Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Perspective Chapter: Digital Twin Technology as a Tool to Enhance the Performance of Agile Project Management

Written By

Alencar Bravo and Darli Vieira

Submitted: 20 June 2023 Reviewed: 10 July 2023 Published: 12 October 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112489

From the Edited Volume

Digital Twin Technology - Fundamentals and Applications

Edited by Orhan Korhan

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In this chapter, we examine the intersection of two paradigm-shifting ideas that are reshaping the contemporary landscape of business: agile project management and digital twin technology. We initially review the basis of agile project management, with a focus on the approach that is iterative, adaptive, and customer-centric. On this basis, we examine the role of digital twins in facilitating effective communication and coordination within cross-functional agile teams. The synergy between digital twins and agile project management has been explored, with a focus on how better decision-making, risk management, and deliverables can be facilitated within complex physical product development projects. Through the integration of digital twins into agile project management practices, organizations can achieve enhanced visibility, collaboration, and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. In conclusion, we determined that the digital twin serves as an indispensable instrument in complex agile projects, significantly augmenting their efficacy in numerous aspects.


  • agile
  • project
  • management
  • digital twins
  • collaboration
  • customer

1. Introduction

Within the realm of management sciences, it is of paramount importance a comprehensive understanding of the substantial distinctions that exist between projects and operations [1]. On the one hand, operational activities refer to the ongoing and repetitive tasks that are essential to sustain a business [2]. On the other hand, projects are temporary endeavors that are undertaken with the aim of achieving specific objectives [3]. As an illustration, the duty of overseeing a manufacturing facility can be characterized as an intricate operation, with the primary objective of ensuring a steady output of goods and services that meet the highest standards of excellence. In contrast, the endeavor of building a new manufacturing facility would entail a set of well-defined objectives, such as accomplishing the construction phase within the stipulated time frame and with the allocated financial resources. The significance of this differentiation lies in the fact that each of these two entities demands distinct management methodologies, instruments, and practices.

The practice of project management entails the systematic planning, meticulous organization, and efficient allocation of resources toward the attainment of predetermined objectives within well-defined limitations [4]. Project management involves a comprehensive spectrum of tasks, spanning from the conception and planning phase to the implementation, monitoring, and conclusion. The efficacy of project management is contingent upon its capacity to execute projects punctually, within financial constraints, and with the intended level of excellence [5]. The classical methodology for project management is characterized by a predictive orientation, whereby the project plan is formulated in advance and adhered to throughout the entire project duration. This particular methodology presupposes that the prerequisites of the project are comprehensively comprehended and can be precisely delineated prior to project execution. Furthermore, it assumes that the project team possesses the essential expertise and resources to execute the project effectively. Nonetheless, it is imperative to note that this particular methodology may not be appropriate for endeavors that are complex or ambiguous or that necessitate a substantial level of inventiveness [6].

The agile project management (APM) approach has surfaced as a means of managing projects in a more flexible and adaptive manner and has garnered significant traction across diverse industries [7, 8]. In the realm of project management, the concept of agility pertains to the capacity to react promptly and adeptly to alterations in project specifications, stakeholder demands, and market fluctuations [9]. APM is an approach that prioritizes iterative and adaptable processes, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and continuous improvement. This approach is designed to enable teams to respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances and to maintain a focus on delivering high-quality results. By fostering a culture of flexibility and open communication, APM can help organizations achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively [10].

In contrast to classical project management methodologies that adhere to a linear and sequential approach, APM fosters adaptability and promotes regular feedback and iteration. As APM continues to gain ground across various industries, another technology that is becoming popular is the digital twin (DT), a computer-generated replica of a tangible entity, operation, or framework. This cutting-edge technology enables the creation of a virtual model that mirrors the real-world counterpart, allowing for the simulation of various scenarios and the analysis of data in a controlled environment. In contrast to conventional computer-aided design, this innovative approach integrates real-time data, simulation, and analytics to generate a comprehensive model that emulates the behavior and attributes of the corresponding physical entity [11].

The concept of DT has garnered significant attention in recent times and has emerged as a transformative trend for various industries, much like APM did in the past. DTs serve as dynamic reflections of physical systems, facilitating ongoing monitoring, simulation, and analysis. The information gathered from the physical system is harmoniously integrated with the DT, furnishing invaluable discernments for decision-making and optimization [12]. DT technology offers a multitude of benefits for diverse industries, enabling them to engage in virtual prototyping and predictive maintenance and optimize performance. As the potential of DT technology has become increasingly apparent, organizations have begun to incorporate it into their overall project management strategies [13]. Through the development of a virtual representation of the project’s end product, teams can acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the system’s behavior, proactively anticipate and resolve potential issues, and optimize the overall outcomes of the project [11, 14]. Projects are inherently complex and pose numerous challenges that can be effectively addressed through the use of DT technology. This innovative approach can significantly enhance decision-making processes, facilitate the seamless transmission of critical information, and improve risk mitigation strategies. By leveraging the power of DT technology, project stakeholders can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and overall success in their endeavors.

