Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Role of Industrial Sector in Pollution Control in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

Written By

Abdulkarim Hasan Rashed

Submitted: 15 July 2023 Reviewed: 20 July 2023 Published: 17 October 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112671

From the Edited Volume

Advances and Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management

Hosam M. Saleh, Amal I. Hassan and Refaat F. Aglan

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The sustainable development goals (SDGs) constitute an opportunity to engage the industrial sector to enhance its role in preserving the environment. The industrial sector has an essential role in economic growth, job creation, innovations, and sustainability. No matter the scale of the industry, it is small or large; thus, all companies can contribute to the SDGs toward a better future. Pollution problems are the root cause that hinders attain sustainable development in the industrial sectors. Thus, global challenges are climate change, water pollution and scarcity, air pollution, and resource depletion needs to be tackled collaboratively, and the industrial sector can contribute to the solution through pollution control and sustainable innovations. In the rapid transformations of business models and systems for the future and the fourth industrial revolution, the industrial sector has a crucial role; without it cannot save the environment and improve the economy and human health. To transform the current industrial systems toward a more feasible eco-friendly needs significant cooperation and coordination among concerned stakeholders. To do so, firstly, industries need to adjust their strategies and plans to be consistent and coherent to start the transformation process toward sustainable industrial development.


  • sustainable industrial development
  • SDGs
  • sustainable innovations
  • industrial revolution 4.0
  • industrial ecology and ecosystems

1. Introduction

There is a consensus that industrialization is an integral part, but rather the heart of the process of economic growth. Alarmingly, human impacts on the earth planet have grown very deep that we have entered the Anthropocene era in which human activities are the root reason for significant environmental changes [1] where since the beginning of the industrial era, the primary focus has been on achieving economic growth merely, which has caused a set of major challenges facing human society including pressures on natural resources (e.g., non-renewable resources), waste, water scarcity, climate change, and various types of pollution (air, water, land), and biodiversity loss. Accordingly, conflicts arose between the economic development that led to rapid industrialization and the serious negative effects of the destruction and unsustainable consumption of natural resources and extreme pollution [2]. For instance, in the 1960s, the Best Available Techniques (BAT) notion appeared as an essential environmentally friendly industrial policy tool to control and prevent industrial pollutants releases, and that led to industrial transformation based on bi-solutions technological and managerial that provides cleaner production and better sustainable economic growth that utilizes raw materials, energy, and water efficiently [3]. The industrial sectors play a fundamental role in the adoption of sustainable development toward a better future. Thus, it draws great attention to a sustainable development approach to meet those challenges. Lukin et al. point out that one of the top reasons companies decided to adopt sustainable strategies is that the demand for environmentally friendly products is increasing in nearly all industrial sectors [4].

Therefore, economics and competitiveness are not the sole drivers, whereas ethical, social, and environmental are essential drivers toward sustainable growth [5]. Therefore, a wide range of sustainable actions was adopted in the industrial sectors to control the pollution impacts on the environment such as corporate sustainability [6], end-of-pipe technologies [7], corporate social responsibility [8], green supply chain management [9], sustainable supply chain management [10], sustainable manufacturing [11], life cycle assessment [12], the product life cycle supply chain [13], best available control technologies and best environmental practices [3], the sustainable operations [14], cleaner production [15], and circular economy [16].

This chapter builds a relationship between the industrial sectors and sustainability, given the essential role of this sector in implementing sustainable development goals (SDGs) and providing innovative solutions to stop the deterioration of the environment and save human health. In addition, this chapter reviews a range of technologies that contribute to reducing the adverse pollution impacts resulting from manufacturing processes. It concludes that the industrial sectors should transform from linear to circular ecosystems toward accomplishing sustainability.


2. Industry and environment

Remarkably in the past two centuries, the negative impacts of pollution emissions of industrial activities on the environment and human health have grown exponentially [17, 18] and environmental degradation has become a major issue [19]. Thus, this sector is liable for environmental degradation. Therefore, the attention toward global sustainable industrial development has increased [10]. In this vein, Kopnina stated that the cumulative effects of rapid industrial development and unsustainable production and consumption patterns that aim to prioritize economic benefits over preserving the environment, therefore, led to impeded attained environmental sustainability and caused damage to ecosystems. Figure 1 summarizes the environmental and health impacts of industrial sectors [20].

Figure 1.

The impacts of industrial sectors on the environment.

