Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Dynamic Stability of Beam on Elastic Foundation Including Higher Transition Foundation

Written By

Bhavanasi Subbaratnam

Submitted: 12 August 2023 Reviewed: 24 August 2023 Published: 15 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.113009

From the Edited Volume

Challenges in Foundation Engineering - Case Studies and Best Practices

Edited by Mohamed Ayeldeen

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A precise analytical solution has been developed using Energy Method to predict the dynamic instability bounds of simply supported beams on elastic foundation, with a focus on the impact of the higher transition foundation on dynamic stability boundaries. To determine the dynamic instability zones, a trigonometric function with a single term that meets the geometric boundary criteria to represent lateral deflection is used. For the analysis, Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is employed. Numerical results are presented in non-dimensional form in both digital and/or analogue forms, with varying foundation parameters below and above the transition foundation values of an elastic foundation. When compared to those produced using the finite element approach, the current findings exhibit a fair degree of consistency. The impact of the elastic foundation’s first and higher transition foundation values on dynamic stability behavior is amply demonstrated in the current study. According to the studies, when the elastic foundation parameter value increases, the width of the dynamically unstable zones decreases, making the beam less susceptible to the dynamic stability phenomena under periodic loads. By using the precise non-dimensional parameters for the imposed periodic load and its radian frequency, the presence of the master dynamic instability curves is demonstrated in the current work.


  • dynamic instability
  • uniform beams
  • energy method
  • periodic loads
  • elastic foundation
  • transition foundation

1. Introduction

An essential input for the structural design engineers is the prediction of the dynamic stability bounds of structural components exposed to periodic axial or in-plane loads. In his seminal work, Bolotin [1] covers in detail the dynamic instability of structural components/elements exposed to axial or in-plane periodic loads. In Ref. [2], a finite element technique is used to explore the dynamic instability of thin bars that are periodically exposed to intense axial loads at the free ends. In this paper, it is demonstrated intuitively that, provided the stability and vibration mode forms are same, the dynamic stability bounds derived with adequate non-dimensional parameters are the equal regardless of the boundary conditions. In [3], it is suggested that these non-dimensional parameters may be rigorously determined, and for the majority of structural members, it is shown that there are master dynamic instability curves that are valid for all structural members, regardless of boundary condition or complicating effects. If the requirement of the exactness of the mode shapes, but not the similarity as mentioned in [2], is broken while trying to get the master dynamic stability curves, the error involved in the analysis is dependent on the deviation of these mode shapes and may be evaluated by calculating the corresponding L2 norms [4].

In several engineering areas, structural components like homogenous plates and beams on elastic foundations are frequently used. In Ref. [5], the impact of an elastic base on the dynamic stability of columns is examined. According to an instability discovery in Ref. [5], the zones of dynamic stability move away from the vertical axis and become narrower as the elastic foundation parameter rises, making the beam less susceptible to periodic loads. It has been demonstrated in Ref. [2] that the value of the foundation stiffness parameter affects the mode forms of columns under on elastic foundation. There is a value for transition foundation stiffness, and once this value is exceeded, the mode form of the buckling changes. For instance, when the foundation parameter is less than the initial/first transitional foundational parameter in the case of a simply supported beam, the stability and vibration mode forms are the equal (half of a sine wave along the length). When the foundation parameter is bigger than the initial transition value, these mode forms are different (full sinusoidal waves for the stability and half sinusoidal wave for the free vibration problems, respectively). The foundational parameters for this transition are discovered to be 4, 36, 144…for (first, second, third…) for a simply supported beam/column [6]. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the vibration mode forms of uniform beams supported by an elastic foundation do not correspond to such a transition foundation parameter. In Ref. [7], similar tests on rectangular plates with simple supports and biaxial periodic compressive stress on a homogenous elastic basis were described.

A beam that is axially loaded and rests on an elastic base with dampening is examined for dynamic stability in Ref. [8]. It has been demonstrated that raising the damping or stiffness of the foundation raises the critical dynamic load and moves the unstable zones to a higher/greater applied frequency. The dynamic instability of a tapered cantilever beam on an elastic basis was studied by Lee [9]. The dynamic instability of beams on elastic basis was explored by Subba Ratnam et al. [10]. By taking into account the reference buckling and frequency characteristics, Subba Ratnam et al. recently explored the dynamic instability of structural elements with secondary effects [11, 12, 13, 14, 15].