Among the plethora of proposed APM methodologies, Scrum has emerged as the preferred approach for most cases and has gained widespread adoption because of its effectiveness in managing complex and dynamic projects [15]. Scrum is a highly effective iterative framework that is designed to deliver incremental value through a series of short development cycles, which are commonly referred to as sprints. This approach is widely recognized for its ability to enhance productivity, improve collaboration, and foster a culture of continuous improvement [16]. By leveraging the Scrum methodology, organizations can achieve greater agility and responsiveness and ensure that their products and services are delivered to market in a timely and efficient manner.

In this chapter, we will delve into the intricacies of DT technology within the realm of APM, with a particular emphasis on Scrum projects. Readers will acquire invaluable insights from this chapter on how to leverage the potential of DT technology effectively in the context of APM.

We have structured this chapter in the following manner: Section 2 provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles of APM, including its unique characteristics. In Section 3, the focus shifts to the practical aspects of project and product development, with a particular emphasis on the distinctions between software and hardware development. This section also addresses the challenges inherent in implementing APM in software development. Finally, in Section 4, we present DT technology as a viable solution to many of the challenges encountered in physical product development within the APM framework. This section provides a comprehensive discussion of how the DT can be successfully implemented as well as its numerous advantages, making it an indispensable tool for physical product projects within the APM paradigm.


2. Agile project management

The genesis of the APM can be traced back to the 1990s, a time when software development teams were searching for alternative project management approaches to the conventional ones [17]. Numerous industries expressed their displeasure with the inflexible and step-by-step approach of the traditional waterfall methodology [18]. It is imperative for industries to delve into innovative approaches to address the ever-changing demands of the market, stakeholders, and customer requirements [19]. The traditional approach of defining all requirements upfront and following a linear project progression may not be suitable in such unpredictable market conditions [7, 20]. The APM movement gained momentum in the midst of the ever-increasing dynamism of the market, and it was formalized and characterized by a set of principles and values outlined in the Agile Manifesto, which a group of software developers and thought leaders developed in 2001 [21, 22]. At the core of the manifesto lies the notion that APM has to prioritize the significance of individuals and their interactions, the perpetual delivery of functional software, active customer collaboration, and the ability to adapt to change.

APM methodologies are commonly recognized for their emphasis on flexibility and adaptability [23]. Regardless of the particular methodology that an individual selects, it is imperative to acknowledge that the pursuit of ongoing enhancement represents yet another pivotal facet of APM [24, 25]. It is customary for agile teams to regularly engage in introspection regarding their processes, actively solicit feedback, and pinpoint opportunities for enhancement. APM entails the cultivation of a culture that prioritizes continuous learning [26]. This approach enables teams to fine-tune their practices, elevate their performance, and ultimately achieve superior outcomes over time. Moreover, one could argue that APM is better suited for technological and complex projects because of its inherent recognition of the potential for project requirements to evolve [27]. This approach embraces change by prioritizing iterative and incremental development, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability throughout the project life cycle. In the context of a Scrum project, the classical approach of defining all project requirements upfront is replaced by a more dynamic and collaborative process. Here, small and multidisciplinary teams operate in short cycles with the aim of delivering a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each cycle. The use of an iterative approach facilitates teams to effectively integrate feedback, modify priorities, and flexibly adapt their plans as they advance through the project [28].

Since its inception APM has evolved, resulting in the development of numerous methodologies and frameworks, all of which adhere to the fundamental principles and values outlined in the Agile Manifesto. However, they diverge in terms of their prescribed practices and tools, which are tailored to suit the unique requirements of individual project contexts. Thus, one can posit that APM comprises a diverse array of methodologies, each proffering a distinctive approach to providing projects in an iterative and collaborative fashion. As we stated earlier, Scrum stands as the most extensively implemented agile methodology. The State of Agile Report 2022 [29] showed that Scrum continues to be the most widely employed agile framework, with an impressive adoption rate of 87%. Scrum fundamentally places a strong emphasis on the formation of self-organizing teams, the execution of short iterative sprints, and the regular engagement of stakeholders in the collaborative process [30, 31]. The following sections will provide additional information regarding the Scrum framework.