The world, in the period 1979–1989, witnessed significant environmental crises that called the private sector to take urgent actions to localize sustainable development issues [21]. As a case in point, chemicals, textiles and garments, and mining sectors are considered the most polluting industries, and their negative impacts adversely led to environmental degradation [22, 23, 24]. For example, the textile industrial sector accounts for about 20% of global industrial wastewater pollution [25], both the mining and energy sectors consume more than 70% of water, and the food and industrial manufacturing sectors consume more than 50% of water [26], and oil and gas sector consume more than 57% of total global fuel [27]. Globally, energy consumption is the largest (73.2%) emitter of greenhouse gases, and the industrial sector is the major contributor [28]. Further, the main environmental impacts of the mining industry include hazardous waste, acid mine drainage (wastewater), sedimentation and metal deposition (soil contamination), and loss of biodiversity, and it has significantly impacted global warming potential; and human health, either carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic [29]. Furthermore, paper, rubber, and wood manufacturing sectors pose a risk to the forests, natural habitats, and biodiversity [30].

There are severe impacts of industrialization on the environment; climate change has significantly affected the environment due to the high consumption of energy resources. The industrial sector is one of the main contributors to carbon dioxide emissions [31], which constitute the highest percentage of greenhouse gases. In recent years, the severe impacts of climate change were considered a major crisis of environmental degradation [32], where greenhouse gases reached much higher concentrations (50%) than at the kickoff of the industrial age [33]. Therefore, there is an essential need to take urgent action concerning the negative aspects of economic growth that have caused adverse effects on the environment and human health [34]. According to Antoci et al. that the estimated cost of industrial pollution impact on rural societies is very high in monetary terms [19].


3. Industrial ecology and ecosystems

Industrial ecology and industrial ecosystems are emerging concepts in environmental policy, environmental economy, and environmental management [35]. The importance of the ecosystem concept has increased in the management field of technology and innovation [36]. Industrial ecology implies utilizing the design of ecosystems to steer the redesign of industrial systems; where the concept of industrial ecosystems includes cleaner production in the companies’ interactions in a specific industrial area within their local and global ecosystem, while industrial ecology is a comprehensive framework for leading the industrial system transformation toward a sustainable basis [37].

Erkman stated that an industrial ecosystem “studies the whole of the industrial system material and energy flows and interaction with the environment, as does industrial metabolism, it further seeks to move beyond description and use the model of sustainable ecosystems in unsustainable industrial systems” [38]. The system definition limits are essential for industrial ecosystems; thus, it studies complete systems consisting of companies, institutions, raw materials, and energy flows, and the information and data link all these components to each other and with social, economic, and environmental systems [35], that will yield multiple benefits such as improving industrial activities, attracting new companies to the system, increasing the number of synergies, creating employment, reducing industrial emissions, and increasing inclusive sustainability [39].

Graedel classified the industrial ecosystem activities into three types: Type I is linear materials flow, Type II is quasi-cyclic materials flow, and Type III is cyclic materials flow [40]. Where that classification is similar to concepts currently in circulation, the first type represents the “linear economy”, the second type represents the transitional stage, and the third type represents the “circular economy”.

Figures 2 and 3 are open systems; the plentiful resources flow from input to output without control and convert to waste. Thus, the mismanagement of this system will lead to depleted resources and continuously generate waste and pollution; as a result, it will impose economic costs. Further, in the long run, it will impact the availability and sustainability of resources, especially non-renewable finite resources.

Figure 2.

A. Linear economy. B. Quasi-cyclic materials flows [40]

The industrial systems began to develop due to the deterioration of the environment. As shown in Figure 3, the resource control features appeared in the type II system, which makes it better and more efficient than the type I; since the flow is still in one direction; thus, this system is not sustainable in the long run. Further, this system paved the way for the shift from a linear to a cyclic system which is evident in the reduction of waste generation.

Figure 3.

Linear materials flows [40].

Figures 4A and B resemble one concept and both closed systems and illustrate the transformation of manufacturing from Type I to Type III, and their cyclic loops consider waste a resource. The advantages of the closed cycling loops of this system will save finite and scarce resources, adopt resource efficiency, and minimize pollution. Further, it will drive progressive change in manufacturing processes toward sustainable industrial innovations. Both ecosystems characterize completely grown systems where most of the resources used are contained and reused within the same ecosystem, which will lead to avoiding or minimizing extracting more virgin resources. That also will sustain and conserve the resources. Thus, the pollution emitted from the raw materials extraction processes will be avoided or reduced primarily.

