Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: TVET in the 21st Century – A Focus on Innovative Teaching and Competency Indicators

Written By

Charu Varma and Saroj Malik

Submitted: 18 April 2023 Reviewed: 11 July 2023 Published: 18 October 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112516

From the Edited Volume

Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Edited by Jian-Hong Ye and Man Jiang

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Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has played a vital role in equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge for employability and socio-economic development. In the twenty-first century, it has become imperative for TVET institutions to evolve and adapt to the rapidly changing global landscape, focusing on innovative teaching and competency indicators. TVET in the twenty-first century must embrace innovative teaching approaches and focus on developing the necessary competencies to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. By incorporating problem-based learning, blended learning, flipped classrooms, and work-integrated learning, TVET institutions can create an engaging and effective learning environment. Furthermore, by emphasizing green skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship and innovation, and soft skills development, TVET can better prepare students for success in the global workforce. By incorporating the latest teaching practices and aligning them with industry needs, TVET institutions can ensure graduates are well-prepared to succeed in the workforce. This chapter delves into the innovative teaching approaches and the competency indicators that are shaping TVET in the twenty-first century. This chapter also offers recommendations for improving TVET programs.


  • technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
  • 21st century skills
  • green skills
  • competency indicators
  • innovative approaches

1. Introduction

Technical and vocational education and training’ (TVET) is understood as comprising education, training and skills development relating to a wide range of occupational fields, production, services and livelihoods [1]. It refers to a broad range of educational and training programs designed to equip students with the technical, practical, and professional skills required to enter and excel in the world of work.

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET), as part of lifelong learning encompasses both formal and non-formal learning opportunities, can take place at secondary, post-secondary and tertiary levels and includes work-based learning and continuing training and professional development which may lead to qualifications. TVET also includes a wide range of skills development opportunities attuned to national and local contexts. Learning to learn, the development of literacy and numeracy skills, transversal skills and citizenship skills are integral components of TVET [1].

The purpose of TVET is to enhance individual employability, support economic development, and promote social cohesion by preparing a skilled and adaptable workforce. It has long been recognized for its contributions to the development of a skilled workforce, promoting employability, and fostering socio-economic growth. As the global landscape continues to change in the twenty-first century, it is imperative for TVET institutions to adapt and evolve by focusing on innovative teaching methods and competency development to remain relevant and effective. This chapter will explore the importance of TVET in the twenty-first century and the need for innovation and competency development in shaping TVET programs.

As TVET institutions navigate the complex landscape of the twenty-first century, they face numerous challenges and opportunities that influence the effectiveness and relevance of their programs. The four key issues that TVET institutions must address to ensure their success in the twenty-first century: adapting to rapid technological changes, addressing skills mismatch and unemployment, ensuring equity and inclusivity in TVET, and fostering lifelong learning.

1.1 Adapting to rapid technological changes

The rapid advancement of technology is transforming the way we live and work, and TVET institutions must adapt their programs to prepare students for the emerging technologies and industries. Challenges and opportunities in this area include:

  1. Continuous curriculum updating: TVET institutions must regularly review and update their curricula to ensure that they remain relevant to the current and future needs of the labor market.

  2. Investing in infrastructure: TVET institutions must invest in modern infrastructure, equipment, and facilities to provide students with access to cutting-edge technologies and resources.

  3. Developing digital skills: TVET institutions must incorporate digital literacy and advanced digital skills into their programs, equipping students with the necessary competencies to succeed in the digital age.

  4. Embracing emerging technologies: TVET institutions should explore opportunities to integrate emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things, into their programs to prepare students for the jobs of the future.

1.2 Addressing skills mismatch and unemployment

As industries undergo digital transformation, many are facing a skill gap, with employers struggling to find workers with the appropriate skills and knowledge. Skills mismatch and unemployment remain significant challenges in many countries, as graduates struggle to find jobs that align with their skills and qualifications. TVET helps address this skills mismatch by providing targeted, industry-relevant training that aligns with the needs of the labor market.

TVET institutions addresses these issues by:

  1. Enhancing industry collaboration: strengthening partnerships with industry stakeholders can help TVET institutions to align their programs with labor market needs and provide students with valuable work-integrated learning experiences.

  2. Focusing on employability skills: TVET institutions should emphasize the development of employability skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, to increase graduates’ chances of finding meaningful employment.

  3. Providing career guidance and support: TVET institutions must offer career guidance and support services to help students make informed decisions about their educational and career paths and to facilitate their transition from education to employment.

  4. Monitoring labor market trends: TVET institutions should continually monitor labor market trends and adjust their programs accordingly to address emerging skills gaps and opportunities.

High youth unemployment rates in many countries can be addressed by offering TVET programs that prepare young people for the labor market, fostering entrepreneurship, and creating pathways to decent work opportunities.

