Open access peer-reviewed chapter

New Thermoelectric Future and It’s Uses towards Mankind: A Review

Written By

Hiranmoy Samanta, Kamal Golui and Soumyadeep Mukherjee

Submitted: 03 May 2022 Reviewed: 08 September 2022 Published: 25 December 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107954

From the Edited Volume

Novel Applications of Piezoelectric and Thermoelectric Materials

Edited by Rafael Vargas-Bernal and Roberto Palma Guerrero

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In the last few decades, the attention is being carried by the research and development of wearable sensors for the potential, optimization and hand ready data in instantaneous and reliable health monitoring for assessing the health of a person and default measures are taken care of in time. The idea of body heat based thermoelectric power generation permits an attractive solution which is used for thermoelectric power for wearable devices. This review article represents the different types of thermoelectric generators and the successive results which have been achieved till date. The paper also reflects the problems concerning the operation as well as the O/P of wearable sensors based on body heat harvesting method power generation. Specifically, the paper focuses on optimized simulation of human thermoregulatory models, flexible heat sinks, electronics, and energy storage devices. Which are pertinent in nature due to the application and alongside research which leads to the practical implementation of these sensors in practice for a better health monitoring and healthy lifestyle.


  • thermoelectric material
  • generator
  • modulator
  • body heat harvesting
  • health monitoring

1. Introduction

Developing issues of the consumption of power resources indispensable to stylish life, along with oil, petroleum gas, and coal, are utilizing the improvement of late innovation fundamentally founded absolutely on the utilization of chance home grown resources: sun power, hydroelectric power, wind power, bioenergy, geothermal power, and so on. Taking everything into account, it possesses a one of a kind districts in human exercises, since it goes within the limits of the business strategies and techniques that emerge in nature. In most extreme cases, squander heat is lost without a money related benefit. These power helpful asset expenses cost nothing and might be utilized to diminish the impact of the power debacle and overall warming. Thus, the transformation of waste heat into energy [1, 2, 3] is to be invited. The heat-to-energy converter is known as thermoelectric generator (TEG) or thermoelectric stack (within the nineteenth century) [4]. The practical precept of the TEG is primarily based totally at the Seebeck impact found in 1821. The present day TEG [5] is a stack such as a mess of pairs A and B of various substances linked in collection through electric conductors. The temperature distinction among facets of the TEG [5] causes every pair to generate an electrical potential, and the sum of those potentials is known as the electromotive pressure of the cell. By growing the range of those pairs, the electromotive pressure may be elevated to the favored value. The electromotive pressure of the stack will increase whilst the electric conductivity of the substances A and B is of specific nature, of type “n” (negative) and “p” (positive). Power turbines primarily based totally at the Seebeck impact are impartial of the kind of consumable warmth and might consequently be utilized in specific areas. It is essential to observe that the tool may be used now no longer handiest to transform heat to energy, however additionally the opposite process. When a cutting-edge of is fed to this apparatus, the temperature distinction among its facets is created (Peltier impact, found in 1834). In this case, the tool is known as Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC). TECs have been evolved within side the shape of Peltier-Peltier pellets for small-capability and space-restrained applications. They are frequently used to mood and funky digital components.

In this paper we have presented a brief literature review of the major works carried out so far in this field. Next thermoelectric materials have been described. Its working principle, efficiency measurement and its classification has been presented henceforth. How thermoelectric energy can be harvested using body heat [6] has been discussed in brief. A brief discussion on the working and functioning of thermoelectric generators and thermoelectric modules have been presented next. Applications of thermoelectric generator in different fields have been discussed too.


2. Literature review

  1. Narducci and Giulio [7] presented and discussed advancement in research on silicon and related materials for thermoelectric applications, mostly focusing on the comparison between the two strategies deployed to increase its performance, namely either reducing its thermal conductivity or, in polycrystalline materials, increasing its power factor.

  2. Zoui et al. [8] reviewed state-of-the-art thermoelectric generators, applications and recent progress in the field. A comparative study has been done by groping the applications of thermoelectricity into three main domains.

  3. Nozariasbmarz et al. [9] demonstrated the performance of thermoelectric generators having low and high fill factor and compared in harvesting body heat.

  4. Levinsky [10] has discussed the thermoelectric properties of different materials and their experimental methods as well. He gave brief information about all types of categories these materials could be divided into according to their possession of thermoelectric properties.

  5. Mahan [11] has provided a brief introduction on the development of thermoelectric materials and its working. He studied, compared and validated the Seebeck coefficient of silicon and studied its utility as a thermoelectric material.

