Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Analysis of Technologies Maturation Level to Face the Future Challenges of the Rail Sector

Written By

Garazi Carranza Ruiz de Loizaga, Oihane de la Rua Losada and Olatz Amorrortu

Submitted: 11 August 2023 Reviewed: 16 August 2023 Published: 30 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112892

From the Annual Volume

Business and Management Annual Volume 2023

Edited by Vito Bobek and Tatjana Horvat

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Technologies play a key role in driving innovation in the rail sector, addressing key aspects such as sustainability, efficiency, passenger experience, and freight transport. The implementation of new propulsion systems and advanced materials in pursuit of sustainability, together with the adoption of smart operation and advanced manufacturing, contribute to optimizing resources, and reducing environmental impact. Data and analytics-based solutions enable more effective management of operation, predictive maintenance and safety, and improving service reliability and safety. In addition, passenger-oriented applications and services, such as digital ticketing and real-time information, enrich the user experience. Technology is also revolutionizing freight transport, optimizing the operation and infrastructure for more efficient and sustainable movement of goods. Together, these technologies are shaping a more advanced and efficient future for the rail sector.


  • rail
  • railway
  • innovation
  • technologies
  • sustainability
  • efficiency
  • passenger experience
  • freight

1. Introduction

Innovation has played a transformative role in the rail sector at both Spanish and European level. In Spain, there has been a strong drive toward the modernization and improvement of rail infrastructure, as well as the implementation of advanced technologies to optimize operational efficiency and enhance the passenger experience. Furthermore, in Europe, innovation has been a driving force in promoting the interoperability and connectivity of rail systems between member countries, thus fostering greater integration and facilitating cross-border transport.

Technological innovation has had a significant impact on the railway sector, both from an economical and operational perspective. This transformation has generated several benefits and has boosted an economical growth in different European regions. For example, the implementation of new technologies in the rail sector has boosted job creation. Innovation has led to the emergence of new roles and required skills, which has opened up job opportunities in areas such as information technology, engineering, project management, and software development.

On the one hand, the adoption of innovative technologies has led to greater efficiency in rail operations. For example, the implementation of traffic management systems and capacity optimization have led to better planning and utilization of resources, reducing costs, and improving profitability. On the other hand, more efficient and sustainable solutions have also been implemented, leading to a reduction in operating costs. For example, the introduction of energy management systems has led to a more efficient use of energy, reducing energy costs. In addition, improved planning and optimization of services have increased the profitability of railway companies.

In summary, technological innovation has had a significant economic impact on the European rail sector, driving growth, operational efficiency, employment generation, and the promotion of mobility. These developments have contributed to strengthening Europe’s position as a leader in the rail industry worldwide and have generated economic benefits at company, regional, and national levels.

Progress in key areas, such as applications and services, materials, energy and energy management, models (Industry 4.0), data and electronics, and connectivity, have significantly contributed to the evolution of the railway sector in Spain and Europe, being the backbone for a promising future in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and technological development.


2. Objective

The study analyzes the challenges faced by the railway sector in the technological field, analyzing the involvement of technologies when it comes to providing solutions. These technologies have been analyzed according to their degree of maturity in the Basque innovation ecosystem, with the aim of knowing the state of technological advances in the region in the railway field, identifying strengths, and opportunities for development in the field of innovation in the railway sector. The study has been carried out under the RIN-Rail innovation network project, funded by the Basque Government in the Elkartek 2022 program (KK-2022/00027).


3. Theoretical background

There is concern about the environmental and social problems caused by the generalization of a transport model based on fossil fuels. Transport accounts for a quarter of the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions and is increasing. To achieve climate neutrality, a 90% reduction in transport emissions is needed by 2050 [1, 2].

The railway sector is undergoing a transformation due to the incorporation of new technologies, which is changing the way companies operate, manage, and produce. This evolution based on technological innovation seeks mainly to provide a better travel experience, greater safety, more efficient operations, less environmental impact, and more competitive and profitable companies. In this sense, the rail sector, as one of the most energy-efficient modes of transport, has significant advantages compared to other modes of transport. Being responsible for 9% of passenger transport and 7% of freight transport [3], it accounts for less than 0.4% of the GHG emissions of the entire transport sector. Rail is set to be a key driver for the decarbonisation of the transport industry.

Additionally, after the COVID-19 crisis, a global recovery of the rail supply market is expected with a growth of 3% per year until 2027, reaching an annual volume of approximately 211 billion euros in 2027 [4]. This is why rail is destined to become the backbone of European mobility.