1.3 Ensuring equity and inclusivity in TVET

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has the potential to foster social inclusion and equity by providing accessible and flexible learning pathways for disadvantaged groups or marginalized populations, including women, people with disabilities, and rural populations. By offering opportunities for these groups to acquire relevant skills, TVET can contribute to reducing social disparities and promoting inclusive growth. To promote social and economic development, TVET institutions must ensure that their programs are accessible and inclusive for all learners, regardless of their background, abilities, or circumstances. Key considerations in this area include:

  1. Reducing barriers to access: TVET institutions must work to eliminate financial, geographical, and social barriers to access, providing equal opportunities for all learners to participate in TVET programs [2].

  2. Supporting diverse learners: TVET institutions should adopt inclusive teaching and learning strategies that accommodate the needs and preferences of diverse learners, including those with disabilities, marginalized groups, and non-traditional students.

  3. Promoting gender equality: TVET institutions must challenge gender stereotypes and encourage greater participation of women in traditionally male-dominated fields, such as STEM( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and technical trades.

  4. Providing support services: TVET institutions should offer comprehensive support services, such as academic advising, counseling, and financial assistance, to ensure that all students have the resources and support they need to succeed in their programs.

A skilled workforce is essential for driving innovation, productivity, and competitiveness in the global economy. TVET supports economic growth and sustainability by equipping individuals with the technical and vocational skills needed to contribute to the development of their communities and countries.

The twenty-first century has witnessed rapid advancements in technology, globalization, and demographic shifts that have transformed the world of work. As industries are evolving in ever changing world and jobs are redefined, workers must continually update their skills to remain employable. Lifelong learning has become increasingly important for individuals to remain competitive and adaptable. TVET enables learners to acquire new skills and knowledge throughout their lives, supporting their professional and personal development and ensuring that individuals can adapt to changing job requirements. In this context, TVET plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the labor market and adapt to the evolving demands of the global economy. Some key aspects that underscore the importance of TVET in the twenty-first century include:


2. Embracing innovation for competency development

Embracing innovation for competency development TVET institutions must embrace innovation and focus on developing the competencies that are in demand in the global workforce to remain relevant and effective in the twenty-first century. This requires a shift in teaching methods, curricula, and assessment practices to ensure that TVET programs are aligned with the needs of the labor market and the evolving expectations of learners. Key elements that highlight the need for innovation and competency development in TVET include:

  1. Embracing emerging technologies: the integration of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things, into the workplace has created new opportunities and challenges for TVET institutions. These institutions must develop innovative teaching methods and curricula that incorporate these technologies to prepare learners for the digital economy.

  2. Fostering a culture of innovation: TVET institutions must foster a culture of innovation that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and collaboration. This can be achieved by adopting innovative teaching methods, such as problem-based learning, flipped classrooms, and blended learning, which promote critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

  3. Promoting continuous professional development: by promoting CPD in TVET, professionals can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to the changing demands of the labor market and provide quality education and training to their students.

  4. Developing competency-based curricula: to ensure that TVET programs are relevant and effective, institutions must develop competency-based curricula that focus on the acquisition of both technical and soft skills. This requires close collaboration with industry partners to identify the specific competencies that are in demand and to develop targeted training programs.

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) can ensure that graduates possess the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the workforce by aligning curricula with industry needs, providing practical training, fostering soft skills development, and offering flexible programs, Moreover, strong linkages with industry stakeholders enable TVET institutions to remain responsive to the ever-evolving demands of the labor market.

This can be achieved through a combination of strategies and approaches:

  • Aligning curricula with industry needs: by working closely with industry partners, TVET institutions can ensure that their programs are relevant and up-to-date, equipping learners with the skills and knowledge that employers demand.

  • Fostering soft skills development: alongside technical expertise, TVET programs should also develop learners’ soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These skills are highly valued by employers and are crucial for success in the workplace.

  • Offering flexible and modular programs: by offering flexible and modular programs, TVET institutions can cater to the diverse needs of learners and the labor market. This flexibility allows individuals to acquire new skills or update their existing ones in line with changing industry requirements.

  • Strengthening linkages with industry: strong partnerships between TVET institutions and industry stakeholders ensure that training programs are relevant and responsive to labor market needs. These partnerships can also facilitate work placements, internships, and apprenticeships, providing learners with valuable on-the-job experience.

  • Providing practical and hands-on training: TVET emphasizes practical learning and the application of skills in real-world settings. This focus on experiential learning ensures that graduates are job-ready and able to contribute effectively in the workplace.

To ensure the success of TVET programs in the twenty-first century, it is important to learn from and build on the best practices and experiences of successful programs and institutions. This section examines best practices and case studies related to successful TVET programs and institutions, innovative teaching and learning strategies, and effective industry-academia partnerships.

  1. Singapore’s Institute of Technical Education (ITE): ITE has transformed itself into a world-class TVET institution by adopting a competency-based approach, investing in state-of-the-art facilities, and establishing strong industry partnerships. ITE focuses on providing students with practical, hands-on learning experiences and equipping them with the skills needed for success in the twenty-first century workforce.

  2. Germany’s dual vocational training system: Germany’s dual system, which combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training, has been highly effective in addressing skills shortages and promoting youth employment. This model ensures that students receive both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, while industry partners benefit from a highly skilled and job-ready workforce.

