Open access peer-reviewed chapter

QHS Methodology Applied to Professional Growth with Impact on Society

Written By

Rodolfo Martinez-Gutierrez

Submitted: 09 May 2023 Reviewed: 14 July 2023 Published: 29 September 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112559

From the Edited Volume

Innovation - Research and Development for Human, Economic and Institutional Growth

Edited by Luigi Aldieri

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The expectation of growth and personal development in society is one of the different stereotypes and paradigms for different generations. From educational training, the individual learns that they must develop skills to succeed in life and, for this, they must prepare, interact socially, and achieve outstanding professional performance. The Fifth Systemic Helix (Quinta Helice Sistemica [QHS] in Spanish) approach discussed in this chapter raises the activities developed in the different phases of the population, involving the phases of skills empowerment; Knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Which are developed at different levels of educational training, later the exercise of a profession, professional leadership in trade unions, associations, and business chambers. Until finally the process of sharing the experience of professional life with the new generations in the academic sector as a professor, as well as activities to advise public and private sector organizations, through systemic intervention models.


  • QHS methodology
  • DCS methodology
  • job skills
  • knowledge attitudes
  • happiness

1. Introduction

This chapter describes the virtuous circle of an idea, giving meaning to the principles “knowledge generates knowledge” and “we cannot give what we do not have.” It describes the phases of the gestation of an idea, including its development, dissemination, and practice, as a model of articulation in daily life. This is the case of the Fifth Systemic Helix (Quinta Helice Sistemica [QHS] in Spanish) methodology, which is oriented to generate actions of articulation and integration of all sectors of society as a strategy to find solutions and eclectic proposal of multidisciplinary methods, which converge in the sum of specialized talent. The QHS methodology convenes the voice of experts from academies, companies, associations, consulting firms, and government to jointly develop analysis of initiatives of the topics of interest in the ecosystem of society for its sustainable development.

The idea of the QHS methodology was born when taking a doctoral class in Global Development Studies in 2008, during which theories of global development and international systemic competitiveness were espoused and discussed. In the context that was developed and proposed, the QHS methodology is linked to the characteristics of Generation X; The culture of effort to achieve goals to progress. Figure 1 presents the timeline of development under the focus of the elements that make up the QHS methodology; activities in the Academic Sector, Business Sector, Associations Sector and Government Sector.

Figure 1.

QHS methodology applied to professional growth with impact on society.

The construction of a resume traditionally begins with academic training, from the early stages of educational training; when defining vocational guidance, type of professional career, the identification of the competences to be developed and their effects generated when carrying them out; the competence of knowing how to know; It is knowledge that develops understanding through theories and principles of the sciences. The competence of know-how; They are demonstrated with the development of skills, reflected in the development of talent management in people. The competences of knowing how to be; They are identified through behaviors, attitudes and values in work, performance. Finally, the competence of knowing how to be happy; They are the actions that generate emotion and satisfaction for developing an activity linked to our curricular skills.

The International Classification of Education Levels (ISCED) from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) provides a comprehensive framework for organizing education programs and qualification by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions. It includes the following levels of competencies: early childhood education, primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education, post-secondary non-tertiary education, short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor’s or equivalent, master’s or equivalent, and doctorate or equivalent.

For the formation and development of systemic competences in a professional career, individuals may be required to obtain certifications of competences. This applies to numerous professions, such as teacher, consultant, public administrator, government employee, and so on. A certified person represents efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and competitiveness.

The academic life of a professor and researcher is linked to the practice of creating research projects, developing articles, and publishing them in prestigious indexed journals with international ranking, participating in congresses, forums, and seminars to achieve positioning in the processes of evaluation of academic performance and research career of national and international competition, generating indicators of productivity and traceability of scientific bibliometrics.

Figure 2 presents events and interviews of the QHS methodology within the framework of bibliometric studies of an original, recognized, appreciable, and consistent research, for which it traces publications, theses, disclosures, and all the evidence of the methodological contribution in society.

Figure 2.

QHS methodology dissemination experiences in conferences and interviews.

Section 2 discusses methods and materials of the study presented within this chapter. It also addresses the phases of the systematic analysis of the key components that make up the QHS methodology, including the academy, business, associations, consulting, and government sectors. The section presents analysis of the impact of academic training, the impact of the work and professional trajectory, the impact on the development of collaborative networks, the development of the professional practice as a consultant, and the management and linkage with government institutions, respectively.

