Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Poultry Environment

Written By

George Agbele

Submitted: 23 December 2022 Reviewed: 25 January 2023 Published: 04 July 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110197

From the Edited Volume

Poultry Farming - New Perspectives and Applications

Edited by Guillermo Téllez-Isaías

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The title chapter focused on poultry environment “New perspective and Application”. Emphasis was on the need to create awareness on the nature of poultry environment interms of controllable forces (vision and mission, leadership style, feeding, feeding pattern, labour union, organisational structure, and value system) and uncontrollable forces (temperature and humidity, technological, cultural, natural, political and legal environment). The interaction between the poultry farming and its environment was equally considered and the study revealed that a symbiotic relationship exists between the variables in the sense that both benefits from each other. The chapter also anchored on the socio-economic contribution of poultry farming to the environment to includes meat and egg production, source of employment, source of income to the environment, tourist attraction, manure for Agricultural purposes etc. The last section of the chapter handled general adaptive\\control mechanism to poultry environment. The study concluded that environmental forces is a challenge to poultry farming industries and recommended that poultry farmers\\managers should be acquainted with environmental reports through scanning and analysis in order to enhance poultry farming sustainability.


  • poultry
  • environment
  • macro element
  • micro element
  • adaptive mechanism

1. Introduction

The business plans, strategies and processes of poultry industry remain a mirage if the environment is not favourable. The potentiality of an environment can never be utilised if organisation (Including poultry farm) fail to carryout environmental scanning and analysis. Poultry manager’s decision could be nice in terms of achieving organisational goals, but many great decision makers failed to critically examine the workability of the decisions considering the constraints imposed by immediate business environment. Environmental factors are fundamental issues as far as continuous existence of enterprises are concerned especially in poultry farming.

Emphasis on this chapter is on poultry environment. The nature of poultry environment in terms of controllable and uncontrollable forces determines the extent the farm can go. No farm operates in isolation. Environmental factors are the sum of all the factors outside the control of management of company, the factors which are constantly changing and they carry with them both opportunities and risk or uncertainties which can make or mar the future of business firm [1]. A number of environmental factor appear to influence the operation of poultry farms. Some of these forces could be macro-element (uncontrollable), while others could be micro element (controllable). As with many situations, management must assess the change in the environment in relation to the nature of the firm to determine whether the change is permanent or merely a short-term phenomenon, and the speed and extent of the change – that is, it likely to affect a large section of the firm? [1].

The issue of poultry environment is addressed majorly from two dimensions (external and internal dimensions), and how these challenges can be treated and probably the adaptive/control mechanisms to these environmental challenges to poultry farming in order to enhance effective poultry management and sustainability.


2. Dimensions of poultry environment

  1. External factors (macro elements)

  2. Internal factors (micro element)

  1. External factors: They are macro elements that is beyond the control of poultry managers. In other words they are uncontrollable variables.

Temperature and humidity: Environmental temperature and ventilation affect the performance of poultry farmers over the years and is only when the industry is current with the change in the environment that the effects can be averted. According to Ironkwe [2], the satisfactory temperature needed for the development of chicks ranges from 37°C to 39°C. Anything short of this becomes a threat to the industry. He further stresses that ventilation is very necessary in poultry farming and that average size egg (of about 58 g) consumes 5.113 of oxygen and emits 2.813 of carbon dioxide through the incubation period. Any environment that is short of sufficient ventilation is not advisable for poultry farming. Also humidity that is too low towards the end of incubation improves the emergency of chicks from their shells. On the other hand, if the humidity is too high the chicks may emerge with wet down feathers, in effect they are almost drowned in their shells [2].

According to Julian [3], under circumstances such as high heat, high humidity with reduced air flow or any other extreme stress the death rate due to physiological changes has increased.

