Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Curriculum, Research and Teaching: Modes of Human Development

Written By

Fouzia Ghani and Muhammad Aizzan Malik

Submitted: 28 August 2023 Reviewed: 12 November 2023 Published: 01 August 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113932

From the Edited Volume

Academic Performance - Students, Teachers and Institutions on the Stage

Edited by Diana Dias and Teresa Candeias

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Human Development talks of equality for all humans and argues in favor of inclusive development. There are various modes through which it can be achieved. The UN while acknowledging the significance of Human development formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Out of the 17, the 4th SDG that deals with the quality of education is one goal that is somehow relevant to all the other 16 SDGs. Quality education is a result of the mix of good curriculum, research, and teaching. These traits ensure the good quality of education in fact these three traits can even be used as a metric to ascertain the quality of education. These traits contribute toward ensuring quality education. The example of SNC elucidates that the above three traits remain to be the mainstay any good educational system and structural limitations are the biggest hurdle in ensuring quality education. Also, the curriculum should be progressive in nature so that it remains able to absorb and reflect all the academic developments. The standards of teaching also require conducive work environment and better wages to augment the teaching quality. In conclusion, education is integral to human development but structural and resource limitations in ensuring quality education.


  • single national curriculum
  • sustainable development goals
  • human development
  • quality education
  • curriculum
  • teaching & research

1. Introduction

The term Human Development has dual connotations. In one context, it is used to explain the biological and physical development of a human being [1]. The second context, which is the main premise of our chapter is the use of the term human development in understanding the human condition. It involves focus on economic growth, social justice and equal and equitable progress and development for all, in short, inclusive development [2].

Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their well-being [3]. It is a benign idea that preaches equity and equality and a metric that ensures that there is collective and inclusive development. It believes in the idea of trickle-down effect and discourages accumulation and stagnation of wealth. That is why, it has included many other statistics other than just Gross domestic product of a country in measuring the overall well-being of the people of that particular state.

Further, the concept of Huma Development was developed by a Pakistani economist namely Prof. Mahbub ul Haq [4]. He first came up with this idea in the 1970s and with time he developed this idea. He believed that the true purpose of development is to ensure that the lives of the people have been improved. That is why is outlined 4 basic components of Human Development [5]:

  1. Equality

  2. Sustainability

  3. Productivity

  4. Empowerment

These four basic components complement each other. Equality talks of equalness in all senses, from political sphere to economic sphere. It calls for equality. The term sustainability [6] here is used in two meanings. One suggests continuity of the policies and measures that would help in ensuring the other three components. Two suggests that this continuity of the policies should not be done at the cost of the future. It means that the development should be sustainable as it would help the present generation to fulfill its needs without compromising the ability of the future generations to achieve their basic needs. These two meanings to the term sustainability elucidates its importance to human development. The third component productivity [7] does not only talk of the industrial output, it also talks about the development of the human capital, it encourages investment in human capital because it is believed that it positively influences the physical capital and benefits the overall productivity. The fourth component is empowerment. In literal terms, empowerment [8] means giving authority or power to someone. However, that authority should include social, political and economic empowerment without discrimination of any kind. These components of Human development give you a clear picture to understand the significance of human development.

Thus, it is already stated above that the idea of Human development is a benign one. It is through human development that the people get choices, choices that earlier eluded them. Human development ensures equal and inclusive development which not only improves the life of the people but also brings with it social and national cohesion which is a necessary element for any prosperous and successful country. Human development talks of permanence and durability of policies and values, such continuity is imperative for any country to sustain in incumbent times but also to curate a world that would be conducive for the coming generations. Above all human development is one mean through which we can somehow ensure world peace and more than that bridge the gap between the global North and the global South. Thus, human development has this bottom to top impact which starts from the domestic level and reaches the global level.

It is only due to its importance that the United Nations has come up with the Sustainable Development goals (SDG) [9] that are centered around the idea of inclusive human development. These 17 SDG are the modes that can be very helpful in achieving human development.