  3. The Swiss apprenticeship model: Switzerland’s apprenticeship model is a prime example of a successful industry-academia partnership. In this system, apprentices spend 70–80% of their time in a workplace setting, receiving hands-on training and mentorship from industry professionals. The remaining 20–30% of their time is spent in a classroom setting, where they acquire theoretical knowledge. This model results in a highly skilled and job-ready workforce, and Swiss companies benefit from a reliable pipeline of talent.

  4. Australia’s TAFE Institutes: Australia’s Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes have established strong partnerships with industry stakeholders to ensure that their programs remain relevant and aligned with the needs of the labor market. Industry advisory committees provide input into curriculum development, and students benefit from work-integrated learning opportunities, such as internships and apprenticeships, which provide them with valuable real-world experience.

These best practices and case studies demonstrate the importance of adopting innovative teaching and learning strategies, establishing strong industry-academia partnerships, and continuously adapting to the changing demands of the labor market. By learning from these examples, TVET institutions can enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of their programs, preparing students for success in the twenty-first century workforce.

In order to effectively prepare students for the workforce in the twenty-first century, TVET institutions must continuously adapt and incorporate innovative teaching methods that engage learners, promote the acquisition of relevant skills, and facilitate the application of knowledge in real-world settings. The several innovative teaching methods that have proven effective in TVET contexts are:

2.1 Problem-based learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogical approach that involves presenting learners with complex, real-world problems and encouraging them to collaboratively work toward finding solutions. In TVET, PBL helps develop critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, decision-making and collaboration skills among learners, which are crucial for success in the workplace [3]. By engaging students in authentic tasks that mirror real-world challenges, PBL fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter and facilitates the transfer of skills to the job setting. PBL can be particularly effective in TVET, as it helps to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by simulating workplace challenges and engaging students in hands-on experiences.

Key aspects of PBL in TVET include:

  1. Real-world problems: PBL requires the development of authentic, industry-relevant problems that challenge students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations.

  2. Collaborative learning: PBL fosters teamwork and communication among learners, as they work together to solve complex problems, share ideas, and learn from each other.

  3. Facilitator role: in PBL, the instructor assumes the role of a facilitator, guiding students through the problem-solving process, asking probing questions, and providing support as needed.

  4. Reflection and assessment: PBL encourages learners to reflect on their learning process and outcomes, enabling them to develop self-assessment skills and receive formative feedback from their peers and instructors.

Institutions like the Aalborg University in Denmark have successfully integrated PBL into their engineering programs, resulting in enhanced student engagement, improved problem-solving skills, and increased collaboration between students and industry partners.

2.2 Blended learning

Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with digital technologies to create a more flexible, personalized, and effective learning environment [4, 5, 6]. This approach allows TVET institutions to offer diverse learning experiences, such as online courses, virtual laboratories, and interactive multimedia content, complementing traditional classroom teaching.

Key aspects of blended learning in TVET include:

  1. Flexibility: blended learning offers students the flexibility to access learning materials and resources at their own pace, accommodating various learning styles and needs.

  2. Personalization: blended learning enables instructors to provide personalized learning pathways and support, using data-driven insights to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses.

  3. Engagement: blended learning leverages digital technologies to create interactive and engaging learning experiences, promoting student motivation and retention.

  4. Continuous feedback: blended learning facilitates continuous feedback through online assessments, discussion forums, and learning analytics, helping students to monitor their progress and receive timely support.

2.3 Flipped classroom

The flipped classroom model involves reversing the traditional order of instruction, with students first engaging with learning materials independently (e.g., watching videos or reading texts) before coming to class to participate in collaborative activities and discussions [7]. This approach encourages students to take responsibility for their learning while allowing instructors to focus on facilitating discussions, practical exercises, and collaborative problem-solving during class sessions.

In TVET, the flipped classroom model allows for more hands-on, experiential learning during class time, as students have already acquired foundational knowledge beforehand. This approach encourages active learning and enables instructors to provide more individualized support, addressing specific learning needs and challenges. Key aspects of flipped classrooms in TVET include:

  1. Pre-class activities: students engage in pre-class activities, such as watching video lectures, reading articles, or completing online quizzes, to familiarize themselves with the content before attending in-person classes.

  2. Active learning: in-class sessions focus on active learning, with students participating in discussions, group activities, and practical exercises to apply and deepen their understanding of the content.

  3. Immediate feedback: flipped classrooms allow instructors to provide immediate feedback on students’ performance and understanding, enabling them to address misconceptions and clarify concepts as needed.

  4. Student-centered learning: flipped classrooms promote student-centered learning, empowering students to take control of their learning journey and develop self-regulation and metacognitive skills.

2.4 Work-integrated learning (WIL)/work-based learning (WBL)

WIL is an instructional approach that combines academic learning with practical work experience, bridging the gap between theory and practice. This approach allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world workplace scenarios, fostering the development of both technical and soft skills. In TVET, WBL and apprenticeships provide invaluable opportunities for learners to develop job-specific skills, build professional networks, and gain insights into industry expectations and practices. These experiences also enable students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their understanding of the subject matter and promoting the transfer of skills to the job setting.