Technology environment: Technology has turned the world into a global palour, so join the technology supper high way [4]. He further states that technology change is very dynamic, so it should be taken into consideration and provision should also be made for flexibility for future changes or expansion to meet up with the competitions and the new technology change. Technology as one of the environmental factors that is contending with expansion and development of poultry firms need to be properly looked into and addressed accordingly for better repositioning of poultry firms for economic development. As a result of global changes in technology, a business may automatically change their modus operandi. Change in technology affects poultry farming and business operation positively or negatively. Although technological effect on business is either a threat or opportunity. This has made companies to slow down or high their production capacity and this also follow that the quality and quantity of human resource must also be affected. When the quality of workers are changed it automatically affect the performance of the organisation in either ways.

The impact of technology on business organisation is enormous, (i.e. incubating and hatching of eggs) is going to be extremely impossible in this era of technology for any entrepreneur to grow without technological touch. How can we think of effective marketing of poultry product without e-marketing (Internet marketing)? As a result of the internet marketing, instant and quality service are rendered by individuals, groups, organisation and companies. The ideal of technology must inculcated in poultry industry. This has made products to go beyond expectations of several firms. E-marketing is sometimes believed to have a wider range because it not only refers to the internet e-mail and wireless media, but in includes organisation of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems [5]. E-marketing entails customer’s relationship, sales, advertisement, publicity, promotion etc. infact; technology can catapults a business to an enviable height.

Technology is like two-edge sword. Opportunities and threats [6]. To Damaki [6], opportunities include new products, new markets, new services and new customers while threats consist of redundant, new technology, increased training cost, expatriates, obsolete and adaptability challenge. The level of technology in a society or a particular industry determines to a large extent what products or services will be produced, what equipment will be used, and how operations will be managed [7]. Business and productivity can be expanded quickly through technology in the modern world. Any business operation (including poultry operation) that neglects the role of technology is ready to remain static, which will consequently result to backwardness, so keeping abreast with the changes is an option.

Cultural environment: Hofstede [8] maintains that culture is a combine arrangement of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from others. Culture in its general sense refers to how people do things and why they do it. Culture embraces how we play, dress, eat, work attitude, beliefs, our interactions with people, values, communication with people and even our behaviour. In other words, barely everything we do is affected or influenced by our cultural background or orientation.

Consequently, anything that influence a man’s lifestyle will definitely affect everything around the individual even his business. Culture as a lifestyle is very influential, in every facet of organisational performance and even organisational culture affect employees behaviour. It involves standards and norms that prescribe how employee should behave in any given organisation [9].

Therefore, it is important that cultural values met on ground in any business environment should be appreciated by every poultry farmer. This could be different from group to another. Customer behaviour in a particular region is dependent on studying their social and cultural environment very deeply. The choice of goods and service are on people interest and environment shapes the values, behaviour, mind and aspiration of people. Poultry enterprises try to adapt to cultural value of the immediate environment for successful operations. For a successful intercultural interaction sentiment should be put aside and decide to imbibe the cultural values of your counterpart.

Intercultural services encounter, where the customer and service provider are from different cultures, is very common in service sector [10]. Language differences make communication difficult during business transaction. The authors further explain that such intercultural service encounters may be influenced not only by cultural differences but also by language barriers. Language (dialect) affect business performance significantly especially at the grassroots. Dialect differs from the tribe to another, community from community. This is how customers’ reaction to product most times differs from community to another because of values for such produce based on their belief. Increased globalisation is forcing a growing number of business managers and employees to interact across linguistic boundaries [11].

Natural environment: The natural environment is very important factor that cannot be neglected when considering poultry performance in our business environment. Some of these natural environment elements may not be tamed by an individual, but rather must be appreciated the way they are and get used to it. According to Ngige [7], managers and business owners must pay attention to the natural environment if we are to preserve the world for future generation. Any business that pretend over these natural indicators may not go far. In any industrial and business environment the consideration of natural factors are very important to know the types of business that would survive in an area [12]. Isaken et al. [13] argue that work atmosphere in firms influenced employees participation in the creation of a creative climate. Climate in work place has impacted on employee motivation, behaviour, attitude and potentials, which in turn is predicted to influence poultry productivity [14]. According to Pelin and Fund [15], the climate or organisational climate is considered very important in the life of organisation due to its clear effect and relations to the various regulatory activities. It affects employees satisfaction and performance and, thus the success of the organisation and its ability to continue [16]. The climate of poultry farms must not be taken for granted.

