Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Selection of Material Parameters in a Chaotic Small Particle Embedded Medium for Wave Scattering Design

Written By

Mykhaylo Andriychuk and Borys Yevstyhneiev

Submitted: 15 November 2023 Reviewed: 07 January 2024 Published: 22 May 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.114175

From the Edited Volume

Chaos Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

Edited by Mykhaylo Andriychuk

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Solution to the problem of electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering on a set of small size impedance particles of arbitrary shape with the chaotic rule of their distribution is sought for by the asymptotic approach. The particles are distributed in a homogeneous volume with the constant material parameters. Solution to the problem is derived under the condition that the characteristic size of particles tends to zero; besides, the quantity of particles approaches to infinity at a specific principle. The solving procedure is reduced to derivation of an explicit form of solution that avoids the need to solve the governing integral equation, which is used to determine the fields in the particle’s surfaces. This allows to keep out of integration of the derivatives of Green function, which are presented in a kernel of the derived integral equation. The practical importance of approach consists of creating the media or materials with the close to desired inhomogeneous value of the effective refractive index or magnetic permeability. The explicit analytical relations are reduced for the above physical parameters, and they are verified by computations. It is substantiated that the chaotic distribution of particles in the initial medium makes possible to obtain more contrast material parameters comparing with the regular distribution of particles.


  • EM scattering problem
  • impedance boundary condition
  • chaotic small particles embedded medium
  • asymptotic approach
  • system of linear algebraic equations
  • specific material parameters
  • numerical simulation

1. Introduction

The EM wave scattering attracts the attention of many researchers owing its application in the various fields of antennas design, microelectronics, communications, radioastronomy, power engineering, avionics, environmental observation, etc. As s rule, this phenomenon describes the behavior of the EM field components in the presence of complex scattering objects that cause the change of the initial incident field in a great extent. The solving the EM wave scattering problems started from the consideration of the simple form of scatterers with canonical geometrical shapes. The definitive research in this relation was pioneering work of Mie [1], where the solution of the EM wave scattering problem on the metallic sphere was obtained. The forthcoming investigations were focused on the coordinate bodies with the different physical properties [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and the scatterers of arbitrary shape [7, 8, 9, 10]. In fact, the application of the analytical approach for the bodies of arbitrary shapes is impossible; therefore, the numerical methods must be applied.

In relation to this, one can attract attention to the article [11], in which author used the method of moments to solve the integral equation for the electrical component of EM field. The models on a planar triangular patch are used for modeling the non-coordinate surfaces of arbitrary shapes. The advantages of such models have been specified at the early research by Sankar and Tong [12] and by Wang [13].

In addition to the above, the asymptotic approach is a perspective method, which allows to get the analytical form of solution to the problem of scattering on a set of small bodies [14]. The convenience of this approach is the possibility to get a close approximate solution, which is applicable to many engineering tasks [15].

The asymptotic solution of integral equation for the case of scattering by an impedance convex cylinder at the grazing incidence has been studied in [16]. The proposed method joins a combination of an asymptotic field’s expansion based on the theory of boundary layer with the use of the boundary and matching conditions. The paper [17] was one of the first works, in which the usual boundary integral equation method and asymptotic approach were combined for solving the 2D and 3D problems of diffraction. An effective method for the asymptotic phase front determination, based on the moment’s method, was proposed in [18, 19].

In this chapter, we study the problem of scattering the EM waves on a set of arbitrary small impedance particles, which are placed in a homogeneous medium, which is characterized by constant permittivity ε0>0, and permeability μ0>0 was considered in [20]. For solving the problem of scattering the EM waves on a set of chaotically placed particles, we improve the idea proposed there. The particles are embedded in some limited domain D. As a result, such a domain obtains new physical properties. Particularly, it can have the effective spatially inhomogeneous permeability μx, which can be vary either by the boundary impedance of embedded particles or by their density distribution.

Thus, even though the original domain has a constant permeability μ0, the new domain becomes an inhomogeneous permeability μx. This value has an analytical representation in terms of the distribution density of particles and the boundary impedance of particles.

The assumptions from [21], applied to the study of scattering the EM waves on a set of small size spherical particles with the impedance-type boundary conditions, are used. Simultaneously, we generalize the approach [22], where a single body of arbitrary shape was considered, to the case of set of the bodies. Mainly, the chapter is focused on the numerical results aimed to show that the chaotic embedding the small particles has advantages from both the reason, such as the better characteristics of the convergence of the proposed successive approximation method for solving the auxiliary system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) and ability to get the characteristics of material parameters of resulting inhomogeneous medium differ more on the characteristics of homogeneous medium that in the case of regular distribution of particles. For example, the above was demonstrated for the EM wave scattering in [23] and for light scattering in [24].