Figure 4.

A. Cyclic materials flows [40]. B. Circular economy [41].

Unsustainability use of limited resources is a crucial concern hindering attaining sustainable development, and circular resource utilization is one of the significant positive responses. The circular economy pledges to integrate aspects of both the industrial ecosystem and the ecological ecosystem [42]. The circular economy is the most recent approach to sustainability and the most widely used concept, and it is a comprehensive concept ultimately aimed at zero waste of resources and minimizing the production’s negative impacts on the environment. Also, it is a good sign of transformation toward sustainability and beat pollution.


4. Industry and SDGs

The industrial sector is an integral part of the economic growth process and constitutes a core part of the business sector, and its direct and indirect negative impacts on the environment hinder attaining sustainability. Manufacturers globally have growingly recognized the significance of sustainability; mainly the necessity to integrate sustainability strategies within current company practices [11]. All industrial companies can contribute to the SDGs regardless of their size [43] and the sharing economy can contribute effectively to attain SDGs [44]. One of the significant challenges on the track to sustainable development is the industrial production transformation [45]. The SDGs enhanced “sustainable industrialization” and “sustainable use of land” concepts, and almost all the SDGs address the environmental dimension directly and indirectly by controlling and preventing environmental degradations, various types of pollution, climate change crisis, waste management issues, and encouraging resource efficiency [46].

According to the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs related directly to industrial sectors are 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Below Water), and 15 (Life on Land) [47]. In the context of SDG 9, by evidence, innovations and SDGs are closely interlinked, specifically in industrial sectors [48]; further, innovation is considered an essential driver for following SDGs at all phases [49] and there is an opportunity to link it to each goal [50]. According to van Zanten and van Tulder that most economic activities have a positive impact on SDGs 8 and 9 [51].

The KMPG study of 2022 on corporate reporting of the SDGs revealed that the reporting increased from 24% in 2017 to 63% in 2022 in the industrial, manufacturing, and metals sectors, and in the oil and gas sector reporting increased from 39% in 2017 to 83% in 2022, similarly increased to 83% in 2022 compared to 38% in 2017 in the automotive sector [52].

Another study by UN Global Compact revealed that 84% of companies and industries acting on the SDGs, where the strong focus—ranked respectively—is found on SDGs 8, 9, 12, 13, and 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and only 46% of them embedded the SDGs within their core businesses strategies. Therefore, to take a step of necessary transformation toward sustainability, there is a need to accomplish more and go faster through specific relevant SDGs, standards, and practical guidelines to harmonies the company’s and industries’ efforts toward attaining the SDGs by 2030 [53].

At the national level, environmental policies should be coherent and holistic management approach consistent with the SDGs, considering the international conventions’ commitments to enhance sustainable practices [54], and sustainable manufacturing practices are the primary strategies for sustainable development [55]. Therefore, there is an urgent need to control industrial pollution by implementing sustainable practices such as resource efficiency, zero waste, sustainable products, and innovative environmental approaches to lessen environmental impacts and improve the social state [14, 56, 57, 58]. In addition, industrial strategies and policy tools should be more encompassing by comprising environmental and societal development, besides economic development, which will ensure improved environmental status and societal welfare and gain better economic growth [59].

The sustainability trend in industrial sectors has gained more attention, especially in large sectors. Thus, the SDGs are considered a window of opportunity to enhance more sustainable practices and promote eco-friendly technologies to beat pollution and conserve the environment and human health, which will yield to balance between the environment and the economy. Moving forward requires an efficient nexus between industrial activities and the SDGs to build a resilient industrial sector to enhance its ability to improve its environmental footprints.


5. Industrial Revolution 4.0 and SDGs

An important component linking the SDGs to technological innovation is the adoption of industrial innovation through Industry 4.0. Where industrialization, resilient infrastructure development, and technological innovations are the most feasible paths to attain sustainable growth in the industrial sector and the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda. Thus, technology is considered the most important subject during the industrial revolution [60], and Industry 4.0 is an advanced technological revolution promising broad environmental conservation [61]. Therefore, when the Industry 4.0 concept considers the fundamental aspects of sustainability, it will guide to more sustainable development [45]. In this vein, Fritzsche et al. point out that there are high anticipations concerning Industry 4.0 contribution to sustainable development and the SDGs attainment, specifically among decision-makers, policymakers, and industrial sector representatives [62].

