Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Integrated Pest Management Implementation of the Cocoa Pod Borer in Indonesia

Written By

Araz Meilin, Nurmili Yuliani, Nurhayati, Hermawati Cahyaningrum, Rein E. Senewe, Saidah, Herlina N. Salamba, Delima Napitupulu, Ismon Lenin, Risma Fira Suneth, Nur Imdah Minsyah, Handoko, Suparwoto, Endrizal, Busyra B. Saidi, Jumakir, Waluyo, Yardha, Muh. Asaad, Syafri Edi, Yustisia, Sigid Handoko, Nila Wardani and Julistia Bobihoe

Submitted: 08 May 2023 Reviewed: 28 June 2023 Published: 02 August 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112380

From the Edited Volume

Shifting Frontiers of Theobroma Cacao - Opportunities and Challenges for Production

Edited by Samuel Ohikhena Agele and Olufemi Samuel Ibiremo

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Indonesia is among the largest cocoa producers in the world and it makes an important contribution to the nation’s economy. In Indonesia, the cocoa pod borer (CPB) outbreaks have caused a decline in cocoa yield and quality, impacting the livelihoods of cocoa farmers. Application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is promoted by the Indonesian government, in collaboration with various organizations. IPM is an approach that focuses on using a combination of biological, cultural, and chemical control methods to manage pests and reduce their impact on crops. The adoption of IPM practices in cocoa farming has shown promising results in Indonesia. Farmers have reported improved yields and quality of cocoa beans, reduced pesticide use, and improved environmental sustainability. In addition, the application of IPM has equipped farmers with knowledge and skills that can help them overcome other challenges in cocoa farming, such as a healthy environment.


  • cocoa pod borer
  • Conopomorpha cramerella
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • cocoa
  • Indonesia

1. Introduction

Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities that support economic activities and earners of foreign exchange in Indonesia, in addition to oil and gas. In 2021, cocoa plantations in Indonesia cultivated by smallholder plantations are estimated at 1.45 million hectares (99.39%), while large private plantations cultivate 8.21 thousand hectares (0.56%) and large state plantations only cultivate 0.67 thousand hectares (0.05%). The area of cocoa plantations in Indonesia before 2021 over the last four years tends to show a decline, decreasing by around 2.55–3.33% per year. This decrease in planting area also has an impact on decreasing cocoa production [1]. Furthermore, the decline in cocoa production in Indonesia in recent years has been attributed to factors such as minimal garden maintenance, lack of technological application, and pest damage, especially the cocoa pod borer (CPB) caused by Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen [2].

CPB is a pest of cocoa in Indonesia for more than three decades since it was discovered in 1980 [3]. CPB infestation has been a persistent problem in Indonesian cocoa for over three decades, causing significant yield losses and economic impact for cocoa farmers. CPB infestation in Indonesian cocoa was confirmed in 1997 by Matlick [4], and the industry estimates that infestation in Sulawesi adversely affects up to 80% of cocoa farms [5]. If infestation occurs when the cocoa pod is ripe, near harvest, most of the beans in the pod remain unaffected. However, if infestation occurs when the pod is immature, its entire contents can be lost. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to detect the presence or severity of infestation. Poor harvests are experienced in Southeast Sulawesi where cocoa plantations tend to produce low-quality cocoa beans and their productivity is less than 650 kg ha−1 due to an inadequate cultivation system and attack by the cocoa pod borer (CPB) [6, 7]. In the Lima Puluh Kota regency of West Sumatera Province, the CPB was identified as the primary insect pest infesting cocoa pods. The percentage of cocoa plants affected by CPB was recorded at 21.18%, while the percentage of cocoa pods attacked by CPB was found to be 10.82%. The intensity of the attack by CPB was measured at 8.52% [8]. The attack of the cocoa pod borer (CPB) is a significant threat to annual cocoa production, causing yield losses ranging from 18.25% to 73.04%, as reported by [9, 10, 11]. Control measures such as good technical cultural practices during cocoa plantation management can help control CPB pests, as suggested by Silalahi [9]. In addition, Agung and Shahabuddin [12] found that polyculture was effective in reducing the percentage of cocoa beans damaged by CPB in Palopo District’s Rahmat Village, while Mulyani and Iswahyudi [13] reported that farms treated with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) had lower CPB attack intensity in Aceh Tamiang District, Aceh Province. At the location of the efficacy study conducted in the cocoa plantations of the people of Central Maluku Regency, it was found that pest CPB attacks reached 80.7% [14].

