on the application of nanoparticles in drilling fluids is a potential field for the oil and gas sector.


  • drilling fluids
  • nanoparticles
  • rheology
  • fluid loss
  • shale inhibition

1. Introduction

For a variety of purposes, drilling fluids—also referred to as drilling mud—are necessary during the drilling process. They aid in clearing cuttings from the wellbore, lubricating and cooling the drill bit and drill string, and regulating subsurface pressures. Furthermore, they reduce damage to the formations being drilled and support and shield the hole’s walls. Drilling fluid costs can make up as much as 15% of the overall cost of drilling operations; hence, it is imperative to properly monitor and manage them [1, 2, 3]. Drilling fluids come in two basic categories: water-based muds and oil-based muds. However, their composition can vary. Oil-based muds are also frequently utilized, although water-based muds are the most widely used type and can be either distributed or not. Drilling-fluid systems are designed to minimize fluid and solid invasion into the zones of interest and to comply with environmental, health, and safety regulations [4, 5, 6, 7]. Choosing the right drilling fluid is essential to preventing formation damage and ensuring the overall success of the drilling operation [8].

As global energy demand continues to rise, the oil and gas industry faces increasing challenges in extracting hydrocarbons from increasingly complex reservoirs [9]. Despite their effectiveness, traditional drilling fluids often fail to meet the multifaceted requirements of modern drilling operations. Nanoparticles are being integrated into drilling fluids as a strategic response to these challenges, offering benefits such as improved wellbore stability, faster drilling rates, and greater environmental compatibility [10].

The ever-evolving field of drilling technology has seen constant innovation driven by the pursuit of improved productivity, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. The use of nanoparticles in drilling fluids is one such frontier that has attracted a lot of interest [11]. Because of their extraordinary qualities and tiny size, nanoparticles provide a viable way to transform traditional drilling methods [12]. In order to create a thorough grasp of the driving forces, difficulties, and possible advancements in this developing subject, this chapter explores the basic features of nanoparticles in drilling fluids.

More research is being done on nanoparticles and their possible advantages in drilling fluids. Drilling fluids’ rheological, thermal, and filtration qualities can be enhanced by adding nanoparticles, such as metal oxides, silica, and alumina, according to research [11, 13, 14]. They can increase heat transfer, lessen frictional resistance, and stabilize the wellbore. Drilling fluid properties can be enhanced by adding nanoparticles as appropriate additives, resulting in special mechanical, hydrodynamic, thermal, electrical, and chemical improvements [15, 16]. For instance, it has been discovered that adding silica and alumina nanoparticles improves the filter cake quality by bridging and plugging, producing a thin, impermeable, and non-erodible filter cake [15]. Overall, there is potential to improve a number of elements of drilling operations through the use of nanoparticles in drilling fluids.

While the use of nanoparticles in drilling fluids shows promise, there are also concerns about their toxicity and environmental impact, which need to be carefully addressed. Overall, nanoparticles have the potential to resolve various drilling fluid problems in the oil and gas industry and enhance the performance of drilling fluids in challenging conditions. They have also been found to be suitable additives to improve the properties of drilling fluids, including improved rheological performance and stability of the fluid [7].

In order to provide a balanced viewpoint on the transformative potential of nanotechnology in the field of drilling operations, this study aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse within the oil and gas sector by exploring the presence of nanoparticles in drilling fluids.


2. Drilling fluids

Hydrocarbon extraction from subterranean reservoirs is a dynamic and intricate process, and drilling operations depend on the skillful handling of several obstacles. Drilling fluids are one of the most important factors affecting drilling success because they help stabilize the wellbore, transport cuttings to the surface, and regulate pressure imbalances [11]. The basic ideas of drilling fluids are presented in this procedure, setting the stage for their crucial role in the discovery and extraction of oil and gas. Borehole drilling is facilitated by the use of drilling fluids. They perform a number of tasks, including regulating formation pressures, clearing debris from the wellbore, sealing permeable formations, lubricating and cooling the drill bit, and preserving stability and control of the wellbore [17, 18]. The oil and gas sector uses a variety of drilling fluid types. Figure 1 illustrates the three primary categories of drilling fluids: air-based, oil-based, and water-based muds. The most prevalent and diverse kinds of drilling fluids are water-based muds, which can be as basic as mixing water and clay or as sophisticated as multi-component inhibitive or clay-stabilizing drilling fluid systems. Oil-based muds are made without a water phase and are usually employed in particular drilling conditions. They can be made with synthetic or diesel-based oil. Mist, foams, and stiff foams are examples of air drilling fluids that are exclusively utilized in extremely narrow and specific applications [19, 20, 21, 22]. Drilling fluids come in three main compositions: water, oil, or synthetic, and each one offers a unique set of solutions for the well. They are made of both natural and artificial components, such as lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, salts, and agents that regulate pH, in addition to compounds that govern viscosity.