2.5 Collaborative learning and teamwork

Collaborative learning involves students working together in small groups to achieve shared goals [8]. In TVET, collaborative learning helps learners develop teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills, which are highly valued by employers. Collaborative activities can include group projects, peer evaluations, and joint problem-solving tasks. By engaging in collaborative learning, students develop a sense of responsibility for their own learning as well as the learning of their peers, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

2.6 Simulation and virtual reality

Simulation and virtual reality (VR) technologies offer immersive, interactive learning experiences that enable students to practice and hone their skills in a safe and controlled environment. In TVET, simulations and VR can be used to recreate complex work scenarios, such as operating heavy machinery, performing medical procedures, or navigating hazardous work sites. By engaging in these virtual experiences, learners can develop technical proficiency and confidence in their abilities before transitioning to real-world settings.

2.7 Project-based learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach that involves students working on complex, real-world projects over an extended period of time. In TVET, PBL can be used to facilitate the development of technical skills, project management abilities, and teamwork competencies. By engaging in authentic projects that align with industry needs, students gain valuable experience and are better prepared to enter the workforce. Additionally, PBL promotes the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, which are essential for success in today’s dynamic job market [9].

The integration of innovative teaching methods in TVET programs is crucial for preparing students to succeed in the workforce. By incorporating approaches such as problem-based learning, collaborative learning, simulation and virtual reality, the flipped classroom model, project-based learning, and work-based learning, TVET institutions can create engaging, relevant, and effective learning experiences that develop the essential skills and competencies required by today’s labor.


3. Competency indicators

Competency Indicators play a critical role in the design, implementation, and evaluation of TVET programs. By clearly defining the expected outcomes of training, competency indicators help ensure that TVET graduates possess the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the workforce. This section discusses the concept of competency indicators, their importance, and strategies for aligning them with industry requirements and ensuring their flexibility and adaptability.

Competency indicators are measurable, observable, and specific statements that describe the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that learners are expected to acquire upon completing a TVET program [10]. These indicators serve as benchmarks for determining whether a learner has achieved the desired level of competency in a particular area.

Competency indicators can be categorized into three main types:

  • Knowledge indicators: these describe the theoretical understanding and information that learners must acquire in a specific domain.

  • Skill indicators: these describe the practical abilities and technical expertise that learners must develop to perform specific tasks or functions.

  • Attitudinal indicators: these describe the behaviors, values, and dispositions that learners must demonstrate in professional settings.

To effectively prepare students for the challenges of the twenty-first century workforce, TVET institutions must focus on developing the competencies that are in demand in the global labor market and are knowledge, skills and attitudinal based. Competency indicators serve several essential functions as mentioned below:

  • Guiding curriculum development: competency indicators help inform the design of curricula, ensuring that program content is relevant, targeted, and aligned with industry needs.

  • Facilitating assessment: by establishing clear criteria for success, competency indicators enable educators to assess student performance and provide feedback on areas that require improvement.

  • Evaluating program effectiveness: competency indicators serve as a basis for evaluating the overall effectiveness of a TVET program, as they provide quantifiable data on student outcomes and program impact.

  • Informing continuous improvement: by regularly reviewing and updating competency indicators, TVET institutions can identify areas for program improvement and ensure that their offerings remain responsive to changing industry demands.

This section examines four key competency indicators that are shaping TVET in the twenty-first century:

  1. Green skills

  2. Digital literacy

  3. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  4. Soft skills

3.1 Green skills

As global concerns over environmental sustainability, climate change, and resource management, there is growing demand for green skills that has become increasingly crucial in the workforce. Green skills encompass knowledge, abilities, and behaviors that contribute to environmentally sustainable practices across various industries [11]. TVET institutions must ensure that their curricula incorporate green skills development to prepare graduates for the transition to a greener economy, with key aspects such as renewable energy technologies, sustainable resource management, and waste reduction practices.

  1. Renewable energy technologies: students should gain knowledge and hands-on experience in the installation, maintenance, and operation of renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, bio-mass and hydro power systems.

  2. Sustainable resource management: students should be educated to develop competencies in sustainable resource management practices, including efficient water use, waste reduction, and recycling, to minimize environmental impacts and promote circular economies.

  3. Waste reduction and recycling: TVET curricula should cover waste management strategies, such as waste reduction, recycling, and the circular economy, to promote sustainable practices in the workplace.

  4. Environmental impact assessment and monitoring: students should acquire skills in assessing the environmental impact of projects, products, and processes, enabling them to make informed decisions that minimize harm to the environment.