Wachirawit et al. [16] applied the Ritz and Newmark techniques for the Timoshenko beams to study the free vibrations and dynamic behavior of the functionally graded sandwich lying on an elastic base/foundation. Based on the Floquet theory, Fourier series, and matrix eigenvalue analysis, Ying et al. [17] studied multi-mode coupled periodically supported beams vibrating under generic harmonic excitations. Subbaratnam et al. [18] used the variational method to analyze the impact of dynamic instability boundaries of SS beams resting on elastic foundation under periodic loads caused by higher transition foundation. Using the Runge-Kutta method and the Floquet theorem, Chao Xu et al. [19] investigated dynamic instability zones of a simply supported beam under multi-harmonic parametric excitation Using the single matrix approach, Jian Deng et al. [20] investigated the dynamic stability and reactions of beams on elastic foundations under pulsing axial parametric load. The study and consequences of numerous factors, such as foundation basis models, damping, and static and dynamic loads, are taken into account using the Winkler, Pasternak, and Hetenyi models. Youqin Huang et al. [21] based on Reddy’s beam theory, the dynamic instability of nanobeams was studied.

This study’s major contribution is to examine how higher transition foundations affect the dynamic instability areas of SS beams lying on elastic foundations while being subjected to axial periodic loads. This study highlights the ease of employing a particular type of non-dimensional parameters employed, in order to show the results, and discusses the influence of altering mode forms for stability and vibration on the dynamic stability zones, with rising values of foundation parameter. This study demonstrates that the breadth of the zones of dynamic stability diminishes as the foundation increases, making a beam less responsive to the dynamic instability phenomena under periodic loads.


2. Formulation

Here, we briefly describe the mathematical formulation for SS beam on elastic foundation based on the variational principle and the assessment of the dynamic instability bounds.

When a regular beam of length L rests on elastic basis that is also uniformly distributed, it is subject to a end-axial periodic load P(t)., as shown in the Figure 1, the potential energy is given, by

Figure 1.

Uniform SS beam lying on foundation subjected to periodic load.


where T is kinetic energy, W is work produced by the external axial periodic load, UF is the energy stored in the elastic foundation, and U is the strain energy. The formulas for U, UF, T, and W are provided by




where E stands for Modulus of Elasticity, I for moment of inertia, m is the mass per unit length, w for lateral displacement, P(t) for axial compressive periodic load, and ω is the natural radian frequency.

P(t) represents


where PS is the periodic component of P(t), Pt is its periodic component, and θ is the compressive load’s radian frequency. In terms of the buckling/critical load parameter Pcr, the numbers Ps and Pt are stated.

The differential equation controlling the dynamic stability problem of beams on elastic basis is expressed in terms of energy by substituting Eqs. (2)(5) in Eq. (1).


As ω = θ/2, Eq. (7) becomes


When we replace the expression for P(t) from Eq. (6) in Eq. (8), we obtain


The boundary between Eq. (9)‘s stable and unstable solutions are periodic solutions with periods of 2π/θ and 4π/θ according to the theory of linear equations with periodic coefficients [1]. The unstable solutions that are constrained by the solutions with period’s 4π/θ are those that have the most practical significance. The need for these boundary solutions, as a first approximation, is


The boundary between the stable and unstable solutions of Eq. (8) are periodic solutions with periods of 2π/θ and 4π/θ according to the theory of linear equations with periodic coefficients [1].

where α is the fraction of buckling load (=PsPcr) and β is the fraction of periodic buckling load


It should be noted that Eq. (10), which yields the two borders of the zones of instability, combines two requirements in the plus or minus sign. The beam’s static buckling load factor is used as the standard in this research.

2.1 Buckling (critical) load parameter and frequency parameter of SS beam on elastic foundation

The fundamental equation for dynamic stability provides the corresponding solutions for the Euler buckling loads and frequency parameters as functions of the wave number n, taking into account the influence of the elastic foundation. This is done by non-dimensionalizing all length quantities by the length of the beam L and neglecting the kinetic energy term (T) and work done by the periodic load (W), respectively.