2. Modes of human development and sustainable development goals

The term Human development is a very broad term. It involves various modes in its ambit that are necessary to ensure it. These modes include governance, rule of law, accountability, democracy, poverty alleviation, education and many more. All these modes are important and integral for achieving an equal and equitable human development.

Keeping in mind, the broader understanding of the term “human development” and the importance it carries. UNDP came up with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDGs adopted in 2015 by the member states of UN outlines the modes that can be handy in ensuring sustainable human development. The Sustainable Development Goals include following goals [10]: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduces Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life below Water, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Partnership for the goals.

All these goals have significant importance to Human development. Individually or collectively, they stimulate a positive impact on the human life. However, it would be pertinent to note that the fundamental mode of human development out of all these sustainable development goals is quality education. Quality Education has such a trickle-down effect that it somehow abets in attaining other sustainable development goals as well.


3. How education is relevant

If we look at the sustainable development goals [11] closely, we would be able to see that quality of education is central in achieving all of them [12].

Education is one important tool in eradicating poverty as an educated person has more economic opportunities at his disposal than an illiterate person. This gives him a better chance to improve his socio-economic standing.

Poverty is attached with hunger and by increasing literacy we would be able to combat hunger as education helps in reducing poverty which leads to no hunger. Education not only makes a human conscious of good health and well-being but it also makes him adopt ways through which good health and well-being can be ensured.

Education also has an important role to play in achieving gender parity. The two impacts of education are that it gives realization regarding the importance of gender parity but also literacy ensures that all the genders have an equal chance at establishing equality and due recognition and space for themselves in the society.

Further, education also contributes in achieving goals like Clean Water and Sanitation and Affordable and Clean Energy. The biggest gift that education bestow upon anybody is realization. It not only makes a person aware of his rights but also his duties. The duties we have are not just towards other humans but towards our surroundings as well. An educated person will ensure that his surroundings are clean because provision of clean water is not just the responsibility of the government but it is also important that the people keep the water bodies in particular and their surrounding in general clean and free from any kind of littering. Similarly, understanding the threats posed to our environment and the need and significance of renewable energy sources to our ecosystem is the need of the hour. Education enables us to underscore the importance of both.

Moreover, decent Work and Economic Growth and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure are also important sustainable development goals. These goals can never be materialized without education. Education is imperative, it is integral in ensuring that a literate person has ample economic opportunities, these opportunities are also important because they are needed to earn a respectable livelihood and help in economic growth. Education is also one of the most important ingredients when it comes to innovation. Education is the fundamental source of innovation, whatever innovation or infrastructural or industrial progress has been made thus far is a product of education. It is the classroom, able stewardship of a teacher and the mental prowess of students that have brought about innovation. The pooling up of these resources have benefitted the human life the most.

Education also helps in reducing inequalities as already stated above that education is very helpful in reducing the gap as it has wide range ramifications which include social, economic, and political uplifting.

The SDGs has laid a great stress on the importance of preserving our climate [13]. In its ambit, SDG includes goals such as Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life below Water and Life on Lan. These five sustainable goals are very important especially when it comes to adapting and mitigating the changes and threats posed by Climate and environmental change. Keeping in mind climate change and adversities it has brought with it, these five sustainable goals become very important. With education by our side and the knack for research and innovation that it brings with it we can compete and fight this challenge head on. Education prepares us for the best and the worst that the life has to offer. The adaptation and mitigation policies that are needed to combat climate change can only be devised by those who understand the problem at hand and education is very important to all this process.

If we would be able to achieve above goals, we would be able to create a world where there would be peace and justice. It is also important to note that peace and justice cannot be achieved without institutions. Education helps in building instructions and it also ensures justice which helps in building peace.