The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we get short information about the physics of problem. Section 3 proposes the mathematical description of problems, and the presented formulas make easy the understanding the matter despite the fact that many of them were given in the previous publications of authors. The solving procedure is explained in Section 4. Section 5 contains the results of numerical modeling that demonstrate the advantages of the chaotic distribution of particles in contrast to their regular distribution. In Section 6, we discuss the advantages of the proposed distribution of particles and emphasize the practical importance of the approach proposed. The conclusions in Section 7 finish the research with announce some forthcoming investigations.


2. The physics of problem

The discussion about the physical peculiarities of problem one can find in [25, 26, 27]. We explain here the main physical parameters of the problem. Let the boundary impedance of the small particles be


where xmDm is a point in the m-th particle, and the function h(xm) is a continuous and diminishes out the domain D. Form (1) of the boundary impedance is correct in the physical sense because its module can be large and arbitrary, and the condition Reh(xm)>0 is true; the number ν (0, 1], we can prescribe arbitrarily.

The value of b is the particle’s maximum characteristic size, that is.


The small size of subdomain Dm is understood as kb1, and k is the wavenumber.

We accept that the boundary conditions in the surface Sm of Dm are given as


where “×” marks the cross product of vectors. The vector functions Et (Ht) characterize the tangential values of E(H) at Sm, and N is the unit outer normal to Sm.

Crucial in our approach is the function p(x), characterizing the particle’s density in the arbitrary subdomain Δ of whole domain D. We assume that the embedded particles number N(Δ) in Δ is


and b0, px0 is a continuous arbitrary function, which is zero outside D, where the particles are embedded. Both the functions hx and px can be given that results in a desired magnetic permeability and a refractive index in D.


3. Mathematical description of problem

We assume that a set of bodies Dm, where 1mM, is embedded in a domain with the constant values of ε0,ε0, and k2=ω2ε0μ0; ω is the frequency.

The problem of EM wave scattering is reduced to determine the vectors E and H, satisfying the set of Maxwell equations


in the domain D=R3\m=1MDm

We give the EM field components as


the vectors Ei,Hi stand for the incident fields satisfying (5) in whole space R3\D; components Es and Hs define the scattered field.

The impedance boundary conditions we give as


on Sm at 1mM. Function ζmxm is the boundary impedance, and N is a unit normal pointing out Dm.

Usually, the impedance boundary conditions are


where Ni is a unit normal to Sm directed in Dm, and the tangential part of E is


If we prescribe Et as


and use the equalities N×H×N×N=H×N, N×N=0, where “.” denotes the dot product of vectors, then we obtain the impedance boundary condition (7). We suppose that the boundary impedance ζm is constant and that Reζm0.

We consider the case of a plane incident wave, namely


β is a constant vector, and unit vector αS2, where S2 is a unit sphere in whole space R3. By this, both the vectors α and β satisfy t the condition αβ=0. Besides, the vectors Es and Hs must satisfy the Silver-Müller condition of radiation


If to use the relation


we obtain


in the domain D.

Thus, the problem (5)(7) is reduced to the determination of Ex by (15), which meets the conditions (10) and (12), (13).


4. Solution methods

4.1 Asymptotic representation of the field

The solution to problem of the EM wave scattering on the set of uniformly distributed small impedance particles is given in the explicit form in [28]. This solution satisfies the Helmholtz equation at the arbitrary continuous integrand function Pmt because the incident field Ei satisfies this equation as well.

Let the boundary impedance ζm of Sm is (1). The quantity NΔ of the particles embedded in an arbitrary subdomain ΔDm is (4).

Alternatively, solution of [28] can be presented as




Subscript “x” at operator in (16) marks that differentiation is taken to argument x. If relation Pmy=Obν is correct that follows from the estimate of terms corresponding to integral equation, which is reduced for Pmt in [25], we have Qm=Ob2ν.