Using the single term standard exact trigonometric admissible function, for a SS beam, for lateral deflection, as


where a is the indeterminate coefficient, n is the mode shape number, (denoted by nb for the buckling issue and nf for the free vibration problem), w is the lateral deflection, and x is the axial coordinate, respectively.

In terms of the mode numbers nb and nf, this admissible function provides the buckling loads and the frequency parameters as




where γ is the foundation parameter (γ=kL4π4EI), λb is buckling/critical load parameter (=PcrL2EI) and λf is frequency parameter (=mω2L4EI).where Pcr is critical load and ω is natural frequency.

2.2 Foundation parameter transition values

The transitional foundation parameter value γTi (i varies from 1, 2, 3…. and with reference to buckling mode number nb), where buckling load parameter λb changes from mode nb to mode (n + 1)b. The transition value γTi is evaluated from Eq. (13), using the condition that the buckling load parameters are the same for the two consecutive modes of buckling nb and (n + 1)b, as


The values of the γTi are


Two noteworthy findings from the assessment of the γTi are:

  1. the contribution of γTi for buckling problem,

  2. a similar equation as Eq. (16) for the free vibration issue, where the mode forms vary, the phenomena of transition does not occur.

For buckling issue, the values of γTi are 4, 36, 144… for (i = 1, 2, 3,4…).

The impact of the initial and second transition foundation parameters γT1 = 4 and γT2 = 36, respectively and its impact on dynamic instability behavior of SS beam are both thoroughly explored in the current work.

2.3 Variation of λb and λf for different values of nb and nf

Eqs. (13) and (14), provide expressions for λb and λf the various values of nb, nf and γ. In light of these values of γ, nb and nf, succinct evaluations of the formulations for λb and λf are given here;

2.3.1 For γ < γT1 (nb = nf = 1)

The λb and λf terms are




2.3.2 For γ > γT1 and γ < γT2 (nb = 2, nf = 1)

The λb and λf terms are




2.3.3 For γ > γT1 and γ < γT2 (nb = 2, nf = 2)

The λb and λf terms are




2.3.4 For γ > γT2 and γ < γT3 (nb = 3, nf = 1)

The λb and λf terms are




2.3.5 For γ > γT2 and γ < γT3 (nb = 3, nf = 3)

The λb and λf terms are




For the sake of completeness, the expressions for λb and λf for the three cases that are being considered here are given, but any combination of nb, nf and γ, the buckling and frequency parameters can be immediately obtained for any given value of these four parameters by taking into account transition value of foundation parameter for γ.


3. Formulas for dynamic stability

The following formulae are short and to the point for forecasting the dynamic instability areas of the simply supported beam on the foundation:

The dynamic stability formula is determined by replacing Eqs. (12), (17), and (18) in Eq. (10) and utilizing the first mode of buckling and free vibration (nb = nf = 1) as the reference values, where Pcr=π2EIL2 and m=π4EIω2L4 without taking into account the impact of foundation.




where μ is the defined non-dimensional parameter, μ=β21α used in some earlier studies on the topic of dynamic stability [2].

The dynamic stability formula is formulated as follows for nb = 2 and nf = 1 when Eqs. (12), (19), and (20) are substituted in Eq. (10)


Substituting the corresponding reference values of Pcr=4π2EIL2 and m=π4EIω2L4 without considering the effect of the elastic foundation in Eq. (30) becomes


In the same way, the dynamic stability formula is as follows when Eqs. (12), (23), and (24), respectively, are substituted for nb = 3 and nf = 1 in Eq. [10], as


Eq. (32) is expressed as follows when the reference values Pcr=9π2EIL2 and m=π4EIω2L4 are substituted and the foundation is ignored.


These three dynamic instability formulae are constructed using the modes nb and nf for initial and second transition foundation parameter values γ smaller or greater than γT1 and γT2.