Over time, APM has transcended its origins in software development and has been embraced by a diverse array of industries, including but not limited to manufacturing, health care, and marketing [7, 32, 33]. The principles and practices of the agile methodology have demonstrated their efficacy in tackling the intricacies and dynamism of complex projects [34]. Even companies that are not fully embracing the agile methodology are increasingly seeking to integrate elements of APM into their projects [35]. As an illustration, it is plausible to alter the framework and internal regulations of a conventional project to accentuate collaboration and stakeholder engagement, which is a pivotal facet of APM. Adopting a customer-centric approach empowers teams to provide products and solutions that are in sync with their customer’s expectations, thereby resulting in heightened satisfaction and value [36].


3. Agile software and physical product development

In this particular section, we delve further into the application of Scrum. It is noteworthy that statistics have indicated Scrum to be at the forefront of methodologies in terms of use. The Scrum methodology is extensively employed in the development of software as well as physical products, such as hardware. Although the fundamental tenets of Scrum remain steadfast across various domains, there exist certain modifications that are particular to the realms of software and hardware development.

3.1 Scrum for software project management

Scrum provides a structured approach to overseeing the iterative and incremental advancement of software products within software development projects [37]. The approach emphasizes fostering a strong sense of collaboration, promoting transparency, and embracing adaptability as key tenets of its philosophy [38]. The Scrum framework comprises three critical roles—namely, the product owner, the development team, and the Scrum master. These roles are essential in ensuring the successful implementation of the Scrum methodology. The product owner serves as the stakeholders’ representative and assumes the role of intermediary between the development team and the client. The product owner bears the responsibility of delineating and assigning priority to the product backlog, a meticulously arranged index of characteristics, improvements, and bug resolutions. The role of the product owner is to ensure that the team is focused on delivering the most valuable items that are in alignment with the overarching goals of the project. For this, it is necessary to have a keen understanding of the project’s objectives and a deep appreciation for the stakeholders’ needs. By prioritizing the work that needs to be done and providing clear guidance to the team, the product owner plays a critical role in ensuring that the project is successful [39].

The development team comprises a group of cross-functional individuals who deliver the product increment [40]. The composition of this team generally encompasses a diverse range of professionals, such as developers, testers, designers, and other pertinent roles. The team collaboratively addresses the chosen items from the product backlog within sprints. These sprints are brief periods of work, typically spanning two to 4 weeks. The team members engage in a process of self-organization whereby they collaboratively plan their work and make commitments for each sprint.

The role of the Scrum master entails the facilitation of the Scrum process, the removal of impediments, and ensuring the team’s adherence to Scrum principles and practices. As a coach, the Scrum master adeptly guides the team toward its goals while simultaneously cultivating a highly productive and collaborative work environment [41]. The role of the Scrum master is to aid in the facilitation of various meetings, including but not limited to the daily stand-up, sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective.

The Scrum methodology employs a range of artifacts to facilitate efficient project management within the realm of software development. The product backlog acts as the only reliable source of information regarding the scope of the project and directs the work that the team does throughout the duration of the project. The sprint backlog is a crucial artifact in Scrum methodology because it comprises the items that the development team has committed to accomplishing during the sprint. These items are carefully selected from the product backlog, ensuring that they align with the team’s capacity and the sprint goal. By maintaining a well-defined sprint backlog, the team can effectively plan and execute its work, ultimately delivering a high-quality product increment at the end of the sprint [42]. The sprint backlog outlines the activities that must be completed to deliver the product increment successfully, and its creation is a team effort. In the context of agile software development, the increment refers to the cumulative sum of all product backlog items that have been successfully completed in a sprint. This term is of utmost importance in the agile methodology because it represents the tangible progress made by the development team toward the ultimate goal of delivering a fully functional product. The increment denotes a product that holds the potential to be shipped and is capable of delivering significant value to the stakeholders involved [43]. Furthermore, the burndown chart serves as a visual aid that illustrates the amount of work that remains in the sprint backlog as time progresses. This tool is instrumental in enabling the team members to monitor their progress and make necessary adjustments to their efforts. An example of this type of chart can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Example of a burndown chart used to measure the progress of work in a sprint.

In summary, we can state that Scrum is capable of providing a structured and collaborative approach to project management. This method enables teams to deliver high-quality software incrementally. Although Scrum is commonly recognized for its efficacy in software development, it can also be adeptly customized to facilitate the development of physical items, as we will elaborate in the following section.