Using Theorem 1, given in [28], we present (16) in form


When | x — xm | is the same order of smallness than b, then term at m=j in (16) can be eliminated by the asymptotic (effective) field definition [25]. In the terms of asymptotic, the previous formula is


The last formula has a practical significance because it allows us to exclude the term with m=j in the SLAE for the determination of the function vectors U (see Eq. (24) below). One can show if b0, then sum in (21) transforms to the respective integral. The last property gives the possibility to reduce the Fredholm integral equation with respect to the vector Ex (see [21]).


the parameter η defines the shape of particle, the functions hy, py are defined in (1) and (4). The operator A=IB, I is 3×3 identity matrix; the numbers bij,i,j=1,2,3of 3×3 matrix B are defined as in [28]

where Sm is the mth particle area. Eq. (20) has a great importance because it allows to reduce the closed formula for the permeability of the new inhomogeneous material.

4.2 The explicit formula for vector E

Now, we illustrate the method how to determine the Qm, which is applied for search the components of electrical field E. We define the auxiliary vector functions


If they are found, we can calculate the vectors


where number ηm defines the shape of particle. For example, this number is 4π for a sphere, and for an ellipsoid with semiaxes a,b,c is


where b=t1a,c=t2a and p=1.6075. The field E is found using (18), provided vectors Qm are determined. In order to reduce SLAE for determination of Um we act by the operator on (18), and replacing the sum m=1M with sum m=1,mjMaccording to the definition of an effective field, we have SLAE


at 1jM. By this, the vectors Uij and Uj are sought as


If vector functions Uj are known, one can to find vector Ex by (18) in space R3.

4.3 Material parameters of inhomogeneous medium

Using Eq. (20), we can reduce an explicit form of both the magnetic permeability and refractive index of new inhomogeneous material. If to act the operator ×× on (20), we get


Here, we refer to the known formula ×=0, the relation


and take into account that function hx is a scalar one. From (22), we derive




On the other hand, we get


if to use the relations× to ×E=iωμxH, ×E=iωμxH, and k2x=ω2εxμx.

If to compare Eqs. (27) and (29), one can see that the last term in Eq. (27) arises by virtue of the new permeability μx. This μx is result of the excitation of surface current at Sm. Let us demonstrate the recipe to reduce an explicit formula for μx. To this end, we introduce the function


If εx=εrε0=const, where εr is the relative permeability of domain, where the particles are embedded, we have


that’s why, K2x=ω2εμx.

Hence, a new physical result follows from Eq. (27), namely the new inhomogeneous domain D is characterized by the variable permeability


it becomes a new wavenumber


with refractive index n=εrμx.

The ε0 is substantiated by εif a material with relative permittivity εr is studied, ε=ε0εr. The elements of matrix A are replaced by some numbers corresponding to the shape of particle. For example, this number is equal to 2/3π for sphere, it is determined by the values of semiaxes a,b, and c for ellipsoid, and it is calculated numerically for other bodies.


5. Numerical examples

5.1 The exactness of computations

The numerical data below illustrate the analysis of error for the asymptotic representation (18) and the dependence of convergence of the iterative method while solving SLAE (24) at the different parameters b, d, M, and ω of the problem studied. The computations testify the applicability of asymptotic method.

Such physical parameters are used in study:

  • Permittivity of vacuum ε0= 8.854188 × 10−12 F/m.

  • Permeability of vacuum μ0= 1.256637 × 10−6 H/m.

  • Vector characterizing the plane wave direction α= (0, 0, 1).

  • The vector β= (0, 1, 0), (the condition α×β=0 is true).

  • The constant v = 0.9.

  • The distance between adjacent particles d=Ob.

  • Function p(x) = Mb2v/|D|, where M is quantity of particles in D, and |D| is its volume.

  • Vector Uixm=×βe1xx=xm.

The rest of the problem parameters b, M,ω, and function hx are variable. The chaotic distribution of particles is defined by the standard random function available in many programming languages; such a recipe of particle distribution was used in [29]. The area of particle distribution is defined by the parameters of domain D.

Figure 1 shows the typical value of vector Ex (xcomponent amplitude) in the forward direction. The results are presented for the domain D in the form of cube with the sides equal to 5 cm, and the characteristic size b of particle is 0.05 mm, therefore the constraint d>10b [22], which is necessary for the convergence of the iterative process (24) is satisfied. The distance in Figure 1 along the x and y axes is given in cm, and this testify that at the given frequency ω equal to 188.4 MHz (wavenumber k=0.3m1) the characteristic of radiation is poorly directed. The average distance d for such size of D is equal to 0.5 cm, therefore the requirement kb1 [21] is met as well. One can show that the amplitude is “periodical,” and it diminishes if distance from the center increases. The amplitudes of the Ey, Ez behave similar. They become smooth distribution if to provide with a quite high accuracy.

