Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Determination of Grass Quality Using Spectroscopy: Advances and Perspectives

Written By

Manuela Ortega Monsalve, Tatiana Rodríguez Monroy, Luis Fernando Galeano-Vasco, Marisol Medina-Sierra and Mario Fernando Ceron-Munoz

Reviewed: 23 August 2023 Published: 14 November 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112990

From the Edited Volume

Grasslands - Conservation and Development

Edited by Muhammad Aamir Iqbal

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Spectroscopy is a promising technique for determining nutrients in grasses and may be a valuable tool for future research. This chapter reviews research carried out in recent years, focusing on determining the quality of grasses using spectroscopy techniques, specifically, spectrophotometry. The chemical methods used to determine the nutritional quality of grasses produce chemical residues, are time-consuming, and are costly to use when analyzing large crop extensions. Spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that can establish the nutritional quality of grass easily and accurately. This chapter aims to describe the techniques focused on the use of spectroscopy and machine learning models to predict and determine the quality of grasses. A bibliographic review was conducted and recent research articles were selected that showed spectroscopic techniques applied to grasses. Different methods and results focusing on the quality of the grasses were compiled. In general, this review showed that the most commonly used spectroscopic method is near-infrared analysis. Spectroscopy is a very effective tool that opens the way to new types of technologies that can be applied to obtain results in determining the quality of pastures, leaving behind the use of traditional methods that represent higher costs and disadvantages compared to traditional methods based on precision agriculture.


  • electromagnetic spectrum
  • nutrient prediction
  • precision agriculture
  • sustainable production
  • vegetation index

1. Introduction

Grasses and forages are essential for feeding herbivorous animals, especially ruminants that produce milk and meat. In recent years, the growth of the world’s population and the resulting need to increase animal food production, have forced grass production to generate a greater amounts of biomass and to seek new technologies that maximize production efficiency. Therefore, it’s important to remember that for optimal grass crop production, the soil on which these crops are grown must have good nutrient levels and stable physical characteristics. Therefore, soil characteristics can directly affect the quality and productivity of grass crops. For example, soils that are deficient in one or two nutrients will experience a decrease in grass production [1].

The most important step in determining soil or grass quality is to know the amount of nutrients present. The best way to obtain this information is through a chemical analysis, which indicates nutrient excesses or deficiencies and allows for the development of appropriate fertilization programs [2]. However, the methods used to determine the chemical properties require time, skilled labor, and the use of chemical reagents that are contaminated and dangerous [3]. In addition, according to [4], laboratory analysis presents a number of challenges, such as the analysis of a reduced number of samples and that it can only be performed in the laboratory by destroying the original samples. It also requires a specialized laboratory, a demanding task that is not practical for people working in the field [5]. For this reason, technological alternatives are being considered that are capable of predicting grass properties without generating negative impacts on the environment, and that can be used to control the growth and development of grasses [6]. New calibration techniques and laboratory and remote sensing (RS) belonging to the spectroscopy can predict grasses components without chemical analysis [7].

This chapter aims to describe the techniques focused on the use of spectroscopy and machine learning models that allow the prediction and determination of the quality of grasses. The collection of information on investigative articles was carried out from January 2022 to March 2023 in the databases Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and SpringerLink. The search terms used were: grasses, soil, spectroscopy, nutrient prediction, agriculture, vegetation index, and machine learning models. Research articles that had a clear methodology and results of using the technique were selected, collecting important information from each of them.


2. Use of spectroscopy in grasses

Spectroscopy captures different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (ES). The light variations in the ES regions cover the visible spectrum (VIS) consisting of bands like red (R), green (G), and blue (B) and the infrared (IR) region which is divided into the near-infrared (NIR), short wave infrared (SWIR), medium wave infrared (MWIR) and long wave infrared (LWIR) spectra as shown in Figure 1. The VIS and IR region of the ES are the most used equipment that detects pasture quality by spectroscopy.

Figure 1.

Visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Adapted to [8].