Innovation in the rail sector covers a wide range of areas, from infrastructure and rolling stock to rail technology, automation, digitalization, energy and sustainability, safety, and risk management. The evolution that the sector has undergone in recent years covers a variety of areas and technologies.

In the area of infrastructure and transport systems, efforts have been made in ensuring the interoperability between the different rail networks, facilitating cross-border transport, and promoting European integration. Projects have been carried out to modernize and renovate railway stations and signaling systems to improve safety, capacity and efficiency.

In the rolling stock and technology area, the sector is working on the development of lighter and more aerodynamic trains, using advanced materials such as aluminum alloys, and carbon fiber. This has made possible the reduction of energy consumption and carbon emissions. More efficient propulsion systems have also been introduced, such as electric motors and hybrid systems, as well as the adoption of energy recovery and regenerative braking solutions. Furthermore, more efficient energy storage technologies, such as high-capacity batteries and large-scale energy storage systems, are being explored.

In terms of improving passenger comfort and experience, focus has been given to the development of ergonomic seating, air conditioning quality, in-flight entertainment, and Wi-Fi connectivity with the aim of enhancing the travel experience. New traffic management and control solutions have also been developed, implementing advanced traffic management and control systems to improve train safety, capacity, and punctuality. Additionally, innovations in signaling focused on making signaling systems more efficient and accurate, such as the communication-based train control system (CBTC) and the European signaling system (ETCS).

The use of data and analytic technologies has also gained importance in recent years. Data collection and analysis, including sensors and real-time monitoring systems, are used to optimize route planning, predict maintenance, and improve operational efficiency. Technological developments have also focused on safety systems. For example, advanced security technologies, such as obstacle detection systems, surveillance cameras, and intrusion detection systems, have been implemented. Risk management strategies have also been strengthened, and cyber-attack protection systems have been developed to ensure the safety of railway operations.

All of these advances have improved efficiency, sustainability, and the passenger experience and continue to drive the transformation of the rail industry globally. To address these advances, there are a number of innovative technologies that are transforming the way services are operated and delivered.

IoT has revolutionized the railway sector by enabling the connection of devices and sensors to collect real-time data. This enables the monitoring and control of railway infrastructure, including tracks, trains, and signaling systems. IoT is also used to improve safety, perform predictive maintenance, and optimize operational efficiency.

This requires technologies, such as big data and advanced analytics. The collection and analysis of large volumes of data generated by railway systems have provided valuable information for decision-making and operations optimization. Advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, can identify patterns, predict problems, and improve the efficiency of rail services.

Focusing on the train maintenance tracking, inspection, and cleaning areas, the sector is applying robotic systems. Robots and drones can perform faster and more precise inspections, helping to identify and solve problems efficiently. In addition, automation has been implemented in train operation, allowing for greater precision in control and a reduction in human intervention.

Aligned with the key enabling technologies, it should be highlighting the blockchain technology, aiming to improve traceability and security in asset management, such as tickets and financial transactions. By decentralizing and immutably recording transactions, integrity and transparency in railway processes can be ensured.

In the area of renewable energy and storage systems, energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are being adopted to power railway systems. In addition, advanced energy storage systems, such as high-capacity batteries and hydrogen systems, are being developed to optimize energy use and improve sustainability.

In the skills area, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been used to improve employee training and education, as well as to provide interactive experiences for passengers. These technologies allow the visualization of information in real time, simulations of emergency situations, and the creation of interactive interfaces for navigation in stations and trains.

All these innovative technologies are driving efficiency, safety, sustainability, and passenger experience in the rail sector. As their development progresses and they become more widely integrated, they are expected to continue to transform the industry and generate new benefits in the future.


4. Methodology

In 2022, a consultation was made with MAFEX—Spanish Rail Industry member companies. The objective was to align the sector’s offer to the challenges and opportunities of the market from the technological point of view, considering both the deployment of current technologies and the development and adoption of emerging technologies, all with a medium- and long-term perspective. The purpose of this consultation was to define the keys to the future competitiveness of the sector, identify the relevant technologies, and analyzing and prioritizing the technologies identified. During the consultation, 35 companies participated in and the results were subsequently validated with the 118 members of MAFEX. MAFEX members account for 83.45% of exports, representing more than 8% of the industrial GDP at state level.