3.2 Agile physical product development

The Scrum methodology has gained widespread adoption in the realm of software development [44]. However, when it comes to the development of novel physical products, certain modifications must be made to account for the distinctive challenges inherent in such an undertaking. When examining this issue, it is crucial to consider the significance of creating prototypes to facilitate the advancement of the development of tangible products [45]. Incorporating prototyping as a fundamental element of the iterative process is a crucial adaptation that must be made when implementing Scrum in the realm of physical product development. In contrast to software, the development of physical products necessitates the contemplation of a multitude of tangible elements, including but not limited to materials, form, ergonomics, and manufacturability [46]. The process of prototyping enables teams to delve into these various aspects at an early stage, thereby facilitating the identification of design flaws, usability concerns, and potential enhancements [47].

The integration of prototyping into Scrum commences with the product backlog. It is imperative the backlog take into account the inclusion of prototyping activities as indispensable constituents of every sprint. It is imperative to allocate sufficient time and resources to the prototyping phase within the development cycle to guarantee its efficacy. The product owner, in close collaboration with the team, meticulously defines user stories and tasks that are pertinent to the prototyping activities. Throughout every sprint, the development team diligently engages in the process of constructing prototypes that are in accordance with the prioritized features and requirements. As was already seen, the team comprises individuals who possess a wealth of knowledge and experience in various fields, such as industrial design, engineering, manufacturing, and other pertinent disciplines. Together, the team works in unison to produce prototypes that effectively encapsulate the proposed product’s fundamental qualities.

Thus, it is apparent that the integration of prototyping with Scrum methodology can yield numerous advantages in the realm of physical product development. To begin with, it enables teams to authenticate design concepts and evaluate functionality [48]. Through the development of preliminary models, teams have the opportunity to obtain valuable input from stakeholders, users, and prospective clients. This feedback empowers them to make well-informed judgments and refine the design and functionality of the product through iterative processes. The use of an iterative feedback loop serves as a valuable tool for teams to enhance the quality of their prototypes and ensure that the product is in sync with the requirements of the end users and the market. In addition, the process of prototyping serves as a valuable tool for assessing the potential manufacturability and production feasibility of a given physical product [49]. The development of prototypes that bear a strong resemblance to the ultimate product enables teams to evaluate a range of factors, including material compatibility, assembly processes, and cost considerations [50]. The prompt detection of manufacturing limitations or obstacles confers upon teams the ability to effectuate requisite design adjustments, thereby guaranteeing a seamless progression from prototype to production.

Therefore, prototyping combined with the Scrum framework presents a multitude of opportunities for the exhibition of prototypes and the acquisition of feedback. The sprint review is an invaluable opportunity to showcase the latest prototype to stakeholders, affording them the chance to experience the product’s form and functionality directly. The feedback that is received plays a significant role in shaping the product’s subsequent iterations. It serves as a driving force for improvements and helps to align the product with the desired outcomes. Moreover, the retrospective meeting within the Scrum framework offers a valuable opportunity for the team to engage in introspection regarding its prototyping practices. This space allows for the identification of areas that require improvement as well as the sharing of insights that have been gathered throughout the project. The process of iterative learning is instrumental in enabling teams to fine-tune their prototyping methodology, thereby enhancing its efficiency, efficacy, and alignment with project objectives [51].

In essence, the use of Scrum methodology for the purpose of developing novel physical products yields significant advantages, particularly when emphasis is placed on the prototyping phase. The integration of prototyping within the Scrum framework presents teams with the opportunity to validate design concepts, collect valuable feedback, and refine the product through an iterative process. Incorporating prototyping activities into the product backlog, allocating ample time and resources for prototyping iterations within each sprint, and using the sprint review and retrospective meetings to validate products and processes can enable teams to leverage all the potential of prototyping effectively. The result can be the development of superior physical products that respond to user requirements, align with market trends, and foster innovation. The employment of this tool enables teams to generate concrete depictions of their concepts and blueprints, thereby furnishing a medium for scrutinizing, assessing, and enhancing the product during the project evolution. As we delve deeper into the subject matter, it becomes apparent that the integration of DT technology into the Scrum framework can yield more significant advantages for teams, thereby increasing even more their likelihood of success.

3.3 Challenges with complex physical product development

As evidenced in the preceding section, prototypes function as concrete manifestations of the product, affording teams the opportunity to authenticate and enhance design concepts, assess functional components, and amass invaluable user input. The process of prototyping assumes a pivotal role in the development of physical products within the Scrum methodology. The use of this tool allows agile teams to expeditiously recognize and tackle potential design flaws or usability issues at the outset of the development process, thereby reducing the need for future expensive revisions [52]. However, the integration of products that distinct Scrum teams develop can pose several challenges, despite the employment of diverse prototypes. These challenges primarily pertain to interfaces and information communication. As each team concentrates on the development of specific components or modules, it is imperative to pay meticulous attention to interface design and effective communication practices to ensure seamless integration [53]. In this section, we will delve into several pivotal obstacles that pertain to interfaces and information communication.