As depicted in Figure 5, the first industrial revolution focused on energy primary renewable and non-renewable sources, such as oil, gas, coal, steam, nuclear, solar, geothermal, and wind. Industrial 2.0 improved the production of goods more efficiently from mechanization to mass production with assembly lines, whereas Industry 3.0 witnessed advanced improvements by introducing computers, automation, and electronics into production lines. While Industry 4.0 outperformed the rest of the industrial revolutions, it is a rapid innovation revolution toward automation and data exchange in advanced manufacturing technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things.

Figure 5.

The timeline of industrial revolutions.

Industry 4.0 provides essential technological solutions and a driver for achieving SDGs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 [63, 64, 65]. The role of Industry 4.0 in achieving SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) will provide technologies with sustainable energy efficiency to improve quality and cost-saver for consumers [66] and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) will provide advanced technologies for protecting the environment that led to better economic growth, create more decent jobs, more business opportunities with high efficiency and quality work [67, 68, 69, 70]. Concerning SDG 9, Industry 4.0 will enhance sustainable industries, invest more in scientific research and innovations, and improve infrastructure [71, 72], while through SDG 12, technologies will advance production and consumption patterns; and the adoption of a circular economy [45, 73]. The opportunities of SDG 13, advanced technologies will speed up adopting net-zero emissions, which lead to reduced CO2 emissions through data-centric and traceable carbon footprint analysis [67, 74].

The rapid technological advancement is oriented toward a better world for people and the environmental ecosystem. In this context, Agenda 2030 emphasizes the plans to attain an integrated sustainable infrastructure, technological innovations, and sustainable industrial development. Certainly, Industry 4.0 will contribute more to SDGs accomplishment, where SDG 9 is the core of industrial innovation and infrastructure. The successful SDGs adoption to tackle environmental problems, such as increasing energy demands and climate change issues, will foster technological innovations and improve manufacturing processes; therefore, enhancing sustainable industrialization and growing the investment in research and innovation.


6. The industrial pollution management controls

Environmental pollution is a necessary evil in any industrial revolution; thus, industrial activities without control are unsustainable in the long term due to their accumulation of negative impacts on the environment and human health. Industrial pollution management controls are the measures or actions taken to prevent or reduce all kinds of pollution impacts from the source caused by industrial operations and activities. There is a broad range of control measures, such as cleaner production technologies, waste reduction and recycling, waste-to-energy, and various pollution prevention technologies. Therefore, green, and sustainable innovations are essential to enhance economic, technological, and socialite development [75]. In the same vein, green innovation has a crucial role in leading sustainable development practices and enhancing circular economy practices [76].

Introducing new technologies in industrial sectors is not an easy issue and often faces some obstacles; in this context, Frondel et al. mentioned some include lack of top management support, organizational measures (e.g., environmental management systems (EMS)), type of inputs raw materials, technology cost, nature of environmental aspects, and the rigor required measures of the environmental policies [7]. The severity of the environmental impacts of industrial processes depends on production effectiveness, raw material components, water and energy consumption, and the pollutants type of the manufacturing and recycling processes [77].

Therefore, the industrial sector’s technological and innovation capacity is necessary with their commitment to support the implementation of the SDGs [78]. For example, the chemical industry sectors provided dual scientific and technological solutions to prevent pollution and tackle several global challenges [79]; the carbon footprint impacts can be significantly reduced by shifting to employing renewable power sources (e.g., solar and wind) and using recycled materials as raw materials [28]. Table 1 summarizes the implementation of best environmental practices, best abatement technologies, and approaches to control pollution from sources.