The damage caused by the cocoa pod borer can result in significant yield losses and economic impact on cocoa farmers. Therefore, it is important to implement effective pest management strategies to control and prevent infestations by this pest. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices, such as the use of biological control agents and the implementation of cultural practices, can help to reduce the impact of CPB on cocoa production. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) emerged in Indonesia in the late 1980s in response to the environmental and social impacts of the Green Revolution. As a result, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Indonesian Government developed a cooperative program centered on Farmer Field Schools [15]. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices, such as the use of biological control agents and the implementation of cultural practices, have been effective in reducing the impact of CPB on cocoa production. Global market demand for cocoa will require higher standards of sustainability and other requirements of global environmental governance. Efforts made by the Indonesian government to increase cocoa production began in 2009 in Sulawesi to increase the competitiveness of the cocoa industry in the future with global market standards, through developing cocoa seeds tissue culture, increasing farmer capacity, and improving the quality of cocoa beans [16]. This chapter is a review that aims to present the implementation of IPM that has been carried out to control CPB in Indonesia and the role of other organizations as well as farmers’ perceptions in the implementation of IPM in Indonesia. As the demand for cocoa is expected to increase in the coming years, it is essential to implement effective pest management strategies that are environmentally friendly and safe for farmers.


2. IPM implementation to CPB in Indonesia

2.1 Farmer Field School-IPM

The Farmer Field School-IPM (FFS-IPM) is one of the programs initiated by the Indonesian government to assist farmers in controlling pests in cocoa plants. This program is part of the Indonesian government’s efforts to reduce the use of chemical pesticides that are harmful to human health and the environment.

Farmer Field Schools (FFS) were originally designed to improve the expertise and knowledge of farmers in various farming techniques (good cultivation techniques, the use of biological control agents, and the application of mechanical pest control), including the proper handling of pesticides (education to farmers on the dangers of using chemical pesticides and teaches them how to reduce their dependence on these pesticides). However, over time, the focus of the program shifted towards community organization, community planning, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM), leading to the development of Community IPM (CIPM). The principles of FFS have since been extended beyond rice to other crops, from IPM to plant breeding, and from technical domains to broader engagement with policy issues, advocacy, and local governance [15]. The Field School for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was chosen as one of the methods to increase the knowledge and abilities of cocoa farmers in understanding cocoa pests.

The FFS-IPM aims to introduce IPM to a wider audience beyond the local level. This activity provides an opportunity for individual farmers or farming groups to develop their knowledge and skills through a 16-meeting training process at a location determined by the cocoa FFS-IPM participants. The cocoa FFS-IPM group participants will learn to analyze agroecosystems in their land and collaborate in creating plans to combat cocoa plant pests and disease infestations [17].

In the context of pest control in cocoa plants, FFS-IPM plays an important role in helping farmers increase their productivity and the quality of their harvest. By implementing Integrated Pest Management techniques, farmers can reduce losses caused by CPB, which can cause a decrease in cocoa production and quality. In the long term, FFS-IPM is expected to help reduce the use of chemical pesticides in the Indonesian agricultural sector and improve the welfare of farmers. This program can also help preserve the environment and strengthen sustainable agricultural systems in Indonesia.

2.2 The techniques of IPM implementation in Indonesia

The implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology for controlling cocoa pod borer (CPB) in Indonesia involves several activities.

The training and education of farmers on the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which emphasizes the use of multiple methods to control pests, including cultural, biological, and chemical controls, is an active step taken. Farmers are actively being trained on the identification of cocoa pod borer (CPB) and the damage it causes to cocoa pods to determine the appropriate control measures to be applied. To monitor the population of CPB and prevent their spreading, farmers are being actively taught how to use pheromone traps. Pheromone traps are actively being used as devices that use synthetic sex pheromones to attract male CPB. By monitoring the number of trapped CPB, farmers can actively determine the severity of the infestation and the need for further control measures.