Medium to complex projects often face multiple risks and potential issues arising from the various interface compatibilities [54, 55]. Interfaces serve as the crucial junctions that link distinct components or modules that separate teams have developed. It is of utmost importance to ensure compatibility across interfaces to facilitate a seamless integration process toward the final and comprehensive product that meets the required standards of quality. In the realm of complex projects, a multitude of challenges may arise when teams interpret interface requirements in varying ways or when modifications to one component have a consequential impact on the functionality of other components that depend on it. Effective communication and seamless collaboration among teams are crucial for establishing and sustaining compatible interfaces throughout the development process of complex projects [56].

In complex projects, interface specifications that are ambiguous or incomplete can give rise to a multitude of issues. Inconsistencies and delays may arise when multiple teams hold divergent interpretations of interface requirements. To ensure the success of complex projects, normally a significant amount of time should be dedicated to the initial phase of defining thorough and unequivocal interface specifications [57]. This approach serves to mitigate the likelihood of any potential issues arising throughout the project’s lifespan. In the context of APM, it is worth noting that the aforementioned issue can be somewhat alleviated. This is because of the fact that frequent communication and clarification between teams can facilitate a collective comprehension of interface requirements, thereby circumventing any potential misalignment [58]. In complex projects, it is imperative for teams to effectively communicate updates, progress, and potential issues pertaining to their respective components. The occurrence of delays or miscommunication in the dissemination of information can impede the integration process, ultimately resulting in misunderstandings or conflicts [59, 60]. The establishment of effective communication channels, such as scheduled meetings or digital collaboration platforms, can greatly facilitate the timely and transparent exchange of information.

Nevertheless, in the case of a complex project, different Scrum teams may run different sprint cycles or have divergent development timelines. The integration of their products can pose certain challenges. The occurrence of misalignment in timelines can potentially result in undesirable delays or compel teams to operate on incomplete components, thereby adversely affecting the overall integration process [61]. One potential solution to address these challenges and facilitate a seamless integration process is to coordinate and synchronize sprint cycles or to establish clear dependencies and sequencing of work between teams. By doing so, teams can work together more effectively and efficiently, ultimately leading to a more successful outcome. In addition, it is important to note that as the development process advances, modifications made to a particular component may potentially trigger a series of consequential impacts on other components that rely on it. The task of coordinating and managing changes and dependencies can prove to be quite challenging, particularly when multiple Scrum teams are involved [62]. Well-defined change management procedures, efficient communication channels, and a cooperative strategy for handling interdependencies can significantly reduce risks and guarantee a smooth integration of modifications into the overall product [63, 64].

In summary, it is imperative to acknowledge that the seamless integration of products from diverse Scrum teams necessitates efficient knowledge dissemination and collaboration. Each team possesses a wealth of valuable insights and expertise that are directly related to their respective components. Nonetheless, the inadequate dissemination and use of this valuable knowledge has the potential to impede the straightforward assimilation process. Facilitating cross-team collaboration, promoting knowledge transfer sessions, and fostering a culture of open communication can effectively encourage the exchange of ideas, insights, and best practices. This way of working, in turn, can significantly enhance the integration of different products. As we will see in the next section, it is imperative to acknowledge that in the context of physical product development, the DT can take the form of an indispensable tool for facilitating seamless and effective knowledge transfer among teams.


4. Agile project management and digital twin: a powerful combination for complex projects

As evidenced in the preceding section, the integration of products that various Scrum teams have developed can present certain challenges, particularly regarding interfaces and the communication of information. To achieve successful integration, it is essential to address interface compatibility, ensure clear and comprehensive interface specifications, facilitate timely information exchange, synchronize development timelines, promote knowledge sharing and collaboration, manage changes and dependencies, and implement continuous integration and testing practices of the product increments [65]. These factors play a critical role in ensuring that the integration process runs smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize these aspects and allocate adequate resources toward their implementation.

The solution proposed by this chapter is the integration of DT into an APM framework, such as Scrum. This integration is illustrated in Figure 2. The benefits of employing a DT in the complex levels of APM for the development of physical products are manifold. We will expound upon these advantages in the ensuing section. By using this technology throughout the project, one can take a proactive approach toward addressing the challenges that might arise in complex projects despite the proper use of an agile approach.

Figure 2.

Scrum framework using DT for complex physical product development.