4. Master dynamic stability formula

Interestingly, the master dynamic stability formula can be obtained by substituting Eq. (12) and the reference buckling load Pcr and frequency ω into Eq. (10), along with half sinusoidal wave for both buckling and vibration problems (nb = nf = 1), a full sinusoidal wave for both buckling and vibration problems (nb = nf = 2), and three half sinusoidal waves for both the stability and vibration problems (nb = nf = 3), as


Use of these specific reference values of λb and λf the master dynamic stability curves turn out to be simple to use, exactly the same and are independent of the foundation parameter for the same values of nb and nf (either 1, 2 or 3). It should be noticed that, unlike preceding formulations where the foundation parameters appeared clearly, the master dynamic stability formula shown in Eq. (34) does not explicitly include the foundation parameter (γ).


5. Results and discussion

A homogeneous simply supported beam that is sitting on elastic basis and being subjected to axial concentrated periodic load is shown in Figure 1. The equation created in the current work to examine the dynamic instability limits of a SS beam sitting on an elastic basis and subjected to end axial periodic concentrated load is highly universal. The fundamental frequency and the static buckling load parameters, which are characteristic values of the beam, do not clearly exist in the non-dimensional form. However, when non-dimensional parameters μ and Ω. are defined, their characteristic values are referenced implicitly.

The values of the stability boundaries Ω1and Ω2, between which it is dynamically unstable with variable for α = 0.0, 0.5 & 0.8 with mode form of a half sinusoidal wave for both stability and vibration problems for γ = 1, are shown in Table 1. Table 2 gives the values of the stability boundaries Ω1and Ω2 with varying β, instead of μ, for α = 0.0, 0.5 & 0.8 for mode form of one half sinusoidal wave for both stability & vibration problems for γ = 2. The dynamic instability results of a slender beam on foundation [5] are also included in this Table. Since the non-dimensional parameter given in Ref. [5] is β instead of μ proposed here, and as it is difficult to convert β to μ due to lack of information, the values of μ is converted in to β for the results presented in the Table. The results are in good accord with results obtained from present formula and those given in Ref. [5] obtained using finite approach for α = 0.5. Table 3 gives the values of the stability boundaries Ω1and Ω2, between which it exhibits dynamic instability with variable μ for α = 0.0, 0.5 and 0.8, and a half sinusoidal wave mode form for both stability and vibration issues γ = 3. The instability boundaries Ω1and Ω2 given in Tables 13 are for α = 0.0, 0.5 and 0.8 with γ = 1, 2 and 3 respectively. For a better understanding of the zones of dynamic stability, Figures 24 illustrate the boundaries of the instability that are described in Tables 13. Additionally, it can be shown that the zones of dynamic instability shifts away from the vertical axis and reduce as the elastic foundation parameter increases, making the dynamic stability phenomena less sensitive to periodic loads.


Table 1.

Variation of Ω1 and Ω2 for half sinusoidal waves in both stability and vibration for γ=1.0 (γ < γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.

0.03.46413.46413.1622 (3.1439)$3.1622 (3.1439)2.96642.9664
0.23.40583.52133.0983 (3.0384)3.2249 (3.1818)2.89823.0331
0.43.34663.57773.0331 (3.0000)3.2863 (3.2575)2.82843.0983
0.63.28633.63312.9664 (2.9090)3.3466 (3.3333)2.75683.1622
0.83.22493.68782.8982 (2.8787)3.4058 (3.4090)2.68323.2249
1.03.16223.74162.8284 (2.8181)3.4615 (3.4545)2.60763.2863

Table 2.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for half sinusoidal waves in both stability and vibration for γ=2.0 (γ < γT1)*.

Values in the parenthesis are read from Ref. [5].

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 3.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for half sinusoidal waves in both stability and vibration for γ=3.0 (γ < γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.

Figure 2.

Dynamic stability bounds for half sinusoidal wave in both stability and vibration for γ=1(γ<4).

Figure 3.

Dynamic stability bounds for half sinusoidal wave in both stability and vibration for γ=2 (γ<4).

Figure 4.

Dynamic stability bounds for half sinusoidal wave in both stability and vibration for on for γ=3 (γ<4).