Cultural control methods, such as good agricultural practices (GAP), pruning, and sanitation, including removing infected pods plant parts, and debris from the field to prevent the pest’s spread and minimize its habitat, are actively being implemented by farmers. GAP, which includes maintaining proper plant spacing, appropriate fertilizer application, and soil management, is actively being utilized to further reduce the population of CPB. Farmers are actively being instructed to intercrop with legumes such as soybeans or peanuts to improve soil fertility and reduce the incidence of CPB.

The farmers can use biological control agents, such as parasitic wasps, for controlling CPB. The natural enemies attack and kill the CPB larvae, thereby reducing their population in the field. Farmers are encouraged to release natural enemies, including parasitoids and predators, to use biological control methods. Parasitoids can be introduced to attack the CPB eggs and larvae, while predators like ants and spiders can help to control the adult CPB population. Farmers are also taught to use Trichogramma wasps to parasitize CPB eggs, leading to a reduction in the pest’s population.

The use of pesticides is only recommended when other control measures have failed or when CPB populations exceed economic thresholds. Farmers are educated on the importance of following label instructions, wearing protective clothing, and using the correct application rates to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure and environmental damage. if the pest population is still high, farmers can apply chemical control measures as a last resort. However, the use of pesticides should be reduced to a minimum, and farmers should always follow the recommended dosage and safety procedures. Farmers have been trained on the proper use and handling of pesticides to minimize environmental contamination and the risk to human health.

The use of pesticides is only recommended when other control measures have failed or when CPB populations exceed economic thresholds. Farmers are educated on the importance of reducing the risk of pesticide exposure and environmental damage by following label instructions, wearing protective clothing, and using the correct application rates. If the pest population is still high, farmers can use chemical control measures as a last resort, but they are advised to reduce the use of pesticides to a minimum and always follow the recommended dosage and safety procedures, so to minimize environmental contamination and the risk to human health.

According to recent research conducted in East Aceh Regency, Indonesia, farms that have implemented Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices have shown significantly lower levels of infestation by the cocoa pod borer (CPB) pests, as compared to farms that did not use any treatment [18]. In fact, the percentage and intensity of CPB attacks were found to be the lowest in farms that had implemented IPM practices. On the other hand, untreated farms showed the highest levels of infestation by CPB pests [13]. The use of IPM practices, along with cocoa pruning techniques and the use of black ants (Dolichoderus thoracicus) as natural enemies, can significantly reduce the incidence of CPB attacks in cocoa farms [18].

2.2.1 Monitoring and sex feromon

Monitoring the population of CPBs is also important in CPB control in Indonesia. Population monitoring can be done by installing pheromone traps in cocoa fields, especially in areas that have been infected with CPBs. When male CPBs smell the sex pheromones, they will be trapped in the trap. This can help farmers to monitor CPB density regularly, reduce the level of damage to cocoa pods and assess the efficacy of their control measures. Farmers need to monitor their cocoa trees regularly to detect CPB infestations early. They should also be able to identify the signs of CPB infestation, such as entry holes, frass, and damaged pods.

Pheromone traps are designed to attract and capture male CPB moths, thereby reducing the number of male moths available for mating and ultimately reducing the population of CPB. The pheromone traps contain synthetic chemicals that mimic the sex pheromones of female CPB, which attract male moths to the trap. This method can be effective in reducing CPB populations, but it must be used in conjunction with other control methods to achieve optimal results. The use of sex pheromones can be part of the strategy for controlling cocoa pod borer (CPB) in Indonesia. In CPB control, synthetic sex pheromones can be used to lure male CPBs into traps, thereby reducing the population of CPBs and reducing damage to cocoa pods. The use of sex pheromones to attract CPB at a density of 4 traps/ha can reduce yield losses by 67.7%. Use of sex pheromones for monitoring or mass trapping of CPB, as a component in IPM of CPB is promising, due to its nature for specific targets, environmentally friendly, effective, and economic values [19].

In using sex pheromones for CPB control, it is important to monitor the traps regularly and replace the pheromones every few weeks. This is important to ensure that the traps remain effective and do not attract other insects that are not related to CPBs. By combining monitoring techniques and the use of sex pheromones, farmers can optimize CPB control in their cocoa fields and reduce the economic losses caused by CPB infestations. Using sex pheromones obtained a total catch of insects in all blocks was 282 heads, the CPB attack category ranged from 4.38 to 16.398 with an attack intensity of 69% before application. After the application of sex pheromones, the average intensity of attacks dropped to 0.08% [20]. The pheromone trap was more useful for monitoring tools rather than for controlling CPB infestation [21]. Pheromone traps with a height of 1 m are the most effective CPB traps with a catch of 85 heads and the average population of trapped imago is 10.63 heads/month [22].