4.1 Digital twin: a solution for managing complexity in agile project management of physical products

In the realm of complex physical product development projects, DT technology assumes an essential position, particularly when multiple teams are engaged in the development of diverse subsystems [66]. In complex projects, teams are often frequently geographically dispersed [67]. Consequently, the collaboration process, as well as the combination of the evolution of their subproducts and the results of testing from prototyping, can become even more challenging. However, it is worth noting that the integration process can be significantly streamlined through the use of DT technology. By leveraging the virtual representation of the physical product or subsystem, teams can effectively collaborate and exchange information regarding the project’s evolution. This approach enables seamless teamwork and promotes efficient communication among team members [11].

The use of DT technology in APM enables each team to develop its specific subproduct independently, with a concentrated emphasis on its designated areas of expertise. The premise at hand is that the DT functions as a shared point of reference, facilitating cooperation and integration among the teams in question [68]. DT technology offers a collaborative platform that enables teams to visualize, analyze, and interact effectively with their respective subproducts. The use of DT technology fosters a sense of alignment and facilitates the integration process, which is a significant source of risk in complex projects. This way of working is shown schematically in Figure 3. The implementation of DT technology will enable teams to integrate their subproducts seamlessly in a virtual environment, facilitating the analysis of multiple interfaces and the refinement of their product backlogs.

Figure 3.

Several agile teams exchanging information and refining their respective product via DT.

By means of the integration that DT technology facilitates, agile teams are able to gain a comprehensive view of the entire scenario, even when they are geographically dispersed across different regions of the globe. Every team has the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the DT by providing its respective subproduct, thereby ensuring that all components are seamlessly integrated. Virtual integration eliminates the necessity for physical conveyance of prototypes, diminishes temporal delays, and facilitates instantaneous collaboration [11]. The integration of collaboration tools and communication channels within the DT platform serves to strengthen teamwork among geographically dispersed teams. Team members are able to engage in effective communication, exchange valuable feedback, and arrive at mutually beneficial decisions through the employment of the virtual platform.

DT technology facilitates the remote monitoring and control of physical entities, even in geographically dispersed locations, particularly in complex projects. Project teams have the ability to conduct remote assessments of performance, detect any anomalies that may arise, and take the appropriate actions as needed. The implementation of remote monitoring and control systems has proven to be a highly effective means of enhancing operational efficiency, minimizing the necessity for physical presence, and facilitating prompt responses to any arising issues [69]. Furthermore, DT technology offers advantages that transcend the development phase because it continues to provide value throughout the entire product lifecycle.

In essence, the use of DT technology within the context of complex APM of physical products yields significant benefits to project coordination. The project’s success is achieved through the facilitation of iterative design and testing processes as well as the rapid synchronization of teams involved in module prototyping and simulations. Through the development of virtual prototypes of tangible entities and the subsequent exploration of diverse design alternatives in a virtual environment, the necessity for physical prototypes is significantly diminished. The development team has the opportunity to use integrated real-time data from a multitude of sources, including but not limited to sensors, IoT devices, and monitoring systems [70]. The capability to share data guarantees that additional stakeholders, including clients, are granted access to the latest and most accurate information. In complex projects, the exchange of real-time data diminishes the possibility of operating with obsolete or contradictory information, thereby augmenting project efficacy and agility. Henceforth, DT not only serves as a resolution to the numerous specific obstacles encountered during the development of physical products, but it also has the potential to further improve APM across various knowledge domains of project management.

To summarize, the implementation of a DT in an agile project that involves numerous geographically dispersed teams collaborating on a complex new product yields several benefits. The provision of a shared reference point for all stakeholders facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing. The DT’s capacity for real-time functionality facilitates expeditious decision-making and adaptability. The use of virtual testing and experimentation has proven to be a highly effective means of reducing costs and expediting the development process. Furthermore, the implementation of DT technology elevates the general quality and robustness of the product, resulting in heightened levels of customer satisfaction.

4.2 Enhancing agile project performance with digital twin technology

As we have demonstrated, APM offers a comprehensive framework for effectively tackling the intricacies of complex projects. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the DT constitutes a virtual platform that enables teams to combine their efforts, gain a comprehensive visualization of the entire system, and conduct integration testing in a virtual environment. The integration of DT technology with complex physical product projects can yield numerous benefits for project management. For instance, by using virtual representations, stakeholders can be more effectively engaged, project scope can be managed with greater efficiency, product quality can be ensured, costs can be optimized, delays can be minimized, and technical risks can be mitigated.

The concept of DT presents a remarkable opportunity for collaborative efforts in project management. This innovative solution proves particularly advantageous in the development of complex physical products, especially when dealing with teams that are geographically dispersed. By facilitating the integration of subproducts, DT technology enables seamless collaboration among team members, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the project. This particular feature enables the product owner, in particular, to examine and deliberate upon the entity from various angles, thereby enhancing lucidity and minimizing ambiguity in conversations with customers.

