Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: Pharmaceutical Drying

Written By

Sachin Kothawade, Vishal Pande, Vaibhav Wagh, Kalyani Autade, Sandesh Bole, Rajashri Sumbe and Shubhangi Albhar

Submitted: 11 April 2023 Reviewed: 21 August 2023 Published: 22 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112941

From the Edited Volume

Drying Science and Technology

Edited by Suvanjan Bhattacharyya

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This chapter presents an overview of the perspective chapter on pharmaceutical drying within the context of drug manufacturing. It explores the significance of pharmaceutical drying in ensuring the stability and efficacy of drug products. The chapter begins by defining pharmaceutical drying and emphasizing its importance in the manufacturing process. Various methods of pharmaceutical drying, including air drying, vacuum drying, freeze-drying, and spray drying, are discussed, and a comparison between these methods is provided. Factors that influence pharmaceutical drying, such as physical and chemical properties of the product, drying temperature, drying time, pressure, humidity, and solvent properties, are examined. The chapter also highlights the challenges associated with pharmaceutical drying, including product stability and degradation, loss of potency, residual solvents, and the formation of amorphous or crystalline solids. Strategies to overcome these challenges, such as process optimization, the use of drying aids, control of drying parameters, and formulation considerations, are explored. Quality control measures in pharmaceutical drying, including the monitoring of residual moisture and solvent levels, characterization of dried products, and adherence to regulatory guidelines, are discussed.


  • pharmaceutical drying
  • drying methods
  • factors affecting drying
  • drying challenges
  • quality control in drying

1. Introduction

Drying is defined as the process of vaporising moisture from a material and wiping it away from the surface, sometimes under vacuum, but probably through carrier gas which passes through or over the material. Drying is popularly conceived as water removal into a hot airstream, but drying could include removing any volatile liquid into any heated gas. Through convection, radiation or conduction, or via internal generation such as dielectric or inductive heating, for drying, as defined, to take place, the moist material must obtain heat from its surroundings; the moisture in the body evaporates and the vapour is received by the carrier gas. In Figure 1, this drying process is sketched [1].

Figure 1.

Drying process.

Drying has a number of synonyms that are very close. Dehydration is the process where a material is excluded of its water or water is lost as a component. In food-drying operations, the term is often used to describe processes which strive to expel moisture but retain other volatile components in the original material, and that are responsible for valuable aromatic and flavouring properties. A more thorough removal of water is indicated by desiccation. It’s being used to indicate almost complete dehydration of these materials for preservation when drying foodstuffs. To describe the thorough removal of moisture from gases, the term is also popularly used. While heat can be used to drive moisture away from a wet substance, by the action of pressure gradients, moisture can be severed with its host material. This process is known as dewatering, and when the moisture-solid bond is not strong, it is generally used as a precursor to the drying of very wet materials. Mechanical means, such as pressing or centrifuging, will be used for dewatering.

Although air is usually considered to be the drying medium, the use of other media does have advantages. If a combustible powder is developed by the solid being dried or the moisture itself is a flammable solvent, then it is advisable to use an inertized or inevitably inert gas. Steam drying has the added advantages of lower use of energy and higher rates of heat transfer. Drying in steam is faster than drying at the same temperature in perfectly dry air above the so-called inversion-point temperature. Moisture is uniformly released during the superheated-steam drying of wood under vacuum. This process is commonly used to produce high-quality seasoned panel timber with minimal degradation caused by drying stresses [2].

For steam drying, a confined vacuum or high-pressure vessel is not necessary. The steam will remain in the dryer by allowing air in the drying chamber to be displaced by water vapour as the vessel warms up and moisture evolution begins, and no complex sealing arrangements are needed for solids to be consumed and released. At 100°C, steam has only 55% of the air density at the same temperature and therefore will remain trapped inside the chamber.

Airless drying is known as the patented method, and the arrangements for batch operation are shown in Figure 2. If the vented steam can be used for other purposes, such as hot water production, the airless drying system is capable of showing considerable thermal savings over conventional air drying.

Figure 2.

Airless drying system with heat recovery.