2.2.2 Cacao resistant clones to CPB infestation in Indonesia

It is important to develop cocoa varieties that are resistant to cocoa pod borer (CPB) in order to increase cocoa production in Indonesia. Several research studies have been conducted in Indonesia to produce cocoa varieties that are resistant to CPB. Some cocoa varieties are resistant or moderately resistant to CPB and have been successfully developed in Indonesia. Some come from breeding results and some come from local clones. ICCRI 07 and ICCRI 03 are clon cacao breeding results by Puslitkoka. Other clones come from Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi 02, MCC 01, MCC 02), South East Sulawesi (PT Ladongi, ARDACIAR 24, ARDACIAR 25, ARDACIAR 26), South Sulawesi (ARDACIAR 10), and North Sumatra (PABA/I/Pbrk, PABA/V/81 L/2, PABA/VIII/78B/3, PABA/VIII/78F/2, PABA/V/81 L/1, PABA/VIII/78B/1 (Table 1).

NoClone nameOriginResponse to CPB infestationReference
1ICCRI 07Breeding by Puslitkoka 514Resistant[23]
2ICCRI 03Breeding by PuslitkokaModerate resistant[24]
3Sulawesi 02Central SulawesiResistant[25, 26]
4Sulawesi 03Resistant[23]
5MCC 01Central SulawesiModerate resistant[23]
6MCC 02Central SulawesiResistant[23, 27]
7AP 70Moderate resistant[25]
8PT LadongiSouth East SulawesiResistant[26]
9ARDACIAR 10South SulawesiResistant[28, 29, 30]
10ARDACIAR 26South East SulawesiModerate resistant[24]
11ARDACIAR 24South East SulawesiResistant[30]
12ARDACIAR 25South East SulawesiResistant[30]
13PABA/I/PbrkNorth SumatraModerate resistant[13]
14PABA/V/81 L/2North SumatraModerate resistant[30]
15PABA/VIII/78B/3North SumatraModerate resistant[30]
16PABA/VIII/78F/2North SumatraModerate resistant[30]
17PABA/V/81 L/1North SumatraResistant[23, 30]
18PABA/VIII/78B/1North SumatraResistant[30]

Table 1.

Cocoa clones of resistant or moderate resistant to CPB in Indonesia.

Furthermore, several universities in Indonesia such as Jember University, Lampung University, and Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) have also conducted research to develop CPB-resistant varieties. Breeding for CPB resistance on cocoa in Indonesia was initiated by selecting resistant clones of the collected genotypes [31]. The process of selecting CPB-resistant genotypes takes time as the resistance has to be confirmed during several periods of harvest time to make sure the resistant expression would not be escaped the mechanism [24]. The collection performed their various resistance which were classified into five groups of resistance namely resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, susceptible, and highly susceptible to indicate the variability of CPB resistance [31]. Furthermore, breeding for CPB resistance will be designed by inter-crossing between selected-parental clones which perform differences in CPB resistance, yield potency, and genetic background [31].

Efforts have been made to explore the resistance of cocoa genotypes against CPB in various endemic areas in Indonesia, resulting in several promising resistant clones that have been used for breeding purposes [28]. The resistance of clones to CPB is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Using local resistant clones can effectively control CPB, promote efficiency and eco-friendliness, and improve productivity [27]. The selection of local resistant genotypes is an important strategy to control pests and diseases, enabling farmers to choose resistant clones without compromising productivity. Resistant clones that survive pest and disease outbreaks are selected, tested, and used to replace cocoa trees that have succumbed to the diseases [26, 32].