Among the spectroscopic techniques is spectrophotometry, a branch based on the use of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and the presence of light to detect different elements according to their chemical composition. Among the methods using spectrophotometry we can find cameras with NIR, RGB, multispectral (MSI), hyperspectral (HSI) and RS bands. NIR works with vibrations [9, 10]; and according to [11], this technique has gained attention because it’s widely used in different areas of science, proving to be successful in obtaining information that is difficult to obtain with competing techniques. Now, spectroscopy uses the MWIR zone, which is known as a vibrational method that uses the light emitted in a sample to measure the transmission, absorption and reflection of light. This technique detects the structures of the sample as the molecules have chemical bonds that generate vibrational energy [12, 13]. In the same way, HSI detects signals or contiguous bands that contain a very narrow spectral bandwidth [14], greatly facilitate the detection of sample elements [15]. However, the use of HSI has not been sufficiently explored due to it’s high acquisition cost and the large amount of spectral data that must be processed [16, 17]. The difference between these methods is the range of the spectrum they use to determine different types of features related to the spectral bands.

Cameras that record the spectrum’s bands can be mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or placed permanently in a laboratory to record data from samples. UAVs are widely used to collect data in the field due to their simplicity of operation and on-site data collection. For this reason, [7] used UAVs with HSI cameras to evaluate quality characteristics in grasses and demonstrated that this method can predict forage quality parameters.

Figure 2 shows two ways to analyze the quality of grasses through different forms that use spectrophotometry.

Figure 2.

Different forms to apply spectroscopy to determine the quality of grasses: (a) hyperspectral images in the laboratory and (b) UAV drone with RGB, multispectral or hyperspectral moving cameras.

The components of a sample can be analyzed from great distances using satellites; this is known as RS. RS has been used to study the spectral, spatial, and temporal variations of electromagnetic waves, and revealed the correlations between them and the proprieties of different terrestrial materials [18]. In other words, it focuses on identifying the materials present on the earth’s surface and on understanding the phenomena that occur on it through their spectral signature, that is, it seeks to establish a relationship between the properties of the light reflected or emitted by terrestrial objects and the intrinsic properties of these objects [19]. To perform this type of data analysis, RS analysis and processing techniques are used, using satellites, to capture electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths [20, 21]. All of this provides valuable information about the composition and dynamics of the land surface allowing producers to detect crop variations and facilitate a more precise application of fertilizers [22] nutritional composition and general condition of plants.

It’s important to note that plants exhibit dynamic behavior in ES due to phenological changes in the plant, lighting conditions associated with topography (slope and orientation), sun position over the year, and soil moisture conditions, which can result in significant variations in the spectral response pattern [23].

The spectral signature of plants is characterized by how they reflect light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm). Chlorophyll absorbs strongly in the visible spectrum around the B and R bands, resulting in a low reflectance, and the G spectral band, the reflectance is higher. It’s in this region of the spectrum that photosynthesis occurs, a process in which energy is absorbed [24]. On the other hand, in the NIR region, the vegetation shows its highest reflectance in the NIR between 700 and 1300 nm, around 45–50% (Figure 3). This phenomenon is the result of diffusion caused by the refractive indices of the intracellular fluid and the intercellular spaces present in the plant mesophyll, especially in the spongy mesophyll. In contrast, at wavelengths between 1300 and 2500 nm, the reflectivity of the sheet it’s controlled by water absorption, resulting in reflectance values of 10–20% [18]. When the vegetation is mature or under stress due to disease, insect attack, or low humidity, changes in the spectral characteristics of the leaves occur [25]. In general, these changes occur simultaneously in the VIS and IR regions, but there are greater alterations in IR. This behavior explains the great utility of ES for the study of vegetation.

Figure 3.

Changes in the spectral signature of healthy and diseased vegetation in the visible and infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Adapted to [19].

Figure 3 shows the spectral signature of the vegetation under different phenological conditions. It can be observed that the reflectance is influenced by the concentration of pigments in the leaves, mainly chlorophyll and carotenoids. In the VIS region of the spectrum, reflectance and transmittance are low due to strong absorption by leaf pigments.