Figure 1.

Drilling fluid classifications.

Drilling fluids have a variety of uses during the drilling process. These include keeping the drill bit cold and lubricated, lifting and lowering cuttings to the surface, stopping wellbore instability, and managing downhole pressure. Drilling problems can be minimized, overall drilling performance can be improved, and wellbore integrity can be guaranteed with the right composition and application of drilling fluids [14, 23, 24]. Drilling operations have become more demanding as they have moved into harder-to-reach areas, like deepwater and unconventional reservoirs. Drilling fluid technology is constantly evolving because of the demand for fluids that can endure high pressures, harsh temperatures, and a variety of geological situations [25]. Furthermore, the development of eco-friendly fluids that reduce ecological impact has been spurred by environmental considerations [26].


3. Drilling fluid additives

An essential part of the oil and gas drilling process is drilling fluid. It performs a number of functions, such as stabilizing the wellbore, preventing formation damage, transporting drilled cuttings to the surface, and cooling and lubricating the drill bit. Additives to drilling fluid are compounds that are mixed with the fluid to improve performance and solve particular problems that arise during drilling [15, 27, 28]. These are a few typical additions to drilling fluid:

Weighting agents: By making the drilling fluid denser, these additives help maintain wellbore pressure and stop formation fluid inflow. Hematite and barite (barium sulfate) are common weighing agents.

Viscosifiers: These are substances that are added to drilling fluid to stabilize its viscosity and enhance its capacity to suspend and move cuttings. Three common viscosifiers are xanthan gum, bentonite, and attapulgite.

Fluid loss control agents: By lowering the amount of drilling fluid lost into the formation, these additives help maintain the drilling fluid’s intended characteristics and avoid wellbore instability. Synthetic polymers, asphaltic chemicals, and lignite are a few examples.

Shale inhibitors: Shale formations can inflate and disintegrate, causing wellbore instability and hole growth. Shale inhibitors are employed to stop this from happening. Potassium hydroxide, potassium chloride, and certain polymeric additives are common shale inhibitors.

Emulsifiers and surfactants: By encouraging the creation and stability of emulsions, these additives aid in the stabilization of oil-based drilling fluids. They are frequently utilized in circumstances in which fluids based on water could not be efficient.

Corrosion inhibitors: Added to drilling fluid to prevent corrosion, corrosion inhibitors shield the wellbore and drilling equipment from the elements. These additives frequently contain substances like organic acids or amines.

Biocides: Used to prevent problems like fluid souring or wellbore damage, biocides stop the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms in the drilling fluid.

Defoamers: Defoamers are added to drilling fluid to lessen or completely remove foam production, which can impede drilling and adversely affect the fluid’s performance.

Lost circulation materials: The purpose of these additives is to prevent lost circulation, which occurs when drilling fluid seeps into the formation as opposed to returning to the surface. For this, minerals like calcium carbonate, mica, and fibrous materials can be utilized.

It is noteworthy that the choice of additives for drilling fluid is contingent upon a number of aspects, such as the particular geological circumstances, the drilling goals, and the kind of drilling fluid (water-based, oil-based, or synthetic-based) being utilized. Furthermore, these additives’ combinations and concentrations can be changed in response to the drilling difficulties that arise. To get the greatest results, using drilling fluid additives involves careful preparation, monitoring, and selection. The additions must not result in any unfavorable reactions, such as precipitation, emulsification, or degradation, and they must be compatible with the base fluid. Throughout the drilling process, the additives should support the achievement and maintenance of the intended qualities and functions.