Drying occurs when the wet material contains more moisture than the equilibrium position for its environment. Liquid moisture diffuses to the surface of a wet body where it evaporates, diffusing the vapour into the surrounding air through the boundary layer. This was the initial concept of convective drying. This perspective is inadequate, except when drying uniform substances with dissolved moisture [3].

Moisture movement mechanisms are generally more complex. Most materials, such as particles and fibers, are composed of sub-entities that may be loose or held in some kind of matrix. The quantity of moisture retained and the extent of bonding to the solids govern the number and nature of the voids between these entities and the pores within them. The material is said to be capillary-porous if the openings make up a capillary network. A capillary-porous material may be non-hygroscopic: that is, its full vapour pressure is exerted by the moisture held within the body. In some coarse, nonporous mineral aggregates, this is a restrictive case. Between the particles, moisture is simply trapped [4].

1.1 Objectives of pharmaceutical drying

The objectives of the drying are;

  1. To avoid or eliminate moisture which may lead to corrosion and decrease the product or drug stability.

  2. To improve or keep the good properties of a material, e.g. flowability, compressibility.

  3. To reduce the cost of transportation of large volume materials (liquids).

  4. To make the material easy or more suitable for handling.

  5. The final step in evaporation, filtration, crystallization.

  6. Preservation of chemical integrity and stability of the dried product.

  7. Accelerated drying rates to reduce processing time and energy consumption.

  8. Formation of a free-flowing and uniform powder or granular form.

  9. Decreasing food decomposition by removing moisture.

  10. Preventing decomposition by inhibiting microbial growth.

  11. Extending the products shelf life for a longer duration [5].

1.2 Importance of pharmaceutical drying in drug manufacturing

Pharmaceutical drying holds significant importance in drug manufacturing for several reasons [6]:

  • Enhanced stability: Moisture can lead to degradation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients, resulting in reduced efficacy and shelf life. Drying mitigates these concerns and improves the stability of drugs, ensuring their effectiveness throughout the intended shelf life [7].

  • Facilitated processing: Drying transforms liquid formulations into dry powders or granules, making them easier to handle, package, and transport. It also streamlines downstream processing steps like blending, encapsulation, and tableting [8].

  • Improved solubility: Certain drugs exhibit better solubility in their dry form. Drying enhances drug solubility, leading to improved bioavailability and therapeutic effectiveness [9].

  • Ensured uniformity: Drying plays a crucial role in achieving uniformity in drug formulations by eliminating variations in moisture content, which can impact product quality and performance.

  • Increased efficiency: By reducing the moisture content, drying reduces the weight and volume of drugs, thus enhancing efficiency in transportation, storage, and handling [10].

In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the various methods of pharmaceutical drying, explore the factors influencing the process, address the challenges faced, and discuss strategies for overcoming these challenges. Additionally, quality control measures in pharmaceutical drying, including monitoring residual moisture and solvent levels, characterizing dried products, and adhering to regulatory considerations, will be examined.

1.3 Factors affecting pharmaceutical drying

  1. Size uniformity: Size uniformity refers to the consistency in the size of particles or granules within a sample. It is an important characteristic in various industries such as pharmaceuticals and food processing, as it ensures uniformity in dosage and processing. Size uniformity is typically achieved through proper granulation techniques or sieving processes [11].

  2. Particulate diameter: Particulate diameter refers to the size of individual particles or granules. It is an essential parameter in various applications such as powder handling, filtration, and particle characterization. Particulate diameter can affect flowability, packing density, dissolution rate, and other physical properties of the material.

  3. Mechanism involved in drying: Drying mechanisms involve the transfer of moisture from a material to the surrounding environment. Common drying mechanisms include evaporation, diffusion, and convection. Evaporation involves the direct conversion of liquid moisture into vapor, diffusion involves the movement of moisture through the material, and convection utilizes the movement of air or other gases to carry away the evaporated moisture.

  4. Product mass flow rate: The product mass flow rate refers to the amount of material passing through a specific point in a given time period. It is a measure of the quantity of material being processed or transported in a system. The product mass flow rate is influenced by factors such as the size and design of the equipment, processing parameters, and material properties.