2.1 Vegetation indices in grasses

From the study of spectroscopy, numerous vegetation indices (VI) have been developed. These indices are defined as parameters calculated using reflectance values at different wavelengths, to extract information related to vegetation [26]. In this context, VI is generated by mathematical calculations involving the different spectral bands of the images. These calculations produce a new image that highlights specific characteristics related to the physiological functioning of the plants [27]. The VI defined so far have in common the use of reflectance values in the R and NIR spectral bands, which are dedicated to the spectral behavior in this region of the ES. The reflectance of the vegetation goes from a relative minimum in the R corresponding to the absorption band of chlorophyll to an absolute maximum in the NIR, which is a consequence of the multiple scattering of the radiation within the cellular structure [25].

One of the most commonly used indices in vegetation assessment is the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which quantifies the relationship between the energy absorbed and emitted by terrestrial objects [28]. In addition to NDVI, other indices relate to biomass and leaf area index. These include the green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI), which uses the G band instead of the R-band of the spectrum. There is also the RATIO index, which relates the high NIR reflectance of vegetation to low R reflectance. The enhanced vegetation index (EVI) is an enhancement of NDVI designed to perform better in areas of dense vegetation and to reduce atmospheric effects by being sensitive to variations in vegetation cover and leaf area. Similarly, the adjusted ground vegetation index (SAVI) is an enhancement of NDVI that attempts to compensate for the effects of ground brightness by relating the nutrients and R bands [29, 30]. Another index used in grasses is the normalized pigmented chlorophyll ratio index (NPCI) [31]. The VI is useful in determining productive characteristics in grasses, such as height, presence of disease, or available quantity.

Table 1 shows the most commonly used vegetation indices used to evaluate biomass production and nutritional content of grasses, and the results obtained when applying these indices. They are mainly used to determine the productive properties that can directly influence the quality of the plants and their use in animal feed.

Vegetation indexFormulaCharacteristics evaluatedAuthor
NDVINIR − R/NIR + RType of grass and amount[32]
RATIONIR/RBiomass and nitrogen[33]
GNDVINIR − G/NIR + GDifferentiation between soil and grasses[34]
NDRENIR − RE/NIR + REAmount and chlorophyll[35]
SAVINIR − R/NIR + R + 0.5Amount and cover[36, 37]
OSAVI1.6 * (NIR − R)/(NIR + R + 0.16)Biomass[38]
EVI2.5 * (NIR−R)/(NIR + 6 * R − 7.5 * B) + 1Biomass and cover[39]

Table 1.

Vegetation index, formulas, constants and characteristics were evaluated to predict the quality of pastures through spectroscopic techniques.

Vegetation index: NDVI, normalized difference; RATIO, simple ratio indices; GNDVI, green normalized difference; NDRE, normalized difference red edge; SAVI, soil adjusted; OSAVI, optimized soil adjusted; EVI, enhanced; R, red; G, green; B, blue; NIR, near infrared; RE, red edge.

Among the results found to evaluate the quality and nutritional content of forages by spectroscopy, the work of [40] stands out. The reason is that this study has found a significant correlation between forage yield and RGB bands based on VI. This positive relationship demonstrates the usefulness of VI derived from color imagery for estimating forage quality and nutrient content. Soil chemical characteristics were also evaluated as an indirect measure of grass quality. One study found that soil nutrient content, especially potassium and phosphorus, was strongly related to electrical conductivity and NDVI [41]. These results demonstrate the relationships between soil and crop characteristics and allow the optimization of variable rate fertilization.

Likewise, Fava et al. [33] evaluated biomass and nitrogen status in grasses at three different growth stages and in grazed and ungrazed plots, finding good results for assessing nitrogen content, green biomass, and leaf area index using the NIR (775–820 nm) and longer wavelengths of the red edge (740–770 nm). Another report shows the feasibility of using NDVI to assess moisture content in forages.

2.2 Quality characteristics in grasses determined through spectroscopic techniques

In general, the quality of grasses is measured using various characteristics such as dry matter, digestibility, energy, organic matter, protein, and carbohydrates [42, 43]. Also, by many VI, factors affecting the quality of grasses, such as plant diseases, amount of biomass, or type of fertilization, are directly related to the nutritional characteristics (Figure 4). In addition, the quality of the grasses can also be measured indirectly, through the content of soil nutrients. In the soil matrix, the content of sand, silt, and clay can be monitored by spectroscopy [44, 45], the content of organic carbon and organic matter, which are synonymous with soil fertility and therefore, of plant growth [46, 47]. However, several studies have managed to determine using spectroscopy many characteristics focused on the productivity of grasses.