As a result of the analysis, these four major key areas have been identified for the competitiveness of all the agents and companies that are part of the railway sector: (1) efficiency, (2) sustainability, (3) passenger experience, and (4) freight.

To meet the challenges in these four lines of research, six technological enablers have been defined: (i) applications and services, (ii) materials, (iii) energy and energy management, (iv) models (Industry 4.0), (v) data, and (vi) electronics and connectivity.

A total of 59 technologies were identified, divided into the six technology areas mentioned above (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Technology areas and technologies involved. Source: Own elaboration.


5. Results of the analysis

According to the analysis, in the area of sustainability, a priority is set on the implementation of new propulsion systems. In terms of efficiency, the key challenges are related to new materials and the increasement of the capacity along with intelligent operation, advanced manufacturing, and Industry 4.0. The study concludes the user experience as another important area, where improvements are sought in comfort and infotainment, payment and access methods, and integrated mobility. Finally, in the freight area, the driving factors are focused on optimizing both operation and infrastructure.

According to the analysis (see Figure 2), efficiency is the thematic area with the greatest impact on the sector, with 68.49%. User experience is the second most attended area, with 14.66%, and freight is at 13.63% (Figure 3).

Figure 2.

Capacities in each of the identified thematic areas. Source: Own elaboration.

Figure 3.

Capacities in the driving factors in each of the thematic areas. Source: Own elaboration.

In terms of efficiency, in addition to being one of the main thematic areas, the importance of the intelligent operation driving factor is prioritized showing that 43.75% of rail entities have solutions and capacity to face the challenges of this topic.

Rail apps and services have enabled passengers to access real-time information on train schedules, delays, and cancelations. This gives them greater control and allows them to plan and manage their journeys more effectively. In addition, the apps offer the ability to easily and quickly purchase tickets, select seats, access additional onboard services, and receive personalized updates during the journey. All of this has contributed to a more convenient and satisfying travel experience for passengers.

Passenger-focused apps and services have also made it easier to manage capacity on trains. By providing real-time information on train occupancy, rail operators can accurately track demand and adjust supply accordingly. This enables them to optimize seat allocation and improve efficiency in resource utilization, avoiding situations of over-occupancy or under-utilization of trains.

Applications and services have also contributed to improving operational efficiency in the rail sector. By enabling digital ticket purchasing and travel management, the need for manual processes has been reduced and administrative procedures have been streamlined. In addition, the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions has made it possible to predict demand, optimize route planning, and minimize waiting times, leading to greater efficiency in the operation of rail services.

The development and use of data in rail innovation have had a significant impact on several aspects of the industry. Some of the most relevant impacts are presented below (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Milestones and capacities. Source: Own elaboration.

In terms of milestones, the analysis pieces of evidence show that the actual rail capacity is focused on the areas related to the monitoring of infrastructure (7.37%) and monitoring of rolling stock (6.30%), as well as in the optimization of maintenance cycles based on the status of critical systems. These milestones focus on efficiency and sustainability, reflecting a trend toward the implementation of advanced technologies to improve system performance and reliability.

Furthermore, the milestones that have shown lower capacity focus on increasing the use of high-speed lines and the opening of new European rail corridors. While these milestones may be important for improving integrated mobility and connectivity between countries, their implementation may require significant investments in infrastructure and additional resources.

The development of passenger-oriented applications and services has spurred innovation in the rail sector. Companies have had to adapt and adopt new technologies to remain competitive. This has led to the implementation of solutions such as augmented reality, virtual reality, facial recognition, and integration with digital payment systems, which have further enhanced the passenger experience and driven technological evolution in the sector.

From the results obtained, it can be seen that the development of the use of data in rail innovation has generated significant impacts on the optimization of the operations, predictive maintenance, safety, passenger experience, and strategic planning. These advances enable more informed decision-making, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to a more satisfying and safer travel experience. As data collection and analysis continue to advance, more opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation in the rail industry are expected to emerge.

In addition, in optimization of the operation, data analytics enables rail operators to collect and use real-time information on train performance, train occupancy, timetables, and other relevant factors. This enables them to make more informed decisions and optimize the operation of rail services. As an example, they can adjust train schedules and capacity to meet demand, optimize resource allocation, and improve the punctuality of services.

In the field of predictive maintenance, the collection and analysis of data on the performance of railway equipment and components enables the identification of patterns and anomalies that may indicate impending problems. This facilitates the implementation of predictive maintenance strategies, where failures are detected before they occur and appropriate maintenance is performed. As a result, unplanned train downtime is reduced, resources are optimized, and service reliability is improved.

