Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Innovative Greenhouse to Improve Economic and Environmental Conditions

Written By

Zainab Abdel Mo’ez Mansour Embaby

Reviewed: 30 September 2023 Published: 30 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113335

From the Edited Volume

Climate Smart Greenhouses - Innovations and Impacts

Edited by Ahmed A. Abdelhafez and Mohamed H.H. Abbas

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Together with the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a number of international organizations are promoting innovation in agricultural systems to combat natural disasters like extreme weather, drought, floods, rising sea levels, increased snowmelt, and changes in the amount and timing of water used for irrigation. The impacts of climate change on food security are undeniably significant, and they are expected to get worse over the coming years as a result of population growth, economic development, urbanization, and the recurrence of natural disasters. In today’s agribusiness, particularly horticultural agribusinesses such as vegetables and decorative plants, climate-smart greenhouse is not a novel concept. In terms of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, CSA (Climate Smart Agriculture) can contribute. These days, climate-smart greenhouse (CSG) can actually connect adaptation and mitigation at all scales and helps farmers take the lead in combating climate change. The research on CSG emphasizes the need for innovative thinking to harmonize policy and practices in a way that is complementary. Additionally, CSG has to have a better grasp of how well-equipped the consultants or extension services are in each nation to assist with training farmers in climate-smart practices. Additionally, new financial tools are required to enable global, national, and local transformations.


  • greenhouse
  • climate change
  • food security
  • adaptation
  • mitigation
  • innovative thinking
  • climate smart emissions
  • climate smart agriculture

1. Introduction

The world is currently dealing with a difficult, complex, but solvable set of issues as part of its ambitious attempt to achieve self-sufficiency in food production. Climate change modifies agricultural production and food systems, posing hazards of vulnerability and unpredictability to farmers and those who create policy. Planning for adaptation can take into account scientific data from both assessments of adaptable capability and estimates of climatic consequences, Figure 1 ([1], pp. 8537-8362) clarified Impact approaches ([2], pp. 2775-2789; [3], pp. 607-610; [4], pp. 4422-4443). In view of analyzing global climate forcings and circulation models, they suggested that the main factors influencing crop yield are the connections between simulation and real-world adaptation to comprehend and predict climate change.

Figure 1.

Impact and capacity approaches to adaptation planning. Source:

Climate change is harmful. The studies [5, 6] affirmed that climate change and variability (CCV) affect crop harvesting, including decreased rainy days, prolonged dry spell, sea-level rise, drought frequency and severity, heat stress, wind, pest, and disease outbreaks activities resulting in changes in rainfall patterns around the world with increasing flood. According to United Nations Environmental Protection Agency [7], climate forcing refers to a change in the Earth’s energy balance, and a variety of natural and human variables can affect the Earth’s energy balance and contribute to climate change. Burning fossil fuels, destroying forests, and preparing land for towns, roads, and farmland are all examples of human activity. It was concluded that all of these actions contribute to the atmospheric emissions of greenhouse. However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [8] predicts that global warming will exceed the 1.5C upper limit this century, without rapid and significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Figure 2 clarifies adaptation plans and actions that keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius with little to no overshoot ([8], pp. 13-14).

Figure 2.

GHG emission reductions consistent with 1.5°C from 2019 emissions to 2040 emissions. Source: [9].

A chart (Figure 2) shows GHG emission reduction needed to keep 1.5 degrees C within reach. (IPCC AR6). Since fossil fuels are the primary source of GHG emissions and one of the causes of global warming, the phase-out of these fuels must be accelerated throughout society. Climate change impacts on agriculture will make it difficult to meet the key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of ending hunger, achieving food security, and ensuring sustainable food production systems by 2030. In the longer term, facing the challenges to the quantity and quality of foods, urgent action is urgently needed to achieve food security. Agriculture is the affected sector of food security in all dimensions, especially food availability, through extreme weather events. On the other hand, climate extremes are considered one of the challenges to the quantity and quality of foods people can access. Food Agriculture Organization ([10]; [11], pp. 521-546) released agriculture is a sector contributing both carbon emissions and capture uniquely susceptible to climate and extreme weather. In addition, agricultural innovations can combat climate change through both mitigation and adaptation (World Bank group [12]). To accommodate climatic conditions, agricultural activities will need to be modified to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG). Climate change is the only one of the major forces which will affect the future of agriculture. Others include population growth and increases in income as well as changes in human capital, knowledge, and infrastructure. Much of the changes in agriculture will stem from new innovations. The previous studies [13, 14] affirmed the role of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in response to climate change. CSA plays a prominent role in facing increased demand for food. The CSA approach has been considered an essential mechanism for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


2. The significance of the chapter

With a share of 560 m3 of water per person, Egypt has become one of the most water-scarce nations in the world (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund [15]. Additionally, Egypt may soon run out of water, with climate change being the primary cause. CSG contributes significantly to the community’s revenue in rural areas, even in the absence of population growth and the race to enhance agricultural productivity. As a result, the emphasis of this analysis is on the significance of climate-smart greenhouse (CSG) as a cutting-edge remedy for food insecurity both globally and in Egypt.