Figure 1.

The Ex amplitude in the forward direction.

The operator acts on the functions Um in the right-hand part of Eq. (24), and this results in the presence of all components Ux, Uy, and Uz here. Therefore, an iterative procedure is needed to determine the solution of (26), which affects the Ex determination accuracy by virtue of (19) and (24). In contrast to [28], where the relative error RE for Ex was determined as the error of the asymptotic solution, the relative error is defined here through the error of solution to SLAE (24) because derivation of the difference of Green’s function and estimation of the values Qm in the representation of the solution is difficult for the case of chaotic distribution of particles. We define the relative error of solution to SLAE (24) as


where sign defines norm of the respective vectors. Subscript xyz is omitted here in the designation of the respective components of U; the subscripts nn+1 define the number of steps in the iterative procedure. Because the operations determination of Ex through the components of U in the formulas (19) and (22) are linear ones, the errors of U and Ex are the same order. The given considerations allow us to draw a conclusion about the correctness of definition of the relative error for Exby the proposed method.

The attained error for Ey versus the distance d between particles is shown in Figure 2 (lower line) at the fixed b. The upper blue line characterizes the value for the uniform placement of particles in a similar domain D. In fact, the error depends on d slightly, where for the uniform distribution this dependence is significant.

Figure 2.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the distance d between the particles.

Figure 3 shows the Ey error dependence on size b at the fixed d. The average distance between particles is equal about o.05 cm, and values of b is given in mm. The error for both the chaotic and uniform particle distributions is close, and difference grows when b increases. In Figure 4, the dependence of errors on ω is shown at the fixed b and d, namely b=0.05mm, and d=0.5mm. The error close to the previous case, by this it decreases when ω grows, and the error for a chaotic distribution is smaller.

Figure 3.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the size b of particle.

Figure 4.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the frequency ω.

Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate study of the error’s characteristics in D for particles of different sizes.

Figure 5.

The amplitude of Ey component for the different points in D versus size b of particle.

Figure 6.

The amplitude of Ey component for the different points in D versus the frequency ω.

In Figure 5, the minimal, maximal, and the error in the central point of D are shown at the different b, and the values of b are given in mm. One can see that first two errors are lower for chaotically placed particles, and the errors for central particle depend on its size. Similar data are got for the frequency ω dependence (Figure 6), and the difference is that the errors decrease if ω grows.

It is turned out that the characteristics of convergence at solving the SLAE (24) depend on the recipe of arranging the particles in the chaos ensembles. In Figures 79, the comparative characteristics of convergence are shown and compared for four recipes of arranging the particles, namely the regular, chaotic general, chaotic layered (the particles are arranged in one layer, and several such layers form D), and chaotic layered with the normal distribution. There is shown the relative error of component Ey, which is measured in percents. The analysis of results testifies that the quality of convergence is the best for the case of the latter distribution. In Figure 7, the dependence of error is shown at the different distances d between particles. One can see that the regular (uniform) distribution. If minimal distance grows, the error approaches for all considered recipes.

Figure 7.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the distance d between the particles at four recipes of distribution of particles.

Figure 8.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the size b of particles at four recipes of distribution of the particles.

Figure 9.

The relative error RE of Ey component versus the frequency ω at four recipes of distribution of the particles.

The dependence of error on size of particles is shown in Figure 8 at the fixed d=0.5cm. One can see that error in this case practically does not depend on the recipe of particle distribution; it grows for the all cases when size bincreases. The above testifies that the relation between b and dd10b is optimal for the considered geometry of D.

The different characteristics of convergence are observed at the study of convergence characteristics depending on the frequency ω. In Figure 9, this dependence is shown at fixed d=0.5mm and b=0.05mm. One can observe the error is most sensitive at the regular distribution of particles, and the maximal value of error is equal to 1.8% at 120 MHz, but the error for this distribution decreases in contrast to the two of them, for which errors grow. This testify that the error is sensitive to the recipe of distribution in a great extent.

5.2 The magnetic permeability of inhomogeneous material

In Figure 10, the dependence of magnetic permeability μx is shown depending on the size b of particle at several fixed d (d is measured in mm as well). The value of μx is normalized on the value μ0 (4π×107 H/m, namely permeability of free space). The values are shown for such relation of parameters b and d, which ensures the convergence of iterative procedure of solving SLAE (24). This does not contradict the physical nature because the properties of material in D at the increase of d approach to the properties of initial homogeneous material.