4. Nanotechnology and drilling fluids

There is a lot of discussion regarding nanomaterials these days; in fact, a great deal of books, journals, and publications have been written about the subject. Even consumer product commercials utilize the prefix “nano” as a keyword to highlight specific qualities. The technology used at the nanoscale with practical applications is referred to as nanotechnology [12]. Nanomaterials’ special chemical and physical characteristics can be used for useful applications that advance society. Nanotechnology has emerged as a ubiquitous technology and is a megatrend. In order to create new applications and technologies based on these features, this discipline investigates the distinctive behaviors and properties that materials exhibit at the nanoscale [29, 30].

Key aspects of nanotechnology include:

Nanoscale manipulation: The field of nanotechnology deals with the manipulation and control of materials at the atomic or molecular level. Scientists and engineers can produce materials with distinctive qualities and uses thanks to this degree of accuracy.

Nanomaterial properties: The properties of materials at the nanoscale are frequently distinct from those of the same materials at higher dimensions. Some of these qualities that can be used for different purposes are increased chemical reactivity, changed electrical conductivity, improved strength, and others.

Interdisciplinary nature: With components from physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and engineering, nanotechnology is extremely interdisciplinary. Scholars from several fields work together to investigate and take advantage of events at the nanoscale.

The scientific community has developed numerous applications for nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has significantly improved process efficiency, reduced costs, and improved environmental friendliness [31]. In nanotechnology, an object is defined as a particle when it comes to its attributes and transport [32, 33]. Nanoparticles are submicron particles, with diameters ranging from 1 to 100 nm, with an interfacial layer surrounding them [32, 34]. While food, energy, and some medical items have already accepted nanotechnology, other industrial sectors have also adopted it, including the information and communications industry. Nanotechnology has been investigated by the oil and gas industry for applications in drilling, emulsion stabilizers, coatings, lubricity, shale inhibition, rheology modification, wellbore strengthening, desalination, and oil spill cleanup [35, 36, 37, 38]. Their huge specific area-to-volume ratios and suitably small sizes contribute significantly to the amazing properties of nanoparticles and have a considerable influence on their physicochemical qualities. Nanoparticles are therefore more fascinating because of their enormous specific area [35, 39].

Deeper and more difficult drilling circumstances can be handled with nanotechnology-enhanced drilling fluid. The unique characteristics of nanoparticles are such as small size (1–100 nm), high specific surface area, and superior adsorption, along with optical, thermal, electrical, and mechanical capabilities. Controlling mud rheology, limiting mud invasion into the formation, and producing a thin, impermeable, compact filter cake under reservoir conditions have all been assessed as benefits of using nanoparticles in drilling fluid [14, 26, 40, 41, 42]. Additionally, drilling mud rheology has been demonstrated to be improved by nanoparticles, and gel strength has been demonstrated to be reasonably limited [40, 43, 44]. Given how much the environment affects additives, consideration should be given to the concentration, kind, and stability of these nanoparticles [45, 46]. Inadequate stability or overconcentration can have a detrimental effect on the rheological and filtration characteristics of the drilling fluid [46, 47, 48]. Therefore, better and more enhanced fluid qualities will be produced with a minimal addition of nano-based components to the drilling fluid formulation.


5. Nanoparticles as drilling fluid additives

Studies on nanoparticles as possible additives to enhance the properties of drilling fluids used in the oil and gas sector have been conducted. Their efficacy has been demonstrated in enhancing the rheology, filtration, and thermal stability of drilling fluids, in addition to providing assistance in resolving various problems that may develop throughout the drilling procedure. Many characteristics of drilling fluids, including filtration, rheology, lubricity, thermal stability, and cutting transport, can be influenced by nanoparticles [26, 42, 46, 47]. But the toxicity of some nanoparticles makes their widespread use a source of environmental and safety risks. More investigation is required to completely comprehend the potential advantages and hazards of nanoparticles as drilling fluid additives, even though they appear promising [15, 49, 50, 51].

Nanoparticles offer several benefits when used in drilling fluids, including:

Better overall performance: The addition of nanoparticles to drilling fluids can improve their rheology, filtration, and thermal stability [24].

Reduced formation damages: They can aid in lessening mud cake, fluid loss, and formation damages, which can improve drilling efficiency and cut down on drilling fluid expenses overall [16].

Control of fluid properties: Nanoparticles help control fluid properties to satisfy certain operational needs, like high pressure and temperature circumstances [52].