Understanding the resistance characteristics of cocoa pod borer (CPB) is crucial to identify selection criteria for choosing CPB-resistant clones. Different cocoa clones exhibit diverse responses to CPB attacks, indicating the complexity of the resistance mechanism [28, 29]. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of cocoa pods are important selection criteria for CPB resistance, such as fruit shape, skin thickness, and the presence of proteinase inhibitors [30]. However, factors other than pod hardness might be involved in resistance as suggested by the positive correlation of CPB incidence in ripe and immature pods, and the lower CPB incidence observed in some clones could be explained by pest non-preference. Several local selections, such as Aryadi 2 and Darwis 2, showed partial resistance to CPB, and two resistant clones, PT. Ladongi and Sulawesi 2, were identified with light levels of attack on beans [2632]. Selecting and planting resistant clones can effectively control CPB while maintaining optimal productivity.

However, the development of CPB-resistant varieties needs to be sustained. There are several challenges that need to be overcome in the development of CPB-resistant varieties, such as the sustainability and stability of resistance traits in the developed varieties. Therefore, research and development of CPB-resistant varieties need to continue in Indonesia to improve the quality and sustainability of cocoa production.

2.2.3 Cultural and mechanic control to CPB in Indonesia

There are several cultural methods that can be used to control cocoa pod borer (CPB) in Indonesia. Sanitation

This method involves removing infected cocoa pods and debris from the field to eliminate the habitat of the CPB and reduce its spread. This is an important cultural control method for CPB management, as the pest can overwinter in fallen cocoa pods and debris. Farmers should remove and destroy any infected pods and plant parts as soon as they are observed. Good sanitation practices, such as removing fallen leaves and debris from the ground, can help to reduce the habitat of CPB and other pests. Fallen cocoa leaves and other plant debris can serve as a breeding ground for CPB, so removing them can help to prevent infestations. Intercropping

Intercropping cocoa trees with other crops, such as legumes, can help to improve soil fertility and reduce the occurrence of CPB infestation. CPB may have difficulty adapting to new host plants, which can help to reduce their population. Additionally, intercropping can provide alternative sources of income for farmers and help to diversify their crops. Crop rotation

Alternating cocoa crops with other crops can help to prevent the buildup of CPB populations in the soil, as the pest may have difficulty surviving in the absence of its preferred host. This method can be particularly effective when combined with other cultural control methods, such as sanitation and intercropping. Crop rotation can help to reduce the population of CPB by breaking the pest’s life cycle. By rotating cocoa with other crops, such as legumes or vegetables, farmers can disrupt the pest’s habitat and reduce the risk of infestation. Trimming and pruning

Trimming and pruning cocoa trees can help to reduce the population of CPB by removing their hiding places. The pests often hide in the branches and crevices of cocoa trees, making it difficult to detect and control them. Regular pruning can also help to promote healthy tree growth and increase cocoa production. Pruning can help to manage CPB populations by removing branches or twigs that are infested with CPB. Pruning can also help to promote healthy tree growth and improve light penetration, which can reduce the risk of infestation. Good agricultural practices (GAP)

Proper plant spacing, fertilization, and soil management can help to maintain healthy cocoa trees that are more resistant to CPB infestation. GAP includes maintaining proper plant spacing, appropriate fertilizer application, and soil management. Additionally, farmers should prune their cocoa trees to remove any infected or dead plant parts. The timing of fertilizer application can also play a role in CPB management. Overuse of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to the development of succulent growth on cocoa trees, which can attract CPB. By applying fertilizers at the right time and in the right amounts, farmers can promote healthy tree growth and reduce the risk of infestation. Use of physical barriers

Physical barriers, such as nylon netting, can be used to prevent adult CPB moths from laying eggs on cocoa pods. This method can be particularly effective in small-scale cocoa farms, where the use of chemical pesticides may not be feasible. Wrapping protecting cocoa fruit from pest attacks, has been commonly practiced on various types of fruit. The effectiveness of packing cocoa pods with plastic bags to prevent pest attacks has been proven. If the cocoa pods are fired continuously for 30 months, the yield of dry beans increases. How to pack cocoa pods with plastic bags as follows. Choose young fruit that will be barked, 8–10 cm long, about 70–100 days old). The plastic bag used measures 30 × 15 cm with a thickness of 0.02 mm and both ends are open. The plastic bag is sheathed over the fruit and the mouth of the plastic bag is tied with a rubber band to the fruit stalk, the fruit is left covered until harvest. This method can prevent the laying of CPB pest eggs [33].