The great expectation of the citizenship with respect to their representatives in the government is that these public employees are aware of the vote of confidence that was deposited in them between the campaign discourse vs. the results of public management. Therefore, the motivational skills, promotion of dialog, capacity for serenity, knowledge of how to delegate, and a focus on results are factors of success as an employee and public servant since the efficiency of government is reflected in indicators of confidence in the performance of institutions and authority and public management, revealing the management competencies in the public administration of the public employee who represents their country.


2. Methods and materials

To investigate the bibliometrics of the academic, scientific, and research productivity of the QHS methodology, a chronological analysis of several means of publication and diffusion was carried out, achieving a complete vision of contributions in research, citations, references, and methodological applications in the different systemic sectors of society in both the national and international contexts. The first articles in journals and congresses were published between 2010 and 2012. Five articles on the original topic in which the contribution of the QHS methodology was applied and generated were found.; “Factors that determine the competitiveness of the maquiladora industry of the electronic sector in Tijuana, Baja California”, subject of doctoral thesis, to obtain the degree of Doctor in studies of global development, at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Campus Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico (UABC-CONACYT), Graduate program at national level with international recognition, with guest professors from national and international universities.

In this sense, the proposed QHS methodology reflects the different systemic skills that are developed in an innovative ecosystem with characteristics that distinguish the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, also known as the door to Latin America and where the Mexican homeland begins. The dynamics of the border between the cities of Tijuana and San Diego makes the city of Tijuana very attractive for transnational companies with global operations established in industrial parks under the concept of foreign trade of assembly plants and factories called maquiladoras, taking advantage of the benefits of the Free Trade Agreement to export their products back to the United States.

At its historical peak in 2001, there were about 820 of these maquiladoras in Tijuana. Tijuana is recognized as a world leader in the production of television sets. Currently, Industry 4.0 has become the new parameter of development and installed capacity to the challenges demanded by international trade.

The geographical context and economic development of the city of Tijuana, Baja California, was the setting for the design and development of the QHS methodology in 2010. The characteristics of systemic development; the conditions for foreign investment to contribute to the development of dynamic ecosystems, formation of supply chains in the value chain of foreign trade, customs and international logistics in the Cali-Baja, mega region, which links the border region between Mexico and the United States of America, have strengthened the development of industry sectors, business associations, educational institutions of technical training specialized in training of human talent required in strategic sectors of companies, strategic training in professional levels such as engineering for business leadership of local focus and with global vision.

Companies in the XXI century have been characterized by the practices of multiculturalism, teleworking, electronic commerce, development of new models of startup and spinoff schemes, with the participation of people of different ages; as are the Baby Boomer Generation (1945–1964), Generation X (1965–1981), Generation Y or Millennials (1981–1997) and Generation Z (1997–2010). This fosters environments of development and systematic learning, as an effect of the interaction of different generations within the same organization.

It is public knowledge that social networks are efficient communication tools, feedback for businesses driven by generations that were born with the benefits of the internet in hand, or applications (Apps) that is increasingly common that represent new businesses of generational change in all senses of daily life in the world.

Figure 3 represents the challenges of building an eclectic curriculum in academic training, developing a set of systemic knowledge to build tools that help consolidate competencies in the discipline of professional practice. Academic training should not only be the reception of data, information, and collection of degrees. It is also a process of intellectual growth that allows to develop analytical capacity and critical thinking for the resolution of challenges and problems in the trajectory of personal and professional life.

Figure 3.

QHS methodology analysis of the systemic impact of the academy on society.

Researchers and decisionmakers worldwide are between the transition of the Baby Boomer generation and Generation X. Currently, they comprise about 18.2% of the world’s population. They are generally conservative and hardworking. They have faced economic difficulties, overcome adversity, matured at an early age, and witnessed the start of the digital revolution. They are believers in the culture of effort and desire continuous improvement. Later and often in parallel it is common for young people to work in positions characterized for students, in companies that traditionally offer part-time, part-time, even for hours of service, in order to make flexible the learning opportunities of the new generations of professionals who require an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classrooms, Correlate theories vs. the real world, apply tools for solving problems in organizations, there are extraordinary cases that vocation and natural skills exceed academic preparation, the topics of soft skills in occupational profiles; such as leadership, empathy, teamwork, charisma; are determining factors in the selection and hiring.

A question that every individual asks at some point in life is, how can I succeed in my work and professional development?

This question can have one or several answers according to the level of preparation we have compared to our expectations of the position of responsibility or the hierarchical level we want to occupy. Everything is related to capabilities and a matter of competitiveness and results. As such, companies evaluate the level, profile, experience, and competencies of candidates in relation to the position and its objectives and responsibilities in the short, medium, and long term. It is important to evaluate job competencies to allow employers to better determine the potential of prospective employees, objectively determining the level of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to perform in the appropriate position. Are they the right person for the right position?