Enhanced heat transfer: It has been discovered that several nanoparticles, including alumina and silica, enhance heat transfer in drilling fluids [15].

Better cooling and lubrication: Nanoparticles can help with activities like cooling and lubricating the drilling bit surface, which makes drilling operations run more smoothly [26].

Although the characteristics of drilling fluid can be improved by using nanoparticles, it is vital to take into account any possible safety or environmental issues. Drilling fluids frequently contain the following nanoparticles:

5.1 Nanoclay

Drilling fluid additives containing nanoclays are being researched and used more often. According to research, drilling fluid properties can be significantly impacted by nanoclays, including nano-titanium, nano-copper oxide, nano-alumina, and nano-bentonite. Research has indicated that they can decrease permeability, regulate filtration characteristics, improve the mechanical qualities of the drilling fluid, and strengthen shale stability [53, 54, 55]. Additionally, nanoclays are a promising addition for a variety of drilling operations, including those in sensitive environments, as they can help improve the rheological behavior of the drilling mud and reduce fluid loss. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of using nanoclays in drilling fluids, and large oil companies are investigating the possibility. As such, nanoclays exhibit considerable promise as additives for drilling fluid, providing a number of advantages for drilling operations [56, 57, 58]. Common uses of nanoclays in drilling operations include the following:

Rheological properties enhancement: Layered silicate minerals with a large aspect ratio and high surface area are called nanoclays, and examples of them are bentonite and montmorillonite. Once these nanoparticles are distributed throughout drilling fluids, they can mix with additives and water molecules to produce a stable colloidal suspension. The contact causes the drilling fluid’s viscosity, gel strength, and yield point to increase. This lowers the possibility of a stuck pipe and increases drilling efficiency overall. The fluid also shows enhanced cutting-carrying capacity and improved hole-cleaning capabilities [59].

Fluid loss control: By creating a thin, impermeable filter cake on the wellbore wall, nanoclays can also function as agents for fluid loss control. This filter cake helps to minimize fluid loss into the formation, which lowers the risk of differential sticking, preserves wellbore stability, and prevents formation damage [55].

Shale inhibition: Shale dispersion and swelling can be lessened in drilling operations involving shale formations by using nanoclays. Nanoclays lessen the shale particles’ propensity to swell and disintegrate when they come into contact with drilling fluids by creating a shield around them. This eliminates wellbore instability problems related to shale deposits and improves wellbore stability [60].

Tolerance to temperature and salinity: Nanoclays are versatile and can be used in a variety of drilling conditions, including formations with high salinity and temperatures. With this adaptability, drilling engineers may create stable drilling fluids that function well even in the most difficult downhole circumstances while retaining their rheological qualities.

All things considered, nanoclays are beneficial additives for drilling fluid that provide a range of benefits, including shale inhibition, temperature and salinity endurance, fluid loss management, and rheological enhancement. Their extensive application in the oil and gas sector attests to their efficacy in resolving a range of drilling issues and streamlining drilling activities.

5.2 Nanosilica

The unusual features of nanosilica, commonly referred to as silica nanoparticles, have made it a promising addition to drilling fluids. Furthermore, they are utilized to enhance wellbore stability and prevent fluid loss. To enhance the functionality of both oil- and water-based drilling fluids, nanosilica is used as an addition. Drilling fluids’ rheological qualities, filtration loss, lubrication, temperature resistance, and shale inhibition have all been reported to be improved by it [42, 61]. Shale hydration can be slowed down, mud stability can be increased, and the permeability of the shale can be decreased by nanosilica. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to improve the rheological characteristics of synthetic-based drilling fluids for tight gas reservoir circumstances, lower the filtration loss volume of drilling mud, and give the drilling fluid thermal stability. However, variables like concentration and drilling fluid type can affect how effective nanosilica is as an addition to drilling fluid. Even though nanosilica has been shown to improve the quality of drilling fluids, more research is needed to establish the ideal concentration for various kinds of drilling fluids [62, 63].