Application of cooling to cocoa plants can reduce PBK attack, Promecotheca palmivora, and the incidence of pencil wilt, thus potentially increasing the productivity of cocoa plants. In this study, it can be proven that bio kaolin sprayed on test trees can cover the surface of the fruit well. The closure of this layer is a physical obstacle for PBK pest insects to perch, puncture, and lay eggs on the surface of the fruit. From these results, it can be concluded that spraying bio kaolin increases the number of fruits free from PBK (13.79%). In addition, spraying with bio-kaolin either every one week or every two weeks also produces more PBK-free fruit compared to cloaking [34].

2.2.4 Biological control

The cocoa pod borer (CPB) is a major pest of cocoa crops in Indonesia and can cause significant economic losses. Biological control is a method of managing pests using natural enemies such as predators, parasitoids, and pathogens. Here are some of the kinds of biological control that can be used to control cocoa pod borer in Indonesia. Parasitoids

Parasitoids are insects that lay their eggs inside the body of the host and eventually kill it. There are several species of parasitoids that attack the cocoa pod borer, including the parasitoid wasp, Trichogrammatoidea bactrae. This wasp is known to parasitize CPB eggs, which can reduce the population of the pest. Parasitoids are insects that are natural enemies of other insects, including pests like the cocoa pod Borer (CPB). They are a type of parasitic insect that lay their eggs inside the body of the host insect, and the parasitoid larvae develop inside the host, eventually killing it. Parasitoids are a type of biological control agent that can be used to manage pests like CPB in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. One of the advantages of using parasitoids for biological control is that they can be very effective at reducing pest populations. For example, studies have shown that parasitoid wasps like T. bactrae can parasitize up to 70–90% of CPB eggs in cocoa farms, leading to significant reductions in CPB populations. In addition, parasitoids are generally safe for the environment, as they do not leave behind any harmful residues or cause any collateral damage to non-target organisms.

However, there are some challenges associated with using parasitoids for biological control. One challenge is that parasitoids can be sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and pesticide use, which can affect their effectiveness. In addition, it can be difficult to ensure that the parasitoids are released at the right time and in the right quantities to have the desired impact on the pest population. Nonetheless, parasitoids are a promising option for controlling cocoa pod borer and other pests, and ongoing research is exploring ways to improve their efficacy and use in Integrated Pest Management programs. Predators

Predators are insects that feed on other insects. There are several predator species that feed on the cocoa pod borer, such as ants, spiders, and certain beetles. One example of a predator that has been successfully used to control CPB is the ground beetle, Lebia grandis. Predators are natural enemies of pests like the cocoa pod borer (CPB) and can help to keep their populations under control. Insects that are predators feed on other insects, and there are several predator species that have been found to feed on the cocoa pod borer, including ants, spiders, and beetles. One example of a predator that has been successfully used to control CPB is the ground beetle, Lebia grandis. Lebia grandis is a small, black ground beetle that is commonly found in cocoa farms. The beetle is known to feed on CPB eggs, larvae, and pupae, making it an effective natural enemy of the pest. Studies have shown that Lebia grandis can significantly reduce CPB populations in cocoa farms when introduced at the right time and in sufficient numbers. One study conducted in Indonesia found that introducing Lebia grandis into a cocoa farm led to a significant reduction in CPB populations. The study involved releasing adult beetles into the cocoa farm at a rate of 3–4 beetles per cocoa tree. The researchers found that the beetles were able to establish populations in the cocoa farm and significantly reduce the number of CPB larvae and pupae.

Another study conducted in Indonesia found that certain species of ants can also be effective predators of the cocoa pod borer. The study found that the ant species, Pheidole megacephala, and Oecophylla smaragdina, were able to significantly reduce CPB populations when released into a cocoa farm. The ants were able to find and feed on CPB eggs and larvae, which led to a reduction in the number of adult CPB on the farm. These studies demonstrate that predators like ground beetles and ants can be effective natural enemies of the cocoa pod borer and can help to keep their populations under control. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of predators can vary depending on the specific conditions in the cocoa farm and the surrounding environment. In addition, predators can be sensitive to environmental factors like temperature and humidity, which can affect their effectiveness. Nonetheless, predators are a promising option for controlling cocoa pod borer and other pests in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