  5. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: TVET institutions should offer training in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, such as carbon management, ecosystem restoration, and green infrastructure, to build resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3.2 Digital literacy

Digital literacy refers to the ability to use digital technologies effectively and responsibly. In the twenty-first century, digital literacy has become a fundamental competency across various industries. TVET institutions must incorporate digital literacy training into their curricula, ensuring that students are proficient in using digital tools and navigating the digital landscape [12]. Key aspects of digital literacy in TVET include:

  1. Basic digital skills: students should acquire basic digital skills, such as such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation software, as well as industry-specific applications like using productivity software, managing files and folders, and navigating the internet.

  2. Online research and information evaluation: students should be skilled in conducting online research, evaluating the credibility and reliability of information sources, and using information ethically and responsibly.

  3. Advanced digital skills: advanced digital skills, such as programming, data analysis, and digital design, are increasingly in demand in various sectors and should be incorporated into TVET curricula.

  4. Cyber security awareness: as the digital landscape becomes more complex, it is essential for students to develop cyber security awareness, including understanding threats, vulnerabilities, and best practices for protecting sensitive information.

  5. Digital ethics and responsibility: TVET institutions should also teach students about digital ethics and responsibility, covering topics such as online privacy, intellectual property rights, and responsible use of social media.

3.3 Entrepreneurship and innovation

Entrepreneurship and innovation skills are essential in fostering economic growth, job creation, and global competitiveness. TVET institutions should focus on nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset among students by offering courses and programs that emphasize creativity, risk-taking, and problem-solving. Key aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation in TVET include:

  1. Opportunity recognition: students should be trained to identify and evaluate business opportunities, assessing market needs, competition, and feasibility.

  2. Business planning and strategy: TVET programs should teach students how to develop comprehensive business plans, including market analysis, financial planning, and operational strategies.

  3. Marketing and sales: students should acquire skills in marketing and sales, such as product development, branding, and customer relationship management.

  4. Financial management and resource mobilization: training in financial management and resource mobilization equips students with the skills to manage budgets, control costs, and secure funding for their ventures.

3.4 Soft skills

Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking, are vital for success in the twenty-first century workforce. TVET institutions must prioritize the development of these skills through curricular and extracurricular activities to ensure that graduates are well-rounded and adaptable to various workplace environments.

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the twenty-first century must embrace innovative teaching approaches and focus on developing the necessary competencies to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. By incorporating problem-based learning, blended learning, flipped classrooms, and work-integrated learning, TVET institutions can create an engaging and effective learning environment [13]. Furthermore, by emphasizing green skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship and innovation, and soft skills development, TVET can better prepare students for success in the global workforce [14].

To ensure that TVET graduates possess the skills and knowledge required by employers, it is essential to align competency indicators with industry requirements [14]. This can be achieved through several strategies:

  • Engaging industry stakeholders: by involving industry representatives in the development and review of competency indicators, TVET institutions can ensure that their programs are responsive to current and future labor market needs.

  • Conducting labor market analyzes: regularly analyzing labor market trends and skill demands can help inform the development of competency indicators and ensure that TVET programs remain relevant and up-to-date.

  • Benchmarking against industry standards: aligning competency indicators with established industry standards, such as occupational certifications or professional competencies, can help ensure that TVET graduates meet the expectations of employers.

As industries evolve and labor market demands change, it is crucial to ensure that competency indicators remain flexible and adaptable. This can be achieved by:

  • Regularly reviewing and updating competency indicators: TVET institutions should establish processes for regularly reviewing and updating competency indicators to ensure that they remain relevant and responsive to changing industry needs.

  • Encouraging cross-disciplinary learning: developing competency indicators that encourage cross-disciplinary learning can help equip TVET graduates with the versatility and adaptability required to succeed in today’s dynamic job market.

  • Emphasizing transferable skills: by focusing on transferable skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, competency indicators can help prepare learners for a wide range of job opportunities and career paths.


4. Assessment of competency

Assessing learners’ progress and measuring their competencies are essential components of an effective TVET program. A variety of assessment methods and tools can be employed to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students acquire throughout their training. This section discusses several assessment methods and tools commonly used in TVET settings, including formative assessments, summative assessments, self-assessment and peer assessment, e-portfolio assessment, and authentic and performance-based assessments.


5. Formative assessments

Formative assessments are on-going evaluations conducted throughout the learning process to provide students and instructors with feedback on progress and areas for improvement. These assessments are diagnostic in nature and help identify gaps in knowledge and skills that require further attention. Examples of formative assessments in TVET settings include quizzes, class discussions, practical demonstrations, and instructor observations. By providing regular feedback, formative assessments enable students to adjust their learning strategies and help instructors tailor their teaching approaches to address individual needs.


6. Summative assessments

Summative assessments are evaluations conducted at the end of a learning unit, course, or program to determine whether students have achieved the desired level of competency. These assessments provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and are often used to assign final grades or certifications. In TVET settings, summative assessments can take various forms, including written exams, practical tests, and final projects. Summative assessments serve as a valuable measure of program effectiveness and help ensure that TVET graduates are prepared for the workforce.