5.3 Nanometals

The magnetic characteristics of nanometals, such as iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles, are used in wellbore cleaning and downhole tool location utilizing magnetic resonance imaging techniques. For their possible use in drilling fluid compositions, nanometals have been researched. As per the review paper [64], the rheology of drilling fluids can be altered and their filtration, heat transmission, and friction reduction capabilities enhanced by the incorporation of nanoparticles. Several nanoparticles, including ferric oxide, copper oxide, aluminum oxide, MWCNT, TiO2, and silica, are mentioned in the article as being used in water-based drilling fluids. Another study [65] talks about how new nanomaterials, including nanometals, could be used in drilling fluids. It is crucial to remember, nevertheless, that the use of nanomaterials in drilling fluids raises questions concerning possible environmental effects [66].

5.4 Nanopolymer

Drilling fluids can have their rheological characteristics changed and fluid loss management enhanced by using nanoscale polymers, such as polyacrylamide (PAM) nanoparticles. These materials’ small size and high surface area-to-volume ratio result in unique characteristics and behaviors [67]. The potential applications of nanopolymers in drug delivery, tissue engineering, nanocomposites, sensors, and other areas have sparked a great deal of interest in a variety of industries, including materials science, medicine, electronics, and environmental engineering. The oil and gas sector has investigated the potential uses of nanopolymers for a range of applications, including drilling fluids. Drilling fluids are necessary for the drilling process because they transfer cuttings to the surface, cool the drill string, lubricate the drill bit, and preserve wellbore stability. Controlling elements including molecular weight, chemical composition, shape, and surface features allows one to customize the qualities of nanopolymers. Many methods, including self-assembly approaches, template-assisted synthesis, and emulsion polymerization, can be used to synthesize them. When compared to their macroscopic counterparts, the resultant nanopolymers may have improved mechanical strength, thermal stability, electrical conductivity, and optical characteristics [68]. A summary of some research on the rheological effects of muds made with nanopolymers can be found in Table 1.

ReferencesNanopolymerBase fluidObservationExperimental condition
[69]Polymeric nanocomposite-based multiwalled carbon nanotubes and graphene-poly (lactic acid)OilThe filtration properties of the polymeric composites were enhanced. The nanocomposites have also shown enhanced mechanical performance, rheology, and thermal stability.3.44738 MPa, 148°C for filtration test, and 15.56–82.3°C/N.G
[70]Synthetic polymers plus ZnO NPs/carbon nanotubesWaterThere was little filtering loss and rheology stability. Increase fluidity, thermal conductivity, and thermal stability. As a result, rheology improved by 14% and water permeability decreased by 25%.3.5 MPa, 204.45°C/N.G
[71](Polystyrene-methyl methacrylate-acrylic acid)/clayWaterThe composite nanoclay/NP’s rheology was stabilized. Fluid losses in API were reduced using composite NP. Decreased polymer chain mobility, which raises the flow resistance.2.1 MPa, 121.12°C/particle size: 1–2 nm, density: 300–370 kg/m3, and specific surface area: 220–270 m2/g
[72]Polyanionic cellulose with acrylamide quaternary monomer and grafting to nanosilica (PAC-DDAS-SiO2)WaterPlastic viscosity rose from 4 to 30 MPa when PAC-DDAS-SiO2 was added to the base fluid. Before age, the amount of fluid lost in the system was reduced from 20 to 5.4 mL by adding PAC-DDAS-SiO2 (2 wt%). Following aging at 260°C, the fluid loss volume decreased from 38 to 7.2 mL.690 KPa, 200–260°C/particle size: 200 nm
[73]Hydrophobic polymer-modified nanosilicaWaterPAM-SiO2NPs-WBDF obstruct the shale’s nanopores, stopping water from penetrating the clay. When compared to commercial shale inhibitor-based fluids and traditional drilling fluids, PAM-SiO2NPs-WBDF has shown better shale-inhibition performance. Reductions in PV, AV, YP, Gel10 sec, and Gel10 min of 30.7, 38.5, 32.1, 31.9, and 44.3% were found by rheological investigation of PAM-SiO2NPs-WBDF.3.44738 MPa, 100°C/particle size: 200 nm
[74]Nanopolymer-based 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, acrylamide, dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride, and nano-laponite.WaterIn terms of salt resistance and heat stability, the nanopolymer performs exceptionally well. Bentonite-based WBDF produced a fluid loss of 10.4 mL during thermal aging at 150°C, while saturated brine produced 6.4 mL.3.4 MPa, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, and 200°C/average diameter: 20 nm, average height: 1 nm
[75]Nano-sized poly (styrene-lauryl acrylate)OilThe findings showed that the FL HTHP fell from 10.2 to 7.8 mL at 3%, whereas the FL API decreased from 3.6 to 2.8 mL. It is plausible to suppose that the nanopolymer’s capacity to control filtration and rheological properties has improved as a result.690 KPa, 180°C/average particle size: 300 nm, median particle size (D50): 541 nm
[76]Nanopolymer-based styrene, methyl methacrylate, and butyl acrylate as raw materials.OilAccording to the findings, the filter cake permeability was reduced to 6.3 × 105 mD (72.12% reduction), and the artificial core permeability was reduced to 4.1 × 104 mD (88.41% reduction) at a concentration of 0.5% nanopolymer.3.44738 MPa, 364°C/average size 108.70 nm, particle size distribution: 43.98–248.80