3. Methodology

The current review study focused on numerous data found in English-language peer-reviewed papers worldwide with searches using terms relevant to CSA practices and CSA outcomes. The objective of this ongoing review is to give a first appraisal of the evidence for CSG as an innovative one contributing to improving economic and environmental conditions. This review highlighted Egypt, aiming to offer effective supporting information to decision-makers and policy makers as well as overall professionals and end-users in introducing new techniques, artificial intelligence, and communication infrastructure in agriculture sector. Then it focuses on:

  • factors contributing to development of greenhouses and technologies worldwide (Section 1).

  • overview of the climate-smart agriculture worldwide (Section 2).

  • overview of the severe effects of climate change on the agriculture sector in Egypt (Section 3).

  • CSA and GHG emissions (Section 4).

  • economic and environmental benefits of application CSG (Section 5).

  • application of CSG (Section 6).

  • factors affecting traditional agriculture (Section 7).

3.1 Development of greenhouses and technologies worldwide

A number of significant factors, including population growth; urbanization; wealth development; changes in human capital, knowledge, and infrastructure; as well as climate change, have resulted in the introduction of novel characteristics to traditional agricultural farming methods [16]. The study conducted to release in Qatar to boost the local food and achieve its National Vision 2030, particularly the food security, environmental, and sustainability challenges, focused on differentiating innovations based on their forms, such as technological, managerial, and institutional innovations, in line with the economic growth hypothesis. It also clarified that technical innovation takes the form of new tools, mechanical innovations (like tractors), biological innovations (like seeds), chemical innovations (like fertilizers), better practices like Integrated Pest Management, enhanced pruning methods, and crop rotation serve as better practices’ equivalents to managerial innovations, which are not physically represented in capital. Institutional innovations can refer to novel organizational structures, like cooperatives, and trading agreements, like futures markets and contract farming [17]. Due to the variety and irrationality of the effects of climate change, there are many different sorts of innovations. Sapkota et al. [18] propose that a way forward to address food security, climate change adaptation, and mitigation challenges faced by current agriculture is to widely promote suitable conservation agriculture (CA) practices by integrating them into national agriculture development strategies. The benefits of CA in terms of food security, climate change adaptation, and mitigation have been demonstrated in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) based on the findings of numerous farm and station trials. Due to greater accessibility and availability of food, there will be an increase in farm productivity and income for household food security. Similar improvements in crop yield; higher energy, water, and nutrient usage efficiency; as well as the least amount of heat stress show adaptability to climate change and unpredictability. It’s still early to adopt and integrate new CSA technologies, like drones, and big data applications, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. Although multidisciplinary CSA research in Africa has advanced significantly, there is still a vacuum in the application of policies. Barasa et al. [19] made it clear that in order for the sub-Saharan region to achieve benefits from CSA, concrete steps must be taken to, among other things, encourage farmers to implement context-specific CSA technologies, make funds available to them, encourage investments, and create policy frameworks that support CSA.

3.2 Overview of effects of climate change on agriculture in Egypt

Along with others, [20] stated in light of the severe effects of climate change on the agricultural sector in Egypt, it was made clear that climate adaptation is a major national priority to preserve food security. In order to address the dispersion of funding schemes, it was further underlined that the Ministry of Environment should create a specific Climate Financing and Resource Mobilization Unit for adaptation in agriculture. International Monetary Fund (IMF) [21] clarified that as a result of climate change, the nations in the Middle East and Central Asia (ME&CA) have similar macroeconomic policy problems. The past economic effects of the region’s main climate stressors—lower growth, shifting GDP and employment shares, and larger fiscal and external imbalances—will likely get worse with the predicted intensification of the region’s climate stressors, especially where current weaknesses in climate resilience persist. Therefore, even under the assumption of mild global warming and ambitious global mitigation measures, regional policymakers must acknowledge that climate change would have an influence in the past three decades: variations in temperature and precipitation patterns have decreased per capita earnings and changed the sectoral composition of the economy, as econometric study claims. However, climate adaptation is an urgent priority for the region and requires significant additional spending and hence financing.