Data analysis contributes to better safety management in the railway sector. Data can be used to identify incident patterns, analyze causes, and establish appropriate prevention measures. In addition, machine learning algorithms can be used for real-time monitoring of anomalous events and behaviors that may represent safety risks, enabling a faster and more efficient response to emergency situations.

In the area of passenger experience, with the use of data analytics, operators can more easily understand passengers’ needs and desires, providing personalized recommendations, offers, and services tailored to each individual. This improves passenger satisfaction, strengthens loyalty and generates a more engaging travel experience.

Finally, it should be noted that analysis of historical and real-time data allows rail operators to make more informed and strategic decisions in network planning and expansion. They can identify demand patterns, evaluate the profitability of new routes and services, and perform simulations to assess the impact of different scenarios. This facilitates informed decision-making and helps maximize the efficiency and profitability of investments in rail infrastructure and services.

The study confirms that the railway sector has undergone a major transformation in recent years, largely thanks to the incorporation of innovative technologies. In this sense, it is interesting to analyze how the railway sector is dealing with enabling technologies to address the challenges mentioned above.

Figure 5 shows that the electronics and connectivity and data technology areas account for 68.34% of the total capacities the rail industry offers to face the future challenges. The development of electronic technology and connectivity has positively impacted rail innovation by improving operational efficiency, safety, passenger experience, capacity, and demand management. These advances have driven the digital transformation of the rail industry, enabling more efficient, reliable, and connected services. As technology continues to evolve, further advances and benefits are expected in the rail industry.

Figure 5.

Technology areas and capacities. Source: Own elaboration.

The electronics and connectivity solutions enable, as well as the implementation of advanced control and supervision systems in the railway sector, improving efficiency and operational safety. These systems allow real-time monitoring and control of the operation of trains, infrastructure, and other equipment. This facilitates early problem detection, predictive maintenance, and informed decision-making to improve efficiency and operational safety.

Connectivity also helps on the remote monitoring and maintenance of railway systems. Sensors and connected devices can collect data and send real-time information about the condition of trains and infrastructure. This enables continuous monitoring and proactive maintenance, resulting in reduced downtime and improved service availability and reliability.

Furthermore, the solutions based on electronics and connectivity have brought a number of benefits for passengers. The availability of Wi-Fi, charging points for mobile devices, and entertainment systems have improved the travel experience and passenger comfort. In addition, connectivity makes it possible to provide real-time information on schedules, delays and other relevant data, allowing passengers to stay informed, and plan their trip more efficiently.

The results of the analysis show how these technological areas are related to the implementation of solutions based on electronics, connectivity, and data analysis, allowing the improvement of efficiency, safety, and sustainability of railway systems. Video surveillance systems, obstacle detection sensors, and real-time communication systems make it possible to respond quickly in emergency situations. In addition, connectivity facilitates communication between rail operators, security agencies, and responsible authorities in the event of incidents or crisis situations. Additionally, real-time information systems and data analysis algorithms help predict and manage passenger demand, optimizing the allocation of resources and avoiding situations of over-occupation or under-utilization of trains.

Also as shown in Figure 5, the technology areas of applications and services (2.60%) and energy management (1.98%) have shown the least capacity. These areas involve solutions that require greater investment in research and development to be able to offer effective solutions. More efficient propulsion systems have been implemented, such as electric motors and hybrid systems, which take advantage of the energy generated during regenerative braking. In addition, advanced algorithms and control systems have been developed to optimize energy consumption and minimize losses. Energy management has driven the development and implementation of energy storage solutions in the rail sector. High-capacity batteries and large-scale energy storage systems are used to store and efficiently utilize regenerative energy and energy from renewable sources. This helps to improve grid stability and ensure a constant supply of energy, even at times of high demand.

Moreover, energy management has contributed to the reduction of emissions in the railway sector. The adoption of cleaner and more efficient technologies has led to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. In addition, renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are being explored to power rail systems, further reducing the carbon footprint. Energy management has also had an impact on the development of charging infrastructures for electric trains. Fast charging and inductive charging systems have been implemented, enabling more efficient and faster recharging of trains. This improves the availability and efficiency of electric trains and facilitates the transition to the electrification of the rail network.

The analysis evidences how energy management technology has enabled better monitoring and control of energy consumption in real time. Intelligent energy management systems collect and analyze data on the energy consumption of trains, infrastructure, and other equipment. This makes it possible to identify energy saving opportunities, detect anomalies, and optimize energy use throughout the rail network.