  5. Hot air mass flow rate: The hot air mass flow rate refers to the amount of heated air or gas used in a drying process. It plays a crucial role in the efficiency and effectiveness of the drying operation. Proper control of the hot air mass flow rate ensures sufficient heat transfer to facilitate moisture evaporation and drying while optimizing energy consumption.

  6. Diameter of the dryer section: The diameter of the dryer section refers to the size or cross-sectional area of the drying chamber or equipment. It influences the residence time of the material being dried and the drying efficiency. The diameter should be designed to allow for proper airflow and residence time to ensure thorough and efficient drying.

  7. Critical moisture content of the material: The critical moisture content of a material is the moisture level below which the material becomes stable and resistant to microbial growth, chemical reactions, and degradation. It is an important parameter to determine the endpoint of the drying process and ensure the product’s stability and quality during storage.

  8. Physical properties of wet and dry flow particle: The physical properties of wet and dry flow particles refer to their characteristics in terms of flowability, cohesion, compressibility, and other properties. Wet particles tend to be more cohesive and less flowable due to the presence of moisture, while dry particles exhibit better flowability and reduced cohesion. Understanding these properties is crucial in designing efficient drying processes and handling the dried material effectively.


2. Methods of pharmaceutical drying

2.1 Air drying

Air drying is a common method used in many industries, including the pharmaceutical industry, to remove moisture from a product or material. It involves the use of ambient air to remove moisture from the surface of the product, typically by evaporation.

The air-drying process involves exposing the material to be dried to a stream of dry, warm air. This air is typically circulated around the material to maximize exposure and evaporation. The process is generally slow and can take several hours or even days depending on the size and thickness of the material being dried as shown in Figure 3 [12].

Figure 3.

Industrial air dryer.

2.1.1 Advantages of air-drying method in pharmaceutical industry

  1. Simple and low-cost method: Air drying is a simple and cost-effective method of drying in pharmaceutical industry. It requires no specialized equipment, and the only energy required is for circulating the air and maintaining the temperature [13].

  2. Non-destructive: Air drying is a non-destructive method that can be used for delicate or heat-sensitive materials that cannot be exposed to high temperatures.

  3. Preservation of product quality: Air drying can help preserve the quality and stability of the product by avoiding exposure to high temperatures that can lead to degradation of active ingredients or changes in physical properties.

  4. Environmentally friendly: Air drying does not produce any harmful byproducts, making it an environmentally friendly method of drying.

  5. Versatile: Air drying can be used for a wide range of materials, including heat-sensitive and temperature-stable substances.

2.1.2 Disadvantages of air-drying method

  1. Slow process: Air drying is a slow process and may take longer than other drying methods [14].

  2. Inconsistent results: The drying rate may vary depending on the humidity and temperature of the environment, which can lead to inconsistent results.

  3. Limited capacity: Air drying may not be suitable for large-scale production due to its limited capacity.

  4. Risk of contamination: The exposure of materials to air may increase the risk of contamination by microorganisms or other environmental factors.

2.1.3 Applications to pharmaceutical industries

  1. Drying of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients): Air drying is commonly used for drying APIs, especially those that are sensitive to high temperatures [15].

  2. Drying of excipients: Excipients are the inactive ingredients used in pharmaceutical formulations. Air drying is used to remove moisture from excipients to prevent degradation or clumping.

  3. Drying of finished dosage forms: Air drying is used for drying finished dosage forms, such as tablets or capsules, after they are coated with a protective layer.

  4. Drying of raw materials: Air drying is used to dry raw materials, such as herbs or plant extracts, before they are used in the manufacturing process.

2.2 Vacuum drying

Vacuum drying is a method of drying materials by removing moisture under reduced pressure. This method is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to remove moisture from heat-sensitive materials, such as APIs and excipients as shown in Figure 4 [16, 17].

Figure 4.

Vacuum dryer.

2.2.1 Advantages of vacuum drying method

  1. Faster drying: Vacuum drying is faster than air drying as it uses reduced pressure to remove moisture from materials.

  2. Uniform drying: Vacuum drying provides a uniform drying rate throughout the material, resulting in consistent and reproducible results.