3.3 CSG and emissions reductions

The studies [6, 19] agreed upon empirically identifying factors that affect the intensity of participation in emission practices in Ghana and determining if adopting climate-smart agriculture practices decreases participation in emission practices. The study used inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA) to achieve its goals, and empirical findings indicated that CSA can be applied as a method to lower GHG emissions from agricultural sources. Additionally, the government should take into account CSA technology installation as part of its policy. Also, it confirmed that the methodological approach is regarded as a robust one because it produces estimates that are nearly uniform across the IPWRA, the generalized Poisson model, and both Poisson and Poisson models. On the other hand, the studies affirmed that CSA increases profit, and minimizes vulnerability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, by smart and advanced technological knowledge.

3.4 Economic and environmental benefits of application CSG

A case of Villages Around Songe-Bokwa Forest, Kilindi District, Tanzania [22] revealed that there was rainfall variability, shift in rainfall patterns, and increase in temperature in the study area. Figure 3 shows impacts of climate change on household livelihoods, showing that 38.7, 18.6, and 12.8% of households perceived that climate change variability (CCV) resulted in food shortage, decreased income, increased disease outbreaks, youth emigration, and rise of food price.

Figure 3.

Impacts of climate change on households. Source: The results of the study Nkumulwa & Pauline [22].

A notable increase in crop harvest after farmers engaged in CSA was recorded in Table 1. The findings show farmers were food secured and gained more income through sales of their crops, and they used part of their income for paying school fees, buying production tools, supporting medical services, purchasing livestock, and paying for house construction. Consequently, CSA farmers became more resilient to negative climate effects. The study used random and purposive sampling designs to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Data in this study on the contribution of CSA to farmers livelihoods. Data in this study, on the contribution of CSA to farmers livelihoods, was subjected to analysis of variance(ANAVO) using the SPSS software package for Windows. Were more food secured and gained more income. In response to the decline in crop productivity and deforestation, the findings showed that farmers engaged in CSA practices such as agroforestry (i.e. agrisiliviculture), conservation agriculture, integrated nutrient management, and agronomic techniques such as cover crops, improved crop varieties, drought-resistant crops, intercropping, and crop rotation. Also, the production of crops after the introduction of CSA was higher than before the practice (α = 0.05, df = 5, p = 0.028).

Crop typeNo. of responsesBefore CSA practiceAfter CSA practice
Pigeon pea472.524.43

Table 1.

Comparison of crop harvest per acre in a bag of 90 kg for climate-smart farmers before and after engaging in CSA interventions.

CSA, climate-smart agriculture. Source: From the results of the study Nkumbula & Pauline [22].

Benefits of CSG include scheduling productions so as to maximize output, improve quality, and minimize waste. Figure 4 shows the tremendous benefits of smart agriculture compared to traditional agriculture. ([23], pp. 1-45) concise the benefits of CSA as water conservation; optimization of the use of fertilizers and pesticides making products are more toxin-free and nutrient-rich. In addition to, the benefits include increased crop production efficiency; reduction of operational costs; opening up of unconventional farming area in cities, deserts; lower greenhouse gas emissions; reduced soil erosion; real time data availability to farmer. Also, production and distribution of food will be in economically efficient way as never before.

Figure 4.

Smart agriculture benefits over traditional agriculture. Source:

The automation of greenhouses has advanced significantly in recent years, largely due to environmental sensors that are essential to its programmed operation. In fact, modern sensor technologies integrated into smart greenhouse solutions are now frequently utilized to track the environment for crop growth. Using DHT 11 sensors to collect temperature and humidity data, it is possible to compare the conditions inside and outside a smart greenhouse for fruitful crops. While assuring effectiveness and sustainability, the integration of smart systems can decrease reliance on labor and boost profitability.


4. Application of climate-smart greenhouse and challenges

According to a survey, the majority of studies concurred on the key attributes of the smart greenhouse. It is [2, 16, 23] clarified a climate-controlled indoor space designed specifically for plants. It is a self-contained farm monitoring environment with IoT, AI, and ML technologies integrated. The farm is shielded from wind, storms, and floods. It boosts productivity effectiveness without requiring manual labor. For humans to have access to sustainable food sources, the smart greenhouse is crucial. The climate-smart greenhouse (CSG) application is a structural system used to develop a range of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other plants that need particular temperature and humidity conditions to thrive. This is required so that the smart greenhouse can adjust the environment to meet the needs of its plants. To track the movement of dangerous insects that have entered the greenhouse farm, we employ a motion sensor. We can reduce insecticide waste by using insecticides just where they are identified, avoiding unnecessary spraying in other areas. Nkumulwa and Pauline, [22]; Sapkota et al. [18] highlighted the main factors: high population growth, and limited support from the government that drive farmers to practice unsustainable farming practices. Food security represents one of the agricultural productivity challenges. It is the greatest risks that requires implementing CSA as a proposed solution. On the other hand, to address triple challenges of present agriculture: food security, climate change adaptation, and GHG mitigation, wide-scale promotion of CA-based production system could be an important government strategy. Contrasting views about implementation indicate that CSA’s focus on the “triple win” (adaptation, mitigation, and food security) needs to be assessed in terms of science-based practices [24].