  6. Polozine et al. [12] have discussed the development of thermoelectric materials for electricity generation. They rectified the criteria of Thermoelectric figure of merit and used it in their study and named it criterion of usefulness.

  7. Leonov [13] studied harvesting of thermoelectric energy on people and found that although power generation is affected by many factors such as ambient temperature, wind speed, clothing thermal insulation, and a person’s activity, it does not directly depend on metabolic rate. An experimental study has been carried out and found that a thermoelectric shirt with an energy harvester produces more energy during the same period of time than the energy stored in alkaline batteries of the same thickness and weight.

  8. Vining [14] has put forward a truth about the thermoelectric materials that states that thermoelectric energy conversion will never be as efficient as steam engines. He also discussed its impact on the recent climate crisis.

  9. Martin [15] has discussed the working of thermoelectric materials and their application. He compared the thermoelectric properties of different materials and showed the relationship between power factor, electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and carrier concentration.

  10. Riffat and Ma [16] have given basic knowledge of the thermoelectric devices and an overview of these applications are given. The prospects of the applications of the thermoelectric devices are also discussed.

  11. Snyder [17] discussed the designing principles for thermoelectric generators in energy harvesting applications, and the various thermoelectric generators available or in development.

  12. Kasap [18] has discussed the thermoelectric properties in a metal and studied its behavior using the Seebeck effect. He also discussed thermocouple and its principles.


3. Thermoelectric material

Thermoelectric devices (thermoelectric modules) can convert electrical energy into a temperature gradient, a phenomenon discovered by Peltier in 1834. Applications for this cooling or heating [19, 20] effect remain kept to a minimum until the drive semiconductor material is developed. With the advent of semiconductor materials has enabled many practical applications of thermoelectric devices.

The temperature distinction among factors in a conductor or semiconductor consequences in an ability distinction among those factors. In different words, a temperature gradient in a conductor or semiconductor offers upward push to an embedded electric powered field. This phenomenon is known as the Seebeck effect or the thermoelectric effect (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Thermoelectric pile [12].

Thermoelectric materials are getting increasingly important as an alternate energy [12] source, and therefore the applications [21] for these materials are increasing. The thermoelectric effect involves the generation of electricity from a heat source or the removal of warmth when an electrical current is used as a cloth. Thermoelectric devices are used for power generation and cooling [19, 20]. They’re developed to get electricity from waste heat sources (cars, trucks, industrial processes, chemical processes, steel industries for example), space energy, remote low voltage power sources, human pellet coolers, car coolers, electronic coolers [1, 2] and refrigeration [22]. The technology is predicated on the Seebeck effect, which involves a voltage (power) generated during a material when a temperature difference is applied across it (heat flow) [21].

Thermoelectric materials have the ability to convert heat flows into electrical energy(Seebeck Effect) and vice versa (Peltier Effect). Their use is becoming more and more interesting, because they see the benefits of waste energy recycling [1, 2, 3]. It’s about the transformation of heat from industry or trucking into electricity, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system and reducing operating costs and environmental pollution. Thermoelectric gadgets are especially solid, quiet and do not produce vibrations in light of the fact that their activity does not need contribution of mechanical energy. Thus, extensive endeavors have been made, utilizing new materials [23], to foster thermoelectric framework innovation. Since the disclosure of thermoelectricity (TE) in 1821 by Seebeck, specialists have attempted to comprehend and control this peculiarity. Peltier did it in 1834 when he found the contrary impact, and Lord Calvin in 1851 planned the law connecting the two peculiarities. In the next 100 years, in 1909, Edmund Altenkirch precisely determined the energy proficiency of a thermoelectric generator interestingly. In 1950, Abram Ioffe found the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors, which opened up new thermoelectricity projections with a worth near 1 [24]. This worth is still low, yet satisfactory enough for certain creators and industrialists to plan new applications to advertise. One such application is the thermoelectric fridge planned by Becket et al. in 1956. Around the same time, the possibility of thermoelectric generators [25] showed up, for example, Ioffé’s 1957 thermoelectric light [24], which controlled radios by recuperating the intensity delivered by the light.