Identifying and recognizing training needs vs. the positions and levels in which you want to move in the medium and long term properly define a life plan and professional career. Figure 4 is an example of the work and professional trajectory of the author of the QHS methodology. The trajectory is associated with sustained growth and characterized by the development of multiple skills product study and work in parallel, although later as the professional career was consolidated was a context vice versa of working and studying as a strategy of professional updating.

Figure 4.

QHS methodology analysis of the systemic impact of business on society.

The trajectory of a person in their professional performance, as consolidated in an organization where professional services are provided, advanced according to their competences, including knowledge, skills, attitudes, and places to develop what they are passionate about. If your performance results are successful, innovative, and outstanding in your area of specialty, you become a reference among your peers, being naturally proposed as a guest, member, and leader in associations of the sector and specialty area of the profession you exercise in such a way that it initiates another facet of professional development in which one becomes an opinion leader, expert criterion in good practices product of experience and professional career.

The first experiences that are lived in the trajectory of professional development are collaboration networks and associations of students or professionals. These social figures represent opportunities to learn and develop skills of public speaking, leadership, assertive communication, and the principles of political behavior in order to achieve planned ends. Figure 5 presents the trajectory of outreach activities, professional management, national and international leadership roles, product of experience, and participation as a sector expert.

Figure 5.

QHS methodology analysis of the systemic impact of associations on society.

The challenges for professional growth and consolidation is to take advantage of the opportunities that arise during professional practice. Leadership in professional development, whether in the local, national and international context, is linked to opportunities to exceed goals, outside the status quo, such as a curricular strategy and public positioning; by being a member and holding positions on the boards of directors of associations, business chambers, trade unions and other types of civil society organizations. These actions contribute to the systemic development and contribution to the history of professional leadership, highlighting the leadership management and ability to achieve management results, linkage, public relations to find solutions and improve problems in the different sectors of society.

Professional growth has different cycles and phases according to each occupational profile; Traditionally, the learning curve is an increasingly shorter effect; There are more efficient, effective, productive and competitive learning techniques. Within the phases of professional development; It is common to have different growth paths; positions, hierarchical levels, even changing sector type in society. On a timeline; individuals, are academically trained, exercise their occupational profile with the skills developed; in the stages of consolidation and professional maturity they transmit their skills and experience, through teaching as Professional Trainers, Teachers and even develop Consulting activities.

Figure 6 describes the importance of a professional career to build and consolidate an image, style, and credibility, the voice of expert and facilitator of training processes, manager, and advisor of the management group, as an organizational consultant to give technical support and coaching to the staff group, as well as a management group.

Figure 6.

QHS methodology analysis of the systemic impact of a consultant on society.

The consulting sector is one of the most diverse labor markets in the business and professional services sector. There is great demand for professionals who have consulting skills, which are essential to growing businesses and profitability. Knowledge and skills to perform successfully in the different branches of consulting; technical knowledge, strategic research at the corporate level. The most in-demand specialized consulting services include corporate responsibility, organizational, strategies, financial policies, training and development programs, labor benefits, marketing, supply chain, customer relationship management, risk management, computer networks, digital transformation, data science, anti-cyberattack, technology.

The most outstanding consulting services and firms of international prestige are supported by the following characteristic aspects of their consultants.

  1. Academic success. Academic success is essential for specialized consulting roles. The academic record showcases the person’s ability to learn and willingness to grow, which are two key attributes in a consultant. A strong academic record at all grade levels, completion of higher education, and recognitions and distinctions are all part of the ideal consultant profile.

  2. Work experience. To work as a consultant, you must have proven work experience. Consulting companies tend to select professionals who have successfully performed in companies with outstanding results and impacts. Therefore, work experience in data analysis, information presentation skills, and teamwork are important factors.

  3. Leadership. Leadership is an elementary characteristic of a consultant. Consulting companies are looking for people who can thrive, lead a team, and face challenges.

  4. Attention to detail. A criterion of success in consulting is attention to detail, including high standards of quality, continuous improvement, ease of structuring ideas, writing, and explaining and listening.

  5. Troubleshooting. Application of intervention methodologies and tools; to analyze and improve problematic situations. Ability to systematize documented results, as a reference to train new specialized talent.

  6. Commercial awareness. Consultants develop skills to efficiently understand the fundamentals of an industry and the requirements of legal compliance. They are also able to anticipate future challenges such as sustainable development (SDG) and green energies.

  7. Natural communication. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are key proficiencies for a consultant to effectively transmit and influence innovative ideas in different contexts.

  8. Self-awareness. Self-awareness is the capacity for self-reflection and optimization of areas of opportunity to constantly improve. A consultant never stops learning.