Furthermore, developing partnership for the attainment of the sustainable development goals is one of the cherished goals of Sustainable Development goals. It can only be possible if the people start seeing the wholesome advantage all the SDGs bring with them. The partnership will originate out of utility and that utility comes only after achieving the SDGs. As it is already established through the above linkage between educations and various SDGs that education is imperative in attaining all the SDGs and the utility of all these goals will even push hostile countries to partner with each other and create a hospitable and conducive environment for their people.

Although, we have already underscored that what importance education holds to human development but it would be better to know and understand that all this can only be possible if the quality of education that is being imparted is topnotch. Substandard education cannot take us any closer towards the attainment of these goals. Substandard education is an outcome of poor teaching, lack of research and redundant and outdated curriculum. Thus, these three factors namely teaching, research and curriculum are very important in ensuring higher quality education.


4. Significance of curriculum, research and teaching to quality education

As we have already underscored the importance of education. However, it would be pertinent to note that education is not just teacher, students and a classroom [14]. There is more to education than all this. Education involves curriculum, research and teaching. These three ingredients make the whole process of education worthwhile and beneficial for all those who are involved.

4.1 Curriculum and quality education

Curriculum is a standard-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills [15]. The quality of human resource that is being produced through an educational system is directly proportional to the quality of curriculum. It is important to note that the fundamental objective of curriculum is to ensure that the students should learn but how can they learn and how much can they learn are two different sets of debate and they not only pertain to curriculum only as there are other factors as well which effect our learning. These factors include teaching, research, class and institutional environment and many more.

Curriculum is important to quality education as it is needed to ensure it. It is due to its various traits which makes it imperative and a must for ensuring quality education. It is only through curriculum that we know that what it is to be covered in a course and in what order and to what purpose. It is also the curriculum that defines the context and the learning outcomes of the course and the material used for the course and to end it with the measures through which the students are evaluated. The evaluation is imperative in order to determine how much of the course curriculum the students have been able to fathom. This is why, curriculum development is an important process as it involves deciding on course material, learning outcomes, and modes of evaluation.

Thus, the process of curriculum development is marred by various problems as well. The constant change in education policy is not a good omen for education and curriculum. There is a need to have consistency in education policy. The problem of inconsistency is majorly faced by the third world countries where the political system is fragile and is inconsistent itself. Another problem is emergence of new technologies [16]. This problem is layered in a way as it demands to make amendments to the curriculum but it also needs upgradation in hardware and an increase in teacher capacity to be able to teach these new technologies. All this demands more allocation of resources for upgradation of facilities at the educational institutions and teacher training. The globalization is another challenge that is being faced by the individuals concerned with curriculum development. Many new ideas are taking shape. Many ideas and systems are knocking down existing local ideas and beliefs. The world is shrinking. A classroom is not just ethnically diverse but it is ideologically diverse as well. The curriculum has to be developed keeping in mind such diversity. Then there are further problems like political interference and economic hazards. The above two problems may seem unreal but they are actual problems and more acute in controlled/totalitarian third world countries. Then there is a problem in getting the requisite teaching material for the course content discussed in the curriculum.

These problems impede the process of curriculum development and they also serve as an obstacle in materializing the true potential and reach that a curriculum has to offer.

4.2 Research and quality education

Research is defined as “a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines” [17]. American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie defines research as “a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods” [18]. Like curriculum, research too is an important aspect of education. If we look at all the developed countries or even great civilization of the past, we would find that they all treaded the path of research. Intrigue and inquisitiveness led them to greatness and ahead of their competition. Research turned out to be their most able ally and provided them with their competitive edge.

Research is always carried out with a purpose. Good research will include research ethics, logical reasoning based on true observation, an in-depth analysis of the date collected, and above that creates research opportunities. It is important that research should be of high standards otherwise its utility to the academia would be none.