  3. Low temperature: Vacuum drying operates at low temperatures, which prevents degradation or denaturation of heat-sensitive materials.

  4. Reduced risk of contamination: Vacuum drying is carried out in a closed system, which reduces the risk of contamination from environmental factors.

  5. Energy-efficient: Vacuum drying uses less energy than other drying methods as it requires lower temperatures.

2.2.2 Disadvantages of vacuum drying method

  1. Cost: Vacuum drying equipment is expensive and may not be feasible for small-scale production.

  2. Maintenance: Vacuum drying equipment requires regular maintenance to ensure proper operation and prevent contamination.

  3. Complex process: Vacuum drying is a complex process that requires expertise and specialized equipment.

  4. Limited capacity: Vacuum drying may not be suitable for large-scale production due to its limited capacity.

2.2.3 Applications to pharmaceutical industries

  1. Drying of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients): Vacuum drying is commonly used for drying APIs, especially those that are sensitive to high temperatures [18, 19].

  2. Drying of excipients: Excipients are the inactive ingredients used in pharmaceutical formulations. Vacuum drying is used to remove moisture from excipients to prevent degradation or clumping.

  3. Drying of finished dosage forms: Vacuum drying is used for drying finished dosage forms, such as tablets or capsules, after they are coated with a protective layer.

  4. Drying of raw materials: Vacuum drying is used to dry raw materials, such as herbs or plant extracts, before they are used in the manufacturing process.

2.3 Freeze-drying (lyophilization)

Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, is a method of drying materials that involves freezing the material and then removing moisture under reduced pressure as shown in Figure 5. This method is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to preserve the integrity of heat-sensitive materials, such as biologics, vaccines, and other drugs [20].

Figure 5.

Freeze-drying process.

2.3.1 Advantages of freeze-drying method

  1. Preserves material integrity: Freeze-drying preserves the physical and chemical integrity of materials by removing moisture without causing thermal damage.

  2. Long shelf-life: Freeze-dried materials have a longer shelf-life compared to other drying methods, as they are less prone to degradation over time.

  3. Uniform drying: Freeze-drying provides a uniform drying rate throughout the material, resulting in consistent and reproducible results.

  4. Minimal loss of volatile compounds: Freeze-drying reduces the loss of volatile compounds, which may be important for certain drug formulations.

  5. Reduced risk of contamination: Freeze-drying is carried out in a closed system, which reduces the risk of contamination from environmental factors.

2.3.2 Disadvantages of freeze-drying method

  1. Cost: Freeze-drying equipment is expensive and may not be feasible for small-scale production [21].

  2. Long processing time: Freeze-drying is a time-consuming process that may take several days or even weeks to complete.

  3. Complex process: Freeze-drying is a complex process that requires expertise and specialized equipment.

  4. Limited capacity: Freeze-drying may not be suitable for large-scale production due to its limited capacity.

  5. Requires stability testing: Freeze-dried materials may require stability testing to ensure that the product retains its physical and chemical properties over time.

2.3.3 Applications to pharmaceutical industries

  1. Drying of biologics and vaccines: Freeze-drying is commonly used to preserve the integrity of biologics and vaccines, which are often heat-sensitive [22].

  2. Drying of complex drug formulations: Freeze-drying is used to dry complex drug formulations, such as liposomes and nanoparticles, which may be difficult to dry using other methods.

  3. Preservation of labile drugs: Freeze-drying is used to preserve the activity of labile drugs, such as enzymes and peptides.

  4. Drying of tissue samples: Freeze-drying is used to dry tissue samples for long-term storage or analysis.

2.4 Spray drying

Spray drying is a widely used method in the pharmaceutical industry for converting a liquid or a solution into a dry powder as shown in Figure 6. The process involves atomizing a liquid feed into a spray of small droplets, which are then dried by hot gas streams in a spray dryer. As the droplets travel through the dryer, the solvent evaporates, leaving behind a dry powder [23].

Figure 6.

Spray drying process.

2.4.1 Advantages of spray drying method

  1. High efficiency: The process of spray drying is a continuous process and can be performed at a high speed with good efficiency.