  9. Teamwork. The skills of teamwork and autonomy are key. The consultant must know how to delegate activities to their team of consultants and promote high-performance results, highlighting and recognizing individual performance, giving fair credit to each member of the team, and promoting performance and productivity indicators.

  10. Interpersonal relationships. Consultants must develop empathy and charisma to build relationships at all levels of an organization and generate new networks.

Figure 7 describes an example of professional and academic trajectory through collaborating with associations, consulting with government institutions, and participating in public program activities under the modality of research, training, advisory and evaluation of projects of public programs with an impact on society.

Figure 7.

QHS methodology analysis of the systemic impact of linkage with government on society.

There are several main competencies characteristic of success as an employee or public servant. These include being a motivator to ensure that institutional objectives are met by the scheduled date, being a promoter of dialog to reach consensus quickly and move projects forward, having capacity for serenity (aka remaining calm), making intelligent decisions, focusing on results to meet objectives and goals, and knowing how to delegate to empower the team of collaborators.

One of the most important challenges in the management of public administration is the fulfillment of programs of impact on society, specifically medium- and long-term programs, which require mechanisms of linkage and articulation with the different sectors of society. In this sense, the QHS methodology is a strategic tool to shape projects that affect initiatives of the global agenda, as is the case of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs have generated various initiatives in government institutions and require support to develop ecosystems that combine the talent and experience of representatives of government institutions, academics and researchers from institutions of different educational levels, entrepreneurs, leaders of associations, business chambers, unions, and specialized experts from consulting firms, all united through the QHS methodology for the benefit of the development of program initiatives that integrate all the minds of the different generations in society, seeking harmony and happiness through the common good, united by the development of talent management in society.


3. Results

Figure 8 presents the findings of our study and bibliographic traceability of actions developed since 2010 includes publications, articles, research projects, conferences, book chapters, as well as books are reflected in Figure 8, academic works and research, were developed product of the inspiration of the doctoral thesis work initiated in 2008, and presented in 2012, that was oriented to the study of the sectorial development and the factors that determine the systemic competitiveness in the electronic industry, specialized in the development of audio and video products, industry that characterizes the development of the border city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. The doctoral research generated the bases of the proposal of the QHS Methodology, which focuses on the analysis of public policies that affect the success factors of an ecosystem of progress and development of a city, and replicable development model.

Figure 8.

Report of publications on QHS methodology.

The bibliometric analysis of international publications presented in Figure 9 is linked to the challenges of publishing in prestigious journals and publishers recognized by the authorities of the National System of Researchers in Mexico to maintain high-quality indicators in scientific research.

Figure 9.

International publications on the QHS methodology.

In 2010, within the framework of the presentation of a preliminary advance of the results of the proposal of the QHS Methodology, we participated in a Congress of Public Policies, in the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP), in the Congress of the Network of Municipal Studies (Red-Mun), where the Authorities of the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration (CICAP) of the University of Costa Rica were known, generating an invitation for a Doctoral Stay, and later in 2012, a Postdoctoral Stay; with activities of linkage and international cooperation with universities in Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, Chile, Argentina and Spain.

In 2011, the international link and cooperation with the University of Costa Rica continued, generating participation as Guest Professor of Mexico, in the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration (CICAP) and the School of Chemical Engineering; carrying out activities of Conferences on the QHS Methodology, to Students, Professors and Researchers. Likewise generating the bases of Institutional Cooperation between Universities of Mexico and Costa Rica.

The year 2012 [1, 2, 3, 4] was the official beginning of the Postdoctoral Stay of six months that became more than six years, generating a great life experience and an excellent conviction of factors for the development of the laboratory ecosystem to replicate projects of the QHS Methodology in different sectors of Costa Rican Society, from the research area at the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica.

In 2013 [5] was a year of implementation of actions and research projects that would have the QHS Methodology as a key axis in the development of the bases of a strategic plan, called Project-Country “National System of Labor Competencies”, a Research Project aligned from the University of Costa Rica, to cement the foundations of a Seed Group, to be trained, evaluated and certified as an Instructor, Evaluator and Methodology of Competences, according to the requirements of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), likewise under an international cooperation agreement with the Technological University of Tijuana (UTT and CECLUTT) and the National Council for Standardization and Certification (CONOCER) of the Government of Mexico. Creating the Project of the First Evaluation Center of Labor Competencies outside Mexico, and later the First Certification Entity of Competencies of the University of Costa Rica (CECLUCR).