There are reasons which make research important. Those reasons include [19]:

  1. Research helps in creating knowledge and facilitating learning process.

  2. It helps in creating awareness amongst the academia and masses.

  3. It helps us to test hypothesis and on the basis of those tests we can determine whether it was true or not. This helps us to disseminate knowledge that is tested and trialed following standardized procedure.

  4. Research creates opportunities. As already stated above, it helps in establishing competitive edge through product and idea development.

  5. Above all research encourages the researcher to adopt a life of academic interest and intrigue. This trait helps them professionally and also personally.

However, irrespective of its significance to education, human development and national progress, research too has its own challenges to face [20]. Research needs time but more than that it needs funds. Funding at times is the biggest challenge any research endeavor faces as finances are needed for smooth completion of research. The research process involves a lot of approvals and sanctions from the concerned quarters. This makes the process at times tiresome for the researcher. Then another problem faced by the researcher is to ensure that the data collected during the research is well managed and appropriately manifested through the research. Then a problem that is commonly faced by the researchers is to find an apt platform for their research to publish. It is very important for any research to be published in a credible and recognized publication. Even if one gets the chance to get published, the publication fees of the journals is too high that they too in a way serve as a predicament. Then there is a question of intellectual rights as there are many claimants and puts the researcher on the back burner.

These problems somehow discourage a researcher to carry on with his/her research. However, in an academic setting that encourages research and good research ethics such irritants are controlled and addressed before hand. That is the reason why research output is considered to be one of the most important metrics to measure the quality and productivity of any educational system and institution.

4.3 Teaching and quality education

Teaching is one of the most important aspects of education. Without good teaching no amount of funds, resources or good curriculum can be of any use. Good teaching is imperative for good and quality education [21].

Teaching is defined as “a process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given” [22]. As the definition explains teaching is not just a process in which an individual delivers lectures in a classroom. There is more to teaching than just delivering lectures. It is today a complex affair. The composition of the class, the access to knowledge and information and above that changed expectations from a teacher has made teaching challenging than it was before. Teaching involves three fundamental components that are learning objectives, assessments and instructional activities [23]. There are multiple teaching methods involving different pedagogies, general principles and management strategies that are employed by the teacher or instructor to ensure that all the components of the teaching have been achieved.

Nonetheless, teaching too is arduous. It demands for the teacher to be tackling a variety of problems. Those problems include [24]:

Not all students are same, it demands of the teacher to adopt such a teaching method that fulfill the needs of all the participating students.

Further, budgetary issues are also one impediment and it manifests through various means like teacher salaries, resources available to students and teachers at the institutions, inability to induct and inculcate latest technologies and limited to no funding for research.

Communication gap between the students and teachers is also problem. The gap can be generational or socio-economic in nature. This gap hinders the whole process.

Disciplining students too has become an uphill task since a teacher has limited options when it comes to intervention. This leads to disruption of class discipline and also undermines teacher’s authority. It is safe to say that learning suffers the most.

The workload of the teachers too is a lot to say the least. Conducting classes is their primary responsibility but other than this they are burdened with clerical and office responsibilities. With this added workload they are left with little time for themselves and their families. The workplace and its environment become exhausting and the possibility of a teacher to burn out or switch is an eminent possibility.

An added pressure is that which is exerted by the administrators. They set up such goals and objectives which also add a pressure on the teachers. Adding to that, the administrators make a teacher sole responsible for student development, growth indicators and discipline. These tactics further burdens the already burdened teacher. After going through such a grueling routine, a teacher somewhat becomes incapable to concentrate on his personal development both professional and individual. This also negatively impacts his performance as there is a limit to human efficiency and professionalism.

Teaching demands an environment where a teacher can bring not only the best in his/her students but also in himself. However, in the presence of such obstacles this would not be possible.


5. Education as a mode of human development: the single national curriculum example

Pakistan is a developing economy. Its economic trials are reflected in its Human development indicators as well. Literacy has been one big problem that Pakistan has faced over the years. There has been some social impediments as well which hinder literacy growth rate in Pakistan especially when it comes to girl education. All this collectively hinders Pakistan’s prospects of ensuring equal and equitable human development for its people. As it has been established through the above debate that how integral and imperative education is to ensure human development.