Another indicator of natural environment is flood. The uncontrollable rainfall leading to flooding is also a challenge to poultry farming activities. This was experienced in Nigeria few year ago and mid this year. Indeed, the effect on performance of poultry farming industries was devastating to the extent that lives were lost not to talk of birds. This could happen again if proper care is not taking to avert it. Ngige [7] suggests that there is need for environmental scanning and monitoring to prevent this natural occurrence to an extent which may not be eradicated totally. As a result of this flood, CEO of poultry farms lost money and products, other also close down their business. Some business men relocated to the north because the effect on business activities was less compare to the south-east geo-political zones of the country.

Political environment: Political environment exact influence on the performance of firm irrespective of size, but politics is also components of other external risk and moreover, the political environment is often perceived to be outside of management control, making it difficult to define, predict and aligned with objectives [17]. Researchers also viewed political environment from different perceptions. The political environment is considered through the legal frame work where the organisation operates and this is done through the laws and regulations that guides the operations of the business in question. In planning for the success of poultry farm in any environment, the political situation of that environment is a significant factor to consider. Any organisation that hopes to succeed in any business environment must as a matter of necessity pay attention to political issues [18].

Again, political tensions and heat is created in different ways and by different groups of persons. All these risks can generate violence, directed towards firms’ property and employees [17]. The most challenging issue about political environment is that it is not predictable, which makes planning difficult for managers. Multinational companies are grappling with political issues that sometimes surprise even the most experienced [19].

Legal environment: This components of the general environment are external to the firm as they can make broad long-term impact on the organisation [7]. There is no business over the ages that operate in isolation without the eye of the government on it through regulation and or policy put in place to regulate or monitor such business activity. The economic growth of every nation is very vital and the issue of legal environment and organisational performance (including poultry farms) is also very critical as far as economic development is concern. Nwizu [20] maintains that policy is a guiding principles which governs action especially repetitive actions. It is a decision as to what should be done and how, when and where.

The legal environment includes all laws and legal regulations and policy framework refer to the relational system created between political power and business. This could be in form of commercial law, environmental law, pollution law, tax law, regulatory agents, proliferation of business law etc. From this perspective, we speak of the need to ensure climate of political and legal stability which may encourage and discourage business, avoiding the risk [21]. Legal environment constitute a very big challenge to free flow of business organisations.

Government creates rules and frame work in which enterprises are also to compete against each other favourably from time to time. Government also at the same time changes the rules and framework forcing enterprises to change the way they operate [22]. Attention of every organisation is needed all times regard the rules that concern the business. Readiness for adaptation to changes is a prerequisite for continuity in business existence irrespective of size and type.

  1. Internal factors: They are referred to micro elements. They are the controllable internal variables of poultry farm. In other words, their effect or impact on the poultry operations can be influenced or adjusted unlike the macro elements.

Vision and mission: The vision and mission statement of poultry enterprises is a very strong platform for the success of the farm. Addressing the issue of poultry farming new perspective, the vision and mission of the leadership of the enterprise is very critical. The vision of a firm emphasises on the goal and objective of the firm, while the mission focusses on the overall purpose of the firm, procedures and methods to accomplish the vision of the organisation. In fact, is crystal clear that any poultry firm without any vision and mission is tending towards fruitlessness and unproductivity. That firm has no target or goal to accomplish.

The vision of organisation is like a propelling force that keeps the organisation going. Again these variables are like guiding principles. In our modern poultry farming, manager must ensure reliable vision for the farming operations. Both the leaders and lead must also ensure that the vision and mission statement is not treated with levity.