In 2014 [6], research, training, and the development of focus groups for the QHS methodology were replicated; oriented to the construction of the great Carpentry, in a figurative sense of the development of projects of Standards of Labor and Professional Competences necessary for each sector of Costa Rican society, from initiatives of final projects of graduation (TFG) of bachelor’s, master’s level and doctoral level; projects aimed at Public and Private Sector Institutions and Organizations; the first draft of the Labor Competence Standard was oriented to the Customs sector, in the function of “Verification of goods in customs warehouses” which was carried out under a process of the QHS Methodology; involving specialists of government representatives Specialists of the Customs Sector, Professors of the Customs subject, Specialists of the College of Professionals and Consultants of the Customs subject, to determine the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for the functions of the design and proposal of the Standard of Labor Competition.

The QHS methodology; It has been enriched by experiences of international linkage with collaborative activities with researchers, consultants and professors. Through activities of the development of academic research projects mainly, generating initiatives and proposals to society through Theses and Final Graduation Projects, undergraduate and postgraduate level.

During 2012–2014, progress was made in the process of dissemination, training, and the activities of the research project, “National System of Competences of the Cultural Sector.” In this project, I replicated the awareness efforts of the seed group involved in the empowerment of architecture for the development of standards of labor competencies, venturing into the development of the standard of competencies for “theater management.” Later, other topics were analyzed, including management in museums, management of the social promoter, management of the music promoter, standards of competences for issues of formation and development of young people in football teams, standards for teaching sign language, communication standards involving specialists in radio and television communication, standards of competences for traffic officers, standards of competence for activities of psychologists, and standards of competences for activities of selection and recruitment of personnel in institutions of public service.

The Center for Evaluation of Labor Competence of the University of Costa Rica (CECLUCR) research project generated linkage initiatives with the University of Panama, creating a preliminary project to replicate the CECLUCR project in the School of Public Administration of Panama, as a product of linkage activities and international cooperation in the region of Central America and Panama.

As a strategy to cement the research advances developed through the QHS methodology, book chapters on the methodology were published by the Research Group in Systems and Tourism of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) of Mexico City and the Institute of Studies of the Public Ministry (IEMP) of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Colombia.

The dissemination activities of the QHS Methodology in Costa Rica were published in the Journal of the General Directorate of the Civil Service [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], and portals of the University of Costa Rica [13, 14, 15], of the Research Project for National System of Labor Competencies and its strategic components as a roadmap to achieve cement a Labor Competencies. As a roadmap of a Country Project, towards competitiveness through the management of human talent in the public sector.

In 2014 [16], an article was published in the Journal of Competitiveness Studies, highlighting the key elements of success in sector development of the QHS methodology.

The Postdoctoral Stay at the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica ended in 2016, generating a series of contributions documented in a final report that recorded publications, research projects as principal investigator and collaborator, advisor and tutor of final graduation works (TFG) of undergraduate level, Master and doctorate, link with different educational institutions in Costa Rica, such as the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (ITCR), National Technological University (UTN), State Distance University (UNED), National University of Costa Rica (UNA) and the University of Costa Rica (UCR), where he obtained the Academic Doctorate and the Postdoctoral Stay, as well as a great link with Universities of Panama, Colombia, Peru, Cuba, Guatemala, Argentina, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Spain.

Upon returning to Mexico, after the postdoctoral stay in Costa Rica, he participated during 2017 at the Technological University of Tijuana (UTT) as Coordinator of Academic Mobility and Situational Work Analysis (AST), developing the pertinence studies of each study program of engineering careers with the QHS Methodology, to identify the graduation competencies versus the requirements of the representatives of the sectors interested in hiring of graduates.

He continued with the participation in international events and involvement in specialized research networks such as the International Network of Research in Competitiveness of the University of Guadalajara (RIICO), the collaboration in the Mexican Association of Training and Personnel Development (AMECAP) as Vice President of Research and International Liaison for projects of design, development, and certification of labor competencies.

Likewise, at the end of 2017 [17], the invitation was received from the Director of the Technological Institute of Tijuana, to participate as Graduate Coordinator, of the Master in Administration of the Division of Graduate Studies and Research, within the Department of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Initiating in parallel the Project of Certification of Labor, Professional and Research Competencies for Logistics Engineers, as an initial part, to later move to other educational programs, from research projects, involving Social Service activities, Professional Residencies, equivalent to final graduation works (TFG) or bachelor’s and master’s thesis. Using the QHS Methodology.