In Pakistan, there are two mediums of instruction English and Urdu when it comes to school and college education. On the basis of which the educational institutions are divided in to English medium institutions and Urdu medium institutions. Other than these two types of institutions there are Madrassas (Islamic Seminaries) as well. Students pursuing religious education go there. Madrassas usually home students from low-income households and they function on the donations they receive from well-off families and individuals. Madrassas attract students from a particular socio-income group because they provide boarding and lodging to students free or against minimal fees.

Ironically, when it comes to quality of education and components like curriculum, research and teaching, it is observed that there is a huge gap between the three set of educational institutions. English medium is considered to be the best of the lot but it is important to note that these educational institutions are expensive and are out of common man’s reach. Due to better facilities and opportunities available to students, the students of these English medium schools are able to create and materialize more opportunities for themselves, that is why they have better chances at improving or maintaining their socio-economic standing. It is also true about these institutions that the curriculum, research opportunities and teaching quality they offer to their students is not matched by the educational institutions. This chasm has been a constant source of bother and criticism for the state and its functionaries as education is not only an important mode of human development but it is also one of the fundamental rights.

Thus emerged the Single National Curriculum (NSC). The Single National Curriculum [25] was devised as one system of education for all. It includes curriculum, medium of instruction and common metrics or rubrics of evaluation. All this will lead towards ensuring quality education. Even with it being a benign endeavor, still SNC has faced challenges [25] with regards to its implementation. Madrassas have always resisted attempts to mainstream them or state involvement in them especially when it comes to curriculum. So, they pose a significant challenge to its implementation. Teachers too are imperative to the success of SNC. However, Pakistan faces dearth of skilled and trained teachers. This too can act as a impediment in materializing the benefits offered by SNC. Students coming from religious minority group have not been provided with any alternative also the SNC is being criticized for being too religious and in a way gendered. Other than that, it is objected that it gives very little to no space to forefathers of Pakistan and the freedom movement which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.

These structural flaws can exist anywhere and can be rectified. However, what SNC reflects is that how important education is for human development and how curriculum, research and teaching contribute towards ensuring quality education.

Initiatives like SNC highlight the need for developing an educational system that is inclusive, affordable, productive and purposeful but initiatives like SNC also prove that in order to inculcate quality education it is imperative that we develop a system who offers curriculum, research and teaching of highest quality to the students. As these three are most significant in ensuring good and quality education and initiatives like SNC help in ensuring good education for all.


6. Suggestions

On the basis of above discussion following influences have been reached upon regarding the measures, who if adopted how can maximize the utility of an education system and improve the quality of education imparted. These influences pertain to Curriculum, Research and Teaching.

6.1 Curriculum

  1. The most important thing about curriculum is that it should be true to its purpose. It should contain the material that should be in line with the level of education, it is being taught. Relevance and purposefulness of the curriculum is imperative.

  2. The Curriculum should be up to date and should contain latest developments in the related field of study.

  3. The Curriculum should be adaptive to new and latest technologies in fact, it would be better that it should include the practical use and application of latest technologies and techniques that are being adopted in order to achieve the course objectives in a batter manner.

  4. It is very important that the curriculum should be designed in a manner that it fulfills all possible learning outcomes. If a particular course is not being able to achieve or inculcate desired amount of knowledge then the purpose of teaching and designing curriculum will be lost.

  5. Curriculum should be flexible and adaptive. There should always room for change as curriculum can never be perfect. Thus, one should always be open to amend it and better it. In fact, curriculum can only be in line with the new trend and advancements if its adaptive to it.