Figure 4.

Main nutritional and production quality characteristics evaluated in grasses.

Results of previous studies agree that the use of spectroscopy in forages can be useful to determine factors such as mass and growth, light interception, turf heterogeneity, nitrogen deficiency, and drought stress, using non-destructive methods [48]. The determination of the concentration of nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium, some minor elements. and the sugar content of grasses has also been studied using spectroscopic techniques [49]. In addition, spectroscopy can work in other areas indirectly related to the quality of grasses and plants, for example, [50] they worked on forest dynamics and land use; in addition [51] applied spectroscopic techniques to determine the quality of the milk from cattle fed with fresh grasses and [52] evaluated carcasses of lambs that were fed with fresh grasses. This is due to the fact that there are many characteristics, both direct and indirect, that can be evaluated in grasses to determine their quality. This can open new avenues for future research and can clarify that these techniques, belonging to the new PA, are widely used in the investigative field of vegetation.

2.3 Investigations carried out in grasses using spectroscopic techniques

A study conducted by [53] demonstrates the implementation of portable spectroscopic sensors to determine the nutrient content in grasses, finding good results in determining height and protein content, which can lead to improved productivity for farmers through access to this type of technology. In this review, it has been shown that NIR instruments are the most widely used in spectroscopy and many of the studies carried out in grasses focus on the use of this method, with good results. For example, Restaino et al. [54] used 120 grass samples analyzed by NIR to determine nutrients in grasses, demonstrating great potential in this technique; Danelli et al. [55] predicted grass quality parameters using NIR, using 1615 samples, managed to find optimal settings, and considered this technique as an aid in grass management; Catunda et al. [56] developed calibration strategies in grasses using NIR to predict their nutritional composition using 2622 samples, they found that characteristics such as ash, protein, and fiber can be easily determined using this methodology; Parrini et al. [57] evaluated the quality of fresh grasses using NIR, finding the estimation of some chemical parameters of grasses associated with quality feasible.

The NIR methodology has the advantage that it can be applied in the laboratory and in the field, for this reason, Serrano et al. [5] used grasses for continuous grazing to test the technique in the field, demonstrating that the combination of spectroscopic and ultrasonic methods to determine pasture quality factors can be accurate even in very heterogeneous grasses due to grazing animal. In this review, 95% of the studies carried out have included NIR analysis in the laboratory or through UAVs, where methodologies that include the use of HSI and multispectral images can also be observed, while the other percentage have used techniques that include only RGB bands. This leads to the idea that studies of grasses have evolved to include not only the visible part of the spectrum but also using the NIR region, which provides more information due to its greater number of spectral bands.

Table 2 summarizes the information found by different authors on the use of spectroscopy in grasses to determine their quality, including parameters such as the method used, the spectral characteristics of the method, and the results obtained in this review.

StudySpectral rangeResults
Techniques in real time and monitor the changes in the nutrients of the different types of grasses with NIR portable [53]950–1750 nmHigh correlation between grass height and some nutrients
Potential data for grass quality assessment using UAV with HSI in field [7]350–2500 nmModels with good predictive potential for CP and fibers
Spectroscopy for predicting the nutritional value of forage silages with NIR [54]400–2500 nmPotential to predict DM, CP and fibers
Calibrations for predicting fresh grass quality parameters with NIR [55]1100–2500 nmOptimal predictions for fibers and ash variables
The best calibrations for a grassland sample collection with NIR [5]1100–2500 nmAdjustments greater than 80% for pasture nutritional variables
Predictive models for estimating the chemical composition of Brachiaria with NIR [58]400–2500 nmNutrient variables were estimated with higher prediction in dry grasses
Use canopy spectra with NIR portable to predict parameters for individual ryegrass plants [59]300–2500 nmIt was possible to perform a classification of the plants using of VI
Predictive models to estimate different concentrations at the field level, using spectroscopy data from grass images using UAV with HSI [60]450–998 nmGeneration of predictive models for the CP and fibers variables and their variations in space
Performance of DL-based segmentation algorithms in the context of crop segmentation approaches using UAV with RGB [61]It was possible to determine different compositions of plants using models
Design and development of a portable using UAV with MSI for grassland vegetation growth monitoring system [6]450, 550, 650, 750, 850, and 960 nmThe growth of different pastures was predicted using VI

Table 2.