For the year 2018 [18], the development of the accreditation of the Verification Unit of the Municipal Development Agenda (ADM) was promoted, for the Master’s Program in Administration of the Technological Institute of Tijuana (ITT), generating initiatives of Standards of Competences with the QHS Methodology for the public sector. Parallel to the development of the verification processes of the progress of compliance with the programs of the Municipal Development Plan in the Municipalities of the State of Baja California, in coordination with the Government of the State of Baja California and the Liaison with the National Institute of Municipal Development (INAFED) of the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Government of Mexico. This experience of evaluation in the Municipality generated the bases of Lines of Research and Application of Knowledge to form an Academic Body with official registration at the national level through the Ministry of Public Education and the National Technology of Mexico (TecNM).

During the year 2019 [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27] he advanced with the activities of linkage and international cooperation, participating as Co-director of doctoral thesis at the State Distance University (UNED) applying in the thesis project the QHS Methodology, focused on the identification of success factors in companies in the health sector in Costa Rica. In this same year 2019, the administrative management for the Recognition as a Full-Time Professor (PTC-PRODEP) distinction granted by the Ministry of Public Education was carried out to manage research projects and form Academic Bodies with lines of research related to the profiles of Professors and Researchers that make up a research group.

Already in 2020 [28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34], a curriculum had been consolidated as a Professor and Researcher with evidence, trajectory and specialty in research on issues of competitiveness, labor skills, professionals and research, teleworking, corporate governance, safety and hygiene, supply chains, quality, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO19011, as well as Mexican Standards (NMX), and properly as Author of the QHS Methodology, the registration of the Academic Certification was processed before the National Association of Schools and Faculties of Accounting and Administration (ANFECA), achieving the Academic Certification (2020–2023).

In 2021 [28, 29, 30, 31, 32], the QHS methodology was linked to the development of projects of linkage and sectoral articulation, in the framework of the activities of scientific research projects registered and authorized by the National Technological of Mexico, the national impulse of the PRENODESS Project linked to the Thematic Line: FOOD SOVEREIGNTY of the National Strategic Programs (PRONACES) of CONACYT of the Federal Government of Mexico. For the formation of the Strategic Allies of the Social and Solidarity Economy Nodes (NODESS), the QHS Methodology was promoted, to encourage sectoral integration, convening representatives of all sectors of society; Social Sector, Cooperatives, Institutions of Upper and Higher Education, Association of Cooperatives, Consultants and Local Government Institutions. Project specialized in the sector of the Dough and Tortilla Industry in the city of Tijuana, Baja California. The programs of activities of Social Services developed in the Department of Administrative Economic Sciences, were designed with field activities with social economy companies for interview processes, development of surveys for the systematization and mapping of the information of the projects with a focus on the QHS Methodology, research projects registered nationally in National Technology of Mexico.

  1. Observatory of the Integration of Engineering to the Economic Development Ecosystem of the Baja California Peninsula

  2. Observatory of sustainable development in graduate programs in Baja California.

In 2022 and 2023 [33, 34, 35, 36], the QHS methodology was disseminated at national and international conferences, in research projects, theses, publications and methodological strategies of integration and sectoral articulation, as is the case of the NODESS Project (Development Nodes of Social and Solidarity Economy), first NODESS in a border city in northern Mexico, to manage Social Service activities of students of the Careers of Engineering in Logistics, Engineering in business management, Bachelor of Administration, Bachelor of Accounting and Master in Administration programs for the benefit of society. The use of the QHS Methodology in applied research projects has been promoted, to develop initiatives of standards of labor, professional and research competencies to certify personnel, through the integration and participation of representatives of the Academy, Companies, Associations, Consultants and Government society.

Some of the research projects linked to the service industry of the Supply Chain, Innovation and Sector Development with the QHS Methodology are:

  • QHS methodology for strategic planning, KPIs and talent management in cross-border transport drivers

  • Administration of Operations and Quality Systems with Social Responsibility in Customs Agency

  • QHS methodology for Business Intelligence with CRM in Warehouse and Foreign Trade Logistics

  • QHS methodology to development competency standards for talent management in customs agency

  • QHS methodology for management and finance models in Foreign Trade Supply Chain Business

  • QHS Methodology to innovate the Value Chain in the Supply Chain


4. Conclusions and reflections

This chapter provided an account of the trajectory of a systemic life [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49], is the purpose of the article entitled “QHS Methodology applied to professional growth with impact on society,” work and study, be part of the Society that made up Generation X, which is characterized by the effort and pride of getting ahead despite the challenges and limitations.

At present, after a professional exercise of more than 25 years in the industry and 20 years as a professor and researcher with links to public and private sectors, nationally and internationally, it is concluded that the benefits of the competences of human relations, communication, management of specialized talent, public relations, inter-institutional linkage and cooperation, and constant professional updating in cutting-edge issues generate a competitive advantage for professional development and with it conditions for the empowerment and achievement of different life goals and objectives, including those that generate happiness and harmony.