DT technology offers a virtual replica of complex products, allowing stakeholders to seamlessly engage with and visualize the product in a realistic and intuitive manner [71]. This visualization serves as a valuable tool for stakeholders because it enables them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the product’s behavior, capabilities, and potential challenges. This, in turn, facilitates informed decision-making, which is crucial for the success of the project. Stakeholders are encouraged to engage actively in the development process by providing constructive feedback, offering insightful suggestions for improvement, and ensuring that their unique requirements and expectations are effectively addressed. Such active participation is highly valued by most stakeholders and can significantly enhance the overall quality of the development process. The use of DT technology promotes cooperation and cultivates a shared sense of responsibility among stakeholders, ultimately leading to enhanced project results and heightened stakeholder satisfaction.

The optimization of product design is a crucial objective in the development of complex products. In this regard, DT presents a potent platform that can be leveraged to attain this goal. Using the virtual environment, teams have the opportunity to examine various design iterations thoroughly, evaluate their efficacy, and ultimately make informed design decisions based on data-driven insights [72]. The capacity to iterate expeditiously within the digital realm enables the attainment of more efficient and effective design optimization, culminating in products that surpass or meet customers’ expectations.

The implementation of DT technology offers a valuable opportunity for teams to examine various design alternatives thoroughly. This process allows for the identification of the optimal design configuration that effectively balances performance, cost, and other critical factors. The use of DT technology in the optimization of product design serves to augment the overall competitiveness and marketability of the end product [73]. Furthermore, the use of DT technology empowers teams to validate the functionality of a product, optimize its performance, and ensure that it meets the desired quality standards.

In the same token, in the realm of product design, quality assurance is an indispensable element of complex product development projects. In this regard, DT technology plays an essential part in guaranteeing the quality of the product. DT technology facilitates a virtual environment that allows for comprehensive testing, simulations, and performance evaluations [11]. This innovative approach empowers teams to monitor the behavior and performance of the product closely, thereby enhancing the overall quality of the result of the project. The use of DT in APM facilitates the prompt identification and rectification of any design deficiencies, inadequacies, or operational hindrances.

It is also important to note that in the realm of project management, it is frequently the case that the overall success of a given endeavor is contingent upon the expeditiousness with which it is brought to fruition [74]. The ramifications of project timeline delays can be quite substantial, particularly in the realm of complex product development. However, DT technology can be instrumental in mitigating such delays by enabling teams to swiftly execute iterations, simulations, and scenario planning [11, 75]. By simulating various scenarios and evaluating their effects on project timelines, teams can effectively identify and address potential delays in the development process.

In addition, it is worth noting that APM’s collaborative and transparent approach, when coupled with the remarkable abilities of DT technology, promotes seamless communication and alignment among all team members and stakeholders, which helps mitigate any potential delays that may arise as a result of miscommunication or misalignment. In the case of complex product development, effective cost control is an essential component that transcends only timely completion. In this regard, DT technology presents a host of significant benefits. The use of DT’s virtual environment empowers teams to effectively optimize resource allocation and efficiently identify opportunities for cost-saving measures. Through the process of simulating diverse scenarios, teams are able to evaluate the effects of multiple factors on costs, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions that optimize resource use. The use of DT technology also enables effective collaboration and communication among teams that are geographically separated, thereby diminishing the necessity for physical presence and the accompanying travel expenses [11, 73]. Another important benefit of the use of DT in APM is that the capacity to identify and rectify design deficiencies or performance inadequacies in the initial stages of the development process serves to mitigate the expenses associated with extensive rework or redesign.

It is imperative to remember that complex product development naturally entails technical risks [76, 77]. However, the use of DT technology also effectively alleviates these risks. The DT platform offers a virtual environment that enables teams to create models and simulate complex technical systems. This allows for the identification of potential issues, evaluation of various design alternatives, and informed decision-making to mitigate risks. The implementation of a proactive risk management approach can effectively decrease the probability of encountering technical setbacks, rework, or failures, thereby augmenting the project’s overall triumph. When managing complex projects, DT with APM entails more than just basic risk management. In fact, it incorporates learning and knowledge management into the mix. As teams engage with DTs, they acquire valuable insights and knowledge regarding the product and its behavior. The insights are subsequently shared among the organization’s members via DT. This process of knowledge transfer not only facilitates the dissemination of valuable information but also nurtures a culture of perpetual learning within the organization [78, 79].

The knowledge and insights gained from past projects can be effectively used in upcoming projects, resulting in enhanced levels of efficiency and efficacy. The use of DT as a knowledge repository enables teams to conveniently access and capitalize on prior experiences, thereby mitigating the possibility of reiterating errors and fostering the adoption of optimal methodologies. The implementation of DT technology enables organizations to bolster their capabilities and expertise through the facilitation of learning and knowledge management, which leads to improved project outcomes and heightened competitiveness in the market.