Compilation of different spectral methodologies and characteristics of the equipment used in spectroscopy applied to grasses.

SR, spectral range; HSI, hyperspectral; CP, crude protein; DM, dry matter; DL, deep learning; MSI, multispectral; UAV, unmanned aerial vehicles.

2.4 Machine learning models and predictive metrics applied to grass quality

In the area of measuring the intensities of reflected light in narrow spectral bands, particularly in the NIR range, advances in optical methods have enabled the identification of chemical bonds between hydrogen and carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, and hydrogen and oxygen. These chemical bonds have proven to be key indicators for determining the nutritional characteristics of grass, including the presence of crude protein, fibers, and other plant constituents [57, 59, 62]. These new technological alternatives, along with the use of machine learning statistical models, can produce good results in predicting various nutrient variables in soils and grasses. According to [63], machine learning algorithms have great potential for analyzing spectral data and analyzing attributes in grasses. Statistical models perform the function of developing, evaluating, and improving the equations that calibrate and predict the presence of elements or nutrients from reflectance spectra, replacing traditional chemical techniques [64].

Knowing the relationship between the spectral bands and the grass variables requires the use of multivariate statistics [65], so several statistical models have been developed. The most commonly used is the partial least squares regression (PLSR), which explores the relationships that may exist between all the variables [66]. The cubist model (CUB) is also used to predict nutrients using spectroscopy. This algorithm performs the construction of an unconventional regression tree [67], the prediction is made based on intermediate linear models step by step, and it creates subsets of data and rules to select only some predictor variables [68]. On the other hand, the random forest (RF) model works with many decision trees that are known as classifiers; these use representative variables of the sample, forming classifier nodes for the set of variables that have multivariate characteristics, in the case of the spectral bands of each sample [69].

In addition, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, using the hyperplane, recognizing different categories, and maximum margins, manages to separate the data into different categories by selecting the most appropriate vectors for the prediction [70]. However, there are many algorithms that can be applied to spectroscopic data. Others widely used are principal component regression (PCA), multiple linear regression (MLR), and artificial neural networks (ANN) [71, 72]. To evaluate the predictive performance of the above machine learning models, [73] considers that some of the most commonly used metrics in these models are the coefficient of determination (R2), the ratio of performance to deviation (RPD), and the root-mean-square error (RMSEP). It’s important to obtain models that have R2 values close to 1, low RMSEP values since the difference between the predicted and observed values of the model should be small, and RPD values greater than 2 [74]. These model selection parameters will indicate that the selected model can efficiently predict grass quality properties using spectroscopic methods.

In reviewing the selected articles, it was found that 84% of the articles belonging to this review used the PLSR machine learning model for data analysis. The remaining percentage includes PCA, SVM, and CUB models. The widespread use of the PLSR model for predicting quality variables using spectroscopy may be due to its ease of execution in various statistical software, in addition to the fact that it is a model that reduces the dimensionality of the data, and can reduce memory requirements.

For this reason, the PLSR models used in the various studies collected in this review presented optimal fits in predicting different characteristics in the grasses, providing high reliability for use in future studies. For example, [75] used this model to predict crude protein (CP) in grasses and found an R2 of 0.98 and an RPD of 4.12, indicating a high fit of the model found. Results of a R2 were also found to predict the CP in the grass of 0.69 and 0.73 respectively, but the RPD found was 1.95, which means that the performance of the model for this feature is regular [76, 77]. Another similar result was found by [78], where the RPD found was 1.84, the R2 was 0.77 and the RMSEP was 2.05. Finally, for the CP variable, [5] found an R2 of 0.84 and an RPD of 4. According to all the results related to this nutritional variable of the grass, the CP can be predicted with PLSR models with a high fit, but many samples must be evaluated to make the model more and more fit. The fibers variable was also been predicted using PLSR models, [75] finding an R2 of 0.94, an error of 2.94, and an RPD of 2.83. For the same variable, R2 of 0.67 and 0.76 and RMSEP of 5.77 and 4 were obtained [7, 56]. This variable was predicted using RS and found a fit of 0.66 and an RPD of 1.71 [79]. This variable resulted in minor adjustments to the CP variable but has great potential to be predicted using spectroscopy and machine learning models.