In summary, the development of energy management technology is showing a positive impact on rail innovation by improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions, facilitating intelligent energy management, implementing storage solutions, and optimizing freight infrastructure. These advances not only improve the sustainability of the rail sector but also contribute to reduced operating costs and increased reliability of energy supply. As progress continues to be made in this area, more opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation in the rail sector are expected to be generated.

According to the analyzed data (see Figure 6), it can be observed that the technologies most applied by the entities are based on sensors, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, with percentages of 6.93, 6.3, and 5.72%, respectively. They are closely followed by edge computing, with 5.20%. Interestingly, a group of technologies is at the same level, with 5.17% usage, including actuators, predictive algorithms and control, big data, and positioning systems. However, other technologies, such as metaverse and magnetic levitation, with 0 and 0.04%, respectively have not been deeply explored in the rail sector. Also in this group are new inductive materials and catenaries, with 0.11 and 0.18%, respectively.

Figure 6.

Technologies and capacities. Source: Own elaboration.


6. Conclusions and future research

Europe aims to provide an integrated high-capacity rail network by removing barriers to interoperability and providing solutions for full integration, covering traffic management, vehicles, infrastructure, and services [5].

It is clear that innovation and technological development contribute to the development of the railway sector. Digitalization and automation are key factors that provide solutions to reduce rail costs, increase capacity and improve flexibility, making rail an attractive, accessible, competitive, efficient, and sustainable mode of transport that contributes to social cohesion and the mobility of passengers and freight.

The analysis carried out highlights a clear direction toward technological development in the rail sector, with a focus on crucial areas such as sustainability, efficiency, passenger experience, and freight transport. The strategic priorities identified in the study demonstrate the sector’s capacity to adapt to a constantly changing environment, where the adoption of innovative technologies plays an essential role in the evolution and sustained growth of the industry.

In the area of sustainability, emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing new technological developments that reflect the rail sector’s firm commitment to reducing environmental impact. The introduction of technologies, such as electric propulsion and energy recovery systems during braking, demonstrates a clear focus on energy efficiency and reduced emissions.

At the same time, in terms of efficiency, there is a strong determination to optimize resources and processes, which translates into a more efficient and profitable operation. The application of automation technologies and real-time data analysis enables accurate monitoring of infrastructure and trains, facilitating more efficient management of resources, and informed decision-making to minimize waiting times and maximize transport capacity.

Improving the user experience stands as a key pillar, driving improvements in comfort, entertainment, payment and access methods, and integrated mobility. This evolution holds the promise of generating more convenient and pleasurable travel experiences for passengers, thereby raising overall customer satisfaction. At the European level, this approach is helping to increase the percentage of passengers opting for rail transport.

In the field of freight transport, the search for efficiency in freight management is supported by innovative technologies such as real-time monitoring of the location and status of goods, traceability systems, and intelligent loading solutions. These tools streamline the logistics chain and enable more efficient distribution of goods, reducing costs, and delivery times.

However, there are numerous enabling technologies to be developed. The study shows that the sector has not exploited sensing technologies, blockchain, or the metaverse. There are several applications, such as the development of smart information windows, the use of night train for freight, smart stations, or door-to-door travel that could benefit from these developments.

It is, therefore, necessary to highlight the railway sector’s continuous adaptation to changing demands through the strategic adoption of innovative technologies. The evolution toward sustainability, efficiency, improved passenger experience, and freight transport reflects the industry’s strong readiness to meet current and future challenges. With continued investment in research and development, it is anticipated that the rail sector will continue to transform and strengthen its ability to deliver efficient, safe, and high-quality services, consolidating its position as a vital and innovative part of the modern transport infrastructure.



We thank respondents who provided insight through the consultation sessions and give us the opportunity to analyze the results offering conclusions.



The study has been carried out under the RIN-Rail Innovation Network project, funded by the Basque Government in the Elkartek 2022 program (KK-2022/00027).


Availability of data and material

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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  4. 4. Berger R. World Rail Market Study. Belgium: Commissioned by UNIFE; 2022. Conducted by Roland Berger
  5. 5. European Commission. Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking Master Plan. 2022. Available from:

Written By

Garazi Carranza Ruiz de Loizaga, Oihane de la Rua Losada and Olatz Amorrortu

Submitted: 11 August 2023 Reviewed: 16 August 2023 Published: 30 September 2023