Leadership style: Transformational leadership style using organisational mechanism such as compensation, communication, organisational policies and procedures and methods create dynamic empowering culture with characteristics of active, strong and innovative [23]. Leadership style is an internal variable of an organisation that is very vital to the success of every enterprise. In addressing the issue of poultry environment, leadership pattern is very fundamental in the sense that is not possible for poultry organisation to stand and thrive if the leadership style is porous and unstable. Poultry managers must as a matter of necessity look into the welfare motivational aspect of their subordinate. Is very unfortunate that couple of decades now most managers do not see the need to carry their workers along rather than given specific attention only to the chicks. On the contrary, workers may not see the need to pay full attention to the chicks when adequate attention is not on them by the managers of the enterprise. There should be a defined communication and relationship between the poultry farm directors and their employees, and this in turn encourages productivity and effectiveness. Transformation leadership style in new ideas is known as one of the effectiveness leadership style [23].

Feeds: Birds given the right nutrients can never be compared with birds deprived of the right feeds in terms of weight, size, quality and disease resistant. Vitamins deficiency has become a big challenge to so many poultry farms across the globe. Birds lacking this important vitamins look ruffled, drowsy, lack co-ordination as in encaphalomalia and encephalomelities [2]. Feed as an internal micro element should be taken very seriously by poultry farming organisation in order to stand the test of time and in the competitive market. Besides, the type of feeds given to bird spreads better than the cost of advertisement in the market places. Good products sells itself. Bird feed with the require nutrients and vitamins give little stress and challenge in the area of marketing. Poultry farming enterprises must have the right perception for bird feeds. Adequate preparation must be put in place by consulting nutritionists in birds feeds, and this also open doors for the right counsel to famers regards the wellbeing of the bird for better performance in the area of meat and egg production.

Feeding pattern: Is one thing to have the right feeds and is a different thing entirely to administer the feeds according in terms of when and how the birds are to be fed. Every farm manager especially should be very observant. There is need for close study of the bird to know when required nutrient should be given. Bird feeds should not be stored for too long in order not to depreciate their nutritive contents of the feed and again to reduce the probability of mycotoxin build-up. In fact, practice feeding at cooler times of the day, for instance, early morning or in the evening. Feeding birds at the cooler times enables birds to make up for what they have not eaten during the day [24].

The categories of chicks grown at any point in time must be given the required quality and quantity of feeds (from 1 week old to 20 week old above). Enough water is equally necessary. Bird can be choked-up and die if not given water to drink (Table 1).

AgeClassesWater litre/day
1–2 weeksChicks0.8–0.12
3–6 weeksChicks0.16–0.20
7–12 weeksGrower0.21–0.30
13–19 weeksGrower0.31–0.32
20 and aboveLayer0.38–0.40

Table 1.

Water consumption level for bird by [2].

“The author further stated that poultry farm that had 2000 layers producing about 1800 eggs daily due to mismanagement of the farm manger, feed was not given to the birds for 1 day, the egg produced a day after it was reduced to 10 crates i.e. from 90% hen day production to 10%. It took almost 2 weeks of intensive proper feeding for the birds to return to about 70% hen day production.

Labour union: Poultry farms will do well in any environment when there is a good working relationship between the union and firm. There is no poultry farm or firm that can succeed in an environment and atmosphere of heat and pressure with the labour union. The labour union is like a middle personnel between the firm and the workers. They bargain collectively with the mangers for better working condition, wages and salaries for workers. The essence is to make sure that there is a smooth working relationship between the employers and employees and also in the environment that the firm is sited. The effect of good working relationship between firms and work force can never be overestimated. So many organisation has folded up as a result of non-chalant attitude towards maintaining a rapport with the labour union.

Organisational structure: Organisational structure is important in providing guidelines on hierarchy, authority of structure and relationships, linkage between different functions and coordination with environment [25]. No manager can achieve set goal alone no matter strategically that individual might be or the type of orientation received in the area of management [26]. The structure that make provision for coordination and cross breeding of ideal among workers is an effective structure. Poultry manager must not fail to understand that employee ideas may be better in so many business operations. There are structures that welcome the utilisation of employee ideas for the betterment of the firm. Agbele and Onoriode further stated that resources of so many firms (including poultry farms) have been mismanage because the organisation itself was not strategic enough to sought for the corporate ideas of the employees. Over the years poultry farms have been managed without defined structure and that concept should be seen as obsolete if indeed poultry farms operations should thrive and stand the test of time.