Control pollution technology/approachAimExamplesReferences
Cleaner Production (CP)Lessen the environmental hazards effects at the source by replacing or modifying the least clean technologies.Recycling materials, using eco-friendly materials, and modifying the combustion chamber system[7, 15]
End-of-pipeAdditional measures to comply with environmental obligations.Waste incineration facilities, wastewater treatment plants, and noise-absorbent techniques.[80]
Sustainable end-of-life
‘Extended supplier responsibility’
Capture the product, materials, and parts value - energy and cost - by extending their service life by maintenance and support services to customers.Managing product guarantee returns/replaces, providing recycling support services, and hazardous waste treatment.[11]
Corporate Sustainability (CS)Enhance and adopt sustainability aspects at all levels of the company and activities.Enforcement of the environmental norms, enhance sustainability practices, reduce environmental footprint.[6, 81]
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)It is represented as one of the sustainable development pillars. It is the commitment to balance the requirements of financial profits and society at large.
Involve various stakeholders that influence the company’s actions and make pressure on the company to act on some policies.
Moral business practices, improve environmental performance, good governance, enhance sustainability practices develop sustainable solutions, reduce environmental footprint, and meet social needs.[76, 81, 82]
Life cycle Assessment/Analysis (LCA)An environmental analysis tool to examine the likely impacts of environmental aspects of products and services through their life cycle.Carbon footprint, water footprint, eco-efficiency, material flow analysis,[77]
Circular Economy (CE)It is a multi-level system of resource use that stipulates the locked loops of all resources, ultimately no waste of resources.Recycling, reuse, reduce, resource efficiency, redesign, repurpose, remanufacture, refurbish, waste exchange materials, durability products.[42, 83]
Best Environmental Practice/Best Available Techniques (BEP/BAT)Technological and managerial solutions aim to prevent and control industrial emissions to air, water, and soil, and foster more efficient operations.Maximizing resource efficiency, enhancing energy efficiency and reduce GHGs emissions, minimize hazardous waste, strengthening industrial policy, and encourage industrial innovations.[3, 84]
Green/Sustainable supply chain managementManage the activities and services of the entire supply chain to avoid and reduce damaging the environment and human health.Reduce air pollution and global warming impacts, promote eco-friendly production, improve healthy and safe work conditions, adopt recycling, reduce waste, improve environmental performance, and promote resilient sustainability practices.[9, 10]
Sustainable manufacturing“the creation of manufactured products that use processes that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, are safe for employees, communities, and consumers and are economically sound” [85]design for: (less material consumption, repairability, rework, refurbishment, maintenance, recover obsolete products, removes hazardous materials and material recovery); and cleaner production.[11]

Table 1.

Control pollution technologies and approaches.

There is a need for a multidisciplinary study to examine the interactions between environmental pollution issues and the industrialization processes as a source of pollution. Thus, the evolution of pollution control approaches and technologies in the field of the industrialization process should be oriented to beat environmental pollution, innovative products, and cleaner process development.


7. Conclusions

Industrial sectors face challenges to compliance with environmental regulations and policies, which request control of the pollution sources within certain limits. Consequently, the companies’ environmental performance represents their compliance level in certain environmental aspects such as hazardous-waste generation reduction, air and water pollution control measures, hazardous chemicals consumption records, reduction in environmental incidents, and adopting sustainable practices and resource efficiency.

An accumulation in pollution stock will lead to negative impacts such as the complexity of environmental problems, increasing pollution treatment costs, reduced labor productivity, loss of reputation, loss of competencies, experts, and skilled workforce, and loss of competition. Therefore, pollution problems are the root cause that hinders attain sustainable development in the industrial sectors. Thus, the emphasis on including sustainability in manufacturing processes is essential alongside the best pollution control measures. In this regard, environmental policy instruments play a significant role in sustainable industrial development; therefore, sustainable strategies are the base for the adoption of clean technology and enhancing innovative technology in industrial sectors.

In pursuit of the SDGs, those goals are a voluntary sustainable global framework; that companies can adopt to improve their current environmental situation and implement sustainable practices. One of the key principles of the SDGs is to reform industrial ecosystems toward a better and sustainable future by adopting eco-friendly technology with minimal impacts on the environment. In this vein, SDG 9 plays a crucial function in promoting innovative technologies through revitalizing and strengthening the significant role of the industrial sector in innovations and advancing clean technology.

Furthermore, it should functionalize the circular economy concept to actively implement the applications of the sustainability concept in the industrial processes to increase industrial environmental efforts for better natural resource management, implementing sustainability strategies, and planning for advanced eco-technologies. As a result, that will contribute significantly control of pollution and promote more sustainability innovations. Transform the current industrial systems toward a more feasible eco-friendly needs significant cooperation and coordination among concerned stakeholders. To do so, firstly, industries need to adjust their strategies and plans to be consistent and coherent to start the transformation process toward sustainable industrial development.


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Written By

Abdulkarim Hasan Rashed

Submitted: 15 July 2023 Reviewed: 20 July 2023 Published: 17 October 2023