  2. High yield: The yield of the product obtained from the spray drying process is high due to the high surface area and efficient drying mechanism.

  3. Better solubility: Spray drying improves the solubility of the product by reducing the particle size and increasing the surface area, thereby allowing for faster dissolution and absorption of the product.

  4. Preservation of the product: Spray drying is a gentle method of drying and can be used to preserve the product’s physical and chemical properties.

  5. Versatility: Spray drying can be used to produce a wide range of products, including powders, granules, and agglomerates.

2.4.2 Disadvantages of spray drying method

  1. High cost: The equipment and maintenance cost of a spray dryer can be quite high.

  2. Heat damage: Some heat-sensitive products may get damaged or degraded during the spray drying process.

  3. Moisture content: The spray drying process can leave behind residual moisture in the powder, which can cause stability issues.

  4. Particle size: The particle size distribution of the powder obtained from the spray drying process can be broad, which can cause issues in downstream processes.

2.4.3 Applications of spray drying method in pharmaceutical industries

  1. Inhalable powders: The spray drying method is widely used to produce inhalable powders for pulmonary drug delivery [24].

  2. Oral solid dosage forms: Spray drying can be used to produce solid dosage forms such as tablets and capsules by using spray-dried granules or directly compressing the spray-dried powder.

  3. Parenteral formulations: The spray drying method can be used to produce parenteral formulations such as injectables and lyophilized products.

  4. Taste-masking: Spray drying can be used to improve the taste of bitter or unpleasant-tasting drugs by incorporating them into a taste-masking matrix.

2.5 Comparison of different drying methods

There are several different methods for drying materials, including air drying, freeze-drying, spray drying, and vacuum drying. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of drying method depends on the nature of the material being dried and the desired characteristics of the final product [25, 26, 27, 28, 29].

  1. Air drying: Air drying is a simple and low-cost method of drying that involves exposing the material to air and allowing it to dry naturally. This method is suitable for drying materials that are not sensitive to heat and that do not require rapid drying. However, air drying can be slow and may not be suitable for materials that require precise control of temperature and humidity.

  2. Freeze drying: Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, is a method of drying that involves freezing the material and then removing the ice by sublimation under vacuum. This method is suitable for drying materials that are sensitive to heat and that require preservation of their biological activity. Freeze-drying can produce a high-quality product with good shelf stability, but it can be a slow and expensive process.

  3. Spray drying: Spray drying is a method of drying that involves atomizing a liquid or solution into a spray of small droplets, which are then dried by hot gas streams in a spray dryer. This method is suitable for producing dry powders with good solubility and dispersibility. Spray drying is a fast and efficient method of drying, but it can be expensive and may not be suitable for heat-sensitive materials.

  4. Vacuum drying: Vacuum drying is a method of drying that involves applying heat and reduced pressure to the material. This method is suitable for drying materials that are sensitive to oxidation and that require precise control of temperature and humidity. Vacuum drying can produce a high-quality product, but it can be a slow and expensive process.

In summary, each drying method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the nature of the material being dried and the desired characteristics of the final product. Air drying is a simple and low-cost method, freeze-drying is suitable for preserving biological activity, spray drying is suitable for producing dry powders with good solubility and dispersibility, and vacuum drying is suitable for heat-sensitive materials that require precise control of temperature and humidity.


3. Challenges in pharmaceutical drying

Pharmaceutical drying is a critical process in the manufacturing of drugs and other pharmaceutical products. It involves the removal of moisture from the products to ensure stability, potency, and efficacy. However, there are several challenges associated with pharmaceutical drying that can affect the quality of the final product. Here are the challenges in detail [30, 31, 32, 33].

3.1 Product stability and degradation

Pharmaceutical products are sensitive to heat and moisture, and the drying process can cause degradation, which can lead to changes in the chemical and physical properties of the product. The stability and shelf-life of a drug depend on its formulation and the conditions under which it is stored. Heat and moisture can cause changes in the drugs molecular structure, leading to loss of potency and reduced efficacy. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the drying conditions to avoid excessive exposure to heat and moisture.