Figure 10.

Values μ versus size b of the particles.

The permeability μx of the resulting inhomogeneous medium depends on the function hx defining the surface impedance of particles as well. In Figure 11, the dependence of μx on the imaginary part Imhx of this function is shown at the fixed b=0.05mm; the values of d are given also in mm. Similarly, to the previous example, the results are presented for such relation Imhx and d, which ensures the convergence of iterative procedure of solving SLAE (24). Other characteristics of inhomogeneous domain D with embedded particles change when the function hx varies. The amplitude E of scattered EM field is one of such characteristics. The dependence of Ex on the radius a of particles is shown in Figure 12. One can see that the amplitude increases when a grows. The values of wavenumber k=1.0mm1, therefore b and d are measured in mm.

Figure 11.

The values μ versus function Imhx.

Figure 12.

The values of maxEx versus radius a of the particles.

The proposed approach allows creating the materials with the piecewise constant μx. Such values can be designed either by embedding the different numberMm of particles in the subdomains Δm of the domain D or by change of function hxm in respective subdomains. Both recipes have their own advantages that depend on the physical and geometrical parameters of domain D. Sometimes, it is necessary to have a constant μxalong some direction (for example, a constant along the axes y, z, and a piecewise continuous along the axis x).

In Figure 13, the piecewise constant distribution of μx is shown for the case of four subdomains of D. The number of particles Mp=11×5×5 is the same in all domains; the functions hxm are: h1=7i, h2=9i, h3=11i, and h4=13i (i.e. hxm is piecewise constant totally).

Figure 13.

The piecewise constant μx for the different hx in the separate subdomains Δp.

The results in Figure 14 demonstrate creating a material with the specific effective permeability μx. The initial domain D is split into four subdomains Δp, the number of particles in such subdomain is equal to 275, 225, 165, and 99, frequency ω is 50GHz. The forms of particles are ellipsoids of rotation with the semiaxis b=0.0001m and the relation between semiaxes a=0.8b and c=0.6b. The rule of distribution of the particles is such that the subdomains Δp are cubes with side 0.016 m. This allows us to design the piecewise constant value of μx [26]. Additionally, the function hx, defining the boundary impedance ζ, changes specially in separate subdomain. The proposed recipe allows us to design the μx, which grows by the quadratic weighed rate from the center of D to its periphery. The obtained results confirm the possibility of creating the magnetic materials with the specific peculiarities.

Figure 14.

Specific distribution of μx at the different numbers of particles in subdomains and various hx.


6. Discussions

The main advantage of the approach proposed is that the semi-analytical solution to the EM wave scattering problem enables to derive the close formula for the material parameters of the resulting inhomogeneous medium. The main computational difficulty caused by the chaotic distribution of particles was eliminated owing the modification of the algorithm for solving the SLAE with respect to the auxiliary vector function, which enables to get the form of closed solution to the initial scattering problem.

The comparison of the characteristics of convergence with the case of regular distribution of particles demonstrated the advantages of the iterative procedure in comparison with the latter case. The investigation of dependence of error on the distance between particles, their size, and frequency of radiation elucidated the more sensitive of them, which provides the best characteristics of convergence.

The novelty of chapter is that the advantages of the chaotic distribution of particles allows to get more effective characteristics of the iterative procedure for solving the scattering problem, as well as wider range of the material parameters, unlike the case of regular distribution of particles.


7. Conclusions

We have successfully applied the asymptotic approach to solve the EM wave scattering problem on a set of chaotically placed particles of small size with the impedance boundary conditions. The obtained semi-analytical solution was reduced to solving the SLAE for some auxiliary functions, which allowed us to get the close formula for the EM field electrical component. This SLAE was solved effectively by the method of successive approximations. The numerical data testify that to get the exactness equal to several dozens of percents, and the number of iterations should be about 10–15 ones. The numerical results confirm the analytical conclusion about the ability to create the material with the space inhomogeneous magnetic permeability either by embedding into a homogeneous material a set of small particles with the boundary impedance chosen appropriate or changing the geometrical characteristics of the particles including their distribution density or size. The perspective of approach is generalization on the case of conductive media.


Conflict of interest

Authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Mykhaylo Andriychuk and Borys Yevstyhneiev

Submitted: 15 November 2023 Reviewed: 07 January 2024 Published: 22 May 2024