4. Measurement of efficiency of thermoelectric materials

Soon after the foundations of thermoelectric materials were laid down by Peltier and Seebeck, a widespread extensive research began for the development of various such life impactful devices. However there came a situation where characterization of these materials where required based on how efficiently they can convert heat to electricity or to ensure minimal loss of energy during operation. The figure of merit (zT) a numerical parameter was introduced which suggested that thermoelectric materials which obtained a figure of merit closer to unity was considered to be highly efficient and those with figure of merit less than unity were comparatively less efficient. However modern scientific methods have made it possible to synthesize thermoelectric materials with figure of merit greater than unity. This efficiency can be increased by a variety of methods, one of them is by introducing nanostructures which have shown significant increase in efficiency of thermoelectric generator (TEG) [5, 26] and semiconductors (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Relationship between figure of merit ZT and other parameters such as electrical conductivity σ, Seebeck coefficient S, power factor S2σ, electronic thermal conductivity Ke, thermal conductivity of the network Kl and total thermal conductivity K [27].


5. Conventional materials

These are semiconductor alloys or chemical compounds constituting an anion of the chalcogen family of the periodic table (group 16) and an electropositive element. These materials work between temperature ranges at which their efficiency is optimum. Bi-Te based materials work optimally at a temperature of less than 150°C, while materials based on Si-Ge are used at higher temperatures (around 500°C). Combination and segmenting of different materials can help us bring variance in these temperature ranges. The Bi2Te3 are notable and can have a figure of legitimacy near the unit at room temperature. In any case, as they are effectively oxidized and disintegrated, these materials can't be utilized for high-temperature applications in air. Around 70% of the TE modules available use Bismuth and Telluride as practical materials. Lead telluride (PbTe) is a decent thermoelectric material for applications requiring mid-temperatures up to 900 K. Melting point of this material being 1190 K it has great synthetic solidness, low fume pressure and vigorous compound strength. Its high figure of merit, drawing nearer 0.8, considered its effective use in a few NASA space missions. Late examinations have revealed the greatest figure of merit upsides of around 1.4 for single stage PbTe-based materials, and 1.8 for homogeneous PbTe-PbSe materials. Silicon-Germanium amalgams (Si1-xGex) are found to be the best TE materials for appliances working under high temperature [23].


6. New Materials

Phonon-glass electron-precious stone (PGEC) materials have a complex intermetallic confine structure, which gives the material great electronic qualities like gem, and simultaneously, a low thermal conductivity, similar to glass. Among other TE materials, half-Heusler composites stand out enough to be noticed with their appealing electrical vehicle properties, somewhat high Seebeck coefficients and rich component mixes [28]. Zintl are ordinarily little bandgap semiconductors with a mind-boggling structure that has the best upsides of figure of merit went from 1 to a pinnacle worth of 1.5. TE oxides, like Ca3Co4O9 (figure of merit almost equal to 1), are great TE materials, and are environmental and basically stable at high temperatures. The thermoelectric metal chalcogenide has high electrical properties and low conductivity of heat energy, so when exceptional nano-organizing and band designing are utilized, the outcome is a better figure of merit. There are several other TE materials that have been introduced to the field and are of great importance in improving the figure of merit, in result, efficiency [23, 26] (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

The p-type TMs of academic importance [12].


7. Harvesting of body heat

We can use the body heat to harvest thermoelectric energy. Environments that clearly comprise temperature [6] gradients and heat float have the capability to generate electric strength the usage of thermal to electric powered electricity conversion. The temperature distinction gives the capability for green electricity conversion, at the same time as heat float gives the strength. Even with Large heat floats, however, the extractable strength is usually low because of low Carnot and fabric efficiencies [29]. In addition, restrained heat availability may even restrict the strength produced. Nevertheless, for structures with exceptionally low strength necessities, together with faraway wi-fi sensors, thermoelectric electricity harvesting has proven to be a feasible era and promise to emerge as greater typical because the strength necessities for such applications drop. In Figure 4 a schematic of the watch manufactured by Seiko is shown that operates on thermoelectric energy harvested from body heat [6].

Figure 4.

Schematics of body heat harvesting of Seiko thermic [8, 17].


8. Thermoelectric generator

Thermoelectric generators are solid state devices with no moving parts. They are quiet, reliable and scalable, making them ideal for small distributed power generation and energy harvesting. The thermoelectric effect arises because charge carriers in metals and semiconductors move freely like gas molecules and carry charge as well as heat. When a temperature gradient is applied to the material, the charge carriers moving from the hot end will diffuse preferentially towards the cold end. The accumulation of charge carriers results in a net charge (negative for electrons, e, positive for holes, h+) at the cold end, creating an electrostatic potential (potential difference). Thus, an equilibrium is reached between the chemical diffusion potential and the electrostatic repulsion due to the accumulation of charges. This property, known as the Seebeck effect, is the basis of thermoelectric power generation [25] (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Schematics of thermoelectric generator [8, 17].