3.2 Loss of potency

Some drugs are sensitive to heat, and the drying process can cause a loss of potency. The drying conditions must be carefully optimized to ensure that the drugs are dried efficiently without compromising their potency. The drying temperature, time, and humidity must be carefully monitored to prevent excessive exposure of the drug to heat and moisture.

3.3 Residual solvents

Some pharmaceutical products require solvents to dissolve the active ingredients. Residual solvents can be left behind after the drying process, and these can be harmful to the patient. Therefore, it is essential to use proper solvent removal techniques to ensure that no residual solvent is left behind in the final product.

3.4 Formation of amorphous or crystalline solids

The drying process can cause the formation of amorphous or crystalline solids, which can affect the drugs solubility, stability, and bioavailability. Amorphous solids are less stable than crystalline solids, and they tend to have a shorter shelf-life. On the other hand, crystalline solids can be challenging to dissolve, leading to reduced bioavailability. Therefore, it is essential to optimize the drying conditions to control the physical form of the final product.

The challenges associated with pharmaceutical drying can affect the quality, stability, and efficacy of the final product. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the drying conditions to ensure that the products are dried efficiently without compromising their stability and potency. The drying process must be carefully monitored to prevent the formation of amorphous or crystalline solids, and proper solvent removal techniques must be employed to prevent the presence of residual solvents.


4. Strategies for overcoming drying challenges

Drying is an essential step in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, and it is often associated with several challenges that can affect the quality, stability, and efficacy of the final product. However, there are several strategies that can be employed to overcome these drying challenges. Here are some of the strategies in detail [34, 35, 36, 37, 38].

4.1 Process optimization

Process optimization involves optimizing the drying conditions to achieve the desired drying rate and ensure the stability, potency, and efficacy of the final product. Process optimization includes selecting the appropriate drying method, adjusting the drying parameters such as temperature, humidity, airflow rate, and time, and choosing the appropriate equipment for the drying process. The goal is to ensure that the drying process is efficient and effective, while minimizing any adverse effects on the product.

4.2 Use of drying aids

Drying aids are substances that are added to the product during the drying process to improve the drying efficiency and prevent degradation. Examples of drying aids include desiccants, which absorb moisture from the product, and inert gases such as nitrogen, which can help to prevent oxidation during the drying process. Drying aids can also be used to control the physical form of the final product, such as the use of surfactants to control the particle size distribution.

4.3 Control of drying parameters

The control of drying parameters is crucial to ensure the stability and efficacy of the final product. The drying parameters that need to be controlled include temperature, humidity, airflow rate, and time. It is essential to monitor and control these parameters to prevent over-drying or under-drying, which can lead to product degradation or loss of potency. Advanced process control techniques such as feedback control systems can be used to control the drying parameters automatically.

4.4 Formulation considerations

Formulation considerations involve selecting the appropriate formulation for the product to optimize the drying process. The formulation can affect the drying rate, the physical form of the final product, and the stability and efficacy of the drug. Formulation considerations include the selection of the appropriate excipients to stabilize the drug, the optimization of the particle size distribution to ensure efficient drying, and the use of amorphous or crystalline forms to optimize solubility and stability.

Overcoming drying challenges in pharmaceutical manufacturing requires a multifaceted approach that involves process optimization, the use of drying aids, the control of drying parameters, and formulation considerations. It is essential to optimize the drying process to ensure the stability, potency, and efficacy of the final product, while minimizing any adverse effects on the product. By employing these strategies, it is possible to overcome the challenges associated with drying and produce high-quality pharmaceutical products.


5. Quality control in pharmaceutical drying

Quality control in pharmaceutical drying is an essential aspect of the manufacturing process, and it involves various measures to ensure the final products quality, safety, and efficacy. Here are some of the quality control measures in detail [39, 40].

5.1 Monitoring of residual moisture and solvent levels

Monitoring of residual moisture and solvent levels is a critical aspect of quality control in pharmaceutical drying. The residual moisture and solvent levels in the final product can affect its stability, safety, and efficacy. To ensure the product quality, manufacturers need to monitor and control these parameters throughout the drying process.