Table 1.

Some applications of nanopolymers as additives in drilling fluids.

5.5 Carbon-based nanoparticles

The potential of carbon-based nanoparticles, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), to improve the lubricating, thermal, and electrical conductivity of drilling fluids is being studied [26]. The potential of carbon-based nanoparticles (CNPs) as drilling fluid additives to enhance their characteristics and functionality has been investigated. According to research, CNPs can improve drilling fluids’ viscosity, thermal stability, and colloidal stability. They can also improve filtration capabilities, the removal of cuttings, and wellbore stability [16, 25, 51, 59, 77]. For instance, it has been discovered that adding silicon oxide nanoparticles, which have an average particle size of 18 nm, considerably lowers the thermal stability index (TSI) of drilling fluids following thermal aging [77]. It has also been demonstrated that two-dimensional nanoparticles, such as graphene oxide and silicon nano-glass flakes, enhance thermal, lubricating, and viscoelastic properties [51].

Drilling fluid compositions that are more cost-effective, high-performing, and sustainable could be produced by adding CNPs, which could be advantageous for the infrastructure, water, energy, and gas sectors. However, because these variables can affect the fluids’ performance, it is important to carefully evaluate pH, temperature, ionic strength, and pressure when developing drilling fluids using CNPs [51]. As shown in Table 2, there are some carbon-based nanoparticles (CNPs) used in drilling fluid.

ReferencesCarbon nanomaterialsTested propertiesObservationExperimental condition
[78]Carbon blackRheological and filtration propertiesEnhanced rheological and filtration properties due to a notable decrease in YP, PV, and FL.LPLT at 100 psi and 80°F, HPHT at 500 psi and 275°F–300°F
[79]Multiwalled carbon nanotubes and silica (SiO2)Thermal, filtration, rheological, and stability propertiesSamples of modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes exhibit increased viscosity and thermal conductivity. Both nanoparticles exhibit increased fluid stability and decreased fluid loss.Ambient
[80]Multiwalled carbon nanotubes, multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with COOH, and multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with OHFriction coefficient and FL of bentonite/CMC-based drilling fluidsImprovements are shown in water-based drilling fluid friction and fluid loss.Ambient
[81]Multiwalled carbon nanotubesRheological properties of WBDFThe base fluid’s viscosity was increased. The base fluid with little nanoparticle content had a higher viscosity at higher temperatures.Pressure up to 170 MPa and temperature up to 180°C
[82]Graphene oxide nanosheets/polyacrylamide (PAM)Plastic viscosity, yield point, and fluid loss propertiesThe plastic viscosity of the nanomaterial decreased by 15.30% in comparison with the base fluid. The fluid loss of nanomaterial drilling fluid is decreased by 34.36% and 38.96% at LPLT and HPHT settings, respectively.HPHT at 500 psi, 120°C LPLT at 100 psi, 25°C
[83]Graphene nanoplatesRheological properties of WBDFThe viscosity has less effect at low shear rates. It displayed stronger thinning characteristics at high shear rates.Ambient
[26]Graphene nanoplateletsRheological, filtration, and lubricity propertiesThe addition of the modified nano additive to the base mud yields the best rheological improvement. The addition of the synthetic components improved the lubricity of the base mud.Before hot rolling (25°C 100 psi) and after hot rolling (121°C, 500 psi)
[84]Graphene nanoparticlesViscosity and thermal conductivityImproved viscosity and shear stressBelow ambient temperature: −10 to 25°C
[85]Polymer/graphene oxide compositeFiltration propertiesStable filtration properties using PAAN and PAAN-0.2G compositesUp to temperature: 240°C

Table 2.