I thank the Mexican Institute of Leaders of Excellence (IMLE) for the distinction of Doctorate Honoris Causa and for my professional, academic, and research trajectory. I am also thankful to the doctorate students of in business administration for granting me the distinction of “Godfather of Generation” at the Escuela del Pacifico, Universidad de Negocios, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

At the end of 2022, I became a Level 2 Researcher in the National System of Researchers for developing original, recognized, appreciable, and consistent research, as well as for my contributions to the scientific community at the national and international levels.

During 2023, I developed conferences on the impact of public policies of sectoral integration, account of the actions carried out between the Technological Institute of Tijuana, campus of the National Technological of Mexico, with the three levels of government, in especial with the Municipal Government of Tijuana, the intervention Professors and Graduates. The need for articulation to achieve competitive processes with the QHS methodology is evident.

In international competition, Mexico occupies the 37th position, so it is urgent to develop greater and better dynamics of higher education institutions in coordination with the business and government sectors to achieve real progress in the northern, central, and southern areas of Mexico.

Figure 10 exemplifies the adaptation of the QHS methodology in an applied research project to generate eclectic models, uniting the knowledge, skills, and talent of the different sectors of society as is this case study; Academic representatives and researchers from universities and innovation and research centers of universities, companies in the supply chain and foreign trade logistics, opinion leaders of customs agency associations and consultants specialized in specialized talent management, to create Mexican standards and standards of competencies to certify human talent.

Figure 10.

QHS methodology to develop NMX for supply chain and logistic business.



My deep gratitude to all my loved ones, my family, parents, friends, teachers and all those people, with whom I have had the opportunity to learn some knowledge, skill and have life lessons. I hope this book chapter contributes to the reflection of the importance of systemic development. As a strategy to achieve levels of self-improvement, and contribute to our society.

Sincerely Dr. Rodolfo Martinez Gutierrez National Researcher SNI 2 CONAHCYT / TecNM Tijuana, Mexico.