Thermoelectric device contains multiple thermocouples consisting of n-type (containing free holes) and p-type (containing free holes) thermoelectric elements connected in thermoelectric series and in parallel. The best electrolyte is a heavily doped semiconductor. Thermoelectric generators use heat flow through a temperature gradient to power an electrical load through an external circuit. The temperature difference provides the Seebeck effect voltage (Seebeck factor) while the heat flux supports the current, thus determining the output power. The rejected heat must be dissipated by a radiator. The thermoelectric figure of merit of a material depends on the Seebeck coefficient, the absolute temperature, the resistivity and the thermal conductivity of the material. The maximum efficiency of a thermoelectric device is determined by its figure of merit, which is largely the average of the figure of merit of the component materials [26].


9. Applications of TEGs

Thermoelectric applications are ordered by the two impacts portraying the cycle, specifically the Seebeck impact, for any application that creates power with a temperature contrast, and the Peltier impact for any cooling application fueled by an electric flow. The last option case is not analyzed in this article [19, 20]; just applications that produce power are introduced. To create power from a TE module, it is fundamental for there to be a temperature contrast between its hot and cold surfaces. All in all, it is fundamental that the intensity recuperated from the hot source dissipates into the semiconductor components p and n of the module, and afterward to the cold source, which is normally the climate. TEG applications can be arranged into three classifications, contingent upon the idea of the hot source: (i) radioisotope source of heat (ii) regular source of heat (iii) squander source of heat.

A radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) is an atomic electric generator of basic plan. It includes neither a course of combination nor atomic splitting, which would require huge imperatives on the framework, yet the regular rot of a radioactive atom, typically plutonium 238 as plutonium dioxide 238PuO2. As they deteriorate, radioactive atoms discharge heat, some of which is straightforwardly changed over into power [30]. Three regions, specifically the space area, power supply gadgets in distant regions, and the clinical area, have profited from RTGs, albeit the last two regions have not prospered due to the dangers implied in utilizing radioisotopes.

Pouillet, in 1840, utilized the Seebeck impact in making a thermoelectric cell with welded sets of bismuth and copper. The two solderings were drenched in two vessels, one containing dissolving ice and the other high temp water. This mechanical assembly providing a steady wellspring of dynamic power was utilized by the creator to examine the overall laws of flows. These days, thermopiles or [31] TEG thermoelectric generators are intended to supply energy to independent sensors [5], introduced in distant areas subject to serious natural circumstances, i.e., extremely low-temperature and hard to-get to areas, where ordinary environmentally friendly power sources, for example, sunlight based and wind energy, are not routinely accessible. Heat is typically provided by a flameless [32] synergist burner [1, 2, 3, 33].

As the intensity of the human body is normal and stable, providing some power in unmistakable applications, for example, clinical ones could be utilized [34, 35]. The human body discharges around 100 W of intensity very still, and 525 W during actual exertion [36]. A few examinations have been led into wearable thermoelectric generators (WTEGs) beginning around 2001 [37], fully intent on subbing lithium-particle batteries [38, 39] as a power hotspot for versatile gadgets. In view of the disadvantages of inflexible modules, i.e., the high thermal resistance among skin and the TEG, adaptable modules are additionally reasonable for power age from body heat, as they can be adjusted to the state of the body, subsequently expanding the valuable [6] surface region for heat catch and diminishing thermal contact resistance.

A sun powered thermoelectric generator (STEG) is a framework intended to recuperate heat from sun oriented radiation and convert it into power utilizing a thermoelectric generator (TEG) [5]. It is turning into an innovative other option, and is rivaling the predominant sun powered photovoltaic frameworks regardless of its low transformation effectiveness contrasted with photovoltaic innovation [40]. STEGs are characterized by the sort of optical sensors utilized, specifically, an optical fixation framework or not. Optical focus sensors are normally barrel shaped focal points, Fresnel focal points, illustrative mirrors, level mirrors or allegorical concentrators. Non-concentrated arrangements are somewhat restricted to level plate authorities cleared or not emptied, and vacuum tubes.