7. Self-assessment and peer assessment

Self-assessment and peer assessment involve students evaluating their own work or the work of their peers, based on established criteria and standards. These assessment methods promote reflection, self-awareness, and the development of critical thinking skills. In TVET settings, self-assessment and peer assessment can be used in conjunction with other assessment methods, such as formative and summative assessments, to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student performance. Examples of self-assessment and peer assessment activities include peer review of written assignments, group presentations, and collaborative problem-solving tasks.


8. E-portfolio assessment

E-portfolio assessment involves the systematic collection, organization, and evaluation of digital artifacts that demonstrate a learner’s progress and achievements over time. In TVET settings, e-portfolios can include a wide range of materials, such as written assignments, multimedia presentations, photographs, videos, and audio recordings. E-portfolio assessment allows students to showcase their skills, knowledge, and attitudes in a format that is easily shareable and accessible to potential employers. Moreover, e-portfolios can serve as a valuable tool for reflection and self-assessment, enabling learners to identify areas for improvement and set goals for future growth.


9. Authentic assessment and performance-based assessment

Authentic assessment and performance-based assessment are evaluation methods that require learners to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in real-world contexts or through complex, realistic tasks. These assessments focus on the application of skills and knowledge, rather than the simple recall of facts or procedures. In TVET settings, authentic and performance-based assessments can take various forms, including workplace simulations, case studies, and project-based assignments. By engaging students in authentic tasks that reflect real-world challenges, these assessments help ensure that TVET graduates are prepared to succeed in the workforce and contribute effectively in their chosen professions.

In conclusion, a variety of assessment methods and tools can be used to measure the competencies of TVET students effectively. By employing a range of assessment approaches, such as formative and summative assessments, self-assessment and peer assessment, e-portfolio assessment, and authentic and performance-based assessments, educators can gain a comprehensive understanding of student performance.


10. Role of stakeholders in promoting competency development

To ensure the effectiveness of TVET programs in the twenty-first century, it is essential to involve various stakeholders in the process of promoting innovation and competency development. This section discusses the roles of TVET institutions, industry partners, government and policymakers, and international collaboration in shaping the future of TVET.

11. TVET institutions

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions play a central role in fostering innovation and competency development. They must continually adapt their teaching methods, curricula, and assessment practices to align with the changing demands of the labor market and the evolving expectations of learners. Key responsibilities of TVET institutions include:

  1. Curriculum development: TVET institutions must work collaboratively with industry partners and other stakeholders to design and implement competency-based curricula that address the skills and knowledge required in the twenty-first century workforce.

  2. Teaching and learning innovations: TVET institutions should adopt innovative teaching approaches, such as problem-based learning, blended learning, and flipped classrooms, to facilitate active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students.

  3. Quality assurance: TVET institutions should establish robust quality assurance mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their programs, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that they remain relevant and responsive to the needs of the labor market.

  4. Professional development: TVET institutions must invest in the continuous professional development of their staff to ensure that they are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills required to deliver high-quality, industry-relevant education.

The quality and effectiveness of TVET programs rely heavily on the skills and expertise of instructors. As such, it is crucial to invest in the professional development of TVET instructors to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and pedagogical approaches to deliver high-quality training. This section discusses the importance of professional development for TVET instructors, ongoing training and development programs, and strategies for fostering communities of practice and knowledge sharing.

Professional development for TVET instructors is essential for several reasons:

  • Maintaining industry relevance: to ensure that their teaching remains current and aligned with industry needs, TVET instructors need to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, practices, and labor market trends. Regular training in specific technical areas can help TVET instructors maintain their expertise and stay current with industry developments.

  • Enhancing pedagogical skills: professional development can help instructors refine their teaching approaches, learn about innovative teaching methods, and improve their ability to support diverse learners. Workshops and courses focused on teaching methods, assessment techniques, and classroom management can help instructors improve their pedagogical skills and enhance student learning.

  • Promoting lifelong learning: engaging in continuous professional development encourages TVET instructors to model the principles of lifelong learning for their students and helps foster a culture of continuous improvement within TVET institutions.

  • Ensuring quality and effectiveness: investing in the professional development of instructors can contribute to the overall quality and effectiveness of TVET programs, ultimately leading to better student outcomes and improved workforce readiness.

  • Digital literacy and technology advancement: as technology continues to reshape the workplace, it is vital for TVET instructors to develop digital literacy skills and learn how to incorporate technology into their teaching.

  • Leadership and management training: providing training in leadership and management can help instructors take on greater responsibilities within their institutions and contribute to the development and implementation of institutional strategies and policies.

12. Strategies for communities of practice and knowledge sharing

Fostering communities of practice and promoting knowledge sharing among TVET instructors can facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices. Strategies for building communities of practice and encouraging knowledge sharing include:

  • Establishing professional networks: TVET institutions should support the formation of professional networks, both within their institutions and across the TVET sector, to provide instructors with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and share experiences.

  • Organizing conferences and workshops: hosting conferences and workshops focused on specific topics or challenges related to TVET instruction can facilitate knowledge exchange and promote the sharing of best practices.