Value system: In every business environment poultry farmers need to be guided by some ethical practices. There should be value principle. Value system represent practices, ethics and beliefs that guide organisation based on their conviction in achieving the mission and goals. Poultry farmers should maintain a level of ethics in their operations within the business environment, not doing things the way they like and what seems right to them but rather be done with conviction towards achieving set goals.


3. The interaction between the poultry farming and its environment

Actually, there is a symbiotic relation between poultry farming and its environment in the sense that they both benefit from each other (Table 2).

S/NEnvironmentPoultry farm
1.Provide workers for the farmIt provide employment to the immediate environment
2.There is also the provision of task force in most of the poultry farming environment in order to maintain a cordial relationship between the community and the farm. They make sure that the poultry workers are not molestedSome poultry farming enterprises (especially the established ones) provide scholarship to the less privilege in the farming environment
3.Flow of information. Current farming reports is always given to the immediate environment tSome communities are classified as attraction centres because of the poultry business that is operational in such environment
4.Public relation officers is also constituted by most hosting communities standing as a middle personnel between them and the enterprise.It provides meat and eggs to the host communities.
Manure is also provided to the immediate environment to enhance and increase the production of other farm products

Table 2.

Relationship between Poultry Farm and the Environment.


4. Socio-economic contribution of poultry farming to the environment

  1. Meat and egg production.

  2. It serves as a source of employment to the environment.

  3. source of income to the environment.

  4. Tourist attractions (expertise attractions).

  5. Manure. This is used for agricultural purpose. It can be recycled on cropland or marketed.

  6. Offering. Contributing to the well-being of the immediate environment. Offering sales to the environment.

  7. Provision of school fees.


5. General adaptive/control mechanisms to poultry environment

  1. Environment acquaintance: Poultry managers should be ready to scan the business environment from time to time. The scanning should follow by evaluation, formulation and implementation of policies that suits the changes in business environment. Try and get acquainted with the current business situation in the environment.

  2. Understand your business environment: For instance, understanding the environmental culture is a very strong determining factor if you are to stay in a place or not. Is also a strong determining factor in deciding the type of business that will thrive in a place.

  3. Forecasting: Predict and prepare for the future while focussing on the present.

  4. Understanding and learn to manage it accordingly.

  5. Improve the internal process of the organisation: Those structures and culture that is not improving performance can be adjusted and be improved upon. Organisation must not remain in a place for so long. Attention must be given to organisational activities internally and not only externally matching with competitors.

  6. Adopt new method of thinking: Forget what you know and reason with others in the business environment. Accept their views because you may not be right all the time.

  7. Analyse and watch the competitors: Advertising methods, promotion methods, early to market formula etc. know the weakness and capitalise on it to penetrate the market at once.

  8. Embrace Technology, get updated at all time and follow new trends.

  9. Accept changes, externally, internally and globally.

  10. Frequent change of policies and programmes that result to political crisis must be avoided by the government.

  11. Another adaptive mechanism to poultry environment is that managers of poultry farms must build their skills and keep on learning new ideas through seminars/workshop.

  12. Innovation as a business survival strategy: Poultry farmers that can innovate is bound to remain in the market. Improve on your skill to remain in market all the time. Somebody that is innovative and creative is not easily displaced with environmental challenges that always occur from time to time.


6. Summary of findings

The uncontrollable factors (temperature and humidity, technology environment, cultural environment, natural environment, political environment and legal environment) and controllable environment (vision and mission, leadership style, feeds feeding pattern, labour union, organisational structure and value system) has a positive significant influence on the operation of poultry farm. In other words, the success of poultry farming to a very large extend is dependent on the condition of poultry environment.


7. Conclusion

Environmental condition is very critical to the survival of poultry farming industry. Therefore, we can conclude that unfavourable environmental factors impedes the performance of poultry farming industry, while favourable and stable poultry environment encourages its performance for economic growth and development of every nation. We can also concludes that the effective operation of poultry industry is sensitive to controllable and uncontrollable factors.


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Written By

George Agbele

Submitted: 23 December 2022 Reviewed: 25 January 2023 Published: 04 July 2023