According to Robika et al. [35] that by increasing the number and colonies of black ants (Dolichoderus thoracicus) has a very real effect on reducing the intensity of PBK attacks (Conopomorpha cramerella) by increasing the number of PBK larvae. The results showed that the application of black ants on PBK larvae with 35 predators for 20 larvae. Pathogens

Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease in the pest. One of the most effective biological control agents for CPB is a fungus called Beauveria bassiana. This fungus infects and kills the CPB larvae. B. bassiana is a type of entomopathogenic fungus, which means that it is a fungus that can infect and kill insects. The fungus works by infecting the CPB larvae through contact with its spores. Once the spores penetrate the larvae’s exoskeleton, the fungus grows inside the insect’s body, eventually causing it to die. Studies have shown that B. bassiana can be an effective biological control agent for CPB when used correctly. In Indonesia, several studies have been conducted on the use of B. bassiana for the biological control of CPB.

One study conducted in Sulawesi, Indonesia, evaluated the efficacy of B. bassiana in controlling CPB in a cocoa farm. The study involved spraying the fungus on the cocoa trees at a rate of 1.5 g/l of water. The researchers found that the application of B. bassiana led to a significant reduction in the number of CPB larvae and pupae on the farm. The fungus was able to infect and kill the larvae, which led to a decrease in the number of adult CPB on the farm.

Another study conducted in South Sumatra, Indonesia, evaluated the effectiveness of B. bassiana combined with other biological control agents in controlling CPB. The study involved combining the use of B. bassiana with Trichogramma wasps and the parasitoid wasp, Habrobracon hebetor. The researchers found that the combination of biological control agents was effective in reducing CPB populations in the cocoa farm.

A study conducted in North Maluku, Indonesia, evaluated Bio-K, biopesticides with the active ingredient of B. bassiana to control CPB. The results show that biopesticides treatment significantly reduced pod damage by CPB with a decrease in the average number of cocoas in the amount of 7.69% and light intensity on CPB attacks was less than 20% [36].

2.2.5 Chemical control

Cocoa pod borer (CPB) is a major pest of cocoa in Indonesia, causing significant economic losses for farmers. Chemical control is one of the most commonly used methods to control CPB infestations. Here are the types of chemical control used in Indonesia: Synthetic insecticides

Synthetic insecticides such as chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and fenpropathrin are commonly used to control CPB. These insecticides can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench. However, the repeated use of synthetic insecticides can lead to the development of resistance in CPB populations, which reduces their effectiveness over time. Synthetic insecticides such as chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and fenpropathrin are commonly used to control CPB. These insecticides can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench. However, the repeated use of synthetic insecticides can lead to the development of resistance in CPB populations, which reduces their effectiveness over time. Botanical insecticides

Botanical insecticides such as neem oil and pyrethrum are derived from plants and are considered safer alternatives to synthetic insecticides. These insecticides have lower toxicity to non-target organisms and can be effective against CPB when applied at the right concentration and timing.

Botanical insecticides such as neem oil and pyrethrum have gained popularity as safer alternatives to synthetic insecticides for controlling cocoa pod borer (CPB) in Indonesia. Here are some additional details about these botanical insecticides: Neem oil: Neem oil is derived from the neem tree, and it contains several compounds that have insecticidal properties. Neem oil works by disrupting the growth and development of insect pests, including CPB. It is considered safe for humans and the environment, and it has low toxicity to non-target organisms. Neem oil can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench, and it has been shown to be effective against CPB when applied at the right concentration and timing. Pyrethrum: Pyrethrum is derived from the flowers of certain species of chrysanthemum, and it contains compounds known as pyrethrins, which have insecticidal properties. Pyrethrum works by attacking the nervous system of insects, including CPB. It is considered safe for humans and the environment, and it has low toxicity to non-target organisms. Pyrethrum can be applied as a foliar spray or dust, and it has been shown to be effective against CPB when applied at the right concentration and timing.