Regarding other variables that have been predicted in grasses, [55] managed to find an R2 for the ash characteristic in the grass of 0.75 and an error of 1.01, which means that this technique allows one to know the amount of minerals in the grass. Also, [80] found a good fit for the nutrient variable EE in the grass, finding an R2 of 0.73, an RDP of 1.69, and an RMSEP of 0.23. The CP, fibers, and dry matter variables are the most analyzed by researchers and the CP variable is the one that shows the highest adjustment and prediction results in the different evaluation criteria of the models. However, the other nutritional variables also present good adjustment results.

Regarding the productive variables of grasses, VI has also been widely used in spectroscopy to determine nutritional and productive variables, mainly in remote sensing and moving cameras. In general, the variables related to the quality of the pasture, evaluated using spectroscopy and statistical analysis, have generated optimal results in terms of their adjustment, which indicates that the use of these techniques is a great tool for knowing the quality of the grass, before being offered as food to cattle. Regarding the statistical models, although SVM and CUB have been used in this type of study, they are not preferred by researchers, and it is then, the PLSR model is the most used. The NIR methodology is the most used to carry out research on grass quality due to its wide range in the electromagnetic spectrum, NIR the interaction between plant compounds can be observed much easier, while equipment that only RGB cameras or multispectral may be limited in predicting plant properties due to few bands and little information available. This is due to the great simplicity of programming and interpretation of the results, as it reduces the dimensionality of the spectral data. Table 3 shows a summary of the studies carried out on the grasses, the statistical models applied and the fitting values found in each one of them.

ParameterStatistical modelR2RMSERPDAuthor
Crude proteinPLSR0.792.48[7]
Dry matterPLSR0.962.60[81]
Ether extractPLSR0.450.281.18[57]

Table 3.

Nutritional characteristics evaluated in grasses using spectroscopy.

PLSR, partial least squares; PCA, principal component analysis; RF, random rorest; R2, determination coefficient; RMSEP, root-mean-square error; RPD, ratio of performance to deviation.


3. Conclusions

Spectroscopy has been widely used in recent years to evaluate the quality of grasses. This is confirmed by the large amount of research supporting its use and demonstrating its effectiveness in predicting productive and nutritional variables in grasses. Both laboratory and field methods can be easily applied, and the use of machine learning statistical models to predict variables related to quality has promoted its use in agricultural areas. In line with the rapid advances that have occurred in the field of precision agriculture, it is expected that the development and use of spectroscopic techniques to determine grass quality will increase in the coming years due to the need to limit the use of chemical analysis and promote non-destructive methods in the field. The development and widespread use of more accessible machine learning statistical models and portable equipment is expected to enable the collection and analysis of real-time information in the field to facilitate the work of graziers.



This publication and the financial support of the MSc students was possible thanks to the project “Design and validation of predictive models to determine Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Organic Matter (OM) and Nitrogen (N) in soils from hyperspectral images” through the agreement 2022-7204, financed by the University of Antioquia Foundation.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


List of abbreviations


near infrared


remote sensing


electromagnetic spectrum


visible spectrum










red edge


short wave infrared


medium wave infrared


long wave infrared


unmanned aerial vehicles






vegetation index


normalized difference vegetation index


green normalized difference vegetation index


simple ratio index


normalized difference red edge


enhanced vegetation index


adjusted ground vegetation index


chlorophyll ratio index


partial least square regression


random forest


support vector machine


cubist model


coefficient of determination


root-mean-square error


ratio of performance to deviation


crude protein


dry matter


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Written By

Manuela Ortega Monsalve, Tatiana Rodríguez Monroy, Luis Fernando Galeano-Vasco, Marisol Medina-Sierra and Mario Fernando Ceron-Munoz

Reviewed: 23 August 2023 Published: 14 November 2023