Some applications of carbon nanomaterials as additives in drilling fluids.

5.6 Metal oxide nanoparticles

Drilling fluids can be made more thermally stable and their chemical reactions inhibited by adding metal oxide nanoparticles, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3). The potential of metal oxide nanoparticles as drilling fluid additives to enhance performance and tackle a range of drilling-related issues has been investigated [86, 87]. This is especially true in high-temperature and high-pressure (HTHP) conditions. Adding metal oxide nanoparticles to drilling fluids has several advantages, such as:

Improving the yield point makes it easier to remove cuttings from the wellbore. Increasing plastic viscosity enhances the drilling fluid’s capacity to move cuttings and preserves the stability of the wellbore. Lowering filtration loss to reduce drilling fluid intrusion into the rock [88]. Damage is reduced by forming a filter cake that is more effective.

ZnO nanoparticles, which have been demonstrated to raise yield stress and plastic viscosity [16], are among the metal oxide nanoparticles that have been investigated for use in drilling fluid applications. TiO2 nanoparticles, which, when mixed with polyacrylamide (PAM), might reduce yield stress [88]. Fe2O3 nanoparticles have the ability to raise yield stress and decrease filtrate loss [89]. Table 3 contains a list of additional metal oxide nanoparticles that are added to drilling fluid mixtures.

ReferencesMetal oxide nanomaterialsTested propertiesObservationExperimental condition
[90]Iron oxide (Fe3O4)Rheological properties, viscoelastic properties, lubricity, and filtrate loss.Drilling fluid performance was improved by very modest concentrations of NPs. Furthermore, the work’s outcomes show that NPs can be used to precisely adjust the characteristics of drilling fluids.Measurements were performed at 22°C, 50°C, and 80°C, and atmospheric pressure
[87]Iron oxide (Fe3O4)The rheological parameters and fluid filtrate volumes.When comparing the filtration behavior of Fe3O4 NP to that of the base fluid, the HPHT conditions demonstrated a greater reduction in fluid loss.LPLT (100 psi, 77°F) and HPHT (300 psi, 250°F)
[86]Zinc oxideRheological properties at 150°F, filtrate properties at 500 psi, 250°F.A small amount of the pressure filtrate loss volume was reduced by the elevated temperature. Shale swelling only decreased to 9% from 16%.At 150F and 500 psi, 250°F
[13]Silicon oxide nanoparticles and iron oxideRheological and filtration propertiesThe outcomes showed that the rheology was not significantly impacted by the presence of iron oxide nanoparticles. The filtration test findings demonstrated that adding polymers and nanoparticles to the drilling mud further reduced the rate of filtration.Ambient temperature
[91]Zinc oxideRheological and filtration propertiesThe findings show that at lower NP concentrations (0.05 wt%) and higher temperatures, a better rheological improvement is obtained.40°C and 80°C

Table 3.

Some applications of metal oxide nanomaterials as additives in drilling fluids.

Even with the encouraging outcomes, much more needs to be done to completely grasp the possibilities of metal oxide nanoparticles in drilling fluids and to maximize their application in diverse drilling scenarios.

The selection of these nanoparticles is based on the intended enhancements in drilling fluid performance as well as their unique characteristics. When choosing and utilizing nanoparticles in drilling operations, it is crucial to take into account aspects like safety, cost-effectiveness, and the impact on the environment.


6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the use of nanoparticles as drilling fluid additives has shown great potential in improving drilling performance and reducing environmental impact. The unique properties of nanoparticles, such as high surface area, high reactivity, and controllable size and shape, enable them to enhance the performance of drilling fluids by improving their rheological properties, reducing friction and wear, and preventing the formation of filter cakes. Additionally, the use of biodegradable and environmentally friendly nanoparticles can significantly reduce the environmental impact of drilling operations. However, further research is needed to fully understand the potential risks associated with the use of nanoparticles in drilling fluids and to develop safe and effective methods for their disposal. Overall, the use of nanoparticles as drilling fluid additives represents a promising area of research for the development of more efficient and sustainable drilling technologies.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Muftahu N. Yahya

Submitted: 06 March 2024 Reviewed: 02 April 2024 Published: 29 May 2024