It is important to note that while botanical insecticides are generally considered safer than synthetic insecticides, they can still have negative effects on non-target organisms if not used properly. Additionally, the effectiveness of botanical insecticides can vary depending on factors such as the concentration, timing, and application method. Therefore, it is important to use these insecticides in combination with other control methods as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to control CPB infestations. Biopesticides

Biopesticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), are naturally occurring bacteria that can be used to control CPB. These bacteria produce a toxin that is toxic to CPB larvae, but harmless to humans and other animals. Bt can be applied to cocoa trees and pods as a preventive measure or as a treatment after an infestation has been detected. Study in West Sumatra, Indonesia: A study conducted in West Sumatra, Indonesia, controlled cocoa pod borer using a vegetable insecticide made from soursop leaves. The application of soursop leaf extract (Anona muricata L.) is able to control the best cocoa pod driving pest (C. cramerella Snellen) at a concentration of 100 g l−1 water which reduces the percentage of infected fruit to 10% with the lowest fruit damage intensity of 12.48%. The diameter of the largest fruit produced reached 18.15 cm with the smallest larval population of 0.75 tails, and the maximum seed dry weight reached 150.75 g [37].


3. Other organizations supported implementation of IPM in Indonesia

Upon analyzing the given text, it can be seen that various organizations are working to support the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in cocoa plants in Indonesia. For instance, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded a project to develop a locally applicable, farmer-participatory methodology for selecting and testing promising cocoa genotypes on farms in Southeast Sulawesi. In this trial, cocoa selections were propagated clonally and evaluated for two years for pod value, quality, and resistance to pests and diseases [32]. This demonstrates the efforts made to improve the resistance of cocoa plants to pests and diseases, which is crucial for sustainable cocoa production.

In addition to the ACIAR project, various NGOs and government agencies are also providing guidance and support for the implementation of IPM practices. The NGO of SWISS Contact, NGO Keumang, the Plantation Department, and the Counseling Agency at each sub-district in East Aceh Regency are some examples of organizations that provide guidance for implementing IPM practices [18]. These agencies not only provide guidance but also carry out regular monitoring to ensure that the IPM practices are being implemented effectively.


4. Perception of IPM implementation by cocoa farmers

Two separate studies conducted in Indonesia revealed the positive impact of adopting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the SL-PHT program on cocoa farming. In Sukoharjo 1 Village, Sukoharjo district, Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, cocoa farmers showed a positive perception towards the SL-PHT program, and the program’s implementation led to an increase in cocoa plant productivity, income, and pest control [17]. The study also found a correlation between the farmers’ level of experience, knowledge, social interaction, and their perception of the program’s effectiveness. In the Ataku village, Andoolo Sub District, South Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, the implementation of IPM by cocoa farmers resulted in higher average income and greater production compared to those who did not adopt IPM. These studies suggest that IPM and the SL-PHT program can significantly improve cocoa farming outcomes, benefiting both the farmers and the industry as a whole.

The adoption of IPM practices among cocoa farmers can help to reduce the harmful effects of chemical pesticides on the environment and human health while promoting sustainable agriculture. Through the use of IPM techniques, farmers can improve crop yields and reduce the cost of pest management, which in turn can lead to increased incomes and improved livelihoods.


5. Conclusions

Cocoa pod borer (CPB) can cause significant damage to cocoa crops, resulting in economic losses for farmers. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices, such as biological control agents and cultural practices, can help reduce the impact of CPB on cocoa production. Preventive measures, including regular monitoring of cocoa pods, the use of resistant clones, and proper sanitation of farms, can also help. Implementing IPM practices can reduce the use of harmful chemical pesticides and promote sustainable agriculture. Organizations that support the implementation of IPM practices in Indonesia can help farmers improve their resistance to pests and reduce their reliance on pesticides. The adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, including IPM, can improve cocoa farming outcomes, and education and community engagement are essential for promoting their adoption and long-term sustainability. Research and development are needed to improve IPM strategies, including the development of new biological control agents and the optimization of cultural practices.


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Written By

Araz Meilin, Nurmili Yuliani, Nurhayati, Hermawati Cahyaningrum, Rein E. Senewe, Saidah, Herlina N. Salamba, Delima Napitupulu, Ismon Lenin, Risma Fira Suneth, Nur Imdah Minsyah, Handoko, Suparwoto, Endrizal, Busyra B. Saidi, Jumakir, Waluyo, Yardha, Muh. Asaad, Syafri Edi, Yustisia, Sigid Handoko, Nila Wardani and Julistia Bobihoe

Submitted: 08 May 2023 Reviewed: 28 June 2023 Published: 02 August 2023