  • Implementing mentorship programs: pairing experienced instructors with those who are new to the field can help facilitate the transfer of knowledge and support the professional growth of all participants.

  • Leveraging digital platforms: utilizing digital platforms, such as online forums, social media, and webinars, can help expand the reach of communities of practice and provide additional opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

The professional development for TVET instructors is crucial for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of TVET programs. By investing in on-going training and development programs and fostering communities of practice and knowledge sharing, TVET institutions can support their instructors in maintaining industry relevance, enhancing pedagogical skills, and promoting a culture of lifelong learning.

13. Role of technology in supporting innovative TVET programs

Technology has revolutionized the way we learn, teach, and share knowledge. In the context of TVET, leveraging technology can play a significant role in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of training programs. This section explores the role of technology in supporting innovative TVET programs, focusing on technology-enhanced learning environments, learning management systems and e-learning platforms, open educational resources and massive open online courses (MOOCs), and social media and digital communication tools.

Technology-enhanced learning environments can greatly benefit TVET programs by:

  • Facilitating interactive and engaging learning experiences: the integration of multimedia content, such as videos, animations, and simulations, can help make learning more engaging and immersive for students.

  • Supporting personalized learning: adaptive learning technologies can help instructors tailor learning experiences to the individual needs of students, providing personalized feedback and customized learning paths.

  • Promoting collaboration and communication: digital tools, such as online discussion forums and collaborative document editing platforms, can facilitate communication and collaboration among students and instructors.

Learning management systems (LMS) and e-learning platforms can support innovative TVET programs by:

  • Centralizing course materials and resources: LMS platforms can serve as a centralized repository for course materials, assignments, and resources, making them easily accessible to students and instructors.

  • Facilitating assessment and feedback: LMS platforms often include tools for creating and managing assessments, as well as providing feedback to students on their performance.

  • Supporting blended and online learning: E-learning platforms can enable the delivery of fully online or blended learning courses, providing greater flexibility for students and instructors in terms of time and location [15].

Open educational resources (OERs) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) can play a significant role in supporting innovative TVET programs by:

  • Expanding access to quality educational content: OERs and MOOCs can provide TVET students and instructors with access to high-quality educational materials from renowned institutions and experts around the world.

  • Promoting lifelong learning: OERs and MOOCs can support the continuous professional development of TVET instructors, as well as provide students with opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills beyond the classroom.

  • Encouraging collaboration and resource sharing: The use of OERs can promote a culture of collaboration and resource sharing among TVET institutions, helping to improve the overall quality and accessibility of educational materials [16].

Social media and digital communication tools can support innovative TVET programs by:

  • Facilitating networking and professional development: social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, can help TVET students and instructors connect with industry professionals, expand their networks, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their fields.

  • Enhancing student engagement: social media and digital communication tools can be used to facilitate class discussions, group projects, and peer feedback, helping to keep students engaged and connected with their learning.

  • Supporting real-time communication and collaboration: digital communication tools, such as instant messaging and video conferencing platforms, can enable real-time communication and collaboration between students and instructors, both within and outside the classroom.

Technology plays a vital role in supporting innovative TVET programs by enhancing learning environments, facilitating the delivery of course materials and assessments, expanding access to educational resources, and promoting communication and collaboration among students and instructors. By leveraging these technological advancements, TVET institutions can create more engaging, effective, and relevant learning experiences for their students, ultimately better preparing them for success in the workforce.

14. Industry partners

Industry partners play a crucial role in shaping TVET programs by providing valuable insights into the skills and competencies required in the workforce. Their collaboration with TVET institutions is essential in ensuring that training programs remain relevant and up-to-date. Key contributions of industry partners include:

  1. Skills gap analysis: industry partners can provide critical information on the skills gaps and emerging trends in their sectors, enabling TVET institutions to design targeted training programs that address these needs.

  2. Work-integrated learning: industry partners can support work-integrated learning opportunities, such as internships, apprenticeships, and co-op programs, which provide students with hands-on experience and exposure to real-world workplace challenges.

  3. Curriculum development and advisory: industry partners can contribute to the development of TVET curricula by sharing their expertise and knowledge, ensuring that the content and learning outcomes align with industry needs and standards.

  4. Equipment and resource support: industry partners can support TVET institutions by providing access to state-of-the-art equipment, facilities, and resources, enabling students to develop skills using industry-standard tools and technologies.

15. Government and policymakers

Government and policymakers play a vital role in creating an enabling environment for innovation and competency development in TVET. They are responsible for setting the vision, policies, and regulatory framework that guide the TVET sector. Key responsibilities of government and policymakers include:

  1. Policy development: government and policymakers must develop and implement comprehensive TVET policies that prioritize innovation, competency development, and quality assurance to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of TVET programs.

  2. Funding and resource allocation: government and policymakers should allocate adequate resources and funding to support TVET institutions in their efforts to enhance infrastructure, update curricula, and promote professional development for staff.

  3. Regulatory framework: government and policymakers must establish a robust regulatory framework that sets clear standards and guidelines for TVET institutions, ensuring quality and consistency across the sector.