6.2 Research

  1. Improving standards of research begins with improving the quality of research education. The students should be given detailed lectures on the fundamentals of research, research tools and data collection techniques. Without creating the awareness regarding research, the quality of research output cannot be improved. Also, there is a dire need to train teachers or instructors as well with regards to research education and training. In this regard, special research workshops for students and teachers can also be organized.

  2. The Students should be given access to research articles, periodicals and other research related literature in order to help them to broaden their understanding of research and to get acquainted to latest research trends and areas of study. Other than that, students should also enjoy an easy access to statistical softwares often use for quantitative research, so when needed they are acquainted with it.

  3. Students should be encouraged to make research publications and research related scholarships and financial incentives should also be granted.

  4. In order to further improve and strengthen the research standards and environment, it would be highly necessary to establish a strong link between the academia and industry. The corporate financing and consultancy services are two means through which the whole research process can be made financially viable and beneficiary for all involved. This relationship will also give rightful dimension to research as well and will bring utility to it.

  5. Special measures should be taken to uphold the highest quality of research ethics and standards. Research oversight and evaluation should be institutionalized, though this has been done to some extent by establishing QEC and Higher Education departments at the university level but still something of this sort should be done at lower level and also the above-mentioned institutions should be made more responsible and empowered to ensure that highest research standards are being observed.

6.3 Teaching

  1. The most fundamental measure would be to ensure that merit is observed in the selection process of the teachers. This would ensure that the right man has been appointed with the right and requisite credentials. The quality of teaching is directly linked with the quality of human resource engaged in teaching.

  2. Teacher training is also one important area. Teachers should be time and again go through the rigor of training where they are not only trained but are also evaluated. This evaluation will help in identifying the deficiencies of the teachers and through the teacher training program these deficiencies can be addressed or rectified.

  3. The wages teachers get should be market competitive and should be at par with the other professionals. Due to lackluster appeal, many do not consider teaching as a viable profession. In order to attract more professionals towards the field of teaching, it is necessitated that we make teaching a profitable and financially satisfying endeavor. This will also add to the social stature of a teacher, an incentive in itself.

  4. Teachers should get equal go at promotions and career growth. A professional always prefer a working environment where he/she sees possibility of career growth for themselves. The requisites for promotions should be flexible and different metrics should be applied to ascertain the qualification for a promotion. This can also serve as an incentive for a teacher to bring his best.

  5. Oversight is mandatory. Teachers should be constantly observed and monitored and should be reprimanded if they are found to be lacking in their demeanor and expected conduct and should be awarded and commended for their good work.


7. Conclusion

Human development is important, it is so important that it is the main premise or foundation upon which a state is established. States adopt various measures and initiatives through which it ensures the development of its people. These modes help the states that it develops a human development model that is inclusive and equitable. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were designed to establish milestones for the countries. These 17 SDGs serve as the modes through which the countries can ensure human development for their citizens.

The 4th SDG which pertains to quality education is one SDG that has a positive influence on all of the SDGs from combating poverty to environmental change, one finds that education is integral in achieving all these SDGs.

Quality education too is a combination of three variables, each equally important and each complement each other. These three variables are; curriculum, research and teaching. These three are very important and play a very important role in determining the quality of education. If the curriculum is updated, research is applied and teaching is of good quality, the standard of education improves substantially and resultantly a human resource is produce that meets the highest of standards. The human resource that is a product of a good educational system has the capability and opportunities to ensure upward social mobility and fulfillment of individual potential. All this also carries a positive impact on the collective social and political milieu as well. Only a well-informed, opinionated polity conscious of its rights and duties can lay the foundation of a progressive and tolerant society and education does this service with the help of curriculum, research and teaching.

It is also pertinent to mention that the policy makers may face structural flaws in the process of devising a good mix of curriculum, research and teaching but the right way of going about it is staying flexible and open to revisions and improvements.


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Written By

Fouzia Ghani and Muhammad Aizzan Malik

Submitted: 28 August 2023 Reviewed: 12 November 2023 Published: 01 August 2024