Tables 47 gives the values of the stability boundaries Ω1and Ω2, within which it is dynamically unstable with change μ for α = 0.6, 0.7 & 0.8 with the mode form of full sinusoidal wave for the stability problem and half sinusoidal wave for the vibration problem for γ > 4 (γ > γT1). The instability boundaries Ω1and Ω2 given in Tables 47 are for α = 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 with γ = 5 to γ = 35. For an improved understanding of the zones of dynamic stability, Figures 58 illustrate the instability boundaries Ω1and Ω2 provided in Tables 47. Additionally, it can be shown that when the foundation parameter increases, the zones of dynamic instability move away from the vertical axis. The areas of dynamic instability for γ = 5 to γ = 35.0 decrease from above the initial transition foundation to below second transition foundation parameter value, which is an important finding in this study.


Table 4.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=5.0 (γ > γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 5.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=15.0 (γ > γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 6.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=25.0 (γ > γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 7.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=35.0 (γ > γT1)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.

Figure 5.

Dynamic stability bounds for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=5.0 (γ > γT1).

Figure 6.

Dynamic stability curves for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=15.0 (γ > γT1).

Figure 7.

Dynamic stability curves for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=25.0 (γ > γT1).

Figure 8.

Dynamic stability curves for full sinusoidal wave for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=35.0 (γ > γT1).

Tables 810 provide the values of the stability boundaries Ω1and Ω2that, for three half-sinusoidal waves for stability problems and half-sinusoidal wave for vibration problems, respectively, are dynamically unstable above the value of the second transition foundation parameter (γ > 36) for γ = 45.0 to γ = 60.0. It is noted that the regions of dynamic instability are pushed away from the vertical axis and the instability zones are initially bigger above the second transition foundation value. Another noteworthy finding is that the dynamic instability areas for values above the second transition foundation and below the third transition foundation value decrease with increasing foundation value. For a better understanding of the limits/bounds of dynamic instability, Figures 911 demonstrate the instability boundaries Ω1and Ω2 provided in Tables 8 and 10. Figure 12 displays the dynamic instability curves for full sinusoidal waves for stability and vibration problems, with reference buckling load and reference frequency parameters taking into account elastic foundation for the foundation parameter below the second transition value (γ < 36), and three half-sinusoidal waves for stability and vibration problems, with reference buckling load and reference frequency parameters taking into account foundation for the foundation parameter above the second transition value (γ > 36) obtained from Eq. (34).


Table 8.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=45.0 (γ > γT2)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 9.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=55.0 (γ > γT2)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.


Table 10.

Variation of Ω1and Ω2 for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=60.0 (γ > γT2)*.

λb and λf values for γ=0.

Figure 9.

Dynamic stability curves for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=45.0 (γ > γT2).

Figure 10.

Dynamic stability curves for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=55.0 (γ > γT2).

Figure 11.

Dynamic stability curves for three half sinusoidal waves for stability and half sinusoidal wave for vibration for γ=60.0 (γ > γT2).

Figure 12.

Master dynamic stability curves.


6. Conclusions

To accurately forecast the dynamic stability behavior of SS beam resting on elastic basis under periodic axial load, closed form solutions are derived. The geometric boundary criteria are satisfied by a one-term trigonometric admissible function. Suitable non-dimensional parameters come out of the present formulation following the Variational method that is the basis for the standard Rayleigh-Ritz technique. The existence of transition, where the mode form changes for the stability/buckling problem, is discussed. The numerical findings from the current formulation and those from the finite element approach are in good agreement. It is also proven how higher transition foundations affect the dynamic stability zones and borders. This study presents the findings obtained with different first and second foundation parameters, both below and above this transition threshold. The breadth/width of the zones of dynamic stability diminishes as elastic basis does, making the beam less susceptible to the dynamic stability phenomena under periodic loads. When the reference values of the buckling load and radian frequency are evaluated taking into consideration the effect of the foundation, which is not recognized by the earlier researchers, the existence of the master dynamic stability curves for the same mode numbers for the buckling and free vibration problems is established. The versatility of our proposed method is highlighted by its potential extension to the analysis of dynamic instability boundaries for different boundary conditions, such as Pasternak foundation, Timoshenko beams, and nanobeams, all subjected to axial periodic loads.



The author expresses gratitude to the management of Malla Reddy Engineering College and Management Sciences for their continuous support throughout this work.


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Written By

Bhavanasi Subbaratnam

Submitted: 12 August 2023 Reviewed: 24 August 2023 Published: 15 November 2023