  4. Monitoring and evaluation: government and policymakers should monitor and evaluate the performance of TVET institutions and programs, using data-driven insights to inform policy decisions and drive continuous improvement.

The twenty-first century presents a range of challenges and opportunities for TVET institutions, as they strive to remain relevant and effective in the face of rapid technological advancements, evolving labor market demands, and a growing emphasis on lifelong learning.

The following final section summarizes the key findings from this chapter and offers recommendations for future TVET policies and practices, as well as the prospects for TVET in the twenty-first century.

To ensure the on-going success and relevance of TVET programs, it is essential for institutions to embrace a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. This chapter provides recommendations for enhancing TVET programs, focusing on fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, continuous improvement and program evaluation, integrating soft skills and employability skills into curricula, and encouraging lifelong learning and continuous skill development.

16. Fostering a culture of innovation and creativity

To develop and maintain innovative TVET programs, institutions should:

  • Encourage experimentation: TVET institutions should create an environment where instructors and students feel empowered to explore new ideas, experiment with different teaching methods, and take risks in the pursuit of innovation.

  • Collaborate with industry partners: engaging with industry partners can provide valuable insights into emerging trends, technologies, and skills, helping TVET institutions stay at the forefront of innovation.

  • Invest in professional development: supporting the on-going professional development of TVET instructors can equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to drive innovation within their institutions

17. Continuous improvement and program evaluation

For TVET programs to remain effective and relevant, institutions should prioritize continuous improvement and regular program evaluation. Key strategies include:

  • Establishing clear goals and performance indicators: defining program goals and identifying performance indicators can help institutions measure the effectiveness of their TVET programs and identify areas for improvement.

  • Collecting and analyzing data: gathering data on student performance, learning outcomes, and employer satisfaction can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of TVET programs.

  • Implementing feedback loops: encouraging open communication and feedback from students, instructors, and industry partners can help identify areas for improvement and inform program development.

18. Integrating soft skills and employability skills into curricula

In addition to technical skills, soft skills and employability skills play a crucial role in workforce success. To ensure that TVET graduates are well-rounded and prepared for the workforce, institutions should:

  • Identify key soft skills and employability skills: consult with industry partners to determine the most relevant soft skills and employability skills for each field.

  • Embed skills development into curricula: integrate the teaching and assessment of soft skills and employability skills into curricula, ensuring that students have ample opportunities to develop these competencies.

  • Provide opportunities for real-world application: incorporate work placements, internships, and project-based learning experiences into TVET programs to help students apply and refine their soft skills and employability skills in real-world settings.

19. Encouraging lifelong learning and continuous skill development

To promote lifelong learning and continuous skill development among TVET students and graduates, institutions should:

  • Cultivate a culture of lifelong learning: encourage students and instructors to embrace the principles of lifelong learning by providing access to ongoing professional development opportunities and resources [17, 18, 19].

  • Establish strong alumni networks: create platforms and networks that allow TVET graduates to stay connected with their institutions and access resources, networking opportunities, and continuous learning initiatives.

  • Partner with industry for continuing education opportunities: collaborate with industry partners to develop and deliver continuing education programs that help TVET graduates stay current with changing labor market demands and industry trends.

  • As the global economy continues to evolve, TVET programs must adapt by incorporating innovative teaching methods and aligning competency indicators with industry needs. By doing so, they can ensure that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the workforce and contribute to the growth of their respective fields. By fostering industry collaboration, investing in professional development for instructors, and leveraging technology, TVET institutions can stay at the forefront of innovative education and training.

By fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, prioritizing continuous improvement and program evaluation, integrating soft skills and employability skills into curricula, and encouraging lifelong learning and continuous skill development, TVET institutions can ensure that their programs remain relevant, effective, and responsive to the needs of both students and the labor market.

The importance of TVET in the twenty-first century cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the skills and competencies needed for success in the global labor market. Innovative teaching approaches, such as problem-based learning, blended learning, flipped classrooms, and work-integrated learning, can significantly enhance the effectiveness and relevance of TVET programs. Developing key competencies, such as green skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and soft skills, is essential for preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century workforce. The active involvement of various stakeholders, including TVET institutions, industry partners, government and policymakers, and international collaboration, is crucial for promoting innovation and competency development in TVET. Addressing challenges related to rapid technological changes, skills mismatch and unemployment, equity and inclusivity in TVET, and lifelong learning is essential for ensuring the continued success and relevance of TVET programs.

The prospects for TVET in the twenty-first century is promising, as long as institutions and stakeholders continue to adapt and innovate in response to the changing demands of the labor market and the needs of learners. By embracing innovative teaching approaches, developing key competencies, fostering strong industry-academia partnerships, and addressing challenges related to technology, skills mismatch, equity, and lifelong learning, TVET institutions can play a vital role in shaping the future workforce and promoting sustainable economic and social development [20].


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Written By

Charu Varma and Saroj Malik

Submitted: 18 April 2023 Reviewed: 11 July 2023 Published: 18 October 2023