The residual moisture content is the amount of moisture remaining in the dried product after the drying process is complete. The residual moisture content can affect the stability and shelf-life of the final product. If the residual moisture content is too high, it can promote microbial growth, chemical reactions, and degradation. If the residual moisture content is too low, the product may become brittle or hard.

The solvent levels in the final product need to be monitored to prevent toxicity and adverse effects. The solvents used in the drying process may be toxic, and their residual levels need to be within the acceptable limits. The regulatory authorities specify the maximum residual levels of solvents in the final product.

Various analytical methods are available to monitor the residual moisture and solvent levels. Karl Fischer titration is a widely used method to determine the residual moisture content. The method involves titrating the sample with a Karl Fischer reagent, which reacts with the water present in the sample. The amount of reagent consumed is proportional to the amount of water in the sample, which is used to calculate the residual moisture content.

Gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are commonly used methods to determine residual solvent levels. These methods involve separating the solvent from the sample and analyzing its concentration.

5.2 Characterization of dried products

Characterization of dried products is an important aspect of quality control in pharmaceutical drying. It involves evaluating the physical, chemical, and structural properties of the dried product to ensure its quality, safety, and efficacy. The characterization process is done using various analytical techniques, and the results are compared with the specifications to ensure compliance.

Physical characterization of the dried product includes measuring the size, shape, density, and porosity of the particles. These properties affect the performance and processing characteristics of the product. For example, the particle size distribution can affect the flowability, solubility, and bioavailability of the product. The density and porosity can affect the compressibility and dissolution rate of the product. Physical properties can be characterized using techniques such as particle size analysis, microscopy, surface area analysis, and compressibility testing.

Chemical characterization of the dried product includes evaluating the purity, identity, and stability of the product. These properties affect the safety and efficacy of the product. For example, the purity of the product ensures that it does not contain impurities that can cause adverse effects. The identity of the product ensures that it is the desired compound and not a different compound or an isomer. The stability of the product ensures that it remains effective and safe throughout its shelf life. Chemical properties can be characterized using techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and thermal analysis.

Structural characterization of the dried product includes determining the crystalline or amorphous nature of the product. This property affects the dissolution and bioavailability of the product. For example, the amorphous form of the product has a higher dissolution rate and bioavailability than the crystalline form. Structural properties can be characterized using techniques such as X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance.

Regulatory authorities such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require pharmaceutical manufacturers to demonstrate that their products meet the specifications outlined in the drug application. Therefore, characterization of dried products is an essential part of the quality control process in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It ensures that the product is safe, effective, and consistent throughout its shelf life.

5.3 Regulatory considerations

Regulatory considerations are an essential aspect of quality control in pharmaceutical drying. The manufacturing process needs to comply with various regulations and guidelines such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. The regulatory authorities require the manufacturers to demonstrate the safety, efficacy, and quality of the final product through various tests and analyses. The manufacturers need to provide documentation of the manufacturing process and the quality control measures employed.


6. Conclusions

Pharmaceutical drying is a critical step in drug manufacturing, aiming to remove moisture and maintain product stability and efficacy.

Different drying methods like air drying, vacuum drying, freeze-drying, and spray drying are used based on specific product requirements.

The efficiency of pharmaceutical drying is influenced by factors such as physical and chemical properties, temperature, time, pressure, humidity, and solvent properties.

Challenges in pharmaceutical drying include product stability, potency loss, residual solvents, and formation of amorphous or crystalline solids.

Strategies for overcoming these challenges involve process optimization, the use of drying aids, control of drying parameters, and formulation considerations.

Quality control measures including monitoring residual moisture and solvent levels, characterizing dried products, and adhering to regulatory standards are crucial for ensuring the final products quality and safety.



The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Management of RSMs N.N. Sattha College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar, for providing the necessary resources and support for the completion of this work. We would also like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of our colleagues who provided insightful discussions and suggestions throughout the research process.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Sachin Kothawade, Vishal Pande, Vaibhav Wagh, Kalyani Autade, Sandesh Bole, Rajashri Sumbe and Shubhangi Albhar

Submitted: 11 April 2023 Reviewed: 21 August 2023 Published: 22 November 2023