5. Implications of climate-smart greenhouse research

CSG focuses especially on agriculture. It refers to an approach that sustainability increases productivity, enhances resilience (adaptation), reduces GHGs (mitigation) where possible, and enhances achievement of food security and development goals. CSA approach assessment is based on science-based practices. CSG can only be achieved in the long term after understanding and mitigating any challenges as the new paradigm shifts. Innovative thinking is required in order to reconcile policy and practices along complementary lines. CSG implementation also faces a better understanding of the capacity of extension services or consultants in each country to help train farmers on climate-smart practices. It is well-known that innovative technologies require specific extension support, sometimes not readily available. It’s also important to comprehend the attitudes and behaviors of farmers regarding CSA activities. It all boils down to whether or not individual farmers are prepared to make the necessary adjustments or have the skills and knowledge to do so. Additionally, new financial tools are required to facilitate changes at all scales, including local, national, and global [20]. Along with the UNFCCC negotiations and the COP27 - Agriculture & Climate Change, new funding mechanisms are being developed for both climate change and agriculture. The recently concluded COP27 (November 23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) offers a chance to start the shift to regenerative agriculture, under a whole food systems approach, which can bring various benefits for climate, health, resilience, biodiversity, and social justice. It concentrated on the need to see a 10-fold increase in climate finance to change agriculture and food systems for food and economic security by 2030. Innovative finance has a significant role to play in this.

Egypt performed a super job encouraging climate-smart agriculture to respond to the region’s urgent agri-food and climate change requirements. It focused on the necessity of a 10-fold increase in climate finance to transform the food and agricultural systems for both economic and food security by 2030. Innovative finance can play a big part in this. Also, it can reduce food loss and waste and deal with the deterioration of irreplaceable natural like soil and water, and use ways to deal with heat, drought, and water scarcity under forecasted climate change scenarios. FAO Egypt at COP27 Hybrid Event, Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt), 6–18 November, 2022. FAO Egypt at COP27 FAO in Egypt Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


6. Conclusions

In this chapter, we have seen how CSG is both a technical and a political concept that requires multidisciplinary work. We have also demonstrated how difficult it is to simultaneously implement the three pillars of CSG. We have discussed the main obstacles to CSA’s adoption as well as its major policy and decision-making ramifications. Globally, rising temperature trends, an increase in the frequency of weather extremes, and an increase in seasonal variability have all been identified as new dangers to agriculture. Due to direct greenhouse gas emissions, agriculture has now been identified as one of the causes of climate change. Due to its potential involvement in GHG mitigation, agriculture is now starting to be seen as a way to combat climate change. A climate-smart greenhouse can aid in the creation of land-use plans that make the connectivity of adaptation and mitigation possible at all scales, thereby assisting farmers in taking the lead in the fight against climate change. The main takeaways from this chapter are as follows: (1) CSG meets sustainability, productivity, mitigation, food security, and development goals; (2) creative thinking is necessary; (3) a deeper comprehension of farmers’ perspectives is also necessary; (4) additional financial instruments are required; and (5) a deeper comprehension is required of how well-equipped extension services or consultants are in each nation to assist in educating farmers about climate-smart practices. There is still room for improvement in policy implementation at the level of small farmers. To benefit from CSG, concrete steps must be taken to encourage farmers to use CSG technologies, provide them with the right funding, and encourage investment.


Acronyms and abbreviations


artificial intelligence


analysis of variance


conservative agriculture


climate change and variability


climate smart agriculture


climate smart greenhouse


United States environmental protection agency


gross domestic product


green house gases


green house gas


international monetary fund


Indo-Gangetic plain


internet of things


intergovernmental panel on climate change


inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment


middle east and central Asia


machine learning


sustainable development goals


United Nation children international fund


United Nations framework convention on climate change


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Written By

Zainab Abdel Mo’ez Mansour Embaby

Reviewed: 30 September 2023 Published: 30 November 2023