In summary, the mutually beneficial connection between APM methodologies applied to complex product development and the use of DT technology presents significant advantages for businesses. APM is a highly adaptable and iterative approach that enables swift responsiveness to evolving customer requirements and market dynamics. DT technology offers a virtual depiction of the tangible product, facilitating continuous monitoring, experimentation, and evaluation during the entire duration of the product’s existence. The amalgamation of these two fundamental concepts engenders a robust framework that enables the optimization of product development while concurrently augmenting customer satisfaction. Through the use of DT technology in APM, companies can elevate project results, produce superior products, streamline expenses, diminish delays, alleviate technical risks, foster knowledge acquisition, and stimulate innovation in complex product development initiatives.


5. Conclusion

The implementation of APM methodologies for the development of new physical products necessitates tailored adaptations to effectively tackle the unique challenges inherent in this particular domain. To attain success, it is imperative to tailor the product backlog, cultivate cross-functional collaboration, and underscore the significance of prototyping. By integrating prototypes at various phases of the development cycle, teams can authenticate designs, amass feedback, and progressively enhance the tangible product to fulfill user demands and market standards. The use of prototyping as a tool is highly valuable in the realm of product development. It serves to mitigate risks, reduce uncertainty, and effectively deliver innovative physical products that cater to the needs of the customer. The emergence of the DT concept has proven to be a revolutionary approach in bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. A DT refers to a computer-generated model that replicates or represents a physical object, process, or system in a virtual environment. The concept in question encompasses not only the tangible characteristics but also the behavior and conduct exhibited by what it denotes. Through the integration of real-time data, simulation, and analytics, DT technology offers a holistic comprehension and visualization of the physical entity in question. The integration of DT technology within the framework of APM presents a multitude of noteworthy benefits and prospects. The agile methodology for project management flourishes through the sustained cooperation and intimate engagement of cross-functional teams via DT.

The implementation of DT technology serves to enhance collaboration among diverse teams with varying areas of expertise in a given project. Through the integration of physical prototypes with their digital counterparts, designers are able to monitor and analyze performance metrics effectively, detect anomalies, and optimize the design based on real-world data. The DT functions as a universal point of reference for all parties involved, promoting cooperation and guaranteeing that all individuals possess a mutual comprehension of the product’s prerequisites and specifications. The ongoing exchange of feedback between the physical prototype and its DT serves as an iterative process that propels perpetual enhancement and ingenuity. By using a common digital representation, professionals such as designers, engineers, and stakeholders can effectively collaborate from remote locations. This collaboration is made possible through the use of real-time data and simulations, which allow for seamless communication and exchange of ideas. The implementation of this approach facilitates efficient and seamless communication, swift feedback loops, and enhanced decision-making capabilities, even in situations where team members are geographically dispersed. The capability to tackle concerns promptly in the digital domain facilitates the streamlining of the design and development process, thereby diminishing the time and expenses linked with interface integration in complex projects, in contrast to instances where solely conventional physical prototyping is employed.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the implementation of a DT has a significant impact on the product’s general quality and dependability. By using the DT at every stage of the development process, teams can effectively and proactively anticipate and rectify any potential design flaws or performance bottlenecks. The capacity to conduct virtual testing and optimization of a product empowers teams to fine-tune and augment its functionality, thereby guaranteeing that it satisfies the intended specifications and requisites. Ultimately, this leads to the production of a superior product that is more closely attuned to customers’ expectations. The incorporation of a DT into APM enables agile teams to gain insight into a variety of design alternatives, conduct material experiments, evaluate performance characteristics, and verify functionalities remotely through the DT.

To summarize, the harmonious collaboration between APM and the use of DT technology presents a multitude of benefits for enterprises engaged in the development of complex products. The amalgamation of agile principles with DT capabilities facilitates a collaborative environment, real-time monitoring, virtual testing, and customer engagement. The implementation of this approach amplifies the flexibility, swiftness, and excellence of the product development process, culminating in the creation of products that are more adept at satisfying customers’ requirements and providing substantial worth. To conclude, the incorporation of DT technology into APM presents a revolutionary approach to tackling issues related to communication and information. Through the adoption of this collaborative approach, enterprises can maintain their competitiveness in a swiftly evolving marketplace and simultaneously propel innovation and elevate customer satisfaction to unprecedented levels.


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Written By

Alencar Bravo and Darli Vieira

Submitted: 20 June 2023 Reviewed: 10 July 2023 Published: 12 October 2023