A gigantic measure of poor quality waste intensity is delivered into the climate, with next to no endeavor at heat recuperation. Throughout the course of recent years, much effort has been made to work on the proficiency of thermoelectric innovation utilized in heat recuperation applications. It is worked that TE innovation could be effectively adjusted to the actual boundaries, like the temperature, strain, and intensity move liquid, of a given intensity recuperation application. Squander heat recuperation utilizing thermoelectric innovation can be partitioned into two principal gatherings, as follows—(i) squander heat recuperation from industry and homes (ii) squander heat recuperation from transport frameworks.


10. Thermoelectric modules

In order to expand the use of thermoelectricity, it is essential to manufacture standard thermoelectric modules of different sizes, accessible to all [8]. A typical thermoelectric generator (TEG) [5] module consists of 10–100 n-type and p-type thermoelectric elements, electrically connected in series and in parallel, alternating between two ceramic layers. The p-n pairs are connected by conductive poles that are connected to the elements through a low-melting solder (PbSn or BiSn). When a temperature gradient occurs between its two junctions, the TEG converts thermal energy into electrical energy according to the principle of the Seebeck effect. This flat bulk architecture is most used and marketed. However, in some applications, flat shapes are impractical. Indeed, it is difficult to adapt the heat source to the thermoelectric device, which makes it more expensive, heavier and bulkier. Therefore, other designs are being explored to overcome these disadvantages. Although most are cylindrical in shape, they are still not marketed. This is limited research, unlike thick and thin films and flexible TE devices, which are developed more efficiently. Two ceramic plates act as support for the module and insulator, but Thermistor reduces the efficiency of the module. Since then, a number of studies have suggested the concept of direct contact thermoelectric generators (DCTEGs), which are characterized by one of the module surfaces in direct contact with the heat source and another surface in direct contact with coolant flow. There are several manufacturing technologies for TE modules such as plate lithography, raised process, flash evaporation, thin film evaporation, photolithography and etching, screen printing, sputtering, distribution foil printing, engineering, etc. spark plasma sintering, direct current (DC) magnetic sputtering, and printing processes. A key challenge during the development of TEGs was the degradation of the original properties caused by thermal fatigue, which is caused by thermal expansion and thermal shock, respectively. This degradation can be sudden or gradual, resulting in reduced life and performance. In fact, during normal operation of TE devices, the shields are periodically heated and cooled and undergo thermal expansion. The TE material connected to these screens can experience different expansion effects from temperature sources, causing increased stress at the interface between them. These stresses are often the main cause of mechanism failure, and are therefore the main reason why TE materials are not sintered and incorporated into the shunts.

11. Conclusions

The extraordinary idea of utilizing thermoelectric generators, to supply an electric flow with a temperature contrast of any little worth and over a wide temperature range, has made them the center answer for specific energy issues in regards to drive age and intensity recuperation in a static and non dirtying way, considerably under outrageous natural circumstances. The low effectiveness of this transformation innovation has restricted its turn of events, besides in specific areas where the benefits of TEGs are better over different advances. The utilization of thermoelectricity in different lab and modern areas has brought about there being alternate points of view. It has made critical progress in certain applications and absolute disappointment in others. The flow examinations concerning thermoelectric generators are centered around the improvement of new productive thermoelectric materials to conquer the downsides of the interconnected electrical and warm properties of these materials, and new plans of thermoelectric generators that permit better reconciliation into energy change frameworks, according to the perspective of productivity and the ecological effect. Interest in this innovation has been resuscitated with the presence of nanotechnology, which has made it conceivable to cross the authentic boundary of figure of merit<1, bringing about a remarkable expansion in distributions in this field. In this audit, the best in class of thermoelectric generators, applications and late advancement are completely revealed. Crucial information on the thermoelectric impact, essential regulations, and boundaries influencing the productivity of traditional and new thermoelectric materials, are completely examined. The uses of thermoelectricity are assembled into three fundamental areas. The primary gathering manages the utilization of intensity transmitted from a radioisotope to supply power to different gadgets, with just space ending up the area in which thermoelectricity was effective. In the subsequent gathering, a characteristic intensity source can be helpful for delivering power, however this gathering of thermoelectricity is currently at a lacking stage due to low transformation productivity, leaving applications still at research facility level. The third gathering is advancing at a high velocity, chiefly on the grounds that the examinations are financed by states and additionally vehicle producers whose last point is to diminish vehicle fuel utilization, and thusly relieve ozone depleting substance outflows.


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Written By

Hiranmoy Samanta, Kamal Golui and Soumyadeep Mukherjee

Submitted: 03 May 2022 Reviewed: 08 September 2022 Published: 25 December 2023