  1. 1. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Quinta Hélice Sistémica (QHS), un método para evaluar la competitividad internacional del sector electrónico en Baja California, México. Investigación Administrativa. 2012;110:34-48. Available from:
  2. 2. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Quinta Hélice Sistémica (QHS), un método para evaluar la competitividad internacional del sector electrónico en Baja California, México. Revista Investigación Administrativa. (Gale OneFile: Informe Académico) 2012;110:34. Available from:
  3. 3. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Quinta Hélice Sistémica (QHS), un método para evaluar la competitividad internacional del sector electrónico en Baja California, México. Investigación Administrativa. 2012;41(110):34-48. Available from:
  4. 4. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Quinta Hélice Sistémica (QHS), un modelo para el desarrollo de políticas públicas. Cooperativismo y Desarrollo. 2012;20:28-51. Available from:
  5. 5. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Methodology of the fifth systemic helix for the development of public sector policies. Journal of Competitiveness Studies. 2014;22(3-4):147. Available from:
  6. 6. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Quinta Hélice Sistémica (QHS), Un modelo para el desarrollo de políticas públicas, Cooperativismo & Desarrollo, 2012;20(101):28-51. Available from:
  7. 7. Martínez Gutiérrez R. Certification of labor competencies in the public administration, its model and methodology. Costa Rica Civil Service Journal. 2012;(32):68-77. Available from:
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  9. 9. Martinez Gutierrez R. Process to create standards of labor competencies in the Costa Rican Civil Service Regime begins. Newsletter General Directorate Civil Service of Costa Rica. 2013. Available from:
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  11. 11. Martinez Gutierrez R. Construction of standards to certify labor competencies. Newsletter General Directorate Civil Service of Costa Rica. 2014. Available from:
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  21. 21. Martinez-Gutierrez R. Methodology of dictionaries of sector competences (DCS), to design standards of professional competences, research and labor. In: Nazir S, Ahram T, Karwowski W, editors. Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50896-8_46
  22. 22. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Carmona- Lopez MA, Juarez-Mendoza MA, Sanchez-Puga OJ. Professional competencies and research to offer integrated manufacturing systems. In: Mrugalska B, Trzcielinski S, Karwowski W, Di Nicolantonio M, Rossi E. editors. Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51981-0_5
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  27. 27. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Correa MES. Dictionary of competencies for sustainable development in the municipalities of northern México. In: Kantola J, Nazir S, Salminen V, editors. Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50791-6_40
  28. 28. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Carey-Raygoza CE, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Chavez-Ceja B, Lara-Chavez A. Business management engineers: Profile and competencies of generations X, Y and Z. In: Trzcielinski S, Mrugalska B, Karwowski W, Rossi E, Di Nicolantonio M. editors. Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80462-6_36
  29. 29. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Ibarra-Estrada ME, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Carey-Raygoza CE, Chavez-Ceja B, Lara-Chavez A. Competitiveness and innovation on the frontier of knowledge: 25th anniversary postgraduate in administration TecNM Tijuana. In: Markopoulos E, Goonetilleke RS, Ho AG, Luximon Y, editors. Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80094-9_49
  30. 30. Bonilla-Hernández AL, Martínez-Gutiérrez R. Innovation in value chain in the medical tourism industry in Tijuana, Baja California. In: Goonetilleke RS, Xiong S, Kalkis H, Roja Z, Karwowski W, Murata A, editors. Advances in Physical, Social & Occupational Ergonomics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80713-9_65
  31. 31. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Ahumada-Tello E, Galvan-Sanchez R, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Chavez-Ceja B. Postgraduate administration education: Profiles and skills contribution to the knowledge society. In: Goonetilleke RS, Xiong S, Kalkis H, Roja Z, Karwowski W, Murata A, editors. Advances in Physical, Social & Occupational Ergonomics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80713-9_26
  32. 32. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Solis-Quinteros MM, Sanchez-Hurtado C, Carey-Raygoza CE. Challenges for an observatory of the 2030 goals, SDG and social economy, in northern Mexico. In: Goonetilleke RS, Xiong S, Kalkis H, Roja Z, Karwowski W, Murata A, editors. Advances in Physical, Social & Occupational Ergonomics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80713-9_24
  33. 33. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Ibarra-Estrada ME, Carey-Raygoza CE, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Chavez-Ceja B. Observatory of Labor, professional and research competencies of the economic sectors in Baja California. In: Ahram T, Taiar R, editors. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_164
  34. 34. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Ibarra-Estrada ME, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Carey-Raygoza CE, Chavez-Ceja B. Observatory for the Integration of engineering in the economic development ecosystem of the Baja California peninsula. In: Ahram T, Taiar R, editors. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. IHIET 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 319. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_162
  35. 35. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Solis-Quinteros MM, Ibarra-Estrada ME, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Carey-Raygoza CE, Chavez-Ceja B. Observatory for the development of 2030 goals and the circular economy in Baja California. In: Ahram T, Taiar R, editors. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_163
  36. 36. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Marcela Solis-Quinteros M, Esther Ibarra-Estrada M, Jimenez-Bernardino E. A. Observatory of Sustainable Development in Postgraduate Study Programs in Baja California [Internet]. Sustainable Development. London, UK: IntechOpen; 2022. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104641
  37. 37. Martinez-Gutierrez R, Esther Ibarra-Estrada M, Hurtado-Sanchez C, Galvan-Sanchez R, Jimenez-Bernardino E. A. Perspective Chapter: Prospective of Sectoral Competences for the Design of Dictionaries of Professional Competences and Research [Internet]. Higher Education - Reflections from the Field [Working Title]. London, UK: IntechOpen; 2023. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.109457
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  39. 39. Martinez Gutierrez R. Origin of the QHS Methodology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. Available from:
  40. 40. Martinez Gutierrez R. Importance of Bonding, Interview in Television Program Onda UNED. Mexico, Costa Rica: Universidad Estatal a Distancia; 2023. Available from:
  41. 41. Martinez Gutierrez R. Conference on Public Policy – QHS Methodology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. Available from:
  42. 42. Martinez Gutierrez R. TecNM Campus Tijuana Achieves Being the First NODESS in the Northern Border of Mexico. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. Available from:
  43. 43. Martinez Gutierrez R. ITT Collaborates in Social Economy Commission of the Ecosystem for Economic Development of Tijuana. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2019. Available from:
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  45. 45. Martinez Gutierrez R. TecNM Tijuana Will Install First NODESS in the Northern Border Region. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. Available from:
  46. 46. Martinez Gutierrez R. Environmental Education Committee in Baja California. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2023. Available from:
  47. 47. Martinez Gutierrez R. Executive Committee of CIRIEC – International Centre for Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature; 2022. Available from:
  48. 48. Martinez Gutierrez R. Methodology of the fifth systemic helix for the development of public sector policies. In: Sanchez Gutierrez J, Vargas Barraza JA, editors. Competitiveness Business Models, Innovations, and Systems. USA: American Society for Competitiveness; 2015. Available from:
  49. 49. Martinez Gutierrez R. Employability observatory: Students and graduates. Ebook. 2022. Available from:

Written By

Rodolfo Martinez-Gutierrez

Submitted: 09 May 2023 Reviewed: 14 July 2023 Published: 29 September 2023